Overcoming with the Word of God - Dr. Henry Wright - Hope of the Generations Church Service

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in front any evening service this week we spent a considerable amount of time talking about the body being many members and how it functions and how we need each other yeah a lot of times I say the Christian Church is a bunch of body parts flopping all over the place most of my meathooks going I belong to the body your body needs every body part God created you with you need you need and the body needs to talk to the body how many of you have heard your stomach growl out loud what's it trying to tell you it's time to eat how many of you have heard certain uncertain sounds called flagellation escape what's that trying to tell you time to move on and to flush it so the things in life we just need to flush see light life how am I throw a Jesus taught you didn't come you know what he didn't come and start speaking of high lofty things that nobody could understand he began to talk about things and explain spiritual things based on earth thinking based on planning of crops based on now for for example I'm gonna see if you guys know this I know you know it what do you think is going to happen when you have red skies in the morning sailors what sailors take warning well what do you think when you see red skies at night sailor's delight you know that's in the Bible but it's a reality isn't it it's amazing that Jesus used this says you can discern the times you can discern the signs but you can't discern things that are important to you and then at the same time I have seen I was gonna say believers but I think I'll just change it to Christians because there's a difference between Christians and believers but I have seen Christians be so heavenly minded that sometimes there are no earthly good remember the story of the Pharisee he was a religious leader of the Old Testament church and there was a guy that was a Samaritan laying over there animal I don't remember the story exactly but there was a problem laying on the side of the road did he interact with the need what did he do he walked on the other side of the road then who came along and attended to this man's demise huh who so how come the unspiritual one sudden become more spiritual you know Bible says there there are those as seiier Lord there are those who say yes Lord a lot of you Jesus say yes Lord but deny the power thereof that is the state of 80 percent of Christianity worldwide they have made it so easy to get born again and impossible to get healed then why do they take communion why they're gonna take communion and they deny the work of the broken body which is the bread then when they take communion what they need to stop just with the cup because the day they taken the bread in the sacrament of communion but deny what it represents they have cursed themself with the thing they say they're free from folks this is serious conversation I'm having but then I'm a life coach I'm not trying to perfect you I'm trying to get you to be an overcomer be able to think different than the Sadducees and the Pharisees the spirit that was in them is in the Christian Church it's called religion but religion is different than relationship so the church sometimes has become an organization when it was designed to be an organism and even as we did Friday night it was visually so powerful here party night and the skits that we did it is so powerful to know that even down to your human bodies God thinks about who he is in you by using your human bodies as an example to catch your attention now you take care of your bodies you know you do your a spear you have a soul and you live in a mobile home the real you is not your body it is known as the Temple of the Holy Ghost that sets a bar that I don't think I need to talk to about today because it makes everyone uncomfortable it does it makes us uncomfortable to be think that we are the Temple of the Holy Ghost yet intellectually and spiritually and theologically we understand it but do we participate with it when the Holy Spirit who has access to your human spirit nudges you with a thought that is for your benefit what do you do with it maybe you don't know it's the Holy Spirit maybe you just thought you had too many beans yesterday there is a lot that goes into being awake you are not supposed to be the Walking Dead the unsaved are the Walking Dead in all due respect God loves the Walking Dead and it says so in John 3:16 for God so loved the Walking Dead well I'm using a paraphrase it's this local term yeah for God so loved the Walking Dead this actually says the world that He gave His only begotten Son then whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life we have this mindset that does not allow us to think past the end of our moment unless we have an investment on Wall Street I'm so good that Jerry one person got that it's it you know it's a little slow my humor is a little dry so I'm speaking in parables to help you understand a point I have 1798 points to make here this morning what's when you get is up to you and everybody's learning at a different level all of you are pilgrims that are in progress you're in a journey to where I was watching a documentary last night with my wife of a a city in India and you saw it last night in which they worship gods they have a huge temple they have a priest to the temple and people come and into this temple and bow down and worship the gods that are in this temple do you know who they're worshipping rats the temple is filled with rats food is prepared daily for the rats because they say the rats are their dead ancestors oh this this is a mindset this is this is one of those things that is absolute truth it reminds me of a scripture there's a way that seems right right into a rat lover there's a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is destruction do you know ignorance is a form of knowledge do you know how privileged you are as a people they even have the ability to even discern truth even from a distance yet we don't even read our Bibles like we should I know ease ease off Pharisees I know you read it morning noon tonight just don't pray towards Mecca and don't pray towards Jerusalem well you pray to look up father I come to you in Jesus name look up your Redemption draweth 9c how far do I look oh I see is this sealing and these flags they must have some spiritual significance just the way they wave in the breeze I've been meditating on the formation of the wavery I'm learning mystical things unless you're a flag worshiper do you know why these flags are up here to hide or help hide a very ugly ceiling and we painted it black to help take it out of here that's wisdom understand are we on auto cruise are we thinking people are with just people of instinct instinct is traditional ritual that's instinct so if you're living in the past on religious ritual instinct then how are you going to show up here today and apprehend that his mercies are new every morning I said every morning have you asked God for his morning mercies I was doing a doing it what was it done we were doing a Facebook this week somewhere down to help me think and we're talking about His mercies and new every morning what did I say I forgot now you forgot - oh I know I know what I said has it his mercies are new every morning so get up early to get up early [Applause] so what why don't I feel his mercies just swept in too long you like you like to sluggard be like the aunt see it's a it's amazing what's in the Bible to help us understand spiritual principles look to the ways of the aunt so without sluggard that's in your Bible consider his ways you know I was we've had it's we've had some heavy heavy hurricanes that have hit and I saw a picture last year and I saw again this year the intelligence that God has built into an ant which has a not even a pea-sized brain but has an instinct that instinct could be something that you would relate to being intimidated by the super spiritual ones that that instinct is this to every man and woman has been given a measure of faith that faith could be as small as a mustard seed but it's the mustard seed that produces one of the largest trees on this planet when it germinates and comes out of the ground it is huge when we did that thing on his mercies are new every morning on the Facebook the other day Donna and I I said well the early bird gets the worm you like worms what does it mean the early bird gets the worm I know as a kid growing up and northern Maine I liked to go fishing and then water the lawn to get the night crawlers to come out over night and then just go pick him up in the morning put in my bucket but every morning up in northern Maine he gets lighted about 3:15 the dawn starts to come and I'd be on my bike going fishing by 4 o'clock before all the other fisherman got there to wipe me out and I remember seeing the Robins i love a robin robin redbreast remember and there and there there has a sweetest little sound and when they sing and I watch them out in the morning as I'm getting ready to go fishing out there on the lawn no they listen I watched them cocked their head they could hear the worm just under the grass they had ears to hear the hand ears to hear and you could watch a niggle he'd freeze the damn and he came up with a worm can we learn why do we have to learn from animals why can't we learn from God what what is this now the floods and the waters I know I didn't lose my place in my conversation now though I thought I did but they took pictures in this last time over here when the hurricane came into South Carolina and in that area and the second year I've seen this there was looked like a brown mat floating on the water big as big as a maybe ten feet by four feet big mat floating on the water that Brown and the mat or ants because when the high waters come they ants communicate with each other I wish I could get the church to hear me talk when there's trouble you start to talk to each other because there's strength in your connection we taught this one can put to flight a thousand Friday night it's in your Bible one can put to fight a thousand to ten thousand and we had you three guys up there back-to-back with your swords in your and your shield and then was a gym trying to get in in him and then take you down everywhere she ever would he turned you were turning armed with the word he didn't do well Jim you didn't do well because these guys had bonded together and there were three of them and we did the math if one can put to fight a thousand into ten thousand then three can put to fight a hundred thousand don't tell me your enemy is that big and strong but alone isolated you may be at risk true so these ants have an understanding of how to survive Norman they would drown so they bond together attaching themselves to each other and it creates a huge floating mat now listen to the intelligence of a nap an end because the ones underneath supporting the way to the others would drown they rotate constantly rotating up and down up and down so not one ant is lost to drowning you say you feel overwhelmed as a human being today enemy does not want you to like each other he didn't even hate you know he doesn't want you to get along with anybody your enemy's job is to separate you from everything that's a life that he can produce death are you listening to me Church I feel like a philosopher up here am i speaking to hearts that are listening it may be his mercies are here for some of you now who wants to hang out with an aunt you do when you're drowning in this room if three can put to flight a hundred thousand do the math in here maybe a hundred people hundred and fifty people then the math on that you can't keep up with the zeroes that's why the thief comes divided comes to kill steal and destroy but Jesus said this I came that you might have life and have it or and have it and have it nearly beloved 3rd John verse 2 I wish above all things is there anything greater than all things is all things 100% of everything I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers jesus said peace give unto you but not as The Walking Dead give unto you the world now I'm not being insensitive to the unsaved if you're unsaved in here I was not being disrespectful to you but if you don't have eternal life in you what's the purpose do I need to teach a gospel of extinction the rat worshipers when they die don't come back as rats it's going to be a shock to them as spirit beings when they wake up on the other side of death and they're not on the planet as a rat then in this setting if you found a white rat you could get anything you ask from the rat make your petitions known what prosperity tell the rat and it showed this curator of this big depth the huge temple big dome people there in kitchens cooking food for the rats to make sure that gods were fed it makes you want to cry and to the ignorance all good things doesn't come from a white rat all good things come down from the Father of lights above which is no variableness of turning father of all spirits I come to you in Jesus name thank you for your mercies thank you for your blessings thank you for your sanity and while I was dead in my trespasses and sins and was wandering around as part of the Walking Dead you loved me overcoming does not begin in sleeping it does not begin in isolation it does not begin in ignorance it does not begin in being separated from life itself one of the things in being a spiritual leader I have discovered that people do not understand eternal life they really they've heard about it to them one day somehow after they die they're going to end up in heaven on the streets of gold dressed in a white robe playing banjos forever and ever up there and that's where they want to go to escape no God came from heaven that we could defeat the things we're trying to escape here not avoid them by running the armor you have as a metaphor you know the armor the helmet of salvation Shield of faith a squirt of the spirit what's the sort of the spirit so when you have a thought coming that's not of God what do you say for it is written what if you don't know what is written what kind of sword do you have superstition ignorant and if you don't have a sword and you don't know the Word of God you don't have proper sanity you never have a sound mind you're double minded you're scattered you're smothered like going to Waffle House how do you want your hashbrowns scattered or smothered smothered discovered well you're more than a plate of hash browns being eaten by your enemy Jesus defeated Satan face to face with one say Satan came and coated the word out of Deuteronomy in Psalms so when you hear a scripture come into you be careful it may be the enemy trying to lead you in a wrong direction because you know what he may give you a scripture in part and then you understand her to hear it modified that's what's saying that is Jesus he took a scripture but he modified he added - he changed he he did it with Eve in the Garden of Eden he did that he put he's a master of even using truth to deceive you unless you know all truth and all that Jesus said is he I hear what you had to say but for it is written that's that sword for it is written I want to do the skit again this morning because other people we're not here Friday night I want the guys with the Bibles and the swords and the shields of faith to come up David that was one of you Oh Austin's not here we can get somebody else let's see what what was Murph doing was he Murph oh no you come you saw this Good Friday they even John and I'm gonna lip I'm gonna let Jim try again now the weapons of our warfare are not carnal that Jim be part of that Murph try to do it well give it away you can't sell it but you can give it away you want to keep the part now the but the Bible says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty the pulling down of strongholds but mighty so you can't touch them physically in the only way that you could ever get to them is defeat the Word of God in them now if they don't have the Word of God that's an open door because they don't know what to say to you because you're gonna come up in every diabolical way of thinking against these guys to get in to fall but there's three of them and you're only one and how many can three put to flight URI it's gonna be easy with you 110 he's just one little spirit coming to tempt you and mess around with you but what about a Satan himself uh he's still an individual he's not God he's not on that present he's a created being so I don't be intimidated by that one Jesus defeated him when Jesus was tempted by the devil it wasn't he wasn't tempted by an evil spirit he was tempted by Satan himself are you tracking with me now Jesus said to Peter Satan he didn't say naval spirit desires desist you like wait Peter my subject and I'm going here slowly this morning is overcoming because I want you to stop just being icons of a religion but activated living beings of an organism Satan desires assist you to like wheat you're gonna try to sift them like wheat and Peter when you have recovered yourself did Jesus know that Peter would recover himself because even though Peter stumbled in this the spirit was strong because what did Peters I'll never deny you the spirit was strong in Peter so Peter had a foundation of faith but the Bible says a spirit is strong but the flesh is weak the flesh is our participation in that other kingdom so you you there may be some stuff here on renewed you're gonna have to go for it because you know what wasn't Peter here a man as it wasn't Peter Judas it was less than money Peter fear man so then you can but the scripture I'm not going to give you no description what to say that comes up and when you have recovered yourself that's an overcomer the Christian Church has not been trained how to withstand and defeat temptation he just goes under say God has left me listens to the lies of the mind guess double-minded looks like an orangutan in pain where's God buddy laughs said Peter cuz he went out and tried to walk on water and he sunk listen he's the only one that tried it did you try it yet then don't criticize Peter I didn't say you were it's a metaphor right it's piercing it's got me as a piercing arrow Peter learned to be an overcomer went on to be a faithful modern capita sia he got it he experienced the forgiveness and love of the Lord Jesus whom he denied he experienced the other side of mercy but he had to walk in it we're so wimpy sometimes so rather than run and decide who we are when you became born-again you're not like The Walking Dead anymore you became a new creature you're a different order did you know that and this planet is yours and everything is under your Dominion if you decide that your son and daughter but the church basically has already given up the battle other than what man can give them in the medical and psychiatric industry and are waiting to go some place called heaven to be freed Jesus teachings did not offer freedom by going to heaven Jesus's teachings embrace freedom right here right now in spite of the mess and then Jesus then the Bible says about Jesus Jesus himself said if I cast out if I by the Spirit of God cast out if I by what cast out devils know you this the kingdom of God has come unto men this is one of Satan's friends he's got his hands full and you're not gonna run home to mommy are you mommy mommy mommy mommy you're gonna talk to Daddy give me a hand clap excellent answer excellent answer excellent excellent excellent overcoming you guys ready - you got the you got you got the shield of faith if you have you got your sword now practice turning around so you don't stumble and fall you practice makes perfect all right now he's gonna try now one of these men by themselves could protect themselves with their sword but is they're gonna get dizzy now when you look at the armor that's found in Ephesians all of it is frontal there is nothing for your derriere so God never intends that you run from anything Church and church men much of the Christian sir is running they're running in fear they're running in dread they're running no wonder they're not overcomers no wonder the night victorious you can't defeat anything while you are running from it in in Romans Paul said whatever rules you is your master Paul said in Romans what Romans chapter six whatever controls you and rules you is your master is your Lord then how is Jesus Lord when I carry a Bible I go to church that's not real life this is a safe place unless you have ought against your brothers not a safe place this is a place unless you have things that are arguing right now this should be a safe place say this should be a safe place because the family is here and this family loves each other that was a little lesser in volume you should know them by the matter what sometimes we each other like they have healthy toes design oh my lord I have to hug you all right serving us in this is a skit he's not a stripper to sin this is a skit are you okay I want you to do whatever you do in your dastardly deeds there they are go after him you can't touch him physically because your weapons are not carnal not physical your your battles are won or lost right between your ears folks thought go ahead did you hear that [Applause] a huge report running our brother in today god it's not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind and me neither yes give me a spirit of fear neither so your sound looks we have we have a Levite here have you ever had never read the book of Isaiah to the Levites Save the Children iue judge me or any of us we're going to judge fallen angels like did God say Jesus he died like Jesus died what's gonna have you can you really trust [Applause] excellent guys when Jesus was tempted by Satan he used the word he didn't use psychology didn't even reason it's nobody said for it is written can I say something about that about about Friday and and now I know that little phrase of it for it's written but and I know there's statements of truth and we gotta communicate we got to connect with that and give it out but you saw it I mean there's some fire that has to be with what is written and there's like where the soul meets with the thought and I felt like hey I gotta fight for this and I do I not just understand it intellectually there's a engagement in my my heart was excited to say these things so this is much more than just you know it's written upstairs it's got to be written down in here and it comes out of your heart exactly it can't be a mantra you cannot quote God's Word while you're in disobedience to it and expect it to work did you hear what I said you cannot expect to quote God's Word as a part of the fabric of who you are and bit disobedient to what you're trying to defeat the devil with and this is a big disconnect we try to we we we try to do mantras we try to do right things speaking but this is not this this is a state of existence this is not your dressing up in your coats of righteousness this is not your your dressing up in your theological debates this is not dressing up in a debate of the mind it is a state of and and so when we get into the understanding of this I was something I wanted to finish here when Jesus finished saying for it is written here's what the Scriptures now say and the Satan departed from him for a season now over comers I know if you're lazy you don't want any interference with your sleeping journey but I have to tell you a life there are two kingdoms in the earth they war one against the other you listen Satan does could care less if you get born again he just doesn't want you to interfere with who he is as God of the earth he doesn't want you to interfere with his kingdom and as long as he can make you feel complacent well I'm going to heaven one day and you're not executing who you are in the earth then how are you having dominion how are you giving God glory you can't give God glory when you're in heaven he gets his glory from who you are on the earth representing him because Satan has a problem there's a faithful son and daughter not a disobedient son and daughter he has to deal with and God's gonna honor your faith in your obedience in your word because that establishes him in creation again it establishes it gives back to him what belongs to him and he uses you to do it you are and if you are an activated believer you're an embarrassment to Satan because he was an archangel that fell and he and you have taken his place and although the taverts of praise were written on him at one time in that old age you now have been raised up to be the tablets of his praise that's exactly who you are now I haven't finished our young learning so we didn't come here just to play we come here to learn what you hearing today or somebody may save your life today curse today's a day of salvation now's the appointed time overcoming overcoming doesn't work for lazy believers overcoming somebody said well I I stumbled over somebody in church that didn't talk to me right I smiled at them and they frown no they had gas has n been to be able to smile when you have a big-ass painting how many people know how to smile when you have a gas paint you know how to smile you have a gas main your unusual moments ago uh sometimes people come up to me these expectation of eyes and wanting my approval cuz you know who I am and and I come up with a minute I say hi I got hi and I had too many beans last night and just now hit me see we judge things by what we see you could no longer judge things about what you see Jesus did not judge things by what he saw but what he knew and there's a big difference that if you're knowing is based on just what you see you'll never be led by the Spirit of God ever you'll be led by your feelings and your emotions and the physical things that you see so somebody came to church and they run across one is unrenewed Christians that said something and that offended them and that don't go to church anymore I've run across hundreds of them in my journey hundreds of people don't go to church because they're a bunch of hypocrites you know who the greatest hypocrite is the one that just said it because you have not defeated a dead work in your life which is the product of sin doesn't mean that you're evil see Peter was about to do some pretty horrible things even develop bad language he cursed he denied I never knew him and yet Jesus knew him he knows you to the Father knows you too but it depends on the gates that you open to God it depends on your journey why would you remove yourself on the safety of the body because you stumbled over a hurting member of the body know what you've done you've worn across on the other side of the street because you stumbled if you have a brother or sister that's stumbling and they've man you become an object of their stumbling it's a known better say hi you having a bad day I love you so much what's happening guy what's happening what's happening sister well the Bible says I'm limited by 1 remember the body hurts the whole body hurts I understand there's something that's really there can I can I come along beside you this is Kingdom thinking the kingdom is not a system of religion and buildings the kingdom is a spirit of god in the people based on truth overcome you and I are having a conversation this morning it's what triggered this and we were talking about remember you want you want to I'll let you share if you wanna you want me to share okay and sometimes we come were convicted truth is designed to convict you if you don't no longer feel conviction no Holy Ghost because not only does the Holy Spirit come to confirm truth in you it comes to convict of sin why because sin separates you from a proper relationship with your father in heaven like like you some of your parents you've had children I may have had children yeah Hey do it do it your children always do right have they done something that would be really really not good mm-hmm yeah they do don't they does that change your love for them no and change a bit you should know them by the perfective 'no stay have in jesus you should know them because of the love they have one for another you say you love God and hate your brother the love of God is not within you say what it says I'll tell you something else I hope you never forget this I hope the hallways here comes in just drums that deep inside you is God love I use sons and daughters of God the Father in the new birth then who are you I didn't hear it who are you I said who are you and start acting like it now love sometimes has to be honest love does not call you to become codependent with another brother or sisters sin in fact an open rebuke is better than secret love if I love you and as it gets me in trouble and sometimes I tell people things they don't want to hear I said sometimes that tell people things they don't want to hear and then they don't like me then you don't like Jesus I even like the father because if I have a right spirit I'm gonna bring you things that are for your betterment for your overcoming for your ability to overcome for your ability to succeed but there may be things in you I told the man years ago when I was pastoring he was going from one failure to Nick you know who I'm talking about he was going from one failure to the next he was boring money from friends just to finance another failed event and after the third bankruptcy I went to him and I said you will never succeed because you have sinned he got soul man he said I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I said no so that Bible doesn't say you're the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus he said it does I said you know your Bible he's was the same that you might be made that you might be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus you're a hypocrite for sure because you're acting like you're sinless and you're corrupt and you left behind failure which is not blessing I'm calling you on it I want you to succeed but you're gonna have to do this this and this in your life personally before come back to found it in fact I told him something that he hated I said at this stage in your life the only way you're gonna hear God is you're totally crashing our total failure and you're broken then you might listen at that point I'm warning you that's where you're headed was I upset with him was I really loving him I don't none to me at one time there was really in these these pathways that was his pasture I said I see things in life that are going to cause you great grief and sorrow you you're you're so busy trying to succeed and then give God credit is that blessings now listen carefully how subtle this can become as you're trying to succeed that you can brag about your success but in doing so in false piety you give God credit when in fact it's been in your own strength did he like me I said I had dinner with him I said I'm gonna give you I'm gonna tell you you have one year to reach Ange the direction of your life on the inside out or your life's gonna be a tale that's told six months later I had dinner with him again I hadn't seen any changes I said I'm here again yes six months to get right with God in this area get out of your lust get back into the proper understanding of who you are do you think he did his life today his calling was to be an elder but he never has become one nor will he ever begin one until he changes he's in the valley of the shadow of death all the time his life of the tale is told tragedy after tragedy after tragedy did I love him I love this man you know who I'm talking about you know why I love him because love never stops loving or it never loved at all a lot of people have love based on expectations of receiving something love came from heaven not expecting any return for God so loved mankind that he gave did he not did he come and die for us for the next spectating that the basis of our love for him would be something he would do for us not necessarily it was just love doing it that's how love thinks I want to raise the bar there are things that want to interfere with who you are is love and in back okay there are things well I miss you already that's bastard done in my wife so hurry back so when you stumble over somebody that wasn't manifesting love to you and then you enter into no love and we all suffer from your absence where did you go or if you guys been when I asked you this morning did I offend you I love these guys they know it if I missed you I walked in here today it was like I went to heaven you're here I'm in here we're here Friday night when I guy was in the audience over here that I hadn't seen in a very long time I stopped the whole service because of love Wow I've seen such a long time and it went right to him over here didn't I you know and I bent down and I held him did you hear what came out of this man when love hit him it was powerful they were such a release such such a relief does it take a lot to show love doesn't show a lot to not walk on the other side of the street because somebody is not as righteous as you does it take a lot in fact some of the big teachings of Christianity is to promote your greatness your prosperity your greatness and it's all self centered self love what does the Bible say that who would be greatest amongst you your ruler who'd berate us amongst you yes he that his servant of all the great the Great King Jesus Messiah the Living Word the second member of the eternal Godhead had a cushy place in heaven but because of love of what he created on behalf of the Father according to scripture the God had decided that love had to come no matter who listened no matter who listened because love has to manifest its nature you don't put on your love coat because you're with your friends Jesus had dinner with the sinners and the publicans they were just they just said hey they're unclean and Jesus said the Son of Man didn't come for the righteous but for the unrighteous there is something to be understood here that we understand what love that part of overcoming is learning how to walk according to truth because truth is love yep the two men I just discussed my own journey love spoke to them danger danger bridges out bridges out they didn't like me either men did not like me because I asked them to change their movement toward destruction God used me to raise a warning flag people understand sometimes how God uses properly called elders and leaders to protect them to guide them you know I have a thought Obama says God sits in heaven he looks down on the earth and he Ponder's the coming the coming and goings of men he studies them he looks down to see is there anyone down here that does understand that do seek after him he ponders her comings and goings I've watched many people's comings and goings and I know their future not in God either do you have an option what do you do become codependent with her journey into destruction or do you interfere if I love them and it may be rebuked nobody likes rebukes because usually in the past it's been done in anger by some human it didn't understand discipleship if you don't me the truth you hate me but if you tell me the truth in love I receive your love we need each other at this level so much but we don't were afraid because we've not learned how to walk on the same side of the street we've not learned how to bear our brothers burdens we've not learned how to listen we've not learned that when they cry cry with them we've not learned that when they laugh laugh with them we've not learned that this is a organism and we are the life of the organism every single one of you are essential do not discount who you are because you think you may be the uncomely part you may be uncommon in your own mind but you are necessary I happen to be the intestine nobody brags about the intestine unless it's not functioning correctly then you're running around for some help either by looseness or blocking there are things go wrong in the intestine so you go out and you get a colonoscopy and you get an endoscopy and people looking in there you won't even let your closest friend look in that part of your body but a stranger can look in there and you're happy [Music] do you know what you know you know what psychologists have said in their writings that a person is more able to confess their problems to a stranger than to somebody they know that is a horror are you serious a stranger has the wisdom for your life that's how far we are body parts floating drifting as a body of Christ overcoming I've got a hurry and it realize what time it was but I really feel this I don't know because they're crystals here think we should be done by now this is a family time our services are unpredictable we don't know but we believe that every time we come together if we're really awake available to our father that God our Father as a work of the Holy Spirit may want to help us in our journey and it comes just like this exhortation edification comfort that's what prophecy is for edification exhortation that's how we judge it or comfort god wants you to be an overcomer but you may think you're strong and big you may know you're King Kong chest-thumping in your greatness of self-righteousness but you need each other that's why the Bible says in the in the in the in the in the counts in the counsel of many as grace safety because you don't got a grip on every thought that's running random in your poor head but sometimes people that love you can come along and help you see through the forest because they love you but you can't let you can't be a part of the body if you're afraid of the body parts stop it it's sin and if you've not been friendly to other body parts repent to them for being withdrawn they've needed you where have you been floating out there in space as a body part can I really in can I put you back in like a big puzzle look at a box and you look at a 500 piece don't go to a thousand-piece puzzle thing is it's it's no no faith can defeat that one yeah well for a few people have great faith but you go to and you go there's in the in the puzzle box on the front cover is a picture of what all those pieces will look like when they're put together that's your vision for your life what's on the cover but it doesn't mean that you personally had been part of the recovery the pieces of the recovery your image every one of you God has known from the foundation of the world he has a plan for you but that plan sometimes even though he has a plan which is a sovereignty in his will in his own missions doesn't mean that you will apprehend it because sin may interfere with his plans and you may not be formed exactly as he intended you to be formed I want God to form you without interference I'm disgusted with the enemy's ability to form you into his image and in and it looks like spots and blemishes in it there's this beautiful creature than the foundation of the world and all of a sudden is all these deformities spiritually all these blots all these blemishes and all these spots and I'm going are you serious I want you hold no more leprosy of sin let it be judged unclean if you don't have the hatred for sin you hate God but if you hate sin you love God I want my father in heaven to know that I believe in him not in Satan I want him to know that I want to be changed into his image and from glory to glory little ol Henry right here is being changed into his image day by day by day by day and I'm not back there in my sass and my sauce I tell people that have stumbled over maybe a defect in my personality which said lord have mercy I've had people stumble over me as a man why I know my wife loves me I don't care what they think man has a wife that loves them you rested you can just figure it out later that's a miracle isn't it I'm happy God loves me and wife loves me hey you guys are a bonus I'm serious and those the other day if if you try to make me sinless you're a liar and I'm not gonna live your lie and put that on me I won't put it on you but if you see something in Henry's life that you stumble over don't leave the church you have sinned greatly and don't touch God's anointed you're cursed yeah bad that's a goat what kind of spirit are you of if you're not loved what kind of spirit are you of the disciples and their self-righteousness had a bunch of people disagreeing with the Ministry of Jesus and then they came to Jesus that Jesus we can't handle these his problem people please call fire down from heaven and kill them that was Jesus staff members I'm glad I don't have that on my team and Jesus said this then what what kind of spirit are you off what kind of spirit there are so many things that we're trying to get love off focus and all that bitterness is is love refocused to self gratification and it's idolatry if you think that you are greater than this body you're in idolatry if you think that the Sun rises and sets on your wisdom you are insane Pyrrhus you that's not what she talked to me about well you know a few years ago we had somebody that was attending this fellowship that had a wrong spirit and one day in because we were moving together are we not like I'm the prophets one one gets up begins to prophesy another one standing by here's a little more advanced it gives up the first one sets down the second one remembered in your Bible so we moved together as an organism is that not true so sometimes if I'm because she's a she's very spiritual lady in the right way so sometimes I'm interested in what God is speaking to her cuz when I'm at Mount Sinai you know it's difficult to hear the whole permanent parameters and I'll come over and I'll I want to know where you're at in your thinking and as a mirror or member and I do that often and you do that with me and one day I was teaching and I went over and I I wanted to make sure that I was from her witness you I wanted to have the witness that was I on target not that I doubted it but sometimes you know I'm we're just people and somebody went out of here and created a huge monster of accusation see he can't even speak without first having his wife's permission are you serious you're asking me that my relationship with her should be one plus one equals two ah not going there one plus one equals one and that's how we function you see me you see her you see her but we have an order in our government together but together we operate as one we're indivisible don't try it you can't separate me from her for me it will not work would it Benny go ahead and finish that stage thank you I've been loving it and I when you when you first started speaking these verses and Romans came to me about the rats they kind of explained the rats you know worship but the reverse work right rats are a t-80s those rats those rats but anyway I want to start there in in Romans because that's where my thoughts went when you were talking about the rats but the other thing we've been talking about you know really in this service is is having a commitment to be born again - we we talked all about it and around it but in Romans chapter 1 verse 16 his part of being born again it's the ABCs of being born again it's the see confess with your mouth that the Lord Jesus that he is your Savior so I want to start there in verse 16 it says for I am not ashamed of the gospel so you don't want to you want to confess and you want to preach the gospel if you're born again the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God until salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek so there is a part again of being bored again a we covered see now be believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now that's important because if you make him Lord up your life you get off of the throne running your life and the Holy Spirit comes to guide you through life where you can be the most productive Christian that that's possible that God would fit you into his body perfectly that he could have more and more glory so is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved now even the Devils believe that he's God but he didn't they don't make him the master of their life so a lot of people say well I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ I'm saved well if you're not following him and you haven't made him the master of your life you you are not born again I'm sorry it's just not true you have to believe you know when they asked Jesus what wasn't what must we do to be saved you know what he said believe he just said one word believe and he didn't expand upon it but certainly the Scriptures do so verse 17 for their end is the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith it passed the Henry talked earlier about you know the mustard seed being the smallest seed and it grows up into the largest tree well that faith comes by many ways but one of the ways that come is about prayer in relationship with God and we're praying and asking God for things and then as he unfolds them at dozen in our lifetime or sometimes he doesn't even do it in our lifetime some people die and then they these are the things that they've been praying for it come to pass but they never lose their faith up until the end so that that's how your faith is comes from a mustard seed to this huge tree it's by that relationship and seeing God working and the more you see him working and you know the more faith comes because now you know the things you're praying for going to come you know if those things that you're praying for are correct and line up with with the scripture sometimes people pray for things that are unscriptural and God's not going to help you with that because it says their prayers are selfish and they be fulfilled on their own lust or desires amen thank you verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed and this is what you don't want to have the wrath of God revealed because on you because you want to be born again and you want to you know you you've got life and death set before you this day and you must choose which you're gonna have so it says the raft of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness I see that's that's a third part of being born again is the a stands for acknowledging that you're a sinner and that you need someone to cover your sins and that is Jesus Christ who comes to and paid for our sins so there's your ABCs acknowledge believe and then confess with your mouth if you haven't done that Doug sitting right back there he'll help you I'm sitting over here I'm ready because life and death are set before you this day choose life that's what the Lord said choose life that's what he wants us all to do and then it goes on to say that hey none of us are without blaming this because God has revealed it all to us it goes on verse 19 because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal and God had so that they are all without excuse all of us are without excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened darkened by who their agreement with the enemy he continued to work with them and darken their hearts professing themselves to be wise they became fools these men that would go in and worship these rats well you I'm not going to say it but the scripture says you know what's happened to him in that last verse and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts rats rats and creeping things there it is right there I mean it's been there for 2,000 years therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through their lust of their own hearts to dishonour their own bodies between themselves and I'm gonna read this these uh these finishing verses a Michael comment on them but I do want to read them why it's still legal to do so because they're folks I think there's going to come a day and you can't read this from the pulpit and there are already places in countries where you can't but we're gonna read it today so none of us are gonna be well excused who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever for this cause God gave them up unto their vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their own lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient without understanding this is what they became well let me go up a little further this is what happened when God gives you over and you won't listen to him being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness full of envy murder debate deceit whisperers backbiters haters of god despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenantbreakers without natural affection implacable who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them so be careful who's your friend be careful who's your friend so again I'm going to be back here Doug is back there there's anybody that hasn't received salvation we're here today for you wow that's a plumb line well what's wrong with a plumb line you can't you can't build a building without a plumb line yeah you get you can't build a building without a level IV not that good so God has given us markers to help us in our journey maybe mile markers there might even be a sign says bridges out there might be one of the things that I have difficulty avoiding his potholes I'm there like a magnet to me and Donna looks at me and said when will you learn I'm an overcomer I'm trying to see see sometimes I have to stop like a so far ahead that don't pay attention to what's right in front of my nose and and and my I got to my journey by looking ahead but those potholes certainly irritated me and so life is like that I want to finish this this this an exhortation today I see Scotty you have a prophecy I yield to you right now i I want to reorient your thinking this day darkness and light are the same to me I see all things I know all things I'm aware of your points of weakness points of strength I'm aware of where you are in your journey with others with me anyone with yourself but what pains me is that my children have not been instructed correctly especially by their parents in the world who when they make mistakes or when they venture out they try to correct them and become angry at them for making mistakes that is not who I am as your father I am NOT a father who is embarrassed or ashamed of children who don't know what they're doing who are giving it a chance as you learn to apply my ways and my word to your life you will make mistakes I'm very well aware of that but more importantly I stand in your corner as you venture out I am not there to embarrass you or to put you down or tell you how awful you did I'm there to strengthen you to equip you to keep on moving that I want you to step out of performance I want you step out of the perfectionism of trying to do this all right and then stopping altogether when you see you're doing it wrong instead I want you to start the conversation with me when things go wrong and I want you to be in my word asking me questions about how to apply what is in my word but I do want you to not be afraid of failing and making mistakes and the learning process the only one who will be exposed as you venture out is your enemy when you see weaknesses in your character weaknesses in your application that is just your enemy and what he has done to your generations but here's what I want you to understand when you see rodents or when you see pests in your house that's the first step and you might try little things here and there but at some point if you have an infestation you need to get rid of it and you need somebody who's greater than you to get rid of it may I be that one who is greater than you to help you get rid of it will you go the journey with me and trust me in those areas where you may cry out and say I have no clue how to do this that you will trust me and move with me especially in those moments where you feel like you're sinking because you don't know what you're doing trust me to move with you and move you through it and grow you up but remember when you mess up and you're trying to move out of iniquity and and the patterns of your past I'm in your corner I'm rooting for you I'm not embarrassed of you the greatest embarrassment to me are all those wayward children who pretend to be so wise in their own eyes but are fools because they do not know me and in their own strength they're trying to fabricate something to them to me they are just pretenders and they're fools what are they even trying to make what is the world trying to engineer what are they trying to form they have no clue I know what I'm trying to form in you trust me it's to form it in you awesome thank you Father we did not despise prophesying prophecy is discern as I mentioned three ingredients what you heard was it for exportation was it for comfort I got the other one extradition the second e is what notification identification that was a court I was missing it just your blank exhortation Emma fication to ease an MSc comfort that's how we judge it and if you're and then on where you're coming from in your understanding but according to scripture if we believe that the Holy Spirit is here represented the Father and the word and we do because the word says that were to is the three are gathered together in his name there he is in the midst of them so we believe the Holy Spirit is here represented the father and the word we believe it in spite of any human agreement we believe it because the word says it and we embrace it and then we offer ourselves as sons and daughters to be in this mix of the organism though the righteous fall seven times according to scripture they shall rise again many of the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers them out of them all tribulation worketh patience patience birth experience and experience works hope that makes not ashamed the things you go through and are overcoming are the basis for your patience are the basis for your journey of recovery that you may have hope there's something about having a victory over the works of the enemy in your life that's just so incredible for your faith if God done at once for you he'll do it again so don't be moved by your circumstances that's your tribulation it will give you some experience after you learn some patience but you'll never have experience if you don't have patience to stand on you won't have the patience for it and you won't have the patience to learn I have a scripture I want to reading that thing I'm almost done I see we've got a couple over here but I'm gonna finish this this vein I'm overcoming I want to take it revelation I want to dwell on just one verse and this is what Jesus said to the pastor's are seven churches at the beginning of the church age it says these verses are for today the church age began and day of Pentecost and will continue until the Second Coming there are no divisions and so this would be what would be said to the pastor of every church because what was said to this pastor should be said to every pastor as a foundation for God's sons and daughters and their learning curve and so it goes here and this is a church at let's see here and they get my spot yeah is a church of laodicea the Church in Laodicea is a type in a shadow of the apostasy of the church age but within the mixture of the apostate Church there's also sons and daughters of the father they fit the pattern in the Philadelphia Church in which the Lord had nothing to say negative to that pastor now there are people that try to say well I am I thought I'm a Philadelphian Church you're kidding yourself that's that's arrogant but what we do we set a standard for which movement of God or not of God that were part of and one of the first things that happens is in verse 19 now we in looking at wisdom and looking at the vision and our teachings have I've long went back to Habakkuk chapter 2 verses 1 through 3 and Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 says I stand upon my watch we're all Watchmen right and I would like to see what Ash was saying how I shall answer when I am reproved of him if you're no longer approvable by the father as the work of holy spirit you are no longer teachable until you come back to the first works in the first premise of being humble and contrite you're learning her is over it's just vanity because God's not so moved about what you know is he's moved by who you are his image manifesting through you and so you may be able to quote John 3:16 that's wonderful but do you love your brother do you take responsibility for the things around of God in your life are you part of the Great's mistake movement it says you don't have to and this scripture here will put that in order because who's speaking here is the bishop of the new testament church the head jesus christ and so we have to take a lesson from the boss our leaders here we take is very serious we're not just here for political reasons but our elders and our deacons here are very humble in this I tell you that we are that we know who is the head and it's not us we are the part of the government of the theocracy of this small body and the guidelines that we follow are the guidelines that every pastors should follow every elder said for every Deacon should follow because we follow the pattern of Scripture not organized religion and so I'm just saying that just to track with you just a bit in our learning curve here that in this setting Jesus said as many as I love I rebuke and chasten we have many fathers that have done this correctly and we give them thanks today even though at the moment we'd never we didn't like it because chastening as gree theists for a season according to Scripture but in the end it brings forth the peaceable fruit of righteousness we don't like enduring chastening is adult sons and daughters but there may be some things that we need to have cleansed there may be some things in our personality or spirituality that aren't really good for mankind or us or those that live with us so as many as I love I rebuke this is exactly Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 and chasten be zealous you know being zealous is not dragging your butt to the truth being a zealous is embracing it as life when instead he sent his word and healed them that's life that's sanity that's clarity of thought clarity a position you need to stop reading your Bible just as a historical book and find the ingredients of everyday life in it because everything pertaining to how you relate to God do yourself and others is found in those verses it may be that you don't need a psychologist or somebody to talk to you you may just need to read your Bible it could be the Holy Spirit will speak to you and you never be the same I encourage you there's so many things I have found in the Bible that has saved me grief and how I conduct myself even with my brothers and sisters grief you know I in that pothole it's more honorable than falling into it even though I made the journey so God has not called you to fall in multiple potholes he's called you to discern those things and not of him that are the potholes and when you find him no pothole don't blame God you're the driver and said when you fall into a pothole in your life don't blame God you're the driver I decided to drive in the right side of the road or the wrong side of the road I decided to stop at stop signs I yield I do things that the laws of the land require not to oppress me but that everybody can be safe while I'm driving and if they play by the rules we'll all get to our destination safely that's the kingdom that's how it works the theocracy of God is the mindset the mind of Christ is the sanity of God concerning things about himself things about the world things about the sons and daughters that came into the new birth things about the journey even on into eternal life everything your future is found in the Bible with you live or whether you die is found in the Bible I think it's powerful I think is wonderful do you think that I'm interested in anything with my journey into eternal life because of one of you not at all god bless you I love you but I know where I'm going now I'll stop with you I've dinner with you I commiserate with you and weep with you I laugh with you I'm empathy with you I'll even stop at my journey because of you that we all can continue together to that journey not hang out with a self pity party together which is kind of productive to everything so it says here be zealous therefore and repent for those that say in the commercial church today in the grace mistake teachings are exploding worldwide since you're born again you never have to repent for sin again just receive His forgiveness that's what's being taught did Jesus say that to this church did he say to them oh I see something is wrong in your life just received my forgiveness did he say that What did he say because when I repent I take responsibility God wants you to take responsibility that's being an adult that's what is the key ingredient of an adult you take responsibility you have a vision it teaches your family to avoid potholes that includes pot anyway here's where I was going I'm gonna be done behold this now as I move into this what I'm about to read to you is never taught as I want to teach it to you in most of Christianity watch out for your sacred cows it is taught as part of what's called the Romans Road to be read to sinners to get them born again that's how it's used only to sinners - that they would open their hearts to God and become born again it's called and you've heard that the Romans Road scriptures Romans 10:9 and 10 and all the rest of women and here we have this one this scripture and Jesus is the author I said Jesus is the author - John the Revelator and it is non addressed to unsay people it's addressed the born-again believers that have grown cold I've grown apostate and you listen to this as I read it and no matter how you've heard in the past you will never forget what I'm about to read hopefully you're listening behold I stand at the door and knock If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me is that not the Romans Road for salvation no this is address to the Church of Laodicea born again new testament church age that have grown cold the Lord is saying repent listen I got some things here that aren't right with your journey and are separating me you from your relationship with me God's not going to become codependent with you when you serve sin and call it love if he loves you he's going to tell you the truth probably most scary things that would ever happen to you in this room today as Jesus showed up and said I want a conversation with you you talk about having to go to the bath I'm not making it you're part of that class because he but he is going to do that but when he does it there's no chance of going back and doing replay it's called the judgment seat of Christ when you give an account for every deed that you've done good or evil to them Savior of your soul the living word your husband-to-be and he'll look at you and right then you said well I didn't say that you know say that one of the Angels plus the replay button because about was every word that you said will be held against you I've had to pull down some words of my time and get covered by forgiveness I've had to take some steps of repentance one of the big things you and I talked about this morning pastor Donna is the church is not calling people to repentance or just in their grace message you're covered you're born again you can serve sin no consequences Jesus is saying here to you Church and you remember the New Testament church are you not if you're born again I want to have fellowship with you I want to come by the spirit and commune with you if we can have fellowship around truth would you open your hearts door would you open your heart and be honest with me would you be contrite would you be humble I love you but I cannot have a relationship with you when you love sin more than me that's the message folks that's the message to all of us now don't be intimidated by the severity or that deepness or the whatever you perceive it because the enemy is here to accuse you in this room every one of us has something that's we're not right with God in there's something we may be in denial about it we may not want to face it but if the finger of God comes in a service like this to get you to think that's the purse first part is recognized if you don't recognize the things your life the not of God even God can't help you because you're blinded and sometimes God said because you would believe a liar rather than play the truth I'll give you over to a greater delusion a greater lie until you appreciate truth I want this to be real none a religious ritual of Christianity and if I came here and brought you into some gospel ship that offered you eternal security without responsibility I would not love the I'd be Antichrist in my thinking God your father is a jealous God not only an evil part of jealousy but it doesn't want to share you with Devils do you want to share your children with Devils say some already have them well that was their journey wasn't it but is that your heart for them in Corinthians and just around the communion scriptures the Apostle Paul said on behalf of God I would not that you have fellowship with Devils we don't understand this it makes us afraid but keep him in a cage with a timeout when it serves us there is so much to learn in this journey of overcoming it may take you time now I'm gonna go I'm gonna finish with our little conversation he was really good with you your revelation was great I'm gonna get there right now I'm finished no sounds minute stay on track it amazes me - they tell me that when a big ocean liner is moving it cannot turn on a dime in some cases it may take a half a mile or almost a mile to get to a complete stop because of the weight of the motion because you've had a revelation of sanctification doesn't mean you're gonna become righteous the moment we spoke but you have to make a decision to turn and even though that term that turn may be slow in manifesting its safety in your life to get where you're going you sometimes may feel you didn't make the turn and enemies right there to tell you that your decision is invalid because you haven't seen the results as fast as the enemy says you should see them when you go to have backache chapter 2 you're the ocean liner you're in motion maybe that you need to turn a back exsist thing with the very thing that Jesus began over here in Revelation chapter 3 is repent that's the first thing you do take responsibility repent to God for serving sin then it says I'll write to vision I'll make it plain on tablets that he that runs may read what is written if you're not reading this you don't even understand the vision because this is the vision for mankind in Christ Jesus in spite of sin this is a vision for your eternal life it's the vision of God's love for you but you're the driver you're the captain of the ship it's your journey it's your eternity it's your life what you're doing them with it shutting your eyes are you awake there was a captain of a ship in the past few years was partying with his girlfriend at the helm you remember the crash of that ship and how many people died because it went aground instead of him being the captain of the ship the experience of lust for she should not have been on the deck with him but he yielded didn't keep his eye on his job and many lives were lost in a multi-million dollar ship went down because of one man not following the vision now it says in Habakkuk right to vision make it plain that he that runs may read what is written now that vision is for an appointed time here's the ship that doesn't stop on a dime this is a ship that isn't turned on a dime because you made the decision doesn't mean you'll be victorious the moment you repented because the enemy comes to see the houses filled or empty enemy is there to give you to use the thoughts of your past and the iniquity of your mind to even use your own personality and the quickness of thought to overthrow your decision and the back of chapter 2 verse 3 says this the vision is for an appointed time and though it seems to tarry though it seems to tarry it should surely come to pass as long as you read what is written in the journey of your vision I felt strongly about this subject this morning when I walked in here it's taken a couple hours to develop it well one of the important things do you have to do eat food that will come out Sharman land later that it that's more important than the manna I say we're so accustomed to religion that meeting more than one hour the enemy uses it and if you're here you're not interested in truth this is a very bad place for you to be you're irritated all the way to beyond irritation because you've got thoughts coming and why they so long-winded why this way that thought didn't come from God because now one thing has been said here today it's not for your benefit as a work of the hallways now one thing has been said that has not been for your benefit to succeed in your journey that in your a moment of tribulation you can learn patience to have the experience of overcoming that then your hope will be productive and fruitful don't be children be adults in him all right giving so the ushers prepare if you would like to give during this time raise your hand and we have gentleman with envelopes enroute the time to reflect and so back what God has provided we're gonna rejoice that he is our provider in this time so we'll give you a minute to do that I just wanted to share a verse in acts 3 verse 26 that I've read actually just yesterday and I it was very comforting to me because as we've been talking about throughout the service of overcoming and what it means to be born again and walk out of iniquity and all these things I've been one of those people that the devil used accusation to get me stuck and the fact that I have stuff and just hung up on that I'm still in the process of the journey you know and I'm not perfect and just the guilt and the shame that comes with having things that still need to be overcome but acts 3 verse 26 says unto you first God having raised up his son Jesus sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities and what stood out to me in that verse is I grew up in what you would call the grace mistake teachings where you know once you're saved you really never have to repent again so that verse would end and unto you first God having raised up his son Jesus sent him to bless you period that how I grew up he sent Jesus to bless you so you could be saved and never have any problems but it goes on there's a comma and it says and turning away every one of you from his iniquities and just the fact that it is a blessing to be able to turn away from your iniquities and you know my spirit knows all these verses I guess my soul is just catching up to the Lord disciplines those whom he loves and don't despise the chastening of the Lord and you know in earlier in acts 3 says repent you therefore and be converted that your sins may be bought out that the times are refresh you may come from the presence of the Lord so I've known all these verses but just in this verse especially it was so encouraging because it's it's a blessing the turning away of the iniquities is the blessing that's it's a comfort it's a love it's the love to have the correction and have someone say hey the bridge is out like pastor Henry is saying or there's a pothole there whereas before I would think the bridge is out what am I gonna do and I just freaked out because the bridge is out but just coming back to this verse and just knowing it's a blessing that's why God sent raised up his son Jesus and sent him to bless us and that's why we work out our salvation daily and that we can do all things in Christ who use a strength you know he's the Living Word so anyway that's what I've got you know one listening that that just reminds me to of when Henry and I were talking about this ship to me the ship turning was this a little bit different it was is more attached to iniquities and kind of what it was this is like you see you have iniquity and and it's and and you're kind of in the rut of the iniquity but you go oh wait a minute I don't want any part of that iniquity so then you you renounce it and you do all the things that you need to do and then but the turning of your ship is takes a while to get to their actual right course because you have to figure out who you are in life now without the iniquity and it's not that you're still traveling with iniquity but you may not even be quite where you're supposed to be on the journey because you're finding your footing in it and so that turning to me is like okay I'm turning this is a big thing to turn around to the right course and it takes a little bit of time and that's what the place where I think grace is amazing because thank you Father and the mercy of course with it but that's the grace time of that turning it's like you're turning this thing but it's not just a it's not a motorcycle ride you know it's not you're not taking hairpin curves here now I think that with sin that you're actively in I think it should be what you're turning okay but when it comes to iniquity I just think it just takes some time to turn the whole thing around because you're dragging the generations with you so to speak of course or not but you understand it's that that heaviness of them now you're excited because you're on the right track you're excited because you're making the turn but there's this a lot to learn in the course of that turning on how who you are are now and that's why you have to know your word because the word says who you are and that's what you've got to hang on to in the course of that turning till it you fit in the groove of God's Way okay so I just wanted to share that part and that iniquity so many times has formed us in our personality and that's why I hear the grinding when when it's so like you know time oriented like why isn't this faster because your personality is not a light switch it's such a compilation of who you are and with that that's why it's so nice to liken it to this ocean liner because there are currents in the ocean that just you looking on the top there's and you don't see that current but it is it is under there's a force to be reckoned with and that's the enemy's resistance to you actually making this turn and and so give yourself a break pat yourself on the back and and and know that you're doing the right thing and it'll come into play if you just are consistent yes sometimes it go out there place yourself while the turnings happening have fun let's take up our giving raise it up father we raised our hearts to you and these offerings this is giving back to you is a joy we could hear the word this is a little outpost here the side of heaven and we thank you so much for an oasis to be changed at the corporate level for all that you've done to invest in in our lives to draw us here safely and then we have to pull from your word and and desire to change father we're not coming here just to feel good socially it's a nice benefit the father if we don't hear from heaven about your thoughts from us for us and that need to go through us we're just kind of playing around so I thank you so much for this safe oasis this unique experience and experiment that you're doing through hope of the generations father we thank you so much for the supplying of our needs and our homes and our families and our children and our grandparents and thank you for the health that you develop even for those that don't even go to church here but that we we carry in our hearts that you you just extend so many blessings on our behalf because we safely trust in your word we ask a father that these gifts would be dear unto you and you would give us the wisdom to know how to use them for your purposes we bless you in these gifts we honor you and they're so grateful you're our Father in Jesus name Amen you know the Sermon on the Mount was long sometimes ss had this thought sometimes we spend tens of thousands of dollars and go into debt some of our kids and the families for educational debt and into the tens of thousands to practice and learn more of the elemental principles of 3 R's so we came here today to learn another R which is righteousness didn't cost you anything didn't have to go to a classroom drive across town and sit there for an hour over six months or three months whether loan those classes are and learn how to understand math better didn't Rock us into space I'm well past that I'm going to heaven one day I'm gonna go into a dimension that men cannot go except for God's will pass them through the veil of the molecular structure of creation into the presence of God that's worth hanging out for what a trip and then it says this I'm just I'm just up up on this today it says in the twinkling of an eye how fast as a twinkle blink blink blink and that's longer than a twinkle somebody got at Google Google knows everything how fast is it how fast is a twinkle I wonder how fast a twinkle is a twinkle of an eye somebody's got it that might need the Hebrew who's got it Blaine Google knows everything twinkle of an eye well how long is that so we could have the Strongs first before Google one tenth of a second is a twinkle we shall be changed corruption should put on incorruption mortality shall put on immortality we shall be changed and be like him one tenth of a second count me in these are such great promises Oh grave where is your victory oh you know death where is your sting whether we live or whether we die where the Lord is the absent from the body is to be present with the Lord come on folks this is something to get happy about the world cannot even offer you any of this stuff well it's been nice to get an amen thank you for your excitement in such a profound statement see we become callous to greatness we heard it once 13 years ago now we saw oh yeah I heard that once I'm not I'm having fun but you don't think I'm that serious yes I am Lois it's your tur we're having some fun with my wife here she's not really enjoying my humor I'd be the first time I just want to thank the Lord and praise the Lord because God is so good one of the I've been meditating on Romans about the first eight chapters and all the wonderful things that God has done and is doing and one of the things it was touched on today about by pastor Benny this is mankind who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen and so God allowed man to make and not just their own decisions but to go their own way anyway this is a short testimony first of all I thank God that Pastor Henry is the intestines because I've come here and I was always feel guilty when I entered the first door because I wasn't perfected like everybody else that came to this church and and so I felt I had this guilt in the shame and the guilt and the shame and I thank the Lord for this teaching I thought it was a feeling I didn't know was a nasty those are nasty demons and I thank God for that that that you know pastor Henry said so many things I said Oh God I just you know this is horrible and but you know something is blessed and the good thing is well this is a I've been away for eight days I flew from Atlanta to Omaha to Iowa to California to celebrate my sister's Navy 8th birthday but the thing is God did so many wonderful things and I like to give you know books to people from this ministry and one of them happened to be on fear and I read this passage it was about overeating and it said and overeating has to do with it's just like trying to avoid something but I didn't know the demons that were behind it and that's been my life and I didn't know it because if I was hurting it's not that I I would try to escape I didn't know I could run to the Lord I mean the enemy did didn't allow me to do that but I'm a daughter now and he's my father and he loves me and I can stand up and receive his love and his his kisses whereas before I was looking down at myself and that's where it's this is a good deal who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature that's me more than the Creator who is blessed forever he created me to be an overcomer so the good thing is what were the four things well it was I didn't realize the iniquity is has been the fear on my life fear of rejection fear of man pastors anybody else that was you know in authority the fear of failure which is my whole life and the fear of abandonment I mean those are terrible treacherous demons you can't keep on going unless you know that's okay it's so I reaped imeem I have repented these things in going through the program and things like that but this I recognize hey this is what's holding me back and I've got to face this business and I and you know what you want to know something my body changed I did not have to fear you know traveling and all that stuff that was my first when I was a little child like that's what happened all the time there was always changing I was changing and I could never have a basis for confidence or trust I mean in the natural and when I got saved that was a miracle because the enemy had I was kept me from making a commitment or make understanding that God was real on that that he was my father and that's been a journey so those things that I've had to face oh I've got a plea so-and-so I've got a doubter done you know I'm just haven't got there and I failed this and that well you know something we are completing him and he really is we are being made the righteousness of God in Christ and it is wonderful that he covers those with the robots of righteousness and the garments of salvation and that's where we say oh yeah I made the mistake father I'm really sorry and ask that you help me and I'm gonna just one other little scripture some 91 surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler that's the temptation to yield to those spirits and from the noisome pestilence the word noisome means it's like rushing ruinous plague that's what that is what accusation is and it's just suddenly you really did it now this is absolutely hopeless for you well anyway surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome pestilence rushing or ruinous plague whatever the plague is whatever the curse is whatever the generational garbage is he it says surely he shall deliver thee beginning in this life and also in the life to come and that's where the overcoming comes and I thank the Lord that Pastor Henry tells it like it is you know you got to face those fears and Truscott so anyway that's I praise the Lord for what he did for me and for for this ministry I don't know what to say about her I mean how can death be such a thriving person she's come through so much and she's thriving best of his glory I'm just just thrilled you know every time we use the word demons Christians shrivel I mean they do they don't want to hear it and I felt it in this room do we have to use that word okay Devils the evil spirits synonyms and I mean let me anyhow some of you who are struggling with this fact without teaching it is when it says God has not given you the spirit of fear fear is a spirit that comes to influence humans through temptation to get you to agree with its thoughts to become part of your personality and your spirituality so that it can control you but blame you because you have it and the enemy will come and give you a bad thought and then blame you cuz you have it so we get into that subsequent so we go to the first Corinthians when Paul said I would not that you have fellowship with Devils people don't really understand what he meant because Christians don't have any so they're there well that's why some people teach daughter of Abraham had one Jesus cast it out as pretty of infirmity and daughter of Abraham that's pretty close the the issue is this is that what it says I would not that you have fellowship with Devils if we make fear part of our persona or our personality and then live by the precepts of fear whether it's fear failure fear fear of man or whatever it is we're having fellowship with a spirit of fear that's exactly what he meant now without I hear you over your bubbling without what our faith is impossible please God so you can't pace guy with here take it away I see just Papa my guess well it's not really I don't I like it when you do that okay well I just want to say that you know I did feel when she said those demons and she got a because she's mad at him you know kinda you know which was what we should be I felt a shudder to like I I / I perceived that there was in this room yes that's that that that was not the proper thing to talk about and the thing is well I don't know if it's proper or not I just think it's just people just they're so so superstitious about it but I just really appreciated the the singer Carmen back in the day because he really was the one that just cut through that stuff and he talked about it he sang about it doubles and manifested his concerts he would have someone cast out of devil I mean because Christian he broke the propriety of it that you know that you if you really are a Christian you don't talk about those things okay you know it's kind like when when parents need to finally talk you know to their children about what you expect when they get married okay it's like when people don't do it then problems happen okay parents they have a responsibility to when they time for the kids to get out of the nest that they have all they understanding and what it looks like to be an adult to the best of their ability well the church has the same responsibility to talk about these things and amongst them and bring it to the light so we can get him out okay yeah I mean I mean if you talk about flushing it and all that kind of stuff and charmin land I mean what's it devil okay we should be able to talk about devils and demons and we should be able to be like Lois was those demons because they're mad cuz she's mad at them cuz they mess with her life and ripped her off I mean that we should be talking like that for it's written that's right it is written that they're in the Bible you know III was don't call it a demon or devil whatever you talk about is purely a yucky pokey it's a bad spirit I'm gonna I'm gonna use the with your oh yeah an issue we're gonna give a test for a situation we use the word yucky pucky with children because we don't want them going home talking about demons to their parents so they can talk about yucky puppies and so I used I coined the word yucky punky because it rhymed and one day a person came into her for my life program it came to me and said do you really realize what you're saying I said should i they said I looked up their word nukkie and pookie and you are absolutely saying it correct because I know you're talking about an evil spirit I said yeah uh-huh they said the word yucky means evil the word pucky is spirit the word pucky in the dictionary means spirit so a yucky pucky is an evil spirit get those critters out get those critters out we were we were doing a five-day conference in it Anglican Church in Singapore I've traveled a lot and it was stilled about a thousand people and the place is filled and most of our Christians and I was teaching on fear and I said fear is an evil spirit that comes to program us to train us in the law of sin I wonder if there are any evil spirits of fear hiding in this building today and I said let's find out and I began to speak in Jesus name spirit of fear fear of man fear failure in Jesus name come come out come out come on and people begin to manifest in the balcony down they had a ministry team just in case and the membership team was running here and there trying to get these people that because the place exploded with spirits of fear manifesting when the sprit of God I with me at the same time put his finger on those spirits he says you him it you you're there you're gonna manifest so we can get you out it was the most incredible thing to watch you know I was thinking about that you said about the lady who approached you who had done the work and found out what yucky pucky was well you also back in that time period used to call them critters - you should call them critters yeah I used to have a head hunting hat because somebody gave it to you because you said call them critters yeah head of honey yet there won't be any quitters till we bagged some critter meaning yeah quitters threw a bag of some critters right and but the other thing I wanted to bring up I see David's here too the other thing that I want to bring up is this lady that we had a talent show back in those days we had so much fun during stuff like that but anyway it got you big and became the production we had costumes from New York and that's too much well it was fun and we hit this lady she she composed a song and this is how it went yeah keep our keys yeah keep puppies yeah keep puppies gotta get those creators out there was so much fun and she's now she she'd come and play a piano we had it during the talent show she had verses chipping I don't remember bored here there and she's getting up and being the mango yeah keep uh key anyway yes David I just want to say a couple things I when Louis use it was using more demons I was really happy she was using the word because and I can you know relate to the journey of you know maybe feeling uneasy and you know we don't always know what's going on with that but I you know I think there's a reason why even you said you felt a shudder when she said that because that is what their name really is even even if you look I mean I know the King James entertained his word devils and we do and we know we're talking about but even there were Devils in the Greek is Diablos which is like Satan himself but demon is diamond or something like that demon and when you say the word demon they have just the lights just been right there and and I know for me that even though there was a journey of kind of getting to be okay with that and more at peace with that and things like that when I would refer to the Moors issues or try to go more neutral with it it became my issue it became my psychology my thinking as though I thought the worst thing that could have happened to me was it is it became my issue became my psyche have as my psychology so I wasn't ever able to effectively separate myself from a demon and and so anyway just you know just just I don't know if I want to say the word be careful but you know be thoughtful that how you use this thing the people how you use it it may become part of your psychology or you may you may begin to make it part of your psychology very easily even depending on the wording of how we understand it so or sometimes in Christianity there have been teachings that have diminished that Kingdom as only applying to unsaved people and there is a teaching out there that that indicates that when you're born again you're immune to that Kingdom and you don't have an evil spirit and so I don't want they know what 10th what temptation really really means I just get down home on this what Paul said if you want to believe an apostle he said I want to do good but don't do it and even I wish I wouldn't do that's what I do and the good that I wish I would do I don't do it Oh wretched man that I am he says so in the day that I that I do not the good that I wish it is no longer I that I'm doing the evil but sin that dwells in me now I don't know what you're gonna do with that because in in in my journey sin has always been the result of a being because sin always involves thought and thought does not exist apart from a being that thinks either visible or invisible so you cannot have thought without a being behind it so you're not tempted by yourself you're not tempted by ethereal thinking on the astral plane there's actually a kingdom that has access to speak to you spirit to spirit and through theta brainwave activity you perceive those thoughts and feelings and impressions at the soul or psychological level so that that Kingdom wants you to respond but it will give you those thoughts as if it were your own mind and then you blame yourself this is the tragedy of ignorance the enemy gives you a bad thought then blames you because you embraced it then when you act out on it he really blames you when all he's doing is living vicariously through you and he's happy and you're tormented so I think the reluctance you know I was I was reading a little little book by Derek Prince that our team's been reading and and he made a statement that Jesus never released anyone to ministry unless he first gave them power over evil spirits and all manner of disease one of the first critical components of being asked to serve beginning with the twelve and the 70 and on in through is your ability to cast an evil spirit out as a son or daughter of God I think we've got a we've lost a lot of territory and superstition and fear I think there's lot of ignorance I think that a lot of our leaders have become codependent with sin the Bible says in last days of those that will call evil good and good evil I think we're almost here in some areas so I decided to make an issue of this and we did here this morning not to irritate you with the word demon or devil or evil spirit or unclean spirit or spirit of infirmity how many more spirits can identify from Scripture deaf and dumb spirit deaf and dumb spirit so all of a sudden we're surrounded by Scripture that we deny even exist for it is written and so we avoid it I just encourage you to put away your antipathy to the subject because it's very scriptural very biblical if you're not sure if you're not sure I've got a great teaching so they'll bone the bookstore on CD or DVD it'll take about a year to get through it but so what you've been around a long time already but not much success my little knowledge and it's called spirit world reality's understanding the invisible world of spirit beings and how they function even over societies even over nations the genius of mankind the word genius literally means guiding spirit that a person is born with and guides them through an entire life folks we are so ignorant about Satan's devices it's pathetic well I think we're coming to the end of our service but can I think it would be expedient that we move ahead but can I do something I just I've just been experimenting with something since Friday night and as I've been sitting here throughout this whole service I have songs that have come to me like 17 of them literally okay now I'm not gonna sing all of them but I'm gonna I want you to hear what they are okay I'm gonna sing them and then I must just a little bit of them behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh is there anything is there anything too hard for me O God thou art my god and I will ever praise you the blood the Jesus shed for me I love the father I love his holy son I love the spirit I loved three-in-one that was Friday night boom boom boom boom my soul escapes like a bird out of the snare of the Fowler now this is all because of some things people have said this is what happened I just jotted it yes although all today he opened up the gates of righteousness for me he opened up the gates of righteousness for me I will go in praise His name for he ever is the same he opened up the gates of righteousness for me praise the Lord all ye nations praise Him all lovey people for his merciful kindness it's great hate towards us and the truth of the Lord will endure forever praise ye the Lord praise ye the Lord okay that's one um when the enemy comes in like a flood when the enemy comes in like a flood the Lord what's good the Lord will lift up a standard and that's marble that one by Micah this is the day this is the day that the Lord has made that the Lord has made clean 11 yep I will rejoice I will rejoice and be glad in it we will triumph in the huh Lord we will go on as never before for greater is he that makes me overcome um amen Lord you are more precious than silver Lord you are more costly than gold Lord you are more beautiful than diamonds and nothing I desire compares with you as the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after thee you alone or my heart's desire and I long to worship thee then there's this one everywhere I look I see your hand on me it's really hard for me to sing that one without a guitar everywhere I look I see you're setting me free the joy of the Lord is my strength the joy of the Lord is my strength the joy of the Lord is my strength the joy of the Lord is my strength we bring the sacrifice of door into the house of the Lord we bring sacrifice of joy into the house of the Lord of course and we're offering up to you and then this one this is right about when Louis is speaking humble yourself in the side of the Lord humble yourself in the side of the Lord and he will if you up higher and higher and he will lift you up and the last one on my list is it's no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me it's no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me he lives he lives jesus is alive in me it's no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me now you guys just got to view what happens to me and a service this happens all the time so if I say every song I just I have I probably is the one that's pushing to the forefront because I have at least this many and a service isn't that amazing I just like so if you think that the things you hear throughout your life don't stay somewhere they do you know so thanks for letting me share that I know right I'm just gobsmacked me too I just I'm so surprised but I hope those words really blessed you and those those songs so they blessed me well there's a song for everything just ask my kids give each other a hug and a smile you're dismissed god bless you god bless you you
Channel: Be in Health
Views: 7,936
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Keywords: Be in Health, beinhealth, henry wright, dr henry wright, pastor henry wright, food allergies, disease, allergies
Id: uabC5KZwb50
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Length: 157min 21sec (9441 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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