Best Workout Music πŸ”₯ Gym Motivation πŸ”₯ Top Songs For Gym 2024

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[Music] imagine if you got what you want every time no Struggle No hard work no challenges no hard work required some of you are saying that will be that will be you would be weak because you have never gone through anything that's strippers I remember cold nights is most likes hard times [Music] sometimes I ask why am I even here sometimes I even thought if I say anything foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] when you're standing in the frame struggle Made Me Stronger you are stronger than you think you'll survive if you want to survive whatever has come but next time a struggle comes I don't want you to curse the skies it might be to make you strong it might be to teach you patience it might be for you to show others your spirit there is a reason so don't you give up you have a purpose in this world if you only find it if you keep and keep growing [Music] dream drink that's a powerful word we'll get knocked down many times chasing dreams you'll feel like you don't have the energy to get back up you don't drink to get back up you feel like giving up it's the only option yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go for it you gotta hunt your dreams the potential to do anything doing Special wins go all out and you will succeed dreams and we don't know [Music] live a nightmare you can't be careful about your dream you gotta fight boy you gotta work day and night for it stay for stay for sight of it you gotta trade your own life for it there was something that you were born to do if you ain't starting yet you gotta Make a Move You Gotta Go the Distance you gotta see it through you wanna it's all on you go big without you guys [Music] ain't easy but you gotta dig deep and Fight for Your Destiny if it was easy then we all would I just wish that we believe that we all could the truth is you can make it the truth is only if you will make it after the doubt the pain the struggling back only if you can take it but you gotta have faith you can make your dream a reality you got some greatness gorilla capacity to manifestos in your mentality follow your mind saying busy make sure you can do all you can do and understand their dreams then you can do it too much dreams there's a lion inside all of us some people decide to never let that lion out many people keep their money unlocked in this cage are you hungry for that dream are you willing to fight with that dream hey you gotta make the choice no more excuses it's time to fight for your dream and your high for your life you gotta go for it you don't live twice you can't live your life thinking what if you can't be scared to jump off the cliff take the leap of faith and grow your wings on the way down lay down when life knocks you down if you believe having a dream is not the issue there's no let your dreams die with you if you are in the way of my goals and dreams I suggest you move keep showing up [Music] if no one invests in you invest in yourself if No One Believes In You Believe In Yourself even if you don't see the results right away keep showing up until you do see the results don't see the results for a very very long time showing up the results don't they're not going to come if you quit keep showing up showing up I feel like it keep showing up I can't see anything showing up just start do something do something and sooner or later you'll look back and see that you're at the top of the staircase it doesn't matter if you can't see can't see where you are just know that if you keep climbing if you keep learning how you can get to the next level you will soon be exactly where you need to be if you quit if you never start never take that purse first and you'll forever great rain hell or success is mine feel like it failure setbacks nayfayers success is mine [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] You Wanna Make It To Heaven you gotta go through hell and only if you do well I know you know too well that you can't make it by yourself there's no growth in the comfort zone to get to heavy cat go along cause pain is your friend there with you from the start to the end won't let you down it'll never been not many recommend pain to make him we're taking embrace it it'll Pusher to Greatness look you can't grow without pain you can't move without pain you can't go without pain you won't be the same after the struggling strain you'll be strong the things that hurt you before but they don't hurt you no more and one day you'll give thanks for those sleepless nights and the times when you were crying couldn't get things right cause the lessons pain was teaching you about this life you were like a narrow put you back and send you forward in Flight you know there is no pain no pain there is no pain there is none I feel no pain I feel no pain is no pain there is no pain there is no pain there is none I feel no pain I feel no pain I feel no pain I don't know you gotta go through pain you gotta go through resistance let the pain make change create a better Big Sisters there's so much to gain keep on being persistent don't end it in vain stay strong Go the Distance there's no strong person with an Easy Pass they'll tell you from the heart that the pay won't last even though it hurts stick to your tasks tough times don't but tough people last your heart's bigger than any pain you're making through anything you're making through any pain you're making through rainy day you're making through hurricane you're making to better day just know you can make the change in one day you'll give thanks for those sleepless nights and the times when you were crying couldn't get things right cause the lessons pain was teaching you about this life or like a narrow put you back and see you falling in Flight you know there is no pain there is no pain pain is no pain there is no pain there is no pain there is none I feel no pain I feel no pain I feel no pain I feel none there is no pain there is no pain there is no pain there is no there's no feel no pain I feel no pain I feel no pain there is no pain there is no pain there is no pain there is none I feel no pain I feel no pain I feel no pain [Music] there are moments in life many moments where you will choose consciously or unconsciously life or death you will choose if your dreams will die with you or you will live your fullest potential while you are alive there are moments that will Define you there are moments that will grow you or kill you a little more deep in your soul sadly not many people stand up to those moments most people cower and quit if you've done that before make the decision now to never accept it again you you are more than that it's when you've been working on your dream for years you're out of money everyone close to you is telling you to give up telling you to take the job play it safe but you dig deeper you look at what you've done wrong you learn more you work harder you find a different path you sacrifice you do whatever it takes to make that dream come to life it's when you're in the gym and your muscles are burning you think you've got one left but you dig deeper and you discover you have three four five that's how muscles grow when it's pushed past the resistance that's how you grow in life it's when you're on the field and you're dead on your feet you've already given everything you have inside you but someone gets past you your team is relying on you you're dead inside but you dig deep and find some life you dig deep and find something that is not of this world it's from some place greater than you and you make that tackle for your team when you can walk off the field knowing you've given Beyond everything that's winning you can win or lose the game but you'll never truly win inside your soul unless you know you've given everything the same is true in life only you know if you've really given your all not just great effort until things went wrong not just working hard for a year before things got hard so you quit and gave up on your dream I mean giving your heart unsold I mean when you are dead on your feet when you are buried by all the crap life piles on you but you dig deeper and find life you dig deep in your soul and discover you got more you have more inside one more rep one more left one more year one more call one more course one more book you had more there is life inside you that you haven't even touched dig deeper most people have conditioned themselves to take the easy option in life it doesn't work out in your business take the easy way out take the job getting up early is too hard in Winter take the easy option sleep in you failed it's not for you take the easy option quit no in those moments you discover your true self and you choose right then the road to character or the road to Misery the road to growth or the road to suffering the road to death or the road to life because you will die inside if you don't dig deep for the life you really want say you have tried everything dig deeper you feel like there's nothing left inside dig deeper you're getting okay results dig deeper you may have achieved more than anyone in your family Dig Deeper Life is growth standing still is death there is life if you are willing to dig deeper inside yourself I don't know about you but I will never want to pay the price it costs to quit the cost of giving up is too much for me to bear if you are ordering easy I hope you enjoyed the dessert it is the disgusting Taste of regret I'm ordering quote every time the option that enables character I suggest you do the same dig deeper Watchman once told me if you want to make it to the top of the gold non-stop opportunities don't come every day you must be ready for those that come your way do the work leave no doubt Make It Count be Fearless look look every second on the clock you just stops Make It Count you want to make it to the top you gotta grind Non-Stop use everything on the clock you don't know when it all stops Make It Count today's a new day going you can make it out [Music] today's a new day go no matter the states so do what you do nothing can't stop you to keep on moving if they get knocked down you get back up and your body give it all that you got keep moving forward just like a watch be better than yesterday going straight to the top every section today you make it count today we set the tone for the rest of our career for the rest of our lives that goal is of someone who will not be someone that is not of this world get out there and make this day count when you feel like quitting remember all of those who said you'd fail when you feel like giving up remember where you started when you feel like quitting remember what you're doing it all for when you feel like quitting remember pain is temporary and greatness lasts forever when you feel like quitting remember that the pain you feel today will be replaced with the strength you need tomorrow remember that every ounce of pain you feel is building a stronger view a stronger bot a stronger mind and a stronger character so push through the pain don't let it stop you force it to grow you don't back down from the pain face it feel no pain there is no pain that painful last rep that's nothing give me more push harder too tight too hard too busy too early too stressed no excuses too tired no excuses too hard no excuses too busy no excuses too early no excuses to stress no excuses when I feel like quitting I remember there's too many people I need to prove wrong when I feel like quitting I remember I have too much to fight for I will not quit quitting that's for those who have no heart I do not quit make an oath to yourself that you will not walk out of any training session any game anything without giving a hundred and ten percent of your soul whatever you think is your limit push past it whatever you think is your max see if you can get 10 more out results don't lie it all comes down to one simple question how bad do you want it and when you feel like quitting give me 10 more nothing great is going to come if you quit I know it's hard I know you are tired I know it seems impossible but you must keep going stick it out and get your reward [Music] foreign [Music] words in the English language the two most powerful words in the English language are I am because what comes after I am will save your life but you speak after I am what you believe after I am will control your decisions and shake your life I am powerful whatever I want to achieve I believe that I am capable it's all attainable and what you speak after the words I am will shake it those words will really make or break you so be careful what you're saying every day you don't let the negativity come in and take you stay strong and positive and you will make a breakthrough [Music] I am foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I am thoughts lead to action actions over time become happy and habits lead to love lasting results when you feel like quitting remember all of those who said you'd fail when you feel like giving up remember why you started when you feel like quitting remember when you feel like quitting remember pain is temporary and greatness forever when you when you remember that the pain you feel today will be replaced with the strength you need tomorrow remember that every ounce of pain you feel is building a stronger too a stronger body and a stronger character so push through the pain don't let it stop you force it to draw you feel like we're in before you started look deep with him you're stronger than a supporting you're stronger than you think no longer faint-hearted you've been here before what's happening in your life you make it through the pain whatever can make the change remember those who said to tell and let that feel your flame you might be down today but you are not the same you might be down but you're not out you might be down but you ain't knocked out get off your back but you can look up you can get up wipe all the blood as well look in the mirror you a stronger version get back on track stick to your purpose remember that the key is consistency the harder to battle the sweeter victory [Music] and though the world's against you you can handle it you didn't come this far to quit get back again and make the you got haters to prove wrong no excuses you work hard no excuses too hard excuse me [Music] [Music] chance [Music] don't remember why you started nothing great is going to come if you quit know it's hard I know you are tired I know it seems impossible but you must keep [Music] and get your reward [Music] I didn't come this far though to come this far I hear some people saying things like when I make it when I get to the top I'll keep working hard until I get to the top until I reach my goal let me tell you something there's no end winners never stop if you reach your goal set a bigger goal get to the top of the mountain find a bigger Mountain the journey to continue pursuit of growth the constant seeking of improvement the challenge that's what makes life great that's what makes it fulfilled life I didn't come this far to only come this far when I get this goal I'll seek more not more things more growth constantly pushing myself to be better I didn't come this far to only come this far I came this far so I can be strong enough to go further so I'll be good enough to push myself hard I'm only getting started this is just the beginning I'm proud of my achievements but that doesn't mean I'll settle for them proud but never satisfied proud but forever homeless proud and always ready probably pushing pushing for more pushing for great true winner doesn't seek only the title if the journey was intelligent the destination wouldn't be rewarded it's talent that makes the greatness you can't have a champion athlete without great competitors pushing them all the way you can have the greatest of all time without Champions pushing them all away it's the time the process that makes the greatness you reach your goal set a bigger goal if you get to the top of the mountain find a bigger Mountain [Music] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah all alone on this long road far from home oh so cold am I going the right way I don't really know I'm just walking through Darkness with a lot of hope I had to find my own way nobody told me I had to learn how to survive nobody showed me I never understood how much that could be taken from me if you wanna be great sometimes you gotta be lonely find my way don't searching searching for Life searching for purpose nothing's going my way is it really worth it should I give up cause everything I try and work it but if I quit now I'll be forever hurry I want to be successful I might not be perfect I might not be special but it's all in the mental they said it'll happen if it's meant to so I have to make it after all the things I've been through this will end it great no matter the pain I'm taking I gotta keep moving on I just gotta stay strong [Applause] one day and sometimes I have these doubts in my mind but I'm a human it's all right [Music] [Music] [Music] Day Out [Music] there were no robots it didn't matter I was built different I find it kind of funny the way you get frowned upon for being different by the majority but the majority the way they want to be so media I'm glad to be part of the minority the world wants me to be down there with them but I'm not part of that system I'm glad I was built different I'm glad I got there was no path to follow so I paid my own where I started I had no role models that never mattered to me never mattered to me because the power of my mind is all that I need I knew I had to be the one I knew I had to be different I knew I had a overcome I knew I had a persistence I was fail to resist I guess I was real I don't know how to [Music] different [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] vacation take [Music] [Music] history most people are not happy with where they are in life most people complain about everything but do not change anything most people never realize their true potential people wait until it's too late to realize [Music] they wonder why they don't reach their goals there's too much traffic on it but me I take the growth Road it's empty it's an uphill battle but that's how I want it most people give up they say Life's Too Tough they'll start with a thing they wonder why they stay stuck we all know life's tough fit those double Bluffs but I play this game before I've never given up most people wait until it's too late they realize they mistake they let their dreams go to waste but I'm not living in the past tense there's no would have but should have or could have I'm living life most people hate their life they and when is the champion the champion is the greatest living I'm Gonna Come most people live week to week but every weekend go broke at parties what they celebrate me I'll follow the Sheep I use the weekends to work for my dreams there's no time wasting most people won't feel their potential it's a shame I believe we're all born special me I use all of my mental to be the best version of me is essential most mostly stressed most people say they're depressed but they don't know that they're blessed if they work for themselves they can get out they mess and make that progress that they searching for but most people are quick I will never quit I will I'm [Music] settled for Less I was born to be the best winners the champion the champion is the greatest of the Great I am in a bad boy [Music] [Music] amongst winners the champion of champions the leader amongst leaders the greatest my consistency oh my God [Music] I was born [Music] [Music] my first name should be victorious from day one and trust me I've only just a gun I'll be number one until the end comes on [Music] foreign [Music] I was born to win [Music] back to failures into his life no all the fears I had to fight all the ones that I survived you don't see the sacrifice it isn't always nice confetti trust me the crowd is heavy a lot of pain to remain on handle anything that goes against you [Music] [Music] [Music] competition is [Music] having the strength greatly your own Direction [Music] [Music] welcome back only you know what's best for you that's the time to decide it come alive in your sleep will you rise to the ground or just fall in the beat and survival to finish but you conquer you keep you can choose to be lions or you choose to be sheep that's the time you decided come alive never gonna hurt my pride hello [Music] [Music] [Music] we win [Music] [Music] please [Music] hit survival spirit come alive [Music] inside of it [Music] happens to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I can't stop don't stop don't stop I can't stop don't know [Music] I'm unstoppable I am that's a fact you can't stop me you can't hold me back I got faith to always move forward and I'm never looking back yeah I found it hard in the start with no support all alone Darkness again but I'll never give up that's in my heart I really ain't lying look at the scars I know life's not fair and it's hard but I'm going from the underground straight to the Stars I came a long way and I'm still getting started then I was given to me wasn't given any chances I'm always at best there's no days off I'm working weekends while they out on their weekends dancing I'm working the hardest and working the smartest I don't ever stop no matter no I can't die so tribulations they take everything to make it so much pain and heartbreaking yeah this is history in the making nothing now this history in the taking I got days to achieve now [Music] cleared the road isn't gold successes [Music] broken bones slow me down they try to rape me try to drown me but I'm so cool and still alive [Music] thank you care care whatever it takes Whatever Whatever It Takes I raise the standards when they race the state right I'm not worried about the challenges I face I'm only focused on how many records I could break it's a different mentality I do everything I can to make my dreams a reality forget about the family I [Music] can't get complacent no Blood Sweat and Tears and a whole lot of that determination if it's a race then I'm in any competition I'm first placing yeah [Music] [Music] for everything sacrifices late nights ten thousand hours I'll keep trying keep fighting keep on working harder go always reaching always climbing always aiming higher always forward movement let's go always improving always [Music] [Music] man [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not gonna look like the rest you're not gonna settle for less you never live like the rest you'll never settle for laughs [Music] [Music] I feel worse [Music] improves stay hungry work on your Mentor don't lose hope mental games raise the bar higher you take your vessel up don't ever waste a day you won't be here forever but you're not gonna live like the rest you're not gonna settle for less you never live like the rest you'll never settle for less [Music] [Music] I love you [Music] [Music] out [Music]
Channel: Team Fearless
Views: 1,016,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational speech, bodybuilding motivation, motivational music video, gym music, gym motivation, gym songs, gym motivational, workout music, best workout music, best gym music, best gym songs, workout songs, workout music playlist, gym playlist, workout playlist, English motivational music, motivational songs, pain is my friend, struggle made me stronger, there is no pain song, remember why you started, Go Hunt Your Dream
Id: urP4wPP8zKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 1sec (3661 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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