3 Safes FOUND! 2/3 OPENED BY FORCE! Abandoned Storage Unit Auction!

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[Music] yeah I know leave down the comment I don't have a knife and I should keep it [Music] mm-hmm please be more Native American stuff please be more Native American stuff [Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome to another episode of Grimes find the $1700 unit Edition this is episode four and it's getting crazy because in episode three we just found this yeah right we did was just hiding back in the corner look it's definitely older if you want to find out more about it go back to last night's video and check this baby out so it's definitely older we're gonna start off real quick I did find this laying around we're gonna look at these and then if you see from the last video I had everything over here that we've unboxed so we still have a box all of this going forward so let's check out these look these are just lighters lived modern for less with gas first go okay so these are all a company okay so these were all for a company I guess they had these made probably to give out to their good customers or something like that so those are cool not a big company well-known but still a little cool advertising piece right all right so let's set those aside let's put the GU in don't worry I already checked it it is safe is good holy cow alright so here's the next box we're gonna start here we're gonna go this way see how far we got in again we still got all this to go through this says bedroom ona it says bedroom sheets and I'm not trusting that are you trusting that hmm it doesn't sound like sheets to me anything else was written on it wow this is a storage kitchen and it sounds more like kitchen would be kitchen but where's that is it a mixer hey that's a mixer I'm excited about this box this mixer Sunbeam but that is that nice old Sunbeam some kind of pressure cooker no that's a big old crock pot right that it's like pristine all right yeah let's put that in there all right hey so let me get this and put it back in a good spot and we'll grab another box bring it over we'll be right back leaving episode 1 I ripped a hole in the side of it because I was excited right then I decided to slow down so I got a little out of control at first if you saw and what two videos ago all the Star Wars they're original Star Wars figures we found we found a real rare one in there so go check that out Star Wars Lego that's cool Kaden one of the team time Hayden does oh look iOS Teen Titans go look there's Robin here's Raven cyborg kt1 love that the trash packs all right look down here is some kind of truck with the so maybe these were just for a while maybe maybe dump truck HD 1200 M there's the brand on it if you don't want to look that up let us know what you think what it's worth I'm gonna assume it's in there I'm not gonna open what's that go to I see [Music] so not sure what that is but look looks like that's the rest of it down here so that's a good point box this is very nostalgic my son loves team ties to go we watch this around our house all the freakin time so pretty cool look at these two loosey-goosey the Simpson it's like the rubber Simpsons these are from 2002 but look we got the whole family we got Marge Homer Bart first Lisa Lisa and Star Wars figures these are definitely newer these are not the 70s and 80s that we found last time so anyway guys give us a minute we're gonna grab another box let me get this put up and I'll be right back fragile it says decorative glassware art I like art glass right we already found some good art glass this is not oh my gosh I had this game I don't know if this is the original version I had this game you'll all right let's see this looks newer I don't know to me oh look Hasbro Australia okay so this is a repopulate crossfire remember the commercial the cheesy oh yeah you can tell this is in there because look at what they're wearing the haircuts because if you go find the original one of this I sure that the clothing and the haircuts is all different but very cool you know that is I pity the fool right right all right so look look down here we got was this towel Oh South Park work what's it say try me I talk Magic the Gathering here's more that Trash Pack stuff I'm not real familiar with this but I'm assuming that might be what those are [Music] more South Park [Music] all right look down here so it looks like they kept this stuff together some Angry Bird stuff this looks older snap together T 57 t-bird okay we got some minecraft stuff that's like a McDonald's toy anything here some more cars dump trucks Hot Wheels stuff like that but that's a pretty cool box right good syllables crossfire man that have been the original so hey check it out let's go for another box so let me get this put back up again and we'll be right back alright so this one says winter clothing but it says Henry's decor I'm going with Ender's decor right that was like yeah I know leave down the comment I don't have a knife and I should keep an eye mm-hmm please be more Native American stuff please be more Native American stuff oh ho massive Pez Darth Vader alright dark now it's just getting creepy can you turn off that's a killer mask y'all does it work oh that's cool y'all that's like feels quality it's not like yeah all the electronics and the thing you talk into think for your nose so that's a pretty quality mask okay look we went from Star Wars to seashells all right that's a lot all right let's see what we got wait hold on okay so check this out warned we have that that cover for that go-cart we have it it's in one of the boxes I saw it that's that thing that piece of metal and that's what I thought it was gonna be there's nothing grand national eighty-seven so I guess he was some kind of go-kart champion y'all I've never had a go-kart champion that's cool turn the Jedi 1993 booth some kind of like it looks like a kind of like hologram ish mmm-hmm oh look it's not in there that's why we're keeping all the paperwork guys because things like this you can find it that's pretty cool the balance which all are you doing which all there's coins in there 1997 yeah there's quarters in there that's pretty cool no that's not elastic that's not plastic that's ceramic Star Wars Chewie 1977 that's when the movie came I've never seen one of these okay we're gonna be real careful with this y'all this thing is pristine look no chips dings or scratches on top okay it's a repot mmm-hmm right it's got a barcode so it's not Oh move be careful selection says clay art back here okay there's something special about that plate I want to be ginger way so like this is 2015 but it's a wind-up there is all right dig around again plate Oh all right so for right now it feels like that is all but how cool is that no look recap Star Wars pop - sorry pop Sinclair song but still cool this is might be the piece of the frickin box 1977 that is a beautiful mug I'm gonna put that right there and this little piece right here we don't know much about it but we're missing some kind of coa or information about so we'll try to find that other than that guys let me pack this back up get it into a safe place and we'll be right back okay newspaper this was on below the star [Music] more yay this might be a lot of money off if this isn't a repot look at the weeding on that that's amazing this is a traditional Zulu basket okay this basket has been woven by Bonjean GU Mead code something okay so this was hand-woven and it's a Zulu basket a traditional Zulu basket wait wait nationality is really African I'm a African by no means in my expert metal eye babe that's put there to protect that eye thing right oh no look it might have cracked at one point they put this on here maybe no cuz this is on here yeah no it's part of the decoration of it okay there's the inside of it y'all what African artifacts okay so here's a gourd that's pretty cool gourd art assigned you can tell where they just dug into the gore to make this beautiful design for a minute that light was down there like that look like a big ol you know what why my whisper Natori look that is not a perfect circle that did not come out of a machine oh look it's signed something ae OMA what gotta be careful with this stuff huh we're taking this box too old age look at that that's like some kind of fertility [Music] Wow I gotta find somewhere safe to set this up again like some kind of fertility thing she's pregnant there's the back of it look at the hair oh that's cool what if you hang it up you can't see that that's why goes on the stand this is what this was on look add an acrylic stand for it hey this is me that's what you would look like okay I'm trying to be real careful cuz I feel more of this stuff that matches that other one whatever this is pretty heavy that's interesting huh it's got a carved signature in it that's wild I have to research that it's not okay same person mm-hmm one more thing in here look at this what is this some kind of canister okay it's wood it's carved wood that's a solid piece of carved wood yawl look that's where it was spun off probably I don't know how they get all that wood out of there but it's pretty deep back in there that's pretty cool huh okay so hey killer y'all okay so here's the dang deal let me carefully put all this stuff back in here and then we will grab another box and we'll be right back all right guys here's another one it says decor pumpkins more African decor man three boxes in a row it would be normally by this unit has been at least even the papers and stuff has been cleaned all's I see is stands see this [Music] pretty cool though oh this is toys all right yeah it's Toy Story [Music] I'm afraid the strings yeah doesn't it light up some different colors huh you got the one that lights up in different colors like a homemade diorama so my oh like a lego person flooded look at that that is killed a dozen LED lights aren't they huh are they that'd be too cool if the Lightning was LED that's cotton balls that's cool I'm selling that look there's corn flakes everything floating around the water that's cool man very creative person okay so we'll put that back in there all right I don't feel anything else in here all right guys so let me I don't know what that is it's a hey let me put this up man grab another box be right back all right guys come back so what am i show them is this one says decor so I'm gonna go with this box up top and said of going straight back down because look this looks like Records this box these are this whole stack is extremely heavy so these are all records I don't know how valuable deejay records are the kinds that they use I'm hoping that it's the more valuable to kid labs [Music] okay these are all books it looks like Star Wars books oops lifter skates more Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars dark out so this is bollocks isn't fantastic beasts okay I'm not gonna pack all this oh that's multiple games Chinese checkers and a fancy cake and Star Wars yeah I can definitely look down here it's dr. Seuss and stuff like that down at the bottom just make sure it's gonna be some kind of game records we know he was a DJ right right we think so hey brah please be like the cream cuz right he had expensive stuff yeah if one of these boxes could be just worth like earth life just rare records look at these okay so I'm guessing these are not all DJ records because look at the age of them mm-hmm right could be but like the ones we saw that like look like special mixes maybe a special DJ mixes so let's just grab a handful out let's look yep okay I'm not gonna be real familiar with a lot of these so I'm just gonna kind of show you right here go right here babe Oh Donna summers okay so we're gonna have good music guys we're not yes look we're getting in I know some Madonna albums can be worth some money who's that controlled by what hatred I can't read this guess I could put them on okay so what there's a bunch of like Oh Stevie Wonder oh yeah look you have a big glare right there do i okay so let's try that let's just Def Leppard hmm that could be worth some money old ladies Rock is worth money off ultra vivid scene okay treasure the something twins okay I'm gonna do what I do at Goodwill you got to get just enough out of the little box section right mm-hmm to be able to thumb through it like this so you can maybe come around here baby and we can probably look in the box I'll take some of these out and we'll just chop them thrown with them oh look there's gonna be records oh those future sound pretty well too cockadoodledoo and Mother Goose - hey oh look we got Disney oh it's a small world okay more Disney songs for better hey what's that say angels animals animals yeah hey I got a call Brian he might make me a good deal on all these mm-hmm the gingerbread man whoa little 45 just fell out of there y'all Oh Annie they drew on this one Footloose yeah this green stuff is good you need deodorant alright let's look at you can you see in here yeah go right here they look in the box let's see if we can come through some of these and spot anything that we might recognize rhythm rhythm invention that's a stress they write that for me junior boys own night grooves these red ones man I need to find some old like 80 or 80s like rap that's that might be some good money maybe and might just be more nostalgic for me hard hands this looks like more DJ stuff kind of mixed stuff maybe auto repeat DJ name was say Kenny Larkin okay alright guys so Dan strain okay so here this do I want to look into another box of records that I'm actually pretty excited about this cuz he might have some killer ones in here like Peter Pan mm-hmm what's this a party - party time party time alright let me put these back up I'm gonna grab another box of Records and we'll be right back looks like there might be three four or five boxes of Records over there so killer let this all be like I love how all these surf detectives they cared about their records let's see where we go let's just grab a stack goes all right so there's that okay I'm just gonna kind of go slow guys what does it say twist machine gun the genetic terrorists that's interesting okay some of these might be worth a ton I just don't know it robotic Oh something like the the world of baby Ford the Ford's meat beat mm esto all right these so these are these are a lot of stuff I don't know which again baby Ford does not mean that I that it's not worth anything let's try to see if when you look in here babe from this side they'll just try to sleep with thumb through here maybe see something we know naked music this weird whoa it's really a naked chick on that some weird stuff Amy that's weird - hey I'm glad I chose to go this way cuz I got all kinds of funky art on these alright so see we got here Columbia what's this a wink yeah this is a lot of music I don't know guys DJ a lot of these are saying DJ Bryan's gonna know this stuff I can have Brian look at this stuff but obviously I'm gonna look it up for my own self to Jive scratch tracks okay got the Chemical Brothers that might be worth some money super it's got a skate on it records are you nervous New York junk science deep-dish got called Gerald limited edition bonus 12-inch so anyway for this video Oh over 3000 3000 lis cannoli all right guys so here's the dang deal we have videos made through Monday so we're gonna get this stuff in here why cuz it's Saturday and we want to have at least a half a day off right right so we're gonna get this stuff put back in there we're gonna go back we're gonna get these videos put together and we're gonna just enjoy some time it's tonight at 8 p.m. central and be back Sunday but Sunday is gonna be a little bit different we're gonna go live before what the hell's will do a live premiere excuse me at 7:00 p.m. Central Time on Sunday this this video is gonna be on Monday so good okay guys so make sure to subscribe make sure to hit that button the little bell and click on it and hit all notifications actually if you've already done that go redo it again because there's been some if enos about what YouTube is doing not not bad just it seems like some people's notifications are resetting or something so reset that to all to make sure that you get the live premieres make sure to subscribe like all our videos go back watch older ones share it with a friend about it friend tomorrow than that we'll see it the next unit alright guys welcome to this bonus footage of this episode of Grimes finds where we are gonna bust open safe number two that we found last week as you saw video before last heck it'll be video for last this is Erin tonight I think so video before last we opened the safe but they had the combination actually on it that we found which was a good sign that there were gonna be anything in it so look check this out this is a fingerprint lock up doesn't match so check it out though hold on you hear that or something in there it may be a little something doesn't set what if it's just one wanna cash oh my gosh alright alright we're gonna bust this sucker open I don't know if I can get it open with this this is too thick I've never seen you open a safe all the tapes you've opened you've never seen the open one now yeah [Music] they might be let's go behind the wall these people probably think we're friggin nuts you yeah like what do they do here I guess we got a battery uh I don't know that's what it was it knocked out what it wanted to knock it there's stuff in there there's actually something in here all right I got a birthday card no money disappointing official records affidavit all right we got a birth certificate we got another birth certificate we got cards that's the weird thing keeping us safe yeah it is all right I'm gonna rip this out make sure we didn't leave nothing hidden in there huh another battery alright guys well hey that stinks - saves one week at least this one has something in it hey so there's the dang deal I know mostly are really upset right cuz I probably could have called somebody good then unlocked without destroying it right probably wouldn't been worth it at the end after I paid to get it open or you're probably like hey you can looked online and fill in the code for it and I've been like yeah there we've been too easy right so hey there's your freaking bonus which is how many minutes with 3 minutes 3 that's good because I think it's videos 45 minutes long so hey guys I hope you enjoyed that make sure to join us tomorrow Tuesday night for another episode of Grande spawn from the $1,700 unit I think it's gonna be from the 1700 are you or it's gonna be from the motorized something unit that we're going to today so anyway other than that make sure to LIKE subscribe do all that good stuff we'll see you in the next unit
Channel: undefined
Views: 29,556
Rating: 4.8936977 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, safe found, safe opened, grimes finds
Id: QU4-fbgrtx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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