How To Add Swing Speed (The Smart Way) | Golf IQ | Golf Digest

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all right so I think the best opportunity off Seasons present to sort of the rest of us is that it's a good opportunity to be able to add a little bit of speed to your game [Music] it's kind of a shocking statistic but one of the closest correlated stats to success in golf is actually Club head speed yep um so if you kind of think it's like oh you know drive a show pup Verdo it's actually not true and power does help yeah and that's the truth the the start that often makes the rounds is that for every 10 yards of distance you save one stroke on your score right so like if I average 260 yards off the team and I average score of 76 then like let's say I was to gain 10 yards so then I averaged 270 yards then suddenly just doing that would bring my average score down to 75. every 10 yards so if like if you out drive someone by 10 yards The Strokes gained is one tenth of a shot right so if a guy out drive someone by 50 yards he has literally gained a half a shot on him like right then yeah and um and so we're gonna get into it if you kind of haven't hit a golf ball for four or five months what are some of the things you can do to make sure that when you're going out there you're hitting your driver good and you're hitting your driver hard one thing that I've been doing this off season is using this thing called the stock training have you heard about this yeah yeah so it's super popular in golf um this guy Dr Sasha McKenzie he's like this really well regarded biomechanist he developed this training neighbor this guy at Ping called Marty Jensen at Judson excuse me and um what the way it works is that it's an app right and it's a it's a sort of a club and it has varying weights that you can adjust and it's an app and it will tell you like okay now Swing Swing this uh training aid at 200 grams and I'll swing it at 100 grams and I'll swing it at 150. and so it's kind of constantly shifting the weight around and it's making you do Swings with each of these weights yeah and that's really important when it comes to like gaining speed to swing with varying weights oh yeah and and you know in the end safely because if if you start feeling pain you know I'm gonna start giving a few suggestions on how how to kind of like wake up your body and getting everything moving but if you start feeling pain in your hips if you start feeling pain in your lower back you probably need to go to either a physical therapist you need to start doing some stability drills for your lumbar spine um to make sure because you can get injured doing some of the things that we're saying I mean you can get injured just playing golf so uh so yes you want to learn to swing hard and I'm going to talk about your neuromuscular system and like waking it up but if you start feeling pain you need to tend to that so that your body is capable of actually swinging hard yeah like don't go trying to swing through pain and telling you Golf Digest told you to swing through right you should absolutely not swing through pain if you're feeling painful there's ways to fix it yeah then there's ways to fix it but what I would say is that don't be so like everybody can do speed training to their own level right and they should like it would be good for them is as long as you're not in pain like whether you're a 90s shooter whether you're an 80 shoot whatever like trying to you're never not good enough to just try to add a bit of swing speed to your game and often it can help this advice is actually going to be almost a little bit an exercise because what you're dealing with is there's your muscles and then there's kind of your neuromuscular system how hard your muscles fire right the average golf swing is what 1.3 seconds yes okay so you're you're training your body to fire as hard as it can in 1.3 seconds you have to remember your backswing is almost longer than your downswing and your backswing is almost more of like a recoil like like you know the downswing is the is the hard Fire part and so it's even shorter than that so you're teaching your body to fire like immediately and in order to do that you need to push it to the limit when it comes to this so going ahead and just running four miles and thinking you're gonna or getting on the Peloton thinking that you're going to increase your swing speed you're not um straight muscular strength helps like you know how much can you bench how much can you squat but actually learning to do what this you know what's it called again the stock the stack you know I have a swing fan that I use a lot you want to do overload training and then you want to do speed training on that just like this the sprinters do where they would like run with a parachute behind them and then they would take a second and then they'd go ahead and run downhill to go extra fast you want to do the same thing swing with a TR you know with with a really heavy club we swing really hard five times and then you take like a shaft with no head on it and you swing as fat and then that that club head is moving 140 miles per hour but you're training your neuromuscular system to fire that fast so let's just like that's the basis no yeah that's the basic concept here is that you want to swing something that's a little too heavy and then you want to swing something that's like a little too light right that's called overload underload training so it's like it teaches you to build strength the swing the really heavy thing and then the underload is it teaches you to be explosive because you'll swing something really light right and so that's the basic concept that's what the stack makes you do and there's all sorts of ways you can do it like you were saying you could swing a swing fan and then you could swing a shaft you know there's there's lots of ways but that is the basic concept anything that gives you resistance and then will give you the opposite of resistance will give you almost will help you accelerate faster you want to hit that in both sides and then remember without hurting yourself you wanna this is actually like a form of training um you know and so you need to push yourself somewhat so you know I would say if you if you haven't done it in five months or if you've never done it in your life you start off slow but then if let's say you do it every two days right you know by the fourth or fifth session you know you go ahead and you start pushing yourself a little bit and what you'll be amazed at coming into the season is you're when you train your neuromuscular system you'll be able to just smooth out a driver and that club head speed will be faster than the hardest swing you could have made before so the Leaps and Bounds of improvement that you can have is really really fun we're gonna get into some specifics about like how you can speed train um for the rest of us but really that's the goal of it right it's that in order to raise your average then you need to push up your ceiling right so that if you capable of swinging the golf club at 110 miles per hour it will be so much easier for you to swing it at 90 miles per hour you know that's like the goal is the higher your ceiling the higher your average and it will take like less effort to do your average it was so interesting that one year when Bryson did all of that speed training and then amazingly enough he was hitting it like two percent straighter than he was hitting it before and I remember we were talking about it we're like how's that possible and I've done a ton of speed training and I'm like you know what he did he got his ceiling so high that he's probably on the golf course swinging at a lower percentage of his max output like like yeah like his old 100 swing used to is now like a 70 yes so if Bryson you know was swinging at 116 miles per hour and that's a let's say a 97 swing almost a full swing for him was 116 miles per hour and now he's swinging it at 124 but he's done so much neuromuscular training he's gotten physically stronger he's done tons of the speed training he can actually hit 135 miles per hour when he's like swinging to you know like on the Range or when he's doing his training that 124 mile per hour swing is actually a lower percentage now it's 95 of what his max output is so it kind of makes sense that he would hit it straighter because in a weird way that 124 mile per hour swing is more within himself yeah I mean really it's interesting yeah really it's like a car right like if both if two cars can drive at 50 miles per hour but one of those cars is only capable of 50 miles per hour and the other car is capable of 150 miles per hour the car that's capable of going faster will be able to cruise at 50 miles per hour easier right than the car that's absolutely maxing out all its revs trying to get there so that's the kind of the basic positive and it really works that way I got my ball speed up to about 186 I'm not a very big guy um and I wasn't I wasn't getting the ball moving 186 on the golf course but it was moving 177 and it was very very smooth and easy whereas before it would be a full-on hit for me to get it to 177 but now it was just smoothing and you actually get straighter so don't think that this sort of training is going to make you hit the ball all over the place it may do the opposite it may actually help you hit the ball straighter because your driver swing will be more within yourself because you've increased the max output that your neuromuscular system can do so then when we talk about specifics about how to actually do it you can go go buy a speed training system like super speed or the stock that will sort of do it for you automatically I mean one method that some pros will tell you is like just Reserve 10 or 20 golf balls at the end of each range session and just swing all out with a driver like that can do some good work for you absolutely I mean in the end of the day it's working your body it's working your muscular system so just exerting is important you know these are almost like tricks or like hacks on how to to push it forward but you can definitely go ahead and say okay you know I've kind of hit some balls I'm going to hit 20 20 drivers as hard as I can and that is substantially better than than not doing that and remember when you're hitting these balls you don't care if they're going straight you are you are training your body right now you are not trying to hit dead straight drivers you are not going to swing like this on the golf course really you're just trying to dedicate a few swings every week every practice session whatever to just swinging nothing else but fast like as fast as you can go doesn't mean you're going to swing like that on the golf course or that you should swing that way on the golf course but you need to just practice swinging fast because that will benefit you in the long run even if it's just a few swings a week and honestly anyone that has not tried this and is going into the season you give yourself one month of trying this I'm very excited for you because it is amazing how much power you can gain in a short amount of time and then how much easier it is to hit your driver because like I was telling you know a lot of the time you you swing actually a little slower on the golf course than on the Range but your fastest swings are also going to be on the golf course so if you're beating that buddy that you've never beat before and you have a 480 yard par 4 into wind you are about to hit that driver very very hard and if you've practiced it and you've trained that on the Range regularly you are going to be ready to actually execute that shot whereas you know if you have not practiced that this is going to be a Hail Mary of a swing and uh and it's likely to go very badly so I'm you know excited for anyone that hasn't done this sort of training to kind of do it going into the season because it it's a big impact yeah you're going to see the benefits almost immediately
Channel: Golf Digest
Views: 10,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, Golf Digest, Every Hole At, Superhuman, How X Affects Your Game, golf, swing, shot, golf videos, golf videos 2023, golf tips, golf technique, golf fun, golf 2023, golf tips 2023, golf technique 2023, Golf shots, Golf Digest videos, best golf videos, top golf videos, best golf videos 2023, golf improvements, Reed Howard, Luke Kerr-Dineen, golf injury, golf training, golf training 2023, swing speed, improve golf swing, best golf swing, top golf swing 2023
Id: U3UmoQbvI5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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