Packet Tracer - Configuring IPv4 Static and Default Routes

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hi everybody this is mr. McKee with net 126 I want to go ahead and go over the packet tracer 2.2 2.4 chapter 2 configuring IP version 4 static and default routes all right so first thing we want to do is always check our dressing table just to see what we got going on we got a router one router to router 3 looks like three pcs this gives us all the IP version 4 information subnet mask default gateways stuff like that all right so this is what we're looking at got a PC one here connected to a switch connected to a router then we got router one connected through a leased line to router 2 and then router to connect it down to router 3 okay we got router 3 is connected to s3 switch PC 3 switch and then up here router two's connected to switch to then it over to PC 2 ok so if we look at this everything in between a router is gonna be a network alright so one network right here one network here even though you don't see a any host connected to it that's a network this is a network that's network and that's network so 1 2 3 4 or 5 alright and let's see what we got all right in this activity you configure static in to felt default routes a static route is a route that has entered manually by the network administrator to create a reliable and safer out there are 4 different set roots that are used in this activity a recursive static route a directly attached static route a fully specified static route and a default route alright so first thing we want to do is examine the network which we just did evaluate the need for static routing look at two topology diagram networks are there in total we just went over that how many networks are connected directly to router one router 2 in our three will router one has that one that one router 2 has this one this one this one and router 3 has that one and that one alright so that does that all right how many static routes are required for each router to reach networks that are not directly connected alright let's see so router one will need a static route 2 because they can see this one it can look at that one it can't see this one up here it can't see that this one I can't see this one so that would be 3 router 2 it's actually connected to this one this one this one so it can't see when I to are I'm sorry 170 2.30 one dot one dot zero and it can't see 170 2.30 1.1.1 28 so we can't see - all right so it says go ahead and let's see test connectivity to the router router r2 and r3 lands by pinging PC - and PC III from PC 1 still command prompt again I'm gonna use the ping command and/or using PC one we were pink PC to which if we look in a dressing-table PC to is right there and semi 2.30 1.0 dot all right camping those all right and do our arrow up to get that command back and let's see you can we paying listen right here for PC 3 172 230 1.1 1.1 ninety all right if you wanted to you could just make sure your ping does work you could put in the PCs ones IP address what is it 126 what I do here 31 1 126 let's try this 7:01 alright so it so ping works it I'm just paying the loopback address alright so let's go down and see what we got here all right why were these pings unsuccessful well more likely there's not any route set up so it doesn't know how to get from this network up to this network or this network all right so that's what that's what our job is and we can open up router one and see all right let's go into enable what all right I did not want to do that let me get a three all right let's do enable the terminal actually let's do it run you see if there's no IP roots on here all right all right so interfaces that won't shut down that one's running so all I can talk to is what's directly connected to it all right let's just check this and unfortunately if you type in the wrong command and hit enter it sits there for a while I'll show you guys how to eliminate that in the future but you just have to wait until it times out if you see that translating whatever you typed it in correctly domain server all right because it's trying to result resolve that name okay all right so unsuccessful because there's no route set up in the routers all right so step one configure static and default routes configure recursive static routes on our one what is a recursive static route well basically it relies on the next hop of on the router which this is our one so it relies on whatever this interface is to get out to the other networks alright and it requires two routing table lookups and I'll show you guys that in a second and what it's so neat it's gonna be the first lookup in the routing table for the destination network and then look up the exit interface on the network for the next hop router and I'll show you guys that just to see it I need you look in your addressing table but we see that serial zero zero zero is connected I just know that that's gonna be the next hop and if we type this in we know that's just takes a while to get used to doing packet tracer serial zero zero zero are two we can probably look in here all right so that's the address IP address that's set up on this router for that serial so that's our next hop address alright we know that but also if we looked in our addressing table we could say okay Sierra's serial 0 0 0 r1 is right there 172 31.1 193 all right so that's we our next hop we're gonna have to put that in for recursive route and then also the the remote network itself like when I - I'm sorry 170 2.30 1.0.0 and this one and this one all right these are already connected it knows what's those two all right so first thing we're gonna have to do let me get back just stay on track let's see all right so configure a recruit recursive static route every Network not directly connected to our one including the LAN link between r2 and r3 it's talking about this that's a win link or you can say at least line but wow'd it whatever your network all right so let's open up our one command line guide you enable get fig tea and global config all right so we're gonna do three entries one for each of these remote networks the first one is gonna be IP routes 170 2.30 1.0.0 which is that one right there it's a backslash 24 cider so you guys should know that that's 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 all right and our next hop we know is 170 2.30 1.1.1 93 because it's the next hop going out of this network all right this is a stub network you know one goes out one way so it's not that complicated right now all right so this PC one has to go out this router has to go this is its next hop it has no choice from there however it needs to know where to go next all right so there's our first entry just make sure that's right going to this network that subnet mask is right there and then going out of this next hop and if we hit enter I just wanna show you guys we see completion 0 out of 60 hit enter should get 10 yep alright next IP route and just be careful when you do this but if you did arrow up that gives you your last command you put in this next hop is going to stay the same for all three of these entries alright so we've done this remote network we need to do this network and we need to do this network all right so let's just do this one in order it's the next one in line all right so 170 2.30 1.1.1 96 1 196 alright and pretty much if you have router to router connections between the land that a lot of times will be a backslash 30 because it only needs it only has to host maximum so it has those two router interfaces and network in a broadcast address so that's 4 all right so this backslash 30 ok so we need to make sure that we change this to 52 whoops and if I type this correctly that's onna help - all right like that's 252 all right let's just make sure 132 31.1 96 this is why it's good to check one all right there we go all right check this before we hit alright that looks good hit enter all right like that its completion 20 out of 60 good to go a pyro again alright next route we're gonna need this route right here 172 31 1.1 28 when you use the same next-hop so we'll go in here and that's our 128 Network just make sure all right and it's a backslash 26 Sider so that's one night ooh ninety-two all right so let's just make sure this is right 1.1 28 255 255 255 1 i2 next top still the same hit enter all right we got 30 out of 60 we're good to go all right so let's close this down let's go here all right right so this text a test connectivity to the are to land and ping the IP addresses of PC e2 and pc3 all right so pc2 is and so 231 0.2 84 see if it pings alright timed out I'm not gonna wait for it too long troll see to break its ping PCE 331 1 190 all right it's timing out too also all right so hmm wonder why it's not doing that know what we got to do first is we have the routes set up to go out but now we need the routes to come back all right back into router one and this network all right so let's go back to this so we're on step two all right and these were unsuccessful all right why were they unsuccessful I just went over that all right so how does they directly attached static route differ from a recursive static route and then it wants you to configure a direct list attached static route from a router to to every network not directly it connected to it all right so a directly attached static route relies on its exit interface in order for package to be sent to the destination and a recursive static route uses the IP address of the next hop router all right so for a router one we used this next hop router interface to set up now what we're gonna be doing now though is saying okay this particular interface on our router or work on right now is gonna be used for the for the static route all right so router - it needs you didn't need this doesn't need this one doesn't need this one it needs one 7231 1.0 and once 3231 1.1 28 setup okay and then s 0 0 0 see and for this we're just gonna say okay it's going out of cereal zero zero to go to this network and out of route and out of cereal zero zero one to go to this network alright so let's go ahead and configure that all right let's do enable configure the terminal all right and we're gonna do IP routes 170 2.31 got 1.0 which goes to pca right there alright it's a back slash 25 so that's 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 128 alright and it's going out of cereal zero zero zero and let's just make sure all right we're on router to that see reserves are zero wonder this route are we going to this network should be good to go alright let's do dinner all right default route without gateway if not a point-to-point interface might impact with performance okay that's fine all right so we do err love and we're gonna look at our numbers all right completion went up so we're doing something good all right our next default network is 1 7 2 31 1 1.1 28 all right let's see what subnet mask it is it's 26 so it's gonna be a 192 - 2 t5 255 255 192 just make sure yep 192 and that's coming out of Steel zero zero one right there alright alright it gives us the same message that's fine alright alright fifty out of sixty alright so let's see what else we got here some of this stuff down alright so answer that which command only displays directly connected networks so if we do show IP routes connected whoops you gotta get out of global config [Music] all right so this is showing me directly connected networks all right we got three we know that so that's good all right and if we want to show just the what's the next question which Kirino only displays the static routes listed in the routing table all right should be show IP routes static all right and there's the two static ones I just entered okay and then if we do just show IP route by itself it should show all of it all right so that's everything all right if you need some information on the routes you can look up here these letters see connected static routes RS local routes our L alright so that's good and actually that answers the next question when viewing the entire routing table show IP route how can you distinguish between the directly attached static route in the directly connected route well if you guys go back and look at it you should be able to tell I'm not gonna give away everything for you all right so configure a default route on r3 how does a default route differ from a regular static route and then we're going to configure a default route on r3 so that every network not directly connected is reachable all right in a default route or a also known as a gateway of last resort is the network route used by router when no other known router exists for that destination Network a static route is used to route traffic to a specific Network all right so that's the difference and say if it's a stub Network we're on goes that one way we can set that up it's pretty easy all right so let's go ahead and do that we're doing this right here configure a default route on r3 so that every network not directly connected is reachable so our three enable configure terminal all right IP routes and default just means nothing else works this is how I want you to get out to a destination network outside of my local area network so it's it's saying any IP address any subnet dot 0 dot 0 use this specific interface which is serial 2 0 0 1 alright and now what it's talking about is r3 between these two interfaces don't use this one because this one's local gigas 0 0 use this one alright so everything else fails dynamic protocols fail get out that interface out to the outside world all right all right we're type in oh yeah that's not gonna work all right let's go back dot 0 hit enter all right so tell me the same thing you told me for the other all right it should be good together that works ok so let's see all right got 60 out of 60 that's good but now we need to make sure you answer all the rest of these questions also all right so we've configured it has a static route displayed in the routing table well let you guys look at that you guys should be able to figure that out all right document the commands for this fully specified routes step 5 all right and so I can go ahead and tell you guys you can't have a packet tracer doesn't currently support configuring fully specified stack routes explaining a fully specified route which command provides a fully specified route from r3 to r2 the our tool and alright I'll just do this notepad for you okay so VIP routes 170 2.31 that's through that zero 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 s 0 0 1 and going out 170 2.30 1.1.1 97 okay so from r3 to r2 and and we have to seize serial zero zero zero all right so it's saying IP route that route the subnet mask using this interface England this IP address on that interface our that's fully fully specified route instead of grout alright alright then write a fully specified route from r3 to the network between r2 and r1 alright and so we're gonna calculate that as IP route and it sent me to dot and we'll do this in the in the lab to tomorrow I just wanna make sure you guys get this just in case have any more snow all right 170 2.30 1.1.1 97 actually 190 252 coming out stressors are one alright so let me just note these so I have mixed up all right so this is let's see this how you look if you guys entered it all right that's our three all right our three all right when I seven right a fully specified stack route from r3 to or to the order of one land do you not figure out just calculate it so that would be our three it's 170 2.31 1.01 and this would be 2.30 1.1.1 seven all right so this is gonna be answer for dot a this is going to be B this is going to be see and alright so there's your three answers all right then Step five is let's see just make sure that's all right we got that one be see wonder why that's different already actually let's see fully specified route yeah these are I think these are out of order all right this is gonna be part of a depending on which which version you guys have of this package make sure it looks like they're a little different all right so that may be that's probably gonna be part of a and then B and C alright just make sure you know these what they are alright alright so that's it taking about thirty about thirty eight minutes to do that packet tracer hopefully you guys all have any issues just make sure when you submit this to me alright answer all the questions that are listed you can save that let me show you all right so you can open up in netacad open this up save as alright so you save it to the desktop and go to the desktop and actually open up this PDF file open it up in Word all right so do kind of like this is just type in word hang out give you one sec this is probably the easiest way to do it I want you guys had print out a PDF file or anything all right so actually you know what let's do this let's go to this PC desktop all right open and he's probably just a convert yep converting this PDF contains interactive features that's fine all right enable editing all right yeah got it all right so got this scroll down all right so now you can fill in the answers try to make all the answers and use blue text so I can read them they'll stand out all right you got a couple about 40% of this packet tracer is answering these questions and then you can have that and then just do a screenshot of your completed packet tracer like right here screenshot of that of your 60 out of 60 answer all the questions and then go ahead and submit it to me on the submission link on Moodle already well thanks for watching hope you guys get it and if you don't let me know in class or send me an email
Channel: Mr. Mckee
Views: 1,002
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Id: 5vsgTLe7i-s
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Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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