We Built One Color Gaming Rooms!

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today we're going to be doing one color gaming rooms we have three identical rooms and you have to design your gaming room but with only the one color you get from the plink board it's not just Andrew and I we have Blake with us too Blake you're dropping first must have snacks wait what oh oh okay Blake you got yellow it's not really going to be a helpful color for gaming rooms I think I have a pretty good idea for this one laugh daily [Music] Brown I wouldn't say that's my first pick for a color I I'm clueless Blake this sucks is that funny to you the big baller green green that's the big baller that one's an easy one I like green it's better than brown let's begin building our gaming rooms here's my gaming room I know for sure decorating it is going to be fairly easy couches are brown tables are brown picture frames are brown to make this gaming I got to find some ancient video games that were made out of brown colors thinking maybe like an old school enes might have a brown Accent on it yeah the Atari might be brown to the computer I'm in my gaming room and you know what this feels like a greenhouse get it so I got yellow and I got some cool characters that are yellow from games including Pikachu Pacman Pac-Man SpongeBob oh uh Zelda Zelda Zelda Donkey Kong Raymond earthworm gy earthworm gy let me Google things that are yellow we're here at Home Depot we're going to get some paint see what else they got to spice up the space if you were doing garage construction ear one color look at all the green Ryobi I could get these are all the greens I was going to look the coolest toasted bagel and now I want a bagel a bagel's brown I could get that for my room these are all different Irish things winter Shamrock Clover patch Hills of Ireland and look of the Irish which one do I want extreme yellow and roasted corn gaming grass sorry they don't have yellow I have an idea for yellow right I have this yellow circle or Circle I'm going to paint yellow uh I'm going to make a special Pac-Man game out of it spinny game well well well I found something at Home Depot check it out a wood Brown cooler so I can put all my gamer drinks in here snacks I'll take it Walmart should be a lot more helpful for me here let's go see what they got is that your number one favorite snack mustard mustard popsicles of course I'm going to get drinks and snacks root beer colas will all work so going to get a ton of these that's a lot they are cheap right hot dogs are brown yeah we'll get some organic hot dogs some gaming snacks Blake grab me some green beans I just got Apple Jack cereal and Apple Jack pop charts I'm definitely getting coffee brown so I typically don't drink soda but Mountain Dew is the classic gamer fuel so I got to get some of these Blake ran off that way to get some like orange juice or something and look at the C it's basically yellow if he sees yellow he's grabbing it instantly I mean you got to do it right getting the colors mixed up finding some unique flavors of things with brown ooh is this brown it is we need to find the cheese this TV comes in a green box so I'm going to get this one you guys already know our luck with TVs I'm going to be extra careful that way it doesn't break before installing it since I got coffee definitely got to get a coffee machine they got plenty of options here cuxs they're only 59 bucks too so got to get one of them they have one left really yep we got a fun game for later the only gaming brown plush I could find I don't even know who this is but I know he's from Pokemon Pokemon no oh Justin look Brown Among Us yes give me that Donkey Kong is brown and a gamer and we got the Minecraft sword okay we're finding some good options now finally sheesh this is pretty cool jesser another YouTuber he made this new product I wish I could get it though a basketball hoop before we got do perfect balls well maybe one day we could have a cool product in Walmart guys if we make a product what should it be we came outside right in the middle of the eclipse solar eclipse happening as we speak and it's going to get more intense within the next 30 minutes and we're going to GameStop the eclipse only here on J2 you get that kind of content Way Green controller mode how I do this without dropping found a squirtle and a Charizard I mean Yoshi and bulur me oh that's cool w why is E just the only Brown guy yeah another eeve but this Hat's pretty fire so Eevee again I'll get it gu right now we're at Hobby Lobby let's head inside I guess I'm getting this wait oh Blake section I wonder if they have a section like this with brown you getting that Blake should I I do have a yellow shirt oh this is perfect for the entrance of my house that might even match your paint it might Justin these are brown a cow in my gaming room we are back from the store with almost everything we still have a few surprises we're going to be stocking our rooms with but first things first we got to paint the rooms I'm do that now oh that might be part of Blake's surprises you guys haven't seen yet ready for green n the Science Guy it's actually 10° warmer inside the cubes then outside I'm not kidding I'm already sweating to death J stop.com you can't get either of these items but still go you still have to buy something it's a wall roasted corn and extreme yellow and my plan is to alternate the wall colors and I'm going to do this back wall in the extreme yellow cuz then I'm going to do a hand painting of Pikachu on the back wall saw a video of a guy doing online where he just throws paint against the wall and goes like this and like makes like a Pikachu we'll see if I can pull that off it's pretty nice some good yellow that's some good green just bro huh bro bro bro what the [Music] heck from right here all I can see is bro it's like perfectly in the window I'm making a lot of progress painting and once I'm done with the full room I have a funny idea stay tuned I'm like almost out of paint Andrew how are you not running out of paint cuz I'm not using like a ton I have two gallons that I'm like running out I was like kind of like peek at you the ear okay so I'm making my Pac-Man challenge board it's going to look like this once I figure out the right Cuts I'm going to have it like Spinning Wheel but then like the mouth part will be like where the the challenge is and it'll be like you know drink a glass of liquid egg oh a look all done painting The Green Room now are you ready for this Alex send me somewhere wa why did you pick here take a look all done painting the brown room now Alex send me somewhere oh man yellow room is completed send me to the place of my [Applause] dreams I have a rug Andrew look at my rug it's not a rug yes it is it says area rug an area rug too why is yours all like nice and soft mine's like a I know I don't know what that is up piece of cheese I'm going to be excited to see what that morphs into takes 3 Days To hey Blake look I got a rug hold on wait my rug's going to be better than both of your rugs once I get it open now if yours takes three days wow what a big rug I got there we [Music] are L game game should about more grass oh no let going to grab some red quick red and black like I'm missing something where does this go oh who's the Goof bag who didn't buy the needs power not included are you freaking kidding me okay so I saw a video online of a guy speed painting a Pikachu on his wall with just his hands and paint I'm going to attempt to paint this on my wall in 2 minutes hey you ready Blake yeah get ready three two one go well that's how he did it in the video he just threw it against the wall it's kind of like made the shape I think this might actually look pretty cool oh it's coming together Blake okay a minute 30 left all right how much time do I have you have a minute 5 Seconds cheeks eyes did you even shake it you have to shake it like oh no you didn't he's crying why is he crying what about the rest of his face smile new gloves 30 seconds like [Laughter] what is that it that's it all right you have 10 seconds to spare you sure you don't want to do anything else let me check my work I mean I didn't expect the spray paint to be dripping like that otherwise I think it might have turned out okay whoa that's terrifying the spray paint drip like it it didn't stick yeah I can see that well hey Art was like gold like for my gaming setup I'm going with Xbox because it is green see green on the inside everyone knows Xbox is kind of green what I'm going to do is try to customize this a little bit with my extra paint I know all your gamers are starting to cringe already it's fine I think it'll look cool now do I want to do like a design or just paint the whole thing time to cringe actually this is going to look cool w dude the black with this color oh boys looks pretty good I don't want to get any on that top with the freaking fan is what happened I'm building a shelf cuz I have nothing to put anything on I'm missing a shelf I'm missing a table all I have is chairs and lemonade stand I got to make a little shelf so I can put everything on it I have a Pac-Man arcade machine it's tested and works that'll be fun I'm getting close to finishing my gaming room but all my gear here is inside this epic cooler let me show you a sneak peek at what I got too for gaming oh don't want to give it away too much no Drew Drew really wants this but he can't have it I actually have a TV for my gaming room ready to see don't ask but it actually plays video games it comes with a controller and everything perfect this is incredible it's actually kind of cool turn it on dude this is cool I got to get this set up getting my TV set up this is going to be the main gaming station found this epic Gaming Chair green and black perfect with the Vibes do you think this TV will be broken or not broken this TV better not be broken I literally treated it like my baby guys this hat is actually fire the Eevee hat although I don't really care about this the Hat itself I mean fit I got a gummy bear light it says squeeze my belly to turn the light on the signs are going up Hobby Lobby exclusive really this is Batman guys I doubt Hobby Lobby got exclusive rights to this Batman photo is that one of the prizes like hope I don't get that one pretty needo I don't know what I meant I typed I wrote butter Madness down for one I'm not sure what I meant by that butter Madness not only did I get epic Batman posters I got epic cringe gamer quotes you can't just pause a game video games don't make us violent lag does when life gets hard it means you just leveled up just five more minutes mom please Justin I think they're supposed to be close together not on my watch you get the point when you look from far away oh I see these are like the lamest posters ever like who would legitly buy these and hang their hang them in their room if you did that I am judging you my craft perfect go ahead you can film Andrew all right I got permission to film you thank god oh this is so easy to paint it's insane oh no you activated that one Andrew no Ed not make uh it blow up no Drew I'm not going to do that I love it so I have no shelves in this room or anything not even like a table I have to make my own shelves put my snacks up here put my uh games up here been doing this for years I don't need a level ow look at that give me my lemons these lights are perfect because look they're solar panels so outside little entry lights no problem okay oh I missed it just always lands on coffee we are all done making our game rooms it's time to give you guys a tour so you can see what we built we're starting with brown thank you guys thank you guys hold the Applause all right come on inside welcome to the Boy Scouts Lounge wa oo look at this game boy yeah can anybody wear these slippers anybody can wear with my slippers so I'm going to start with the game because this is gaming room and then I'll show you some of the decorations my prize possession the whatever this is called wooden Game Boy Deluxe there is like so many games on this it'll blow your mind com pre-loaded with games which is insane is it hard to find Brown things it was very hard to find any gaming console but I found two so the cool thing about this compared to like a Game Boy bigger screen you got joysticks and on the back trigger controller buttons a ton of different games come installed on this including all the Pokémons but I got this motorcycle game I'm playing lose already waa back flip buddy I was actually really happy to find this thing because again so many games come on it and it's just it's just cool and then right behind you is my next game it's a game yeah does it turn on yes you can literally turn it on and play games on that's why it comes with this controller this is the type of music I listen to when I drive home at night I why it has adventure games fighting Sports shooting racing and puzzle in addition to the electronic games I got some Like Instrumental games so we can play Mr Rogers song we got classic games like chess brand new Checkers and chess board game wooden board oo wooden characters walking over here how do you make this work I'm still in position number one yeah just forget about that my favorite part of the gaming room must have snacks zone so we got some entry snacks right here and Down Below open up the hatch we got more bonus snacks inside then on this side we have drinks oh there you go coffeee root beer coffee there's not many other Brown drinks out there so yeah coffee and root beer is pretty much it you know we got standard Batman posters on the wall and then tic tac toe right over there let's go these come out wa no way whoever wins gets a snack of their choice from the brown bins wait there okay I know what you're doing already threw you off didn't I I know what you're up to uhoh uhoh all right you both get a snap yes and again more bonus games in here we have mega block D Jenga too which is super fun I was worried going into it but you know I did the best I could relax yeah it's pretty chill in here I like the brown Vibes a a lot of good characters that are brown nope okay classic game Donkey Kong Country this is one of the most frustrating games of all time it's hard the last level is like impossible if you get frustrated playing these things is the worst thing to have cuz you just want to you just want to smash it against her forehead anymore oh stop it is very hard [Music] a where a bing Chris wait you can do that oh yeah yeah think true what true stop it oo a little to get a little yes stop yes I like this gaming room Justin this game doesn't work he doesn't care reset I'm going to put these on and I'll be able to play the theme song from Mr Rogers put on the magic thumb gloves let's hear what I can [Music] do all right I'm sick of this room it's time for Green Room finally finally time to Andrew go ahe thank you this is Green Goblins let take a look around take in what you see pretty amazing I guess yeah I'm feeling like green definitely Xbox themes going on in the front Xbox is very green themed so start over here by the snacks usually when you game you kind of want to start over here and there's something special about snacks put yellow in here so this is the gaming tray so anytime you're gaming here you want to come over here and get your collection first so maybe some chips throw your apple pie on here maybe a poptart man these are definitely gamer snacks that's what I'm talking about and you want to get some gaming fuel so you throw that right in here you take this to the gaming station now you're all fueled up ready to play wow you only got one controller and one seat that's the friend seat so you can take his seat if you want and wait in line to play games I got all the Halos I got squadrons Ultimate Spider-Man those are some fun ones I played all kinds of Xbox growing up I even skipped work to play Xbox school or work both it's been years playing these games really yeah have modern games games like that are just they don't cut it no they don't they do oh see this is the problem with the old with these games what's wrong they just ask you all these questions they can't look at there's no questions entering this game I just went in and started playing yeah but it's immediately boring this is like the solo gaming area I do have a couple of multiplayer games that aren't gadgets and gizmos oh what's that ooh Sports Carl Sports where you aiming at wherever I want I want to catch it I'll fly pretty fun right yeah we got to catch one oh oh that was right there know I don't know all right one more okay this is the Reading Station it's got The Giving Tree there's a blank get here so if you're tired you can game there I mean read not game why can't read this is the next gaming station I've got grenades waa you go like this youra shouldn't have done that what [Music] the that's sick [Music] cool that's pretty fun those are good pitches so what do you guys think of the room you know you did good with the green thank you each guest gets a go squeeze to go when you go give me five we got apple mango strawberry peach and banana in here this is what gaming is about just the Bro hanging out eating applesauce before we move on to Blakes let's hear a word from the editor Alex himself how how he's feeling about the video so far it's going pretty good I've been having a fun time with some of the musical transitions I was able to do this cool transition where each of your colors fell across the screen and made it wipe into the next one wait wait wait this is Pikachu's Palace wow going with a full on Extreme yellow color this is very extreme and as you if you notice when you came in there's the drink stand oh front okay oh what the don't mind if I do feel free to grab a drink yes absolutely that's good well it's bubbly I had that flavor yet what are you waiting for over here I have some blush dolls I got Pikachu and Psyduck got a coffee mug little Mario question mark box ooh some coffee some La chips it's an interesting package for a coffee let's do a smell test see if it's yellow game box Plus game box that looks so cheaply made what is that we'll find out what it's Mario oh you can do Chinese or but English is Ines oh sorry camera guy freaking camera guy all right I picked English but some reason it's in Chinese you got to [Applause] play God it's so this isn't Mario [Applause] Heck from what I see in the game box I like the game box better than the Game Boy Color that Blake was playing in like this better than the first gamey Bo in your room really yeah I got some snacks up here as well I got my lemon heads Corn Pops bananas you got bananas all over the place went a little bananas and if you're wondering what these are I I was wondering yeah the hanging lemons what it's a new game I invented what do we do called called lemon nail lemon nail you have to get it on the nail first one to get on the nail win first one to get it on a nail wins a prize behind Andrew in the priz wall we have three prizes I'm definitely going with the Juicy Fruit swing it too hard why Drew go somewhere elsea fil wait I think my stream might be a little too long oh I got let oh ouch what why you can't do that supposed to get it in this we all lost then so we won I want to see someone get it in the screw though it's sick the Prototype needs to work you can pick a price too can yes you just put it up there what's the next real game classic Pac-Man arcade system you want a snack wi waiting yes it's kind of hard to see it's so bright in here [Music] whoa I can't see anything oops no I can't see no matter how bright I make it I should have made like a box to put over this oh I died anybody else want to play I really curious what's on the television here classic PlayStation 2 games oh we got two PS2 games with a SpongeBob oo lights Camera Pants and Creature from the Crusty Crab got check the rating make sure they're not mature mature sweaty yeah those are some interesting gamer gloves why is my TV in black and white roome uh bikini bottom you played this game before no diesel yeah just play the intro map every screen just looks black I can't see anything well trust us guys we are playing something BL I I I'm serious I can't see what you guys are playing I mean I can barely see Drew did you play this game oh jeez what was that Why didn't it pop it hurt my head lemon keeps dripping on me kidding me on to my final challenge Pac-Man wheel of punishment oh coffee that's not coffee unfortunately we have to use a substitute cuz I don't have any coffee that's why there's question you have coffee right here what it's not made and it's I mean I can mix it in with this eggs with coffee this is a liquid egg substitute and I'm substituting it for the coffee that I don't have MaDee fake egg yolk with coffee grounds at least it smells like coffee [Music] ooh o no spitting in here no spitting in here it was going okay until it tasted like weird oil and butter all looks like I got potassium stick what could that be Blake say potassium stick yes get it ready one potassium stick coming up what is this that is bizarre wait why is this pottassium the banana is potassium originally I thought butter had potassium in but Andrew told me that banan do so potassium stick wouldn't it just be the banana what's with the mustard it just it's for flavor well thanks Blake yep my turn to spin corn smoothie oh I do whole cor corn or fire roasted corn fire fire like get a look I'm not going to drink all this looks like [Music] puke you're not bad with these types of things for some reason this said it's just corn he can't get it he can't get it got pass out here you go oh W oh no disgusting what you put in here anyway anybody else want to spin again no one's enough there's no prizes on there that's about it for my gaming room I got to say this color yellow as long as I've been in here I feel happy the color it feels just very welcoming and exciting reminds me of Summer like I could sit in here and not even play games and I would be happy yeah it's just insanely bright whose gaming room would you want to live in for the next 30 days for a Mr Beast challenge that's all we got drop a like we'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: JStuStudios
Views: 846,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JStuStudios, JSTU, morejstu, jstu one color, jstu 1 color, 1 color gaming rooms, one color gaming rooms, one color challenge, everything is one color, one color build battle, we built one color gaming rooms, custom gaming rooms one color
Id: rxGUxxBB4_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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