Freedom from Guilt and Regret - Sunday Service

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over these uh last four or five months and i i i woke up one morning god told taffy i said uh what i went to bed one night uh one night a week and a half ago and the lord said i want you to teach on overcoming a guilty conscience and i'm like you know wow that's that's interesting and then i woke up the next morning and i heard the same thing i want you to begin to study on freedom from guilt and regret and uh wow so man let me tell you something god knows more than i do and and i just want you to get yourselves ready get yourself prepared if you know people who are being tormented with with guilt and you yourself uh with guilt get on the line text them get a hold of this message share this thing over and over and over again and let's deal with some stuff so father i thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father i pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in the wonderful mighty name of jesus we pray and everybody said amen well praise god uh let's look at four scriptures just to show you the fact that there were lots of people in the bible that dealt with a guilty conscience and so as a text today i'm going to use four scriptures uh or four areas of the bible to show you this first of all genesis chapter 42 and 21 [Music] genesis 42 and 21 and he says and they said one to another we are verily guilty he said we are verily guilty concerning our brother in that we saw the anguish of his soul when he besought us and we would not hear so this is uh joseph he says therefore is this distress come upon thee so this is joseph when his brothers showed up in egypt they were looking for you know it was a famine going on and and they were looking for corn and joseph knew who they were and the guilt that came over his brothers because you know of everything they did to joseph how the fact that joseph was sold into slavery how they lied about it all that kind of stuff the guilt came upon them and the guilt came as a result of what they did and the bible says that distress that guilt caused the distress that was on their life so here you see the brothers of joseph suffering distress because of the guilt now they they have guilt because they're guilty but still the guilt is there to cause distress now look at first samuel chapter 24 verses 5-6 in the new living translation first samuel 24 5-6 in the nlt and in first samuel here uh you see david here and uh verse 5 he says but then david's conscience that that guilty conscience david's conscience began bothering him because he had cut saul's robe verse six he said to this man the lord forbid that i should do this to my lord the king he says i shouldn't i shouldn't have attacked the lord's anointed one for the lord himself has chosen him so david was having a guilty conscience because he so honored saul even though saul was trying to kill him david had a guilty conscience because he even you know uh uh cut the the part of his garment and it just caused guilt because he knew that saul was still the anointed one even though saul tried to kill him and so david had a guilty conscience as a result of what happened to him look at ezra 9 in the nlt ezra 9 and 6 ezra 9 and 6 in the nlt and all throughout the bible you begin to see people dealing with a guilty conscience he said in verse six i prayed oh my god i am utterly ashamed i blush to lift up my face to you for our sins are piled higher than our heads and our guilt has reached to the heavens so we see again that a guilty conscience came as a result of sin and for most of you who are listening this to this today you see that guilty conscience will come as a result of sin in your life and then in saint john chapter 8 verses 7 through 11 saint john chapter 8 verses 7 through 11 you begin to look at when this woman was being was was about to be stoned and check out what happens in verse 7 so when they continued asking him jesus he lifted up himself and he said unto them he that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her and then in verse 8 he says and again he stooped down and wrote on the ground verse 9 and they which heard began they which heard what jesus said being convicted by their own conscience see they all they all knew they had sin so they were being convicted by their own conscience they went out one by one beginning at the elder even unto the last and jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the place in the midst i just want to share that those four areas those four illustrations so that i can show you that a guilty conscience i don't believe anybody is a stranger to guilt and so i don't want anybody to feel condemned this is not a condemning message but this is a message for us to travel together to take a journey together this morning so that we can understand what jesus has made available for us to deal with guilt and to deal with a guilty conscience well first of all guilt is one of the strongest robbers of peace you know tap and i were talking about that we took communion over that guilt is one of the strongest robbers of peace and i tell you right now if there's any time you you need to operate in peace and walk in peace it would be today and some of you may have discovered that you know something that you did in the past maybe you feel guilty about how you treated somebody or maybe you feel guilty about what you didn't do or what you should have done or guilty about some sin that you committed in your life or or guilty about a whole lot of things how you you should have been a better parent you feel guilty about a lot but i want you to understand that guilt is the strongest one of the strongest robbers of peace guilt stalks the minds of men and women trying to take away their happiness and mental stability did you hear that guilt tries to take away happiness and your mental stability there are people who are unstable mentally today because they they didn't understand guilt they didn't they didn't know how to deal with guilt guilt that was so tormenting it affected their mental stability their parents that hold themselves guilty for the actions of their children and they beat themselves up because of the actions of their children and they carry that guilt and when you carry that guilt you allow it to rob you of peace you allow it to rob you of happiness you allow this guilt to rob you even of mental stability so i would uh i would i would define guilt as a product of the mind absolutely a product of the mind which occurs when a person realizes that he has violated moral religious or ethical standards in other words it it is a product of the mind it is it is the fruit of the mind and your emotions and all that stuff when a person has violated rules laws principles etc that's basically how i would define it it's it's what's going on in your mind and your emotions as a result of violating some standard in your life whether it is uh religious standard moral ethical uh those things i would define guilty so here's here's a very important statement i'm about to make with the realization that one has done something wrong with the realization that one has done wrong what comes with that realization when you when you realize oh i've done something wrong when you realize oh that might have been the wrong thing to do comes the guilt and a regretful or sorrowful feeling which decreases your feelings of personal worth and peace of mind so when you begin to realize oh i've done something wrong you raise your kids and they come up and they tell you things that you should've did or they wish you would have done and then you realize oh my i did something wrong when i was parenting or you're a member of a church and you realize i did something wrong while i was in that church or you realize something you hear from the word of god or some some moral situation and you realize oh i might have done something wrong when you realize that then the guilt comes the regret comes the sorrow comes and what that will do is it will decrease your feelings of personal worth [Music] so now this guilty conscience attacks your your your personal worth and it decreases your feelings of personal worth and it begins to again go after your peace of mind now there are many contributions or many things that contribute to feelings of guilt i want to be very practical first and then get get in the word because that's where our answer is going to be i'm telling you right now there are lots of things you might be able to substitute in the world to try to get things to happen but i am totally convinced that if you're ever going to be free from the effects of a guilty conscious you need jesus and you need his word so what are those things that contribute to the feelings of gift guilt real quickly number one thinking you may have done something wrong i just said that thinking that you may have done something wrong will lead to guilt number two a poor self-esteem leads to guilt think about that when you have a poor self-esteem it leads to guilt when you meet people who have a poor self-esteem most likely guilt led them there or guilt is a part of that situation excuse me number three a perfectionist attitude a perfectionist attitude it's when you think you should be happy all the time and then on the days when you find yourself not feeling happy and you feel sad and you feel full of doom and gloom then you feel guilty because that perfectionist attitude says you feel guilty because you're not happy all the time i mean you thought you should be happy all the time uh that that contributes to a guilt in a person's life a perfectionist attitude number four an unrealistic expectation leads to a guilty conscience unrealistic expectations you know guilt comes because standards are impossible to reach and when you realize that that standard that you said in your life is impossible reach it leads to a guilty conscience because you you feel guilty guilty for not being able to reach the standard even though it was unrealistic it brings it brings guilt number five a false conscience a false conscience excuse me this is what go to isaiah 5 20 in the nlt i want to define this a false conscience development in other words how was your conscious thinking develop how where how have you been trained to think a false conscious development leads to guilt now here's what i mean by this look at the isaiah 5 verse 20 and nlt he says what sorrow for those who say that evil is good and that good is evil that dark is light and light is dark that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter he said that's that's that's that's a sorrowful thing why because eventually it's going to lead to guilt i mean if you're if your consciousness has been developed to thinking that uh what's right is wrong what's wrong is right uh what's light is dark and what's dark is light he says he says there's sorrow for those who who've allowed their conscience to be developed that way that leads to guilt so you got to let the word be your god and success will be your future when you allow the word to be your guide and then number six actual guilt which is produced by a healthy conscience what do you mean by that actual guilt that's produced by a healthy conscious given by god to help men sean wrong and to do right so there is a guilt i'll share a little bit later on there there are some there are some really interestingly good things that may come out of guilt and the fact that the guilt leads you to to separate yourself from sin or the guilt may lead you to uh sean some of the wrong that you might do in your life and then do what is right look at john chapter 8 and verse 9. you know in many cases people feel guilty because they are guilty and i mentioned that before but verse 9 he says and they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience they went out one by one beginning at the elders even unto the last and jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the midst this is the story i shared with you about the woman that was about to be stoned and so you know even though she was guilty you know that guilt hopefully helped her to shun the wrongdoing that she was guilty of now let's get into what the bible's talking about what does the bible say about this let's look at romans chapter 3 verse 19 and then verse 23. romans chapter 3 verse 19 and 23. and look at what the bible has to say about this in verse 19 he says now we know that what things soever the law the law of moses the mosaic law saith it saith to them who are under the law why so everybody under the law that every mouth may be stopped and that all the world may become guilty before god now look at this in the uh in nlt just this scripture here that the whole world is understanding that the mosaic law brought you to a place where everybody was guilty because everybody was guilty of sin and so it brought them to the place for that the nlt says obviously the law applies to those to whom it was given for it for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses and to show the entire world so that the entire world is guilty before god he is guilty before god and then look at verse 23 the whole world is guilty before god now verse 23 says this for everyone has sinned we all fall short of god's glory for god's glorious standard so the bible is saying everyone has sinned and come short of the glory of god that's why the whole world stands guilty before god because everyone has sinned and come short of the glory of god that's why the whole world stands guilty before god and that's even more why it's important to hear this message today because there is a way to deal with this before we get into those scriptures let's look at some examples in the bible of people experiencing feelings of guilt once again very quickly number one adam and eve adam and eve they hid themselves in the garden because they felt the guilt of their sins you remember that genesis chapter 3 verse 7-13 because of what they did in the garden they hid themselves because they felt guilty they felt the guilt of their sin sin caused them to hide themselves guilt was the motivation behind it the second example king david king david you you know the pain of guilt david felt in fact let me read it to you psalms 51 verses 1 through 3. you see the pain of the guilt that david felt when you know when he had when he first of all committed adultery with another man's wife he had that that her husband killed in the middle of a battle and verse 1 he says have mercy upon me o god lord david knew some stuff have mercy upon me o god according to thy lovingkindness according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions verse two wash me thoroughly from my iniquity cleanse me from my sin verse three for i acknowledge my transgression and my sin is ever before me you see that david knew the pain of guilt even in his life here's a third illustration an example judas committed suicide because of guilt matthew chapter 27 verse 3 through 5 if you'll go there matthew 27 3-5 judas committed suicide because of guilt and you know we know people today that they commit suicide because they don't know how to deal with guilt that's why i'm talking about it today i want you to know how to deal with it verse 3 he says then judas which had betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned repented himself brought again the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders verse 4 saying i have sinned and that i have betrayed the innocent blood i have sinned in that i have betrayed the innocent blood wow that's a sermon i'm going to preach one day and they said what is that to us see thou to that in verse 5 and he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple departed and went and he hanged himself guilt can be if when you don't know how to deal with guilt when you don't understand how how to deal with it and how it deals with you oh my goodness god forbid but people have committed suicide because of a lack of understanding in that area and then final illustration is the jews on the day of pentecost look at acts chapter 2 verse 36 and 37 the jews on the day of pentecost hearing about jesus and remembering what happened on that cross he said therefore let all the house of israel know assuredly that god hath made that same jesus whom you have crucified he's made the one the guy who you crucified god made him the lord and the christ and look at verse 37 now when they had heard this when they heard this they were pricked in their hearts and said unto peter and to the rest of the apostle men and brethren what shall we do that heart was prick with guilt the same one that was crucified on the cross god says and he made sure that this they knew that he was both lord and christ and king and all these wonderful things now now in light of it you i hope that you have the reality of guilt that guilt is something that the whole world deals with guilt is something that people in the bible dealt with it's just not this little private issue that that a few people have that at any given time if you're not cautious and if you're not educated when that guilt visits your house and you don't know how to deal with it it will deal with you let me start off by saying this the blood of christ is the answer to our sin and guilt the blood of jesus in my opinion is the is really the only genuine answer for sin and guilt outside of christ all attempts to rid ourselves of guilt are futile and hopeless i really believe that outside of christ any attempt to deal with your guilt will be futile and hopeless you heard me right yeah i know you know you choose therapy i'm not i'm not against choosing therapy you you choose medicine i'm not against medicine uh medication but i'm telling you again it's like you're choosing all these other things to try to replace the only one that can help you and jesus christ and his shed blood is the only real way you're going to be free and understand how to deal with this guilt now let me say this out loud god is greater than your guilty conscience god is greater than your guilty conscience i'ma say it two more times god is greater than your guilty conscience now i'm gonna share with you several scriptures here and i just want to read them because i want to now fill you up with an understanding that christ is your way to deal with a guilty conscience look at hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 in the new living translation hebrews chapter 9 14 in the new living translation he says this he says just think how much more the blood of christ will purify our conscience from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living god for by the power for by the power of the eternal spirit christ offered himself to god as a perfect sacrifice for our sins now let's read that again look at what he says here look at the key to dealing with a guilty conscience the key is the blood of christ purifying your conscience from sinful deeds so you can worship the living god you know i can remember time where i could hardly worship the living god because my my conscience was so inundated with you know condemnation you know i was i praying enough was i was i fasting enough was i good enough uh uh was i was i reading in the bible enough uh was i polite enough and my and i maintained a guilty conscience i couldn't hardly serve god like god like he needed to be served because it was just never enough and then i i understood this gospel of grace and and i recognized that if i began to focus in on what the blood of jesus has done and by his blood that i have been i have been set free from from a guilty conscience by the blood of jesus my conscience has been purified by what jesus has done through his blood how jesus has rescued me and how jesus has cleansed me how jesus has died for my sins but once i began to focus on that and my conscience was purified i can now serve god like i want to serve him ah yes look at this hebrews chapter 8 verse 12. hebrews chapter 8 and verse 12 write these scriptures down get these scriptures because any time you're attacked with guilt you pull these scriptures out because god is greater than your guilty conscience verse 12 he says for i will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will i remember no more so sin is what's causing people to have a guilty conscience because you think you're a bad person and you think god's mad at you and right here he says i'm going to show you mercy mercy is the the bad you deserved you don't get and god says i'm going to show you mercy he says i'm going to be merciful to their unrighteousness and and and and i'm going to be merciful to their sins and their sins and their iniquities i will remember no more and so while you're walking around being guilty of of sin in your life you need to meditate on the fact that god has shown has been willing he's willing to show mercy and he says your sins will i remember no more god's greater than your guilty conscience look at john 3 17. see if sin is the number one cause when you you start realizing oh i've done something wrong i violated this sin i've violated this moral moral thing then look at what jesus has done for that and he did all of that to free you from a guilty conscience he died and shed his blood and dealt with sin so you don't have to deal or be condemned by uh guilty conscience look at verse 17 for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world condemnation is always about not enough not enough that you're no good you're not good enough he didn't send jesus to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved so jesus is not coming to condemn you jesus is not coming to try to make you feel guilty that's why i have a problem with preachers in the pulpit that say things and try to make people feel guilty jesus didn't come to try to give you a guilty conscience jesus did not come to try to condemn you he came praise god the bible says but that the world through him might be saved not not be condemned he's trying to save you from a guilty conscience not give you a guilty conscience ii corinthians chapter 5 21. second corinthians chapter 5 21 i say it again god's greater than your guilty conscious he says in verse 21 for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin jesus was made sin who knew no sin who had never sinned that we might be made the righteousness of god so look at his love he says i'm going to take your sin upon myself and i've never sinned but i'm going to take all your sins upon me so you can be made the righteousness of god and the day you believe you're righteous you'll start stepping away from that guilt because you'll remind yourself that you're the righteousness of god see guilt will try to tell you you're bad guilt will try to tell you you deserve everything that's coming to you but what jesus did he says i'm taking all your sin i'm taking all your potential for a guilty conscious away and here's what i want you to be i want you to be righteousness conscious i want you to be conscious of the fact that i made you the righteousness of god ephesians chapter 1 and verse 7 and i know there's a lot of scriptures but man i'm trying to give you a i'm trying to give you a bottle of of of god's pills so you can fight guilt when it shows up ephesians 1 and 7 he says in whom we have redemption or deliverance how through his blood we have the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace we have the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace you have the forgiveness of sin don't walk around and be guilty of a sin and not realize that god has already made his mind through his blood up to forgive you he's already through his blood redeem you and so if something crazy happens or you sin in your life remind yourself i've been redeemed and god has forgiven me and then go ahead don't let the guilt deal with you let the blood deal with you isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 i'm almost there isaiah chapter 1 and verse 18 he says come now let us reason together saith the lord though your sins be as scarlet scarlet red they shall be as white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as war look at god saying i am a game changer i am a game changer and when i show up in your life i transform things i transform the things that are bad to good i transform your guilty conscience to a righteousness conscious i take care of your sins so that your sin won't take care of you psalms 103 verse 12. this is powerful this is this is probably one of the first scriptures i got a hold of after getting born again and and sinning and then thought well i'm not saved anymore because god doesn't love me and i felt so guilty and this brother shared this with me i'll never forget the scripture he says as far as the east is from the west so far have he removed our transgressions from us he has removed our transgressions from us and he has thrown it as far as the east is from the west man they never coming back together again and the bible says it lands into the sea of forgetfulness that's how god has dealt with your sins so if god has dealt with your sins you got to make sure your sin your sins don't deal with you that your sins won't deal with you and then bring about that guilty conscience and and then guilt begins to to re to wreck your life look at romans chapter 8 verse 1. yeah sometimes i have to just give scripture because i believe that when these things come up we ought to know how to intelligently respond where i have some from the for the devil when the devil shows up and tries to bring that guilt on your life you need to be able to respond and say you you don't want none of me you don't want none of me bro you know you want to dance let's dance and then you pull these scriptures out and just start quoting them you quote them into that until that guilt guilty that guilt goes away praise god i'm so excited all right look at romans 8 1 he said there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus now we got to be careful because most people condemnation comes through self-condemnation you can't condemn yourself there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus so if you're in christ jesus there is no condemnation and and that's what satan wants to do he wants to use sin to bring guilt and condemnation into your life and he says if the day you realize that you're in christ jesus and the day you realize what christ has done for you there is no more condemnation no more guilt you deal with that guilty conscience by realizing wait a minute i'm in christ jesus all is well look at second corinthians chapter 5 and verse 17. ii corinthians 5 and verse 17 and then one more he says therefore if any man be in christ here it is again that's that's the thing you answer that question you know ask yourself am i in christ yes so you're in christ and he said what did he say to those who are in christ therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things are become new you got to make sure that the devil doesn't have a rope tied to your ankle trying to keep you in your past all of us have a past but you don't have to live there anymore all of us have a past but you don't have to live there anymore and let me show you this this this psalms 32 verses one through two and i'll move on psalms 32 verses one through two i i uh i'm just amazed at what the scripture all over it says he says blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven it's forgiven whose sin is covered it's taken care of blessed is the man unto whom the lord imputeth not iniquity he is not charging that iniquity to your account so you're guilty over something that that's not going to be charged to you the lord imputed not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no gal you know the bible warns us the new testament that don't don't speak gal if you want to have good days and live a long life don't let your mouth speak gow now i have hopefully clearly stated that god is greater than your guilty conscience and there are some people who suffer under such tormenting guilt because of such egregious acts [Music] that sometimes they just want to be become numb to what i'm saying so let me try to attack it another way what happens what are the results in the lives of people who refuse to deal with the guilt god's way what are the what's the result in the lives of people who say well i don't believe in god and yada yada yada yada ya and i'm just gonna i'm just i'm just a bad person and i deserve everything that comes to me i want you to deal with the guilt you can jesus has dealt with it by faith receive what jesus has done and and and see yourself walk free believe in jesus christ receive him as your lord but what are the results what are the results let's talk about some results there's some there's some bad things and then there's some good things i got some good news and i got some bad news let's look at the bad news first if you fail to deal with the issue of guilt in your life here's here's the first result self-condemnation self-condemnation it's when a person condemns himself because of guilty feelings he's also opening the door for a host of other emotional problems when self-condemnation shows up and you condemn yourself because of those guilty feelings then you're going to open the door for a lot of emotional issues to come emotional issues for example emotional issues like loneliness loneliness is going to be a result of this self-condemnation emotional issues like an inferiority complex you're going to walk around inferior feelings of inferiority emotional issues like anxiety when you begin to allow self-condemnation to be there because you refuse to deal with the guilt i've met people who have allowed the guilt to trump them so bad then they start condemning themselves for something they were not even responsible for you know a person usually feels that he is merely getting what he deserves for being so bad that's what self-condemnation does i'm just simply getting what i deserve just for being so bad you know the number of lives that have been just so destroyed because of self condemnation because they have have just not dealt with it here's the second result of not dealing with guilt you know what you'll start doing number two you'll start placing blame on others for your problems and for your wrong you'll start placing blames on others i mean the guilt that adam and eve had in the garden remember that remember the first thing adam did as a result of the guilt in the garden and they hid themselves because of that guilt he started blaming he blamed eve he said this woman you gave me that's the reason why this happened listen to me carefully if you're a person that's somehow gotten yourself in the blame game placing blame on others for your wrongs and for your problems that is a result of not dealing with guilt and you know it's not it's it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why people operate the way they operate it's because they don't deal with the guilt in their life and then it's just easy to blame somebody else it's just easy to blame somebody else for the wrongs here's a third result of not dealing with guilt you become a pessimist pessimism becomes a part of your character you have this negative outlook on life and i mean i guess so i mean you're just so heavy with all of the guilt i mean it becomes hard to have a positive attitude with a heavy load of guilt and when you have a heavy load of guilt you are a pessimist everything's just negative around you because you just walk with this guilt i pray that i that the practicality of what i'm preaching this morning is helping you to to see yourself or to see someone else or to help you to understand how and why people are going through some of the things that they're going through and yet there is still one more thing that i want to put on the table here when you fail to deal with guilt the results of guilt is going to be physical illness there are people who have they've gotten cancer because of the guilt that they didn't know how to deal with there are people who have who have gotten have had heart attacks because they didn't know how to deal with the guilt there are people who have abused themselves and set themselves up to be abused because they did not know how to deal with the guilt physical illnesses think of that think of that think of think of you going to the doctor and he diagnoses you with a sickness that came as a result of the guilt in your life high blood pressure that came as a result of the guilt in your life heart attacks that occur because of the the guiltless the the the the failure to deal with the guilt in your life cancer that shows up because you failed to deal with the guilt in your life oh man well there are some positive and healthy aspects of guilt just to show you just just kind of add a little something here i do understand that guilt can be responsible for growth and change i i know that and i'm talking about mostly the guilt that comes from being guilty the guilt that comes from feeling guilty can can work in a person's life to help you to grow from those crazy things you used to do or that you're guilty of and it can help you to change from those things that you're guilty of again the guilt that comes from being guilty it will also help you to come to the place of repentance and then find yourself turning to god and then also the guilt that comes from being guilty can you know forgiveness will be made available and you'll begin to understand forgiveness from god and and then able to forgive other people and then ultimately able to forgive yourself as a result of that so now here's the real deal here's a real reason why i wanted to talk about this i've shared some answers with you i've gone back to show you the practical realities of living a life being tormented by guilt let's spend the rest of our time talking about overcoming it because that's what the lord really spoke to my heart what sheriff i want to be practical with you i'm not trying to give you some some deep dissertation on guilt i i want you to understand this enough hopefully that i've grabbed your attention so that you can see this is what i need to deal with and and so how do we overcome it number one i want to look at psalms 32 and 5 in the nlt and here's what i believe has to happen as with a lot of other things number one admit to yourself that you are experiencing guilt i meet so many people that want to avoid admitting that they're guilty about anything [Music] something happens when you locate yourself something happens when you identify where you are it's kind of like that little uh maps that we use to get us to certain destinations it has to locate where you are first in order to take you to your desired destination but um in nlt psalms 32 and verse 5. he said finally i confessed all my sins to you and i stopped trying to hide my guilt and i said to myself i will confess my rebellion to the lord now here's what i got out of this he says and you forgive me all my guilt is gone uh now go go back to the first part of verse five finally i confessed all my sins to you i had been spending so much time talking about you know confessing your sins whether whether or not you need to confess them to get god to forgive you or you don't need to confess them no no no no i i i now understand from this study that one of the reasons he says i confess all my sins to you he says because i i'm now tired of trying to hide my guilt he says i'm confessing it so i can get rid of the guilt i'm confessing my stuff to you to get rid of the guilt and and and that was powerful because okay so you ask yourself a question who am i going to talk to about this i'm guilty about something that's so egregious and so embarrassing who am i going to talk to about this and i am telling you right now that you can confess to god to get rid of the guilt i'm not confessing to god to get him to forgive me of my sins he's already forgiven me of my sins and by faith i receive that and walk in it with gratitude and thanksgiving but i am confessing this thing so i can get rid of the guilt [Music] get rid of the guilt i remember my spiritual father he used to say this like all the time he says you confess it to get rid of it and and i was just thinking in one area but now i understand get rid of the guilt there's something about admitting it there's something about confessing it to get rid of it maybe maybe here's the thing to do uh maybe write honestly on paper your guilt write it down on paper and then tear it up into a million peoples and throw it away or write it on paper and shred it give yourself a picture of i no longer carry this this is not mine anymore and once you take care of it and it's not yours anymore refuse to make it yours ever again here's a second way of overcoming guilt remember that the past is behind you remember that the past is behind you it can only hurt when you use it against yourself the past is behind you and it can only hurt when you use the past against yourself remember that it's behind me it's behind me and it can't do nothing to me unless i reach back and use it against myself number three never doubt the power of god's blood real quickly i want to show you these three scriptures so you know what i'm talking about matthew 26 and 28 never doubt the power of god's blood when the guilt comes don't sit there and let it deal with you because then you're doubting the power of god's blood never doubt the power of god's blood deuteronomy 26 28 says this for this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins for the getting rid of your sins by the blood of jesus and then acts 20 and 28 acts 20 and 28 he says take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the holy ghost have made you overseers to feed the church of god which he hath purchased with his own blood you've been purchased by the blood of jesus never doubt the power of god's blood and then revelations chapter one and five never doubt the power of god's blood revelations chapter 1 and verse 5 he says and from jesus christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood never doubt the power of the blood number four god remembers our sins no more jeremiah 31 30-32 god remembers our sins no more god remembers our sins no more and if he doesn't remember him you don't need to remember him look at this he says but everyone shall die for for his own iniquity every man that eateth the sour grape his teeth shall be set on edge verse 31 behold the days come saith the lord that i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah good he says not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers in the day that i took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of egypt which my covenant they break he says although i was and husband unto them saith the lord he said the same thing in the in the book of hebrews here you've got to understand that jesus has a new covenant with us and in that new covenant he says i will remember your sins no more i will remember your sins no more and then psalms 103 12 again he says he cast the sins away from us as far as the east is from the west okay god remembers our sins no more verse number five your feelings of guilt won't change the past remember this your feelings of guilt won't change the past so if you're if you're all day long walking in guilt and and letting guilt rob you of precious minds that's what minutes that's what guilt does it robs you of of precious moments of your life it robs you of those special seasons those special events those special memories are being being robbed because you're letting guilt come in and interfere and and and the thing you've got to understand is that your feelings of guilt won't change the past whatever it was whatever happened in the past it still happened it's in the past but you know your feelings won't change it and so you got to remember that don't don't don't allow yourself to have your life interrupted by something that's in the past or interrupted by some by a guilty feeling deal with it number six acknowledge that there may be some things that others don't like about you acknowledge there may be some things that others don't like about you it's their problem not yours it's listen it's their problem you can't please everybody and christ didn't try to please everybody so here's what i want you to know i acknowledge that there may be some things about creflo dollar uh that you don't like uh i i i'm not for everybody and i'm glad that there are more pastors in this world and more people in this world i acknowledge there may be some things about me that people don't like now i love you even though you don't like me i love you but i i've gotta i've gotta look at the example of jesus christ that that kind of that that's kind of your problem and and and and and for me i got to recognize i can't please everybody i mean i'd love to but i can't i can't please everybody if you if you find if you get yourself in a place where you start trying to be a man pleaser instead of a god pleaser it's going to be messed up i wish all of the comments uh in the comment section on the on social media i oh i would love for them to all to be wonderful and and just great and nice but you can't please everybody and i think that's got to be a reality in your life and you got to understand that christ didn't try to try to please everybody number seven [Music] get guilt feelings after receiving christ be careful now they might not all be coming from god now here's what i'm saying i don't believe they're coming from god at all because i think what happens is when jesus has has allowed things to be done to help you to be free from your guilt then now you've got to be ready for satan to try to use guilt to distract you is satan using guilt to try to distract you are you being paralyzed right now today because satan is using guilt to distract you and every time you you you go forward and every time you make up your mind i'm gonna go forward things are great i have the joy of the lord and as a result of it satan loves bringing things from your past to try to get you to feel guilty in your present and i'm saying you have to resist that you have to resist guilt that comes from the enemy that's trying to paralyze you or trying to cause you to be stranded in that one place number eight remove the bad labels that you have placed on yourself what bad labels have you placed on yourself you know like i'm a bad person you know you start looking at all the things you've done and you think well i'm a bad person or you start looking at the things you've done and you say well i'm not as good a christian as that person you know they come in acting deep and all that but they got issues too you've got to remove those bad labels about yourself i'm a bad person i'm you know because of this and because of that no no no remove it you're the righteousness of god you're holy you're sanctified number nine i got a few minutes here meditate on john 8 36 let's look at john 8 36 i want you to meditate on all the things but this is like a scripture i can put in my pocket and uh i can deal with with guilt i've had to deal with guilt as a parent in my life i've dealt with it i'm not it's not going to rob me of any more of my precious life it's not going to rob me of any more of my precious life and whatever i didn't do that was considered to be right or perfect i turned it over to god and said god please love my children enough to help them understand what i felt to help them to understand and i'll leave it at that and and not let the guilt torment me but this is one of those pocket scriptures to meditate on he says if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed i receive that if the son therefore make you free you shall be free indeed and you know what i tell myself i am free from guilt i am free from guilt and that thing keeps coming up no no no no i am free from guilt no way i'm free from guilt i'm free from guilt if the son makes you free then you're free indeed and then number 10 pray for wisdom wisdom is knowing what to do when you don't know what to do pray for wisdom pray that god will give you the wisdom so every time you are confronted with guilt he'll give you the wisdom and show you how to do what needs to be done and then give you the wisdom to show you how to visualize the blood of jesus washing your sins away think of that visualizing the blood of jesus washing your sins away thank god for the wisdom and the wisdom of god that will will lead you into a place of peace a place of mental stability a place of joy and calmness don't allow the enemy in such a fragile time as we're in now a time of pandemic inequality hate strife don't allow him to use guilt to even make it worse don't allow yourself to be guilty for the fault of an abuser you know you feel like oh if i'd have been a better wife then he wouldn't have beat me so much don't you dare do that fight the good fight of faith and that's what this is this is a good fight of faith taking hold of what jesus has given you through his blood his provisions his love and holding on to that and confessing it and meditating and choosing to think on that more so like taffy was talking about this morning man exercising yourself and what blood of jesus has already made available getting that word on the inside of you feeding off this word and then exercising it and when that guilt comes up you put your plan to work you put your plan to work if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed and i declare that you are free in jesus name father we thank you we thank you for this word i pray that this word has somehow reached the destination that you have intended for it to reach all i want to do is your will all i want to do is do what you tell me to do and i pray this word has reached the destination that this word has maybe changed somebody's mind about taking their life this word has changed somebody's mentality and the stability is coming back that this word somehow has caused the peace that passes all understanding to be we give you praise oh god let the anointing of the holy ghost be so strong in the presence of those who are hearing this right now let your anointing remove every burden destroy every yoke every burden every yoke be destroyed every burden every yoke be destroyed we give you praise oh mighty god we give you praise thank you for healing and deliverance but thank you for godly strategy to live above guilt blessings upon everyone everybody that's watching this right now i pray the anointing of holy ghost go through the screams right now the anointing of the holy ghost go through the screams right now and touch and in the name of jesus whatever needs to be destroyed i command that yoke to be destroyed and you'll be free right now by the power by the supernatural power of the holy spirit by the supernatural power of the holy spirit that can go through this technology and touch you and heal you and deliver you and set you free wherever you are in jesus name now those of you who have not made jesus the lord of your life and you're saying you know what i've tried the rest i'm ready to try the best now jesus is the best brother dollar pray the prayer of salvation i'll pray it with you i want to give my life to jesus will you pray and say this after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but today i repent of all of my sins i give them to you so that you can cast them from the e as far as the east is from the west lord jesus i believe that you died for [Music] me i believe you shed your blood for me i believe that all of my sins past present and future are forgiven now lord i ask you to come into my life be my lord and my savior so by faith i declare now that i am no longer a sinner i'm a saint and i declare that i am saved in jesus name amen now if you prayed that prayer with me i want you to text the word i'm saved that's one word to 51555 like to prove if you would provide your name and your email address i would like to send you a free ebook as a gift to you today welcome to the family of god welcome to the family of god if you could just in the comment section tell them i just got saved world changers nation grab hold of them love on them encourage them in jesus name amen well praise the lord it's opportunity for prosperity time it is opportunity to worship god with your gifts it's an opportunity to remember all the good that god has done in your life it is an opportunity to uh respond to that goodness that our giving this morning is an honor act it's an act where we are honoring god for all he's done the bible says that we don't give out of necessity we don't give grudgingly you know grudgingly means not wanting to he says but we give out of a cheerful heart whose heart is in their giving a cheerful thankful appreciative heart we worship you this morning with our gifts we worship you for giving us a sound mind in the middle of a lot of this craziness we worship you for keeping us well and safe from any virus we worship you o god and father we give unto the lord glory that's due to your name now we bring an offering and worship you and give you praise in the mighty name of jesus let's do that today worship god what you're giving and if you're if you're moved to give because you love god you're thankful and you're grateful to god and you want to use the text to give most of you know it by now but you can text world changers space and your amount to 74483 or you can go to the websites creflo dollar ministries world changers and you can give online or and also use your paypal there on online you can also call the number on your screen 477 number 7683 and they will assist you where your giving is concerned or you can continue to mail in as some of you have been doing we are grateful and thankful for such a church that understands that it's not only financially supporting this ministry so that we can continue to do what needs to be done i mean we are still doing what we do we're still feeding folks supporting people and giving that food and clothes and you know covet testing anything we can do to make sure the world changes nation have what they need still ministering to our children still ministering to our teenagers uh all because we have one of the greatest churches in the world one of the greatest bunch of people ever who i miss so so as much and i thank god for you and again i'm listening to the holy ghost but every life not one life is to me is is is worth risking i i until i can guarantee your safety and i know some of you have your opinions well praise god i i just think you need some more faith i guarantee you it takes a lot more faith to to to stay closed than it does to open i'ma tell you that right now but the bottom line is no matter what you say or think i'm still gonna be committed to being a barefooted priest and i ain't doing nothing to the lord tell me to you know there's sometimes some people say that and then just kind of do things anyway your life is important your life is too important for me to be playing games and pretending like i heard god i got i will know i will know when i know and when i know i'll let you know but until then our home churches are growing and prospering and being fed and being taken care of like never before and taffy and i are committed to pastoring you loving you feeding you encouraging you connecting with you in any way that we possibly can and we thank you for your support for your love for what you're just doing it to make it easy for us and i mean we went from seeing one another sometimes once a week maybe twice a week to like every day almost and it is a blessing of the lord so thank you for your generosity thank you for your prayers thank you for your love thank you for all that you do that causes this ministry to be able to be effective in these last days i'm gonna have staff to come on out and and help us with our announcements let you know what's going on and what you need to do and uh the best is yet to come amen um there is a blood drive that's going on now taking place in the fellowship hall so if you have the opportunity to go by the fellowship hall this afternoon between the hours of uh really now until four o'clock we would love for you to help out and provide support for increasing the blood supply for our community and for all the things that are taking place also on august the first there's a back to school event that'll be at the robert e mcnair middle school from 10 a.m to 1 p.m you can register your student for this free event by texting b2 school to 5155 and also if you'd like to make a donation towards this event you can text missions to 74883 missions to 74883 and then again as you mentioned on wednesday there is the next covet test it will be taking place here in the overflow parking lot across the street and registration is not required but it is highly suggested we had a lot of people who were tested on yesterday uh we partnered with dr jackie and dr heavenly and dr damon and then we had one last wednesday and then there will be another one so if you want to get tested you can certainly um take advantage of this and we want to make it available to everyone and you saw the recap so it flows very well get you in get you out and you can know your status hey man well again taff and i we appreciate you we're thankful we are grateful we we've decided that we we we're building we've built a wall against strife you do the same thing build a wall against strife don't let it come in and and uh build a barrier between you and god that's what strife does it's a trap it's a prison and it builds barriers not only between you and god but it also builds barriers between you and the blessings of god so this saturday in the new york church time i'll be doing a series on strife for two weeks and and it'll be a blessing to you yeah it's good timing hey guys we love you so much um thank you for spending the time with us today uh i'll go ahead and dismiss i'm trying to get these sermons and hit it and get you on out of here praise the lord now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen amen god bless you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 70,038
Rating: 4.8532901 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 14sec (4034 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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