We Tried Golf Swing Speed Training for 30 Days (MASSIVE Results)

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okay this is the ripstick which claims to be golf's ultimate speed training system now we have seen the comments you guys have said it we got to get our swing speed up on this journey to get better and everyone can benefit from more swing speed so we're going to use this and we're going to put it to the test over the next 30 days Mike and I are going to be going through the ripstick training program we're going to be tracking our progress the entire way through and then we're going to see if we get any gains so how do we find out first thing we got to do is establish a baseline the cool thing is Right within the ripstick app we've got that walk through of how to establish a baseline essentially we're each going to take five driver swings and measure our swing speed using the ripstick swing speed radar we're going to take an average and that becomes the number we have to beat as an extra added bonus we've also got the rapo mlm2 pro set up so we're going to measure our distance of how far we hit the ball obviously a lot goes into distance solid contact Etc so most importantly we want to see what that swing speed does after doing the swing speed training for 30 days but we're going to look at the measurements too so we're going to get warmed up we're going to get our baselines and then we're going to dig right into this thing all right I'm all warmed up Frank let's start Speed gains start now so five swings here all right 110 there that's about normally what I see when I'm just full swing full power swing it's about 108 109 110 Max I've seen 112 maybe once or twice but it doesn't happen often 111 right there got a little more out of it 10 again all right seems to be your number seems my number talk about getting your stamina up with this this is going to be a lot of fun over these next 30 days might even be like a workout involved all right I'm definitely clearly getting a little tired that was 105 for my fifth shot all right it's a workout I'm a little gassed from that so I gave it everything but 105 there I'm hoping that with this ripstick training maybe I could build stamina I want to see consistent numbers on the te so there you go now I like Mike I'm all warmed up I'm going to take my five swings here and uh let's see what we can get want to punch in on it for accountability there Mike 97 see what we got 97 now if you guys watch Regular you know my hurdle has been breaking that 100 barrier um I don't break it that often my probably the fastest I've ever seen and then fittings and things like that I might have dial it up to 102 103 so I'll talk about my personal goal that I'm going to set for myself in just a second but 97 there 97 for the first one sounds about right okay 98 we're getting a a little bit closer to it like I said I am giving it everything I got here guys oh yes he's dialing it up there look at that smash Factor smash Factor perfect I got one over 100 that's 102 for me wow that is pretty much my current Max yeah how you feeling feeling like I got one more in me yeah okay I mean I'll take these drives all day dead straight down the middle 97 so I was only able to put one over that 100 mph Club head speed Mark let me enter these final ones here and then we'll just quickly talk about some goals okay so we both have our baselines most importantly you saw us using the app this is what we're really going to be using to walk us through this because there is off fine balance too you don't want to overdo it right so there will be rest days as well so we are going to follow the app and we're going to see exactly what it tells us what workouts and what training to do on which days like I said we will dive into that very shortly here we're going to take all the components and tell you how it works we will take you along the whole way and then Mike in 30 days we're going to meet right back here we're see if we hit those goals do the same thing okay all right today is October 1st and this month is speed gains month now my goal is 112 mph on my swing I think I can do it I'm going to follow along I've never used this program before full disclosure osure I will be pressing the start button for the very first time the same way you guys would if you buy the ripstick so I'm going to Dive Right In I'm going to give my full and honest feedback at the end of this to see if this is really worth it and worth continuing on throughout the colder months I don't know I'm a little nervous guys diving into this I have no idea what to expect time to hit start let's [Music] go Okay so we've completed the first training uh it ends with you doing another Baseline check-in which is what I just did using the swing speed radar and here you use two weights in the ripstick which weights it just about the same as your driver and uh after those couple of exercises I saw some of the highest numbers I've ever seen now Granton I'm not hitting a ball and like I said in the final test we're going to be you know full swing speed while hit hitting a ball but right here hitting number is 111 and my highest was 114 so something is working uh so we're going to continue the training one other thing I'll note here is that they make sure that you rest so that you don't overdo it I'm sure that's part of the the science of the whole thing but it says training is now locked and it says to come back in 2 days so I have to take a rest for two days and then we're going to do it again remember we're going to be doing this three times a week over the next 30 days to see how well we improve but we are officially kicked [Music] off 116 116 man this gets addicting I'm telling you you get like a rush okay week one is officially [Music] complete [Music] 116 let's [Music] [Music] go all right we are now halfway through the challenge so what we're going to do today we're going to run to the office I want to give you guys a breakdown we've learned a lot about the system and how it works there's a lot we really like about this and it's been walking us through it nicely we've also seen some nice gains already so I'm interested to see where this goes but let's get into the office and let's talk a little bit more about how the ripstick works I'm not going to speak for you but I think uh you would agree with me you're equally excited to see what our final numbers would be yes cuz there's been gains so far it's crazy it is and it's wild thinking of how short we're doing this we're only doing this for 30 days so you can obviously continue it even further but I thought this would be a great time to pause and quickly just tell you what we've learned about the system itself and how you use it and I think my favorite part is just the overall compactness and ease of use so the stick is self-contained it's got three weights in the head and one weight in the handle here and as you go through the app it'll tell you step by step how many weights for each exercise you can quickly take them in and out but then the best part is everything is then stored again in this one stick but Mike what's your thoughts on the app so far I love the app my favorite part is the ease to use I mean it's dummy proof it me walk you right through it when to start the uh when to start the training when to finish the training what to plug in your mile per hour you type it in right on screen and if you don't know how to do the training there actually embedded YouTube videos right in there in the app so if you don't know what one of the drills is like the freeze drill you just watch it real quick and then you can get right back to it yeah and it'll even tell you when it's a rest day it'll tell you not to uh not to work out that day so you don't overexert yourself it really does feel like having like a personal trainer there with you all right so we're going to talk about the all important price in a second uh but before we do that I would say you're you're about two weeks into this thing six sessions or so what if anything don't you like about it oh that's a good question well there's so much to like obviously we just rattle up the I'd have to say one of the cons would be the fact that all the workouts have been the same yeah I would have liked to see a little difference but again I don't know if if you need to change it I don't know what the method behind their Madness is so who knows maybe in the next level of training they're different swings or or different weightings or different things they're going to do but for now it's the same that would be it for me I would say I felt the same way like I felt like I wanted a little more diversity but in the same token the fact that we were doing the same exercises I became so familiar with them I didn't have to rewatch The instructional videos I could just go in and do them and sometimes it does make me wonder like you know maybe they know something we don't know I was going to say we're not the scientist a little bit of like a paint defense Mr Miyagi type of thing and we're like we're doing it I'm like why but then all a sudden you see those gains start to jump up so let's talk about the price the nice thing about this there's no subscription fees or anything like that you buy it once and that's all you need the app is free it's for IOS and Android so far as I know I think it's the only speed training system out there that has a free app for both devices IOS and Android and the cool thing is the price is only 199 bucks for the stick and the other thing I will say is we have been enjoying this so far I wanted to get feet wet wanteded to really get to use it but now that we feel like we're using it we're probably going to continue to use it I'm going to reach out to the ripstick uh team and I'm going to ask them if they would be willing to provide a a discount for our viewers because we've had some success with that before if they do what we'll do is we'll drop it in the video description so if we do come through with any type of discount that can bring that $199 price down even further we will put that in the video description so look out for that if that's down there but like I said so far so good I feel like we were in a rhythm now yeah it does not feel like a huge burden to just be putting three sessions in per week it's not a Daily Commitment and each time it's only taking about 15 minutes so easy but the work is not done we still have another half to go we're going to dive into that we're going to show you guys take us along with it and then the very end like I said we're going to meet right back here in the simulator we're going to set up the launch monitor we're going to set up the radar and we're going to see if those baselines improve yeah man are you ready for part two yep let's do [Music] it 118 there it is that makes me feel good we're going to pop that one in with authority 118 okay 115 on the Baseline hey way higher than 110 I'm happy where I'm [Music] [Music] at all right here we are the final day and now we've got the test set up exactly the same as we did the first time so we've got the rapsodo mlm2 pro there that's going to be measuring our carry distance and we have the rip radar which has been serving as our control for all of our uh Club head speed numbers we've been using that all the way through we've seen our baselines improve as we've gone in the ripstick app however the difference is we haven't been hitting balls and measuring it by hitting a ball it's going to force us to still make a fast but controlled swing so I'm really interested to see if we've had any gains you ready to go what do you want to take us out first I'll go first let's go take us out let's go all right ready to go um just a recap so my number to beat 109 mph with driver that is my number that I started with so I'm going to be looking at something higher than that so goal today 111 112 maybe consistently and something in the 260s plus first one out of the gate let's go carry distance baby come on let's go look at it go look at it go let's go first one am I done you got to do five dude that's legit right there I'm telling you I I'm not lying I feel the change all right it's only one look at that yeah all right 115 again I kind of pulled hooked a little bit but look at that wow I I unlocked something I think something I hit that off the toe hit it off the toe 115 consistent but let's see even on a m hit let let's see what happens 245 okay look at the ball speed you're generated the ball speed that I generated 163 I felt hitting it off the toe there's my close speed again consistent yep as the T goes fly 166 ball speed so that one came off it a little bit but still it's much better than the 109 starting point it's still 3 mph higher I'm happy with that that was I believe my goal from the start 114 hit it on the toe but still very happy with that number 114 all right Frank you're going to do your test next but before we do the full wrap up of all the numbers I'll just tease you guys 5 miles hour I gained 5 mph and almost 32 yd of distance over 30 days of using the ripstick all right guys so when we started this if you remember I said what a goal for mine was to break 100 mph in club head speed in our initial test I only broke 100 one time and in fact my average was 97.6 M an hour so I set a little bit of a moderate goal for myself like I said I know it's only one level one training it's only 30 days so I wanted to gain 2 mil an hour about to get myself in those triple digits Now's the Time to uh to see if it worked here we go okay 100 we got triple digits on the first one all right see what we get here look at this guy bombs look at this 155 ball speed that's a good ball speed for me look we can't all put up mic numbers I'm just trying to beat myself here admittedly I swung pretty hard there yeah and 112 baby 112 all right so promising numbers so far here good looking strike 100 on the button okay good contact like I said I'm the whole time I'm trying to maintain swinging within control because at the end of the day if it's a shot you can't use on the golf course then what's the point right I still need to be in the Fairway so I feel like I'm swinging faster evidence I got another triple digit here and a 266 carry oh yeah all right 106 is 264 281 total all right remember there's four levels of training in ripstick and we've only done the first one so tells you there's a lot of potential out there we got one more swing then we're going to give you the full wrap up of all the numbers woo feels good to go out on a good one here oh I got a three handle 300 total 267 carry and I accomplished my goal every single one of my swings was over 100 mph Club head speed let's break down all these numbers for you guys all right guys so there it is here on the screen are our Baseline and then final numbers and I thought it was really interesting Mike cuz both of us saw improvements now you can make the argument I had more to gain cuz my Baseline swing speed started at a lower Point sure so I did ultimately gain a little bit more swing speed uh 1 mph you gain 5.2 mph on average I gained 6.4 but on the other side of it we talk about every golfer being different you ended up gaining more distance yeah 31.8 yard in our test and I think that's attribute to a couple things one you've been working on your game outside of this as well throughout the past month and even the whole summer yeah been working on making Cleaner contact and it's shown right there but I think that also shows a really important point it shows the fact that you were able to gain swing speed but not lose that impact you were able to still make efficient impact because as you guys know sometimes you swing as hard as you can you you know you're not flushing it but here Mike was able to translate that into ball speed and carry distance and I even gained over 15 miles 15 yard in my carry distance I'm bad man that's awesome I'll take that all day I kind of expected anytime you put your focus your energy and your attention into something it's going to get better here we were working on speed training so I had an inkling it was going to get better but I just didn't know we would see that good of an improvement well I'm sure we're going to continue doing this because why wouldn't we the evidence is right there but if you guys want to see that progression if you want to see some update videos as we go just let us know if that's something you enjoy but if nothing else this is proof that if you've been on the fence with swing speed training it's definitely worth giving a go and definitely give a look to the ripstick cuz we both enjoyed how this system works love it all right guys make sure you subscribe we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Golficity
Views: 65,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf swing speed, golf speed training, golf swing speed training, rypstick golf, rypstick, swing speed, golf tips, golf swing, clubhead speed, superspeed golf, speed training, increase swing speed, rypstick speed training, how to increase swing speed, superspeed golf review, superspeed golf training system review, rypstick review, superspeed training, swing speed training, increase golf swing speed, superspeed golf training, golf swing speed drills
Id: 2wFl7iztbwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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