Owner Doesn't Pay on Storage Unit so PACKED & STACKED Barely fits in 26' TRUCK! I buy ABANDON Locker

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what's that hold on hold on hold on guys this is what i'm talking about about storage man going through every box you look at the top you're like oh it's just a bunch of junk but then i see something underneath here that you would not expect to find oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good things come in small packages this little box and i just took a little peek when i was grabbing it and i shouldn't have but man i'm so excited what do you guys see oh [Music] yeah this is what we call packed and stacked oh come here hello everybody how we doing yes it's cold in cleveland that's why i'm bundled up i had to bring this stuff back from the unit so much stuff in that unit shane and i were there all day we were recording going through stuff and we still ran out of time there's just so much stuff we didn't even think we're gonna be able to fit it all in the 26 foot box truck and if you guys haven't seen the other videos check it out we found so many great things all kind of collectibles we found nice we found toys we found treasures that's right a huge jewelry box all kind of jewelry and a lot of the jewelry wasn't in the box but we even find jewelry all over the place so that's the best thing about this unit we've been finding collectibles throughout the stuff and yeah there's a lot of garbage a lot of junk but it's gonna be it's paying off already i mean i've already got my money back and there's so much more to go through i can't wait to see what else and once again if you haven't subscribed what are you waiting for subscribe hit the bell get all your notifications if you guys haven't been getting a notification sometimes you got to go back in unsubscribe resubscribe and re-hit that bell again and that way you'll be updated in the system so if you have any issues you've been missing anything go ahead and do that and the best thing the stuff you see you can actually buy this stuff www.secondsense.com www.psychosis.com we ship everywhere in the world and this person look at this note very breakable you break it and you will that's right look at this right here too just in case you didn't see that note she put another note on the side so it's been an interesting very interesting unit oh look at that collectible coca-cola soda something soda master coca-cola bison master oh look at this coca-cola cards these are metal eight of 20 coca-cola cards all in there brand new seven of 20. so i'm assuming they got the whole set in here pretty cool though i don't know what it's worth but when you find collectibles you keep finding collectibles it's always a good sign it looks like a mouse got in here should have my gloves on but going into sham already two and two and they're going after penny rolls and look at this that's pretty cool bottle opener let's try another coca-cola glass oh just a regular glass there's coca-cola glass down here [Music] and coca-cola glass another coca-cola glass a little tray another bottle opener down there and even a can of slightly smashed coca-cola it can't be worth that much it's already smashed so coca-cola collectibles and man it's been such a fun exciting unit it wasn't that much fun and exciting we were actually sitting there trying to load it all up shane no definitely wasn't brad jail this is that one we opened up we never got into it we just opened this part up and we're like okay let's see what else is in here we have some angels look it's all broken why would you even wrap it another angel i think that's why we just opened this real quick and we looked at it let's see what else is in here maybe there's something hidden there you go smells good sweet pea half a candle so sorry another angel oh how did i guess so just like boxes like that you know i got angels with a tiger in there and candles so much stuff look at this big old box oh no way is that really what i think it is yes yes yes yes brand new in the box i hate to even take it out i'm gonna take it all the way this is the box that got shipped in actually look at that brand new coca-cola standing lamp that's the actual shipping box that came in so that's pretty cool we'll ship it right to you in this box so don't forget bid oh man that's pretty awesome coca-cola collectibles oh speaking of collectibles oh yes we were looking for that that is the harley oh i just saw something good in there first of all look at this i gotta get a couple things up little kitty cat with the two little kittens look at this that is sweet sweet sweet so we keep finding jewelry like this just random this looks like it's gonna be costing but you gotta look through it you just don't know some nice vantage pieces though these flowers they always sell well all these pins like that this thing's just loaded i just thought that was like a coin or something this is a little piece that opens up somehow here oh it does open i swear i'll probably go in the wrong way right now but it's a little locket but i don't know what this is a collar for a dog maybe it's a pretty fancy dog collar you know what i'm saying this is what i got excited about here so we found the box originally but the box was empty come on now a harley davidson and it's not just that it is hello everybody i got a harley phone whoo pretty cool so what harley davidson collector they don't get the phone they need the phone then look at this look at this dude hello shane flower power this is like some hippie dude or something i've never seen anything looks like he's having a rough day you look like you had a rough day maybe a couple couple decades there shane the 80s were not good to him after all the parties in the 60s look at this that is so cool coca-cola i bet you just like lights up and stuff these guys probably spin around or something wow that's just so cool you know you can get those things you can actually hook a cell phone into one of these you can use this as your phone would they be awesome shane that'd be awesome on the block i better have a coca-cola fountain at that point this is cool you ever seen one of these shane i think so this is the world famous pocket fisherman ready reel that fish right back so these are this guy stole millions of these things at the pocket i don't know how many people ever used one but you got the pocket fishing and then there's this tools there's a drain take a look the owl necklace that's pretty cool so man so much cool stuff i mean this phone's definitely money coca-cola collectibles more coca-cola collectibles brand new in-the-box coke lamp so much more stuff to go through who knows what we're gonna find next so many great finds coca-cola collectibles and this guy hey everybody i hope you guys are having a great day don't forget to subscribe second sense all right so we still got this stuff these boxes on our table we got so much more to go through so many more boxes we'll go through as much as we can today and see what else we can find for you clock some kind of bird the bird for furthest award did you ever hear that long shane i'm sure yesterday all right the bird bird whiskey mainly garbage except for the uh clock there and then this looks like a dial in the box and uh it's kind of an angel something a little dirty about to see all taped up where is my i don't need a knife a knife when you got two hands who needs a knife when you got i'm gonna put some blows on this way everyone out there rob why don't you have gloves on ta-dah i had him today in my pocket uh-oh i'm putting another wrong witch i think so okay all that for once looks like some house hole what's that hold on hold on hold on guys this is what i'm talking about about storage going through every box you look at the top you're like oh it's just a bunch of junk but then i see something underneath it that you would not expect to find oh yeah this is the thing that we kept making all the noise if you watched last episode it was going crazy to the point that shane and i almost got driven mad [Music] what else could be in here oh yeah [Music] so we got the trailer this thing just jams out it's got milk all day oh i was talking about giving to my son but this thing would drive me crazy it's going in the auction you can buy it at secondsense.com oh man got milk those are other toys in here oh this is ridiculous this is ridiculous what do i always say shane about a storage unit with no rhyme no reason plastic cups plastic holes that's where i'd put my 90 or 34 pickup yeah hey i got a 34 pickup collectible let me just put it in a box and throw a bunch of junk on top of it ah unbelievable it's like is there any more stuff in here there's a native american dude it looks like there's stuff foil in the lunch box though i don't even want to open that so who knows unbelievable you know what i'm saying i don't know let's see what's going on i'll get this stuff out of the way all right let's go to this coat sure something look at that looks like they're beating these look like maybe little moccasins or something oh they're like clips pressure gauge some sanitizer priceless lipstick random that's pretty nice little flower purse white out more white out on foundation stuff strange little box here we'll have to grab some more stuff who knows what else we're going to find but we've got love decals but we found collectibles in the bottom of the box i mean some jewelry i'm so excited there's so many more boxes to go through this unit packed stacked once again 400 and man so i want to put anything good in this tote that was something i don't know where to start i guess we'll go to this little box look at this the train clock definitely money there let's see oh batter's a little corroded take those out but man once again collectible looks like a mouse got in here so let's see what else is in here i'd rather be the boss applesauce oh my gosh that's why i got gloves on that's awesome little dolphin 3d plate what's the other one right here i bet you this goes up on here oh wow two for one special ladies look at that mice shredded up that stuff we gotta have another base and there it is what is this it's like some kind of pipe brand new wow it's pretty cool huh definitely worth something i was not expecting that what else is in here whatever was in here that's what the mics are going after and here's the other day so what a weird box weird box we need some space breakable breakable this one it's a great point glass she spelled fragile wrong what the heck okay i got some interesting stuff in here first off the mustang gt it's pretty cool remote control cavity from the golden age of radio huh look at that all the tapes you can listen to all the famous shows abbott and costello the burns and allen show aldrich family pretty interesting somebody like that nostalgia here in rockvich dvds got a 25 tag on it roy rogers snow buddies joanne that's interesting knife that's a big old one oh it's missing a jam that's like for your hair that's pretty fancy cheap earrings some more earrings hopefully they have like a teeth or something on them more earrings we like finding aaron there's some more jewelry in there that's worth a few bucks a randy travis tape oh here's some more glass shades oh look at that's chipped right there see it's broke there's a two in there and there's a scissors what's in this box oh yes nice brand new so disney mickey mouse watch always will sell that's cool what else is that it's such an interesting analysis and so much hodgepodge and stuff i mean you don't know where you're going to find every all right so more jewelry watches knife every box is a toy full of mystery and the comedy oh man i don't know i guess let's open this one next holy smoke it's a box with uno dos tres quattro four boxes boxes and one of the reasons i bought the unit ladies and gentlemen there's a curio cable in the front and i figured if you had a curio cabin you probably had stuff that you collected in there you gotta look inside because you never know we can find jewelry in here with his little spoon look at the ice cream taste testing yeah yeah another coffee mug your love is always in my heart she says this is just like a little knick-knacks and collectibles and gotta have faith when you buy a storage unit you got to have faith that's going to turn out good like this one did oh this one had a battery inside see i never know what's going inside coffee cups okay that's one of the fragility boxes roses got a candle holder a little glass angel this looks like more knickknacks candle holder handle and it's all sellable stuff lays down this doesn't have tons of value that's a nicer little piece there it's a crystal angel so some of these might be marked even though it looks nice nice nice i guess before i drive what's in this box another angel three dollar price tag not getting very exciting [Music] that's actually nice oh it's the captain's bell that's right captain of this ship i hope it's not sinking now we got the big box here this big box got a big surprise we're just a cheap candle on the glass this is just a bunch of oh it's a glass candle holder that's a little teddy bear and this is actually a nice advantage piece mary's a planter oh right there ladies and gentlemen it's broken unfortunately that takes away the value like almost nothing another little angel said a bunch of little cups and world i've never been around a little have you been no no all right shane we got some more boxes of fun here yeah [Music] fragile box is a funny set oh [Music] coca-cola but it's do leaking want to drink something what's this coca-cola this is a bank account these must be more coca-cola bottles wrapped up in here the interest in there more coca-cola stuff happy new year let the parties begin part of time party time coca-cola koozie brand new stuff here a little nonstick mini egg pan you put candles in there or incense kind of cool worth a few dollars and guess what cherry incense sticks all right yeah another oh hold on hold on that's pretty cool coca-cola watch and the thing back then it was 987 who knows when this was but 2002 19 years old and it's a bank too so that's two watches we found so far this whole lot we found tons of watches in this unit on the coca-cola stuff all kind of great stuff and we got so much more to go through oh remind me to grab a knife nice we got more coca-cola look at this like gibson that's ceramic a little tiny i guess chipped there but i might have a lid it's a fountain that's pretty sweet so once again i mean we've got so many awesome coconut collectibles now it's in the bag fruit so we'll grab a few more things let's see what else we find it's been so amazing guys and good things come in small packages this little box and i just took a little peek when i was grabbing it and i shouldn't have but man i'm so excited what do you guys see oh yes yes yes yes look shane you guys look right here remember the jewelry box was partially empty we've been finding jewelry everything all over the place and now we find all these boxes so let's see what's in here look at that holy smoke oh some kind of necklace here men's fraternity necklace every box has different stuff in here necklaces a ring piece ring pins right there looks like it could be gold right here my hands let's see a lot of times right here it'll be marked there's something on there i have to make it up so it's definitely marked a lot of times it could be gold or silver and man just like these rings here could be just casting jewelry they could be gold i always gotta look for a mark a lot of times it's hard sometimes they also get my remarks do get worn off ladies and gentlemen so man i'm so excited because there's so much more to get through there ah good thing we didn't open these first ratio that'd be a disappointment look at that bling bling bling so could just be cats and jewelry looks like they might be just casting that's a nice spring all the stuff sells brand new cameo set right there it's called the cameo so it's got matching earrings there's another little set there so we'll sell all this in the jewelry auction ladies and gentlemen and i said one piece appears to be gold we found sterling silver all kind of other jewelry coca-cola collectibles toys on and on and on there's still more stuff to go through the unit was awesome it was a lot of garbage a lot of work but sometimes it's like being an archaeologist ladies and gentlemen like indiana jones you gotta go through you gotta dig you gotta go through find it and you know it's not easy all the time you can't just walk in and grab the piece of gold and walk out so remember if you haven't subscribed yet subscribe appreciate everyone out here give us a thumbs up and once again you can buy this stuff www.secondsets.com all the stuff will be coming up in our next auction the jewelry auction with cameras and toys and all kind of collectibles have a great day
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 4,692
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: Owner Doesn't Pay on Storage Unit so PACKED & STACKED Barely fits in 26' TRUCK! I buy ABANDON Locker, Abandoned Storage Units Auction, abandoned Storage lockers unboxing video, 2nd Cents Auctions Cleveland Ohio, Robert Zjaba Auctioneer Extraordinaire, What the Hales, what the Hale$, Jewelry gold sterling costume, vintage toys
Id: 9Fwerg2OC1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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