How to deal with jealous coworkers

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hi this is Anna from calm me down today I'm going to talk to you about how to deal with that jealous co-worker or work colleague because of a lack of jobs and an increased demand in the workplace this is a situation in which many people are finding themselves in on a day to day basis if you feel that you are a professional worker no matter what field of work you are in you are motivated perhaps you have brought fresh innovative ideas or you're new to the workplace and there's somebody there that has been there for years and years and years and you are the one that has been promoted then sometimes your co-workers may turn nasty against you and this is most likely a nastiness that is a direct result of their jealousy your coworker may try to belittle you and try to destroy your efforts as well as your self esteem unfortunately with great success comes great jealousy symptoms of this jealousy are that perhaps your co-workers have stopped talking to you you might be socially excluded you may feel that office or workplace cliques are formed leaving you out sometimes this can take place outside the workplace for example your work colleagues may meet up for dinners or go to the bar and not ask you if you would like to come along perhaps people are beginning to make snide comments about your work to destroy your self esteem or self belief in your work another tactic that jealous co-workers often use is to indirectly belittle you for example they may give praise to another co-worker who might be their friend or who has in no way shape or form performed as well as you but this jealous co-worker will go out of their way to praise this other person just to put you down jealousy in the workplace can lead to excessive stress anxiety a lack of motivation and often a victim of this type of jealousy will feel like they are being bullied so what do you do when facing such a situation now the first bit of advice may seem like a bit of a shock to you especially if you feel that you are the victim but jealousy which is like a disease of the heart is a growth and it has stemmed from somewhere you must honestly ask yourself what did I do to provoke this it is human nature after all that when we receive recognition praise for our work we like to be heard and make sure that everyone knows about it after all it gives us self-esteem and pride within our workplace it gives a status but sometimes this can come across as you rubbing other people's faces in it it can make you seem to be a show-off or belittling someone else's efforts and of course I'm not saying that you may purposely be showing off but you must ask yourself are you feeding your co-workers jealousy and flaunting your success try and be humble or perhaps compliment your jealous coworker try it because this may break down your competitive streak or your competitive streak that is perceived to be competitive by your coworker this may be perceived as hey this person has just complimented me and if they have complimented me then it means they are not in direct competition with me so this will break down those barriers always be professional what happens though if you have done nothing to provoke this jealousy and your coworker just has simply a very very jealous and nasty personality and cannot bear for you to be more successful than them perhaps they have another agenda against you or they just don't like you they are now using nasty tactics in the workplace to belittle you and you are the victim perhaps you have tried to be civil with this person and kind but it's simply not working this person this jealous co-worker has simply one agenda and that is to break you belittle you and destroy your efforts in the workplace well simply the problem is not with you at all the problem is with them my advice is don't be beaten this person wants to see you fall so stand up for yourself their pain is your game if somebody is jealous of you then you obviously have something they want or they are simply unable to do use that reason as boosting your self-esteem as - as opposed to getting yourself down about it remember you're jealous co-worker will want to destroy your self-esteem and motivation use their wish to destroy your self-esteem and motivation to do even better what better motivation is someone else's wish for you to fall for you to do even better now you need to remind yourself that you are worth it you have something that other people are envying rise above it always smile and be professional in your workplace and try to stay calm even if you are hurt inside because you're jealous coworker will now be using tactics to emotionally upset you so simply just don't give in to them don't give them the satisfaction that their tactics are working you must also remind yourself every single day that you are fantastic at your job you are brilliant at what you do and you're jealous coworker is simply a toxic byproduct of your success and remember you are not alone in this whole situation in this whole process of facing your jealous coworker just think of those millions of successful famous people who have so many fans and they've made it to the top they've made so much money yet they have haters so you are definitely not alone well if you found this video helpful then hit the like button and subscribe I will be posting a lot more videos out there this is my first video and I will be posting videos to keep you all calm and if you have any questions that you would like me to address then please do leave them in the comment section below and I'll do my best to answer them well that's all for now keep well Keep Calm
Channel: Amber K
Views: 70,059
Rating: 4.8225508 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2015
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