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hey everybody today we're going to be playing normal minecraft except for one thing we're trying out a brand new jumping mod let me explain every time we jump it'll increase our jump height a little more we have to be careful though because if we get too high we'll start to take fall damage not only that but once we die it's an immediate game over let's do this mikey sure thing but what's with this location all of a sudden we're trapped in a jail cell don't worry about it mikey it's gonna be okay you're right we're both stuck in here but there's still a way for us to break out all we gotta do is jump hang on minecraft won't let you go any higher than one block per jump this was too big for us to get over see but this time it's different because of the mod you just jumped so now your next jump you take will be a little bit higher why don't you try jumping one more time huh well i doubt it'll work but three two one jj it actually works right so with this mod we're using every time you jump your maximum jump height increases that's pretty amazing but how does it work how is it even possible this is actually a mod i made all by myself now let's try surviving with this mod but remember once we die it's game over awesome let's go we can't jump too much though we have to be extra careful not to take any fall damage for when we jump too high like i said immediate game over huh immediate game over yeah we just have to watch out and make sure we don't jump too much even i'm not sure what heights our jumping will reach anyway these little jumps here i'll just jump over it whoa i guess you can huh no that was only our third jump i don't believe it i don't think it's a good idea to keep jumping really each jump is higher than the one before so if you jump too much you might take ball damage are you sure you want to keep jumping like that i think i'll take it a bit slower it's not good to fly over one block height differences yeah but we can still get over how i think it'll be a good idea if we built stairs instead oh smart yeah should i get wood yeah thanks mikey you've already jumped a lot so i hope nothing bad happens that's true i'm a bit worried anyway let's make some stairs do you think it'll work thank you if we make stairs we can place them down in tiny little places right here and right here now i don't have to jump see how far i came up without jumping have some thank you we beat the game beat the game we still have a long way to go for that your jump is still really high isn't it yeah it is if you jump anymore i think you'll start to take fall damage huh really you know an item might help you there's an item like that never heard of it well there is one a bucket a bucket how is that supposed to help first we fill them with water yeah falling into water means you take zero damage as long as you have a bucket you're safe i figured it out yeah then right before we hit the ground we pour the water out yeah i told you i got it you're really smart mikey how about we start looking around for some caves do you see any caves up there we should find food too oh yeah you're right will we survive you're getting a hang of those stairs huh almost go i accidentally jumped are you okay no don't waste your jokes jj i'm serious but that's what you were doing earlier i guess neither of us can afford to waste any jumps careful i'm so used to jumping while i run that i really have to focus to stay on the ground i know what you mean hmm we really need to find a cave oh i found a cave awesome how many stairs do you have left just two huh good enough for now i'm gonna set up the crafting table right there are you sure we won't get stuck inside well we should still be able to jump several more times before it's dangerous and plus we can use stone to make items i'm just gathering stone to upgrade our pickaxes okay don't forget the most important thing is finding iron what about food i ran out of food we can climb back out then sure uh oh looks like it's night time now mikey did you use all your stairs yeah i guess that means the only way to get out is by jumping it might be okay to use one jump try it out okay let's go whoa easy now you try [Music] come on do you see any food around don't forget the stairs i hope we come across some animals i saw some earlier but for some reason they're all gone let's go look around on the other side of the hill okay ouch mikey careful is that a sheep oh yeah and chickens too this will be a good food supply thank you hey look there's a village ahead follow me awesome let's go to the village i'll head straight there sure i'm low health okay follow me more stairs try not to waste your jumps a creeper uh-oh this way come on use my stairs thanks see daisy we made it nice jj check out these hay bales hey dales we can make bread with these awesome this is enough to make lots and lots of bread we should bake it over in the village and spend the night there oh i'm down for that let's sleep okay i'll throw these hay bales into the crafting table there we go whoa there's lots of bread nice can i have some sure whoa thanks we've got lots of bread so eat as much as you want we can hang around the village for a little longer but eventually we need to head back out for some iron right let's get items we could probably grab some more stairs too i see i'll take these blocks nice i feel bad for the village but we need this stuff right the half blocks and stairs will especially come in handy for us well let's take them after all we need them for our strategy don't we uh careful not to jump by mistake got it anyway we've collected a lot of good stuff let's keep looking for iron yeah let's go find some iron we've got lots of food too that's awesome we'll definitely be able to survive for a while okay we'll go as deep as we need to this time in order to make it back to the surface with some iron look out skeleton on your right i'll get him any more spiders huh i hope there aren't any creepers down here that would be the worst now for the iron let's look another one oh you're going down oh iron we'll need three pieces of iron each to make our own buckets i see perfect how many there's four here oh that might be a problem we only have enough for one bucket oh well we'll just have to keep looking for two more iron ores i bet there's a few hiding in the dark down here oh awesome that was really quick yeah as soon as we use this to build our buckets we won't have to hold back on our jumping as much sweet yeah let's go ahead and smelt it let's go [Music] while i'm at the crafting table i'm going to make some half blocks just in case we run out of stairs good idea now we can finally craft two buckets come and get your bucket mikey thank you jj of course but we're not done yet we have to leave the cave and find a water source do you remember seeing any ponds or rivers on the surface we'll have to break blocks as we climb out like this and like this you know what we should have made a couple of ladders oh yeah that would have been really helpful i wonder if we jumped right here do you think we'd take any fall damage try it i'll give it a go wish me luck good luck let's do this [Music] counting down from three two one jump whoa should i come yep three two one i jump twice you jump twice guess i'll jump then again too look the stairs let's use the stairs from here i'll put a half block here almost out oh i wonder if i can jump this careful it looks kind of dangerous true let's stick with stairs whoa you can just put a half block there there you go congratulations we're back to the surface great we must have jumped three or four times in that cave so i'm a little worried about how high we'll go if we jump up here the most important thing for us to do right now is to fill up our buckets with water come on oh water this will keep us safe from taking any serious fall damage i'm kind of curious should we test it out yeah i'll go first okay whoa now this is a big jump your turn i wonder how high my jump is now three two one that's so high yeah i guess it is even though we have our buckets we can't forget the fact that one death is all it takes for a game over right stay safe mikey okay what next i kind of feel like going on an adventure me too i have an idea we should jump around in another yeah let's do that great who knows maybe our jumping will help us beat it the first step to beating the nether is building a portal keep an eye out for diamond and obsidian it's night time keep an eye out for sheep and wool to make beds okay it's not like we can sleep outside it would be nice if we found some sheep around here as long as we have our buckets we can do anything right i'll try jumping huh yeah hey sheep cow oh i didn't have my bucket ready and i took some fall damage whoops where are you here i'll pour some water for you to land here thanks wait oh no i jumped without even thinking about it i just need to take my bucket and yes i did it oh you okay where did you go you went so high up i couldn't see you anyway there are some sheep and i've got some shears here they are uh oh a skeleton look out go get him okay i took him out come here she hey something's hitting me it's a spider this is bad jj oh shoot you're right this is bad there's a skeleton i don't have much health left don't worry just keep running eat some bread okay i'll eat some and remember not to jump of course i'll get the skeleton thanks jj let's retreat this way creeper don't get too close that wasn't the best idea let's head for the village i'll meet you there there's already a path to the village hurry okay we're here yeah we made it oh seriously these are the same buildings we took the stairs off this morning oh yeah now we can't get in through the entrances oh shoot this isn't good another creeper we have to get inside let's go [Music] that was close i'm gonna make two beds with all the wool we got off the sheep there why won't it let me sleep there must be a monster nearby there he is [Music] [Applause] got him i'll try again okay now let's go to sleep all right we've survived for so long let's look for diamonds okay hey a cave you're right come on now remember we're trying to find diamonds and obsidian for our nether portal got it oh be careful there's a lava waterfall over here and if we fall in it's game over there might be something up there we need to dig really deep for diamonds that's true for now let's go further the skeleton let's run past it uh oh ow we have to head back okay this is a big problem why can't we find any diamonds they're usually somewhere near layer 13 right we're only at layer 49 but i have an idea what we've got a really high jump right yeah you know if we dig straight down we'll be able to jump out no matter how deep we are oh yeah okay let's dig down this is easy we must be getting close keep going a little further mikey sure look out for lava okay but i think you might be digging your hole in the wrong spot are you serious i'll just jump back make sure you stop yourself on the dirt ceiling jumped twice again i ended up really high come down pour some water all right here water here i come oh very nice let's keep digging down like this sure i hope there's no lava be extra careful maybe it'll be okay i'm worried though same is this it what you mean layer 13 is it not quite we're one layer away i want diamonds start looking around [Music] you see anything i think i'll dig this way where are they let's go we need them for the nether right i still don't see any yeah me neither no diamonds where are they i hope we find some come on we've been looking pretty hard i don't see any maybe there aren't any maybe not why don't we make a nether portal out of lava and buckets instead of diamonds sounds good let's give up on this cave and head back to the surface i'll bet we'll be able to find lava lakes there yeah okay the problem now is how to get out look up mikey can we make it up there of course i guess we can give it a try go for it [Music] that was awesome your turn coming awesome how was that i made it in one jump yeah you did it's probably too dangerous to jump this last little bit huh definitely i'm using all our cobblestones to make stairs take as much as you need i've got lots whoa it's nighttime so let's go look for lava if you see something glowing it's probably a lava lake okey dokey we can use the lava to make a nether portal sweet now that it's finally nighttime it's a lot easier to spot lava lakes because of the glow yep i see i'm curious how much higher our jumps have gotten me too i'm scared to test it out though don't be there's water right here for us to land in plus we might be able to see where the lava is from high up you're right let's go i'll jump first here i go three two one whoa i don't see any lava i'll try sure three two one huh mikey where are you i'm too high i can't see all right i'm coming back down i died that was way too high it was really hard to land no game over let's do it all again if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 18,223,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: msKImvCL1fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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