Packet Tracer - Troubleshooting Static Routes

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- so welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity troubleshooting static routes from CCNA routing and switching here we can see our topology and we have our addressing table in this a packet tracer we are going to troubleshoot static routes so we are going to locate the problem we will determine the solution implement the solution and finally we are going to verify that the issue is resolved we will come to a path to one locate the problem we see one cannot access files on the server locate the problem using the appropriate show commands on all rotors and any troubleshooting commands on the pcs that you have learned from previous chapters coming to the topology here we can see the into device OPC one this PC one is unable to connect to this server so first of all I am going to check the connectivity coming the IP address of this server here we can see that now we will come to PC one we will go to command prompt and we will ping to the server pink and IP address of that server we are waiting for the replay we can see we are getting requests timed out we will await some moment yes you are getting still request rained out that means this into device PC one is unable to communicate to you know the web server I mean this server yes here we can see the packet sent on to C 0 0 100 % 30 Loes before going to show commands on each routers here this topology we can see coming to r1 this rotor got to directly connected networks and three remote networks so these three net three networks should be there in this r1 configured as a static route and coming to rotor two we can see three directly connected networks and two remote networks we have to teach these two networks I mean this already taught on r2 these two networks we have to verify that coming to r3 we can see two directly connected networks and three remote networks so these three remote networks should be configured in this r3 we will verify on each router so using show IP route coming through r1 enable here we are going to get a command show IP route first of all I am going to see the connected connected networks yes we have to directly connected networks now we'll go to show IP route static so three network should be there and static yes here we can see that now we are going to verify these static routes are configured correctly so coming to r1 we can see the exit interface for all these or remote Network keys is this we can see 0 0 / 0 / 0 & 2 here we can see yes it is configured correctly now we will check the network uh trust from each remote networks here we can see 170 2.31 to 0.0 / 24 so coming to the routing table yes here we can see that to 172 dot t 1.0.0 / 24 it is correct and we have one more here one 70 2.30 100 - 100 - 120 8 / 26 yes here we can see that and one more remote network that is 170 2.30 100 - 100 - 196 yes / 30 so this routing table is correct now we will go to router r2 and we will verify enable we will give a show IP route connected so that we can see all the connected networks in this rotor yes we have a three connected networks in this rotor r2 and we will give you show IP route static yes we have a - static networks configured and we will verify one by one now we will come to the first article wrote in this routing table here we can see 170 2.30 100 to 1.0 / 25 yes we will let's check that Network here see here it is so obviously from r2 to this network the next hop address will be the IP address so for this interface on our one so we have to verify the IP address of this interface that is the serial 0 0 / 0 we will check the IP address of this interface okay show IP interface brief here we can see the IP address of 0 0 / 0 / 0 that is 170 2.30 1 0 - 1 dot 194 yes one note 194 oh yes here we can see it is configured incorrectly so it should be 194 not 198 so this is one problem what we identified we will see the next static route here 170 2.30 100 - 100 - 128 last 26 yes here it is so it's why I once Wendy 2.30 1.1.1 94 so from r2 to this network obviously like this next to hope actresses the IP address of this interface here 0 / 0 / room 1 on R 3 so we will verify that we can see it is configured or only 194 because they given the network address as 196 so this is a network of trust and we can see the prefix length of 30 so here the usable IP address will be only to 197 and 198 so these two are trusts we cannot see here it is 194 anyway we will verify the IP actress enable show IP interface brief yes here we can see the IP address it is 100 to 190 H but here they given 100 to 190 for yes here we can see on our to the static route I mean the next hop address is configured incorrectly now we will go through our three here will give so IP route connected yes we can see two connected networks on our three yes it's correct now we will give so I P route static that should be three oh it is true we can see for our three we have three remote networks and we must be configured these three must be configured as a static route in this our three but here we can see only two static route so this one more static route should be configured on our three also we will verify whatever configured here we can see 170 2.30 1.0.0 here see our it is a 170 2.30 1.0.0 / 24 it is why a 0 0 / 0 / 1 yes it's correct this is a exit interface and here is 170 2.30 100 - 100 - 192 / 30 yes here we can see that and so here also that exit enter of SC 0 0 / 0 / 1 and we can see this network is missing we have to configure this network on r3 as a static route now we will go to what are the some of the troubleshooting commands on routers and PCs that can be used to identify the source of the problem okay only we have seen some measurements we can use show IP route the show running config we can use a trace route trace hurt or so we can use ping etc let's try this well now we will go to party to determine the solution after you have located the problems that is a preventing pc1 from accessing files on the server fill in the table below so here actually we got two problems so the way we have to fill out this problem and it's solution we know the our first problem also the static route so on our two are both using the incorrect and x2 fortress so obviously we have to remove that incorrect and x2 apertures and to be able to give the correct next to rotor axis and till we know the second problem because there is no route a listed in r3 for the r1 land so we have to add a static route on r3 to this r1 LAN now we will come to a part 3 implement the solution if there are any misconfigured static routes you must remove them before the correct ones can be added to the configuration ok we have seen on r2 there was a incorrect next to a but first we must remove that and we have to configure it and add any missing static routes by configuring directly attached routes ok we will do we will implement these solutions now we will come to our two and we will remove the misconfigured static routes coming to our two first of all I am going to see the running country so that very easily we can remove it yes here we can see that I'm going to configure terminal here I'm going to given no here I am going to copy this line so to be more easy okay here I am going to paste it press Enter I'm going to remove the second one IP route copy you're going to paste it yes we will verify whether this sir is removed from the routing table or not so IP routes that cheek yes now we can see it is empty and we can see only the connector so show IP route yes now we will give you the correct configuration configure terminal I am going to use the previous command coming to the beginning of the line Here I am going to remove no and going to the end three this is 194 I am going to change to 194 yes and here we have a 194 we have to change it to 198 so coming to the starting line using ctrl a going to remove no now we'll go to the end of this line ctrl e here it is 198 yes now we will verify this show IP route or we will give show IP route static only yes here we can see that now we will come to r3 and so we will add the missing static route on r3 okay enable configure terminal we are going to IP route and here we can see the IP address that is 170 2.30 one dot one dot zero and the subnet mask here we can see the prefix and is last 25 so here we have to give 255 255 255 dot 128 and now we have to specify the exit interface here the exit interface from r3 to this r1 land is this interface that is serial 0 / 0 / 1 we will specify that here CDL 0 / 0 / 1 all right coming to the last part verify that the issue is resolved bring for a ping from the PC to the server okay we will lapping from this PC 1 to this server here is the IP address offer server coming to PC 1 command prompt here field shall see how yes we are getting the replay to the server open a web connection to the server after you correctly identify and implement to the correct solution to the problem you will receive a message in the browser when you connect to the server ok we will ship coming to PC 1 here is over browser and here I am going to get IP address of our server yes here we got the message troubleshooting static rules congratulations yes also we will verify from a PC to IP address of server yes yes that's all in this packet tracer troubleshooting static routes friends if you have any doubt - 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Channel: Tech Acad
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Keywords: Troubleshoot static routes
Id: _ynFTApx4Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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