Paimon's Truth - Is Paimon Lying About Her Past? | Genshin Impact Theory

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welcome to Teyvat historia feels like forever  since I was last able to present any kind of   potential huge lore Revelation to everyone but  after completing the archon questline king deshret   and the three Magi and then taking the time to  consider all that had occurred there was one   detail that really stood Above the Rest maybe my  conclusion will be obvious to you perhaps even too   obvious but that's what makes it inescapable and  if true may even lend a bit of credibility to my   previous theory about our flying companions past  I'll explain what I mean later but I believe it   can even allow us to answer the long-standing  question is Paimon hiding her past from us because I'm quite sure many of you already have a  good idea of what moment from the quest line I've   been alluding to I'm going to jump straight in  here near the conclusion of King Deshret written   the three Magi we were given the rather surprising  Revelation that nahida the archon known as lesser   Lord kusanali is and always has been greater Lord  Rukadevatta despite the fact that the ancient   priest's final message was intended to ensure  that the people of sumeru never forget that King   Deseret and Rukadevatta were both benevolent and  pure in their ruling and worked together in their   efforts to purge the world of the threat which  was born from The Forbidden Knowledge their deeds   were forgotten nonetheless this is something I'm  quite certain we can thank the sages of sumeru's   Academia for but it also meant that the people of  sumeru and teyvat as a whole would never know or   understand the sacrifices made by King Deshret  and Rukadevatta leaving desheret's Legacy to   be disgracefully disparaged by the Academia  and as Rukadevatta now kusanali was left with   no memories of her former self her Legacy has  since been ironically used to marginalize her   younger weaker form leaving the sages the golden  opportunity of painting her is a pitiable in Weak   archon not worthy of her people's admiration this  effect has taken its toll on nahida as she today   lives in the shadow of her own greatness without  even knowing it it's Rukadevatta's transformation   that I believe is the key detail here the lore  editions since sumeru's release has established   the idea that the aranara who call themselves The  Children of Rukadevatta can give up their memories   or even their entire being to unleash great power  in Rukadevatta's case she traded her memories in a   significant portion of her life force to help King  deshret save his people from destruction 500 years   ago leaving the archon in the form of a child  with seemingly no memories remaining of her former   life or abilities nahida thanks to her still  ongoing imprisonment has since only regained a   small portion of her past power and still seems to  know nothing of her past and it's this concept of   trading power against the self that has appeared  several times in sumeru thus far the seems too   important to overlook when considering the form  and circumstances of our own traveling companion   pymon this ability to trade memories  and life force for power exists as   another instance of chekhov's gun you  don't establish a power so influential   such that it can completely extinguish  the greatness of an archon for no reason   it now seems very likely that Paimon too once held  a greater form perhaps as the often forgotten or   easily dismissed as myth god of time said to have  once existed within the lands of mondstadt but   with no proof of her power set ever seen aside  from the antidotal we cannot yet say for certain   that this title once belonged to Paimon but as I  theorized in the past we did find her suspiciously   close to the altar in the ocean which contains  the story in sundials of that mythical god we still don't know much about why Paimon ended  up in the water to begin with we are likely to   continue to be left in the dark on that for some  time it now seems more likely that Paimon was   at one point a much more influential and  or powerful being in Teyvat with her own   memories powers and Legacy having been lost  in a manner similar to that of Rukadevatta   but that begs the question for what cause  and when would Paimon have done this? did she   also exchange her power and memories to Halt  the tide of the cataclysm's darkness was she   perhaps in some way involved in the events aiding  Rukadevatta and king Deshret for now we don't know   it's important to point out that with regard to  the Aranara we saw them give up their memories   to unleash deadly force but when giving up their  life force they became something else entirely   which is not quite true in Rukadevatta's case  she instead became a younger version of herself   leaving the door open for the potential of an  external factor that allowed the sands of time   to flow backwards in exchange for the power needed  to expel great evil but who can control the flow   of time who could split the load of this sacrifice  and redistribute its effects in such a way that no   further death would be needed I think the  answer to that question has been floating   around us from day one this may have been done in  an unseen fashion which could be what resulted in   not even the ancient priests and Protectors of the  altars from knowing the ultimate truth that spared   the Dendro archon from being completely lost in  her moment of sacrifice or perhaps it was Kairos   that intervened but I'm still not convinced  that pymon isn't in some way related to the   last known remaining shade afanez who hasn't been  seen since before the people of Enkanomiya rose   back to the surface and founded Watatsumi maybe  this theory that Paimon circumstances are similar   to Rukadevattas is far-fetched or maybe it's  one of those things that's just crazy enough   to be true even the traveler upon learning the  reality of Rukadevatta's past seemed to subtly   clock the similarities between Paimon and nahida  or at least that's how I interpreted that moment   Paimon is of course one of the characters who  shares naming inspiration with the other archons   who've had their names plucked from the pages  of the Ars Goetia but that isn't necessarily an   exclusive list we've yet to learn what nahida's  name was when she held the form of Greater Lord   Rukadevatta leaving her suspiciously absent for  now from the ranks of all the current living   archons who do share names from those texts and  there is another exception that exists as one of   mondstadt's own Vision holders the adventurers  Guild's Fischl shares the name Amy with one of   the Demons from the Ars Goetia as well in the  end it's certainly possible this is nothing and   myself and others who can't shake this obvious  comparison are making too much of Rukadevatta's   transformation maybe Paimon is something else  altogether and all of this is just a frantic   attempt to make sense of the unknown events  given limited evidence but much of this seems   to support my previous Theory regarding Paimon  potential past and stands as a solid reason for   why the god of time is no longer known and it  also answers why Paimon would appear to have no   memory of her past in confirming that she is not  hiding anything from us at least not intentionally   what do you think do you think paimon's diminutive  stature can be explained in a way similar to that   of Rukadevatta if so do you think that she was  involved in those events or do you think her   transformation occurred separately after all I  think it's important to consider the fact that we   know nothing of the circumstances that ultimately  brought a Victorious conclusion to the cataclysm   and that's it for this video If you enjoyed  it please support What I Do by leaving a like   subscribe and hit the Bell icon so that you are  notified when my next video goes live such small   actions may seem insignificant in the moment but  they help Drive growth in recommendations of my   content to new viewers two years ago I created  this channel to be a beacon of positivity for   the gentian community a place where you can go  and feel safe that this world that we've come   to love won't be disparaged unnecessarily by a  Creator who's more invested and interested in   views than the quality of the content that they  share a channel that isn't a hive of toxicity   wherein hate Stands Tall and loud over everything  else I think I've succeeded in that regard help   me show YouTube that you agree thanks for watching  Teyvat Historia May the seven guide you Travelers
Channel: Teyvat Historia
Views: 75,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Lore, Genshin Impact Story, Teyvat Historia, Genshin Impact Theory, Theory Genshin Impact, Nahida, Dendro Archon, Sumeru, Rukadevatta, Greater Lord Rukadevatta, Dottore, Scaramouche, Genshin Impact 3.2, Paimon Theory, Paimon, God of Time
Id: BXN4iBxbWW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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