Living Water | This Side of the Cross | 05.09.21

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to life church 7 we are so glad that you're here and if you're a guest welcome welcome you're gonna enjoy the service but before we get to the service we've got some announcements for you all right hey everybody our first announcement today is silverwood we have a youth silverwood trip coming up we've done this every year for the last couple years this year it is june 30th it is 75 for your student that's 6th through 12th grade and that 75 dollars includes admission to both parks to uh lunch and dinner that day and it's just going to be a blast oh and unlimited drinks in the park as well so you don't want to miss it we just have amazing time getting to have fun spend time together and it's a blast that's amazing hey our next announcement calling all golfers on may 15th it's not too late to sign up we're having tea off at 7 30 you can sign up on the website and it's for a fundraiser and it's going to be a day full of fun like golfing is so much fun and you get to hang out with your friends you can bring a group and it's going to be amazing and you don't want to miss out so sign up today graduation yeah next up we have our graduation for our school of supernatural ministry that is happening sunday night may 16th at 6 p.m we are going to celebrate three years of graduating students everybody is welcome to attend we want families to be there we want friends to be there to celebrate it's going to be a time of worship a time of celebration a time of commissioning you don't want to miss it it's going to be so much fun hey we've also got something amazing for our kids that are in first through fifth grade we are having our life kids summer camp we are blasting off to discover more of god and i'm really expecting for our kids to encounter the presence of jesus and when we encounter him we get to love and look like him so if you want to sign up it's happening june 21st through the 24th and you can go sign up at the table in the lobby for more information or online it's going to be amazing what a bunch of amazing announcements and ways to get involved at life church 7 well here comes the service so excited to worship the lord with you good morning welcome to life church seven would you just stand with us today happy mother's day to all the mamas all the spiritual moms yeah all the grandmas we're so thankful for you and just showing us what it looks like to be godly women we love that um today's service is gonna be so amazing we have two incredible speakers this morning and uh the service is not i mean it is mother's day yes but this message is for literally everybody and so you're gonna be so glad that you're here today to hear it um it's gonna be a day of refreshing this morning when i was driving to church i was just talking to the lord i like to ask him questions a lot and i asked him pretty regularly i asked the lord what do you say about me today lord and i usually get some pretty cool answers and this morning he said um he said in in me you are complete and i was like oh yes in you i'm complete lord i don't have to have it all together i don't have to be perfect i don't have to have everything figured out but because i partner my life with yours i get to be complete isn't that amazing yeah so there's this verse in in matthew it says when you are we're are you weary are you carrying a heavy burden come to me isn't that awesome i will refresh your life for i am your oasis isn't that awesome he is our oasis in the middle of a desert right here in uh the seven cities he is our oasis simply join your life with mine yeah so good learn my ways and you'll discover that i am gentle i am humble i'm easy to please and you will find refreshment and rest in me isn't that so awesome yeah let's just put our hands up let's just receive his rest and refreshment today god we thank you for your waterfall of rest and refreshment today thank you that i can partner my life with yours and i am complete that everything that i feel like i'm lacking god when i partner my life with yours i am complete so today as we enter in to your presence as we step under that waterfall of refreshing god i open my heart let's just open our hearts we open our hearts to receive your refreshing your love yeah let's just stay right here for one second yeah lord we just receive your love yes yes we receive your love jesus we receive your love your refreshing holy spirit we receive your refreshing father because you're we're our kids and you love us we are complete in you today we thank you in jesus name amen let's worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] step out of the grave [Music] don't be afraid run into wide open spaces [Music] there is freedom there is freedom where the spirit of the lord is [Music] [Music] [Music] freedom [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] just like the weight has been lifted grace where the spirit of the [Music] of the lord [Applause] [Music] for the is is [Music] [Music] let here be free [Music] [Music] and shake at the sound of jesus name lives made whole hearts awake at the sound of jesus [Music] of jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] where the spirit of the lord is [Applause] [Music] is let there be [Applause] [Music] never [Music] dance like the weight has been lifted grace is waiting feels like the weight has been lifted [Music] grace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] freedom will be free so so [Music] there's a table that you prepared for me in the presence of my enemies your body and your bloody for me this is [Music] in the presence of my enemy [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] my up this is how i find my battles this is how i find my battles this is how my battles this is how i fight my battles this is how and surely your goodness and your mercy follow me [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] is [Music] it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you oh it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] give me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it may look like i'm sure [Music] this is this is how i [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing is as strong as your blood nothing is as strong as your love nothing is as strong as your blood nothing is as strong as your love [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] but i'm surrounded this is this is i find my battles this is how i find my battle this is i find my battles this is take my life lay it down at the cross where i am found all i have i give to you god take my hands and make them clean keep my heart all you have for me [Music] [Music] i am yours and you are my [Music] jesus take my moments and my days let it [Music] for you [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i am yours um [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] arms open wide [Music] and you are [Music] open wide [Music] and you are my [Music] jesus oh jesus precious jesus it's no one like you lord [Music] we stand arms open wide to the lord oh god [Music] arms open away [Music] oh [Music] i am yours and you are my jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] precious you are my treasure my great reward i just [Music] no matter how much the cost [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is we give it all to you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is it a song i've seen [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause i just wanna know [Music] no matter how [Music] yeah father yes lord that's our prayer today as we lift up holy hands to you lord we just open our hearts to you we welcome you lord we welcome you lord jesus come fill every heart fill every life today lord never there's never been a time quite like now where we've so needed you and so we just say welcome come lord jesus come lord jesus welcome holy spirit touch every person here this morning move upon every person oh we welcome you we welcome you earlier this morning i just felt the lord just prompted me to invite all of the mothers just to come to the front and i want to just pray a prayer blessing over you some need healing some need encouragement but everyone every mom needs blessing every mother needs blessing so i just want to welcome you to come yeah come closer yeah yeah we're going to come we're going to pray over you let's bless our moms yeah if you're in the balconies you're free to come or you can just step up yeah thank you lord thank you lord wow it is so good to see each one of you moms and i bless you i bless you i say great job i say great job thank you for all you do thank you for all you do i just want to pray a blessing over you today you just open up your hands and your hearts so father each one of these precious moms these are favorite daughters of the king they've been adopted in and lord you love them with an everlasting love and father right now i just pray i just release a blessing over each one lord those that are carrying heavy loads some are carrying disappointment some lord are just kind of out of gas and they need you to come and refresh their hearts and their minds and their spirits and lord today right now by the power of the holy spirit i ask that you would heal that you had men broken hearts that you would transform each one in jesus name let your grace come let your grace come lord your grace is here your grace abounds your strength is made perfect in our weakness lord so welcome holy spirit come flood each one those that need physical healing holy spirit would you come and touch each one right now you know what we need and you know what they need so in the name of jesus i declare healing and wholeness over every person every person who needs healing right now by his stripes we are healed in jesus name in jesus name oh thank you lord thank you lord welcome holy spirit welcome holy spirit welcome lord for each one of these lord as robin and my elves speak today lord i pray that you'll just open up everyone's heart but especially these that are standing before me that you have a specific word for them today and i asked lord that today as they go out they'll be so filled with your life and your presence and your anointing it'll be so different it'll be so different from what they came in with that every person lord in the congregation those that are standing those in the balcony i just release your grace in your presence and your goodness welcome holy spirit come and touch each one i pray and we give you all praise we give you all glory we give you all honor and might and dominion and power you're the name that's above every name jesus and we worship you lord we thank you for so great a salvation thank you you are so amazing jesus we love you in your precious name amen ladies we honor you we bless you thank you jesus come on well bless you thank you lord as you remain standing i'm going to we just want to prepare to receive our morning worship offering and um i want to thank you as a as a church body thank you for your faithfulness and giving those that are watching online thank you for your ongoing giving and blessing and we give to jesus we give because he loves us amen and uh that's just cool and just seeing lots of hugs and lots of blessing and uh but we're doing the offering and so would you just go ahead and just remain standing with me for a minute i'm gonna bless each one and i just felt especially prompted this morning if you need a new job you're going through a time and you need a job and you need and you're really praying specifically lord i need a a new day in this new job you know exactly what i need would you just raise your hand because i just yeah i just i feel prompted to pray for people today so father as many raise their hands in the first service and those that raise their hand in the second service lord you're the supplier of every need you have the jobs before we could even think of them so for those that have their hands lifted up to you i ask that this week you would open up amazing new doors for those who need jobs jobs and more jobs lord i thank you that they would be it'd be amazing blessing and provision i thank you for your grace lord bless both gift and giver we give to honor you we give because we love you and everybody said amen while you're standing would you welcome pastor miel pastor robin as they come and minister the word of [Applause] god thank you thank you happy mother's day you can go ahead and be seated well good morning everyone to those online if you're listening in the evening good evening because i know this feed will go out later but we're so glad you're here with us today and if i haven't met you yet my name is miel and i am the women's pastor here and i am so excited to bring the word to you today with my friend my sister my co-laborer pastor robin middleton we are here [Music] to bring the fire today so as we start we just wanted to share some pictures of our own family with you uh so like miles said my name is robin i am the youth pastor along with my husband and uh first-year school of supernatural ministry director for first year that is a mouthful that's awesome so this is my gorgeous family uh my husband has his eyes closed because he pictures her as favorite [Laughter] but uh you'll see my daughter anya she will be turning 18 next sunday so beautiful and she's an amazing incredible worship leader and my son jack whom i am well pleased he is amazing because he wore those pants and he was a little bummed at me for it but he matched the family so props to you son the next picture i would love to this is my mother in love she is wonderful she has been such a great part of my life she first time i talked to her she said oh you sound like a rock star i'm like oh i like this lady she has prayed and fasted and spent many hours in prayer for for myself for my children and she is an incredible mother-in-law the next one is my beautiful mother teresa she's the one the middle my sister's star she's right there on her happy mother's day star and that is me with a really bad haircut completely not wanting to be there uh i almost like this dress is like an honor to my mother she is actually no longer with us she is in heaven and she is with a great cloud of witnesses cheering me on today but this is this is a tribute to my mother because uh right after that i went and played basketball with the fellas because that was not my jam so uh happy mother's day to my mother in heaven so what was this picture for i don't think i asked that this this was a mother-daughter tea so uh it was an absolute fight to get me there so all you moms that had to struggle with your kids today i bless you and i honor you that's awesome that's awesome well i just like to take a moment and honor two very special people who surprised me in between service my mom and my dad abby and mike stand stand it's my mom and my dad and i'm their favorite child at least i tell them that i am but thank you so much for coming i love both of you so so much and i have some pictures of my family i want to show you as well this is my husband nae and my two boys titus and tate titus is nine and a half going on 30. he is a leader he is a rule follower in fact the other day i uh was having one of those moments as a mom you know uh you know those moments where you're like on the verge of maybe losing it you know and titus could tell that i was a little bit stressed so he looked at me and he goes mom i think he might need the lord and i was like yeah i do you're right um and then that's tate so just take a moment and look at the picture look at the look at um tate's smile right there that's like he did not want to take these pictures so go to the next the next photo there we go we got a smile after we bribed him any other parents bribe for pictures i'm like you can have candy you can pick a toy at the store just smile so i got a smile tate is my second born he is my rule breaker and tate yesterday at a basket or a baseball game titus was getting up to hit and tate stands up in front of the whole crowd yells go titus hit him in the nuts yeah so any other moms of boys you understand it's just yeah i i didn't quite know what to do in that moment you know they i wasn't do i run i'm just glad that you didn't say it me too thank you for pointing that out i feel better about our situation okay next picture um this is my mom and i at our our at my wedding day with nate and um my mom was so fun my mom's the kind of mom that would wake me up in the middle of night and take me tping anybody else you don't have to admit it because it might be illegal but my mom took me to do that we don't do it anymore but that was really fun the next picture this is nate with connie on our wedding day who's my mother-in-law also pastor wes wife and she's not in this service she was in the last service but we honor her today and if you know connie you you are blessed by connie because connie loves so well so we honor you today connie when you listen back to this and as we're just honoring moms in the house we just want to make sure that each of you leave today knowing you are honored you are honored in the eyes of the lord you're honored here at this church so we're gonna we're gonna have you stand one more time just because we want to make sure you feel honored but if you're a mom or a grandma would you just stand to your feet stand to your feet just give it up yeah and just that includes spiritual moms too maybe you haven't actually birthed a child but you you are a spiritual mom please stand up keep clapping guys you can keep clapping let's let's make these moms feel honored we honor you today heaven honors you you are loved in this house we love you we're grateful go ahead and sit down we're so glad you're with us today and think back for a moment with me that moment you found out you're gonna be a parent whether it's your mom or your dad grandma and grandpa when you found out the moment you found out you were gonna be a parent did you have like a picture in your head of what it would look like anybody in here have like an idea of what it might look like what would it look like for you not that i'll tell you that i thought magically i was just going to know how to cook um my husband's still waiting for that miracle to happen it hasn't happened yet well for me this picture represents what i thought it would look like you know everyone's dressed up i love to get dressed up dressed up my kids look great we're eating ice cream everything's great you know i thought my kids you know before i had children i said my kids won't throw fits in front of others at stores they're going gonna always look good they're not gonna have stuff they're not gonna get messy and um after nine and a half years of raising boys this is a more accurate picture of what parenting feels like [Applause] can anyone relate to me all right we're about to do the altar call right now but parenting and motherhood and fatherhood honestly is such an incredible journey it's an honor to do it and how many of you know we need the lord's help every day every day every day well i've known i was going to be preaching on mother's day for quite a while and so i've been asking the lord what he wanted to do and the lord just back in january actually put it on my heart to partner with pastor robin and so i'm so glad that you said yes to this and as we've prayed about today as we've prayed about this morning there are a few things that the lord has made very clear and the first thing is this is that today is going to be a day of refreshing that there's going to be heavenly refreshing that comes on your spirit that comes on your soul just over you that when you walk out of this room you're just going to be just take this deep breath like oh that's just what i needed that today there's a day of refreshing that today it's going to be a day of restoring that the lord wants to restore you he wants to restore your families he wants to restore what's been broken he must restore your bodies and he also wants to bring transformation continued transformation to be more and more like jesus how many of you want any of those things today my hand is raised for all of them so today is going to be a good day and the last thing that's been very clear is this is that this message is for every single person this person this message is for the moms it's for the dads it's for the grandmas it's for the grandpas it's for every single person god wants to give you fresh revelation today he wants you to have a fresh encounter with him today and so we're believing that god's going to do that you know all of us in this room we have one thing in common at least one thing there's probably more than one but one thing i want to point out today all of us get thirsty how many of you get thirsty every single day let's just see everybody's hand is raised right you're like dumb i'll yes everyone gets thirsty but the source of where you get your liquid matters if you were to just feed your body coffee all day long that would not be healthy long-term would it we all have to think about what the sources that we're going to after you go for after you work out or you go for a hike or you've been at the gym what do you crave you crave water i need water and think about what that tastes like after you have that big gulp of fiji water any any other fiji water levers in the house i love fiji water after you take a big gulp of that water it's like oh it just refreshes you right well what the source the source of where you get your liquid really matters sprite had this ad campaign a while back and their ad campaign was this freedom from thirst freedom from thirst and they had this commercial that went with it and in this commercial there's these athletes and different people outside they're they're playing uh sporting events they're hot they're in the sun and all of a sudden they take a drink of sprite and then they run and collide into each other becoming this burst of raining sprite and everybody in the commercial around them is like dancing in the sprite the rain sprite and they're just it's like all of their needs have been met they're so happy and everything's been fulfilled their thirst has been quenched well my husband saw this commercial and he thought i'm gonna give it a try freedom from thirst that's awesome so he was in college and he decided to take sprite with him to his basketball game instead of water you know i'm going with this but he thought i'd just try it out he gave me permission to share this story but he went to his game and in his game he drank sprite but what ended up happening he ended up getting extremely sick he got super dehydrated and ill and all he craved he said all i craved was some water he said sprite they had a promise they could not deliver it did not free me from thirst it actually made me more thirsty the source really matters your source matters you know spiritually our physically our bodies thirst but also spiritually our bodies thirst our souls thirst we thirst to be loved we thirst to be accepted we thirst to know that we are loved and that we are seen we thirst to know that we matter and that we have a purpose and the world offers things substances to try and quench our thirst to try and quench our thirst if you could just have this job then then or if you have this relationship or or if your kids do this or if you have this much money or if you look like this then if you you could fill in the blank with the if if you do this then you'll feel loved if you do that or you buy this then you'll feel fulfilled but i'm telling you no no matter how many times i've gone around target i still want more i still want more it never really satisfies and i'm here to tell you today that there is a source that can quench your thirst and fill you to overflowing to where you will no longer be thirsty again there is a source that can meet every need that you have every deep desire within your heart this source can meet and it's the living water the living water jesus offers us living water and our big idea our revelation this morning is this the living water refreshes us it restores us and it transforms us the living water when you taste it you will never be thirsty again come on that was really good amen thank you i'm like jesus i'm getting refreshed right now so if you couldn't guess we're going to talk about uh a story in the bible at the well so if you could turn uh your bible to john 4 we're going to read the story of the woman at the well um before we do that i just i'm just going to welcome the holy spirit yeah so holy spirit thank you for being in this room thank you that as we read this story as we read your words new things and new revelations are going to pop out to each heart today that you're actually speaking to every heart in this room and we just welcome you holy spirit we want that encounter right now in jesus name yeah all right john four let's let's uh start with verse four jesus has been ministering he's been baptizing the pharisees are all irritated with him he's on his way back to galilee and so we start with verse four he had to go through samaria on the way eventually he came to the samaritan village of sikkar near the field that jacob gave to his son joseph jacob's well was there and jesus tired from the long walk sat wearily beside the well about noontime so jesus got tired too so tired moms you're gonna get you're gonna get filled today you're in a good place soon a samaritan woman came to draw water and jesus said to her please give me a drink he was alone at the time because his disciples had gone into the village to buy some food the woman was surprised for jews refused to have anything to do with samaritans she said to jesus you are a jew and i'm a samaritan woman why are you asking me for a drink even then jesus crosses all cultural barriers so he's going to cross lines today to get to your heart he's going to encounter you today no matter where what your background is what you've done what you haven't done he's going to cross those lines today just to get to your heart jesus replied if you only knew the gift god has for you and who you are speaking to you would ask me and i would give you living water i love that if you only knew i feel like jesus is saying that this morning to some of us if you only knew the gift that is standing right in front of you about a month ago i had an encounter right here on the floor man there's been many amazing encounters right here on the floor if you've never been on the floor face face on the ground i encourage you to do it it was a monday night at our at our school and where the leaders are getting prayed for how many know that leaders we need prayer and encounters all the time so be praying for us so we're standing here and i'm getting prayed for and i just i don't want to just get prayed for and then just go home the same way you know what i mean anybody else ever feel like that so i'm standing there and all of a sudden all of this uh tension inside of me this sound comes out of me like i yell like you guys see me worship i'm i'm pretty exuberant i really love jesus i've had many encounters with jesus but there's always more and there was more for me this day and there was the sound that came out of me i'm often uh i'm an overthinker so i'm often worried like if i'm dancing or getting wild or prophesying over somebody like it's too much i don't want to scare people so part of me is still hidden so if you've ever seen me worship that's still half of what i'm giving you so it's there was something that came out of me and it was like and i said this last service and then the lord reminded me it was the sound of revival and the revivalist that god created me out of created me to be and it came out like such a sound it was like this roar and i just started yelling and then i ended up on the ground it was like everything within me was yelling and i laid on the floor just face down and i'm just crying and drooling and hairs everywhere because i didn't care i wanted to have a face-to-face encounter with jesus and so as i'm laying there it's like jesus came and laid right next to me and we're just laying face to face and i said jesus i don't want to get up if i'm going to be the saiyan i don't want to get up i will not move unless you change me i don't want to be afraid of man anymore i don't want to worry about what i say or don't say i don't have to worry about what i wear or if if i look okay if i'm pretty enough if i'm quiet enough that's just let's just laugh at that right there and jesus is so kind to say okay then and i did not get up i did not move until that was left on the ground and then what he filled me up with was that living water that refreshes continually so i don't have to worry about what people think but i have to worry if i had a face-to-face encounter with jesus today and so that's what we want to offer you today is a taste of the living water have you tasted the living water have you had a living water encounter and what i mean by that is exactly what i was just talking about have you had that face-to-face moment where you know that nothing is going to be the same again because you're going to be transformed by jesus i love there's this quote bill johnson has this quote and i love it if you only knew who god created you to be you'd never want to be anybody else and that's the encounter we're talking about today that you would actually recognize the son and the daughter that you were created to be and to be encountered with jesus so you can go and be the living water everywhere you go wow that's so good a living water encounter have you had a living water encounter see when you have a living water encounter you can't help but be different because then you realize oh that's what i was looking for that's what i've needed all along and it's it's not with the living water encounter it's not that we haven't had access to it but we get to choose to drink of it or not you get to choose to drink of the living water or not if you only knew can you say that quote one more time from bill that was so good if you only knew who god created you to be you'd never want to be anybody else so good what i love about this story is it points us to this this encounter and jesus wants you to encounter him today maybe for the first time maybe for the 100th time but there's more available to you and this story really points that you can have an encounter whether you understand it or not you can have an encounter whether you understand it or not you don't have to know you don't have to understand it you don't have to know the whole bible in order to have an encounter you just have to invite him in you just have to say yes yes i say yes there's an encounter available to you and this woman she isn't truly getting it jesus is dropping some serious knowledge and she's like not following along she's like i don't understand maybe some of you can relate like you're reading the bible i don't get it what does this mean especially through leviticus that's how i feel but let's go to verse 11 and she says this but sir you don't have a rope or a bucket she said and this well is very deep where would you get this living water and besides do you think you're greater than our ancestor jacob who gave us this well how can you offer better water than he and his sons and his animals enjoyed i just want to pause there for a moment she's not truly understanding because she's trying to understand a supernatural concept a supernatural invitation with her natural mind you will not be able to understand logically you will not be able to understand in the natural what happens in the supernatural we need the holy spirit to help us comprehend what the lord is doing that's the holy spirit's work to reveal all truth because we can be in a room be in a moment where the lord is doing something in you and you can't logically explain it but your spirit comes alive you know it's real you know it's happening and that's what's happening in this moment he's saying i have living water for you and she's like well how are you gonna pull it out of the well and he's like i'm the living water she's just not getting it so if you're here today and you're like i don't fully understand it's okay it's okay you don't have to understand to encounter the lord you just have to say yes she goes or jesus goes on he says he replies anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again but those who drink the water i give will never be thirsty again freedom from thirst take that sprite it becomes a fresh bubbling spring within them giving them eternal life please sir you see she's starting to kind of understand please sir the woman said give me this water then i'll never be thirsty again and i won't have to come here to get water go and get your husband jesus told her i don't have a husband the woman replied jesus said you are right and you just love how jesus kind of messes with people he says you're right you don't have a husband for you have had five husbands and you aren't even married to the man you're living with now you certainly spoke the truth and i love her response sir the woman said you must be a prophet i love this story i love this encounter the more i read about it the more i'm fascinated with jesus how he his timing is perfect there's no mistake in his timing of this that he would be at a well in the middle of the day to meet with a woman who was an outcast this woman would have been outcasted in society because of her lifestyle because of what she had done and my guess is she there was a part of her that wanted to hide because of the ridicule because of the shame because she was reminded of her sin people only saw her through the lens of her sin her issues what she had done wrong and so she was reminded of it every time she interacted with people and so here she is in the middle of the day at a well trying to quench her physical thirst and she meets jesus who is offering her everything she's ever desired everything she's ever needed that the husband husband number two husband number three husband number four couldn't meet it but jesus is here offering her what her soul's been longing for you know i can relate to this woman on the level of wanting to hide my story is different than hers but i understand what it's like to try and avoid community to try and avoid allowing people to know what was really going on with me i've shared a little bit about my journey with anxiety and fear but to be honest with you i've never really shared the depth of the pain and the trauma that that it has had on me i shared a few weeks ago uh in a sermon about a word curse that was spoken over me several years ago and this word curse was suddenly suddenly i don't know if you're gonna die suddenly you're gonna get sick it was just an awful curse that was spoken over me and from that it just spiraled into this lifestyle of trying to prevent the suddenly trying to prevent anything catastrophic from happening but along with that um came a certain level of pressure i had put on myself since a young girl of just like i'm the oldest i want to get it right i want to please i want to give off the the image that i have it all together that i have the answer and so what ended up happening it made this perfect storm of me just pretending like i was okay but the truth is i wasn't okay the truth is i i was really struggling and there would be times with the anxiety would be so debilitating that i would be in a fetal position at home not knowing if i could even move the that that fear at times in panic would come on me so intensely that it felt as if i was having a heart attack and there were many times where i would be in the emergency room on a saturday night and i would come here on a sunday morning and people would ask how are you i'm like i'm fine i'm fine why because i felt like i had this image that i had to hold up that that as a pastor i'm supposed to have it together and i'm gonna have the answer and i really honestly just felt shamed i felt ashamed that i struggled with fear but i would tell you to trust in the lord there was a disconnect because it wasn't like i didn't love jesus i did love jesus there was just i was being tormented by this fear and then about a month and a half ago i had a sudden encounter with jesus where he changed everything i was in a staff meeting and jesus called me out and just like the woman at the well jesus came and he told her everything she had done you know what that showed her it showed her that he knew her there's an invitation that when you are known there's an invitation into freedom there's an invitation when you recognize oh i'm known and i'm still wanted it actually allows you to step into your full identity it actually allows you to step into freedom that's what jesus did for this woman and that's what jesus did for me that day it was like he called me out you can ask any of the staff members he called me out in the middle of the staff meeting i'm here to meet with miam and for the next three hours we met i didn't schedule it i didn't plan it and i'm a planner and we had i had this beautiful encounter where i i felt like the woman the well where it was like jesus was telling me he was showing me all these moments where i had been overcome with fear and overcome with anxiety he took me back to the moments when i had um when i had been in the hospital and he showed me where he was he took me to those moments where that woman spoke that awful word over me and he showed me where he was in that moment and he he also showed me that the enemy through fear had been trying to silence my voice for years but he was redeeming what i thought i had lost he also showed me in that moment that what had been wrestling me was not something i had to own it was actually a spirit it was a spirit a spirit of fear a spiritual battle against me and he began to flip the script he told me he said you have authority of this because i have won the victory so you don't actually have to accept this fear you can stand in the face of it and actually laugh because that's not who you are you're not fearful you're mighty and i've given you a voice to use it because you see if you only knew if you could only see what jesus sees you know the enemy works overtime because he he gets glimpses of it he can see glimpses of it and so he works overtime to try and get you to believe the lies about yourself that you're not good enough that you don't have what it takes to overwhelm you with fear and anxiety and depression but i'm here to tell you today we're lifting the veil off of that lie that jesus is on the throne and he has victory over any demonic spirit that may come your way over anxiety over depression over fear that jesus actually has authority over it and that day what happened he set me free from that because i tasted the living water and so i can come up here today and i can i can vulnerably tell you all these things why because i don't care what you think about me anymore [Music] because he he he took the fear of man instead of me trying to please you and entertain you i'm just here to please him and i'm going to tell you exactly what he has today and he has freedom available for you today he wants you to have an encounter with him so that when you get up like pastor robin said you're not the same you're not the same when you taste the living water there is nothing that will satisfy you like jesus he has the answer to everything you could ever desire all of the fear all the anxiety he actually anxiety he actually has the antidote to that and it's his living water it's his living water the living water transforms you i wonder how has the living water transformed you i've watched the transformation in robin over these last few weeks the fact that she's up here speaks to the transformation she's up here to glorify jesus because the fear of man is gone now what happens when because we're not perfect it's not like we've been living in this fairy tale bubble no no but we have the choice anytime we get attacked or discouraged we have the choice to taste the living water have you experienced that over these last few weeks one thousand percent yeah absolute freedom yeah yeah there's freedom there's freedom available for all of us today and i just want to encourage you somebody just needed to hear that that like oh i've tasted the lord but i've just been really struggling the last few weeks you know what you can taste him again you can choose you can choose to go to the living water again and again and again jesus goes on to tell this woman how powerful the living water is actually going to be he says this in verse 23 but a time is coming and indeed is here now when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth the father is looking for those who will worship him that way for god is spirit so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth the woman said i know the messiah is coming the one who is called christ when he comes he will explain everything to us then jesus told her i am the messiah i love this moment because here he is he's he is revealing his identity and when he reveals his identity that changes our identity because we no longer have to be under law but under grace we are no longer under law but we are under love and because of what jesus did on the cross you and i we have a better word spoken over us because of what jesus did we have a better word and you know what his word is the final word and so he speaks this over her and her identity is restored my identity was restored and jesus wants to restore your identity today as well come on come on so so just even just where jesus is saying you're going to be able to worship in spirit and in truth hey worship team can you go ahead and come on up because we're going to worship in some spirit and some truth and the spirit that we're speaking of is a holy spirit when we have jesus we have the holy spirit because back then like where she's talking about worshiping the samaritans worship here the jews worship here we don't have that barrier they had to worship because of law said so we worship because love says so we worship because we know jesus has come and changed everything in our life so if if you're worshiping you you feel it with every fiber of your being there's something that happens when you're face to face with jesus where nothing else matters even just uh during worship uh just a few minutes ago i was just having this beautiful encounter with the lord you can have it everywhere that you're at any time that you want he's just waiting for you to invite him in and he's like oh yeah did you call me sure i'm right here and that's what he's going to do today and there's going to be such a transformation i really believe that today that there's somebody in here and you've just been craving for something to be different and jesus is here in this moment to meet you where you're at because when we have that encounter you you see where she she has this encounter with him we're going to read verse 27. just then his disciples came back they were shocked to find him talking to a woman but none of them had the nerve to ask what do you want with her or why are you talking to her classic disciples man they they're great comedy sometimes the woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village telling everyone come and see a man who told me everything i ever did could he possibly be the messiah so the people came streaming from the village to see him living water encounters stir up a fiery passion within us where we don't walk we run to tell what jesus has done in our life and today that's gonna happen for many of you you're gonna actually taste and see that the lord is good on mother's day oftentimes we get gifts there's presents that we get but i'm going to tell you today the greatest present you're going to get is the presence of the lord and the presence and the encounter that transforms and when we go out of this place it's actually going to bubble up and overflow so everyone that you come and encounter with can you imagine if she ran and then stopped halfway through and talked her talked herself out of the encounter she just had what a bummer that whole town was encountered because she had an encounter and she didn't let anything talk her out of what just happened i'm not letting anybody talk me out of what happened to me i know that jesus encountered me and he transformed me and everything within me my life the words that i speak my family my house my job is going to be an example that jesus has transformed everything in my life and he wants to do that for you today whether you've never met jesus before or you've known him your whole life there's always a fresh living water encounter available for you and so one of the questions that we have as well is when you have that encounter what do you do with it it's what i was just saying what do you do with that living water encounter you run you let it come out of you you don't hide it like that little kid song hide it under a bush oh no i'm gonna let it shine you you can't help but shine when you know jesus and you know the things that he has called on your life and that's the encounter that we're gonna experience today something different something fresh because that's what he offers and he's offering that to every person in here not just moms every person young and old he is here in this room to encounter you today amen later on in this passage jesus is at a festival and it's the last day of the festival festival and jesus stood and shouted to the crowds anyone who is thirsty may come to me are you thirsty this morning if your soul is thirsty jesus has the answer for you he says anyone who believes in me may come and drink for scriptures declare rivers of living water will flow from his heart when he said living water he was speaking of the spirit who had been given to everyone believing in him but the spirit had not yet been given because jesus had not yet entered into his glory jesus has entered into his glory that means that the holy spirit is available to us so now the spring and it welling up inside of us can become rivers of living water you know what happens in rivers there's growth anything that's along a river grows so that means that in the overflow of what god does in you the living water in you it spills out to those around you and it actually it brings people into their own encounter and what god has for us today all of us no matter where you are in your relationship with jesus he has a fresh encounter because he wants to fill you up to overflow fill you up to overflow so would you stand with me today we just want to pray over you tasting the liver living water we taste the living water by opening up the word of god and diving into it we taste the living water by worshiping we taste the living water by praying this morning we taste the living water by making a move by getting uncomfortable by doing something different you can't accept you can't expect the same results you can't expect different results with the same actions if you want something different you have to do something different and jesus has an encounter available for you today so i just want you to put your hands out and welcome holy spirit what is your soul longed for what do you thirst for yeah is it to be loved is it to be accepted is it to know that you matter to know that you're seen jesus had to come to life church 7 today to meet with you you were on his agenda he went out of his way because you he wants you to have a suddenly moment where you encounter his love and his grace like you've never experienced before and you don't have to understand it you don't even have to have scripture memorized you just have to invite him to come and he wants to refresh you he wants to restore you he wants to transform you so just tell him what you need today just invite the living water into your marriage invite the living water into your spirit invite the living water over your family invite the living water over your mind jesus i thank you that your living water quenches every thirst that i have i thank you jesus that your living water is greater than any counterfeit i thank you jesus that when we come to you we are filled to overflowing and actually your water it refreshes us it restores our identity it restores us and it transforms us so that we'll never be the same so we invite your living water we invite you to come jesus we don't want to leave the same yeah jesus we want more of what you have for us we want more joy we want to we want more life we want more freedom we want more peace thank you jesus for your love thank you for your water yeah thank you jesus holy spirit come so we're going to go into this song and as they lead this song just like what mile was just saying in her let's do something different let's respond to jesus it's something that's unusual not the same old same old do you understand what i'm saying it's like some of you you just need to get on your knees some of you need to come down front some of you need to to pray different jesus i just want more of you it's okay to ask for more and so we want to i want to encourage you that as this song goes if you need to come down front meet him at the altar you're welcome to do that if you need to step out of your seat and lay on your face and have a face-to-face encounter please do that if you need to come out of the balcony and come close you're welcome to do that if you need to stay in your seat and just encounter the lord in such a different way then please do that but don't miss this opportunity to invite him in and get refreshed and filled so you can be transformed and leave this place a new person so let's just worship and have that time with the lord [Music] so [Music] jesus jesus [Music] precious lord [Music] you are my treasure [Music] jesus jesus precious [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause [Music] [Applause] [Music] really giving up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] yeah it's right here in your presence is where we want to be encounter you holy spirit your living water thank you that you're here among us that you love to meet with us that this story of the woman at the well isn't just for the woman at the well but it's for us that if you would go out of your way to meet with her you would go out of your way to meet with us and there might be some of you here this morning but have never had a taste of living water you haven't accepted jesus as your savior and this morning we want to give you guys an opportunity for that so if that's you this morning your heart's been stirring i want the living water i want to be known by jesus i want to be seen by him if that's you this morning would you just raise your hand i want to pray for you yeah so just repeat after me jesus i invite you into my life i choose you today i want your living water would you come and be the lord of my life i give my life to you ask that you forgive me of my sins and that you make me new again that you fill me fresh with your living water so i'll never thirst again yeah yeah and if that's you this morning we would love for you to come and receive prayer this morning i want to invite up our ministry partners they are bright burning ones full of living water ready to spill over onto you and pray for you this morning i want to read john 7 mile read it but i'm reading it in a different translation out of the passion all you thirsty ones come to me come to me and drink believe in me so that rivers of living water will burst out from within you flowing from your innermost being just like the scripture says does anybody here want that this morning you want to be so full that it's flowing out of you it's flowing out of you to your children to your spouse to your parents to your co-workers to your neighborhood lord i want to be so full of you i want people to see me and see something different than they see in the world and if that's you this morning feel free to come forward and get prayer it's not enough to just listen to miles testimony or robin's testimony or mine but we each of us we need our own encounters with the lord it's not enough to just see we have to taste and there's an opportunity to taste the living water this morning to take a drink for yourself this morning so i'm just going to pray for us lord we just thank you that you're available to us what a gift what a gift my life is transformed because of you because of your living water i'm free from fear because of your living water i get to be a blessing to other people because of your living water i get to have hope so i just pray over everyone this morning right now would you just come and counter them holy spirit let your presence fall on them like never before filling them filling them washing them with your water and for those this morning that have battled with fear myel and robin both talked about that if that's you this morning you say i want to be free from fear would you just raise your hand this morning yeah all over the room this has been a year where we've been bombarded with fear it's made itself very obvious and that's actually a blessing because what god reveals he wants to heal so this morning i just keep your hand up right now i just pray over each one of you god what you did in me what you did in my own what you did in robin would you do it in them would you set them free lord be delivered right now from a spirit of fear afflicting their lives lord from any shame from any torment lord anything that's not of you this morning we just declare it must go we just declare that you're going to be living in the most free year you've ever had of your life that that place where that had been robbing things from your life will be filled with his living water there's going to be a new intimacy and trust that you have with the holy spirit where he fills that place with something better fear is a counterfeit it's a counterfeit we put our trust in worry instead of the holy spirit and he's so good so this morning the holy spirit's just gonna fill you i just believe that right now yeah thank you lord thank you lord yeah so if you need prayer this morning feel free to come up and receive prayer they're so ready to pray for you and for all of our mothers this morning we have roses we want to honor you again i hope you feel honored we have roses for you on the way out feel free to grab one of those we might have extras too so we don't need leftover roses but we love you guys we bless you have an amazing mother's day celebrating today and feel free to come and get prayer [Music] what an awesome powerful service thank you for joining us today on mother's day hey we want to know if you gave your life to jesus today type in the comments below or you can send us an email or call us we want to connect with you and pray with you we're so glad that you joined us today and we can't wait to see you and have you join us next week we'll see you [Music] later [Music] you
Views: 159
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: b-ubNzF9LlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 47sec (5687 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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