Insights into Degenerative Disc Disease, Hip Dysplasia, & Osteoarthritis - Dr. Henry Wright

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I was hoping that you could expound on the generative disk diseases hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis next question please [Laughter] there there is several ways to look at this I had kind of conversation with somebody walking over here wow it's actually in the men's room talking about degenerate degenerative disc disease or bone coming out of an accident years ago and I was sparring back and forth so I don't teach that all disease has a spiritual issue and people misunderstand that I say 80% do there are things that happened because of accidents or things that happen in life and so on so but in this case that you're asking me I'm going to take the position of a spiritual issue and from years of experience your body is a responder to how you think and but your body isn't just responded because it's thinking your body really doesn't think at all it really is being manipulated by things that do think you know one time Jesus before he laid hands on someone to heal them he first cast out a spirit of infirmity that was causing the disorder spirit of infirmity sometimes Jesus would cast out the spirit of insanity he cast out the spirit of epilepsy I remember a few years ago we're doing a conference in Houston and there was a couple brought their nine-year-old daughter to us that they were trying to train her to be an Olympic gold medalist in her journey in skating but she was having seizures well you can't go on be a figure skater and win medals as you grow up and have seizures so I'd had some experience with epilepsy as an evil spirit because Jesus dealt with epilepsy as an evil spirit but not all epilepsy is because of evil spirits so after a while we start to understand that a lot of things in our journey of growing up in this thing but I know about Jesus did he cast out the spirit and the spirit no longer to the kid down or convulsions or into the fire or whatever and this conference was pretty busy and this couple brought the daughter to me and I told my wife I said you handle this she said me yeah he'll work with you and you just went for it you do it and talk come talk about it's your story what am I telling you a story for what happened to this tell the story well actually during that time we were kind of broke up in different groups and I came to you and said there's a girl here who has epilepsy and I think I told you all the story you just said a sweet girl sweet girl and I just really had a burden for her because I want to see her free she had dreams and she wouldn't do things and so I I really wanted him to come pray with her I said will you come please do this cuz I really want to see her free and I I know I know she will be if you go and he said no I said no he said you you do it me and I have to remember you know the story I was raising kids on the little blanket at the conferences I was just kind of overseeing some stuff but I didn't expect for me to do this I wasn't doing it back then and he'll work with you he said he'll work with you the father will work with you by his Spirit and I said I looked at him and I went well he's got faith that I can do it and he says I can do it so I'm just gonna go do it so I did I just went and and dealt with it and I cast a spirit of epilepsy out of her and and commanded her to be free in the name of Jesus and that's all I did and I just believed this young lady never had another seizure ever again and she was ace junior silver medalist in the Olympics and where I'm in archives and she's been there place I think it was about I wanna see five years ago maybe cuz this was quite a while ago and I we were head church and I think I don't know I think she might have came to it for my life I can't remember but anyway I was up on the platform talking with some people and I felt this little tapping on my shoulder and we had seen them when she was younger quite a bit cuz her family would kind of a lot of conferences and stuff I hadn't seen her in years and years and years so I felt this little tapping on my shoulder and I looked up and I said I looked at this girl and she's this do you remember me now she's not a girl anymore she's a young woman okay and I looked at her eyes I thought she is so familiar what is it about her she goes it's me and then she told me her name oh my gosh they're my runner here she's married got kids and stuff now but she says I have never forgotten ever will ever forget that day and I said me there sweetie and so I mean just just blessed my heart and God worked with me and I I wasn't sure I cuz I never did it before so he can work with you I have in my archives I the family sent me pictures for newspapers of her skating and then standing there with a medal around her and they would send stuff like this to me as proven and so that was a kind of interesting thing the reason I went there is because we're talking about evil spirits again which is a very uncomfortable conversation for most people hey accept believers believers are never intimidated by evil spirits only Christians I did evil spirits can be behind many of our infirmities when you have body parts that begin to disintegrate which is your question usually what I have found especially like an osteoarthritis or spondylosis or degenerative disc disease and some of the loss of calcium and and so on I have found self versus self conflict one of the biggest things that I have found in humans including Christians that they don't like themselves they don't have a value system for their own identity always comparing ourselves to somebody else or they grew up in an atmosphere where they weren't affirmed by a parent 90 to 95 percent we assumed let's look in this room I'd never been wrong one time in over 30 years any words in the world this is the beginning of the problem I'm going to ask a question when asked a question those are in the room I want you to raise your hand high I'm going to raise my hand high because I'm part of the profile and when I ask you to raise your hand don't give me any little duck flaps give me high five and I want you to look around at the hands up and you thought you were the only person that was suffering from this void and you're gonna find in this room as small as it is at least 90% of every one of you will raise your hand if what I have observed happens today actually what you see could be the beginning of your own healing because the enemy wants you to think you're the only one that wasn't affirmed there comes the question you ready for it how many of you growing up as children do not remember hearing your earthly father say these words to you I love you look around look around 90 percent thank you I learned something else and I said I've traveled extensively in my time worldwide different cultures it's all the same things that are common to many other things that common to man I've come to an incredible incredible observation that at least 90% of all of Christianity worldwide historically and even to the day that I speak is made up of men and women and children who never heard the earthly father say to them these words I love you the Father in heaven he said he's a father to the fatherless do you remember reading that God the Father has been searching out you kids finally you're sending his spirit to deal with you that you could be reconciled to a father that does love you the reason I know that he loves you is because what you didn't hear from your earthly father - there are three times the voice of the father is recorded in Scripture two of the three times the literal voice of the father is recorded is that a baptism of Jesus with John in the Mount of Transfiguration this is what is heard about Jesus this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased I'm a preacher's kid I never heard it maybe if I'd heard it and I had that information I wouldn't have lost those 20 years as an adult in sin where's 38 before I got saved you don't need to know about my 20 years in sin that's none of your business when I promise you like the rest of you perhaps or others it's always looking for love in the wrong places true because of the void you're created with the need to be affirmed I help people really understand a firm ation for someone 39 that before even your parents were conceived God knew you you're not an accident you're not a mistake you're a planned event that's why this Death Angel is stalking America killing our babies is such a horrible death angel because it's taking away the father's inheritance we're losing many apostles and prophets and statesmen they don't even make it to first base who do we think we are America doesn't understand the chastening that's headed its way until it repents I don't want it if here with God's inheritance do you so that's just a side thought back to your question see it's not the question takes so long as the answer is when we have degenerative diseases they usually are self versus self rejection accusation conflict and the body begins to break down also sometimes envy and jealousy can be a factor what's envy and jealousy is comparing ourselves to others and what others have we love but we hate them because they have it and we don't see nd and jealousy hates the person but love is the thing that they are in proverbs 14 and says that Envy is a rottenness of the bone that's such things as osteoporosis that's loss of calcium Ness degeneration if you have your own identity you're not really lusting after somebody else's identity are you but some people don't have an identity don't have an affirmation when you became born again even if you are struggling with an affirmation you became a son and daughter of the living father is there any greater thing to be known as than a son of God or a daughter of God that's incredible it's incredible yeah but let me tell you about tell me about what the failure of your earthly father to affirm you why are you comparing him to him you air so we stumble over humans and sometimes avoid the acceptance of a living God so when I find degeneration especially generative distances also find the diction's when people have especially culture that the drug culture is spawning incredible honor people are gonna be hopping around with canes and wheelchairs because their spines are going to be in the crumble the disks are going to begin to dry up because that's one of the first things I seen coming out of addictive personalities is structural problems it's there all over the place then guess what you need painkillers more drugs more stuff so there's a lot to think about isn't there if you want to avoid some of these diseases in which your body parts start to dry up or to become vulnerable or start loving yourself I don't mean be stuck on yourself accept who you are you're fearfully wonderfully made the hand of God disappoint you at believe it embrace it next question you
Channel: Be in Health
Views: 9,236
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Keywords: Be in Health, beinhealth, henry wright, dr henry wright, pastor henry wright, food allergies, disease, allergies
Id: 3iXl8Gv-UXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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