Padraig Harrington Explains How to Increase Swing Speed

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welcome back to Patty's golf tips we're here at the club at Caron Woods H in The Woodlands Texas so going to talk a little bit about speed today uh a subject really close to my heart so couple of ideas uh first and foremost speed is about breaking inhibitions so we're we're not talking a situation here where accuracy trying to hit it straight you know trying to hit it under control those sort of things are not going to help your speed we're looking for raw speed here so that when we go and play we can taper it back a little bit and play within ourselves at maybe a slightly higher level so it's about breaking inhibitions first thing you need you really really need this if you're going to work on speed is you need some sort of launch monitor I've got a prgr monitor here $229 the best bang for your book you're going to get in golf you need this feedback even this alone with the feedback you'll start to see that certain swings maybe a shorter swing suit you maybe a longer swing suit you maybe a faster back swing suit you but you need the monitor to tell because as we've seen with all different people some things for some you know some tips for some people they don't work for everybody okay so definitely get a monitor okay outside of that now we're trying to break inhibitions yeah I definitely always say you know you should be hitting maybe 10 balls every time you go to the range maybe 20 balls every time you go to the range absolutely at 100% speed more than 100% that you could think of you know no inhibition about where they're going you're not caring about accuracy you're just caring about raw Club head speed we will taper it back but you want to break that so for inhibitions right where do you go cuz you will plate like even if you're hitting shots and you have the monitor you know that will take you so far you got to have I suppose training aids to do it uh for me I work with super speed uh as a mature athlete i' probably doing it you know probably once every two weeks when I'm at home if you're new to it you can stick to the protocol and you're probably going to be doing uh you know a couple of times a week uh you certainly gain if you've never done speed work you will gain very quickly so I'll show you a few of the super speed uh things so the great thing about them is generally the set will come with three different weights so you'll have a heavy medium and light there's no Club face in this and you're not using a golf ball so you're going to swing again the prgr is great it measures without you don't have to have an impact so if I swing this you know I'm going to go as hard as I can and like straight away that's the light one that's 138 Club head speed much faster than I can swing obviously there's no resistance there that's one of the reasons it goes faster but mentally I'm breaking down those barriers I'm going to keep my personal best and that's a great way of competing when you're doing uh speed work if you have a friend that you can compete against or compete against yourself with a you know my PB with this that was 138 first swing my PB with this is 145 so I know if I can every day I use this I'm I hope I can get to 145 I hope I can break that the competition is very important and again when you see me swing that there wasn't a lot of thought gone into that in the sense of I I'm not I'm not going here like my real routine would be I line it up waggle and go now I keep moving which is very important in the golf swing if you want to swing fast and make an athletic swing in anything you do in life you'd never stand there this is not going to help speed standing still so as you can see my normal one is two Waggles and go but when I'm even doing speed work I'm even quicker I'm just like okay I want to go speed I put the club down I give some big Waggles and I go lots of different variations in doing that you can do it with with backward steps so to get your back swing going you could do with a forward step lots of ways the whole idea as you can see is I'm trying to create speed with some violence if anything but I'm trying not to have any inhibition about you know matching anything up where is it going I'm purely trying to swing this stick as fast as I can the great thing with this is and what I find with with these particularly and what I like about it is some days I'm quick with the heavy some days I'm quick with the light I'm really trying to be quick with the medium one cuz that's going to replicate the driver more but you you just don't know which one's going to come but I like the fact that there's variation it's always about stimulating your central nervous system fooling it in some ways getting it to do something different it's INSP you know all sports are at the same thing we're trying to trick our the cental nervous system to create a new ceiling so if you swing at 100 mph we're trying to get our Cent or nervous system to swing at 110 so when you relax and think you're swinging normal you'll actually be maybe at 105 so you got to get to 110 if you want to play at 105 and that 105 I swear will think will feel easier than your previous 100 so that's why you work on speed it's not that you want to be out of control on the course you want to get it so that you can break the ceiling and you create a new Norm for you which could be you know I say if you if everybody gain four or five miles an hour and and to be honest if you're new to speed workor you will gain that pretty quickly H later on when you're older like me there's a bit of a plateau if you've done speed work all your life but that's why you need the variation of different weights Speed Stick have a new thing as well which I have used in a club which I really like it's a counterweight so they' put a weight at the end of the shaft here so that it helps The Head release now I know in golf there's a lot of talk about this if your wrist is doing this true impact you're not releasing the head it's it's completely inefficient and you're actually going to C a snap hook CU you're going to be like this and you're going to flip in the golf swing we want to release the club It lines up like we we see in the nice pitches with that little bit of a bow on the wrist and there'll be a bend in the shaft at at at with speed but I am releasing the club now the beauty with this one because the weight is up top and we've seen this with Putters it makes The Head release past your hands which is what you wanted to do you have to have a release true impact again that release it's coming down it gets to that point and it releases it releases all the way through yes at a static picture it's like that but it is releasing so this is really nice I I particularly like this uh my light one was 138 let's see what we can do here so I keep it just outside my grip there again nice nice and relaxed Waggles and getting ready as you would if you were waiting on anything if you're on the tennis court you be ready you know you just don't want to be static straight away that's 6 miles faster 144 from 138 so again very nice for me I I really really this one is is really helpful for me to get the the nice release past impact okay the more you release I swear to you if you try and release the club there's very few people these days who cast if you try and release the club properly with your hands not hold on to it you will find you will will not hook the ball doing that that's a Miss no the people who don't release the club end up stuck and then they flip it and they're the people who hit the Big Blocks and the big hooks so if you're somebody who hits a big block and a big hook try releasing the club more and you'll find that will go away okay again as you've seen with the speed work it's about breaking inhibitions it's about keep moving you know things have got to move h a huge point in speed work I let's starting to show up grip strength has a huge part to it so if you're a young athlete H you know coming to golf you need to be picking up heavy things in the gym and holding onto them you know just picking up heavy weights and holding them walking around getting that grip getting used to grabbing and holding heavy heavy weights if you're interested in a golfing sense we with there's been some new Innovations for that I've got one here with me uh it's it's a kind of squidgy grip so it's a big tick grip again when you have the big tick grip more of your AR hands and arms are engaged and simply this is you can hit shots with it which is perfectly fine I like to turn it down when it hit shots H so no problem hitting shots with it okay the interesting thing when you hit shots with it it feels awesome afterwards when you've got a slightly skinnier grip because you feel like you have more control but the big tick grip now automatically I pick this up and you can see I keep squeezing it and that's quite important in golf being able to put tension on and take tension off very important in golf being able to squeeze let go so you can do there's lots of drills there's protocols on on super speed's uh on their their site their app to be able to show you the different drills for this but in general it's quite a nice feeling when I pick it up I squeeze it I keep getting used to that that motion of tight let go tight let go the force and the stronger your grip is because we know at impact you are pulling pulling back up everything is releasing up with your body and you're pulling on the the grip to get the club head to go by the stronger your grip strength is the better you're going to be at that pulling motion the better you're going to be in the roof the better you're going to be able to stable the club face you will hit the balls straighter because of these speed drills we're not talking here making you hit it more crooked on the golf course if you do this right speed should actually make it easier for you to swing within yourself and hit the ball further you know outside of that swing away you know lose some inhibitions uh don't worry about hitting a bad shot and and ultimately if you're a younger player and you're you're in that phase of of still trying to be a better player don't worry about where you hit it worry about being able to play from where you hit it so I see this a lot where you know a longer driver will hit it you know he try and drive a power for and he hit 30 yards right at the green and it might be in a bit of scrub and you know everybody's screaming at Mo you should have hit an iron on The Fairway yeah that would be simple but if he knows how to play from 30 yards out of the scrub he's actually going to end up being a better golfer so learn to play from where you hit the golf ball don't worry about necessarily being that constrained and that perfect especially if you're in the development years H speed is going to help you that's all from Patty's golf tips
Channel: SuperSpeed Golf
Views: 43,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, overspeed, fitness, superspeed, swing, speed, padraig harrington, paddy's golf tips, swing speed, how to increase swing speed, superspeed golf, swing speed trainers, golf swing speed, golf tips
Id: rRbvYRRKosk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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