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we are staying overnight inside of the world's first micro hotel me and the boys pack and have no idea what to expect let's go check into the hotel world's first micro hotel ah so find out which room you're in holy your room number's right there do I just yeah just uh go try to find out where are the rooms up the stairs if you cut down the hall to your left that's where the pool and workout room are [Music] a01 oh right here oh my guys what kind of hotel room is this no they said it was a micro hotel but my goodness not only is this one of the smallest rooms I've ever seen it is a bunk bed I'm gonna call the top Buck hello you want me to pick this one though yeah pick it up ao1 oh okay yeah it's upstairs on the room's upstairs that'd be kind of weird if they rented this out to somebody else as well right foreign what are you doing in here you're a01 too as well yes as well there's your bed bud what are you doing look how your suitcase is bigger than the room oh my God I don't even fit in here oh this is so stupid well at least we have a TV [Music] I'm just checking in this place is sick what the heck all I get is a little baby bed how do I get in here [Music] I have a window the room in there is so sick I'm Justin I'm Blake here we go alrighty that was easy enough thanks no problem the strangest hotel ever we're kidding about being a micro hotel I have 803 b01 oh b01 oh well I guess I'm down this hallway one trade before we should be fine the room might not be what you expect no I'm just gonna go down here all right have a good night good night best room ever right well I think this room is a little underwhelming anybody want to trade rooms hey Blake we're neighbors Oh blank you're down there oh Blake's here how's your room uh sucks I'm about to come over wait no I can't look at it okay I can't I can't look at it oh my there's oh oh that sucks that sucks so bad you guys have to go check it out that's okay uh See You Blake I'm gonna have so much fun in my my room I pack for every scenario this is all right I'm gonna make it work [Music] s oh my God I think I literally just got the penthouse hotel room look how mad that this is I got a full-size bed here with comfy sheets even a heater no way quit you jerk what what is this why is there a window into your room in my house I don't know but it makes me mad I got two couches here a TV with a PS5 and brand new Xbox with you who I even got this goodie basket full of snacks tonight is gonna be legendary [Music] hey we I don't know we heard a lot of cool things happening over here wanted to know if we could come over uh maybe not right now all right well you're always welcome in our room yeah anytime you everyone here everyone here seems a bit bizarre what is what do you guys want we just want to come over we want to see your place it looks awesome stop bugging me what in the world looks like my neighbor doesn't even have a window okay what are you doing Justin's opened up the blinds you more of a jerk fart in my workout room what there's a lobby area that has snacks the gym state-of-the-art jim I've ever seen one now no one can do poles man this looks clean we all could probably fit in here later pool party tonight pool party tonight after dinner yeah yeah Justin got some snacks for some reason I guess because he got the big room and I literally got two stuffed animals in a bed so I'm really hungry right now I'm gonna go down there and try to buy some snacks but the concierge dude was odd excuse me hey I was wondering if I could purchase uh some Lunchables and a virtual root beer um yeah sure why not y'all take Apple pay yeah right here uh tap your phone on that game perfect that might have been a little excessive so do I grab it or do you grab it that's a weird question why would you even ask that question [Applause] [Music] some snacks today we're charging 14 for Nutella there's somebody in our room oh no I'm asking Blake you okay buddy foreign get some sleep in this hotel well this is our room yeah I just I was trying to find a comfortable spot in your room to sleep now you got your own room man I'm kind of stuck under here though okay you want us to just leave you I got I was looking for my luggage under our bed like do you not like your room or something foreign [Music] so many plans to play ping pong in my room for is that what you packed in your suitcase was a ping-pong ball yeah uh my ping pong ball accidentally went down a hole in the room that I'm in oh gosh uh balls no no extra balls see if any ping pong balls pick one oh what is this what's that out there I think that goes to Justin's room I just noticed there's this like door right here with a lever no way dude I have access to the room this is gonna come in handy later we gotta find a way holy is this yours would that come with the room oh my 64. no this is like ancient but whoa we are so gonna play look at them oh we'll do it later tonight yeah what games we have oh great oh A Bug's Life well first off look at this how am I gonna fit I'm taller yeah but you're on the top one what the heck just happened the whole TV film killed my shoulder I fell from the top and smacked the heck out of Andrew what do you want what just happened the TV fell and hit me good okay This Means War so many snacks let's put him under his bed where'd you get those downstairs ah I've definitely got to get me some snacks the receptionist desk hey I was looking for some snacks okay well um what happened to all the normal snacks you know I don't really know I went to the bathroom and when I came back um looks like someone bought them off 14 for this thing of Nutella are you guys insane uh-huh well also my my shift is going to be ending soon so um my co-worker gonna be able to take care of you guys okay you still coming in at 1am awesome all right this snack basket is perfect for some midnight snacks but one thing you also didn't know is that there is room service here at the micro hotel so I'm going to definitely be ordering in some dinner what the foreign [Music] I crafted a Contraption in this room to get my ball back using this lamp shade and some tape you know ceiling it works no way back in business with the ping pong ball I think there's snow in the forecast we can't go outside doing the activities we're stuck in this hotel my room doesn't have any heat I don't even have a window it's a High room service hi um I was wondering if you had a pepperoni pizza hi room service two chicken sandwiches milkshake milkshakes for the both of us and maybe mac and cheese oh yeah yeah so this is bl1 but you can bring it I'm in a01 just hanging out but you can charge it to bo1 okay all right see ya oh my [Music] God it is raining right now [Music] I'm pretty Innovative no way so it's cool party time guys pool party right now 10 minutes 10 minutes yep you got it Where'd my umbrella go what time to get there how's that even happened aha swimsuit Kayla Pool Party 10 minutes okay Blake Pool Party 10 minutes all right Blake do you think my shorts hey look I need your shorts over here you stole my shorts jerk they're a little wet you really pranked him good getting his swimsuit wet it's a little cold already let's go party I don't think you guys understand how cold this pool is this pool is filled up with well water there's no windows wow oh [Applause] [Music] oh gosh it's cold he wants to Cannonball go underneath go underwater I don't know about that anymore so you think I should just sit down yep okay anybody gosh who's gonna get me a new t-shirt because then this will be ruined for the whole night no okay hang on you're doing it what the freak that was actually horrible yeah [Music] why oh my God one of the key features of the micro hotel Ice Bowl let's just get out and never come back in this room yeah oh no way I think my pizza arrived yes [Music] Pizza you guys look at this pizza fresh home-cooked pizza from the micro hotel oh room service we've been at the hotel for a few hours now it is pitch dark outside and it's starting to get cold this place does not have heat so it's time to put on my hoodie yes Billy if you guys haven't noticed we are wearing the brand new holiday merch we got donut hoodies donut shirt donut beanies donut socks and we're bringing back Marv the pillow until November 14th every purchase will be entered in for a chance to win a limited edition Golden Heart you can eat all this stuff at jstoshop.com Easy Link in the description sometimes I just want a little peace and quiet so one of the ways I get that is being by myself and working out let's pump some iron okay [Music] oh there you are yeah ah all right what are we doing oh I was just going to kind of work out by myself just kind of get away and take a break you know nice all right so what do you think we should do I'll do balls over here okay oh hey guys all right hey come on in gosh hey hey what y'all doing here you mind if I join yeah come on you want to do a team workout yeah okay you grab that man up up oh yeah ow he gets one no I'd rather just kind of I'll just put it around okay I'm yeah everybody like do pull-ups come on hyper what are you doing you're not working you're not working very hard everyone else is working ah ah um great workout yeah good workout I'll see you guys okay foreign just got done working out I'm glad this didn't happen in the middle of the night yet but holy crap my room came with a vintage alarm clock it's a piece of garbage some idiot set an alarm I know it was Blake check it out guys I just got the PS5 on about to play some 2K 22 not sure what this guy's doing I guess he's gonna watch get it and it's the Suns to start up [Applause] yeah yeah I want to play I want to play that's the ball Gary what are you doing ow Got A Bug's Life installs oh it turns on guys no wait uh start oh my the open World open world hands oh you can stomp on your butt what doctor dog go back go back would you watch where you're going ah open world bugs life is the best game why can't we have gotten any other game besides A Bug's Life that's not helping it my alarm clock why did you have an alarm on right now because some idiot did that to me turn off your alarm [Music] [Applause] go check it out Blake's window [Music] holy crap do you realize it's 11 p.m you think what I'm thinking yep when employees only Lounge how do we get in it's locked why did we touch hands like that [Music] oh okay shut it shut it what's so bad about it we should not be here go go go go go go are you guys coming up notes all over the place rich is not real well there's something about this hotel that we don't know about subscribe what okay instead of having Caleb's room Caleb I even gotta be kidding me so you just flipped the whole bed see the whole thing's trash they found my snacks wait a minute how do you have that many snacks what are they doing there Caleb someone left whoever flip my bed must have put them there oh really see I went down I went down to get snacks and they were all sold out who's in the hotel right now there's someone in here terrorizing me what are you guys all doing in my bedroom we're scared of Ernie yeah there is no Ernie you guys need to go to your own beds did you see the receptionist Ernie's down there just go to your own bedrooms hey guys the fellas are each in their rooms right now I'm going to go out of this hatch and see what I can find what is Sean Bradley doing [ __ ] just pooped his diaper too he's had enough what are you doing oh my God these just falls down Falls right it literally is snowing outside right now but I think I'm gonna get a great night's sleep I got the fireplace on I got these warm fleece blankets fuzzy pillows it's time to get ready for bed and get a full night's sleep actually looking forward to falling asleep tonight guys getting ready for bed but one thing I haven't noticed in this entire hotel is a type of bathroom or sink or something so I don't know how I'm gonna brush my teeth [Music] guys it is really snowing outside right now oh my Blake what if there's snow over you are you okay yeah just a little cold all right well good night you turn the heat on suck holy see it's so dark hey we busted our TV we got the worst neighbors I'm exhausted as you can see Justin's already asleep it's so creepy that he can really watch me sleep in the middle of night he wakes up but whatever what the heck [Music] who the heck are you Andrew did you ask them when you get a car done to play to wake me up it's like 1am sounds like Squidward shut up hyper what it's time to prank what's the prank idea thank you oh stop [Music] I'm just gonna think it's Blake I think I can get into Justin's sweet I didn't get into Justin's room I know he's got a whole stash of use in there I say we steal that everyone loves you PS5 oh please Justin's not here [Applause] [Music] good morning guys it's so cold oh my snow guys it is so frigid in here okay what are you sleeping with what is that okay I won't turn off his alarm Caleb oh down the line stupid alarm won't shut up well our first ever overnight in the micro hotel click over here to watch a previous video and then another video is right here all right YouTube
Channel: JStu
Views: 13,547,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overnight, Overnight challenge, Overnight in micro hotel, Micro forts, Micro hotel, Overnight hotel, Micro apartments, Morejstu micro, Tiny forts, Tiny hotel, Morejstu overnight challenge
Id: VrfVAGfAdeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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