I DID IT ALONE, BROKE, TIRED & SCARED. I KEEP GOING. - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation

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[Music] it's time to stay focused why are you so anti-al because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it pain is temporary I've been trying to get that into your spirit been trying to get you to celebrate pain that pain is your friend that pain is going to take you to the next level remember just because something's never been done before doesn't mean it can't be done it just means we haven't figured out a pathway on how to get it done and we will get it done this is it right here this is that moment that you got to work this is that moment when you got to push there is no weakness in the place of business think about your end goal think about what it's going to look like picture it in your mind see yourself already there stop praying that the storm will pass over you and pray to grow through the storm what you go through you will grow through you simply have to give it everything you have to get it you need to shut down all negativity and frankly not give to what others say and think you going to do what you've been called to do you going to be what you called to be you going to have and you going to prove that everybody that Tred to break you you going to prove them wrong everybody try to stop you everybody that tried to kill your dream you going to prove all of them wrong I don't care what the adversity has been you have two choices you can be unforgiving bitter angry upset and be a carrier of grief or you can choose OT I got a question what will you do when no one is watching what will you do when no one is listening that's the only time that we'll be able to bring something to this world that had never seen before one of the greatest challenges with disappearing is understanding the revelation of building in the dark The Secret of change is to focus all of our energy not on fighting the old but building the new and specifically behind closed doors when nobody's looking when no one is there to affirm you when nobody's there to validate you when nobody is there to agree with you you build in the dark and you announce it when it's finished he want to test my resolve he want to test my go to limit he want to see where his Ro ends and mine begins this ain't no game this is my lifestyle son shut up you talking tirely too much about your dream you talk too much about your goal say it once say it twice no more than three times and get to work you already know what it feels like to quit to throw in the towel to sit on the couch do you know what it's like to give everything that you have and push and persevere you got to make the opportunity happen you got to be fired up you got to be hungry for it you got to have the desire to push yourself are you hearing me work work work work grind grind grind grind I'm going grind I'm going to fight I'm going to work I'm going to press toward I'm going to learn I'm going to do everything in my power every single day I'm going to do everything in my power to become a Victor and not a victim let me tell you this the wolf that is on the hill is never as hungry as the wolf that is climbing the hill and so you got to get hungry and you have to stay hungry you have to guard your hunger I need you to develop a healthy dose of self assurance when you feel like you can't when you want to let go when you are surrounded by doubt fear and anxiety you are going to have to pull up your resume and remember all of the things that you have made it through there is no excuse for not living up to your full of potential no excuse what do you want somebody told you to just graduate high school graduate college get a job work that job the rest of your life have kids get married and die somebody told you that what do you believe you were destined to do and then you got to spend every single solitary day for the rest of your life going after that dream what do you have to have what is your dream and when you think there's nothing left in the tank look yourself in the [Music] eyes and say I can I will I must I'm on government's assistance and I run out of money and I had to buy Pampers for gilani and I had a $142 in the bank and I remember wrapping my son in a towel for 2 days I remember the second day like you said I had my my hand on galani stomach and I said don't worry baby mommy will never be this broke or broken again and that day what shifted for [Music] me was I was willing and I don't know if this is going to sound crazy I was willing to completely die to any form of me that I had been so that I can birth the woman that I was becoming the reason why a lot of people won't become who they want is because they're too attached to who they've been and you hear it all the time when people say I've always been this way okay well if that's working for you keep doing that I knew it wasn't working for me any longer I had hit my version of rock bottom so I was willing to let go of everything and everybody see another reason why people won't get there is because the doorway is for you to fit through you trying to carry everybody else through cuz you trying to be rescued 911 and you got to rescue you first I am much more valuable to my family and to my community because I was willing to let them go go through the door myself teach myself learn myself condition myself and then come back and get them I'm much more valuable to them now but I had to go through a window time of 10 years of judgment you leaving us hanging out with white people all the time you going to these crazy countries we we don't know what you I I had to be willing to to allow my conviction to make me inconvenienced see we want to grow but we want to stay liked by everybody I was willing to be my own rescue at the risk of your approval but most of us aren't like that Facebook is example we want to be liked well I woke up and I like myself today so your like is extra my my job is to like me first I was willing to say every day Lisa you like you Lisa are you proud of you when they saw you playing full out every day before I checked in with anybody else I was willing inconvenience my entire life my entire life I was Will to disrupt my entire life to buy my future to buy my possibility to give my dream a chance see we're not supposed to tuck our dreams in on the on the pillow when we get up in the morning we're not supposed to leave them at home and go and fulfill somebody else's dream we're not supposed to do that that's not what we're wired to do that's not who we are your human Spirit doesn't care about the economy the human Spirit doesn't care that my son's father went to prison my the human Spirit doesn't care what's happened to your family the human Spirit doesn't care about the past you may have been molested or your family may have been broke or or you may have been betrayed or you may have a divorce your human Spirit doesn't care about any of that your human Spirit simply says what's our Command for tomorrow what do you want to create it's not keeping score your brain is keeping score cuz your brain is designed to keep you safe your soul your inition your human spirit is designed to make you sore when you get to the edge your brain will always tell you to step back it's always going to tell you to step back because you can fall always it's going to tell you to step back because before you fail the last time you did this you saw someone else fail you could hurt you could be off work it's going to tell you it's designed to keep you safe so you have to be willing to play between your brain and your soul and on some days you got to just listen to your soul and you got to say I'm going to LEAP I'm going to get to the edge most people are at the edge and you're sitting at the edge and you're watching everyone else fly that's Pimp My Ride watch my crib all this stuff you know watching people's lives on Facebook you're at the edge watching someone else live wondering what it's going to be like when you jump without ever jumping and I'm just here to tell you jump because only three things can happen you are the you going to jump and fly are you going to jump and fall on something soft are you going to fall down hard either way you going to get back up you already know you got what it takes to get back up you're not your greatest fear is not that you will fall your greatest fear is that you will live a full life and never fly that you never leaped you're not afraid of dying you're afraid of dying before the world sees who you really are before they really get your fingerprint before they really feel your breath before they really get your contribution if they really feel you that's what you don't want to happen you don't want to leave this place without us knowing you were here all I'm doing is giving my my dream a chance and I'm not extraordinary you don't get off the hook you don't get to be let off the hook I'm an ordinary woman who chooses every day to make one more extraordinary decision everything that I need to get back up I have in me if I don't have what I need I can go get it once I figured that out the world was my like playground like just the question was just where do I go get it where oh I don't know about that where do I go get it and um and I don't come from a learning background where I was a great student I wasn't you know my highest grade in School was a C+ and when I got a C+ I did the happy dance and um and so I didn't have a background where studying was natural for me but when I realized that if I go study something and I learn it I own it it's mine now man it was crazy cuz all through school I struggled I the last time I took an English class my English teacher told me I was the weakest writer she ever met in her entire life lovely yeah lovely and the same year I took a speech class and my speech teacher he said quote unquote Miss Nichols I recommend you never speak in public that you get a desk job oh and so I that's mean yeah it just it's just you know it was it was demotivated people um sad people hurt people hurt sad people make other people sad bottom line don't take it personal hurt people hurt see most people want the convenience of transformation without the inconvenience required required for transformation so my grandmother says and I love to repeat this your conviction what you're passionate about your conviction and your convenience don't live on the same block they ain't even in the same zip code so if you want to have a conviction for something you have to sign up sign sign up to be inconvenience we're trying to find convictions and passion and breakthrough on the inside of our box well when you realize that the Box doesn't even exist like someone made up oh you're playing outside the box so we all bought into there's a box well I don't live I don't even own a box I don't even I don't want to get in your box like you better come out here cuz I ain't getting in there and so when you start thinking like that time all of a sudden everything is possible so I you know PE I disrupt people when I say say you want to make me extraordinary cuz it let you off the hook what if the god that we call God the Divine whatever your faith is what if there's no partial it's not going to give me a hookup and I give you one not going to give me an opportunity I give you one I'm just going to go after it if I die I'm going die on a treadmill like wman said I'm going be on the treadmill running you know I'm not I'm just not going to stop because I believe all things are available to us I'm just willing to go after them are you willing and then that is so disruptive cuz then you got to make a decision cuz it's easier to live in inside the parameters of well as a black woman well as born and raised in South Central well I'm academically I'm dyslexic I'm dyslexic I wrote seven books I'm dyslexic so just knowing like I'm not perfect what I do really well is I manage my imperfection well and so we're all waiting for perfect it's an illusion that will never come to you and it's an excuse to never show up and play your story is not meant to be your Fortress your story is meant to be your fuel any story like the fact the beauty of me being one of the top 1% earners in America is that I was on government's assistance right like that's the beauty like come on it wouldn't be a big deal if my family was rich whatever like it I'm supposed to do something the beauty is that when you show The Little Engine That C story like I'm not going to run fast but I ain't going to stop running I might slow down and have to breathe and Catch My Breath but I'm not stopping cuz I believe all things are available to all of us and good people should do well because when good people do well good people just do more good in the world I'm that same girl who ran track for dorsy high school who struggled to get through high school who got kicked out of college because I couldn't afford to stay that was on government I'm that same girl I'm that same girl I don't forget her I'm also that same woman who runs a multi-million dollar business I'm also the same woman who has seven bestsellers I own both of those I own all of it I don't shrink to my great and I don't live in my Saga and my sorrow if you can own your Brilliance while owning your your imperfections if you can own your giant while owning your smallness if you can live in Duality constant Duality the freedom will be Earth shaking if you can live in that see either you don't want to be as great as you really are and you're trying to dim your light so that others won't feel insecure about themselves in your presence and so you keep playing at 79 Watts when you know you're supposed to shine at 159 watts and you keep take checking the temperature of the room to see what the room can handle versus just giving the room you and letting them if the if your lights too bright then let them put on some shades can you give yourself permission to live in The Duality of your imperfections and your smallness and what you're learning and what you still have to learn and your greatness and your Brilliance and your light can you allow them to coexist and and then serve them up to the world to love you to see you to inhale you to judge you to leave you to love you you're just some of us are just as afraid of being loved as we are to be left if you go where you've never gone do what you've never done and say what you never said you'll become the woman and the man you've always known yourself to be you will need to normalize in your mind walking alone you got to get up on your own you got to be able to make big decisions on your own you got to lose weight on your own there are a myriad of targets you have to hit by yourself often times just the people that go away into a very healthy isolation to equip themselves to condition themselves to educate themselves to come out empowered and so you got to get into this work space where you can do it by yourself it doesn't matter if it's the office it doesn't do matter if it's the gym it doesn't matter if it's the court it doesn't matter if it's the field it doesn't matter what arena you are stepping into you got to get to that place where you don't need attention you don't need recognition you don't need the accolades you just want to put in the work and the next time you surface the next time you show up it's game over if you throw me to the Wolves I'll return leading the back you see a wolf is willing to leave its pack behind and find a new one the time is now we must adopt the wolf mentality be relentless resilient never quit and never look [Music] back I know what it feels like to be fractured and falling into pieces but you got to silence the voices in your head that are telling you you need a shortcut you need a cheat Cod eliminate the negative self-sabotaging voices find a mirror and tell yourself I got this today I got this today I'm going to make it I'm going to create it I'm going to build it all I have is all I need resources may come and go people may come and go but I've got a vision and I've got the provision and I've got the determination and the discipline to hit my aims and to punch through my targets can you do this thing without attention can you do this thing without public affirmation can you do this thing without people telling you that you are everything today without people applauding you and saying you're great you're awesome oh you're amazing can you do this thing alone can you be your own cheerleader for a moment can you be your your old hype man for a moment can you tell you I'm good enough I got this that all I have is all I need I believe in friendships and Partnerships and collaboration and counsel and advice but there are some things in life you are going to have to do alone there are some Aras you're going to have to show up here and nobody is coming nobody's coming to save you nobody's coming to help you nobody's coming to show you a shortcut you got to figure this out on your own for most of us nobody's going to feed us you got to feed yourself you want to lose the weight you want to reach your target your aim you got to put the work in you got to feed yourself the food that is required to power the body that you want it's not about trying to be a Lone Ranger more than it is about taking responsibility and prioritizing yourself first there are some things in life nobody's going to show up it's all on you I need you to find a mirror right now and tell yourself it's all on me it's all on me this one is all on me when I go get this degree ultimately I got to go get this degree when I go get this certification ultimately I got to get this certification I've got to to finish strong I've got to condition myself I've got to go get the education I've got to get out of bed I've got to go to the gym I got to eat clean nobody's going to feed me I got to feed [Music] myself if you're listening to me right now in the gym on your walk on your run you're lifting You're Building you're creating you're imagining something I just need you to push and I need you to believe that you don't need the spider that you don't need the training wheels that it is your time that it is your turn and you no longer need help you no longer need assistance in this area of your life push like you have never pushed before give it everything you have because that spot is not going to be there for you for the rest of your life if you want to grow 1 mm more if you want to push just push a little harder everybody wants to grow a little bit taller so we got to push a little bit harder life is lived on levels and I can't bring my spotter with me the spotter cannot walk with you all of your life at some point you got to say I got this i got this push look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself I got this i got this if I have to do it alone I will because to fulfill this Vision to to fulfill my destiny ultimately I am depending on the god that put the dream in my heart and myself we're Tears In Your Eyes with broken hands and a heavy heart if nobody is there and you are in a room by yourself start alone but get started help is coming but everything Rises and falls on you often times the people that you wanted in your life will reject you and that rejection is protection it is a blessing because it's the same people that rejected you that will need you and that will rely on you come on how many people have you tried to help and you were bleeding battered and broken how many times have you called for help and the help was toxic come on how many times have you asked for advice and the advice brought more adversity take responsibility for yourself take control of your life I need you to understand your worth and stop playing the blame game because nine times out of 10 the people that hurt you you brought them into your life and so you got to reflect over the past you have to acknowledge the present and you have to cast vision for your future and take accountability and kill the self- condemnation stop tearing yourself down on the inside stop saying one thing thinking another and acting in a whole another way how you think is how you talk and how you talk must be how you behave because your thoughts will determine your behavior and your behavior determines your future and so everything's got to line up and so you need an alignment an internal alignment I can't align you you got to make a decision to align yourself you can hear a speech and make a decision but every day you have to make that decision that decision has to evolve into discipline and discipline turns into Mastery and Mastery builds momentum you're not going to always get it right but you got to keep going when you start alone you possess a power that few can handle I want to encourage somebody out there who's thinking about quitting and giving up somebody who has been praying for years for things to turn around you're thinking about quitting you're thinking about giving up don't give up there are sometimes in life where you fall down and you feel like you don't have the strength to get back up so it's like one step at a time [Music] you just want to to step out of it to step out of the the the whole race the whole business the the monstrosity of being alive overwhelms you we cannot deny the forces that once we attain a certain level of pleasure then we're going to get used to it but if it gets you know redirected or it doesn't happen the way we want well that's when the suffering [Music] comes you take steps in this direction you take steps in that direction sort of get lost along the way and sometimes you fall down but if I fail I try again and again and again for as long as I try there's where's that chance of getting up and it's not the end until you've given up and just the fact that you're here should persuade you that you have another chance to get back up there's still [Music] hope where is there happiness well happiness is found within within the heart or found within the whole world everything and nothing it's not in one particular thing but it's in everything I know how it feels to have a broken heart and I know how it feels to be alone but I just want you to know that it's not the end you're thinking about quitting you're thinking about giving up don't give up don't give up stay in it stay focused [Music] you've got to re-evaluate and attack life again and it's it's tough It's hard you know it's like being knock back almost even though you're successful it's like being pushed back again yeah whether you win or you lose the depression still sets in right yeah yeah the number of uh teens gen ear 20 something suffering from uh depression and anxiety loneliness loneliness is through the roof this is one of the biggest issues that they're dealing with on college campuses We rise to our maximum potential when we're of service to others going back to anxiety going back to depression going back to loneliness I truly believe that's the answer that's the way out of any kind of mental illness it's like I want to make myself a better person I'm going to make the world a better place and everything that I'm doing I've got these two chariots and I'm going down this road or I'm going down this road or I'm going down both together I've been there a lot in my life uh especially before my car accident my teenage years uh then the first woman I ever loved we had a big breakup and that breakup set me down in depression and suicidal planning and uh it's tough to dispense advice to people other than get help and I'll share why because that time in my life I had so many people coming up to me you know my friends would come into my dorm room and BR let's go do something and you just there's just the the hope is lost and what people I think make the mistake of trying to do is hype people up everything's going to be okay you're going to be great and what people need who are suicidal is serious psychological intervention they need to seek support and help and outside of that when they do get that support the first thing a great therapist is going to do outside of the emotional reflection work of why are you here and what has caused this sort of pattern for you they're going to get you starting to get some momentum the most important thing is when you are super down outside of finding that emotional reasoning for where you are is to start getting momentum cuz with momentum comes hope with momentum comes motivation with momentum comes you know that feeling that there's a reason for tomorrow and so it's as simple as just saying okay what are three things I'm going to do today and I don't mean that like a lot of personal development guys would say like what your three big goals for the day I'm like dude sometimes that first goal is sh I'm going to shower today I'm really in shower today uh I'm going to walk to the library and I'm going come home and that's all they got like literally that's all they got and you got to honor that struggle when you're in that place like know that where you're at it is okay that you're there and now you're going to need help and now you're going to have to set up some daily practices just every day win a little bit not like win your dreams not like Crush through goals not like be a badass not like no just momentum man you know most of the guys I've dealt with in that position who were suicidal um outside of their therapeutic work I said the most important thing you can do is win the morning I don't want to ever be flippant with the advice to people who are dealing with that situation outside of get some help get some momentum and be okay if that momentum is really small because it will build trust that that momentum builds and trust those gloomy and bad dark days trust that those are going to be there they'll get less and less and less as you learn how to cope but they're going to be there and so when they're there it's one of the my I mean outside of teaching people to bring the joy in my life I teach people to honor the struggle honor the difficulty when we honor the struggle instead of hate the struggle we can really achieve extraordinary things because our mindsets in the right place it accept like as soon as you honor the struggle you accept that oh of course there should be struggle here I should I should honor this process when you go to the gym to work out you like honor that this is going to be hard and honor that process of getting better and the more that you bring honor to it the more your psyche builds with strength and you get a little bit of that esteem back because you see yourself engaging something versus avoiding it and running away you see yourself connecting with something and giving it reverence you're like like I have reverence for the diff difficulties of Life they may be better so I I don't want a friction free life I'm not interested in it you know the the the I I like to say sometimes that you know the journey to Greatness Begins the moment that our you know deep desires for comfort and ease are overpowered by our desires to connect and contribute [Music] no I mean because you I look at veterans in the past it was you know I think in World War II was called shell shock it it was all these different things but it was not acknowledged in the way that it is now but I think it needs to be talked about more I think the more things are talked about more comfortable we are and the more we can understand them uh when I woke up one morning and saw that in a tweet that Prince Harry came out talking about his depression it made me really happy because I've been places and someone has said well you lost an arm so you have a right to be depressed and I stopped him I was like depression is real you don't you don't even have to go through something traumatic some are caused by you know something traumatic some can be a chemical imbal imbalance in the brain and I feel like if you had heart problems and saw a cardiologist well everyone would be concerned about you would know you're doing better and it would be open and honest with the crew anybody you work with but the most complicated organ in your body if you have a problem with this suddenly there's a we want to talk about that no and you can get over it and that's what people need to realize you can be cured you can get past it that's what we need to need to realize you know the reason I did it is because when I was in my depression I thought I was alone I didn't open up to anybody so I thought someone's going to read this it's going to help them so I just as nervous as I was about the book I kept thinking that one person is going to read it well now it's open up this dialogue and I'll go and I'll speak and we'll do Q&A and people want to talk about I gave a speech in Florida and it was it was an older crowd like I just going to say it was they were old and I I speak what on my heart and I gave my speech and as I was closing I kind of mentioned some depression because I was I was coming out of the winter months and I it hit me again this past winter and I went and saw the doctor and so it was on my mind and it came up and as I was saying I thought this generation of people probably aren't connecting to what I'm saying when I walked off the stage and they lined up the amount of people that thanked me for talking about mental heal and here I was I thought they didn't want to hear I thought I was stepping out of line no it needs to be talked about because it's it's not just this generation it's people are realizing more and more that it's an issue and the more we talk about it the easier it is for people to be honest with themselves and get the help they need someone did not wake up this morning but you did and if you can hear this message and you can see my face then guess what we are both in the right place ladies and gentlemen I want you to understand something reason and purpose there is a reason for you as well there is a purpose for you and it may not always go the way you want but at the end of the day you have to understand that there's a reason for you and there's a reason why things happen once those things have been figured out now you're going to move on to purpose purpose has already been written it has a bottom line to it there is no was this supposed to happen there was no coincidence attached to it purpose means exactly that that means it was meant to be it is going to happen no matter what you think no matter what I think no matter how any of us feel in this world purpose has already been written it's a new day it's a better day it's a bright day and it's all about you and I most importantly all about conducting that business I want to remind you about something stop chasing people stop trying to get people to like you stop trying to get people to approve of your well-being you are who you are and what you are to see yourself who you are know who you are know where you come from if you came from hardships and you're still here you have power you have strength you have courage all you got to do is use it put it out there ignite that fire and keep going don't you give up now don't you say that you don't have it anymore I know we've been there I know I've been there many people have been there they didn't think that they could carry on but they kept going anyway between reason and purpose there is you you have to be willing to understand that you have to work day in and day out and be the best human being the best person you can be and through it all the good and the bad you have to stand strong you got to do the very best you can to get through it and to be strong and to be productive and be as successful as you can possibly be I want you to continue to live your life the best way you can when you go through the darkness search for the light because dark days will come but I'm here to let you know that you are powerful you got to lift your head up and stop looking down it's difficult out here for a lot of people including myself a lot of people are hurting a lot of people are going through a lot of different things they experiencing so many different dramatic changes in their lives but the thing about it is is that you can't be surprised about these things but you need to be prepared you should never walk through life assuming that every day is just going to be a great day for you believe me I know and I know there are many people out there that can say the same thing but it's all about how we deal with it and how we overcome it it's all about rising up people being able to get up get out show up and do your business that's what it's all about people you got to have the ability to know what it means to rise up being able to Rise Up From the Ashes of negativity doubt and fear these things are definitely designed to pull you down to break you down and take everything from you but not on this day not on this watch and not on this hour and for the rest of your life continue to shine and do the best you can to be the best makeup that you can be within yourself rise up rise up From the Ashes of negativity doubt and fear and understand that even your emotions can play tricks on you so take advantage of your life take control of it reason takes time understanding it being able to deal with the dos and the don'ts the ups and the Downs there's a reason for it and sometimes we may not like it but when that purpose starts to knock on your door that's it that means you have made it whatever the situation may be that purpose has been fulfilled it is already here it was already meant to be it's it's it happened it's there so do the best you can leading to your purpose because one thing for sure we are never going to we none of us are going to be here for long sooner or later you got to leave this planet but but make the best of the life that you have on this day and the day after so if tomorrow comes for you tomorrow comes for me let's get out there and make the best of it because tomorrow is another day and if you part of that day that means you got work to do success doesn't owe you you owe success success doesn't work for you you work for success and that work takes time everything that we do in this life takes time it's a process but are you prepared for the test are you prepared to fight are you prepared to live are you prepared to push through it even when you feel that you can't and we need faith and we need power and we need gratitude and we need to be humble but we must always stay hungry and keep going be the best makeup of yourself don't try to compete with other people don't try to get involved with other people and what they're doing and their hasb or whatever the case may be the bottom line is are you happy and are you truly feeling right within yourself are you righteous within yourself are you going about life in the right direction these are the things that you have to convince yourself day in and day out because there are so many people out here that are trying so hard to be like everyone else you don't have to do that who you are what you are and what you are made of and what your true purpose is in this world has already been designed you just got to put in the work and make it manifest itself you will get to where you need to be it's not going to be easy it's a challenge and sometimes it can be a struggle but what's wrong with a little struggle that's how you get better in life that's what makes you a better person that's what's going to make you better in anything you do in life don't get comfortable don't get complacent understand the struggles are going to come understand there going to be challenges but love yourself get inside yourself and love you no matter what's going on in life no matter what you're dealing with in life just understand circumstances will come circumstances will happen Life Is Life just make sure you try to make your life the best way you know how and keep living strong each and every day [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 125,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, motivational speech, speech, success, best motivational video, best motivational speech, motivational video, motiversity, motivation compilation, speeches compilation, keep going, mentality, wake up, rise, I did it alone, I did it alone motivation, I did it alone motivational speech, I did it alone motivational video, I did it alone broke tired scared, I keep going, keep going motivation, Motiversity I did it alone, motivation 2024, lone wolf, lisa nichols
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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