Overpowered WEAPONS vs BOSSES

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all right let's get started today we're gonna clear every stage of the twilight forest there are a lot of tough bosses we're gonna have to defeat really are we gonna be able to beat them all we're gonna be fine and that's because this inside this chest is the most powerful equipment in the game and it's all ours we better get ready armor up wow with this we'll be unstoppable that's because this is the strongest armor take a look at these weapons too oh power these weapons are super strong i guess i should explain how our equipment works our armor gives us the ability to fly wow that's incredible plus it gives us super speed and a tough defense that's it let's head into the twilight forest let's go go ahead and throw a diamond in there sure is that how we get there three two one go whoa incredible a portal let's go and we're off nice we finally arrived in the twilight forest oh this place is a whole different world there's something here hmm huh what what's this oh mikey come here this is an old lich tower what's a lichte it's like a dungeon i don't know if you'd call it a temple or something but at the very top of it there's an enemy called the lich that we have to defeat let's go defeat it let's go hmm i don't really know where the entrance is this is fine wow no way i broke in a skeleton let's fight whoa our weapons are some of the most powerful in the game in that case we'll totally win yeah this bow makes arrows rain down from above nice let's go okay let's climb up to the witch oh it's an enemy book can you defeat it of course i think the boss is on the highest floor go go go let's fly there oh looks like we made it to the top we're here wait huh there he is the lich king what let's fight come on get him use the bow they're blocking us the arrows bounce back how do we win those are shields they are so strong what do we do if we can't beat it wait i got it hit what they're shooting at us with our swords huh we can do that look out okay whoa did it work their shields went down they started with five but the king only has three now nice we can do it just need to break the rest of the shields okay [Music] oh the shields are down all right get him attack huh what we beat him we got a reward we defeated the boss in one hit all thanks to the infinite attack power of our swords we beat the lich tower let's go to the next one what items did we get oh these are great all right mikey let's keep going sure look wow what's that this is the naga temple see that snake down there it's called a naga oh that's the boss oh it looks strong it's attacking that is one big snake whoa it's quick too help i'm being attacked i'll use the bow and arrow huh no way that's really powerful wait where'd it go i took care of it with my bow that was quick yeah this weapon is insanely powerful too powerful i went so fast nice job jj we beat the naga let's move on check it out what's this this building is called the labyrinth basically it's the entrance to a maze come on looks like trouble this way whoa is it safe in there don't let your guard down jj it looks safe but i'll stay on guard this maze looks difficult hang on huh try that oh hang on there are minotaurs in here quick let's fight them nope what's this they look pretty strong yeah you're right they're over here don't wait the minotaurs are charging us i'll attack them with this sword wow i'm strong wow these guys are fast oh i think we have to jump down here oh come on okay i'm in we're so deep guide me through this maze mikey really sure huh wait help this isn't good i've been caught i can't move mikey got caught by a stag beetle thank you i saved you phew now then where do we go from here oh a minotaur take that uh-oh it's a slime seriously this is such a breeze for us because of our powerful equipment yeah i'll try this black hole the black hole sucks up any nearby enemies what's that whoa okay let's find the boss [Music] hey hey let's go with another stag beetle i rescued you thanks come on no what's that the next boss is in here the boss that's right it's here it seems different from the other ones oh it's the minnow shroom i want to run away whoa jj can we win its speed is on another level take that huh wait we beat it nice looks like we got a reward this looks powerful i can't believe i beat it in one hit me neither since we defeated the labyrinth boss we can move on look at this what is it it must be some sort of monster's den huh i knew it a hydra it looks powerful it's a three-headed dragon this'll be tough oh well let's attack it with the bow and arrow what it doesn't work it's useless oh there we go this might be difficult to win whoa the sword oh yeah use the sword infinite attack power huh hang on what's wrong the sword isn't working it barely does anything why there's no other choice but the black hole right we have to i'm throwing the black hole go check it out rapid fire awesome get him easy we can beat it we're so strong whoa what's happening what's going on [Music] the black hole is super powerful sweet nice now that we beat the hydra let's go to the next boss let's go mikey this looks like the entrance to a goblin knight stronghold we may run into some goblin night soon all you have to do is place the head of the last boss you defeated onto this pedestal here and it opened that's right let's go yeah let's go huh are there enemies down here helmet crab nice that's strange i know what's this hang on a sec what's that what there's something else here i need to rescue mikey wow awesome i threw a black hole i'm taking out enemies with it whoa whoa nice boom one survived really is that the boss uh i highly doubt it it's still strong yeah you're right but i still don't think it's the boss oh wait mikey look at this hmm i think it's this way the boss don't let your guard down huh are these the bosses there's a whole bunch of them get out your bow huh what's this oh it's throwing axes pickaxes too i hit it with an arrow what are these things there are too many i'll throw a black hole i thought there was a lot left but there's only two of them this bow and arrow is next level huh whoa wow that was awesome good job now we have the boss's head sweet whoa okay mikey we beat the goblin knight let's move on okay look huh what's that this is the place where the yeti lives see yeti it's like an abominable snowman let's go it's a boss i guess so i don't see it oh wow what is this thing that's the alpha yeti run mikey why isn't it attacking i'll attack it whoa huh did we win this thing's pretty weak help mikey it threw me stop it hey no wait wow you got tossed again help me take that huh i took it down no way i got captured by another yeti not again are you all right stop got him thanks well we defeated the yeti boss shall we move on yeah look penguins and the aurora tower whoa what's up there incredible check out the ice awesome the entrance let's go in that's it wow cool what's that huh wait what an invisible knight there got him apparently there's a witch upstairs let's climb up okay let's do this oh this way let's go right to the top climb climb climb i wonder if this boss will be difficult what will they be like there we made it out huh where's the boss maybe in here it's probably inside oh i found it it's the snow queen she looks strong this must be the boss use your bow and arrow i'm on it the arrows are deflecting they're bouncing right back that's not good ow i'm being hit by my own arrows oh she's tough will we be okay absolutely ouch i'm getting hit a lot let's try this what black hole huh oh wow will that beat her it's hard to tell maybe she's too strong wow one more hit how'd she survive i'll use my sword wow that's powerful all right the boss is down nice we managed to clear the aurora palace let's keep going [Music] see this mikey this is the dark tower that's amazing i wonder what's at the top this thing's enormous well it turns out the next boss is waiting for us at the top come on let's go this is a secret entrance huh wow whoa there's a hidden door and everything oh incredible i know there's no path let's just fly here we go whoa the boss wait a sec that's just a ghast huh let's fight it anyway attack no way good job this way let's go inside do you see the boss not yet this parkour course looks amazing it looks tough but i bet i could beat it ah a bunch of bugs i'm just gonna throw a black hole down wow sweet all clear let's hit up oh look jj there's the boss this is the boss this thing is massive make sure you deflect his fireballs i'm on it i don't know try using your bow okay will that be enough to defeat it maybe it's pretty effective really nice ow the black hole isn't working it's not it sure looks like it okay it is working it's really strong i hope it's enough keep watching arrows go go go we won yeah by a lot good job awesome good now that we've defeated the dark tower boss let's move on to the next one mikey where are we start digging a hole as deep as you can sure it's the only way to find the troll caves huh let's dig all right thanks we'll dig one more time oh there's a troll hi troll get it it's charging at us huh i think our armor is too tough for it to do any real damage wait they're on me i'm gonna rescue you mikey take that i found something huh why is there a big lump of obsidian is there something inside of here probably what could it be open it good idea i'll have to break the stone first nice there i blew it up all at once what's this a treasure chest three two one open what's all this oh no way magic beans beans what are those for you'll see this is a super rare item let's go follow me all right i'll teach you how to use them hey mikey see those clouds up there i see them wow they're really high up here mikey go ahead and plant these beans huh okay good work hmm here i go three two one wow what's this it's a vine growing into the sky seriously that's pretty awesome come on if we climb all the way up here then pretty soon we'll be on the clouds i bet we'll find a boss is it strong i think this one is the final boss let's go sweet whoa huh what the there's nothing here what's this big house for oh no huh here they come mikey giant versions of us giants can we defeat it'll be tough use your bow careful wait there are more another one hang on was that all of them he just dropped a bunch of stuff what we beat them almost immediately we got a massive sword that's pretty crazy and a big pickaxe awesome so cool there you have it today we used the strongest equipment ever to clear the twilight forest if you found this video interesting don't forget to like and subscribe thanks bye thank you bye that was fun if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 12,966,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: A2L67nBVsHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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