Packet Tracer - Configuring RIPv2

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welcome fronts in this video we are going to see the package choice for activity configuring a rip version 2 this packet tracer activities from CCNA routing and switching module 2 in this the packet tracer activity we are going to configure a recursion - and - finally we are going to verify the configurations we will come to path to one configure a rip version to configure rip version 2 on our one use the appropriate command to create a default route on r1 for ol Internet traffic to exit the network through serial zeros 9 0 / 1 so we will set this a default route on r1 first we will come through r1 yes enable configure terminal here we are going to give IP route space row dot 0 dot 0 dot 0 space until the exit interface is serial 0 star 0 / 1 a next is enter rip protocol configuration mode ok and the use version 2 of the RIP protocol and you disable the summarization of networks yes we will do these two step now on r1 coming to r1 s we will go to rip so router rip now we have to give a version to command so we have version and here we can see - now we are going to disable the auto summary so we have now Auto summary next is a configure rip for the networks that connect to r1 yes here we can see it is connecting two networks actually we have three but here we sit default route and we have two more networks that is one ninety two dot one sixty eight oh two 1.0 and even we can see one network between r1 and r2 that is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 2.0 so we are going to configure these two networks we will come to r1 yes we have the command to network and we are going to specify the network address which is coming to r1 one ninety two dot to 160 802 1.0 and we have to press ENTER and we have one more network one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 2.0 yes the next is configure the LAN port that contains the no reuters so that it does not send out any routing information yes here on r1 we can see one LAN port which is not connecting to a router so that interface we will verify that it is yes Gigabit Ethernet 0 is not 0 we will configure this interface as passive interface coming to our work yes here we are going to sit you see how passive interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 yes we said this interface as passive interface next is advertised the default route configured in step 1 a with other recruiters yes here we set the default route on our one so we are going to advertise the default route with the other reporters yes we will do it on our one coming to r1 we have a default information originated yes so we are going to go view this command now we are going to save the configuration on our one so we have a copy running to startup yes now we will go to a step to configure a rep reversion to on are to enter a rip protocol configuration mode okay use version two of the RIP protocol and disable the summarization of networks yes these two we will do right now on our - we will come to our to enable configure terminal and we have to go to router rip and we are going to give the version 2 also we are going to disable auto summary next is configure rip for the network's is directly connected to r2 is coming to the topology here we can see the router r2 and so we can see three networks connected to our two here one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 2.0 one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 3.0 and to one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 4.0 we will configure these networks coming to us through is we have network one ninety two dot to one sixty eight dot 2.0 and we have 3.0 yes I am going to replace that and to one more is of 4.0 yes next is configure the interface that contains and no rooters so that it does not sent out or routing information yes on our two we can see the LAN port which is not connecting to a router so this interface is gigabit authority zero zero zero yes we will set this interface as passive interface coming to our to here we are going to set the passive interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 now we are going to save the configuration one our - coming to our - yes we have copy running do startup yes now we will go to step 3 configure a repossession - on our 3 repeat step 2 on our 3 yes so here we can see our our three rotor and also we can see the two networks which is connected to our 3 192 dot 168 o2 4.0 and one LAN here we can see one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 5.0 so here obviously the passive interface is this a gigabit Authority zeros are zero on our three so we will do the configuration on our three now coming to our 3c you lie is enable configure terminal here we are going to give router repent version is - and you know we are going to disable the auto summary using no Auto summary and we are going to give the network we have seen 192 to one sixty eight dot 4.0 and we have one more that is 5.0 and now we are going to give the passive interface that is Gigabit Ethernet zeros large 0 yes part one completed now we will come to a party to verify configurations so in that step one view routing tables of r1 r2 and r3 use the appropriate command to show the routing table of r1 until we can see the characters like see and we can see the local route CL and also the default or rule stet via the routing tables for r2 and r3 and they notice that each rotor has a full a listing of all 192 168 an X or 0 that means we have seen a till 5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 and Phi dot 0 so this networks and a default route yes we will verify this configuration now first of all we will come to our 1 enable here we are going to see the routing table using show IP route yes he we can see all the networks we can see 1 2 0 here we can see the 2.0 yes yes here we can see under 3.0 4.0 unto 5.0 so it is a learnt with the help of rip version 2 protocol yes also we can see the default route yes star here yes now we are going to see the routing table on the rotors R 2 and R 3 coming to our to show IP route yes here we can see all the networks a 1.0 2.0 3.0 then we have 4.0 and 5.0 and also we can see the default route here coming to R 3 we will just save the configuration you using copy running to startup and we will check it show IP route yes here oh so we can see all the network's 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 and 5.0 also we can see the default route coming to the last step in part to verify full connectivity to all destinations every device should now be able to pink the other device inside the network in addition all devices should be able to ping the webserver yes we will verify this full connectivity now we will check the connectivity from pc1 command prompt oh here I am going to ping to PC to PC 3 and also to this web server here we can see the IP at 2 so PC 2 and the PC 3 3.0 and descended to our 3.0 so IP address OPC 2 is a three-door 10 and PC 3 is a 5.10 so we will ping that pink one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 3.10 yes we are getting the replay now we will ping to PC three that is five out 10 yes we are getting the reply now we will ping to a web server so here is pink 64 dot 100 dot 0 dot 10 yes so we will check that yes we are getting the reply yes that's all this packet is or activity from a CCNA routing and switching a module to small packet tracer of activity but quite interesting front so if you have any doubt in this packet tracer activity or even in a CCNA routing and switching please comment below if you like my videos give a thumb also we have we will have all the packet tracer activities from CCNA routing and switching so for getting this information so you can subscribe my channel stay tuned thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 96,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RIPv2
Id: 3bmmJ_2dMVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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