10 Hours // God's Heart // Instrumental Worship Soaking in His Presence
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Channel: Soaking in His Presence
Views: 1,002,887
Rating: 4.8670235 out of 5
Keywords: instrumental, worship, soaking, bethel, music, elevation, keyboard, pray, for, praying, oracion, adoracion, meditacion, rezar, relax, relaxing, relaxation, piano, teclado, musica, church, pad, atmosphere, jesus, god, christ, spiritual, gospel, 2019, new, santo, holy, meditation, healing, soft, awake, william, augusto, hour, hours, minute, minutes, soak, ghost, presence, in, his, connection, deep, deeper, background, heaven, heavenly, sound, peace, place, calm, slow, kind, kindness, love, loving, amazing, song, 2020, spontaneous, Spontaneous, Soaking, Bethel
Id: Yltj6VKX7kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 600min 48sec (36048 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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