Packet Tracer 4.3.8 - Configure Layer 3 Switching and Inter-VLAN Routing

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hi everyone this video walks through completing packet tracer assignment 4.3.8 configuring layer 3 switching and enter vlan routing this packet tracer assignment is a part of the switching routing and wireless essentials version 7 cisco network and academy curriculum now in this particular lab assignment in our layout there we've got six p or sorry yeah six pcs pc zero through pc5 and they are connected to their respective switches that already have vlans set up so we don't have to do that but we are going to configure that layer 3 switch that is a new icon for us um in the rsc the s rwe class um with the sys with cisco so we are going to configure the layer 3 switch for the first time we are used to that being a router now so far with interview lan routing we learned the traditional way which you needed a separate interface separate cable from this if this was a router from the switch to the router you would need one for every vlan you have so if you have 50 vlans you need 50 physical separate connections in the last packet tracer assignment we learned how to configure sub interfaces using 1q encapsulation so that we would only need one physical interface but it could carry traffic for multiple vlans that it became the default gateway for so we could route between vlans that's why we call it inter vlan routing and that method using one physical interface is called router on the stick now there is a third method which is basically replacing the router with a layer 3 switch layer 3 switches can actually do routing and switching together so layer 3 switches can operate as a router and a switch so it can do routing and route between different networks and you can actually take a interface and turn it into a routed interface and assign a ip address remember with layer 2 switches we could not do that so to get started here we're going to turn and i'm going to move this around over here so that we can see when i hover over this is g02 this is the port they're asking you to configure they're telling you to do no switch port so you can put an ip address on it so this becomes like the outside facing interface and it needs an ip address on it that it can share with this cloud network here so we're going to go into interface g02 on this layer 3 switch and assign it an ip address so we'll do enable config t sort of interface g02 no switchboard this lets it know that we are no longer going to operate like a normal switch on this port then we're going to do ipad 209 165 200.225 225 and then 255 255 255 and i believe that is a 252 yep it's a 252 address most of the time when you've got one device connected to another like a router to another router it's usually a 252. all right then we can exit out now they should be able to ping between the cloud interface and g02 in the mls device now we're going to add our vlans the vlans have already been added to the other three switches down here we're going to add it to mls so we're going to do the same command as vlan 10 name and we're we're gonna name it staff based off of our chart there vlan 20 name student remember they are case sensitive for the grading vlan 30 name faculty so now we've created those three vlans remember you can do a do show vlan brief to make sure they're there now we're going to configure and activate the svi interfaces this is basically like making them the default gateway and here let's check and make sure vlad99 was created do show vlan brief 99 is already there so we're going to do interface vlan 10 remember we learned how to do this before interface vlan t and then ipad 192 168 dot it automatically came up for us and you notice that there now we're going to repeat this for 20 30 and 99 those ip addresses are up here at the top of our chart so for 20 we'll do interface vlan 255.255.0 then we'll exit then interface vlan 30 and then we're going to assign this ip address ipad and and then lastly interface vlan 99 and then ipad and all those interfaces automatically came up so this is just like configuring the sub interfaces except this is the way we do it for a layer 3 switch next we're going to configure trunking on mls so the port that it shares with switch one we need to make sure is a trunk link here so right here we are going to go to switch port mode trunk we're going to specify the native vlan as 99 and we're going to specify switchport trunk encapsulation.1q so interface g01 again this is the one that it shares between mls and s1 here and we're going to do switch port mode trunk you see it comes up for all the different interfaces okay and then switch port because remember the interface vlang commands are not physical interfaces they're virtual kind of like the sub interfaces on the router we did before so this is switch port mode trunk that allows it to carry all the vlan traffic that we need between mls and s1 then we'll do switch port trunk native vlan 99 to assign the native vlan now remember we got to go make that match in a minute on s1's end and then to assign the encapsulation we do switch port and then you can see all the different availabilities there trunk encapsulation oops and you can put in cap and then dot one q so switchboard trunk endcap.1q so on this end we had to do on this g zero one end we had to do switch port mode trunk switch port trunk native vlan and assign whatever one this one was 99 and then switch port trunk uh encapsulation.1q and then on the switch one end because it's going to note there's a mismatch we need to go to interface go to configuration mode interface g01 which again is what it is on this end of s1 we'll do switch port mode trunk that assigns it for the trunking mode and carry multiple vlans but then we need to make it match the native vlan oops sorry there and it'll continue to bark at you until you fix it so then switch port trunk native vlan 99 and then you'll see it says unblocked in just a couple seconds so now we are able to route between different networks here now you also notice like let's say we click on pc3 this one has ipv version 6 as well all that we did just will support ipv4 will not support ip version 6. okay even if we've got the trunking and everything you see here it says consistency restored um even if we've got everything matched up other places it will carry ip version 4 but it won't carry ipv6 some of these pcs are running dual stack where you've got ip version 6 and ipv4 running at the same time so to do that first we need to enable ipv6 unicast routing on our outside interface all right on the um router or the layer 3 switch and configure it for the rest of our vlans as well so first we'll do ipv6 unicast dash routing remember this is a command we learned back in our first cisco networking class to enable ib ipv6 commands and routing to take place all right the outside facing interface here interface g02 we did assign an ip version 4 address to that after turning the switch port off we didn't know switch port and then ip command so we'll go back into that and if you notice here in our addressing chart there is also a ipv6 address here and what i'm gonna do is make it easy on myself and copy that and paste it after i do ipv6 ad and i'm going to use the paste button i use copy c to get it and then you have to use the paste button here so it's ipv6 add and then the ip address ip version sorry ipv6 add the ipv6 address slash the subnet mask okay so that assigned both of those so now if i do a do show run you'll notice that g02 here has both running at the same time and it notices not a switchboard all right so now we're going to configure the rest of them so if you notice here we've got a steel interface vlan 10 the one we've already done with ip version 6 we need to do with ipv4 sorry the one we did with ip version 4 already we need to do iop version 6. so interface vlan 10 i'm gonna copy and paste that sorry i need to put ipv6 ad there all right then interface of elan 20. ipv6 add paste interface vlan 30. add paste interface vlan 99 that one does not have ipv version 6 so we don't need to worry about that one all right okay so we put it on the outward facing interface we did it on 10 20 and 30. and the last thing um i forgot to do earlier is in in addition to the ipv6 unicast routing we have to do just normal ip routing on a normal router we don't have to tell it to do that it only does routing but on a layer 3 switch we do have to turn that on as well and that should give us 100 so now our pc should be able to ping between each other ipv4 or ipv6 and it's all handled so pc0 if it wants to talk to pc3 it would go from pc 0 to switch 2 switch to the switch one switch one to the mls switch back down to switch one down to switch three over to pc3 and it doesn't have to be in the same vlan at all so no matter what vlan they're a part of this will still work now again the end devices or the switch to and switch three has already been configured that these ports going over to the pcs are in access mode for whatever vlan they are and you can go take a look at it you can do a enable uh show vlan brief and you'll see here if we widen this out uh that ports fa2 through f8 are all part of the tnv land uh so you can kind of see there they've already been assigned now switch to the switch one and switch one to switch three need to be in trunking mode because again it has to carry all the vlan traffic so that's a good review as well as adding something new a layered three switch which does layer three routing as well as layer 2 switching
Channel: Anthony Lucas
Views: 3,330
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Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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