Cure for the Insecure - Joyce Meyer | ICLN

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[Music] [Music] so it's very important that we not compare ourselves with other people and not compete with other people and that we don't go by how we feel you don't have to feel confident to present yourself in a confident manner to hold your head up and to boldly go and do whatever it is that you feel like you need to do when you talk to people don't mumble when you talk to people look at them when you shake somebody's hand don't feel like a dead cold fish laying in somebody's hand we need to realize that God wants us to be bold and aggressive in a right way not obnoxious but bold and aggressive and even in prayer the Bible tells us to come boldly to the throne and that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all that we can dare to hope ask you thing you got to be daring in your prayers and I hope at the time we get out of here today that you're going to be ready to ask God for some pretty outrageous things because I think he wants to do some very outrageous things in your life but you have to know who you are in Christ to go and ask him for them I believe that we have an epidemic of insecure people in our society today and I think more than at any other time we have an identity crisis people just don't know who they are and they're trying to have an identity through who they know and what they wear and what their position is at work and how many degrees they have behind their name and finally a hope today the people here and the people who watch this by TV can learn that your Worth and value is not in anything that you do I don't care what you ever do I don't care what you own or how many degrees you have that does not make you more valuable than any other person on this planet the only thing that gives us value is knowing Christ have him as our savior knowing that were created by God that were his child and that he loves us and cares about us and therefore every person is equally valuable to God I said every person is equally valuable to God and for those watching my TV if you turned your set on today and you were feeling like you were you had no worth and no value and who cares about you and nobody loves me and if I wasn't even here who would even miss me and maybe somebody's even contemplating suicide right now well let me tell you you stop it because God has invested a lot in you he sent his son to die for you he loves you God's got a good plan for your life a life for you to live don't base your value on what other people have said about you don't base your worth on how other people treated you I think it's especially hard for people when they don't get treated properly by their parents because we all just think well our parents ought to love us but you know there's a lot of hurting people out in the world and hurting people hurt people it's amazing how people that are hurt and wounded and never get their healing can't do anything else but just hurt the other people around them and I don't even know that they intentionally do that and set out to do it it's just that when you're full of pain then you end up just putting that pain off on everybody else so just the people that hurt you just go ahead and forgive them just get over it today come on right now today the people who hurt you just get over it because I can tell you they hurt themselves even worse than they hurt you and you holding bitterness and unresentful he's only going to make your life miserable and you're gonna pass that on to your kids you need to let it go so you can be whole and healed do yourself a favor today and just get rid of all of it just say I'm just letting it go if you're going to be a new creature in Christ then be a new creature in Christ don't be halfway new and half way old I never felt safe growing up never felt safe I never knew what was going to happen the next moment I had no security our home was very volatile a lot of moods flying around a lot of emotions a lot of anger so feeling safe and feeling secure is very important to me and I think it's very important to every single person I think that God created us to feel safe taken care of secure confident and bold that's what's in your spiritual DNA your soul maybe has it blocked but God did not create you for fear and worry and guilt and insecurity and a lack of confidence and extreme shyness and extreme timidity and always being the tail-end of everything my Bible says that we're the head and not the tail above and not beneath too many people looking for identity and value and they're looking for it in all the wrong places they look for it in what they do who they know what they know what they own what they look like and I think that we need to do our best to look as good as we can all I can say is take what God's giving you and do the best you can with it but don't be comparing yourself with somebody else don't be comparing yourself with somebody on the front of a magazine that's had every little blemish airbrushed out and has zero body fat they looked for her hard amen don't ever look around to somebody else and say I wish I looked like you I wish I had what you had I wish I could do what you do because the fact is you don't and you won't it is what it is so deal with it come on let's get a revelation today it is what it is so deal with it I don't like to be around people that are always putting themselves down I don't even like to be around people say oh you know I wish I was dead I wish I was that I wish I looked that good in this and I you know it's just like Oh get over it isaiah 54:17 but no weapon that's formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong but now here's the part I really love this amplification this peace righteousness security service a security and triumph over opposition is the heritage of the servants of the Lord so in other words to be secure is part of your inherited blood bought right through your relationship with Jesus Christ it's not something you go out and earn or get by who you know or what you own it's something you inherit you inherit it - your relationship with Jesus Christ just like some of my children have inherited brown eyes because I have brown eyes we have a certain inheritance through our relationship with Christ the Bible says that we are joint heirs with him and whatever he has we get as a free gift but we receive it by faith now if I were to say to somebody down here here I'm gonna give you a Bible well they could say I have a Bible but they would they would they would know they had a Bible because they could see the Bible now the thing about our relationship with God is we have to take everything by faith he's the invisible God we know that he's there in our heart and we believe it in our heart and in God's economy you believe everything first before you see it if you believe it then ultimately you'll see it working in your life that's why it's important to believe that you're secure and believe that you're confident and confess that you are once again the day I have to talk to you about talking out loud even this morning when I was praying and having my time with God I felt like I heard the Spirit of God to say to me I want to hear your voice I believe there's power in our voice and so I began to confess some scriptures out loud I am the righteousness of God in Christ God loves me my value isn't Who I am in him and I have to remind myself of those things every day just like he needing you to especially when I feel like I'm starting to sink our diminish in some way let God hear your voice speak out let the devil know that you know who you are in Christ amen how many of you ever say negative things about yourself don't make me come down there and get you okay now let me tell you something I'm gonna sit right here until you get it through your head that that's a no-no that is not something that you can ever do again don't you ever say anything negative about yourself out of your own mouth when you do that all you're doing is helping the devil you're getting into agreement with him and if any two of you agree on earth he don't ever say I'm stupid I can't do anything right oh I'm dumb or whatever it is you say about yourself don't ever say anything negative about yourself again out of your own mouth you say about you what God says about you how many of you have you got that because I'm not getting up till you get that and I'm not moving on till you get that you know it's one thing to say I made a mistake it's another thing to think you are a mistake learn how to separate who you are from what you do your identity is not in what you do believe it or not there's a lot more things that are more important than what you do so remember you can be secure even if you don't feel secure you can be confident even if you don't feel confident and I would venture to say that on those days when you feel the least confidence that's when you need to say the loudest I am confident in Who I am in Christ [Applause] you know you believe more of what you hear yourself say than what you hear anybody else say anyway did you know that that's a scientific fact you will believe more of what you hear yourself say than what you hear anybody else say we're always wanting somebody else to build us something make us feel good about ourselves but really the truth is that's something you've got to get between you and God don't give somebody else the job of keeping you propped up all the time Philippians 3:3 thank you Philippians chapter 3 verse 3 for we Christians are the true circumcision who worship God in spirit and by the Spirit of God and we exalt in glory and pride ourselves in Jesus Christ and we put no confidence our dependence on what we are in the flesh on outward privileges physical advantages and external appearances you shouldn't get your confidence from how you look you shouldn't get your confidence from who you know from what you own from your level of education from what neighborhood you live in what car you drive or anything else let's have all of that stripped away today let's stand before God and know who we are in him you know I've had to remind myself I am NOT this ministry I know that people equate Joyce Meyer and Joyce Meyer ministries is one big conglomeration but I'm more than this ministry and if I'm ever not doing this I'm still going to be just as important to God as I am right now Matt Redman is more than a worship leader he's more than a songwriter and what happens if some day for whatever reason he's not doing this anymore and things like that do happen sometimes God just doesn't want us doing something anymore and that doesn't mean now that we have to suddenly look for identity we need to keep our identity all the way through and I remind myself on a regular basis my Worth and value is not in the fact that I'm preaching to people around the world but my Worth and value is in the fact that I'm a child of God your Worth and value needs to be in who you are in him if you've been married for a lot of years and you become widowed you don't need to have an identity crisis you're still just as valuable by who you are in him if you were married and now you're single you don't need to have an identity crisis you can know who you are in him if you know a lot of people who have kids and you're married you don't have kids you don't need to have an identity crisis you can know who you are in him if all of your friends have three degrees behind their name and you just barely got out of high school you don't need to have an identity crisis you can know who you are in him is anybody hearing me today I can just almost feel it all that junk that tries to hang on us all the time about what we're not and I want you to just just say I'm not taking that stuff home with me I Know Who I am in Christ see the thing is is if Jesus would have needed to have died just for you he would have done it just for you unconditional love and acceptance is what we crave and I know that you know we usually think we I know God loves me yeah I know God loves me if I would have said to you today how many of you know God loves you I would have probably been no hands that wouldn't went up but every time I stand before people and do any kind of a lengthy teaching on the love of God the enemy tries to tell me that people don't need it they know that but I know by now that they do need it because the truth is if we really knew how much God loved us we'd act a whole lot different than what we do we wouldn't have all the competition we wouldn't have all the comparisons it wouldn't be so afraid of our mistakes wouldn't be afraid to admit our weaknesses but we do have problems with all those things God is not for sale we don't buy his love with our good works if we really know the love of God and we get that deeply rooted and embedded in us then what's going to happen is we're going to begin to crave and to strive to do more good things but not to get God to love us but because He loves us it's all about the perspective that we come from there's something that we can learn from Peter and John you know Peter talked about how much he loved Jesus I love you Lord and I would never do that I'd never deny you I love you Lord yes you know I love you yes Lord you know I love you and he ended up denying Christ John on the other hand always talked about how much Jesus loves him I'm the disciple whom Jesus loves I bet he was hard to be around sometimes I mean there's several places in the Bible where John says I'm the disciple that Jesus loves but the message that I want to give you is that he had a revelation of how much God loves him and because he had that revelation of how much God loves him they tried to boil him in oil and couldn't kill him and he was around for a long long time you need to know how much God loves you you and if you know how much God loves you the next time you have a problem or even some kind of tragic circumstance in your life you won't ever say what God don't you love me you should never say that when you have a problem the fact that we have a problem does not mean that God doesn't love us matter of fact even when God's correcting us and I'm not saying he uses our problems to correct us but if God corrects you the Bible says that those who mean love he chastises you better hope that God keeps showing you everything that's wrong with you because that's just a sign that he loves you so just listen to a little of this and try to just try to try to think this through Jesus loves me but he loves me conditionally therefore his love is based on my performance so that means that I have to really work hard at performing right all the time therefore I have to earn his love by pleasing him when I please him I feel loved when I don't please him I feel rejected but it's all about the feeling God doesn't love me anymore when I perform right but I feel that he loves me more if I'm thinking about this conditional love therefore if God who is all loving does not always love accept and value me how can I be expected to believe that I'm valuable and lovable therefore I'm not able to trust other people who say they love me and I suspect their motives or figured they just don't know the real me yet therefore I can't accept love from other people i deflected I try to prove that I'm right that I'm not lovable and that they will eventually reject me therefore they usually do see when I was back in the situation where I just felt like that I was unloved and unlovable and I had all this shame-based nature because of what had been done to me the only time I ever got any kind of compliment was when I accomplished something so therefore I thought the only way I could get God's love was to work and earn and accomplish something so I didn't really believe that other people love me and I really expected them to reject me the night that they proposed to me I thought he's going to break up with me I kept wanting to go home and he said well you know I've got something I want to ask you before someone want to tell you before you go he kept wanting to go sit somewhere and talk and I thought I just just get it over with and are you going to break up with me just get it over with and they ended up asking me to marry him well but how many of you know what I'm talking about when you have that kind of inferiority based complex you don't you don't really expect people to love you so you end up acting obnoxious because you believe that you are you know David I only had five dates and you asked me to marry him if if he didn't know me very long I don't think he would have ever asked me so that was kind of a divine setup by God laughter we've been married about three weeks he looked at me and said what's wrong with you I thought what's wrong with me buddy what's wrong with you you got the problem not me and they're the fun began Dave always says he loved he loved that fire I had every once in a while I'll still get a spark and he'll say there's that old fire I love so if I don't know that God loves me unconditionally I use the world standards money status clothes etc to prove to myself and to others that I'm valuable so I feel more valuable when I look better I feel more valuable if I own the right things I need strokes and feedback from other people to prove to myself and to others that I am lovable therefore I need a fresh fix of strokes every day just to get through the day feeling good about my self is anybody home in your little heads today well I worked hard all day and cleaned his house and you walked in and didn't even tell me how nice it looks and I'm not saying that we people shouldn't compliment us but our Worth and value can't be based on that because then what happens is we end up putting pressure on the people that were in relationship with to keep us fixed all the time and you'll drive them crazy trying to make them make you feel like you're loked and here again I'm not talking about men need to give women affection guys get it we need it just give it to us and get it over with I can tell you how to fix most of your problems tell your wife four times a week she's beautiful tell her every day you love her tell her at least three four times a week she's the most important person in your world and so many of your problems are gonna go away [Applause] women need to be complimented but if somebody forgets to compliment me I don't want my day to fall apart I want to know enough about who I am in Christ and what my value is in him that if somebody forgets me I'm still okay for the day hallelujah so then it goes on and on and on and just finally gets down to saying people like that cannot really maintain and sustain healthy loving relationships because everything is about getting people everything becomes selfish and it's all about that person getting somebody else to make them feel good about themselves so we're not able to give to other people and see you can't even be happy when you're in that kind of a situation because true joy only comes when you know who you are in Christ and you can for all intent and purposes forget about yourself and spend your days reaching out to other people making their lives better [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ICLN
Views: 116,380
Rating: 4.9094028 out of 5
Keywords: Joyce Meyer, Lakewood Church, 2020 Sermon, how to have peace, Joyce Meyer (Organization Leader), God, Bible, Lord, Jesus Christ, Insecurity, Inspiration, Motivation, Confidence, Self-esteem (Quotation Subject), self-discovery, Emotional Insecurity (Quotation Subject), Holy, Spirit, Gospel, Word, Jesus Christ (Deity), Truth, Cure for the Insecure, ICLN, SON SHINE MEDIA, International Christian Leaders Network
Id: QFgfyoifA8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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