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so as I was praying this week Lord what would you have me to share because pastor Wayne asked if I would share this week Joel Rosenberg will be here next week to share and then I'll share the last week the Sunday that we leave and God made it very clear as I was out praying he says I want you to share with everyone the overcoming power that is in me Messiah Yeshua to help people my people overcome envy and jealousy envy and jealousy so if you have your Bibles could you please turn with me to Galatians chapter 5 Galatians chapter 5 I'm going to start in verse 16 and then verses 19 through 21 Paul is listing here 17 evidences of walking in the flesh and he writes walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh now the works of the flesh are evident which are adultery fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousy outbursts I was outbursts of Wrath selfish ambitions dissensions heresies nd murders drunkenness revived revelries and the like let's pray lord I pray that you would teach us tonight how to walk in the spirit especially in regards to these evidences that will and are alive in people in these last days lord thank you that there is a fruit of the Spirit there are godly emotions directed in the right way that can bring glory to God thank you that joy is an emotion love is an emotion peace and patience wow what an emotion their god-given and if they're directed in the right way they even become holy fruit that God can use in fact they're even called fruit of the Spirit when they're done in a godly fashion giving God the glory but Lord there are evidences of walking in the flesh which is at enmity at enmity with the spirit so Lord teach us tonight how to be able to walk in the spirit in regards to these two fleshly human emotions amen how many of you have ever heard a message about these two human emotions of jealousy and envy really no raise them up higher well praise God I'm excited I've asked a couple of congregations that question and I saw one hand so I bless the Lord that a number of you have heard well was it the whole message or was it just a part of the message yeah you're all smiling well tonight you're gonna hear a whole message about these two things I think it's wonderful that God has given us emotions amen think about dull life would be if we did not feel anything we would walk around like robots I mean there would be no we would be dead without emotions so we can thank God that he gave us feelings and he gave us passions God created emotions to be a blessing but when they're stirred up negatively and dictate wrong behavior to us they can cause us to sin we are to be led by the spirit not by our feelings if you schewe had followed his emotions we would he would not have chosen the cross and we would not have a message of hope today what would have the definitions of jealousy and envy since we're focusing on these two emotions that are in all of us the two human emotions were going to look at are among what I believe are the least confessed sins the least confessed sins and listen as a pastor and being a believer for over 40 years I have hardly ever heard someone confess jealousy or envy it's always disguised with another name well here are the definitions jealousy is feeling hostile towards someone who seems to have an advantage someone who is in competition for something or someone that you want Envy Envy is resenting an advantage that is enjoyed by another person combined with the desire to possess the same advantage now these are attitudes of the heart but they are expressed in thoughts in words and in feelings they are motivated out of a love for oneself Paul encouraged us to live above these things in the spirit of God when he wrote Philippians 2 verses 3 & 4 here's what he wrote from the message translation don't push your way to the front don't sweet-talk your way to the top put yourself aside and help others get ahead don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage forget yourselves long enough to be servants of others now I think it's good for us to look at the difference between God's jealousy and our jealousy and since God created jealousy jealousy is in him as well but there's a difference between his and ours reading from Deuteronomy chapter 4 verses 23 and 24 the scripture says this take heed to yourselves lest you forget the Covenant of the Lord your God which he made with you and make for yourselves a carved image in the form of anything which the Lord your God has forbidden you for the Lord your God is a consuming fire and a jealous God we are in covenant with God so that means we are to only worship Him God has a right to be jealous over us and his jealousy is pure his jealousy is holy and it is motivated out of his perfect love for each of us his jealousy reflects his commitment to us and God is unwilling for anything to steal our affection away from him yet he does not control or smother us he wants us to choose to love him and when we are walking in his love for others we can feel his holy jealousy that they would also be faithful to him the Apostle Paul felt this way about the believers in Corinth when he wrote this in 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 2 I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy for I have engaged you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste pure virgin to Messiah when we are jealous for people to be pure before God that is holy jealousy but a human jealousy is very different it is very destructive in fact in our own human capacity we cannot handle this emotion properly because it smothers it enslaves it suffocates and it arises from a possessive love that has its roots in insecurity and that insecurity is often caused by our not knowing who we are or what we have because when we are secure we can love freely without demanding to be loved back in return we can enjoy the blessings that God gives us and we can rejoice equally when others are blessed our roots of security beloved here this tonight our roots of security are in God's of acceptance and provision they are not in the love and acceptance and provision of anyone else comparing ourselves with others can easily cause jealousy and envy jealousy causes us to believe that God has favorites that he blesses some more than others and he blesses most more than me false thinking it distorts our reasoning into believing that God has a special destiny for other people but not for me jealousy makes us forget the blessings that God has given all of us personally our talents our home our family and our friends so because of insecurity we end up comparing ourselves with others and when our comparisons with others lead us to believe that we are disadvantaged we become vulnerable to temptations of envy and jealousy and the temptations can come in a wide variety of different areas someone's good looks material possessions successful business or ministry finances a person's position their place of authority spiritual gifts skills or talents reputation the list is endless I remember when I was a budding trombone player anyway I carry my bone with me all the time now but as I was as I was getting better and better and practicing more and more I remember hearing this guy's recital and he played in such a spectacular way that I was almost drooling and I can remember I wanted that gift I wanted what he had I wanted it desperately so my father simply said ok you need to practice more I said I'll never get to be that good by practicing maurices yes you will it takes practice but nonetheless the temptation was there and I yielded to it because I saw something that someone else had that I wanted is mine after you schewe prophesied Peters future and his future was martyrdom in John chapter 21 I think it's interesting that Peter immediately asked about John's future I'm gonna die what about him I mean he immediately wanted to switch this thing here what about him and you schewe told Peter hey don't worry about John and he told them not to worry about what he would do with him so we two must not compare what God is doing with others with what God is doing with us we must take our eyes off of what others have and focus on what God has given to us when we are when we envy others we end up questioning God's sovereignty and God's wisdom in giving gifts and blessings as he chooses you know the sad thing is that jealousy results in death if we recognize jealousy in our lives and do not repent they can strangle God's love and his life within us and they will lead us into greater sin that's why we need to confess jealousy as sin because it is a fleshly emotion directed in a negative area that needs confession just like lying or dishonesty any element or emotion of the flesh that's moved into a negative domain needs to be confessed and repented of cane is an excellent example of someone who yielded to jealousy and what happened a murderous hatred followed and eventually he ended up killing his own brother but it started with envy and jealousy Genesis 4 you know there are ways to take someone's life without literal murder it is possible to kill love and to destroy relationships through slander through lying and through gossip we bring death when we lash out in anger or work against what others are trying to accomplish and all those these attacks usually do not cause immediate physical death they can put a literal death process into motion human jealousy reveals an inner panic and a desperate unspoken plea for the undivided attention and love from another it is possessive it is controlling and because that love is withheld or it is given to someone else the jealous person rages inside he or she is angry because they are not receiving the love that is desired years ago a good friend of ours really had a word from the Lord that so-and-so was to be your husband course there were a lot of women that had that word that that man was to be their husband well this was a good friend of ours and she could trust us and opened up and said you know I you know that I've kind of had a thing for someone so I know and we said yeah and intro with a lot of others yeah uh-huh well he's he's starting to go out with someone he said well praise the Lord she goes I'm not praising the Lord she says in fact I want you to interpret this dream dream okay I had this dream two nights ago and I saw her on a beach and all of a sudden a mountain of sand came and swallowed her up to where she couldn't breathe I just what do you think God is saying in that well it's what she asked us I said what God is saying is that you are jealous I find that she didn't want to hear that at all I said listen jealousy is so seductive you are one team what that man is giving to someone else and even in your dream subconsciously you want to kill her no one is going to survive a mountain of sand getting poured on them listen a song of songs 8 verse 6 it says set me as a seal upon your heart as a seal upon your arm for love is as strong as death jealousy as cruel as the grave its flames are flames to fire a most vehement flame in proverbs 27 4 from the New Living Translation it says anger is cruel rath is like a flood but who can survive the destructiveness of jealousy jealousy envy and anger are often found intertwined together smoldering jealousy in the heart usually triggers an outburst of anger another situation this is a friend of ours then it started dating wonderful man but this man had a had a character flaw and and she said man this is really bothering me when we go out he's saying to me what did you look at him for I said what are you talking about she says we're sitting there drinking - drinking and he's saying who you're looking at now I said I'm looking at you but you see this man had such jealousy in his heart he was presuming evil and it was motivating him to anger and one time when she did look at someone she thought it was a friend he says I see I caught you I caught you right now looking at that man he's ready to stone her because she thought it was maybe a friend that she would wave to jealousy she ended up asking our country she says well what do you think I should do I said run get it out of that relationship or ask him if he'd like to have me counsel him well he did not want me to counsel them so she took our advice and she got out of that relationship listen jealousy that moves to envy and anger is devastating it can move to abuse with a snap of a finger now maybe you are struggling with feelings of jealousy or envy that are threatened threatening to suffocate you and very likely someone else along with you you just can't bear the thought of someone else receiving the love or affection or the things that you want for yourself well the Lord has told me tonight to tell you that he fully understands your turmoil he understands it I tell you tonight the Lord understands that he does not condone envy or jealousy but he does understand it fully fully and Yeshua will deliver you if that's conditional he will deliver you if here's the condition if you will repent and surrender your heart to him and ask him to fill you with his forgiveness and love that's the condition because you see when you are secure in the love of God the Father then you will trust him to care for you your life and all your relationships I want to read the powerful words of the Apostle Paul from the letter to the Ephesians chapter 3 starting in verse 14 to 21 for this reason I bow my knees Paul the Apostle saying it's easy for me to bow my knees to the father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might through his spirit in the inner man that Messiah may dwell in your hearts through faith and that you being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height and to know the love of Messiah which surpasses all knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or even think according to the power that is at work within us to him be glory in the congregation's worldwide by Messiah Yeshua to all generations forever and ever amen now note the last part that you being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the believers in all the world that believe in Yeshua what is the width what is the height what is the breadth what is the depth of God's love it is unimaginable it is so massive there is such acuity in the love of the Father and that we would know the very love of Messiah Yeshua which passes all human knowledge that you may be filled to all the fullness let's pray
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 18,364
Rating: 4.7692308 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Wayne Hilsden, Sermon, Message, Preacher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2012
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