God's Timing - Wait... wait... wait... get it!

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love this place it's a great institution and I might share with you too you know if I make that much money maybe but I want I want to share with you something today that relates to two of your students now the introduction relates to two of your students Felipe hasagawa and another young man that graduated I believe last year the year before his name is Mateos Carvalho he's the brother of he's a brother of Lucas who plays her drums played them on Tuesday nights the brother Mateos now let me give a background to the story then I'll show you the video clip this is what happened this is what happened is that they were given an invitation from a pastor in Brazil from Santos Brazil doctor and his wife both doctors who have another home in Fort Lauderdale Florida they said on this particular day if you want to come or this weekend you can come and spend this time at our home what they didn't say is we've got a really big dog they didn't tell them that I really big dog whose name is spike a really big dog that unless you have been introduced to spike by the custodian don't put it up yet because this is too exciting now unless unless you've been introduced to spike by the custodian of the property he will not like you ever and to be an enemy of spike as a really bad thing so they arrived and here is this huge dog fortunately the custodian said let me introduce you spike these are my friends so Philippe and Mateos are not really too excited about getting acquainted with Spike at all so he teaches them a trick he teaches them a trick and you'll see the trick in a moment and he puts a little dog biscuit on the nose of spike and says stay stay stay now Mateos is standing outside the backyard in his pajamas so you'll be able to say I saw you Matteo's and all your glory on one of the videos and then you'll see and you can tell he's really not certain he should be doing this so here's here's the video now just dim the lights LEM see the video and then they'll catch an idea what it's like okay this is Mateos trying to coax Mike to be nice stay stay stay stay stay stay stay good boy stay gay now did you really catch that let's do it one more time let's do it one more time here so you really really really catch that now listen carefully because there's a very important truth in this script okay stay stay stay stay stay stay stay good boy stay gay well you didn't see there is Felipe jumping whenever the dog jumped now I want you to say to your neighbor these words stay stay stay stay no no no wait a minute wait a minute you're - you're too quick you now I got to tell you what to do first you tell your neighbors stay stay stay stay stay stay then you say get it like that okay are you ready to go ahead now now here's the truth you just learned one of the most important character traits in the entire Bible because God is continually telling you stay stay stay stay but God I'm anointed to stay but I don't want to preach stay but God I want to lead great crowds good stay stay but God I got I got something to say I they need to know how good I am stay stay stay and at some point God will say get it now between the call and the release is determined by God depending on his perfect timing in your life and God as the one who knows everything knows when character has been completed and he can say get it and if you jump the gun and you get it before God said get it you will miss the biscuit and if you miss the biscuit you will never fulfill your call you got it get it if you miss the timing no matter how anointed you are because I know there's anybody here that does not want to set the world on fire today and latest tomorrow and consider the preparation time well maybe not worthless but nearly the time that I have to wait and stay and stay and stay is so massively against my nature it shouts against everything that is inside me to say to wait did you know that there's a word that is in the New Testament of the Gospel of John it's used over 132 times and it's it is one of the most powerful truths 42 times relate to Jesus himself and it's the word send the father sent me my will for instance John 4:34 is to do the will of him who sent me my that's my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work to do the will of him who sent me but between the call and the sent is a period of time in the life of Jesus that was thirty years thirty years thirty years he was a carpenter son worked for his dad at some point dad died and he took over the business carpenter day after day after day after day with God saying stay stay I'm sick of carpentry stay I'm sick of getting my thumbnail hit by the hammer stay I'm sick of splatter stay stay there's not one miracle recorded of Jesus prior to the time the father said now till the father said get it thirty years whatever your preparation time is and only God knows whether it's shorter lung for poor Joseph it was thirteen years for Moses it was eighty years for Abraham is 25 years for Noah it was 100 years for Paul it was fourteen years whatever that preparation time for Jesus it was thirty years now listen to this Jesus trained thirty years to preach three and we trained three to preach thirty can you tell the difference in our ministries because he had something that I have sorely neglected in my life and that is the unbelievable truth if you wait on God that's the same as your anointing but it hasn't come yet if you wait on God your preparation is as important as your final release here's what we teach people and it's all the time preachers preach us we teach people the destination rather than the journey just get there just get there that's why we want to pray today breakthrough breakthrough I want it right now Gaza mm-hmm you think I'm going to give you the keys to your Ferrari today I don't think so but God I got your name I know you got my power you got my spirit you got everything else but the calling and the anointing are separated are separated by the preparation by the journey and the process the God said is so critical there will be no anointing unless you go through the process oh I just want to be that great man of God that great woman of God the priests us all over the world hallelujah Oh Lord I just give you all the glory he said I think you're trying to keep most of it for yourself because you refuse to wait everything in God is waiting they've the wait upon the Lord Isaiah 40 verse 31 they the wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength waiting is not a waste of time waiting is critical for your anointing 30 years father you called me 12 years of age I knew you called me waiting waiting waiting waiting until he says get it waiting staying insignificant nobody notices there's no acclaim nobody is clapping nobody is putting my name in the headlines my name is not on the marquee on the outside of the building there is nothing to suggest anything that I'm doing is actually going to get me there and God says one thing did I call you if I called you I will bring it to pass Philippians 1:6 if I called you you can be confident I started it I want to finish it I started it I'm going to finish it as long as you wait on me but if you jump the gun he then has to delay until that is filled in I would tell you a little story about that in just a moment but I want I want to give you another story when I was 10 years of age I had come back from a missions service of my church with my parents but I couldn't go to sleep so I went into my bedroom I went into my bedroom and then I got up again after they go into bed and I went by the Soph and I knelt down and God gave me a vision and I was preaching before a massive massive massive crowd it was so big I could not see the end of it the people were very dark complected the women sat on the ground on the right the men sat on the ground on the left there was a rope down the center of the outdoor pavilion and it was there it was a bamboo poles and then there were palm leaves on the top of the pavilion and I remember distinctly that the years went by 36 years by years went by somebody invited me to preach in India 36 years after I saw the vision I stood up they took me out 35,000 people the women sitting on the ground on the right the men sitting on the ground on the left the Rope coming down the center the bamboo poles and the palm leaves on the top 36 years later God how come I wasted all of that time that was a waste of time I was training your character I was training you so that whenever I anointed you you would not take the glory for yourself oh Jesus I'll give it all to you and he said uh-huh not likely because there is something in the human personality and psyche that says Lord I want to give you all of the glory yes give it to me something in the human psyche says oh Jesus I wanted to get all of the glory so let's build a tabernacle for you and me and those that are close to me okay and that was too much for God the Father and he spoke out of heaven said that's my son give it all to him the waiting period so the Bible says every person in the old and the New Testament they were sent they don't know where the word sent is ab estado a Postell o is the or apostolos is the Greek word for sent did you know that the disciples were sent as soon as Jesus called them Matthew 10 they were sent the 70 were sent in Luke chapter number 10 the seventy were sent the 120 were sent in the in the book of Acts chapter number two they were sent they were sent Huan's Paul was sent Jesus was sent so when it says in Hebrew 3 that he is the Apostle it is the Apostle us it means the sent one Jesus had ability to stand and swing that hammer and drop the stones on his toes for thirty years and not one miracle was ever recorded of Jesus not one until the father said ok now and he was introduced by one from the wilderness the Bible says there was a man sent from God Epis ella you want to be an apostle you just hang tight till God sends you and I'm not talking necessarily about the office of an apostle I'm talking about that sense of anointing that you knew at the right time God said go and when he said get it you were ready get it wait wait wait wait I've seen others anointed I've seen others promoted and I was still with you I've seen people that were on her before me and I still waited I've seen people that were pushed to the front of the line and I just stood back and waited I've seen people that I have trained have ministries far bigger than mine I've just stood there waiting and waiting and waiting Jeremiah 14 14 God says those prophets that went and I did not send them I didn't send them I would rather wait than be one of those that went and God said what are you doing well I don't know I didn't send you oh no dang I hate to go through this again go around the mountain again because it just doesn't seem fair and God says I know what I'm doing can you trust me with your life well why should I keep going to school in college and why do I have to finish my parents want me to finish school and Jesus is coming back again if Jesus came tomorrow and all you did was prepare yourself you would get the same reward as if you had been released amen if Jesus were to come tomorrow your preparation is as important as your destination he was sent he was sent and he stood up in the upper room and said father as you have sent me I send them and whenever he says he sends you when he releases you at that point he gives you his authority his power his anointing everything you need will be provided if I go when he sends me if I don't well when he sends me none of that is guaranteed none of that is guaranteed at all his brothers said to him John chapter number 7 Jesus grew up to the Feast of Tabernacles he said you guys can go your timers anytime my time is not yet your time is anytime because you have no sense of the father's directive you have no sense of the father's purpose and you just waiting they said Jesus if you want to be known he's that you want to be known I don't want to be known what is this we have so much self-promotion in the body of Christ massive self-promotion and giving them titles and giving a big names and honoring the big things honoring the big people and Lord I just I know I don't want to just go home and work we had a young guy saved in our ministry that was saved out of the drug culture can witnessing to his dad all the time dad you gotta get saved dad you gotta get saved you got to get saved you got to get saved is the Holy Spirit spoke to him and said why don't you go home and mow his lawn after months of badgering then to get saved go home and Mosel on that isn't sound spiritual he went home and mow the lawn and the dad got saved because the preparation is as important as the destination why are we concentrating on the end results when God is concentrating on your character God wants your character transform I've always wanted to be slain in the spirit I just think it's fascinating when I really see because back in Kathryn Kuhlman days there was a tremendous sense of Holy Spirit activity tremendous sense of wow you know the Holy Spirit was so thick in her meetings you just like you could just touch him the presence of God the Shekinah of God you could just sense the Holy Spirit of God I said tonight I made a decision I'm going to be slain in the spirit tonight because this was a good man that I trusted and I just know he's going to pray for me and I'm going to go out so I got all ready and I had this man pray for me and sure enough I went out the Lord said what are you doing I said I've just been slain in the spirit he said not by me you haven't I said oh man I got to wait some more I still haven't been slain in the spirit for anybody want to try it today God says why don't you wait on me and then it will be real rather than manipulated why don't we just wait on God and if we wait on God we will rise up on wings like eagles there will be nothing of human flesh involved you wait on God and when it's time God will not allow anything to stop it when it is on time God will speak from heaven when it's on time there will be a splash of anointing the smears you all over when it is on God's timing there will be that sense of wow I did I saw things I've never seen and I didn't even have to work it up I didn't even try to manipulate it is because gosh because it is a sense of timing that on the day and the moment and the hour the God who called you will send you the guy who called you will send you on the very day in the moment of the hour of his timing God will send you until then I just wait I just wait I clean my room that is a samburu special I cleaned my car I show up on time year after year month after month after month friend of mine who had a large church in Eugene Oregon three three services every Sunday and large large large church and but he felt like he did a terrible job so he left the final service went back to his car and apologized to God and so God I am so sorry I did a Tara well job I did I'm so sorry I just blew it and God said did you think I was listening to your sermon I was watching your faithfulness he was a faithful priest the Apostle the sent one of my confession was faithful the one who created the universe he himself it was expedient that he learned to go through everything else as a son hebrews chapter 5 verse number 8 Hebrews 2:14 and 17 Hebrews 5 and 15 he had to go through everything that we go everything he had to go through it just like us 30 years nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing touch I've been called I was called when I was born I was birthed in the Holy Spirit I had a sense of direction when I was 12 waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting God said son I started it and if I started it I'm going to finish I don't care how many people are promoted on each side of you I haven't forgotten on that day on that moment on that hour something will snap in a moment of time in the fullness of time Galatians 4:4 God sent forth his son sent up a woman born under the law to redeem us that were under the curse of the law at this moment in time did you know that Jesus was born at the exact moment an hour and date he had everything in the universe God had prepared for him to be born from the tax senses down here on earth to the constellations aligning themselves everything was timing timing timing everything God does is timing timing timing timing and everything I do me this is not you everything I do is rush rush rush I want it and I want it right now like my friend said lord I want patience on I want it right now something inside me I hate waiting if I were a cook I'd put the favor we're a baker I'd put the cake in the oven and then pull it out ten minutes later are you finished yet are you finished are you finished cooking no I'm liquid put it back in and put it back in I'm continually pulling if I were the the the caterpillar in the cocoon I would try to break it open before my wings had broken it open I would try to rush it there is something inside my human nature that says god I hate waiting in the fullness of time did you know that at the very exact moment Jesus said you do not take my life from me I lay it down on my own accord nobody takes my life from me nobody he gave his life the Romans didn't do it the Jews didn't do it it was Jesus himself and on the cross why did he wait until that exact moment at 3 p.m. in the afternoon to say it is finished telling us why did he wait until 3 p.m. to say it is finished you know why he waited because at that exact moment the last lamb was slain on the altar of the high priest and the high priest himself was saying it is finished everything God says is divine timing god I pray the Holy Spirit right now just began to saturate these beautiful anointed young people on their way to the anointing that they would be just as happy waiting as they are being sent and someday jesus said now I'm going to send one more person his name is the Holy Spirit I want you to go to the Upper Room I want you to go to the upper room and you're going to have to wait ten more days a total of fifty days from Passover ten more days then when you get to the upper room I'm gonna tell the Holy Spirit don't go yet don't go yet don't go yet don't go yet don't go yet stay stay Holy Spirit stay stay stay the promise of the Father Luke 24:49 stay the promise of the Father say stay stay Holy Spirit you cannot go until the father says now and the Upper Room they were all in one place all in one Accord precisely matching the giving of the law on Mount Sinai precisely matching God's divine time schedule to fill everything must be on time every and God is on time especially your anointing you just stay faithful and someday someday someday someday God says get it the Holy Spirit descended and the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit they got it I want to give you one story in closing I want to give it one story in closing down earlier in my ministry I was pastoring in the state of Texas and I got so discouraged I made a decision that was not of God I'm leaving I'm leaving I I just I just don't want to do it anymore the Holy Spirit spoke to me the Holy Spirit spoke to me I said wait wait no I am tired of waiting and I made a decision I made a decision and it was God's will for me to leave nine months later but I refused to wait on the timing of God you see if my timing is not commensurate is not parallel with his release there is no guarantee of anything the children of Israel if they went ahead of the cloud they would have no sunscreen they would have no air conditioner if they didn't allow themselves to wait on the fire they would have no heater at night there is no guarantee unless I move with God in God's timing God's timing is more important than my calling God's timing said out loud God's timing is more important than my calling the timing of God honor and honor and everybody was sent so will I be so will you be you cannot delay because on that moment that our God will say now get it get it I found myself in Florida they were going to I was starting a new church had all of these people that were going to be committed to me and not one of them stayed with me not one of them I was in Florida one day I was sitting there we were building the church God's Spirit was not in it it was like we were playing Church now we built several mega churches and this wasn't one of them I'm sitting in Florida I said god I assume because I stepped out on faith you're going to anoint me he said I didn't call you how many know that if you get out of the boat and Jesus is not there he is not obligated to harden the waters is that right he's not obligated because you said oh you will God because presumption is never honored by God obedience is honored by God not presumption Amen Larry thank you hallelujah amen to understand that and I was sitting at Disneyworld one night my son was doing something I think listening to a Christian counselor my wife and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and I heard the voice of Jesus hey Larry what are you doing I said I started a church he said I didn't ask you to because you left nine months before I gave you the release you have put hardship on the church hardship on the pastor who came in hardship on the elder you were thinking only about self-promotion did you know that God would not allow blessings to take place in my life from then to the end of nine months I said lord I am so sorry I contacted the church contacted the elders I am so sorry I left out of God's will and God will not let me just bypass it like oh no big deal no big deal I love you anyway Larry I had to pay for it I had to put everything on credit card because no money came in I had to generate my own process of anointing because there was none and Debbie said it reminds me of when I was alone when she was a little girl it reminded her of when's they used to play Church she said honey we're just playing Church and already we had 150 people within a matter of weeks and they were coming and they loved us and we loved them my sermons were as dead as you could get dead though worship was as dead as you can get dead it was all of the flesh nothing of the spirit I repented everybody that I knew I could repent too after nine months I was jogging one night it was on a Wednesday night and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said now you're released nine months later the Holy Spirit said tomorrow night you're going to be getting a call from the state of Pennsylvania you have your new assignment told me where I would be going that was Wednesday night on Thursday night I got a call from the state of Pennsylvania my next assignment if I miss God's timing it's not just a matter of me it's a matter of everybody that I've affected well I didn't wait for God's timing for who I want to marry so I married them anyway these issues just wait on God I have rarely seen anybody miss it by waiting on God but I can tell you a whole lot of people miss it by rushing and then you've got somebody else standing directly behind you and it's called the devil pushing you go ahead go ahead you don't have to wait you don't have to wait you don't have to wait yeah send the raven out of the window yeah the way raven is coming back again wait till the Holy Spirit goes out the window and then you won't have to worry about it whenever God says you don't let anything push you you wait for my will wait until you hear my voice wait until there so God says now as we close right now I want to remind you again stay stay stay stay it feels like forever have you noticed it feels like forever stay stay stay stay get it tell your neighbor one more time stay stay stay stay stay are you ready now get it now did you get it did you get the message now do it one more time I know this is not spiritual so we don't need to have an altar call right now we're going to say it again don't say get it until I tell you to everything inside me wants to stay stay stay get it not stay stays days days days days day I want this to go into my spirit this morning God if I wait on you that's the greatest thing I could ever do wait on you wait on you wait on you wait on you okay you're ready stay tell your neighbor stay stay stay stay stay stay stay James stay are you ready now get it
Channel: Kingdom Global Ministries
Views: 33,060
Rating: 4.9071312 out of 5
Keywords: Larry Titus, God, God's Timing, CFNI, Kingdom Global
Id: qgRBuX0d3Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2015
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