SONGS that make you feel like a WARRIOR ๐Ÿ’ฅโš”๏ธ (Top Motivational Songs)

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[Music] I can hear Destiny calling holding out my name and dreams goes offspring but both are free surrender off his dress don't need your protection I don't need no Shield NOW Watch Me Bleed now watch me please now watch me please [Music] [Music] embrace the pain embrace the pain embrace the pain now watch me now watch watch me [Music] watch me free failure is not an option I will not just survive Edom is near I choose to thrive I will live for Force never on my knees I will smash the door if I can't find the keys I will not back down I will not yield just like William Wallace I need no shine not the same I am not just enough to say [Music] it doesn't matter where you are in life if you don't feel blessed you won't be blessed you gotta know your worth before you can be worth anything all the days were not a thing french fries better than bruised always the same day nothing or unusual seems like nothing changed it's always the same rules no matter how bad it gets I refuse to lose no matter how bad it gets I'll keep on moving no matter how bad it gets I can still choose to keep fighting to keep trying to keep grinding up keep rising up I just got to that point where enough was enough I can't keep complaining sitting and waiting for luck I have to stop asking why me and start looking inside push through the pain and tell my story on the other side had to renew my mind and start fighting I won't lie it was frightening but I'll survived that choice got me to where I am today if you think these always run my way listen close to what I gotta says [Music] [Music] [Music] when you're [Music] [Music] that I had enough police in me to go after Marjorie that I had the currency could go to push through the bank to rise through the darkness and to tell my story on the other side my story my blessed through all the days never give up I'm blessed because I can't fight [Music] thank you I know you feel alone I know you feel it is impossible but you will not quit today you will fight and today you will change everything for your future dedication hard work dedication I show up every day I put the record every day I will take on a whole damnation I'm a one-man Army I don't care if the world is against me I don't care I know God's Christmas let's do this facing all my fears here's battling my demons fears taking over territories destroying all my enemies can't be one man one dream no team just me and really all I need is me no matter the extreme I will succeed it's just me and these trenches I've got no choice to go into your pencil I'm trying to work I get it success is the only objective I've only got one life this is the way I live mine I wanna win I survive a king a child to find stronger than thunder faster when the sun comes taking over territory Jesus take on anything out of my side I can't believe foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can't stop me stop me okay they failed when they tried that they tried I'm alive I survived that no sleep still thriving going I stay on the right track can't never be sidetracked I just know what I want and I go for what I want and I don't stop crying I'm always 100 know how Stefan I tell you right now that I die is a legend but this is my weapon stay but I'm finished living No Limits know that I'm feeling me [Music] [Music] this is me I couldn't be my dreams and I'm winning keep winning [Music] it's in my face [Music] you can do [Music] yeah [Music] it's a new day it's a new beginning welcome to the new me I'm not the same they don't get it I'm no longer who I used to be I've put into work I've put into hours I've gone from student to master I've got super powers was a coward but now I'm empowered gold after gold devour From The Underground to the top of the towers I made the choice to step up day after day Relentless no letting up I sacrificed so much to start moving up trust me my success ain't luck I better I had to be faster I have to be smarter I have to work harder than anybody else I have to do this for myself I have to transform a free porn foreign they don't even recognize me anymore but deep down I'm the same person change was inevitable but growth was a choice I kept myself quiet to rise above the noise all the sacrifices all the late nights I had to live a better life better choices better actions better decisions A Better Living I did whatever it takes I had to get it things can change for the better I'm living proof no matter what matters I will make it through all my life I was told that I wouldn't make it look at me now I'm greatness [Music] please foreign [Music] [Music] wow that's the case foreign [Music] [Music] say the place I'm going I'm going no surrender don't let people go [Music] talk people don't I really had to go through it in the dark Zone yeah [Music] I had doubt I died so if I could find a way out I didn't know how you [Music] the things look at me group home the challenge people 12 times don't last [Music] going upgrade or whatever you said when the last eyes came I was skeleton allowed last any trouble that I made my man punch me in the face still smile sometimes [Music] some people go [Music] [Music] laugh tough people don't know me against the world yeah I say bring it on I'm feeling something strong I can take it on here I've been that long wolf since day one day I've been walking alone I have no choice but to stay strong stay strong with every breath in my lungs I fight I scratch the claw I keep pushing on if I get my all I know success won't come I can't let fear in I can't let fear win now I can't feel far from an easy life so many they left me with the lines seen before I'm feeling around here I know you're feeling really everything I want is on the other side of fear I walk through the valley of the shadow of death and I'm still here I've been fighting my fears for so many years voices in my head tell me I can't please disappear Ed online and get so many stars but they're just little scratches that never break my heart I'm a warrior I know there is no easy path I've never heard of a legend with an Easy Pass I'll stand against the Giants I will walk through Darkness this is me this real self-belief all I have is a dream all I have is mean now this ain't your ordinary mindset I'm more than obsess this is a life set life I'm not afraid of anything live around here I am Fearless I am Fearless I am Fearless [Music] I was just a small child from a small City but I had Big Dreams every time I looked at the sky tonight I know there was one for me I would try to tell my friends try to tell my family but they wouldn't get it I had so many questions but they just look at me different even from Young Gun who there was more to life and I wondered how I could get there when it's no surprise that I couldn't fit in could have lived a normal life it was so uninspiring watching everybody just get by letting their dreams die I decided I'd be the first to fly I rented put your own destiny doesn't matter where you started doesn't matter about the hardship even if it wasn't meant to be you could make it meant to be forget about the bad history this is more than winning illusion this is about creating a legacy this is my destiny this is my destiny this is what is meant for me I can't just live a normal life [Music] [Music] it was time to chase greatness I didn't have the time to worry I started climbing my first Mountain step by step by day challenges came my way can't listen to walking black doctor no light and had no tough flight heading for Destiny made me feel so alive when you have a higher Dream High call and got a girlfriend every day this is my destiny [Music] foreign I wouldn't have it any other way if you've got that feeling deep inside that there's more to life start today [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] you don't always have to talk about what you're up to let your results speak for you let your actions speak for you prayer wind is moving silence there's no time for talking I don't brag I'll let my results do the talking I live to win I've got a Darkness I don't care about showing off it's really not important and some as I might be quiet for months but that don't mean I've fallen off it just means I turn distractions off so much can happen when you stay laser focused it's about showing up not showing off not everything has to go with social media I'm tend to live a good life I live to make my dreams a reality there's more to life than trying to get a few lights so much we see online is all fake all states everyone becomes a millionaire in 30k that you can take that's hard work which can never be replaced I let my results [Music] I was just laying my results more results [Music] there's a lot of fake people out there talking a lot of crap about who they are and what they've accomplished but one thing you can never fake is results be that person the one who delivers under top over delivered [Music] don't go yeah I got problems my child oh I'll defeat like a trust give me one shot he's going down [Music] give me one chance foreign [Music] just give me one shot he's going down as long as time will last [Music] ready down as long as I'm breathe as long as I'm still here [Music] this is my life [Music] liar just give me one shot he's going down [Music] I am ready I will act now I will fight for what is right I will fight with everything I have inside me I will not be defeated this is the warrior mentality we all have a Warrior inside of us is that determination to take on any challenge the desire to win at all costs the honor to fight for what is Right unfortunately most people live their life in a cowardly way they hide their Warrior spirit for fear of judgment they hide the warrior for fear of defeat they don't stand up for what is right they back down and power from every challenge life throws their way they are uninspired unmotivated and lack conviction Warriors are certain about the direction they are going in life they don't look around to others to make sure they're on the right path they know they are on the right path the warrior says I can't I will and I must there's zero hesitation in the Warriors it's all in or not in at home the warrior says I have a clear goal I have a clear Mission I have a meaningful purpose I believe in myself I will give all I have for this goal dismiss my purpose I will not back down I will not you I will fight until my last breath and do everything to win I've got this the warrior says I am ready I will act now I will fight for what is right I will fight with everything I have inside I will not be defeated I will not be defeated I will not be defeat there's a famous story of a grandfather who is teaching his grandson about life and the fight we all have within he tells the boy there's a fight going on inside me a fight between two wolves one wolf is evil disguise as uncontrolled anger cowardice bitterness self-pity inferiority false pride and one wolf is good he is represented as Focus belief presence love joy honor dignity and integrity he says to the boy the same fight is going on inside you boy and inside every other person on this planet the boy asked which wolf will win the grandfather replies the one you feed the most we all have the coward and the Warrior inside us what you see most is what you feed most we all have moments of doubt we all have fears we all have moments of Shame and disappointment but we all have that Warrior inside us the good energy the protector of the truth the honor to stand for what is right the Integrity to fight for the good of all the warrior doesn't always win but he will always fight with everything he has until his last breath the coward doesn't believe they can defeat the evil forces so they don't even try therefore they lose the battle every time the warrior will fight for what is right no matter the eyes no matter the potential consequences the warrior says it is not over until I say so and it is never over because I will never quit you have that warrior with these it's a mindset your mind is the battlefield and you are the commander you are not the servant to your mind you are in charge learn to direct your mind with certainty and focus decide what you want in life and never back down until you get it live with integrity and honor not caring less what other people expect from your life Paving your own path and walking in the direction you know to be right no matter what challenges life throws my way I know I can handle this God would not give me challenges I could not handle this moment is a test and the test I will pass I will die before I give up I will die before I give in I am committed to my goal and I will not stray from it no matter what I am ready I will not be defeated a warrior Warriors do not back down they never quit Warriors fear nothing pick your sword and fight for what you want Stand Tall in your truth Stand Tall in your belief confident in your choices straight in your faith know what you want focus on it work for it sacrifice for it and confidently claim it
Channel: Team Fearless
Views: 974,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, motivational speech, motivational video, motivation, bodybuilding motivation, inspirational video, motivational music video, fearless motivational video, warrior songs, warrior, songs that make you feel, songs that make you feel like a warrior, gym songs, gym music, battle music, rap music, motivational music, rock music, gym motivation
Id: u0JS26tiRCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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