Configuring a Serial Interface Connection Between Two Routers - Cisco CCNA Training

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hello and welcome to the ona tech video series I'm Johnny Onan and today we're going to talk about setting up a serial interface between two routers so let's get started I'm going to just drag a couple of 2811 s my favorite routers onto here onto the desktop we're going to call this one router one and we're going to call this one router - alright let's spread them out a little bit and let's go into this one here and we'll go into the physical interface these are brand new haven't been set up yet so no passwords will go into privileged exec mode and then global configuration mode and we're going to give it a hostname router one and then on this one same thing router - okay so let's go into router one if you notice in router one right now it only has two physical fast ethernet cards or fast ethernet ports there are no serial ports in this so we have to add one so we'll just go into the physical section here and we notice here's our fastethernet 0/0 and here is 0/1 doesn't have a serial interface so we have to add a card and the way to do that is to you see all these different cards that can fit into this device well we're going to use I know that the wick 1 t is a serial interface it has a single serial interface a port but in order for us to insert it we're going to need to turn off this router ok you notice a little green light here that means the router is on if we just click the switch now the router is off and we can drag this wick 1t into place and drop it in it's just as though we had inserted it and screwed it into place and then we can turn it back on alright so now the the router is booting up let's go back over to the physical side and zoom in and let's just move over here so this is what a wick 1 t card looks like it has one serial interface it's a female interface just drag this in here's what a serial cable one of the Cisco serial cables looks like and these are male interfaces and they would they would push right into this interface you could secure it with the screws and you're good to go all right so we are now at the prompt whether we want to use the wizard we're going to say no and now let's move over to the other router we're going to need to do the same thing because it's also a 28 11 and does not have any serial ports so we turn off the router we get our wick 1 T drop it in it really doesn't matter what which one of these slots we put it into it's just going to change the the way we access the interface so again we are going to turn it back on and now this router is booting back up and we're going to say no and there we are ok so now that we have our cards inserted into here we are ready to assign some information to those cards so let's go ahead and you know what in fact let's do this let's let's select a cable now you'll notice that we have a a serial cable here DC e and DTE on the serial cable you have to use a clock right command and it's used only on a serial interface that has a DC II cable plug into it so what we're going to do on any serial interface there must be a clock rate set on every serial link between routers it doesn't matter which router has the DC e cable plugged into it or which interface the cable is plugged into it just needs to have a DC II cable on one end so let's select that we will plug that in you'll notice it's serial zero three zero this just means that you are in slot three and this is the zero port okay select that and we're going to also put this into the zero three zero port notice remember we put them into the same location on both routers and they're the same type of router so we click connect that up and you'll notice in packet tracer it gives you a little hint if you highlight over it it will tell you that you see the little clock that pops up there I am on the I am on the clock side or the DCE side of the cable and this is the DD sorry I got distracted here the DTE side of the cable alright so we need to apply the clock right here it's not connected when you see these red little red dots it's not connected so we need to get these things connected if I were to go into this device right now and I were to get into privileges exact mode and I do a show IP interface brief you'll notice here's our serial zero three zero interface and this has not been assigned an IP address it's showing that it's okay that it's connected and it's it's ready to go but it's administratively down meaning there it's it's in shutdown mode and there's no protocol the protocol is down well we need to change that and it's going to show the same thing on the router number two all right incidentally I don't think we set the hostname here outer one we do it on this one no we didn't well let's do that there now all is right with the world okay so what do we do here well we have to get into interface mode for that particular serial interface the way we do that is we type in interface whoops s I'm doing this you could type out serial 0 / 3 / 0 I'm just going to use the shortcuts 0 I'm sorry s 0 / 3 / 0 that'll get me to the same spot ok notice that I'm now in interface mode in this interface now I'm going to give it a description because it's always good to have a description especially when you have any different connections so when you're in this interface we can type in description space and then whatever you want to give for a description and you can have spaces let's say link to route router - okay enter now we're going to assign an IP address to this we're not going to be overly creative we're going to say IP address 192 dot 168 10.1 with a mask of a subnet mask of 255 255 255 0 enter now we have to set the clock rate we're on the DCE side so we're going to say clock rate and let's give it 56,000 and now in order to turn this interface on we issue something called the no shutdown command you'll notice that serial interface is now administrative lead áown once we issue this no shutdown command it's going to bring this administratively up all right let's do that now you'll notice here interface serial 0 3 / 0 0 / 3 / 0 sorry change state - down I'm not sure why let's let's do this IP whoops do I show I I think I know why okay all right well let's not worry now you'll notice a change from administrative lead áown to just down all right it's ready to go it really is looking for the for the other side to become active and then everything is getting going to be right with the world so okay so let's go over to this other device and we will go into again let's do show IP interface brief and you'll see we've got our serial 0/3 slash zero so let's go in there interface s 0 / 3 / 0 now we're in interface mode we are going to give it a description we're going to call it link to router 1 and we're going to assign it an IP address sir we will now give it the know shutdown command we don't have to give it the clock right command on this end ok that only has to be on the DCE and not the DTE end so let's say no shut that's short for no shutdown hit enter once I did that let's change this data up and look it these are green look at we just got line protocol on interface serial zero three zero change stay to up alright that's looking really good so now let's do a show IP interface brief run router - and now serial zero three zero is up and up if we go over to router one we can see also that things have changed here you get this message here change state two up line protocol change state two up so if we were to do a show IP interface brief there you go alright so that's how to establish a connection between two routers using a serial interface we also showed how we would assign IP addresses to it in the next video what we're going to do is start configuring the Fast Ethernet interfaces showing you how to do that it's very similar to what you just saw and we'll be back shortly with the next video if you liked the video please give it a thumbs up down below and please subscribe we would appreciate that and if there's anything that I can answer for you or there's or I've missed something didn't understand something I'm happy to clarify just mention in the comments below I will be happy to get back to you and if you want to see something please let me know as well we're always trying to help other people learn all about Cisco products alright with that said take care everyone you
Channel: John Yonan
Views: 71,698
Rating: 4.8043165 out of 5
Keywords: cisco, router, serial, connection, dce, dte, clock rate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2016
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