The basics of Cisco serial interface configuration.

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okay welcome to another video this video is going to focus on configuring serial interfaces between two routers now here I have three networks already configured I have the 192 168 1 0 Network area over on this side of the router have the 192 168 2.0 Network here and over here I have the 192 168 3.0 Network I have 2 different routers and I want to connect these two routers together now these routers have already have serial interfaces installed as you can see here there is a serial interface here this is a what we call a wick a wick to T Carter and H wick to t card both of these routers have them already this one it has it as well and so when you're adding these in all you have to do is you have to grab and move this up you just have to drag the whip quick to T and drag it over however if you try to do it while the router is powered up but it'll say is cannot imagine a lot of app powers on you have to turn off the power grab the wick two T modules drag it over and let drop it into the router and then you turn the power back on and now your wick 2 T module is active and the router rule will recognize the interfaces now what I'm going to do while that's booting is I'm going to go ahead and grab I'm going to go ahead and grab the serial cable so I'm going to come down here I got to have my connections turned on I'm going to grab this serial DC e cable because a little clock on it I'm going to go ahead and push push on that one I'm going to come up here and click on this router click on serial 0 1 0 and I'm going to click on this router and I'm going to do serial 0 1 0 as well so now I have this router this cable put between the two routers now as you can see it's red because by default interfaces are turned off on a router so we have to go do a couple things we need to turn them on set an IP address turn them on and in some cases you'll need to set what's called a clock rate now the clock rate goes on what we call the DCE side of that other cable there's a DTE side and a DCE side now the way you can do this in packet tracer is you can just hover your mouse over the connection point and you'll see a little clock that it will show up right above the the mouse there that is that indicates that that's the side of the router that the side of the interface from the side of the cable that the clock rate has to go on now newer versions of the operating system of the iOS operating system and new versions of packet tracer already have the clock rate configured for you for the most part there may be a time when you have to set the clock rate what you do is you set the clock rate on the side with the clock and which is in this case on is here on router one it depends on the router that you put in which one's going to have the clock rate again but it's already set so when you turn it on it'll when you put on the IP address it'll come up if it's not already set all you have to do is set the clock rate and I'll show you how to do that another way you can determine which side of the cable o'clock rate goes on is you log into your router and we see it's an able and I'm going to go I remember now I put it on serial zero one zero so I'm going to do a show controllers serial 0 / 1 / 0 I'm going to type that in and then right here if here's my the command I put in show controllers s 0 / 1 / 0 and then I go 1 2 3 lines down and I see the word DC e V point 3 5 and then it has next to it a clock rate now the clock rates already set again on this router because it's a new router now if the clock rate wasn't set I would know because it says DCE that I have to put a clock rate on this side of the connection in order for it to work and when I do my configuration I'll show you how we do that so coming down here to config T I'm going to go into my interface int 10 s 0 / 1 / 2 0 and now I can configure the interface I'm going to put an IP address of one day two dot one sixty eight dot 255 dot one with that subnet mask of v two subnet mask is important because it gives me two IP addresses only two so I don't waste a lot of IP addresses and what that does for me is it allows me to put one IP on one side interface on the can action and 1ip on the other side of connection on the interface and i only need two because i have two routers with the serial connections it's called point-to-point and I only need those two so I'm going to go ahead and hit enter I'm going to do a no shut on the interface and the interface should come up now if you needed to do the clock rate what you could do is you can put in the clock rate command clock rate and I'm going to say 64,000 and I'm just going to put in the clock rate of 64,000 and that what I if I had to put in the clock rate that's what I would do and let's go ahead and end this and we will write it now coming back to my interface my packet tracer diagram you can see that only it is still read I configured one side of the interface other connection I have not configured both sides of the connection the connection will not come up until you can do both sides it's not like a a an Ethernet interface where you comes up automatically when it's connected to the switch once it's once you've made that one can that one configuration change which is bringing the interface up in this case because there's two sides to it you have to do both sides so let's go to the other side I'm going to do the same thing on this side which is a different IP address so I'm going to log into the router go to enable mode I can pick T I and TS 0 / 1 / 0 and then again IP address this is going to be 192 168 - 55.2 - for my subnet mask I'm going to know shut the router now this time it says up let's change the state up it should be it should be up now I should have connectivity between the two and I do now I don't have to put the clock right on this side because that this is a DTE side of the cable it's not the DC side I only have to put the clock rate on the DC DC side so I'm good to go I've got my basic configuration I should be able to ping to the other side let's try it c'mon 202 168 to 55.1 and there you go now I can sing across my serial connection and that's the basics of setting up a serial connection there's a little more of nuance to it you might want to use different types of encapsulation you might want to use authentication something like chap which I'll show you in another video but those gives you the duck gives you the basic commands you need to set up the the serial connection again IP address no shot clock rate on the DCE side if required it may already be there on the router may already have that information in there if it doesn't you have to add the clock rate if the clock rates not there the the the interface will not come up then you will not be able to ping from one side to the other so put in a clock rate and you'll be good to go and you can put in a clock rate of 64,000 does just fine in a lab environment and then your you've got everything you need I hope you enjoyed the video output though you hope you found useful if so please subscribe to my youtube channel and we'll see you in future videos thank you
Channel: The Tech Professor
Views: 16,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco router configuration interfaces
Id: G1deT3C9xDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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