Overthinking 4: Social Anxiety: "Why Did I Say That?!"

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You all know that feeling, like you come out of  a work meeting or hang out with friends and you   start thinking, like, "Why did I say that? I am -  I should have responded this way. Like, I am such   an idiot." Or "What did he mean when he said .  . ." Or you think, "Oh, I was the most awkward   person at the party" or "I overshared way too much  information." Or maybe you worry, "Oh, did I hurt   someone's feelings? This type of overthinking can  be a symptom of social anxiety disorder. It can   also just be a symptom of anxiety in general. But  when you overanalyze your personal relationships   to the point that you're afraid of an emotional  connection with another person, you're essentially   slipping into a mental rut called rumination.  It's really common, and there's a lot you can   do about it. And in this video you're going to  learn four ways to stop overthinking every social   situation. If you want support to work through  social anxiety, you may benefit from working with   a licensed therapist. This video is sponsored by  BetterHelp. With BetterHelp you can tap into the   world's largest network of licensed accredited  and experienced therapists who can help you   with a range of issues, including  depression, anxiety, relationships,   trauma, grief, and more. But the best part is  you can do it from the comfort of your own home.   Check out the link in the description for 10% off  your first month. Okay. So you just got back from   the party, and your brain is in full overdrive.  You start thinking, "Oh, why did she say that?"   You try to read between the lines. "Is  she mad at me? What did she mean by that?   Was she joking or serious?" Or even more likely,  you worry about something you did. You say, "Oh,   why did I say that? I'm so awkward!" Right?  This is called post-event rumination. It's a   nasty little cycle that makes your social anxiety  worse. But you can fight it with the powers of   CBT. So let's look at the cycle first, and then  we'll talk about a few easy ways to reverse it.   So first you go to a social event,  and then you evaluate yourself,   and then you ruminate. That word means to chew the  cud. You basically regurgitate your evaluation,   and then you re-evaluate yourself but darker, and  then you come to the conclusion that you're the   most awkward person in the world, which increases  your anxiety, which you take with you to the next   social event, and the vicious cycle continues.  But these two steps in the middle, this is where   you can intervene, right? You can change how  you evaluate yourself and stop rumination,   and then your anxiety won't keep going up and  you'll reverse the cycle. So let's learn three   cognitive restructuring techniques that help.  Cognitive restructuring is just a fancy word   for saying changing how you think. But it makes  me feel smart to say it. Okay. So number one,   let's start by admitting to yourself that  your self-evaluation is probably distorted.   So let me give you an example: I read this story  on Instagram: a shy young lady is sitting on a   bus, and she brought her dog with her. A man gets  on the bus. He sits near her, and he says to her,   "Are you allowed to have dogs on the bus?" She  just shrugs and looks away. Right? But inside   she's freaking out a little. Is he judging her?  Is he going to try and get her kicked off? Is he   going to start some trouble? And then out of the  corner of her eye, she sees him pull his little   dog out of a very nondescript pet carrier. He  wasn't judging her; he just wanted to be like her.   Okay. So if you're a sensitive person, your  view of yourself is most likely distorted   to see yourself more negative than reality, and  there's a very high chance that whatever thing   you said or did isn't as bad as you imagined.  If you have anxiety, you're probably anxious,   not awkward or offensive. So the first distortion  is the belief that what you said or did is   so much worse than it actually was. And  I'll call this horriblizing. Okay. Now,   the second way your self-evaluation is distorted  is by emotional reasoning. So if I feel anxious,   I must have been awkward. If I feel embarrassed,  I must have been doing something wrong. To defeat   this, we need to get good at naming emotions and  separating emotions from reality. So stop saying   like, "Oh, I was so awkward," and just admit  to yourself, "I felt fear" or "I felt anxious."   You shift your language from labels, like  labeling yourself - "I was so awkward" - to   experiences - "Here's what I felt." Now, if you  actually don't know how to say hi to someone,   if you've never been taught how to introduce  yourself, then you could benefit from learning   some social skills. But most people are socially  anxious, not socially awkward. So be honest with   yourself. You have a tendency to judge yourself  harshly. What you did is probably not as bad as   you think it was. If a friend had done it, you  probably wouldn't have thought twice about it.   So there's another sign that your self-evaluations  are distorted. If you have a different standard   for yourself than for others, it means  that you're not seeing things clearly.   Okay. Number two: the second big  cognitive distortion with social anxiety   is that everyone is looking at me. Everyone's  noticing how sweaty or awkward or offensive I am.   Sorry, they probably aren't. They're probably  not spending much time obsessing over every   little thing you say or do. The trap of social  anxiety is that you get sucked into this hole   of self-examination that just makes you more  anxious. This is egocentrism. It's not pride.   It's not cockiness. It's distorting reality to  think that everyone else is looking at you, that   you're the center of their world. When it comes  to changing how you think, you can't just stop   thinking this way. The more you try to suppress  a thought, like being worried about yourself, the   more attention you give it. This is the classic  pink elephant example. Right? So instead you need   to shift your attention to something else. And  in this case, it's other people. Right? Here in   the present moment, shift away from being stuck in  your thoughts, and redirect your attention to the   here and now. You can use mindfulness to notice  these egocentric thoughts, and then shift your   attention to others. How are they feeling? How how  was their day? What are they doing this weekend?   Or if it's after the party, you could think, "Oh,  what's some nice thing I could do for Parker?   Or "Who could I invite next time?" or "What would  I rather be doing with my time instead of judging   myself and overthinking everything?" Right?  Find something that matters more. Basically,   when we shift our attention outward, we just  won't have as much energy to dwell on ourselves.   Okay. Number three: even if your biggest fears  came true - you did say something dumb or someone   else was judging you harshly - it wouldn't be  the end of the world. The cognitive distortion,   the faulty thinking here is that it would be  catastrophic if I messed up. It would be a   disaster if I got rejected. I mean, social anxiety  is this deep evolutionary instinct that is based   on our ancestors' ancient need for survival. It's  this idea that like, "Oh, if I get kicked out of   the tribe, I will starve to death and die." So the  distortion is, you know, "If I get rejected, it   would be terrible. I couldn't handle it. I would  never recover." So let's be honest for a minute.   Could you survive if you got rejected? Would the  world actually end if you said something dumb?   It might hurt. It might feel uncomfortable.  But you can handle having feelings. You can get   really good at feeling feelings. These  distortions, and especially rumination,   are all attempts to protect yourself, to avoid  feeling real and vulnerable. You ruminate and   obsess in a vain attempt to control what you  can't control: other people's opinions. Or you   overthink to avoid feeling fear. This is a habit  you've developed to protect yourself from having   feelings, and it's backfiring. And spending all  this time trying to white-knuckle perfectionism in   a social situation is a complete waste of time and  energy because you can't be perfect. There's just,   there's just too much ambiguity in social  situations. So you have two options: you can   try to kind of white-knuckle yourself into perfect  interactions. How anxious do you think you'll feel   if you do that? Right? How fun will that be? Or to  practice real acceptance and vulnerability. And so   so that takes us to number four: you can handle  not being perfect, and so can your true friends.   So with the thought, "What if I messed up?"  Well, maybe you did. Maybe you did say something   stupid or hurtful. Did the world end? Can you  make space for imperfection in order to have   real relationships with real people who really  mess up pretty frequently? Would you rather have a   sterile relationship where you only show your  good side at all times, you keep everyone happy,   everything is perfect, and never truly feeling  accepted because you know the other person doesn't   know all of the sides of you, or would you rather  have a real relationship based on real humans   who really mess up? They do good, they apologize,  they make up, and they accept others as they are.   Social anxiety is fueled by underlying beliefs  like "I must be perfect to be accepted. I must   never make anyone else uncomfortable. I must never  make a mistake in front of another person. I must   never be weird." Right? So so what do you do? You  got to shift what you value from perfectionism   to real connection. Let go of futile attempts to  control a situation by doing everything right, and   choose vulnerability instead. There is no perfect  social interaction. Choose to be willing to feel.   Be willing to be imperfect, honest, vulnerable,  to show up and just say, like, "I will be social   anyway. I'll mess up, and that's okay because  it's worth it to me to engage with people."   Being real is better than putting on a perfect  show, at least for any lasting relationship. And   when you do actually mess up, you can make repairs  because that's how real relationships work.   But stop seeking constant reassurance. This is  just an attempt to avoid feelings. Choosing your   values is all about letting go of what you can't  change, which is other people's opinions of you,   and putting your energy toward what you  care about, which is real connection   with other humans. Okay. So just to summarize,  here's four cognitive distortions that lead to   overthinking rumination and social anxiety: number  one is faulty self-evaluation. If you're judging   yourself differently from others, then you're not  seeing clearly. Name your emotions and let go of   self-judgment. Number two: everyone's looking at  me. No, they aren't. Shift your attention outward.   Okay. Number three: If I messed up, it would  be catastrophic. I wouldn't survive. No, you're   safe. You can handle having feelings. Even if you  did mess up it would be okay. And number four:   I have to be perfect to be accepted. Replace that  with "I value real human connection and all of the   feelings that come with it." Okay. I hope that's  helpful. Thank you for watching, and take care.
Channel: Therapy in a Nutshell
Views: 311,682
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Keywords: therapy in a nutshell, emma mcadam, mental health, depression, anxiety, overthinking, social anxiety, anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, social anxiety treatment
Id: UWTzVuXQ6-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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