What the Hales are AWAY & I buy AMAZING Abandoned STORAGE UNIT in Wooster! This locker is loaded!

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oh is this a megan children's oh yes this is the kind of stuff i bought it for i was hoping for take a look in there [Music] [Applause] [Music] is this another box oh nice i'm 100 there now 10 110 120 130. oh 30 40 50. i have 50 60 70. all right 160 there 170 180 190. i'm 180 here now 191.90 there now 200 here now 2 210 220 230. i had 220 there now 230 they're now 40 now 50. 75. now three i had 275 here now 300 i'm at 275 here now three 285 285 three to 290. 290 385 295 300 now 310 i'm at 300 here now 310 let me take another one boot motor is probably 5 600 bucks yeah i got three 310 320. 310 now 320. 320 310 right here number we're out phone what's up what the hells what the hell did you tell you and what the hell happened at the worcester auction so wooster what happened in wooster so the first thing i saw that i liked there was a bunch of fishing poles and a bunch of tackle boxes and other boxes in there so i ended up buying that unit for 310 and i go to pay the guy and he said oh it's 300 bucks i said no i think i bought it for 310 he goes no 300 i'm like okay works yeah it worked but i figured i bought what i saw you know so i only went in the unit for a second i opened up two of the tackle boxes one didn't have much in it the other one had like five reels in the in the tackle box so i felt better that's good and there's a sign and there's a bunch of bunch of poles probably like 20 poles at least you know wow so i figured well they should be all right and then they opened another unit right next to this one so i already bought this one and that was like a 10 by 10 and they opened a 10 by 20 and it's maybe 80 percent boxes it looked like the guy might have been like i don't know if he was living in there there's a couch with a blanket hello everybody how are we doing today robert zaba auctioneer extraordinaire here second sense auctions back out here in woo stir ohio and i'm at the one of the two units i bought and this is the small unit and this is already the second video so many great finds we found nice we got fishing items we got vintage toys all kind of stuff tons of tools and we only not even halfway through this unit all this stuff packed up we got this towed here all these still tackle boxes loaded up there's a box underneath this thing here i mean there's stuff on side of the shelf this says miscellaneous catfish hooks oh look at that brand new all brand new hooks in here so nice little box lot right there i spent 300 on this unit ladies and gentlemen what is this indiana jones chronicle brand new cards notre dame trolls brand new sealed and once again 300 bucks on this unit the other unit i got for 100 i only bought it because i bought this one i saw the fish and stuff everything else packed up i figured i got my money back fishing stuff boat motor and it's been paying off let's go check a couple tank blocks out shane the first few tackle boxes unfortunately they're all empty hopefully these they sound like have something else so exactly what we wanted it i don't want to know what that is you want to taste some shame doesn't look like there's much in empty here let's see what's inside this one come on yes yes look at that shane money money money we got the metalloid reel one two three four five six seven eight nine fishing rules so you don't know a reel like this could be worth five ten dollars it could be worth a hundred dollars ladies gentlemen but right there five bucks a piece you know i mean i only paid 300 for the unit and that's a good sign because we found a bunch of reels we got all those i can't believe it i can't believe it look at this a train right on top how do i keep buying trains scientific toy company so that's it more toys we're finding what else is in here we got all these cleveland indians canal park akron arrows akron arrows those are minor league teams what else is going to be in here oh my gosh that's heavy what is that what is it wow that's pretty ornate it's a jewelry in here a little eagle in there it's all kind of falling apart where's the top for that piece though avon pipe see like i said no round no reason no storage in the business you know you got paint cans you got tools you got wooden block i don't know and we'll load up some more stuff see what else we find i want to see there's a little toolbox back there and there's another box let's move this thing off see what we got holy smokes one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen pack stacked up here hopefully there's some stuff in all those boxes well there's something in here there's something in here hopefully it's not a brick house oh sorry don't say very costly give me dancing every time oh nothing's in the top okay looks like we got tools these old chisels and stuff or some cash tools always sell [Music] interesting that's pretty cool one of those little stoves yeah camping stove casino money they must have spent it all at the casino probably why they lost their storage unit make sure there's no money in there huh empty that was atlantic city money hope they got there oh look at this brand new controller for the xbox brand new freedom first flag so you can better play what is this [Music] oh yes oh man look at this die cast cars loaded all different race cars shane what is this it's a craftsman telephone hello shane i guess you could drop it it's going to keep working so oh it's a paging system so i could put this in like paid chain and he'd be like oh boss is painting me so man we got diecast cards brand new items video game stuff camp stove and empty casino money jars like i said i hope obviously they didn't win big because or they did and that's why they left the locker they got so much money chain they're like we don't care about all the good stuff in our unit well that doesn't sound good so this one feels empty this one feels empty this one does not feel empty why don't you have all these tack boxes you know these are the ones you borrowed from your friends never returned this one so we got some lures in there looks like some more lures on this side so that's something this one i think there's something down there actually also so i like to hear shane maybe not james i thought it was a shame a couple things in there better than nothing beggars can't be choosers i was really hoping all these are going to be loaded with tackle they can't all be happy we found one that was load of fishing reels maybe we'll find another one on fishing rails or bobbers once again each of these boxes are worth money that's a nice box so wow wow wow how many fishing boxes we got it's never this one hit something up hooks pliers we got some flies in there they said that's something that much so yeah look at this big old box here nice box is just empty we do got boxes air boxes there this one has a few little pieces in it let's try this big one here i think it's empty so we have to load up all these tackle boxes we're getting these boxes in the back we found so many great things there's tons of boxes over here there's a dresser dresser might be full who knows what we're gonna find look at that it's like a brand new swiffer wet jet vac so that's nice that's gonna be worth like 20 bucks right 10 bucks speaking of bucks we're rigging a few what the heck is this oh my gosh whatever it is a pressure washer that's an old-school little pressure oh my gosh whatever's in here it is i mean why would you you know you said no around no reason this is all pens i have no clue what's underneath here whatever it is it's heavy oh yes oh vintage game boy missing the part around the screen but that's okay oh no way game boy color green one that might be 50 bucks right there little dvd player portable there's so many warriors yes yes yes oh shoot better and better and better and better super nintendo game door game vr game right here the super advantage controller just to give you uh you can make like to keep putting b for you or whatever else this gives you the heads up on the game what else is in here here's the flash system sherlock holmes book sega genesis thing all right so i'm gonna try more video game stuff that's a good sign oh i do what did i just say more video games to look at and it's got a game in the back sonic that's a good game triple trouble with these i think around 50 bucks no way well strollers i don't know what this is that docking station and right here should be our super nintendo so we got super nintendo we got joysticks joysticks for banjo or guitar got some old photos season's greeting oh there's a whole stack of old photos here it's pretty cool good dog military photo so man venice video games military photos this box right here i mean between a super nintendo the game gear two game boys some games i mean and i think we have all the cords i can't wait to see what else we find jane can't wait to see what else you just never know in the stores lock your business i love my job this unit's been amazing so far and there's so much more to go through but not every box would be amazing i mean i guess you you think these are unbelievable then yeah but uh plastic cups collector cups now this is the box just don't know i see old paper cutouts i did see some adult magazine part or something over here so i'm going to try and make sure we don't see that look at this 1953. we got old paper here yellowstone national park department of travel 1915 wow that's pretty cool pretty cool so who knows what we're gonna find in this box this box has the old stuff i like old stuff you guys know that got old kids books bible stories animal story book oh my gosh look at this 1917 seed company santa claus it's like christmas today for me that's for sure old first aid kit more old kids books 1996 atlanta braves world champions instant heat oh there's a shoe box down there i like shoe boxes oh it's a scrabble nhl scramble picture frame pictures and just never know what's gonna be on the final box like this look at that button collection oh nice vintage pipe i have no clue what's in there but we're going to find out in a minute that was a ring or something gloves books all right so push this stuff on this side this is the adult thing look at this toy puzzle rudolph the red nosed reindeer let's go to nazareth 1945 papers paper national geographic stamps and stories so maybe they have a stamp collection something in here what the heck is that it's just like a holder oh wow kind of weird stuff down here trying to figure out what it's a sharpening stone another little wear box anything else in here i'm sure there is we'll have to figure it out we'll look at everything thoroughly through the shop but let's see what's in this little box oh nice see this what is this safety patrol we run the safety patrol school shade hallway hallway patrol no way listen shane come on shane get her done that's fine so weird weird weird i am very very interested to see let's take a look at this box first oh it's a graduation 1996 all right let's see what's inside this thing we got north american life member of the fishing club well what's in this little watches but it's always a good sign when you find jewelry watches see some of these could be gold filled it could be gold-plated it could be gold but they're not get some more jewelry so what an interesting box old pipe and then all these bumps let's go through a few more things see what else we can find another taped up box it says thermals socks and clothing so it might just be all that but [Music] good place to hide stuff inside clothing found jewelry before i found weapons you just never know you might find some vintage t-shirts in it's there bass pro shop obviously this person likes fishing oh nice got a harley shirt early shirts are always worth money oh man wow that is pretty cool that is sweet so definitely money magic mike's pretty good gargoyle garage another gargoyle graduate so who knows you know i just and some vintage t-shirts can be worth big money thousands of dollars zombie so that's kind of cool and i like the harley shirt i sold some of these for good money awesome so this unit just keeps giving and giving once again 300 bucks i already feel like i'm ahead this is the boat motor look at that brand new you know you go buy this at the store you know at least 30 bucks [Music] oh no way yes look at this vintage toys these are old little cars here i had these when i was a kid these are really cheap ones but they're probably worth money now because you know they're the old vintage cars kids had what else could be in here we all know that's money see this is for the the trucks put this in the walls and everything look at that pitch brand new gloves more gloves in here and a hat so oh look at these bad boys so you got different race cars in here pretty cool so it gets me excited man now finding toys fishing stuff tools brand new items and we're just starting and you know i thought this might be a quick unit it's going to take longer than i thought there's another boxer i don't know i'm kind of excited it depends on how this is written i read what it says bear mugs nice kitchen now is that kitchen nice or is it nice and kitchen stuff that's the big question if it's nice this guy's a hunter fisherman be some big money stuff so mugs and kitchen knives but not as great as i was hoping man when you first seem nice it's like one of the hunting knives and i like this little shop though we got so much more to go through i can't wait to see what else we're doing and more unbelievable finds from this unit we try to get there's these one two three fish tanks here look at all the fishing holes guys i mean i can't even tell you how many there are right there but once again i paid 300 dollars for the unit 10 bucks a piece do the math five bucks a p that's why i bought the unit so everything else is bonus i've been figured between all these poles all the tackle boxes and that boat motor i figured i was gonna make my money back hopefully find some treasures and we've been finding some treasures this looks like uh there's some cool sandpaper oh my gosh looking nice in there it looks like just a kitchen or a roar ladder whatever you want to call it cool stuff kitchen nice let's try to get in here this this a megan children's oh yes this is the kind of stuff why i bought it for i was hoping for take a look in there oh if that's for the children holy smoke guys an aerator for the pumps but look at this i mean we got not any fishing reels in here so once again guys fishing reels fishing poles fishing boat motor all my money back and so much more to go through then we can find all kind of unexpected finds i can't believe it look at this guys oh my gosh guys you guys have no clue trying not to ruin the box i know this is money right now guys brand new and uh they're all the same there's four of these brand new i have no clue what they're worth they might not be worth much but 10 bucks a piece that's 40 bucks i might give one to my son i don't think i've ever seen that before yeah a power boom what is that kind of cool though that's really so i mean this this unit just keeps surprising surprise look at all those boxes stacked up you know it goes all the way down here there's a dresser charles barkley notebooks notebooks notebooks some afghans you just never know these kind of boxes fast feed here more tools branches shrimp aprons definitely money items ah there we go we got some lures these frogs always sell well completely empty you like that these are those weird boxes and you just don't know what you're going to find when you open them up that whole picture uh so we got some uh adult movies okay it's like i winning the lottery guys look at all this there's where your money went between gambling the lottery and uh spending your money at the casino look at all those just add up all that money ladies and gentlemen should have paid your rent for the unit so just a hodgepodge of stuff here brand new car church for the fish stuff but on these in these boxes you can find anything anything old miscellaneous jigs and hooks oh my gosh dude this is all fishing stuff shane look at all this it is loaded and these right jigs and hooks whole thing full i mean something like this can go for 20 30 40 thank god i have gloves on 40 bucks who knows so much to go through what is this no way you won't believe it shane more of them we got more of them whole other box brand new full wow wow hopefully those are worth money you gotta be kidding me is this another box oh nice nice we got those but now we got green booms you got this beige one and this whole box is full more of them all brand new so 10 20 bucks a piece guys i mean we're finding brand new like i guess i don't know if you call it boys [Music] tools tools and more tools i have no clue this thing says tools here another tackle box [Music] special oh wow wow wow vintage buttons bells boy scout stuff and we'll grab a couple more things see what else we find so there's so much stuff guys we couldn't go through everything we still got more to go through we might have to make another video we'll have to see what else is in here let's take a look in this box here look at all this once again guys if you haven't subscribed subscribe hit the bell get your notifications you never know what you're gonna see what we're gonna buy what's this little pressures gauge and uh once again you can buy the stuff you see www.secondsense.com wow fitness big blur toys oh look at this little box you guys are gonna have to check it out see what we find wow wow wow guys well guess what i bought two units so this unit i paid 100 for it's packed it's stacked no one liked it there's a cigarette rolling machine there guy was in here smoking cigarettes feel like oh he's living in the unit it's possible maybe he got divorced maybe he got kicked out of his house maybe something else happened who knows lost his job but it'll be interesting to see i've seen all these pavers right here definitely going to be some money car part there i don't know i'm very interested in intriguing to see what we'll find in this type of unit so that's a nice got some empty boxes steroquin but it's packed it's stacked all the way to the back and uh i guess all that heater right there i saw that nice lamp right there so i'm figuring there might be some stuff in here so you guys are gonna have to check back i'll have to come back to whose day see let's take one quick peek in here oh what's that right there some kind of carved oh it looks like some kind of smoking device all hand carved
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 7,365
Rating: 4.9540982 out of 5
Keywords: What the Hales are AWAY & I buy AMAZING Abandoned STORAGE UNIT in Wooster! Locker is loaded!, 2nd Cents Auctions Cleveland Ohio, Robert Zjaba Auctioneer Extraordinaire, Jeremy and George from What the Hale$, unboxing Video great finds hidden treasures, part 2, Wooster ohio, Live ABANDON Storage Units lockers auction, I bought an ABANDONED storage unit locker, see what I find found, owner abandons unit and wants it back
Id: HfY1sGQydhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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