Packet Tracer 1.5.10 - Verify Directly Connected Networks

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hi everyone this video walks through completing packet tracer 1.5.10 verifying directly connected networks this packet tracer assignment is a part of the switching routing and wireless essentials version 7 cisco networking academy curriculum this packet tracer assignment is very similar to our previous module 1 packet tracer where we configure ip version 4 local area networks on r1 two of them and we configure two local area networks for ipv6 on r2 this one is very similar except for there are some issues that have already been configured so this is kind of almost like our troubleshooting labs where we go in and figure out what's incorrect so let's look at our consult our addressing table as i click on these devices so on pc one so on pc one i'm gonna go to ipconfiguration and you'll be able to see that my ip addressing should match what is in our table over here for pc one so for pc1 i've got 172 16 2010 255.255.225 sorry about that is a slash 25 so that's correct and our default gateway should be the g000 interface on r1 which is and i believe it should also note that right here so everything's good on pc one let's check pc2 so for pc2 we've got sorry all my 255's are getting crossed up today and then our default gateway should be the g001 interface on r1 which is 172 16.20.129 which it is so everything is good on pc2 now let's check r1 all right now how do we check the ip addresses of this well if we press enter our password is cisco enable and then class we can do a show run so again we're looking at g000 this is connection to sw1 so let's kind of move this over here so it should be connection to sw1 our ip address is let's make sure that's correct and that subnet mask should be the same there yes you notice that it says shut down though we don't have any link lights in this particular lab so we don't know if it's up or down but it does say it shut down so you can note there that we do want to type no shut on g00 so let's go ahead and do that so we're going to go configuration mode interface g000 0 and no shutdown all right to turn that interface on okay the ip addressing was good but we need to turn it on now let's check g001 which is the one that goes down to sw 2. so we'll go back up here g zero zero one let's check the ip addressing g zero zero one is for the um subnet mask so everything looks good on that as well we can check our serial interface while we're here 209 165.200.225. that's for serial zero one zero is what we should have we notice here our ip address is so that's actually incorrect as well as the subnet mask so 2 30 should be 252. so we have an issue there for serial 0 1 0. so let's go there so let's actually exit out of this one and we want to go to interface serial 0 1 0 and we're going to do no ip add that'll clear out the ip address and that we currently have and then we'll do ipad and then the subnet mask should be all right so we should have a slash 30 or 252 for the subnet mask all right now let's make sure that one was turned on it looks like it is if as long as it doesn't say shut down it should be turned on um if you ever want to try you can just or just you know make sure you can do no shutdown but you see nothing happens so it's already on all right so we should be good with r1 in this side of the network now let's go over to pc3 pc4 and r2 so pc3 here we should have ipversion 6 addressing set up and let's verify over here so pc3 we've got 2001 dba c0de colon 12 colon colon a the forward size 64. and the default gateway is fe80 colon colon 2 that looks correct let's check pc4 all right my default gateway fe80 colon colon 2. and my ip addressing 2001 colon db8 colon c0de colon 13 colon colon a forward size 64. that looks good as well so now let's check r2 alright so we'll log into r2 with cisco enable and then class all lowercase and do a show run all right so the interfaces g000 is connected to sw3 up at the top there um and you notice it says no ipad but we're using ipv6 so that's what we want to look at so ipv6 address we should see db we should see 2001 db8 c0de colon 12 colon colon 1 forward slash 64 that looks good and it is turned on because it doesn't say shutdown g001 2001 db8 c0de colon 14 is listed here but right here i see 13. so that is incorrect so we need to fix that one let's look at the serial interface too while we're here 2001 db8 c0de colon 11 colon colon one for size 64. so that's okay so this one here the g001 interface is the one incorrect with the ipv version six address so let's fix that so we'll go to config t and it was interface g g001 let me move this in the middle here all right so interface g001 um and then ipv6 add 2001 colon db8 colon c0de colon 13 colon colon 1 forward slash 64. so that should fix that issue for us and of course if you do an exit do show run the do command allows us to complete these commands no matter where we're at in our system now if we go back g zero zero one uh we need to clear out the other one though um so let's do i'm gonna copy this actually and we'll do interface g zero zero one and no ipv6 well here let's just paste no ipv6 address to clear that one out of there so now do show run g001 should only have the 13 address listed there and you see here we're at a hundred percent for our lab so we are all done so connectivity has been restored issues have been corrected so the things that we corrected were two issues on r1 and one issue on r2
Channel: Anthony Lucas
Views: 3,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 07UPoHEegJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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