Autoimmune Disease - Behind the Scenes Discussion with Dr. Henry Wright

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hey everybody it's David Leavitt with being health and I have with me dr. Henry Wright president and founder of being health and I don't if you know this or not but I'm going to tell you now we have a conference coming up August 25th on a real solutions to autoimmune disease and it's gonna be awesome conference and we're just kind of going through dr. Wright actually won't be the one teaching it but thrilled to hear this and so some of the team here will be but we love to in you know you've got years of understanding and experience in this field and so really what we're doing right now is or what I'm doing is I'm picking his brain and getting the all the information as much as we can out and then we'll use that as we are building the teaching for autoimmune so what we figured was we would include you in on some of the background research so well because because I'm not the one teaching this that gives us the depth behind our presentation for you all that doesn't stand or fall based on just what I've said because this information should be known by everyone so I'm thrilled that our team here is gathering the maturity to be a resource to you for your benefit in God's glory excellent so what we're gonna do dr. right is we're just gonna go through some of the most common autoimmune diseases out there oh that people deal with obviously there's what is it 85 maybe I think 85 or 87 I've read on you know different audio mewn disorders mm-hmm and that's quite a few it is and obviously we won't have time to discuss every single one in detail and you know what's really interesting behind all autoimmune diseases when you get into the medical science there's a statement that is made incurable mmm-hmm I have to tell you there is no such thing as incurable in the kingdom of God right so we see many autoimmune disorders that have been totally healed by God including those that we're talking about today in fact every autoimmune disease which is well known they're there these are if I could says household name diseases not just to those that are affected by them we have seen complete healing restoration from all of these you know you can take the different body parts and whether it be the nerves or the skin or the connective tissue the organs as a lupus and so on and you can concentrate on all of these body parts and give them names called autoimmune disorders while you don't even think about white corpuscles and how do they fit into the picture you guys are going to teach this yeah yep and so rather than being concerned about managing or micromanaging the symptoms of autoimmune diseases why don't we get the immune system to calm down and concentrate on the real enemy like bacteria cancer cells go eat them for a while let's start to start out here with a very common autoimmune disease and that is diabetes one tell us what's happening in the body and what have you seen over the years that would be causing the immune system to respond in this way to attack that particular body part well in in all autoimmune disorders something happens in the meril in which something takes over the function of a white corpuscle reprograms that literally reprograms it to recognize the antigen marker everything in life everything that's in your body has an antigen marker that the immune system is to recognize as a friend or a foe and when the way God created us things that our foe God created our immune system to recognize that as a invader mm-hmm and destroy it literally go eat it until it's gone so so with this understanding and we get into the immune system now recognizing that the actually in diabetes one the the the pancreas which is supposed to you know release the proper amount of insulin mm-hmm doesn't now diabetes one in diabetes - there's some other confusion diabetes - is a disease at all but unfortunately we've thrown everything in diagnosis salt disease well is there a disease true organic disease and a syndrome in the case of diabetes one it is a true disease because the immune system is attacking the pancreatic islets of the pancreas and actually eating and destroying the pancreatic islets of produce the insulin so it's the pancreatic islets the have the antigen marker that these white corpuscles say ah bad McGoo eat until judge and so you don't have the proper amount of insulin mhm diabetes - on the other hand is that there is a mind-body connection disconnect in which the pancreatic islets that are there producing insulin don't produce them correctly or in the right amount and so it's a syndrome where something is causing something in diabetes - if what is triggering that pancreas not to properly release insulin is dealt with the pancreas is is is fine the pancreas is not diseased it's just not functioning something's interfering with its function so getting back for the question in diabetes one of course we have the body attacking the body now in the allergies in the autoimmune teaching that your coming in the conference and I don't want to give all that away but I will say this that in all autoimmune when we did the research mm-hmm and it was astounding to find this that in all autoimmune diseases I'm not going to use the word disorders and when you work disease organic destruction mm-hmm there is the organic destruction to the pancreatic islets to produce insulin now that distinguish the differences between that and non-bacterial inflammation we have a congregation of white corpuscles interfering with function so I want to make sure there's a distinction note here what triggers what know what's causing this is highly spiritual there is a kingdom that is able to access our biology but it needs our permission in our spirituality and our personality you know we've known for years the subject of the mind-body connection but we've never understood spirits or body connections none thought science hasn't teach you if I sign something boys what I can see so it's never going to understand things that are able to give us thoughts that causes our body not to function correct so in the understanding of autoimmune disorders the body is the person's actually allergic to themselves baby that's they rather be if I'm I'm allergic I'm allergic to you know this I'm allergic to that and that could fall under you know traditional IgE mediated allergies it could be psychogenic allergies but in this case the person is allergic to that is an incredible thought mhm am I really allergic to myself and why am i allergic to myself well in diabetes one usually has its door point entrance in childhood not always but involves an atmosphere of existence that the environment of not being accepted and loved put down sometimes children get get diabetes early because of a toxic environment and the family were a parent is is not really kind to them there's a lot of dysfunctional families and so you have you have a person have this feeling that there's something wrong with me mmm I have not won it why would I not be loved like I mean they struggle with that conflict it's it's it's a whole conflict so that releases the body to attack the body because a person is being rejected by another mm-hm so they reject themselves hmm and and positionally they don't have the ability and so there's a spirit of infirmity that comes and and and you know Jesus in the Bible first cast out of spirit infirmity one time when he went when he healed he cast out his spirit of infirmity to go and it left and then he laid hands on that person and they were healed that is a powerful Scripture mm-hmm our science could hear me talk right now because that indicates sometimes our diseases are caused by an evil spirit and yes I used the word evil spirit or should I just be more mature and call it spirit of infirmity it's still in the Oh spirit that that tracks us in our personalities in our spirituality and our bodies conform so as a man thinks in his heart so is he mm-hmm a man it's a big day of it you know even in the field of epigenetics David science is now saying that even even thought even it can be inherited can cause a gene to express itself incorrectly it's not genetically changed there's no genetic code defect it just doesn't do what it's supposed to do because thought has affected how it responds that is the field of epigenesis for probably over 30 years I could have a doctor did it no it's gonna make whatever genetics and we don't we don't look at thought we look at the biology only so diabetes one is a very serious disease in which the white corpuscles actually at the pancreatic islets and eat them that's very big 10 L oftentimes not always but oftentimes as you're saying I'm just trying to clarify what I heard they they're going into a place of self rejection because they possibly been rejected not feeling accepted and loved and dirty exactly exactly and there are so many again and there's so many dysfunctional families now sometimes children get diabetes one when they're really small it may not be some things are inherited even even your allergies IgE mediated allergies are all inherited that means you can track them in family trees so it isn't that it says you're just allergic to this yes your whole family generational we call it we call that generational iniquity that's tracking and it all involves thought well well let's let's go on to another common autoimmune disease and that's lupus lupus tell us a little bit about what you know about lupus I know a lot about lupus and they see many people healed of loop and lupus again is an autoimmune the white corpuscles have decided that there's an antigen marker on the connective tissue of the organs that's primary lupus so the connective tissues organs are they in real enemy not the background I got it this time it has to happen to be the connective tissue organs well the organs of our body is the is the essence of who we are know our organs is is the core of our biology you have your mind then you have your inner workings and so all this has an expression so in this particular case the inner workings you know if you ever ever sometimes been afraid of somebody or whatever and you you felt inside something jump mm-hmm have you felt that oh yeah if you felt something help it was like oh my heart's racing her I thought it's Joan well that's how your organs are so I've easily affected by so many things a lupus happens to be an interesting door point because its primary trigger point is guilt hmm I had them I had a lady years ago that had really extreme lupus but she also had multiple miscarriages for ten years mm-hmm ten children two sets of twins what do you think you think she had some guilt and along with the profile now and this is a great testimony because the person was telling me he loved lupus and coming through that release of guilt from all that the person became pregnant had their first child hmm come in of our ministry that's a powerful testament ten miscarriages yeah putting two sets of twins Wow and all that was dealt with when one issue was dealt with called guilt not only not only was the womb released to have a child because it was happening in utero the white corpuscles were doing two things the micro pulses were doing two things they were doing the eating part and then we're doing the white corpuscle Convention where they gather reducing inflammation and so what was happening in in the in the lupus they were coming eating eating the connective tissue dorgon's was very painful but over here what was happening in causing the miscarriages is that guilt was releasing out immune activity from the mother against the child in which the white corpuscles are congregating on the umbilical cord producing non-bacterial inflammation and the MIL cohort would because inflammation would squeeze shut and the child would be a fixated in utero second trimester this wasn't a tremendous learning curve for me because we got it we got a healing of lupus and we got a release for having a child mom now this opens up a big conversation doesn't it mmm guilt is a powerful said she she had the foundation of guilt I mean the whole package is right here and one thing to lose children but then as she's personally being attacked hmm it was all because of guilt Wow and so when she when she was released from the guilt was able to forgive herself understand the works of how you know the bible's has been on aiding those Satan's devices we able to show her from our study of the word in science and all that we do and all that we know how the enemy was coming her children sure right down to biology could show it right down to spirituality and personality she got saved she got converted she got changed she had a complete personality change and none of that came more life and none of that came to heal me wow that's awesome I think it's awesome that's I mean you get a healing and then you get more life coming like that's that's great and I know in the and even in the teaching we're new August 25th they're gonna be a whole section on guilt and really yeah the profile of guilt and how the enemy has really snuck in there with that so well it's a guilt guilt is so serious because it it defies the risen Christ and forgiveness that's yeah I mean it's such an antichrist the gospel yeah you know I mean in in guilt doesn't come from God no so why hang on to things that don't come from God in your personality I'm asking a very legitimate question something to think about for sure so okay diabetes one lupus how about rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid arthritis the bad boy rheumatoid arthritis is where the immune system again the white corpuscles are influenced by something intelligent called a spirit of infirmity which causes that white corpuscle to look at the connective cartilage of the joints and say ah you're the enemy this time it's not the connective tissue of the organs this time is not the pancreatic islets of the pancreas ah it's the connective so what happens is that as this is inflammation comes and is this eating away at the cartilage occurs you have you have the you have an early you have the yeah oh yeah I you have the little informed yeah because because all all the connective stuff is make it possible for it to be flexing so we get into rheumatoid arthritis that's skeleton the other was organs mm-hmm and there was pancreas which is part organs the skeleton is identity hmm so when you get an identity and you get into you know I think pastor Donna has a great teaching called the cynic comparisons she does have a great teaching come and we're so busy comparing ourselves to others to have our identity now we are fearfully and wonderfully made and the hand of God is upon us individually I'm gonna clone as somebody else neither of you I'm not the image of some other human not at all on the image of God so those that that that suffer from Anna from an image problem they suffer they suffer from from the south accusation remember I said all autoimmune disorders a person is allergic to themselves this is camera another study of science and immune system so how am i allergic to myself in rheumatoid I don't accept myself as I am and there's something in theory about me I'm a missing link all right whatever and so a self accusation so it's a very big not the identity issue that produces Alzheimer's that's a different one this one has to do with personal identity wow that's I never knew that about rheumatoid arthritis specifically you know this is what's great about our conversation you know is you've taught and there's understanding and many people watch this probably know the big sure if autoimmune self versus self but in these we're getting very specific about the thought process the perspective the life perspective how they even view themselves in the world and God I this is this is good stuff here well I think it is because because it brings it into focus not generic right because we have many areas of thought that make up our personalities and everybody's different because they have different pathways but some of the pathways that we have were pathways of our parents and grandparents people don't realize that thought can be inherited not biologically but there is a kingdom known as familiar spirits mmm-hmm now I know we don't like to talk about spirits again because it makes us nervous we can't see them we're afraid of it and never told me get born again and we don't have to worry about them then you're no longer tempted right okay I wish you know you're tempted and who you tempted by yourself by God or by a kingdom that's assigned to you well it's time to grow up I think part of defeating diseases becoming mature in our thinking mmm-hmm you know absolutely and so you know these thoughts that are that are inherited or are it's right there and it's right there you know it says it's simply not understand exodus chapter 20 verse 5 and 6 they would not really understand it when it says the iniquities of the father's should we visited to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me but to then that love me and keep my Commandments blessings to thousands and thousands and people in context of the scripture it's generations you know that that's 40,000 years you know we're only down five thousand seven hundred and forty few years down from Adam so those blessings I haven't even the generation hadn't been born yet for these blessings of those are the day God that's built right into the prophetic this is the most incredible authentic statement of blessings they can be found in the word in Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 but there's a class that will test none hunter even know more you didn't wanna read that I want to read blessings to 40,000 years yeah you come on now say Amen or out one of the other well what you said are true another artist that was that was deep well that was good what is the effect mmm oh it changes her identity and make send them to into into they become influenced because they don't and then they they they're deformed and they really have an image issue they have an image issue way after you know they're not looking so that isn't exactly where they're at Wow what about multiple sclerosis multiple sclerosis is again another autoimmune disorder in which some white corpuscles decide the myelin sheath like I got that little cord right here see it does it got my microphone there's I guess rub with it rubber or some uh like what is around this thing something synthetic but inside is a wire copper carrying electricity and so this protects me from huh the electricity it also predicts the electricity cord from being interfere with mm-hmm so this is your nervous system every nerve you have looks like this okay so the white corpuscles have this influencer comes again a spirit of infirmity which tells the white corpuscle um the energy marker on this nerve you see is the real enemy go destroy it sorry comes the white corpuscle it comes and it takes a little bite out of the myelin sheath that's called a scoliosis hmm multiple sclerosis is multiple bites this is good education here right it's multiple bites so what happens is that the nerve is short-circuited worse the white corpuscle is capable of severing the electrical cord itself once it get past the myelin sheath it takes another bite and you have loss of nerve activity progressively which involves loss of limb activity even to the point eventually you they can't even swallow well because everything is shut down this is a very horrible disease because it incapacitate the person totally and this I'm gonna say it bluntly it's deeply rooted in self hatred why am I here who cares is the big issue Oh Who am I I forgot to ask Who am I why am I here and who cares it's past that end of the issue of rheumatoid arthritis David it's deeper than that hmm the MS represents a total rejection of one's identity not a conflict with it which promoted arthritis is more of a conflict with that identity okay that makes sense the MS is a total total wreak how do I say this a total removal of one's identity because it's rooted in the self-hatred what is self-hatred why am I here you see Who am I Who am I here who cares there are forces that come to accuse us to our self Satan if we ever believed the Bible we should is the accuser of the Brethren he accuses them before them before God day and night so sometimes I tell people when you feel these deep deep feelings of self accusation these deep feelings of self-loathing in and this eye deep deep identity conflict you're actually hearing the voice of that accusing spirit that's accusing you to God mmm and now you're hearing it that's why you're told in Scripture and second Corinthians 10:5 or six you're told to hold every thought captive you don't have to be ruled by your thoughts and feelings and emotions you're to be ruled by the Word of God period and here's what the Word of God says about you you are fearfully and wonderfully made and the hand of God is upon you you're even known as sons and daughters if you're born again you're known as the sons and daughters of the Living father you're engraved upon the palms of his hands your names are written down in heaven you'd be 12th to the Sun one day come on and you're fighting with your identity you need a conversion this is good stuff all right just sayin y'all you got to watch this this conference it's gonna be good okay so we've talked about diabetes one lupus rheumatoid arthritis MS let's talk about psoriasis psoriasis is a non immune disorder in which the white corpuscles take it take information from some invisible force that it's listening to biologically a spirit of infirmity again that programs it to recognize the antigen marker on the external skin of the human this time it's skin mm-hmm and it be then white corpuscles to come and begin to eat the skin producing alteration bleeding scaling and as to this incredible disfiguring disease remember it is essential that we remember that when the word autoimmune disorders are used the first place we have to go to and our thinking number one is the bottom line of medical research that I found the person is allergic to themselves in each of these autoimmune disorders that you've been asking me about David it always has involved form of a person being allergic to themselves so the body is attacking the body because we're attacking ourselves and our identities so if we not like the power life and death are in the tummy is well it isn't our thought life - either out of our heart for seeds what life or death also yeah keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life the issues of life doesn't doesn't it say that it says that so this isn't this this is a big issue is that when you got born again you became a son and a daughter of the father hello the truth to the son one day hello you're fearfully and wonderfully made the hand of God is upon you your names are written down in heaven you're engraved upon the palms of his hands I don't think you're rejected by God so why are you rejecting yourself why are you allergic to yourself God's not allergic to you so if God's not allergic to you and He loves you something has got in between you and God now that's my little sermon the issue is this psoriasis is external so there is an issue of the need to be loved every human is built with a desire to be loved unless something interferes with it if a person doesn't feel loved they feel rejected and then they reject themselves they become allergic to no cells so this is a deep-seated place of not having an identity in God you may have an identity in the world do you may have identity in your families he may be very successful in the world in your families but there's a disconnect with God God is the author of what he created he's the sustainer what he created so we dismissed God as part of the equation what do we have that's profound what you said you may have an identity in the world but not in God right that's a quite a distinction though it is only we think about in the church and then that be of God you know how many fabricated personalities do we have yeah Wow you ever see a person with a fabricated personality they're actors or actresses mm-hmm so this this disorder comes to do the most damage in the obvious skin and it's very very very ugly looking what about Crohn's disease Crohn's disease it's quite similar actually dealt straight of colitis mm-hmm the Australia colitis is none on in disorder right it's a stress disorder and we'll talk about that some of the time Crohn's disease is where something can come since influences the white core puzzles to say oh it's the intestine is a real enemy so the white corpuscles recognize antigen marker on the lining of the intestine and they come and begin to just like almost MS they take a bite and and that bite produces an inflammation infant an alteration and then the bleeding the bleeding and and so the body is attacking the body at the intestine level in the case histories that I've done over the years in and Crohn's disease I've come up with an astounding conclusion from case histories okay a person who gets Crohn's disease is a person that thinks they have to do everything right everybody around them will be happy it's a performance disorder and so it comes along with some guilt because the person doesn't feel they doing anything right but there's this driven us to do it right and they don't want anybody to be unhappy because of it I'm ready yeah so Crohn's disease is actually in the in the Crohn's disease we become absolutely false burden bearers of other that was one of the things I said years ago as person gets Crohn's disease is a false burden bearer false burger okay I pick up other people's issues that blame themselves because of it I'm remembering one of my teachings but they blame themselves because the other person is unhappy are not doing well as if they're responsible for their failure and even there's not a problem they hyperventilate over the fact that that might be a problem it's a constant constant self conflict issue of a performance Wow well boys is good stuff lastly one talk about C which your get your thoughts on Hashimoto's disease well that's a big one we can go to hypothyroidism which is a syndrome mm-hmm it's not a true disease we can go to Graves disease which is an autoimmune disorder mm-hmm Graves disease is one of those which produces high was it was a hyper mm-hmm they're hyper hyper thyroidism is Graves disease hyperthyroidism is Graves disease which the thyroid is are produced in thyroxine mmm and that's autoimmune activity like white corpuscle material we know those are white corpuscles having mention it's it's non-bacterial inflammation causing you know it's filling the eyes and a little big go later and so on Hashimoto disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the white corpuscles again say that the thyroid is the enemy mm-hmm and they come to destroy the thyroid so when you have these disorders guess what the doctor does he does radioactive iodine procedures and destroys your thyroid just solve you from the problem well he didn't even need the devil's help you just joined the devil in the conclusion hmm we'll just go ahead and take the thyroid out we'll destroy it I know it was a case of Graves disease that was just not exactly Hashimoto's you ask me about Hashem who knows I won't get the whole testimony but I had a gal that was advanced and Graves disease that going her and all the stuff and but she had become a false burden bearer for others and went down under it as is she was a savior of a person but some people because I hear truth doesn't mean a hill of beans they want the answers from you given the answer they do nothing with it if I'm one of my greatest grief says as a leader over the years as God only has taught me some things that would help people and I give him the truth and they're offended or they just don't follow through with a procedure of reclaiming their identities in their spirituality to reach that God will come and heal them is so so sad mmm but this gal did and she went from Graves disease to no great disease when she decided that God was God and she wasn't and then you can do so much to help people but you can't live a life for them mm-hmm well so in the attacking of the thyroid what what have you found to be the culprit behind that in the case of in the case of the thyroid dysfunction you're being attacked and we're talking about immune we'll stay with it right there if you get into Graves disease it's a performance disorder where fear of failure where the person goes then under the fact that they're not measuring up and then the word is they're not they hold themselves responsible for it other people mm-hmm Hashimoto out the other case is in deeply rooted in self accusation hmm a lot of people are so under these days of voices that talk to them and feelings that come and it actually moves strongly into the deepest part what is a person being allergic to themselves because it involves elimination of oneself they don't realize it but they've come into remotest fear to death and we cannot come into agreement the spirit of death I don't care what our thoughts are not one person out here listening to me right now has done anything that was called the unpardonable sin breathe in breathe out be nice being kind to yourself we live in the age of the dispensation of grace and mercy breathe in breathe out you're not living on the head of it on the head of a pin nothing is all black and white relax you're not the problem the devil is there quit listening to him and choose life not death the Bible says it choose life not death is that what the word says choose life not death okay we got it good stuff doctor right thank you so much for speaking into these specific diseases and again we're gonna be covering these and other aspects of autoimmune disease dr. not October August the 5th yes ah and be live-streamed so you can watch it anywhere in the world and and honestly you know this is the this is the research that we do with doctorate behind the scenes if he's on the one teaching and you know we dig in and we just thought we'd let she'll listen in so hey we look forward to seeing you there thank you for your time doctor you're welcome god bless you
Channel: Be in Health
Views: 45,057
Rating: 4.8833332 out of 5
Keywords: Be in Health, beinhealth, henry wright, dr henry wright, pastor henry wright, food allergies, disease, allergies, autoimmune, Diabetes I, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Psoriasis, Crohn's, Hashimoto's
Id: 4vyoZxzUMVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 24sec (2364 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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