DOMINATE 2024 - Best New Year Motivational Video Speeches Compilation

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[Music] one day I made a decision that enough is enough I'm tired of being average I'm tired I'm tired of being good I'm tired I want to go to the dealership and buy the best car I want to move to the nicest neighborhood I want to fly first class I want to go to Hawaii I want to go to Australia I want I made a decision enough is enough it's showtime will a real Eric Thomas please stand up some of you in the room right now you are where you are you giv 60% when you have 120 in you why cuz you never made a decision sh there those of you in this room you already there your problem is is some stuff you don't want to give up to go you're talented you just don't want to give up Sleep listen to me pound for pound any agent in the room pound for pound motivational speaker pound for pound entrepreneur pound for P athlete p p weightlifter p p whatever you do I guarantee you when you do it nobody can do it like you do it the problem is you don't hardly do it you love sleep too much you love that alcohol too much you love that substance too much you love that Vice too much there's something that you love more than yourself than your dream then your goals watch what happens when you have a goal that only has two reasons see how long that lasts watch a go that has 50 reasons and see how there's some somebody called me the other day on an interview stupid question ET what do you feel like on the days that you don't feel like I said ask ask the question again please what do you do on the days that you don't feel like so I'm going be honest with you I'm way past that every day I feel like every day I feel like eating every day I feel like giving my wife the best life every day I feel like driving in a nice car every day I feel like flying first class every every single day of my life I feel like giving a 100 every single day somebody said yesterday ET you gave 120 what you going to do tomorrow I said I don't know give 140 I don't know but I don't have days where I don't feel like it why because I'm counting on me my wife's counting on me I don't have days to waste no more 50% no more no more 70% no more I want us at 85 and climing I want you at 85 in climb it if you're at 80 I want you at 90 and I me moving rapidly it's not rocket science and the universe is not responding you correctly cuz your body language sucks your spirit sucks it's defeated and I need you to give me that 120 I need you to give me that everything you do I need you to start giving me that 120 and everything do bring it all all together bring all the energy all the passion bring it all together and dominate I got an opportunity to make a dream become a reality when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful you have to give it everything you got no more TV no more parties no more playing if you don't have a 4.0 what you need to be doing is studying get off the phone sorry I'm not available until the end of this year no I'm for real you've reached the right number but you call me at the wrong time call me back January 1st I'm about to get busy now stop being this High School Dropout stop giving up stop sleeping on the street stop walking up and down fko Avenue like you ain't got nothing and get your GED stop being afraid to take a [Music] test I got to commit my very being to this thing I got to I got to breathe it I got to eat it I got to sleep it and until you get there you'll never be successful in life but once you get there I guarantee you the world is yours so work hard and you can have whatever it is you want when I went to college guys were way smarter than me 4.0 3.0 they went to the ivy league high schools came to Oakwood from these great high schools most of them are not doing what I'm doing why cuz it's not about where you come from it's about Hearts you come to a place where you know being smarting enough you got to have hearts don't go to sleep until you succeed there are a lot of people that are sitting around waiting for something to happen now what you going to do about it we're getting out of college and we haven't the faintest idea what we want to do so I always ask the question what would you like to do if money were No Object what how would you really enjoy spending your life well it's so amazing as a result of our kind of educational system crowds of students say Well we'd like to be painters we'd like to be poets we'd like to be writers but as everybody knows you can't earn any money that way or another person says well I'd like to live an out of Dooors life and ride horses I said you want to teach in a riding school let's go through with it what do you want to do when we finally got down to something which the individual says he really wants to do I will say to him you do that and uh forget the money uh because if you say that getting the money is the most important thing you will spend your life completely wasting your time you'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living that is to go on doing things you don't like doing which is stupid better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way and after all if you do really like what you're doing it doesn't matter what it is you can eventually turn it uh you could eventually become a master of it it's the only way to become a master of something to be really with it and then you'll be able to get a good fee for whatever it is so don't don't worry too much that that's everybody's somebody's interested in everything and anything you can be interested in you'll find others who are but it's absolutely stupid to spend your time doing things you don't like in order to go on spending things you don't like doing things you don't like wake up from your dream and make your dream a reality wake up wake up and understand the significance of the purpose that you have within yourself understand that if there something that you are truly ultimately seeking in your life then you got to go out after it there are a lot of people that are sitting around waiting for something to happen now what you going to do about it how you going to go about doing the things that are necessary to get you where you need to be in your life everybody has a dream but how much are you applying to that dream how far are you pushing that dream when are you going to realize that the dream is not going to work by itself you got to have the ability to rise up and push yourself and believe in yourself and make that dream a reality what's your why hey if I don't give y'all nothing else you better start that what's your why you know why I do what I do and I do it so passionate cuz my grandfather was a high school dropout my father was a high school dropout I was a high school dropout and we about to break the cycle I do what I do so my son won't have to go through what I went through when I was at the football game my old dude wasn't with me I saw other kids with they father I said that don't never happened to me I do what I do because my daughter say she going to Harvard it ain't even about y'all I'm about to come here and Blaze y'all why cuz I'm trying to get you all the NFL I ain't about to miss this opportunity this is the first NFL team I've ever done in my life and I'm about to lick it I'm about to give everything I got and I will know if I don't get another gig it won't have nothing to do with the fact that I didn't put everything on the field what's your why why do you wake up in the morning why do you put on that Jersey why do you go out practice why I got to commit my very being to this thing I got to I got to breathe it I got to eat it I got to sleep it and until you get there you'll never be successful in life but once you get there I guarantee you the world is yours so work hard and you can have whatever it is you want you should be a monster cuz everyone says well you should be harmless you don't want to be too aggressive you don't want to be too assertive you want to take a back seat no you should be a monster and then you should learn how to control it the definition of being aggressive is forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's AIMS in combat almost nothing will happen the way you want it to if you don't force it that way the enemy nature time there's all kinds of things that that are going against you it's a losing battle and if you don't use force of will then then you're not going to get it done what it means is is you need to make things happen this is the good thing about being aggressive sure there's there's certain parts of your nature that are aggressive but it can also be trained you can start to think with an aggressive mindset which is I am going to take action I'm going to overcome obstacles I'm going to push through go block I'm not going to take no for an answer and th those are things that you can [Music] train there's so often times where people they get told no or they hit an obstacle and it's game over for them they're just done they're done training they're over it and your attitude you have to go okay little little roadblock cool how am I going to get through it how am I going to get around [Music] it what I need you to do is evaluate yourself today evaluate yourself to see where you are in this race of Life many of you don't even realize that you've been racing to the Finish Line this life is a race some of you need to be pushed to stop running because you've been walking oh you haven't been moving for so long and you don't even know that you're in a race that all of us are competing to win but it doesn't matter when you finish it matters that you run after your goals and your dreams the way to live is to run after your dreams to run after your goals and to run after that Finish Line there may be things in your life right now that's holding you back from running but you have to break through those things they're there to hinder you but you can't let it force you to stop running chase your dreams Chase your goals I don't know the situation you're in right now but the situation that you're in is not your future it's not who you really are it's not your full potential the sky is the limit but it all starts from within is it's all up to [Music] you you should be a monster you have to be hungry for greatness you got to go through it to get to it you got to understand that there are going to be many circumstances that will require your full undivided attention you got to go through it to get to it you have to understand it has to be a unique mindset setting a goal and then going Beyond it realizing that there's work to be done making sure that all of the strings are attached and make no mistake along the way now it's true that we all make mistakes and we will have many setbacks but there's always room for a comeback to understand this you must realize that you must humble yourself but yet be hungry enough to go after it with everything and inside of you everything that is required depends on you having the mindset that regardless of anything that is around you that is surrounding you that is trying to drag you down you must have the mindset you must be strong you must be resilient you must be driven and you must must be able to take whatever is coming at you if you stumble if you fall have the ability to get up but you can't depend on just your body to do the work you must understand that it's a mental fortitude that will get you through it all so many people don't have this fortitude they don't have this attitude they have no faith in themselves if you you as the individual can take the first step then perhaps many more will follow there's always going to be ups and downs in life man there's always going to be bumps in the road things that ain't going to go as planned unexpected stuff's going to happen you're going to face some pain you're going to face some tough times and if you ain't trained your mind to be prepared for it and how to handle it it's going to break you the secret is to work on your mindset daily work on the way that you see the world otherwise you'll live your whole life seeing the world through someone else's eyes you'll be a creature of circumstance you'll be a victim of your life and not the master of it read books listen to audios like this one start learning about why you do the things that you shouldn't do and why you don't do the things that you should it's all because of the way that thing between your ears is white but know this you're in control of rewiring it whenever you make the decision to do so at any moment you can take control back of your life and start creating a life that you deserve not a life that someone else has paved out for you and when all of the struggle comes all of the bad times all of the Dark Times come around which they inevitably will you'll be strong enough to take it head on and it will make you rather than break you you have greatness inside you let me tell you unlimited potential but you have to train your mind every single day things are going to happen outside of your control the weather terrorism Corona virus but you can't control any of that all you can control is how you choose to look at situations you can control the information that you're letting it here never forget that you can have anything in this life that you want if you're willing to go and get it You' got to have belief you've got to have belief and that belief comes from working on your mindset every single day remember [Music] this you can be a victim of your life or the master of [Music] [Music] it we had to experience great losses in 2019 we had to witness great victories in 2019 this is the beauty of living this is the beauty of understanding this is the beauty of knowing that you matter and the reason that you matter is because you are still here among the living now you have to set the new stage now you have to set the new Mark and be greater than you was yesterday realize that you are walking above ground for a reason 2019 may have had it ups and downs but you did not stay down you knew what you had to do to get up so you got up maybe that job didn't come through for you in 20 19 but 2020 is waiting for you and if you're able to live and if you're able to push if you're able to grow you're going to grow into a better you let this be the opportunity of a lifetime don't forget easy was not attended for you or I for without struggle how can you build true character so maybe you were in a position that you felt like you were broken but being broken doesn't mean that you can't put it all together again you must be the architect of your life create your own blueprint set yourself up in regardless if you fail or if you succeed but don't give up because if you made it this far you can definitely go a little bit further make 2020 your year make 2020 be the year that they remember you that you remember your accomplishments as well as your failures but don't you ever ever give up on you this year is coming to an end and 2020 is right around the corner make sure that you are ready make sure that you are prepared because 2020 has not been written yet just like a book there are many chapters in the book what chapter will tell the story about you what history will you make what would you leave behind what Legacy would you leave behind 2020 is the year that we begin a new chapter a new day a new year I new you now I'm not talking about just the physicality I'm talking about the mental the physical as well as the spiritual for they are one they are all connected but you have to be connected with your self-resilience you have to be connected with your ideas you have to be connected with your truth strength leadership Power Authority guidance patience are God's gift to us as men we have to cherish that not abuse it I prayed this morning to be a better listener didn't work so well it's where human you get back up yes I've been high up on the mountain I've been blessed but that's a slippery slope yeah and it's lonely up there yeah you know people don't know that side of we did not come this far to just break down and lose now I'm a winner I'm going to win true desire in the heart that itch that you have whatever it is you want to do that thing that you want to do to help others and to to grow and to make money that desire that itch that's God's proof to you sent beforehand already to indicate that it's yours aspire to make a difference so you are what you are in this world as one or two things either you're somebody or you're nobody never give up without commitment you'll never start but more importantly without consistency you'll never finish it's not easy if it were easy there'd be no Denzel Washington so keep working keep striving never give up fall down seven times get up eight ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship so keep moving keep growing keep learning see you at work while it may be frightening it will also be rewarding so you got to get out there you got to give it everything you got whether it's your time your talent your prayers or your Treasures because taking risk is not just about going for a job it's also about knowing what you know and what you don't know it's about being open to people and to ideas to get something you never had you have to do something you never did because the chances you take the People You Meet the people you love the faith that you have that's what's going to Define [Music] you I found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks nothing Nelson Mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you you're capable of living now I'm sure in your experiences in school and applying to college and picking your major and deciding what you want to do with life I'm sure people have told you to make sure you have something to fall back on make sure you got something to fall back on honey but I never understood that concept having something to fall back on if I'm going to fall I don't want to fall back on anything I want to fall forward I figure at least this way I'll see what I'm going to hit fall forward this is what I mean Reggie Jackson struck out 2600 times in his career the most in the history of baseball but you don't hear about the strikeouts people remember the home runs fall forward Thomas Edison conducted 1,000 failed experiments did you know that I didn't know that because the one 101st was the light bulb fall forward fail big today is the beginning of the rest of your life and it can be be very frightening it's a new world out there it's a mean world out there and you only live once so do what you feel passionate about take chances professionally don't be afraid to go outside the box don't be be afraid to think outside the box don't be afraid to fail big to dream big but remember dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment so have dreams but have goals life goals yearly goals monthly goals daily goals I try to give myself a goal every day sometimes just to not curse somebody out simple goals but have goals and understand that to achieve these goals you must apply discipline and consistency in order to achieve your goals you must apply discipline which you have already done done and consistency every day not just on Tuesday and just a few days you have to work at it hard work works you'll never see a U-Haul behind a Hearst I don't care how much money you make you can't take it with you the Egyptians tried it they got Rob that's all they got you can't take it with you and it's not how much you have it's what you do with what you have we all have different Talent some of you will be doctors some lawyers some scientists some Educators some nurses some preachers the most selfish thing you can do in this world is help someone else why is it selfish because the gratification the goodness that comes to you the good feeling the good feeling that I get from helping other others nothing's better than that well one or two things but nothing's better than that not not jewelry not big house I have not the cars but the the it's the joy that's where the joy is in helping others that's where the success is and anything you want good you can have so claim it work hard to get it when you get it reach back pull someone else up Each one teach [Applause] one remember just because you're doing a lot more doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done remember that just because you're doing a lot more doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done don't confuse movement with progress my mother told me she said yeah cuz you can run in place all the time and never get anywhere so continue to strive continue to have goals continue to [Music] progress when pressure begins to build called life because life is going to bring you ups and downs and mountains and valleys and I'm sure some of you in here your backstory is full of ups and downs and good days bad days I bet some of you in here your backstory is full of a lot more difficulties and some traumas and some things it's hard for others to comprehend and for some of you it hasn't been the roughest or the most difficult but yet still at times you still find this void of you wanting to belong and where do you fit in life is about these ups and these downs and it's about pressure and insecurities and just challenges the challenge for you and me is what will we do with the pressure that we're in will we allow the pressure to bust the pipe or will we step into uncomfortable step into our story and to realize the pressure the challenge the difficult situation if I grab a hold of it and take control of what I can control which is me and my reaction and how I respond that pressure can become something valuable like a diamond the only way you can turn the corner in your life is to own your smack in other words everything in your life is your fault if you don't you will underperform all your life because of these excuses and before you know you would have Justified being average you would have Justified being stuck I want you to look in the mirror your kings and queens today you gr up with nothing and you growing up with without I want you to look in the mirror and I want you to say these words I want you to to say that I am royalty I am more of my generational curses you're going to have to be phenomenal in everything you do because everyone in the world is chasing greatness and what do you do when a man is going 100 mph and you haven't even started the engine yet the best gifts Come From The Bottom I want to give our last name a legacy that will be remembered forever see this type of greatness I'm talking about I'm talking about when I die they can't even fit another body in the church because what I gave the world the one thing that you must understand is that you don't get any doovers once your day ends that's it so what action do you need to commit to taking today how long are we going to talk about it how long are we going to dream about it how long are we going to fantasize about it how long you tell me it takes grit it takes sacrifice it takes time and energy it takes extreme Focus Go Get It Go Get It Go Get It Go get it I want to be that voice to you and stop dreaming and start chasing start pursuing but most importantly you got to become everything I ever dreamed of lives in the sky and I must jump every single day to go reclaim what's mine so I'm challenging you to take action with the resources that you have right now you see many of us believe that just because our father was a drug dealer and our uncle was a drug dealer that that is our life and that is all forever but I want you to know something that is only a lesson to show us to be something more than what they thought we can be you see when a family tree is dying all you have to do is take care of the roots and if the roots is too dead to bring the tree back alive you plant another one too often you have a dream of creating this or getting involved with there but at the end of the day sometimes this fear of will I fail will I be accepted will I make it will I achieve it the challenge is is learning to punch that fear that threshold right in its mouth and I'm not promoting violence but I'm talking about the fear of that voice in the back of your head that makes you think that you can't and you know what maybe you'll make a mistake but you're failing forward the thing that we have to continue to passionately uncompromisingly not give in on is the fact that I'm not staying stagnant I'm moving forward because what I feed will grow and what I star will [Music] die we got a lot of lions out there in those neighborhoods drug dealers Killers whatever you want to call yourself and I want I want you to know King you special you misguided but you special I know you grew up without a father and your mother left you and nobody ever loved you and nobody ever told you you can be anything and you believed but I want to tell you this that you are phenomenal you are a king you come from Royal Blood you stand on on the tip top of pyramids you are royalty King you are a light you are a star the question is do you believe you are and so for me what I caught from my dad when I was a kid it was his coping mechanisms you know like I always say it was the fake face it was the fake smile it was acting like everything's good on the surface but when I was alone and I was looking in the mirror man I was struggling but I was silent I was screaming but I was quiet in that thought pattern pressure begin to bust and break pipes in my life see pressure like I always say it can create diamonds or it can bust a pipe I don't care what your salary is I don't care what the title is dominate where you are right now so you can get in position to get promoted stop justif fine stop making excuses and dominate where you are right now you got to set goals that create pressure stop wasting your time making excuses and blaming other people you need to set goals and pursue them but you got to set goals and create pressure and get some support until you get there and the worst thing you can do is let yourself off the hook and that's what excuses do you let yourself off the hook when you set a goal when you have a dream you have a vision don't you ever let yourself off the hook this means you got to work this mean you have to run when they sleep you got to grind when they woke you got to grind when you do not feel like you and this in all areas in life School sports your religion consistency is the tunnel to Greatness consistency will turn ordinary man into something he never thought he can be you know what my dad would say go get it son go get it be sweet baby be sweet Go Get It Go Get It Be Sweet Baby Go Get It Go Get It Be sweet be sweet baby Go Get It Go Get It Be sweet be sweet baby every time I left the house my mom would say be sweet baby be sweet my dad would say go get it son Go Get It Go Get It son go get it be sweet go get it be sweet go get it be sweet go get it be sweet my family had two core values go get it son be sweet baby let the world know your name king and queen I get it the pain is unbearable you keep playing it back in your head over and over and over you keep trying to see where you went wrong the situation is on repeat people are going to talk anyway so you may as well do what makes you [Music] happy and now some people are going to call you a loser some people are going to make fun of you for failing some people are going to count you out say you will never amount to anything call you weak what you going to do are you going to prove them right or are you going to prove them wrong let them think you're weak stop going back and forth with people who don't deserve your time or your attention if you have been announcing your plans do me a favor stop talking and start showing no need for you to say what you're going to do just do it I learned the hard way that everyone who is around me is not for me because everyone doesn't want the best for me and so I had to learn to keep things to myself until I have already done the work are you going to show them that failure doesn't Define who you are are you going to show them that failure is a necessary lesson on the path to success are you going to show them that you're a beast in this [Music] game what you going to do you got to get hungry you got to get ready it's time to get to work and show them all show them you're a different animal let them [Music] [Music] talk when you're on a mission you don't have time to be fighting meaningless battles you have to be focused you have to be intentional and you can't allow the noise outside to get to you I get it you did everything in your power you still came up short and you feel like you can't take the pain anymore you did everything you could and you still failed you didn't win but that's okay it's okay you didn't walk away with the trophy it's okay that you didn't walk away with your head held high I get it it happens that's life what do you want to be remembered for it's time to get to work so take a moment and take note of who and what you've been giving your energy too everything you do should be on purpose and aligned with your life's goals it's your mindset that will get you to the top but your mindset can also keep you in a cycle of starting but never finishing if you're not careful you will find yourself Talking planning and analyzing but never [Music] executing it's time to get back in the game pick your head up get up let them talk let them think you're weak let them think you'll never succeed their thoughts do not define you that failure doesn't Define you your work ethic does your drive does your tenacity does your relentlessness does winners are takers winners take a hit and get back up you don't have to know exactly how you're going to get what you want you just have to have an inner knowing that you're going to do it that you're going to make it that you're going to cross the finish line so stop talking about who you want to become and become that person now do you realize that you can step into your future self right right now you don't have to procrastinate you don't have to wait until you feel like everything is lining up perfectly growth is supposed to be uncomfortable so stop looking for [Music] Comfort stand up I know what's scary I know what's intimidating I know it's hard but it's time it's time to level up it's time to choose to be great time to choose to be better let's go it's time to win I can recall saying Time After Time why is everything so hard for me from the outside looking in it looked like everyone else was winning with ease but I was bruised I was broken I was burned out but I had it all wrong I make my journey difficult because without even realizing it I expected my journey to be difficult in fact when something came easy for me I was nervous I was nervous because I was not accustomed to winning so easily I was accustomed to struggling I was accustomed to being stressed out and I'm not saying that you won't hit some difficult moments but I am saying that you shouldn't commit to having a difficult life you have to condition your mind to expect your situation to get better and you have to remind yourself that those who are winning are no different from you those who win those who go hard those who Crush their goals have no problem focusing on themselves and what they want many of us have been conditioned to put ourselves last many of us have been taught that it's our duty to make everyone around us happy and what happens is you get so wrapped up and trying to make everyone around you happy and comfortable that you end up losing yourself you end up losing your vision you lose your drive you lose your why and guess what that is not fair to you you deserve to set aside time for yourself you deserve to be able to say know and not feel guilty about it you deserve to be selfish sometimes this is the thing people will sing your Praises until you tell them no don't lose yourself trying to be who everyone else wants you to be don't lose your focus don't stop going hard just because people have something to say about it if you continue to put yourself on the back burner you will have to deal with the consequences of that decision don't keep saying you want something but then when it's time to go after it you've got excuse after excuse if you want it you have to go after it with all you got your job is to show up put in the work and let your results speak for you less talking more results [Music] resultss you really want me on the team what's your approach to recruitment you want first place come play with me you want second place go somewhere else like I I would watch Magic play I'd watch Michael play all the way and I would see them do these unbelievable things and I'd say you know can I get to that level I don't know but let's find out the that's why he's the best player in the game everything was done to try to learn how to become a better basketball player everything everything and so when you have that point of view then literally the world becomes your library to help you to become better at your craft so because you know what you want the world's given you exactly the information you become better at it because you know what you're looking for so many guys tell stories about your work ethic what was really your work ethic like and for how long did you stay disciplined um well I mean I mean every day I mean since you know 20 years it was an everyday process and trying to figure out shrimps and weaknesses for example jumping ability man my vertical was a 40 wasn't a 46 or 40 45 um my hands are big but they're not massive right so you got to figure out ways to strengthen them so your hands are strong enough to be able to Palm a ball and do the things that you need to do uh quickness I was quick but not insanely quick I was fast but not ridiculously fast right so I had to rely on skill a lot more I had to rely on angles a lot more I had to study the game a lot more and uh but I enjoyed it though so like from the time I was I can't remember when I started watching the game I studied the game and it just never changed it's a good separation for me you know emotionally to be able to put myself in a place where at practice or when I'm training or during games I switch my mind to something else I switch my mode into something else right for me it's the equivalent of Maximus desmas Meridius and Gladiator picking up the dirt smelling the dirt it's go time right so that was my mental switch it was like an actor getting ready for a film you got to put yourself in that cage when you're in that cage you are that character then when you leave there it's something completely different but when I'm in that cage bro don't touch me don't talk to me leave me alone how did you get mentally and emotionally so strong where it doesn't bother you well you know it's you got to look at the reality of the situation you know like for me it's not you know you kind of got to get over yourself it's not about you man like okay you feel embarrassed you're not that important like Get over yourself that's where you go get over yourself right like you're worried about how people may perceive you and like you're walking around and it's embarrassing because you shot five airballs get over yourself right and then after that it's okay well why did those airballs happen got got it high school year before we played 35 games Max right week in between spaced out plenty of time to rest and the NBA is back to back to back to back to back to back to back I didn't have the legs so you look at the shot every shot was online every shot was online but every shot was short right I got to get stronger I got to train differently the weight training program that I'm doing I got to tailor it for an 82 Game season so that when the playoffs come around my legs are stronger and that ball gets there so I look at it with rationale and say okay well the reason why I shot air balls cuz my legs aren't there I go well next year they'll be there that was it done done were there some names that you looked at and says these three guys are as crazy as I am I deal I at the time I deal with what I've referred to as Goat Mountain I went to Goat Mountain and I talked to Magic Michael bird Keem malijan Jerry West Oscar Robinson Bill Russell you know so I would talk to them what did you do what were your experiences Michael in particular he's become my big brother he been my big brother since I first came in the league and what was that process like so I went to them and started understanding the ins and outs of the game and you know how they approach things and their level of detail and obsessive and um that's what I did the players that had that passion but weren't willing to commit their entire lives to doing that right it's a choice right you have other things you have family you have all these other things that you have to do the game can't really be your number one priority and so I just looking at that like man I'm this is going to be fun if if I'm buddies with you from high school if I'm a cousin of yours what happened to our relationship how how did that gravitate when you went into the league and you're you're determined to become the greatest or you're determined to become one of the greatest what happens to our relationship oh It suffers it does suffer oh yeah okay yeah you understood that you were okay with that well yeah and the people that love you like friends and family like they know that about you got it so they let you be you and when you reconvene you know you pick back up where you left off but make no mistake about it everything in between is lost right so those long-term relationships the commitment of time of uh you know uh taking vac like I see a lot of players take vacations with other players that are close friends and oh just take vacations just to take vacations or just hang out just to hang out like I I'm not I never did that Cho why go why why why didn't you do that well because when I retired I didn't want to have to say say I wish I would have done more I don't want that you know I don't want [Music] that you know you got a lot of people playing their hard earn money to come watch you perform perform perform it's your job to be in shape it's your job to be strong enough to perform at that level every single night and as a competitor I'm not I'm not ducking sh like it's not oh my God my back hurts I'm so or we got to play Vince Carter and Toronto Raptors tonight we actually had this happen we had a game against Toronto in 2000 um and Vince was tearing the league up um my back was jacked jacked but like the perception of that like what Kobe's missing a game against Toronto and Vince Carter because man my back was really spazzing me but people will be like what oh he's ducking Vince excuse me no I don't think so so I would be in a layup line like okay there's a lot of days where you know you can rest and recover today ain't one of them your back can bother you any other day that ain't bothering me today we going he going to have to see me today yeah am man yeah if you're looking at a big Investments you got to make what is the decision-making process there do you call is there first you do your own research you take this much time you call on advisor is there is there a system you follow it's pretty pretty simple for me it's it's do you understand the business is it a business that you can help in some form of fashion whether the barriers an entry to that business and then the entrepreneurs themselves the company itself right do they have a culture that you believe is sustainable are these leaders people that you believe in are they people that are obsessives and in turn have they created a culture of obsessiveness so I tend to look at those those four factors and that's it that's that's big right there by the way I don't know if you guys caught that right there that's pretty massive right there um same determination what's your current work schedule look like today it's it's uh it's different because I personally am not writing every word of the novels I am not animating the films what I have to do now is make sure that the people that we bring in these obsessives that we bring in are challenging themselves to do the best job that they think they can do that's what I'm there for is for them to constantly look in the mirror and self-assess and challenge themselves if we have a project and you're saying okay I can do that that's not the project we want the projects that say I don't know if I can animate that I don't know how to write that story I I don't know how to do that those are the things we want because through that Curiosity you'll reach a level that you didn't think was possible and so running the studio that's what I'm doing you're playing against the Golden State Warriors score is 107 109 you guys are close to getting into the playoffs you know exactly what happens in the game you go up you're about to take your shot and then all of a sudden boom Achilles happens right he went and hit the free throws and then you walked off the stage yeah and you got the surgery gu when I I went in the trainer room my kids are in there and you know they're looking at you and stuff and I'm looking at them and I'm like you know it's all right dad's going to be all right it'll be fine it'll be all right it'll be all right it'll be all right as a parent you got to set the example you got to set the example this this this is another obstacle this obstacle cannot Define me it's not going to me it's not going to be responsible for me stepping away for the game that I love I'm going to step away on my own terms and that's when the decision was made that you know what I'm doing it doing it freaking be don't tell me you want it show me you want it are you willing to put in that time [Music] are you willing to study film are you willing to run those Sprints all the way through not halfway you see the game of football was created in the realm of Gladiators it was a Arena of barbaric people chanting for the warrior who kills the most you see football comes from the same bloodline of Gladiators and when you step into that Arena oh it takes a special man to step into that Arena because when you step into that Arena you don't know if you're going to walk [Music] out you don't know if you will live after these 60 [Music] minutes but that's what makes you special that's what separates you from the normal from the [Music] mediocre young king you got to display something that you already know you have in you and that's the will to win that's the will to be [Music] unselfish because football takes a certain mentality to play [Music] it there's no better feeling in the world than smelling those hot dogs and hearing that band on Friday night there's no feeling better in the world and walking out on Saturday with all your friends and family watching see what you do all off [Music] seon is what your season will be and once you understand that King this game is not for nice people some play the [Music] game to just see the crowd and others play it to make their bloodline proud to take Mama out the projects and put sister in college to dress their mother up and give her the world to one day stand outside of a beautiful home and say this belongs to you Mama I ran those Sprints I ran those heels I broke my arm for you Mom I kept running when I was bleeding for you [Music] Mama see Mama this game yes is dangerous but it teaches us how to be a man it teaches us responsibility it teaches us to go to class because without it we can't do what we love and that's play the game of football [Music] believe that you have enough take all that pain that you felt your entire life and right now I'm talking to one of you seniors before you step on that field take yourself back to that dark place that place where you had no hope and I want you to remember how far you came and when you step on that field Saturday a Friday night you look your teammates in the eyes and you tell them we didn't come this far to only come this far [Music] War [Music] [Music]
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 462,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, motivational, best motivational speech, speech, best motivational video, powerful motivational speech, success, motiversity, motivation compilation, The Most Powerful Motivational Speech Compilation for Success, motivation for success, motivation for working out, work out, go hard, mindset motivation, 2024 mindset, 2024 motivation, dominate 2024, 2024, new year motivation, 2024 dominate compilation, best new year compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 15sec (3795 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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