INSANE Truth of Welkin Moon | Genshin Impact Theory

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For many of us, the Blessing of the Welkin Moon is a simple reward mechanic relating Primogems. But whether you believe it or not, the Welkin Moon Lady actually exists, and we’ve already seen her inside the game. She is not only a real being but holds the biggest secrets to the entire story and concepts of Genshin Impact. Simply put, a god that hold the key to understanding the “Truth” of the world in the game. So, who is the Welkin Moon Lady? And why is she so important to the story? For us to unveil the biggest secrets hidden behind of the Welkin Moon, first, we need to learn about the story behind the Three Moon Sisters. Thousands of years ago, before the inception of the world of Teyvat that we see today, there were Three Moon Sisters: Aria, Sonnet, and Canon. They would take turns traveling across the sky to oversee the world below from their Moon Palace. But after a catastrophic event that signaled the end of the Seelie Civilization, for reasons unknown, the Three Moon Sisters began to wage war against one another. Ultimately succumbing to the cycle of life and facing their end. And the story that was passed down to Teyvat describes that the moon that we see today is the remains of one of its sisters. Well, at least that’s how the fairy tale goes. Because I always wondered about something quite peculiar. If the Moon Sisters were celestial beings... Did they really perish? Or are they still alive? You see, the effects of the Blessing of the Welkin Moon continue to persist within the timeline of Teyvat. And while we can brush this off as a simple game mechanic that has nothing to do with the story, it’s quite strange that of all things, they choose the name "Welkin Moon." And we know that the moon has been a recurring concept throughout the story. And of course, HoYoverse is notorious for making sure everything is connected to the lore. So, out of my unending curiosity, I began my search for the possible locations of the three moons. If the tales behind the Three Moon Sisters were true, that means that there should be three moons that exist within the world of Genshin Impact. And because the Welkin Moon was the centerpiece that triggered my curiosity, let’s see what happens when we begin to decipher the meaning behind the Welkin Moon. “Welkin” means the Sky or Heaven. Which means, the “Welkin Moon” is the Sky Moon or Heavenly Moon. With this in mind, we already know the location of the first moon: The skies of Teyvat. But what’s interesting is that the moon that we see from Teyvat crosses paths with Celestia at night. Which is very intriguing, because the moon that we see during the login screen also only appears at night. And if the intro screen of the game is indeed Celestia, judging from the hints within the intro cinematics, it’s very possible that these two moons are one of the same. Following the definition of "Welkin" that represents both Sky and Heaven. And if we take things one step further, the song that’s being played during the login screen is called “Dream Aria.” One of the names of the moon sisters. Which could mean that the Welkin Moon’s real name and identity is Aria. If this is true, then locating the second moon is extremely easy, because of the existence of the Blessing of the Welkin Moon. If you’ve been playing the game for a while, you might have already guessed the possible location of the second moon. The Spiral Abyss. Coincidentally, within the Spiral Abyss we have what’s known as the Blessing of the Abyssal Moon. In a simple explanation, it’s very possible that the moon of the overworld and the moon within the underworld are related to one another, perhaps being two sisters. Now, if we follow this logic, then there should be another “Blessing” that points us to the third moon. But here’s where things get complicated. Because the hints regarding the final blessing seem to be scattered everywhere. From the very beginning of the game, we were introduced to a quest called the “Blessing of the Seven.” Obviously hinting to the Archons. Then during the Chasm, we receive an item called the “Blessing of Wisdom,” which is connected to purification, and then in Inazuma, we learn the existence of Anahitian Blessing from one of the NPC’s. While these “Blessings” may seem very random and unrelated, the core entity that links them all is the Dendro Archon herself. But what’s funny about this is the fact that Nahida and Rukkhadevata are both elves. And lately we’ve been getting more details about the Elves from the story. We know that Alice can transcend physical limitations. Calling forth objects from different dimensions or beyond this world. Then we have Layla, who speaks of the “Stars’ Blessing” that is linked to the concepts of consciousness and dreams. Which are also beyond this physical world. If the Stars’ Blessing is the real deal, things get very interesting because we now have the Blessing of the Welkin Moon of the Overworld, Blessing of the Abyssal Moon of the Underworld, and the Blessing of the Stars that exists beyond reality. Maybe there’s a reason why when we wish on character, their constellations or “Stars” are seeming entering this world from beyond the skies from our imaginations. Honestly, I wouldn’t even be shocked at this point, because… it’s HoYoverse… Now, while this may sound like a longshot, if we think about the possibility that the final moon is not within the physical realm, finding its location might be easier than what we initially thought. You see, ever since the release of Inazuma, we were already hinted on the location of the final moon during the cutscene of Ei’s Plain of Euthymia. Without a doubt, there’s a moon that resides inside her consciousness, separated from the physical realm. Then, during the Archon Quest of Sumeru, we see yet another moon within the Irminsul which was the consciousness of Rukkhadevata’s memories, which is also detached from the physical world. While this is indeed nothing but a speculation, if we consider the idea that the final moon is not within the physical realm, it could also explain why there’s a moon that exists within the Serenitea Pot because it’s a subspace creation made by the Adeptus. But let’s take a step back and think about what this final moon really represents. It not only exists within the concepts of imaginary space, but also linked to the ideas of dreams, consciousness, and memories, which all goes back to the entire story of Sumeru and Nahida. But of course, it’s difficult to measure how true these connections are. But once I went back to the names of the Three Moon Sisters, things became very interesting. If we look up the definition of Aria, it means a self-contained piece of music for one voice. Which is very fitting for the song being played during the login screen. Now, for the sake of this video, let’s say that the Welkin Moon’s name is Aria as we discussed previously. This gives us a very interesting clue, because of the way that the Blessing of the Welkin Moon operates. This blessing rewards the players over a 30-day period and the reason why this is so important is because the Abyssal Moon, which we already speculated as one of the moon sisters, works very similarly , but with few minor differences. Just like the Welkin Moon, the Spiral Abyss is connected to treasure. But the Spiral Abyss operates on a 15-day cycle that repeats itself within the 30-days. Think of it as an endless cycle of Samsara or the unending repetition of the beginning and the end. Which is very funny because once we look up the meaning of Canon, it’s defined as a mimicry, imitation, or repetition during a specific duration, Which emphasizes the possibility that the Abyssal Moon’s real identity is Canon. Next, we have Sonnet. Sonnet means poetry, folklore, or basically stories in a form of literature. And if the final moon is related to Nahida as we mentioned previously, it makes sense since we’ve already seen her recount the stories of the past through fairy tales and allegories. But there is something strange about Sonnet. And that’s because when it comes to poetry and stories, it also represents Venti. Why? What’s really weird about Venti is that, not only is he related to Sonnet because of stories and poetry, but if we think outside of the box for a moment, he’s really related to all three moons. Let’s say for instance that the Abyssal Moon symbolizes Samsara. The cycle of the unending beginning and the end. With that in mind, if we go back to Mondstadt, not only was it the starting point of our journey, but I have a weird suspicion that it’s also where the story will end, because Venti’s statue in Mondstadt seems to say that it’s the Gateway of Celestia. (Backwards) Not to mention Venti’s suspicious dialogue claiming that he remembers us from the past, but weirdly, we have no recollections of it whatsoever. Which is also quite strange since we know that the Traveler is unaffected by the changes in the Irminsul. Maybe there’s something much bigger that connects Venti, Samsara, Abyssal Moon, and the Traveler siblings from hundreds of years ago. As for the Moon Sonnet, we’ve already established that poetry, stories, and fairytales are linked with both Nahida and Venti, which is self-explanatory. And of all things, if we go back to Aria, Aria also means air. Which is clearly a reflection of Venti. So, why is Venti the centerpiece in all this? Honestly, I have no idea. But if the Welkin Moon Lady is Aria, and connected to Venti, then her real identity might be pretty easy to explain. I’m sure that many of us already know that the God of Wind is linked with the God of Time, Istaroth. But I also understand that it’s unrealistic for me to claim that the Welkin Moon Lady is Istaroth, simply because of her connection with the Anemo Archon. But there’s one God that links everything together. The Statue of the Omnipresent God. You see, once we break everything down, we can clearly see that the Welkin Moon Lady, the Omnipresent God, and the God of Time, Istaroth were the same person from the very beginning. The Statue of the Omnipresent God was heavily inspired by a deity known as Guanyin who was also known to be a Goddess of Compassion. And she helped humans in reaching enlightenment by staying behind in the human realm. With that in mind, from the book ‘Before Sun and Moon,’ it’s heavily implied that Istaroth was the only shade of the Primordial One that also stayed behind in the human realm. If the Welkin Moon Lady is Aria. The Moon that only resides within the human world, it makes a lot of sense considering that the Omnipresent God, Istaroth, and Moon Aria are all linked to the overworld. Now, there’s also another reason why I believe they’re all connected. If we think about what Primogems are, they’re basically purity of light that encompasses all different spectrum of colors. In similar fashion, when we go back to the story in Inazuma, Ei inlays Visions or the different elemental colors to achieve her “Eternal Statis” through the Statue of the Omnipresent God. And of course, the entire story of Enkanomiya and Istaroth heavily focuses on the ideas of light as well. It’s also worth noting that the amulet worn by the Statue of the Omnipresent God’s mirrors the Eye of the Storm, which is again connected to the element of Wind. But what’s surprising is that there’s yet another hint that links everything together and also helps us identify the four shades of the Primordial One. It's not crazy to say that the Welkin Moon Lady and the Statue of the Omnipresent God looks very similar to one another. And if they’re synonymous with Istaroth that means the God of Time could also have fair skin and white hair, just like the Welkin Moon. The reason why this is so crucial is because, if this is true then pinpointing exactly who the four shades of the Primordial One are becomes very simple. As I mentioned in my previous video, there’s a possibility that the four shades could have similar appearances and traits and that their identities are hinted through the artifacts in the game. So, let’s see what happens if we lay out everything we discussed so far. The story of the Three Moon Sisters also relates to the Seelie Race. And from the book ‘A Drunkard’s Tale’ we learn that before their downfall, Seelies were known to have slender fingers and ashen white skin. And from the book ‘Before Sun and Moon’, it’s implied that the Seelies’ helped bring life to the human realm, alongside the Primordial One. This means that as the first shade of the Primordial One, the Seelies represent "Life" itself. This becomes quite obvious since we learned that the Goddess of Flowers in Sumeru also is a descendant of the Seelie Race. And of course, the first shade is symbolized by the Flower of Life. Next, we have the God of Time, Istaroth. If she’s indeed the Welkin Moon Lady that exhibits the slender fingers and pale skin similar to the description of the Seelies, it would make sense that they are related to one another and that the Seelies and the Three Moons were all from the same source. Which would mean that the four shades of the Primordial One are in fact represented by the Seelies and the Three Moon Sisters. And for Istaroth, it’s pretty obvious, since it was heavily implied within the book ‘Before Sun and Moon.’ And without much effort, we can link her to the artifacts of the Sands of Time. Now, going back to appearances for a moment, it’s important for us to note that the Welkin Moon Lady also has white hair, which is essential in breaking down the identity of the next shade. We’ve speculated that Moon Sonnet relates to the concepts of subspace. A completely different dimension that exists within one’s consciousness, dreams, and imagination. And as we previously discussed, Nahida or pure breed Elves, fits the characteristics of white skin and white hair as well. Which is very unsurprising, because we’ve seen Nahida referring to herself as the Moon on numerous occasions. Which would mean that it’s entirely possible for the ancestors of Elves to be related to one of the four shades. And that’s very fitting because of the connection with consciousness or dreams, associated with a different space of dimension that aligns itself with the Cup of Emptiness and Space within the artifacts. Then, we have the Abyssal Moon Canon of the underworld. Unfortunately, I have no idea who this is. It could be Paimon or the Sustainer. But whoever it is, they’ll probably have similar features like white hair and pale skin, and represent the artifact of Plume of Death. With all that said, why does this matter? And why is the Welkin Moon so important? The biggest question we have yet to answer in the game of Genshin Impact is the “Truth.” What is the truth? If we breakdown the history of the world, we can notice an overarching message that’s repeated: The “Beginning,” the “Preservation,” and the “Destruction,” that is unwavering with the passage of “Time.” This cycle is the rule that governs the world of Genshin Impact, and we’ve seen this happen on multiple occasions. The tales of the Seelie Race and the Three Moons Sisters. The history behind the Goddess of Flowers, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, and King Deshret. And of course, the destruction of Khaenri'ah. This repetition of life and destruction will likely continue. But the saving grace is that Time and Wind are interconnected. Which means that although time continues to move forward in this Samsara, the history is retained through the stories brought by the Wind. Which makes the Traveler extremely important. Since it's our job is to basically learn the past and break this Samsara that’s predetermined by fate. And the biggest hint comes from the Welkin Moon and the Anemo Archon. Now, there are few things we have yet to discuss like why does Paimon and the Sustainer also have white hair and pale skin and why haven’t I addressed the final artifact, the Circlet of Logos? If you’re interested, make sure to click on the video on the screen to understand how Paimon is connected to everything. And if you enjoyed this video, make sure to hit the like and subscribe, and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Thank you for watching! and I’ll see you, next time!
Channel: IslandXD
Views: 233,136
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Keywords: Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Theory, Genshin Impact Lore, Genshin Impact Speculations, Genshin, Genshin Theory, Genshin Impact Istaroth, Genshin Impact Welkin, Genshin Istaroth, genshin impact welkin moon, genshin welkin moon, welkin moon lady, welkin moon, genshin 3 moons, genshin 3 moon sisters, genshin god of time, who is the welkin moon, who is the welkin moon girl, islandxd, genshin secrets, paimon, archon quest, caribert, dainsleif, genshin who is he, genshin 3.5
Id: ABtpdaXk6as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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