PAIN IS TEMPORARY - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation (Most Powerful Speeches 2022)

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[Music] when you're getting ready in the morning then you're exercising or when you just need a little boost download mindset and listen to your favorite motivational speeches while getting ready for the day [Music] it's time to stay focused why are you so anti-social because i'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because i'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because i'm trying to get it pain is temporary i've been trying to get that into your spirit i've been trying to get you to celebrate pain that pain is your friend that pain is going to take you to the next level remember just because something's never been done before doesn't mean it can't be done it just means we haven't figured out a pathway on how to get it done and we will get it done this is it right here this is that moment that you got to work this is that moment when you got the push there is no weakness in the place of business think about your end goal think about what it's going to look like picture it in your mind see yourself already there stop praying that the storm will pass over you and pray to grow through the storm what you go through you will grow through you simply have to give it everything you have to get it you need to shut down all negativity and frankly not give us what others say and think you're going to do what you've been called to do you're going to be what you call me you're going to have and you're going to prove to everybody that tried to break you you're going to prove a everybody's trying to stop you everybody trying to kill your dreams you're gonna prove all of them wrong i don't care what the adversity has been you have two choices you can be unforgiving bitter angry upset and be a carrier of grief or you can choose resilience if you truly want to make change if you truly want that greatness you got to work hard you got to dig a little bit deeper you got to find it you want to test my resolve you adjust my ability to go to limit you want to see what his word is and mine begins this ain't no [ __ ] gang this is my lifestyle son shut up you talk entirely too much about your dream you talk too much about your goal say it once say it twice no more than three times and get to work you already know what it feels like to quit to throw in the town to sit on the couch do you know what it's like to give everything that you and push and persevere you got to make the opportunity happen you got to be fired up you got to be hungry for it you got to have the desire to push yourself are you here work work work work grind grind grind ride the what the relentless system does it's a mindset before you have an exceptional skill set okay you have to have the right mindset the fighter jet mentality is that someone who is just determined relentlessly obsessed in achieving an outcome in the face of all adversity i've always had this relentless mentality and if you say i can't do something if i fail if i you know mess up it just motivates me even more i just become even more hungry you've got to start with that belief in your mind i've got this i can do this i can conquer this the relentless are unstoppable i didn't want to have to say i wish i would have done more you got to put yourself in that cage [Music] i switch my mind to something else i switch my mode into something else it's go time but the difference between me and most people is you might be sweeter than me you might be bigger than me you like brian listen to me i don't know you might have money i don't know where you come from but you will not outwork me but when i'm in that cage bro don't touch me don't talk to me all in emotionally and executionally in theory and strategy and an execution if you want something you have got to be relentless when you're sitting there you're trying to sell your product you're making phone calls you're giving a lecture what whatever it may be you're driving a bus you're a doctor whatever it may be the stronger your mindset is the greater your skill set is going to be make a declaration to yourself declare all-out war it doesn't matter about what happens to you what matters is what are you going to do about it they start their school on monday morning watching me they ain't got a daddy they daddy in jail they don't have a brother their brother's in jail they all i got you don't understand my son's at michigan state and i paid for a cat my daughter wants to go to harvard you don't get it my sister just had a baby and she ain't making no money a game all i got is a hate game i ain't got a b game i ain't got a c game when i'm finished people are relying on me some of y'all when you get on the field you forgot what it was like when you was hustling in high school playing ball when you were in college hustling to get to this point if you want something you've got to be relentless you've got to decide i deserve this and i'm going to have it and you go all out to get it [Applause] the time has come has come has come the moment of truth is here the question is are you ready are you prepared do you have the strength everybody wants to win but they don't understand what it means to sacrifice to win it all everybody wants to be a champion but are you prepared to work hard enough to become the champion that you believe you can be do you think you have the mindset now do you understand what it means to get into what they call be smooth but i'm here to let you know right now ladies and gentlemen it ain't about being beast mode it's about life-and-death mode it's about putting it on the line it's about pushing yourself and giving it 110 of everything you got there is nothing that you could do once you're here except finish what you start when the weakness starts to talk to you and whisper sweet nothing's in your ear you got to recognize that that conversation doesn't help you that conversation that you're having with weakness it's not going to build you it's not going to push you it's not going to lift you you got to recognize that there's work that must be done you got to be responsible you got to be capable you got to be willing to work for what you want i know sometimes people like to talk to talk i know some people like to pretend to be something they're not i know sometimes people say they're lying but you can't be a lion if you don't understand the rules of the jungle so ladies and gentlemen you got to recognize what it means to sacrifice what it means to be powerful what it means to be strong this is your moment to shine and if you're not willing to shine then step aside if you're not willing to work then this is not the place for you you got to toughen up you got the look up you got the build up if you want it this is the time to go get it but you got to work for it you got to believe in it you got the trust in it you got to let the power flow through the veins the blood is real the blood will push you the pump that you're getting in this place right now is gonna take you up and over the top but if you're not hungry if you're not willing to get it then you're gonna starve you're gonna storm because you're not hungry you're gonna starve because you're not willing you're gonna starve because you don't want it only the hungry knows how to eat only the hungry knows how to fight you don't have time to step back you got to go forward you got to push harder you got to dig a little bit deeper some people all they do is talk when you're in this place of business there is no talking your only conversation is moving what's in front of you the only conversation is pushing when you feel you can't push the only conversation is you against you every year we go to the same cycle i'm gonna eat better i'm gonna exercise i'm gonna cut off all negative people i'm gonna be optimistic come on we say all these things i'm gonna execute execute execute two weeks later everything hits the fan if you study history you will find that the men and women that turned the world upside down were the ones who got out of their own way get out of the way get out of the way get out of your way your insecurity has been in the way too long your jealousy your envy has been in the way too long the fear you've been wrestling with has been in the way too low get out of the way some of the most brilliant minds of our generation are high school and college dropouts let me ask you a question when are you going to drop out of the mentality that you are not enough please please do yourself a favor and dispense with the excuses that you don't have time dismissed with the excuse that you're not good enough dispense with the excuse that nobody will show up if i build it that too many people are better than me drop out of that i tried it last year and it didn't work no you didn't work i get it i get it if we pull up your history we'll find a lot of brokenness we'll find a lot of trauma we'll find a lot of empty places if we pull up your history we'll find a lot of failures this must be the year that you are not defined by your history but you fulfill your destiny why are you here what will you place here to do get to work get to work get to work you got to be willing to do what 98 of the people in this world are unwilling to do you got to eat differently you got to work differently you got to think differently you got to talk differently you got to walk differently if you want elevation if you walk next level if you want to see this thing differently this year everything you do has to change first we conquer the day and then we execute the week and that week turns into a month and that month turns into a quarter and that quarter turns into a year and then all of a sudden you look up and you're no longer just this motivated onlooker you are a disciplined desperate dangerous fulfiller of destiny whatever pushed you to the ground whatever knocked you to the floor from that place [Music] i want you to look it in the eye and tell it you can't keep me here thomas edison he was fired from his first two jobs his teachers coined him stupid that he couldn't learn anything this is the man who invented the light bulb the first thousand times he failed but he was never a failure he just found a thousand ways that don't work you know thomas edison you didn't try a thousand times try a thousand times and then come talk to me and tell me you're not enough tell me you don't have what it takes tell me you're stupid tell me you're dumb tell me you're slow tell me you don't have enough so you're seeing this thing all wrong and this is why you can't have your future because you keep meditating on the mess up stop meditating on the mess up and see yourself walking in the mastery of this thing listen to me if you want your future get up now get up get up get up and try again try again try again history for many of you is insecurity history for many of you is depression and anxiety and that substance you can't shake and that person you can't leave history for many of you is they're better than me history for many of you is nobody will show up if i build it i don't have the time i'm not good enough it's time to get out of the way it is because of you that you are not where you want to be you are the issue it's you your issue is you nobody has lied to you more than you enough is enough i didn't want to be like everybody else i wanted to be the [ __ ] best at everything i did i want to be remembered forever and in order for that to happen i realize i need to act like it because being an average human being being a sheep like the rest isn't going to get me there this is something you all need to understand if you want to be the best in whatever you do you got to start acting different than everybody else [Music] if you want the nicest car if you want to live in the nicest neighborhood if you want the nicest clothes the nicest jewelry the nicest partner the best of everything comes with good price it comes from grinding through those late nights it comes from grinding through those early mornings it comes from those exhausting days where every [ __ ] fiber of your body is telling you to give up if you want to separate yourself from other people in the world you got to start acting differently and it starts with taking responsibility for your life you see every day you are presented with two paths one path leads your true potential it leads to that first class ticket it leads to that fancy car it leads to that fancy house it leads to those dreams you have every single night when you close your eyes and the other path is you staying the same you see most of you are stuck on the path of staying the same because you don't understand how to take responsibility for what is happening in your life it's not that you don't want everything that comes with the path that leads to your true potential but you are too hung up on blaming the past and the present you are too hung up on blaming your mom for how she treated you when you were younger you were too hung up on blaming your teachers for how they spoke to you you're too hung up with anything that happened to you years ago i'm not trying to discredit your pain but you gotta let them go and because of that you aren't able to appreciate the strength and power you have today you aren't able to step into that power because you are choosing to justify excuses every single time you open your [ __ ] eyes it's time to take responsibility understand that you are in control of how you feel every day what you do every day how you act every day so don't get it twisted the excuse that these outside sources control how you feel what you do and how you act is just a justification that has been drilled into your head since you were younger break out of it understand that we have the power to change our lives stop putting the power in other people's hands by blaming them for your current situation take that back choose to shift the trajectory of your life so you can live up to your true potential [Music] the king eric thomas said it best everybody wants to be a beast until it's time to do what beasts do guess what beasts don't sleep in every day they understand that they need to sacrifice sleep in order to be successful beasts don't binge watch netflix when they want to change their life they utilize that time to take action beasts don't blame the past for where they are in the present they utilize that pain as a lesson so they can see more success in the future embrace self-discipline stop trading short-term pleasure for long-term gains choose to make decisions that are going to benefit your life every day take control of your life so you can separate yourself from the masses choose to be the absolute best version of yourself and walk down the path that leads to you achieving your true potential you got it let's go all you need to get where you going you already got it right you already have it all i need to do is believe in yourself well you said et my teacher don't believe in me my own parents don't believe me all right you don't listen to me you don't need nobody else to make your dreams become reality i don't need them to believe in me i don't need them to encourage me i don't need them to pump me up to motivate me i'm my own motivation all you need is a dream all you need to go because once you get your goal you activate it you come to life you come to life you come alive you are you are once you have a goal you got something to wake up to you got something to go to bed for all right what you are to be you're now becoming i earned the right to be here i grinded to be here i get up at 3 o'clock in the morning the last 13 years giving our content every day i deserve to be here don't talk to me like that you understand what i'm trying to tell you see because i grind so hard i work so hard that when i get this opportunity like i don't play with it i don't act like i deserve to be here i think about my ancestors and what they went through and that's why i'm here so the first thing i need y'all to do is and i know you sweet what i'm trying to tell you this is different this different baby this ain't high school you're saying college like this ain't for funsies like this somebody's lifestyle and people going out there and getting it and if something happens to you i promise you if something happened to you as sweet as you are you're gonna be what come on you gotta talk back to me you're gonna be what replace say it again you're gonna be what that that ought to scare you that don't scare you that alone ought to make you wake up every day and say i cannot afford to be replaced and you're running out of time you don't you don't know how much time you have you keep telling yourself you got time and watch what happened now on your mark get set go you are running out of time all right i'm gonna say it again you are running out of time two weeks my man told his grandfather i'm graduating two weeks later even before he literally marched his grandfather passed who's gonna pass in your life as you average who's not gonna see you blow up who's not going to see you accomplish your goals who's not going to be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor with you who put in why because you average and one day you're going to be great but you think you've got time you think you've got time eight three years from now five years from now i'm telling you you deserve to be great now and not only do you deserve to be great there's some people in your life [Music] listen to me you running out of time that's right you got a job and you new at it yup you new at your job and you like e.t look i just got here i got forever listen to me very closely you gotta hear me you might be at that job another 10 years you might be there another 20 years but that opportunity somebody's about to leave and get another job hear me very closely somebody's about to quit somebody's about to get fired and you will not listen to me you will not be ready at that particular moment to go to the next level we're not talking about the job right now we talk about an opportunity you never know when your opportunity is that opportunity it may not be two years from now it may not be three years from now it may not be four years from now your opportunity might come in the next six weeks your opportunity to get your mama out of that neighborhood and get your mama into a new neighborhood listen to me that opportunity might come in the next six months the question is will you be ready when that opportunity comes so you're running out of time one minute you're doing it the next minute you not one month you're doing it the next minute you're not we're not talking about consistency right now we talked about consistency before we're not talking about consistency right now i'm talking about residents you gotta surrender to that thing you can't be playing with it you can't should i quit should i give up or should i keep going listen to me i can't tell you what you should do but i'ma ask you this question what's in your seeds this is not for the head this is for the heart what's the seed to you what is it worth to you what is it worth what is it worth to you what i don't know what your seed is what i don't know what your harvest is going to be when it's fully developed i don't know if you should abort right now or not i don't know if you should quit or you should give up but i'm gonna ask you this what's the value of your seed i know my seed i couldn't give up homeless i still couldn't give up 12 years ago i couldn't give up i'm one class job the staff of the phd i can't give up why because the value what is worth what i've put in i put in too much i've given too much i sweat too much i've given up sleep i've given up friendships i've given up i've given up so much stuff that i had to get back later why because the value of put too much in it what's it worth to you what does it cost what price have you paid for it what has it cost you and if it costs you something then you bet not quit until you get a harvest you cannot get a year back my ideas my dreams my vision they're gonna see it how can i progress how can i believe if i'm afraid to take a chance make this moment count why me why is this happening to me why am i suffering so much right now in my life was i born to suffer like this what does it mean for me be the individual to suffer so much while everyone else is enjoying their lives but what we don't understand ladies and gentlemen is that everybody has a certain story that is going on in their lives right now why shouldn't i suffer maybe what i'm going through is made for me and me alone because no one on earth can go through the hell that i'm going through right now because i'm the only one that was built for i'm the only one that was created for it this is why i'm going through it i'm going through it because it's necessary it's necessary for me to understand for me to be better for me to be stronger i must learn to suffer a little bit [Music] i cannot reap the rewards of success without understanding about struggles [Music] so i say to you don't ever doubt don't ever fear and don't feel that you have to be unexplained that you can't carry on to build a better you because you have to understand that there are many people out there in the world that don't have the capabilities that you have to carry on the good fight [Music] and this is why you are going through what you are going through right now you must understand that it is an opportunity of a lifetime for you to suffer to build to fall to fail to grow to hurt [Music] but you got to keep moving you can't give up on your life you have to understand that everything that you are dealing with right now is only a temporary thing it will not last forever and that pain that you are dealing with right now those things that you are feeling in your heart right now these are going to put you in a position to make you feel that you are not worthy but i'm here to let you know that you are worthy and you are built to lands because your creation matters every step that you take on this earth matters and you my friend has just begun there are going to be many things that are going to go on in your life all the time and you're not going to always be able to smile you're gonna have those days when you're gonna have to cry and it's okay to cry but don't let yourself be vulnerable to weakness don't let weakness consume you don't let hopelessness consume you be about your business understand that you got to keep living and living strong so don't ever question the fact that you got to go through what you're going through and feel that why is this happening to you and why are you going through these things and what did i do so bad to deserve all of this misery in my life why do you feel that because you're struggling that your life is over your life is not over it has just begun you can't claim a victory without a failure [Music] you can't gain strength without a few mistakes along the way when i told you about weakness when i spoke about weakness there will come a time when weakness will show up will knock on your front door the question is will you invite weakness in [Music] don't give weakness an invitation don't give doubt an invitation you need to understand [Music] that the life that you have been given is already designed for something you're gonna have your good days you're gonna have your bad days you're gonna celebrate and some days you won't but don't ever feel that you don't deserve a struggle don't ever question why because when it alters in your mind when it enters into your brain yourself [Music] why shouldn't this happen maybe this is what my life is supposed to be about maybe i'm supposed to be a living breathing testimony to many others they don't seem to understand the direction that they need to go in their lives maybe i'm supposed to be able to talk to people and share good information to let them know if you're living today if you're walking on this earth today prepare yourself for many battles ahead and you're not going to win every battle because every battle is not meant to be won sometimes you're gonna need to humble yourself to understand that these things that you are dealing with it's only for you they have to understand even more within you that no one can do what you do so i say to you continue to carry on continue to lift your head up continue to believe in your abilities and never look back but keep looking forward and no matter what happens in your life keep up the good fight and from the bottom of my heart conduct your business [Music] fear is a part of life it's a constant just like the air you breathe on the beat of your heart it's always going to be there like a big shadow following you around every time you want to try something new start a new job meet new people it's going to be there whispering in your ear lying to you about what might happen if you do this new thing the question is are you going to let it control you or are you going to control it because let me tell you if you don't keep fear in check it will consume you it will slowly but surely start breaking you down piece by piece stripping away everything that's good inside you all the imagination all the adventure spontaneity all the stuff that was inside you as a kid will be buried in the shadow of fear don't let it [Music] don't let the fear of failing or [ __ ] up stop you from being who you want to be doing what you want to do seeing what you want to see just do it man remember you can fail in life at something you hate so you might as well try to do something you love [Music] the more times you challenge yourself the more times you venture into the unknown the more times you push through the fear the stronger you become and the more fear starts fearing you you're a force to be reckoned with how are you gonna let fear control your life you're stronger than that come on you've got everything you need inside you to achieve anything and you're gonna let fear dictate what you do you run from your fears you ain't living you're alive but you ain't living what was i scared of what else can i do what else am i capable of what else can i overcome and if you fail the first time you get back up and you go again you're unstoppable if you don't do it the first time at least you try and until you start believing different nothing's ever going to change you have to first see it in your mind that place where you want to be you have to picture yourself there wherever it is you've got a picture of yourself there all right the next step is you've got to believe it you have to believe it almost like an insane person that you can do it and some people actually think you're insane and i try this a lot even better than what if because what if has nothing but regrets at the end of the day and that is the only fear that you're allowed to fear having regrets but you've got to believe in you so believe it is time to run for your life pushing with everything you have inside of you running towards and opportunity running towards a victory running as hard as you can this is the reality okay nobody's going to believe in you until you've already done it the work is going to come before the belief every single moment of every single day has a massive impact on where you ultimately end up success doesn't know these things about cold or early or tired it just knows if you showed up or not the hardest thing to do is start moving engaging you can't stay in one place and expect to get to the next place i'm talking to the one that really wants to take it to that level that no one has ever been so i'm in life i'm ready to quit don't give up on come on raise your hand high i'm ready to quit on it i'm ready to give up on come on raise it up all right what i need you to do is i need you to find a reason to keep going and if you can find a reason to keep going i know you're strong enough to do it cause you healed it and every human has what it takes to get past whatever they're going through if they decide to push through it rush through it tragedy and trials come to everybody only the strong survive we have the ability to go in such a space if you're willing to suffer and i mean suffer your brain and your body once connected together can do anything that's right i'm talking to you i'm talking to the one that's been through hell listen to me very closely y'all running from obstacles when in fact it's the obstacle that's gonna take you to the next level like y'all running from pain y'all running from challenges you telling me how difficult your life is do you understand it is the difficulty that's going to prepare you and take you to that next level are you prepared to push are you prepared to work are you prepared to dig they hope the instructors will stop running they hoped the water was never cold they hoped the weather was good i don't live off that hoax i wish the water was cold i wish the [ __ ] keep on running i wish the rain when the enemy is unknown and the difference is unknown that's when you know who you are we're moments away every day from a decision that's going to completely change our life only the discipline ones are free in life [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 1,463,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, motivational speech, speech, success, best motivational video, best motivational speech, motivational video, motiversity, pain is temporary, motivation compilation, speeches compilation, pain, pain is temporary motivation, pain is temporary motivational speech, pain motivation, pain is temporary quitting is forever, pain is temporary motivational video, keep going, mentality, wake up, rise, coach pain, eric thomas, push through pain, most powerful speeches
Id: z0miz_AEWOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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