Oxygen Not Included Tutorial: Producing Oxygen

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hello my friends welcome back to another oxygen not included tutorial this video is going to be about keeping your dupes alive in the most fundamental way and that is giving them oxygen to breathe there's going to be a lot of different ways you can produce it and a lot of inefficient or efficient ways you can do so so we'll talk about a whole bunch of different ways you can um yeah without any further ado let's just go ahead and jump straight into the builds and i'll see you there okie dokie here we are let's take a look at a few different ways to produce oxygen and uh yeah i don't have much more to say than that so first thing you need to pay attention to is obviously this is oxygen and one of the most fundamental things of this game is not making too many dupes so i just kind of want to illustrate what the difference is in the consumption rate between having these different types of dupes so i'm gonna produce a whole bunch of them over here and just one here you can already see how fast the oxygen is depleting in this little room so one of the biggest keys is to make sure that you don't over produce dupes and making sure that you always have enough oxygen to keep these dupes sustained they're already starting to hold their breath they will be dead within the cycle so just kind of demonstrates if you have too many dupes and you don't have a good way to produce oxygen then yeah you're kind of dead if you are having problems with that um this is not the most fun thing to do but you can't always kill your dupes on purpose and just lower your population uh it'll it'll be rough but it might be a little bit better than uh having to restart your whole colony so let me go ahead and spare these people to painful deaths and just delete them with my tool so let's jump over to another fundamental thing and that is that your base is going to be consistently packed with different gases and you need to make sure that you're actually dealing with the lower level gases and by that i mean the ones that they can't really breathe or do anything with and they also sink to the bottom of the map so these are not placed in here by any order or whatever i could change the order and whatever they will always settle to something like this where all the gases you effectively don't want will settle at the bottom with the exception of hydrogen that will settle at the top so you do need some kind of system to vent the gases out that you don't want and i will usually just vent them out to space and do that before any other method because getting into space is usually not that big of a battle on most maps so i do talk about this a little bit in my automation video which where we kind of go through the reasoning behind this setup but basically you want something some kind of automation setup that's going to turn a pump on and get rid of the gases that you don't want and then turn back off when you uh don't have a need for it anymore so looks like you need to actually turn this on let's go ahead and do that and we're already satisfied this is already saying like we're comfortable with where we are but if we have a whole bunch more gases that we don't want say like this carbon dioxide i'll just go ahead and drop it in here your machine should be like okay now i know we need to start getting rid of stuff and just leave the oxygen left over i don't want any this other junk get in my way so you do want to worry about ventilation you do have to deal with that at some point otherwise your whole base just going to get overrun by all of this leftover and nonsense gas that you don't want let's talk about actually producing it um to start off the game this is actually what i'm doing to keep my one little dupe alive in the corner on this map that is oxalite oxalite spawns naturally on pretty much every starting map and that can sustain you for a little while so this is going to be the first thing you're going to see when you start the game and especially when you're first starting up you want to pay attention to how much you have left so if you happen to mine it it'll just look like little uh clumps on the ground and it'll still give off gas and it will only give off gas if there's a low enough air pressure so oxalite's going to be the first thing that you're going to start using for oxygen but that's very temporary i'd say if you don't have your own oxygen solution by like cycle 5 or 10 then you might be in some trouble so what is one of the first things you need to solve for one of the first things you will use to solve it is something like this this is an oxygen diffuser just takes algae i just have an auto sweeper in here just a little load up for us it's not critical to the build or anything but yeah this one's pretty simple as well you basically give it some power give it some algae and it just uh makes oxygen for you so let me turn on my things here mine this out fill it up with uh with algae and now it's producing oxygen you also want to make sure how much make sure to pay attention to how much oxygen is being produced from different things so 500 grams a second is how much this is producing and if you just look at a typical dupe it'll say how much they're consuming so if i were to click on gene here gene is consuming it at 100 grams per second so this effectively means that one of these machines can sustain five dupes and you always want to have that kind of stuff in mind of knowing like um how can i make sure i'm keeping up on my oxygen and what kind of machines are necessary for the number of dupes that i have you can also check your reports here your reports will tell you if you are at a surplus or at a deficit of oxygen so you can just check it out uh here as well and you can scan through the days to see what's been done so yeah you'll want to keep an eye on that but yeah that's the most basic solution i'll talk about another very elementary solution and that is these oxy ferns so i'm going to go ahead and drop a couple dupes in here and uh for this dupe we're going to tell them to plant some oxy ferns once these oxy ferns get planted they're going to need to sit in carbon dioxide to actually function so if you look at this this is going to need some fertilization as well so we need to actually spawn some dirt let's go ahead and do that really quickly since i forgot that part dirt dig it out and there we go this guy's going to go ahead and drop it in there you'll also want to look at how much these are producing if they are planted they emit a pathetically low amount 31.3 grams that means that three of these is just barely not enough to actually sustain one dupe so these are not good they also use your water up they require a lot of maintenance these are really not a great solution only good to use if you're really desperate another way you can use them though i'm going to get rid of you another way you can use them is you can have them planted naturally by pips so let's go ahead and spawn some of those and i'll show you what these pips do here we go what these pips will do is they'll have a few different behaviors and of course he's just going to walk away and troll me but if they see a seed on the ground they should be inclined to take that seed and plant it somewhere so you can't actually use these pips to plant these oxy ferns naturally that means that they won't take any water they won't take any dirt they'll just kind of sit there and do their job so i'll spawn a dupe here as well and assuming that this pip ever actually plants something this dupe should be able to live for a little while but the the rates for this are really bad um this pip is really messing with us pretty pretty badly but the rates in which it emits oxygen is like one-third the amount that or sorry one-fourth the amount that goes through you can see 25 percent throughput so divide this by four that is a pathetically low amount um so these oxy ferns are really not that special this dupe has a trait that makes them suck down more oxygen by the way so yeah oxy ferns not that great can be used in the early game and if there are desperate measures i'm just going to keep this pip in here and we'll check back and see if it's actually wanting to ever do anything pip is messing with us they should be interested in these seeds and they should be interested in planting them so if we don't see it in this video i promise i promise it's a thing we're just getting trolled by uh by pimps let's talk about the next level um this is the oxel or oxalizer electrolyzer i'm just making up words this is an electrolyzer this basically takes in water and it puts out hydrogen and it puts out oxygen so uh this is a very elementary setup and i have something like this in my walk through videos probably something that i really shouldn't have shown like an inefficient version of it because this is an inefficient version of it i thought it would be a little bit easier to understand for newer players but i kind of regret that i wish i would have gone with a better setup which i'll show after this but the basics are once we turn this on this will start producing oxygen it'll start producing hydrogen and these pumps here will suck it up it will go through these gas filters which are filtering for hydrogen and then the excess hydrogen is going to be sent into a generator like this you can generate a little bit of power and the rest is going to be going through this cold pool of water um i do have a tutorial on cooling if you want to know how to make this cool water but that's what we're going to use to make sure to cool this down otherwise this is going to start producing very hot oxygen if you're blowing that in your base you start risking overheating stuff to the point that like critters will die or plants won't grow or your dupes might get hurt if it does get hot enough or machines will break stuff like that so you definitely do want to cool this down like i did mention this is a very inefficient setup so let's talk about a much more efficient setup this is probably the most efficient setup for something like this and that's something that looks like this i've seen this build around several times and there's a reason for it this is basically the best you're going to get this builds in in a nutshell separates the hydrogen and the oxygen based upon where they naturally settle so if we go back to our other example where we were sucking gases out of here if i were to spawn some hydrogen the hydrogen is always going to drift to the top like i mentioned so let's go ahead and spawn some and the hydrogen will always sit at the top it will always collect up there and we can kind of abuse this mechanic to our advantage to get the filtering for free so what i have set up here is this pump should only be expected to grab hydrogen it may grab a little bit of oxygen early on but that's okay and then the two down here are going to be grabbing uh oxygen i think i said hydrogen for this but that's what i mean this one's going to grab hydrogen these two are going to grab oxygen they're also connected to these atmos sensors which is going to make sure that they're not on all the time which is another weakness of this type of build the the general idea with any sort of ventilation or with pumps is that you don't want to waste energy pumping tiny little packets like this you want to pump as full of packets as possible so that's why i have these atmos sensors so these will only turn on when it's worthwhile for them to turn on otherwise you're just kind of wasting energy so let's take a look at this setup this is going to produce hydrogen and oxygen the hydrogen and oxygen will eventually settle in the places they're supposed to go but the first couple times that it sucks up anything it's probably going to suck up some oxygen by accident and that's going to be okay it won't do that forever eventually what's going to happen is this is going to get so over pressurized to the point that only hydrogen can exist in these tiles and then it'll trip these sensors at a certain value you can kind of fine tune it to whatever you think is best but this is about where i have found it to be pretty effective in terms of keeping the electrolyzer running as frequently as possible and also not wasting power eventually you should get some to something like this where this pump is hardly ever on these pumps are on a good amount of the time and by doing this uh you are now separating the gases without having to do any filtration or pay for any power notice how the packets are for the most part pretty large so you're getting a pretty good uh trade-off for how much power you're spending to actually pump it out how much you're spending to produce it this is to the point that if i were to disconnect this battery i'm just going to do it for the sake of it whatever if you were to disconnect this battery oh nevermind it's on a different power cable but if you were to disconnect this power generator and hook it up to the battery this actually produces more power than it consumes so kind of a neat little build it's not necessary to play that way you can route your hydrogen whatever you want uh in whatever way you want that is you don't have to set it up exactly like this but this particular block like right here this block i i think there's no reason to do it any other way than this and i'm not saying this because i came up with this or anything like that it's just objectively a lot better than any other setup out there um there may be some like super minor improvements that you could make to it but yeah this is this is pretty much it this is where it's at so that's definitely what i would recommend as far as an electrolyzer setup let's take a look at a couple of other methods here that are kind of non-uh intuitive so what we have here is an algae terrarium you definitely don't want to spam these out for a number of reasons these are also not super efficient this was yet another thing that i kind of didn't wish i talked about in my walkthrough video because they're not really all that important but the whole idea is that it takes algae and it takes water so let me go ahead and dig some of this out when i dig this out we're going to load up the algae but it also takes water which means it's also going to put out polluted water one trick you can do with these things if you're insistent on using them or if you really want to sip on your algae is you can spawn or you can not spawn you don't want to do that if you can put just a small amount of water wherever one of these are like on the ground it will eventually fill the terrarium to the point that it will start producing on its own and it will just use up the water when the water is done being used this will put out polluted water and the polluted water will slowly gas off into polluted oxygen hence these deodorizers here we'll see a little bit more of that here coming up but this is the basic idea with one of these this these are also kind of good in the earlier portions of the game because they will clean up carbon dioxide so let's just go ahead and spawn a little bit of that so you can see that in action here we go let's go ahead and paint that in there just a bit you can see it sucks it in kind of slowly it's not very fast at all i think one dupe puts it out at about like two or three grams per second something like that we could probably take a look at them and get the real number gene's very happy whoa uh yeah two grams per second of carbon dioxide is what they put out so these are not great overall the best part about them is that they will take any temperature of water and they will cool it down to a much lower temperature just by using it so if you have some hot water lying around you can use that um just to get some free cooling but otherwise they're not that great so i don't think there's a those are all that special let's just go ahead and deconstruct this so we're not getting any annoying stuff about it now this is going to be a much better solution on a lot of maps there are pockets of water around the map that are polluted water and very critically these are polluted waters pockets with no germs in them so this is going to be very useful for producing oxygen basically for free and the way that you do that is you can fill up one of these liquid reservoirs then when it gets full you can destroy it it'll spawn a bottle of polluted water and you can see it emitting polluted oxygen at 200 grams per second now this is the cheapest way to get oxygen by far the only thing you're going to have to do is fill up these deodorizers which i don't have sand right now because i'm uh being a scrub just go ahead and drop a duplicate in here so they can load them up so these deodorizers will eventually turn this all into regular oxygen you definitely don't you don't want to have polluted oxygen sitting around your base even though your dupes can't breathe it only because it's a breeding ground for germs but this is it this is the simplest way to get oxygen from any form whatsoever all we had to do was fill up a tank with polluted water that already exists on the map so yeah pretty easy solution there and definitely something that you can use on some of the more difficult maps or if you're in a pinch for oxygen or if you can't afford the power or whatever else because of that this will also convert it at a one-to-one rate whereas it will convert uh water into oxygen at almost like a nine to one rate so this is still more efficient the only downside is you do have to use sand let's talk about one last thing and that is when you find pieces of slime or polluted dirt from various different sources it's going to be kind of the same idea as this in the sense that they're just going to gas off into polluted oxygen and you can take advantage of that even though these are usually considered waste products or something that you don't want to mess around with usually you can set it up in a way that you can build some deodorizers around them and you can build enough so that you won't actually have any germs getting out there from the slime or from the polluted dirt so let's go ahead and do this let's have uh this get dug out really quickly and let's spawn a dupe so that they will see these things will gas off normally as we can see here but if you focus them all into one area with the storage bin go ahead go ahead and have this requesting organic i need to drop it down here first so this requesting polluted dirt and slime they will just go ahead and fill that up and then you have your polluted oxygen being generated in a small area and these deodorizers will clean it up and make it breathable without getting a bunch of germs in the air so that's definitely another option let me spawn some sand for our deodorizers go ahead and take this out and there we go so now we've got another source here and you're going to find a lot of polluted dirt from a whole bunch of different sources it can be from cleaning water it can be from using out houses and stuff like that and slime if you have seen the giant biomes that are filled with them you know that that is very plentiful so you can just localize it all to one area and you can see the oxygen is kind of filling out in here it's not super fast uh but it is at least a useful byproduct of something else that is just basically considered waste so there's a lot of different methods to produce oxygen and this is just kind of the first round of them by the way here's this pip finally planting these oxy ferns you can see the pathetic oxygen production rate from these things so they're not great they can only sustain you know one dupe if you have like 10 of them or more actually that's more like 12 i should probably do math but there you go um so yeah lots of different basic ways to produce oxygen and these are all the ways i would say are pretty practical um in the next section we're going to take a look at uh some examples that i would call they're they're not necessarily impractical they're just really uncommon so i figured i would just break them up into a separate section because if you can survive on just these solutions i would recommend that rather than trying to do something else it's a little silly or a little cumbersome but either way let's take a look at those okay i've literally named this section the miscellaneous builds and that's because they are quite miscellaneous these are not very practical ways to generate oxygen but they do work if you have to if you have to do it so yeah let's let's check them out so it is night times that's why you got this uh bad lighting and music but first thing we're going to look at are rust deoxidizer builds these are not very practical and because rust is not renewable and it requires both rust and salt so salt is kind of plentiful but rust is not really i've made one of these before mostly just because i wanted to see what it was all about but rust is not renewable there's plenty of other great options but even still i don't know let's check it out let's go ahead and dig this out and we're going to be shipping uh rust and salt down to this chamber this chamber is going to be filled but or rather this rusty oxidizer is going to be filled with salt and rust by this auto sweeper and this is also going to produce uh iron ore so this can actually have a helpful byproduct of if you need more iron ore um you can create it from rust so yeah pretty minor but also it's it's there i guess so one thing i also have and i've talked about this a lot in my cooling videos i have a pool of cold water up here and that's going to be sitting in pipes down below so that we cool the oxygen that gets created this doesn't create it as hot as the electrolyzers generally but it still does need to be cooled a little bit and this particular version is just going to be one where we create it and it just kind of kind of blurs into our base it doesn't do anything special uh this is meant to be the lowest power setup possible for one of these while still having the auto sweepers and stuff like that so let me go ahead and set this for rust and for salt and we will go ahead and get this started there we go now that it's already sending rust i'm just going to send it salt once it gets down here this should start filling it and once it gets filled i'm gonna go ahead and turn this on by the way once it gets filled it'll start producing oxygen and it'll start producing a little bit of chlorine so that is a little bit of an annoying by-product of it uh chlorine will just naturally settle to the bottom anyway and it's not a huge amount but it does uh do the job i guess does put out a little bit of oxygen so yeah that's kind of what this build is all about again super low power version of it nothing super special here's some iron ore coming out so you could just set this to be like oh iron ore a ship this back out and it'll ship it back out to wherever you want it to go so we're effectively converting rust and salt into iron uh not the not the most useful thing ever and that's why it's in the miscellaneous section so there you go let's take a look at one more rust build and that is one that's kind of similar to the oxygen build we saw and this is going to be purposefully trying to separate the two of them even though it's not really that useful but just for just for lulls let's take a look at that so give me some rust good give me some salt how about more rust okay whatever and now that we are down in this area i think we need to make sure we turn this on whoops wrong button once we turn this on this will start getting loaded this will start producing oxygen and chlorine once we get to enough of it we'll start shipping it out and we'll have the cooling be passing through again another pool of cold water but we'll be routing we'll be routing pipes through it rather than the other way around where we're having the pipes sitting in the air that are full of water so yeah not the greatest um again this will produce a little bit of iron so we can go ahead and ship that back out if you really want to but those are the two builds that i would say are probably pretty reasonable for rust builds but yeah it's here for a reason it's not that great let's take a look at another thing that this might look pretty familiar if those of you have seen my hotpot video which is basically a playthrough on the oasis asteroid we had no means of producing oxygen for a while other than from a very very strange way and that is via morphs so let's go ahead and spawn some of these whoops if you spawn these these are critters that will just produce polluted oxygen every once in a while and they're going to produce it very slowly meaning that you need a lot of them the way that you can get these is from uh basically filling up an outhouse and then not cleaning it if you just leave it dirty these will eventually spawn and i don't know if this is still true or not but there was a point in which uh these would actually spawn from dead bodies which is kind of funny uh in a very like morbid sense but yeah there is an option to do that for those of you that did watch that series of videos this will look kind of familiar of producing oxygen from nothing but morbs and they do a decent job if you get enough of them but it's really slim pickings this is not something that i would consider very practical both because these morbs are going to take up a lot of your processing power and also because uh there are a lot of maintenance they don't produce a lot uh yeah just not not super great in general let's get rid of all these things there we go now we have some peace and quiet so yeah let's jump over to uh some vents so the two types of vents that could potentially produce oxygen for you let me start deleting some of this by the way uh like this that's too wide still too wide so what you can do uh is you can get some of these infectious polluted oxygen vents and if you set up a setup like this fluid oxygen is going to come out about 140. if you clean it and then cool it with this polluted water once again that's sitting in these pipes this will do a double job of converting it to regular oxygen and also cooling it to the point that any of the germs down here die so you can't see the germs come out of here pretty high once you cool it enough though the oxygen um will be to the point that it'll kill the germs uh if it's at that kind of temperature so you can see the current temperature on here is about 38 degrees fahrenheit and 100 dead per cycle so that by the time it drifts up to this higher areas it's pretty much germ-free this is a pretty cheap and effective way to get oxygen if you happen to have access to one of these vents it's not the greatest source only because it's intermittent and you can't really afford that for your oxygen a lot of the time but if you happen to have this and if you're really desperate for it then yeah this is definitely another solution which again you're going to need to spend sand on but if you can automate it like i've done here then yeah it's okay i guess like i said anything that's in here is in this miscellaneous section for a reason that's because it's not going to be your first thing you're going to look towards when you want to produce oxygen the last thing i'm going to talk about is a hot polluted oxygen vent these things come out or rather the polluted oxygen comes out at 932 fahrenheit um that will give you a big burn if you happen to mess around with that things at that temperature so that's very high you can see it it's about to erupt with more hot oxygen the setup i have here looks very similar to my hydrogen power setups that i've shown in the past basically you're just going to use some steam and a steam turbine to absorb some of the initial heat once it gets cooled down to the point that it's safe for these gas pumps to interact with it we're going to pump it out into something like this and our uh our deodorizers are doing a bad job of handling this but i'm gonna pump it out into something like this where it gets cooled down to a reasonable temperature because even when it comes through these doors it's gonna still be at about 240 degrees so once we pump it into here we're going to be expecting oh this is why i made a mistake uh we're going to be expecting it to flow upward and eventually through these deodorizers and down into the area that would sort of resemble your base so this is another way to do it um this is a very complicated setup for ultimately not that much polluted oxygen even when it's emitting which is very occasional it's going to be supporting like three dupes at max for like a short period of time so these are not that great you're going to produce just a tiny bit of electricity on it but the amount of electricity you'd probably spend to cool your water back down is probably going to make it not worth it automatically so yeah setup like that uh it's it's there i mean it's not the greatest thing but that's why we have all these miscellaneous setups here that are not going to be super common so that's it for the basically the sterile like build section of the video and this one's going to be shorter than normal ones because oxygen is pretty straightforward for the most part let's just check out some of the setups that i have in one of my saves from one of my prior runs if you happen to watch one of those videos you can see these solutions actually in action so let's jump over there now all right let's take a look at some real examples from an actual run uh this was from my walkthrough crew videos this was basically walking new players through an entire run and this was at cycle 149 and we had 11 dupes by now uh so reasonable amount for that size that stage of the game may be a little faster than you might be comfortable with but this just illustrates that you can use very like basic uh oxygen solutions for quite a while and for a pretty decently sized population uh note that i don't have any electrolyzer set up here and i'm not actually going to show those in a real game because if they function in one way then they function normally and like i said i'm not super proud of showing the inefficient ones in my walkthrough videos um the really efficient electrolyzer setups that i showed earlier definitely the ones that you want to use and you'll probably want to use them around the time when you start running out of uh out of algae so keep an eye on your algae and once you start running low you might want to think about producing water or producing oxygen from water therefore using the electrolyzers but the solutions i have right now by the way just to prove out that everything is good this is my breathability setup here so it looks very good throughout my base my dupes can go anywhere i do have the ventilation system set up here so this is venting uh gases that are not oxygen out of my base and it is going into space like we talked about so you can see it eventually exiting up here it's not running right now because we don't need to pump anything out right now so hence the automation but the actual oxygen sources are one this algae terrarium which again i kind of wish i didn't put in here i wish i would have done the easier solution of producing this polluted water but the whole point of this is that if you have one of these they're consistently being used and they're consistently being emptied they're going to create polluted water and i have a huge uh like block of polluted water here that's producing a lot of uh of polluted oxygen and this just continues to grow over the run to the point that i have a huge block of polluted uh water sitting here and it produces a lot of polluted oxygen throughout the game it's very cheap using very little algae using very little water a pretty good trade-off and like i said this can be used this way but i would prefer just to do it the other way that i showed which is just pumping polluted water out of here into one of these tanks that looks like this and then just deleting the tank to get the same effect and finally we can see that i am localizing all my slime and all my polluted dirt to a certain spot of the map i just have dupes running in here as soon as i mine it out so if i were to go somewhere and mine out more slime which maybe we could do on purpose here if there's some actually accessible nearby so if i were to mine some of this out we would have a dupe come over here mine it out i'll prioritize it pretty high as soon as this slime gets mined out somebody should just come pick it up because those chests are requesting at a pretty high priority so a couple blocks will get out here and there somebody should be by here in just a second there we go somebody just grabbed it they're gonna run over to these boxes and drop it off so that's kind of what i do about managing all the slime from those areas there may be a little bits of polluted oxygen around here but you can barely even notice considering how fast they usually pick it up or you can also just build them on locations so if you know you're going to mine out a bunch of slime at once you can just drop a deodorizer like this and you can just have it set up so that as soon as you mine it out we're catching all the polluted oxygen before it gets back into our base so yeah there's a couple of different ways you can handle that but those are pretty much all the ways that i'm producing oxygen in this run up until i get my electrolyzers which is not until maybe cycle 250 or so so yeah that's what a real run looks like that's what real oxygen looks like so again and like usual if you guys have any questions about anything that is shown in these videos or any comments or suggestions or whatever please leave them down below i will more than happily answer them as far as other videos you might be interested in i do have other tutorials and stuff like that that you can check out i'm also playing through right now as this video is being recorded in a run that worry we challenge ourselves to do really silly stuff so check those out if you're interested uh i will respond any comments you guys leave so go ahead and drop them down there until the next video i'll see you guys soon [Music] you
Channel: Magnet
Views: 107,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oxygen Not Included, Tutorial, Guide, Help, Oxygen, Electrolyzer, Diffuser
Id: JbxieYSUlVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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