Overnight in Micro A-Frame Cabins!

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we're going to be spending overnight in these micro A-frame cabins let's go check them out guys we weren't kidding these are micro in order to get in you have to bend down step inside then you can stand up dude this is way too cool the video has just started and I'm already in love with these micro cabinets it comes pre-installed with one light bulb there's a loft and an outlet down here pretty good starting the first thing that I'm noticing in here is that it's insanely hot which is going to be good for the night time but I might need something to cool it down during the sunny afternoon also little scared this Loft not hold and we got a LOF yes I have some ideas for decoration ready for some satisfaction wa this what says do not remove until final inspection by code official looks good to me though how you get up here oh wow and as you can tell each three of these micro cabins are the exact same and there's nothing in them yet throughout this video we're going to be doing several different Plinko drops to determine the budget for different categories we're going to be including decorations entertainment foods and cabin fit we're going to do the first Plinko drop of the video decorations I'm determined to get the big baller every category but I'm also determined how can you guys be determined when I'm determined whoever is more determined how do we determine that put your hands and go yes I am the most determined for our first drop we're doing decorations and check out the new Plinko board big baller wait no way no way actually got it dude there's only one way to get the big baller on this new prinkle board and he did it through the big baller tell you A big baller every category that is insane you're not allowed to do that that's your one big baller you're going to get NS I'm NS o ooh a very decent amount $300 Isaac wo for decorations I can fill up my whole tank with this uh house tank or cabins not tanks [Music] tank there's not a whole lot of good options left I'm not sure what the best slot is going to be but we're going to go right oh my you actually got $500 dude we actually got some good budgets to decorate with oh we're going to have some fire tanks heck yeah cabin go a cabin let go to the store and get some decorations we're at chals we're getting our decorations for the micro cabins upon stepping inside the store I'm filled with inspiration and ideas to make the inside of my cabin top tier like what now I'm not get telling you already definely not this would fit the cabin Vibe just like absolute perfect dude look at that tank nice Vibes are very important so you can put candles in here what do we got there fragrance bowl no thanks I want lights not fragrances it's like super wedged careful careful ow included in my decorations I need to also think about bedding cuz we are sleeping there so came across these cots they're very lightweight I I was thinking I could do a couch of sorts but I feel like a cut is just smaller footprint in my cabin there's minimal space to work with incoming ouch guys I'm really trying to think of a theme for my cabin I'm overusing Concepts cuz I was thinking maybe skate cabin soccer cabin but I've already done those kind of things before so I want to think of something unique and cool that hasn't been seen before I'm going in for a comfy what is something about me that I haven't used for a concept yet which one's the best though this is way too wide no thanks I got this epic case here because of a very particular thing I'm purchasing which I will show you guys later it's going to be so cool I found something cool that's out of your budget as well show us really electronic freezer oh my God yeah that is my entire budget it goes down to -4° remember my theme is cozy and guess what I found a candle that's flavored cozy this could be my outfit it comes with the top and bottom and it's 50 bucks leaving me another 50 bucks to accessorize this is looking pretty nice more decorations guys burlap will look pretty sweet on the walls as I said before I'm creating my own new aesthetic it's called grandar core it's kind of based off of an Old English Grandma's house like a lovely Cabin in the Woods it's going to be a lot of kind of floral stuff a lot of colors that don't really match mostly just trying to find the ugliest flower things I can obviously no offense to any real grandmas out there play on off I want my cabin to have the most lights possible look they even have Rock lights I'm getting so many lights I'm hoping it's going to look cool at night that's my what all right one more that's why you go to the gym I hit the grandma jackpot look at these things oh yes Look it's even got like the little woods some some uh lavender I actually like that one yeah that's kind of fire actually that's what I'm saying I'm trying trying to I'm trying to border on like ugly aesthetic versus like kind of sick steezy grandma look that if that's a line you can walk boys look at this thing oh I don't know why I'm so excited about this aesthetic it's definitely one of my most bizarre out there ones but finding Perfect things like this perfect lamp every grandma in the woods has one of these I found some epic Grandma night gowns I hope you uh hire a real grandma to come and see if she likes your house you know one you do I have one really yeah I found these perfect Grandma night gowns but they're going to look perfect as decorations this is not my clothing budget just for the record guys I've actually found a hack so I was able to get some clothes as decoration budget I'm also getting these Grandma cookies for my decoration budget cuz I'm not eating them cuz I have diabetes but it's just cuz it says grandma on it so it gives more of a Vibe oh that look good but it's just decoration yeah I love my grandma we grow up so fast now I'm a grandma my grandma fellows back the cabins it's time to start decorating first things first the flooring H now how big is this you see be better if it was that way probably I don't know maybe I got a lot of luxurious items maybe not a ton but everything I need to have a wonderful A-frame cabin so I'm going to bring all this stuff in get setting up which I'm most excited about this decoration a real coow hide as the flooring oh nice it fits wonderfully too flooring installed now for the bed all right we're back at Grandma's house time to start decorating first this Vision was kind of ambiguous I wasn't quite sure if I was going to be able to pull it off but after going to Goodwill I am very excited out of all the themes I could have guessed you would have done I would have never guessed Grandma's house if you had asked me yesterday I probably would have said the same thing this is so comfy but I did find something that's not comfy in my house wo that is not allowed look at that just gives it this like little touch holy moly cozy cabin is coming along nicely I'm not sure about this light bulb we all have blue lights for some reason I don't know blue doesn't only fit the Cozy Vibe oh it's really light cuz grandma's and grandpa's can't be lifting too heavy rammed my finger into your box literally cut my finger oh how' you do that I didn't do anything hurt sorry charie bit me put it a kiss no please don't you all infected Shrek waa what I always hurt Angel somehow sometimes on purpose and then this one was an accident though wait you hurt me on purpose whatever just push your thing this chair is the centerpiece of my house very important oh yeah zero coordination with the rug it's perfect oh gosh it's horrible I know that looks atrocious I mean Grandma's cabin's going to be like a fun Vibe you know where you go to visit Grandma's house you're like this is interesting Grandma glad I'm only visiting I don't live here better hope this fits Andrew I am a bit worried about that going to be tight squeeze oh it's going to be a tight squeeze I think I think it'll fit it'll actually be perfect in there I'm not worried about it once it's inside just getting through the Doras concerning oh yeah no way yes that's the risky thing about decorations will they fit in the micro cabins oh wow this does fit perfect dude dude what this this is so comfy already back to decorating mine this bed is pretty big can you even close your door yeah I can barely close my door thankfully the bed's adjustable though now this is pretty fun everyone else is working but I come over here grandpa needs a rest Grandpa's feet hurt the main question is like do I want these to be like under the patio or like more up along the A-frame both could look cool be sort of like this H I dropped the thing and it came off keep breaking literally everything perfect bedtime now for my bed I wanted to go a little more minimal this is a survival cabin so I got a cut that should be just comfortable enough as well as some luxurious blankies there we go oh that was so easy yeah it did come with other pieces but it weren't in the Box this B is going to be a pretty tight fit in here but that's kind of the vibe anyway everything's cluttered there's random things no space to walk around I got to not pop the mattress this is a bit bigger than I thought a fool I thought that was small twin small oh that's what I was thinking twin rumor has it the more comments about the Blake t-shirt you guys leave down below might influence somebody that starts selling them you never know I don't know that's just the rumor we should get this this is humongo I don't know what the other fellow are doing with their Nooks up here but for me I'm calling this the survival Nook I got these fleece throws and a few other comfortable supplies I'll put up here oh it's going to be nice I found this insanely cool small table that folds up T small tiny table easily will fit in the eight frame I fixed this drawer Grandma does not like anyone getting into her top drawer you just nailed the front on it like you can't even use it Grandma does not like anyone going into her top dra listen through I we changed now I have a living room and a bedroom and my kitchen's up here my place is almost fully decorated and I'm actually running at a room pretty quickly these feel big when they're empty but again got to remember they're micro so I got to put my storage unit up here in the lock something like that I don't know we'll probably rearrange by the end of the video to mention guys have you hit the like button yet I just had to double check cuz I wasn't sure so for my interior walls I could keep it just exposed wood but I found this camo natural burlap that I'm going to put all over the walls I think that'll look pretty sweet and it's easy to install I have an epic modification to my A-frame cabin later in the video if I get enough budget I think this would be for the food budget please can I get it please hey Drew I got the perfect sign for above my window there we go guys leave a comment about how uh leave a comment about leave a comment of all the times God's closed the door in your life that's what's so nice about a futon it doubles as a couch and in bedtime folds out into bed mode I'm pumped I feel like I could live a week in here wait don't give me any ideas oh bye what is in there think it's going in oh we're in a micro place which means you need to use every space to the most potential when you close the door look at all that space back there it's almost perfect for storage dang this log you kidding me that's so dumb all right I'm cutting out me lovely garden now look at that absolutely Lush I had low expectations and low hopes but even just the grass out front this literally feels like Grandma's patio I'm actually really excited for how it's coming along what the heck I don't know why I'm so excited about this build cuz it's definitely my most bizarre but chuffed now you may be getting all mad in the comments that I have gotten shoes in my decorations budget I'm actually not going to be wearing these these are just for decoration Grandma leaves her shoes out by the door when she comes in cuz she doesn't want to get her lovely rug all buddy for the exterior of my A-frame I got luxurious torque what I guess I guess technically it could be it could be pronounced that way I got luxurious torqux look at this aluminum and metal and this thing is going to be incredible so I got three of these I'm going to put outside of my shelter we're going to head to the plinker board in just a minute to do before we go do the next budget drop let's take a look at each person's cabin starting with yours ooh I've been very curious about yours even before you go in I think I put a lot of effort into the outside you can immediately kind of get the vibe and see what's going on here I know exactly who lives inside based on the outside dude that's exactly what I was going for interesting choice to put this on the outside this is like going get ruined in the rain or snow or weather I'd assume but hey yeah it's kind of nice I honestly didn't even realize this came with the chair so it kind of was just a bonus so I'm like perfect now it's a place you can sit outside if it hasn't been raining in a couple days all right open the door I just want to glimp I'm not going in yet oh wow that's my living room that does make sense grandmas aren't very organized we are now we are now standing outside of my A-frame cabin what vibe are you getting just based on this simple point well Justin I can definitely tell who lives here just from the outside what kind of person would you say some guy who likes to be out in the woods he might work with his hands that's exactly probably owns a gun yeah definitely owns a gun thr bricks at people when they come pestering him yeah again just Simplicity everything you need a can of gas or can of water gas fuel bricks and comfort now the guy who lives here what does he typically use with for the bricks building materials he's a handyman so he builds things he you know there's many uses for bricks Blue Collar mans made yeah plus it's just aesthetic for for the vibe oh whatever you did was not to know I went oh yeah sorry oh no anyways here's a quick sneak peek of the inside don't want to give away too much cuz like Isaac's I have a lot of surprises whoa not too much not too much that does look like a hunter's paradise and I have big plans for hopefully all the other things that I want to fit inside here welcome to my A-frame you know I can't f tell who lives in here could be anybody they do like the cactus Outdoors maybe a couple because there's two chairs now it's still daytime out so you don't get the full experience with all the exterior lights that come on oh jeez I didn't even notice the exterior lights she you got lights everywhere now take a look w w I see some Vibes oh that's enough for you how would you describe the person that lives here he just likes to Vibe okay thank you do it our cabins are all decorated it's time for the second PL Co drop which we're doing cabin fits I'm going first very important if you ever have had a cabin you have to be fitted for it it's Lovely weather we are having it is Lovely weather we are having water you got to be kidding what is this 25050 no way that's pretty good oh you're going have the stest fit for sure but big baller is still available I hope the weather continues I hope the weather continues okay not too exciting but it'll it'll get you something oh man I was hoping for big baller you're supposed to make sure he doesn't get it remember you failed the T rats this one I was really hoping for a lot of money I love oh I'm so happy happy gol lucky me I'm soy wait you got to lean it forward that was that was close to being bad not big baller but bigger than Isaac 100 bucks man thank you welcome time to get fit checked to the max that means let's go to the store and get our supplies no R Shields hey and like I said my whole cabin Vibe is comfy that's the style so I want to see if I can get some comfy slippers comfy clothes let's see what they got I don't know if I can afford everything here I only have $100 and I got to go with the survivalist theme for my outfit not feeling hopeful Isaac's looking at shoes I want these so bad oh hey dude's making sneaks these the first hey dudes that look sick I am a little bummed to uh move on from the Blake t-shirt I'll keep wearing it you'll just see less of it we got some comfy outdoor Ugg slippers these could be good what are these oh these are Uggs and they're on sale this is what you want in a cabin for sure let's go go on feel that oh that is soft is that comfy or what yeah that is good for a cabin that's kind of nice cabin Vibe I mean yeah for a dress shirt this is pretty nice I need to find something like this in my price range but that's $60 since I'm sticking with my kind of English grandma cottage core Vibe can't really afford anything here anyway so I'm going to go back to the thrift store see what uh lovely cin they've got there all right I'm back at Goodwill this time from my outfit $75 can go a long way at Goodwill but not at other stores so that's why I'm here and I know they got some good grandpa clothes here cuz I'm Grandpa I'm not I'm not grandma just in case you guys did not it's a little Grandpa looking not too not enough though my grandpa has literally worn that exact same thing well your grandpa's cool in oh that is perfect dude look at that this look good on me I think that look good yeah perfect very nice thank you high five for grandfathers I love that heck yeah what color pants kind khaki kind of like this like that color Yes okay even this m uh match some brown yeah this or this okay not the white not white this or this perfect thank you what was your name Jim Jim Isaac nice toet you Jim nice thanks for the advice guys got to listen to Jim's advice he told me to get some advice Jim so dry JM the suit guy yeah look at that dude that his grandfather clean as it gets we're driving back to the cabins but take a look it looks like some rain clouds coming in it doesn't rain later that'd be so annoying pretty on brand though for the J St boys that's true pure misery we're doing doing a fun video and then the weather says psych we are back with our upgraded fits it's time to change see what happens I'm kind of eating with this fit not going to lie so I got this sweet sweater vest got the nice Blazer that actually fits me pretty nicely kept my corduroys on cuz honestly they were already pretty grandpa is and I got these sweet spectacles what are you wearing Andrew let me come out show you Isa come feel this oh that is lovely oh no and I have two more items for tonight that are more like Lounge items PJ kind deal yeah yeah I sleep in this you come in fit upgrade oo I made a horrendous choice this jacket is like cardboard and these pants dude feel the oh it's like that waterproof stuff this is at all yeah but you would be the most equipped if it rains I think the best thing I bought were these uh memory cushion shoes everything else this is I don't recommend this we look Mega now that our fits are upgraded it's time we drop for entertainment how have you done that I should have died years ago I should have died years oh you landed on $11,000 for way dude I don't even know if I have that much space in my house you have a whole outside of your house too oh where'd he go my goal is to make sure Justin doesn't get the big [Music] baller oh oh ragy $75 Andrew yeah they that good M should failed we'll get him next time get her done that's not what are you doing well that's not allowed who no no dude he stuck his head in the that was never a rule you never made that rule 5,000 bucks yes from this moment forward you can't shake your hand down the fine sounds good if we hadn't already gotten our budgets the Fairway then we would have definitely not allowed that it's time to figure out what we're going to get for entertainment keep in mind we have to go shopping at the store with our new fits not a problem for me I'm going to make this entertainment the coolest entertainment purchase possible any video ever we've done I'm going to try I'm going to use my brain power and find something have $5,000 I have high expectations I'm going to the store how are we going he just disappears how we going to shop with him I know I can't even see him anymore use your Zoom goggles oh yeah I see him now I have decided to go shopping away from Andrew and Isaac Extreme Survival hide and seek in a mega store dad cuz I want to find the coolest item possible and I'm going to surprise them with it now this is a pretty unique option this is meant for chickens but it could be a little little clubhouse hey this is actually pretty cool bye bye guys I think I've found the most insane item I possibly could find I'm not going to show you guys cuz I want it to be a surprise for you to I literally can't believe they even sell this I didn't even know they made these sort of things I am 100% getting one of these yes oh I'm so excited now I feel like a kid on Christmas I have been so excited ever since I laid eyes on this Sur prise all right ready to Feast your eyes oh is it is it going to be crazy dude I don't I going to be crazy so wa look at it oh my goodness a micro Jeep it's all metal it feels like wo okay come over here it's an actual engine it goes no way 35 M an hour no it doesn't that's crazy and get in here with me okay prepare to have your mind blown W yeah this is too fast woo that looks so insane that was the craziest ride ever that was so nuts imagine if we each had one of these and we're on a road trip road trip this lives up to my expectations if one tire runs out of air we got a spare in the back we got a gas tank so we can fill this up if I'm like legit extra Tire yes there's seat belts back here yeah I didn't want to wear them I got these but I was going to tape them on it's pretty still cool though one of the best uses of your budget in a long time thank you you know there's a way that we might be able to combine my activity with his activity you're right I like that idea Justin take a look at what I got it's an a knife throwing Target that's right up my alley now do you see what I was saying we can combine both our activities drive by axe throwing yeah yes you might have wondered how I afforded this with a lower budget oh yeah I complet you had $75 didn't you yeah H Grandpa gave grandson a little gift that was kind of you yeah but I have to pay back Grandpa Grandpa never forgets I got this what is that the oldest game known to man that is perfect for your theme I was wondering what you're going to do for entertainment well this is just a secondary thing now when you go down to the pickle ball courts who's usually there older people so I'm a fun athletic old guy I remember this remember we bought this and didn't get to play it cuz it fell down the mountain I tried to bring it on the all you can carry video dropped it and then I tried to bring it to the video dropped it down the cliff so now we can finally play finally yes right we're playing paddle smash now it's basically the same as spike ball but with pickle balls you ready ready okay ready up out out point for me and Gramps oh Dolly another point for me and Gramps guys oh another point for man P oh sorry oh excellent point yeah man that we done yeah what you done you stupid idiot nice yes I'm it I'm it leg it survivalists don't got time for these quarter games I bought a few different weapons to test out first one is throwing knives you're not a true survivalist are you yeah not that true survivalist are you I don't usually use those dweeby knives did someone call for a queen of Arts or was that was that was was that speed did someone call for a King of Spades oh the C [Music] oh after all this work decorating buying supplies I'm getting hungry this is the food budget one of the most important budgets of this entire video must have [Music] snacks $50 that could give me a pretty good meal but that's also for the supplies to cook it and oh I forgot about that I'm actually rooting for Andrew to get a big baller budget because I get 50% of it so hopefully you get something high and I get something high and have mega budge Mega budge I like that it's a mega budge oh what yes oh two grand you fool that's $11,000 for me off the rip look I got ripped off $1,000 for food are you kidding me yeah I don't even need a drop but I still will give me that thing oh this all this is just extra bonus for you I am your grandfather cool I am your grandfather $100 sure Chum change pocket cash little bit of Twinkle for me huh he's slowly turning into my grandpa give Grandpa a kiss we're at our first stop to get our food budget food budget doesn't just include food you got to buy like Stove fire grills all that's included in the food budget even though I got 1,000 bucks I have one item that's going to take probably half that I already guess what I'm getting for my food some steak two pack of petite sirloin 11 bucks leaves me about 40 bucks for some more bonuses going get some good oldfashioned Panda Puffs we're going with the best of the best because I've got the budget what is this they look like healthy poptarts maybe got to give it a try definitely got to get some hot cocoa mix that's going to go oh comfy guy would love that hey Ryan Tran if you're watching this please send us some Joy Ride gummies we'd love to try bite raisins got to get some prune juice I'm trying to find as many birthday cake flavors as I can since Grandma's getting old and I have diabetes I found some reduced sugar Uncrustables I always remember having these at my grandpa's house you are a grandpa right when I was a kid my grandpa always had these runs in the family huh yeah diabetes oh this one literally says cozy Shack that's like my whole brand a love of bit AR eyes put in give me that this reminds me of school lunch at the in primary school back in the day I'm Making burgers tonight this will fit right on top of my speciality item what do you think of when you think of dinner at Grandma's house I personally think of soup stews all that kind of stuff so I'm here in the soup section so I'm going to get one of each kind of soup to mix together see how it tastes you think it's going to taste good no there's no way every soup combined tastes good I think it probably will to be honest what do you think will be the overwhelming flavor tomato and cream of this is the giant camp stove it can go inside the A-frame cabin I can cook right on top of here the only thing is we going have to modify the house what I want is to have it come out of the A-frame like this that way when I'm cooking and I've got wood on there's nice smoke coming out this going to look so cool right there since I'm not obviously the best at construction I have Samuel here to help modify the A-frame step one put stove in the house question mark what do you think of my cabin I'd say it's very pleasant did you say it's comfy is that what you're going for yeah oh okay W I got it oh you got it watch this hey see I'm helpful who right through jimothy who what's more in Grandma and Grandpa's house than some freshly what's more Grandma and Grandpa's house than pie so that's why I'm here at Holiday Inn to get some pies carea thought this was an actual Hotel these are my people it really is Grandpa seon dude look how many they got one of my best memories of my grandpa is him getting us keyme Pie as kids can I do uh one of each please and you want one of each of the fruit I love pie it's one of my favorite desserts apple strawberry rhubarb Cherry Triple Berry regular sugar apple if you want that one yeah maybe that one they even have a sugarfree one the only sugar is from the apples so better for Grandpa's diabetes Grandpa do you want the German chocolate pie the moment I've been waiting for and I know you guys are as well it's time for full tour since we're all done decorting I mean you guys have seen the outside probably a lot what do you call this comfy cabin I better expect and anticipate comfy Vibes you noticed the modification I made to the outside of mine right no I didn't notice that that's pretty sick oh yeah you can all fit on the couch this is cozy oh the couches Vibes and this is such a good touch what I'm going to have to fire this up very soon probably after tours or something but this is not only heat but it's also my stove why are these A-frames so epic there how much space you have in here that's insane I could live in here oh what' you do up here oh nothing had more money I would have done more things up there I didn't know what to do I think you made a clutch decision with the fireplace cuz it actually is starting to get very cold like my hands are starting to hurt and it's only going to get colder tonight they had these two new like weird sodas I found Mexican fermented things Cactus prickly be and pineapple chili sound very good it's not what are you making for dinner tonight we have lots of burgers there's some baked beans and then I have a lot of other snacks to cook over the fire and whatnot beans and toast Burgers I love beans on sauce no nothing other currently while we're filming this it's springtime but you have fall decoration that's not a bad thing just an observation it feels fall Vibes it's cuz fall is the most comfy well I like what you did to the place I'm excited to see your guys guys' place cuz I have no idea what they look like I forgot I have a curly fries to throw on the stove as well on the stove my house time welcome to the survival shelter but when it gets dark I will be lighting the Epic lanterns and depending on how cold it is I have my portable fire pit that I'm going to light tonight come on you guys have a similar layout well yeah I mean there's not much room I know it's just when you see mine you'll understand why I'm like so blown away by how much space you guys have it's really nice in here you notice just uh survival themed decorations everywhere got the node trespassing sign handy items such as a flashlight a walkie-talkie hand warmers got a hat or whatever else I want to put here I have this cozy chair but also I want to show you guys this what do you think this is Isaac a wand Harry Potter no it's for Starting Fire probably no but good guesses this is actually a turkey call never would have guessed that is that Qui can you do it Grandpa's tentis is going crazy weapon for dinner this is my kitchen table so we got steaks uh eggs chocolate just some Essentials that didn't have that much budget and then up there is the survival Nook wao take a peek ined there's just many reasons to use the survival Nook in case there are Intruders they open the door and no one's there but I'm up there papow with a pan could read books up there I did get a bunch of like uh hunting magazin and stuff so it's just kind of like a separate place to read gets warmer cuz heat rises it's crazy how cold it is up here though have you been up here recently not recently but yeah I don't know why it's cold up there behind Drew is a fireplace electric very convenient as well for heat cuz it's cold tonight another table right here my pride and joy The Vault what is it I have something special inside you run to see uhhuh did cost a lot what did the Vault or the thing inside oh oh the Vault what do you think it's beautiful W guys check it out I've never seen something so incredible actually good quality glow sticks and not the Walmart horrendous glow sticks when power goes out or I just want epic Vibes these are stored safely in the Box oh oh oh that's a good kind and that is it for the tour I think it's sick you guys got a lot of cool stuff now I'm kind of insecure about my house I am so excited to go to Grandma's house okay well let's go to Grandma's house I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to come over there welcome to Grandma's house I have been to my grandma's house recently so I know exactly what to look for now keep in mind this is a lovely Old English granny did this Grandma save her retirement or no okay perfect yeah she's just living life loving life she's got everything she needs with Grandpa watch your head see the bed like not even inflated Grand yeah holy crap that's not inflated it is a little like it is kind of on the scary side to be honest I'm scar like if you didn't know the grandma that lived here I'd be afraid at night it is pretty crammed in here yeah it's definitely just for me and Grandma we love it here try out the chair is that okay the chair is really nice okay wow okay show us around what you got all right so yeah I got my main Lounge area here got my Tums always on hand got a little game under there over here's my pantry so I got got all obviously all the soup ready for later I was wondering what you're going to do with up here the pantry you boys want to crack open a prune juice while we tore yeah might as well prune boost with the boys never had prune juice before actually wow it's really thick yeah you have to really drink it fast I have to drink these as a kid cuz I couldn't poop very well I remember that yeah yeah you the one that made me drink these there is pies scattered all over the place there's some over there some over here this is a Grandma's uh wardrobe over here she's got a nice selection of dresses are not dresses over here I have my uh pill selection y Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday we go a little crazy and then Saturday oh dang it that one doesn't open I can't see that chill oh Secrets Hano and grle are going to be wandering through here at any moment right that's what I'm saying this this aesthetic it's like borderline like cozy and borderline creepy that encapsulates Grandma vibes they have the weirdest collections of things my Grandma has a bunch of like decorations of apples my Grandma has a bunch of like monkeys and pineapples exactly what's with the grand what what did your grandma have um lots of polar bears what is that with older people I don't know they like pick one thing and that's their thing I was at my mom's house and she's a grandma and has probably the creepiest doll I've ever seen oh my that's horrific why did she have that did you see what else is in the crib why I think you've killed it with the pie idea because literally my grandma always makes pie so I give you a uh nine out of 10 for Grandma Vibes wa okay it was a random idea don't know why I had it cuz it's Grandpa season it is Grandpa season so what time is pie time oh pie time is night what our rhyme for [Music] that we're going to have pies later while I wait for dinner let's light the Torches shall we oh that's Vibes are you kidding me I got to get my stove going ASAP it's getting chilly out here but I am impressed with the little village we have one of the cool Parts about my cabin as you guys saw I got a bunch of solar lights and they're all turned on now that the sun has gone down there's one problem because of all the snow that happened earlier a lot of the logs outside are wet making dinner on the p patio warm up this pan and then we're going to throw one of these fet minion going to cook it in butter and rosemary are you kidding it's going to be so good rary in there get that nice and tenderise oh this exactly what a survivalist would eat eating off the land I grew the Rosemary out back caught the cow and the wild pastures where am I going to get dry wood to the warehouse these are great burning logs perfect perfect this is an incredible Forest of unlimited dry wood yeah still needs a few more minutes all we got is Time Out Here Come On In Boys we're making soup going to get the double noodle with that oh yeah cheddar cheese French soup oh that's what it look like after it's done cream of [Music] celery it won't come out just need a little bit of this one oh that one smells oh cream of mushroom this one can't look good get one out bro oh gosh dude look at that's make me want to threw up a little bit oh oh it's working it's working this is beautiful just going to let this warm up for a little bit and then I'll be cooking dinner in no time is there smoke coming out the top oh you see the little Ember shooting out the top wow what the heck is that that's my soup is it snowing it's snowing gotten way colder oh do Grandpa want to use my grill you had a crock pot pal yeah but it doesn't it does not heaten up yeah but it's not like an insta pot I know I don't really think I thinking how much time I had before I wanted to eat dinner and when it be ready crock pox usually take like 4 hours I know I wasn't really thinking what the what the dude there's a cat what is that what is there a cat doing here dude it's Lawrence that's that's that's Grandma's Cat come on Lawrence Lawrence come on out come on what's going on law come on Lawrence go what are you doing come on not me nice I got you some oh I got you some soup come on come on ni oh was not your soup that was not me soup that's me dinner a straight cat of course Grandma's house has a straight cat living under a porch is this you can't make this up you scared me so bad you like that scared me it just came out that thing is Big too like he's not like huge but he's like long here like nor get out of here eat the soup did he lick this you think I think he smelled it time to try the steak how can you go wrong Lawrence comes over to my house you don't want to know what's going to happen I got a slingshot I think Lawrence stuck his tongue in my suit here it won't look as bad once it's stirred up oh look at the bit of changing into my nighttime outfit which is basically just some sweats and some comfy shoes oh check these out guys The Comfy Ugg slippers ohm in here now you're all wanting to come over to my house no you got the warmest house my soup is cooking right now outside when it's done I'll share it with all the boys don't want any wait you just left your pot sitting outside with Lawrence oh no I don't think Lawrence is oh he's trying to get in go away lawen lawen get in there why am I calling that he doesn't respond to that get out of lawence no lawence come back my soup is ready you sure this isn't like boiling hot no it's [Music] not I'm sure that's pretty good is it really what the heck all the soups mixed together I am shocked I think it's good M that's really good how many soups are in there like almost 20 20 soup yeah I I I recommend that's actually good that's nice ooh Andrew want to try my soup remember how I used to do it when you were little Grandpa please no hey you that looks hot into the tunnel pretty good right oh what the hor can still get in your house from the outside you got to stop chasing my cat away as long as he's not in my house 30 seconds there's like this weird aftertaste that's like kind of good and you have some more do not whatever you do stop it Something's Happened what the heck happened why is it so Smoky all of a sudden time to make some burgs how fast are these going to cook instantly oh it's going to be good right for this it's going to be quite the Siz oh you hear the Siz it's starting to sciss this is insane I want take pee in here ooh look at that ooh it's even hotter when you open open it up what's better I'm sitting in this micro A-frame I'm grilling burgers on my couch got Grandpa eating lemon mering pie when did you get here I'm always here well the rest of the fellas are still trying to situate their dinner I'm going on a night Excursion let's TR Dad D what happened no the light bar is upside down no his cabin is unattended Andrew what should we do to Justin's cabin while he's gone got the chili fries going I don't know what's going on why is so smok I mean a lot of it is the Burger he's gone whatever J's riding around I'm going to go in his house and see what's going on ow coming back quick oh really well well well what do we have going on in my house I was going oh we funny pie boy you think you can put a pie in my bed it was just a gift I'm not going to do anything drastic he's trying to throw it at me no I would never oh no oh my arm is not what it used to be briers are almost done it's getting pretty uh Snowy out here for sure my lamps they go look at it what are you serious oh no well it's not like definitely melting is this the stuff member for my sled the cabage sets on fire you know whose fall it is dangerous Samuel oh oh my if I had to survived seven days in here that would be no [Music] problem name a pie any pie I got it for you banana cream I found it you already had your eyes on that one didn't you son do you have any way to eat these yep guys I know I've been uh in and out of my British character but I just wanted to be all inclusive I wanted people to relate to their American grandpas and their English grandpas H that's pretty good what else you want to try what else you got everything what do you want I got Pi Galore chocolate no I don't have that one peek on right up no way why is it so hard he's going to break my Fork I have to just use your hands my hands I'm not an animal go yeah oh oh that looks so good oh my goodness this is what vacation is about going to Grandma's house just eating pie or sitting on her bed for bed I'm enjoying some chocolate and I need to light my place up let's see what's [Music] inside all right guys we're going to play the oldest game holy smoots Lawrence he still in here how do you get in here T's going on it oh lawence this is so bizarre where did this cat come from this is this is not a stage bit we have we honestly have no idea whose CID this is just knew this was I know dude it's so perfect you can't even write stuff like this oh you put his pot in it he's ambidextrous what that's crazy dude what I've never seen a cat do that he's like the spoon how to grab that why have I never seen a cat do that doesn't even have when would you ever see a cat going for camp doodle he doesn't even have fingers Andrew has a wonderful idea involving my vehicle and his throwing axis what is that oh will you drive by I'll see if I can get a bullseye bullseye oh not even [Music] close going try and get it between my fingers that so dumb that so stupid completely broke apart Lawrence has made your house his house he's more comfortable in there than you are what you really want a random cat just sleeping in there I mean as long as he doesn't kill me I'll probably kick him out before I go to bed but he can get back in anytime he wants through the sides yeah you didn't think about that did you Leonard no is spoken I've always wanted to do that to Jeff probes that is awesome it is so cold so being outside is not really ideal anymore oh this is actually kind of cool as well look at this got the fireplace the glow sticks and some ominous blue light outside thankfully I got this epic expensive Yeti blanket should be able to keep me pretty warm I'm going to put the fire on full blast hopefully that actually helps though I get hungry in the middle of the night I got some beef jerky see this is pretty viby in here hopefully I can sleep but with this weather I'm not very confident and if Leonard comes in here Leonard is that I definitely don't want a random Leonard coming in here I'm actually really excited for bed this is going to be so comfy in here first things first I have to transform my couch into bed mode hello hey oh Leonard no Lawrence you're are not moving in here okay Lawrence that's hot Lawrence get off what are you doing Lawrence out you got to be kidding me I got the fire going here if I get cold I can just throw more logs on and boom guys this is like Max Comfort level time for bed guys ow I am really happy with how my whole cabin came together it's honestly not too cold in here either I think I will still sleep in this jacket just because why is my hair my hair is like soaked Oh I thought I was bleeding good night boys morning it is pretty cold now my mattress didn't deflate which is good I S pretty comfortably in here to be honest it smells like soup gu you can't really see my breath breath I'm not sure what time it was but I ran out of firewood and I didn't feel like going out to get more so the heater's been off for a little while other than that pretty solid night I forgot I have cereal come on it's blue skies but it's windy and chilly well for some reason the power's out woke up absolutely freezing this morning and I used these bonus blankets as well but they didn't help much it's cold wo it's kind of chilly outside but I don't like it guys leave a like if you want to see US expand the village upwards how a card style subscribe we're almost at 8 million
Channel: JStu
Views: 2,777,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jstu, morejstu, jstu overnight, jstu challenge, jstu overnight survival, custom builds, micro a frame cabins, jstu micro a frame, overnight challenge, overnight morejstu, morejstu overnight survival, micro treehouse, tiny house overnight, overnight, survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 46sec (3106 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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