Catastrophizing: How to Stop Making Yourself Depressed and Anxious: Cognitive Distortion Skill #6

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Hi, everyone. I'm Emma McAdam. I'm a licensed  marriage and family therapist. And in this   video we're going to talk about catastrophizing,  which is expecting the worst. Catastrophizing   is an excellent way to make yourself anxious and  depressed and completely ruin your life. Oh, yeah,   and I'm going to teach you three things you can do  to stop catastrophizing. So let's talk about that. Late one night a man was driving along a dark  rural road. He was out far from any towns,   and he was just trying to get home. All of  a sudden he hears a loud bang and the thump   thump thump of a flat tire. He's irritated, but no  need to panic; he knows how to change a tire. So   he gets out of the car, he gets into the trunk, he  pulls out the spare tire and the lug wrench. And   then he realizes with a sinking feeling that his  jack is missing. You can't change a tire without a   jack. Then he checks his phone and he doesn't have  reception. So now he's stuck. As he's wondering   what to do, he looks down the road and he sees  a porch light a long ways away. It looks like a   little farmhouse. And he decides to walk over and  ask the farmer if he could borrow a jack. The walk   was long and dark. And at one point he trips over  a pothole and he falls and he tears a hole in his   pants. And he just he keeps stumbling along in  the dark, worrying about what he's going to do.   It's dark, it's late, and he starts to imagine  what will happen when he reaches the farmhouse.   The farmer will probably already be in bed.  He'll probably be cranky about being woken up.   But the man keeps walking. And as he walks through  the dark, other thoughts come to him. What if the   farmer doesn't have a jack? Farmers have guns.  What if he pulls that out? The farmer's probably   going to sic a huge dog on him. What if the farmer  realizes that the man's alone and he robs him?   He thinks, "I don't deserve to be treated that  way. None of this is fair." And at this point   the man is scared, but he's also getting angry.  He knows that this farmer is going to be a jerk,   but he still needs his jack. So he walks up to  the front door and he knocks. And as he waits   for a response, he imagines this angry farmer  screaming at him, threatening him, chasing him,   shooting him. And he hears footsteps. The door  swings open, and a man says, "Can I help you?"   And the stranded man, all red-faced and  angry, yells, "I don't want your dang   jack anyway!" and he grabs the door and  he slams it shut and he storms away. Now,   catastrophizing is a common cognitive distortion  or thinking error. It's when we think of a current   or future situation as a catastrophe. So for  example, you worry that you're gonna fail a test,   and then you imagine what would happen when you  do fail. You're gonna get kicked out of school.   You're going to end up working a dead-end job,  fail at life, and die homeless on the street.   And all of this because of a test at school.  Catastrophizing is imagining the worst.   It's taking a difficult situation and  interpreting it as being horrible, terrible,   and unrecoverable. We all know that person who if  they get a B on a test wails, "I'm failing math."   Right? Many of us have had a parent who when  we didn't want to do our chores, they said   something like, "Oh, if you don't do your chores,  your college roommates will hate you and no one   will want to marry you." Right? Like in the story  about the jack, catastrophizing often starts with   a genuine setback, like getting a flat tire in  the middle of nowhere. But then the thinking error   turns that reality into a belief that something  horrible is likely to happen. "I'm gonna get shot   or robbed and attacked." Right? At its root,  catastrophizing is about our habitual response   to challenges or shortcomings. So take a second  pause, this video, and ask yourself how do you   think about failure? When these habits, these  thinking habits become part of a repeated pattern,   they lead to depression or anxiety, and people  tend to imagine that they'll never be able   to recover. So here's some common examples.  Someone with anxiety imagines losing control   of himself. So for example, a man with a panic  disorder predicts that if he goes to the mall   on a weekend afternoon, he'll have a panic attack  ,and then he predicts that having a panic attack   would be a catastrophe rather than  just being really uncomfortable.   Or a woman with depression envisions herself being  depressed forever and never feeling happy again.   Or a 30-year-old man imagines himself never  finding love and imagining that if he doesn't,   he will be plagued by intense feelings of  loneliness 24/7 from now until he dies.   Right? Or a teen equates not being in a text  group with being totally rejected by everyone.   So how does catastrophizing mess us up? We have  all experienced some tragedies in our life,   including painful rejection or failure, and I  think that we trick ourselves into believing   that if we can expect the worst we can prevent  it. But in reality, usually the exact opposite   happens. So think about the man from the jack  story. Because he feared getting rejected,   he slammed the door shut himself. He cut  himself off from the opportunity to get   the solution he needed because he was thinking  about everything that could go wrong. Seeing   the worst often invites the worst. Not only  do we cut ourselves off from opportunities,   but we invite the exact problems we're hoping to  avoid. So if we go into a conversation expecting   the other person to get defensive, we often lead  off by being harsher or more rigid, inviting the   other to be more defensive. If you expect that  your crush will reject you if you ask her out,   then you don't ask her out. You end up alone on  the weekend. Catastrophizing invites depression.   When we imagine a future that is bleak,  threatening, or hopeless, then our brain   responds by putting out less serotonin and  dopamine. These are the happiness, pleasure,   and motivation chemicals. So why be happy or  hopeful when the future is impossibly dreary?   This leads to a cycle of withdrawal from life, a  lack of motivation, and a pattern of depression.   Catastrophizing also invites anxiety. It  forces our brain to see threats and failure   everywhere. And our brain responds to perceived  threats with a very real physical fear response,   the fight/flight/freeze response. And this  contributes to social anxiety, general anxiety,   panic attacks, and more. Expecting the  worst makes us hopeless and depressed   about the future. It makes us unmotivated. Why  try if I'm just gonna fail? And it also enables   us to wallow in self-pity. Catastrophizing  closes us off to opportunities and options   that might work, and it leads to this sense of  paralysis. So if catastrophizing is so harmful,   why do we keep doing it? At this point I've  got to pause because some of you out there   have started this super unhelpful thought process  of "Yeah, why am I such an idiot? I am so broken.   See, I am defective because I do this stuff."  Okay. You need to stop that. Take a deep breath.   You are not defective. You might be doing  something that's not working well for you,   but that doesn't mean you're bad or broken. It  means you can change and get feeling better.   So if you need to, pause this video and take a  second to be kind to yourself and practice some   courage. Changing how we think takes work, but you  can do hard things. Okay. So let's go back to the   question, why do we catastrophize? Well, it serves  a function, albeit a dysfunctional one. We do it   for one of two reasons. Number one: preparing  for the worst is a coping strategy, preventing us   from feeling risk or uncertainty. So if I expect  myself to fail, I won't be disappointed if I do.   If I reject myself first, then I don't have  to worry that my crush will do it to me.   Catastrophizing is an attempt to avoid feelings,  to protect ourselves from feeling sadness or   worry. But the crazy thing is that when we try  not to feel, we often end up more depressed and   anxious. So expecting the worst also justifies us  for not even trying, and it attempts to excuse our   failure before we put in any effort. So no wonder  it feels more comfortable than putting your heart   out there. It's comfortable in the short term, but  it crushes the joy out of life in the long run.   When you catastrophize, you're not risking  failure, but you can't have success. You're not   getting rejected, but you're still alone on the  weekend. Okay. Dysfunctional function number two:   sometimes we think or we've been trained to  believe that the best motivation is fear,   that in order to motivate ourselves to study or to  go to work we have to predict doom and gloom. Fear   as motivation works briefly, but in the long run  it makes us depressed and anxious and overwhelmed   and less functional. Let me use a school anxiety  example. So a kid's not going to school because of   anxiety. The parents also feel anxious about this,  so they go into a room and say, "You have to get   up or else you are going to ruin your life. You  have to go to school or you'll never get a good   job," etc., etc. And in the short term this gets  the kid out of bed and into school. But then she   spends the rest of her day worrying about being  a failure, and the next day she has even more   anxiety and it's even harder to get motivated  to go to school. So do you do this? Do you   try to give yourself a pep talk but it's really  more of a fear talk? We or our parents may have   used fear in the past as a strong motivator, but  it's just not a sustainable source of motivation.   So let's find something that's more functional  than our self-justifying, self-defeating   catastrophizing. So first off, try to start with  a good night's rest. When we're sleep-deprived,   we're hypersensitive to threats and we're less  resilient in the face of challenges. When you're   rested you'll have a greater ability to face  these challenges bravely. Okay. Number two: accept   uncertainty as a natural and acceptable part of  living a wholehearted life. This is a fundamental   life skill that can be developed and practiced.  It involves changing how you think about anxiety.   So instead of labeling anxiety as bad or harmful  or terrible or "I can't handle it," you say,   "Well, this is uncomfortable, but it won't  injure me." You say, "I can do hard things."   Courage is not the absence of fear but the  judgment that something else is more important.   So living life is about embracing acceptable risk  and the anxiety that comes with it as a normal and   natural and helpful part of life. And as you do  this, you build up emotional muscles to experience   uncomfortable emotions. And you can also practice  this by doing mindfulness and meditation or just   doing something every day that scares you. Okay.  Number three: motivate yourself by what you want   in life, by what you value and you hope instead of  trying to use fear. So these are called positive   goals. So instead of saying, you know, "Oh, I have  to go to school so that I don't die homeless on   the street," you say, "I choose to go to school  because I want to be a therapist when I grow up."   Okay. I never said that as a kid, but you get  the idea. Right? Choose what you do want in   life. Break it down into small goals, and then  just bravely work toward those little by little.   Okay. So here's the classic CBT approach to ending  catastrophizing. So number one: just start by   noticing when you are catastrophizing. What are  the words you use? Are they things like never,   terrible, fail, rejected, awkward? Anything that's  an exaggeration, making things out to be worse   than they are. And then getting better as well  at noticing what are the situations you tend to   catastrophize about? And, you know, write down  what it looks like when you do it. Ask a family   member or a friend to point it out to you. Right?  So this is the first step in emotion processing.   It's observing, it's getting better at noticing  what's going on with your thought patterns and   your behaviors. Then the second step in emotion  processing is to pause. Right? So just because   you think something doesn't mean it's true. Just  because you feel something doesn't mean you have   to believe it. So now is a great chance. Just  slow it down. Take a deep breath. Number three is   explore. Right? Challenge those thoughts. Right?  Just because you think something doesn't mean it's   true. Learn to notice and gently question your  thoughts. You don't have to believe everything you   think, but you also don't need to beat yourself  up for having these thoughts, like saying things   like, "Oh, what's the matter with me? Why do  I always think this way?" That's also not very   helpful. So instead, like, get better at noticing  your thoughts and letting them pass through. This   is another skill from acceptance and commitment  therapy. It's called cognitive diffusion, and   you can practice it with activities like Leaves  on the Stream or the skills I teach in my video How to Stop Intrusive Thoughts and  Overthinking. So I'll link those below.   Okay. Number four is choose. Right? Replace those  thoughts with something more honest and more   helpful. So once you start to notice this type  of thinking, you pause and you explore it. You   can bravely pick up your emotional sword, and  you can begin to combat this kind of thinking   with more honest and more rational thoughts,  thoughts that line up more with who you want to   be and your values. And some of the ways I like to  do this are to think things like this: "Okay, even   if something bad did happen, I could learn from  it. It wouldn't be the end of the world," etc.   So here's a couple of examples. Say someone  says something like, "Oh no, I am such an idiot.   I already made a mistake on this report;  I'm never gonna finish it. Or if I do,   it's gonna be so flawed that it won't matter.  I'm gonna get fired no matter what." Okay. Wait.   Pause. That's not true. Okay. Let's explore some  alternatives here. "Everybody makes mistakes." Uh   okay. "I'm only human." There's another one.  "I'll fix this mistake, and if I need to ask   for help I can. But I'm just gonna keep working  hard and try to be more careful in the future."   Or something more like, "Oh, nobody's gonna  fire me for a mistake or two in a report."   Okay. See how we're replacing the catastrophizing  thoughts with thoughts that are a little bit more   helpful? Okay. Here's another example: someone  says something like, "Oh, I can't believe I said   that to my boyfriend. He's gonna leave me for  sure this time." Okay. Let's replace that with   maybe like, "Oh, I shouldn't have said that to  my boyfriend. I really need to learn how to talk   kindly when I'm upset. I'm gonna apologize and try  to make it right. Hopefully he'll understand and   accept my apology and we'll both learn something  from this." Okay. So challenging catastrophizing,   this approach, it requires us to stay engaged even  when there's a risk of things not going perfectly.   And this is called vulnerability, the potential  for success and also for getting hurt. But the   only alternative is to guarantee failure by  cutting yourself off before you even try.   So I'm a big fan of acceptance and commitment  therapy. It's it's a process which basically   trains you to get better at feeling, to  open yourself up to the emotions that come   with living the life you value - love, joy  and sadness and worry and hope, excitement,   anxiety. As you come to wholeheartedly  embrace life and your goals and your values,   you'll get better and better at living with some  risk, and you'll be rewarded with lots of good   things happening to you all the time. May good  things come to you as you courageously face life   and the risks, joys, loves that come with it. For  those of you who are long-time followers, you may   have noticed that this video is a remake of one  of my old videos, and that's because that video   had a couple things that needed to be improved. So  I hope you don't mind me making a better version   of my video on catastrophizing. So  thank you all for watching. Take care.
Channel: Therapy in a Nutshell
Views: 503,583
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Keywords: catastrophizing anxiety, catastrophizing thinking errors, catastrophizing cognitive distortion, catastrophizing cognitive distortions, how to stop catastrophizing anxiety, catastrophizing, how to stop expecting the worst, how to stop making yourself depressed, how to stop making yourself anxious, thinking errors, cognitive distortions
Id: bS2LPNlO07s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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