The More I Know Jesus | Knowing Jesus | 07.25.21

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to life church 7 we are so glad that you're here his presence is our highest priority and we believe that his presence today is here whether you're online or in person his presence is here and he wants to touch you if you are watching online i want to let you know that we are reopened and we have services at 9 00 a.m and 11 a.m right here at life church 7 in richland washington if you're watching online we want to encourage you to click that subscribe button or click the share button on facebook to get our content out and so you can see it more and more hey we got some announcements for you before the service starts so check these out it's once again drew jimmy three times sim and what's your name do you have anything to come up with a good one i don't know that's a task for all of you drew's nickname nickname you can put it in the live feed maybe yeah uh revival night is coming this week uh drew's gonna give us details on it revival night's hosted by life church 7 school of supernatural ministry it's a night of power and presence power of god presence of god where you can get a touch upon your life if you're needing healing if you're just struggling in any area of your life if you're hungry and you just want more you want an impartation of spiritual gifts revival night is where you need to be monday monday the 26th 6 30 right here in the large auditorium we will have child care for every child fifth grade and under so parents great opportunity to come experience the power and presence of god and drop off the kids in the process let's do it yeah youth camp sign ups i got to tell you jim one of the things that has deeply impacted my life is i went to youth camps as a teenager and even though i wasn't the best behaved at times why am i not surprised i i had some powerful seeds that were planted in my heart seeds that of destiny freedom and i was actually prophesied that i'd go into full-time ministry yeah wow here i am today standing next to you okay so that's important that you want to get your youth if you have one in your family or you are one signed up this weekend is the last weekend to sign up for that the camp is august 2nd to 5th and we have a special guest speaker mike myshiro dynamic fun that's going to be really impactful for our young people so you can sign up in the lobby today or you can do it online so our final thing we want to put on your radar to think about there are actually two things together but they're combined in our zoe women's ministry led by pastor miel whom we love and we're not in zoe women's ministry because we're bearded yes people but we love our women's ministry and the impact it's having in our church a lady recently came was introduced into the zoe ministry then six weeks later or so signed up for our school of supernatural ministry and is on a progression of growth there and zoe was the place that introduced her to feel connected and to belong to the family so there's a couple of things details you want to tell us about coming up with them yes august 4th at 6 30 in the large auditorium right here if you're new or if you're just regular zoey attender we're having a meeting right here it's a zoe gathering august 4th and also there's a zoe conference coming up it's going to be amazing rita springer is coming back uh and she's awesome she is she's been here before but man she's just powerful so we just wanted to yeah worship leaders songs worship songs albums amazing not gonna miss rita springer and that is august 20th through the 21st and uh again right here in the large auditorium have you registered for that do it online go online go to our website sign up and it's yeah it's amazing what a bunch of great announcements many ways for you to get involved here into family life church 7 well speaking of getting into family the service is starting so let's get ready to worship god together amazing amazing let's get on our feet i know i say this i think every time i get up here but isn't it so good to be in the house of the lord [Music] there's no place i'd rather be than in the presence of the lord and we have such an incredible first service that i know that when god does it once he'll do it again so we're expecting amazing and great things in this service i just want to read you psalms 86. you are the one and only god what miracles what wonders what greatness belongs to you teach me more about you how you work and how you move so that i can walk onward in your truth until everything within me brings honor to your name with all my heart and passion i will thank you my god i will give glory to your name always and forever can somebody say amen we are in this house today because we serve the king of kings and lord of lords we have a god that actually does things he's amazing and so this morning i just want you to just open up your arms wide because as we give to him he's such a good and gracious father that he pours back on us so holy spirit we say yes come this morning we want to worship you we know that you're the only one and true god you're the father that loved us so much you sent us your son and this morning we're gonna raise our hands and worship you in spirit and in truth in your name amen let's worship you're welcome to come to the front and worship the lord there's no place i'd rather be there's no place i'd rather be [Music] there's no place holy spirit [Music] [Applause] holy oh [Music] [Music] don't forget [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] my feet [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] is celebrates this morning [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is i'm [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] because you have [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] yes [Music] you are here moving in on [Music] you are here working in this [Music] my god that is you are here touching every [Music] you are here healing everything [Music] you are here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] miracle [Applause] that is [Music] promised my god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] make a [Music] is is is who you [Music] are is who you are is who you are is who you are it's who you are come on this is a song of faith it's a declaration of truth of who our god is [Music] oh i sing this song cause even when it didn't look like you were working in my life you were working [Music] let's give thanks this morning [Music] keeper you're the light in the darkness oh it's who you are this is who you are come on let's sing this over over our lives over our city over our nation [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] is my god [Music] is are [Music] [Music] that is who you are my god you're my god come on this is our god he's the one that is who you are that is who you are way maker miracle worker promised keeper light in the darkness my god that is we make a miracle work promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are and you'll do it again [Music] and you'll do it again and again and you'll do it again and again we make a miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you [Music] are we make a miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] if you gave life for mine [Music] he was my spy of mercy [Music] become an offering to the one who is worthy [Music] to jesus christ [Music] forever [Music] you saw the gates of my heart [Music] is [Applause] [Music] to jesus christ [Music] is [Music] [Music] before you [Music] [Music] my whole life [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] who is my life to jesus christ [Music] he's my king and we worship you lord holy father [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] give it to him [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] the earth [Music] it's [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh let's make sure all our attention and our focus and our praise is being poured out on jesus let's raise our hands together begin to lift your voice go on lift your voice begin to pour out some praise that's personal from you to him begin to pour out praise on him for what he's done for your life what he's doing in your life what he wants to do in your life jesus we praise you jesus we praise you go on lift your voice lord we praise you we give you praise our praise is an offering a sacrifice of praise if you don't feel like it that's what a sacrifice is go ahead right now sacrifice the praise we bring it to you jesus because you're worthy if you're right there online right where you are in your living room or your car sacrifice the priest begin to praise him for who he is and his greatness his glory always sang waymaker miracle worker you keep your promises we praise you because you keep your promises we praise you we trust your promises we trust you you're doing miracles in our lives right now when we don't feel it we know you're doing it when we don't see it we know you're doing it and we praise you we live by faith not by sight that's why we praise you we know you're doing it you're answering our prayers you're fulfilling the prophecies over our lives and we give you an offering of praise yeah come on shout together church come on let's praise him yeah we praise you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] this [Music] i would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my god than to dwell in the tents of the wicked amen what a place to be right now in the presence of the lord we're gonna take an offering we're gonna take our ties and offerings right now we sang that in that song right there that our life is an offering when i was a children's pastor i used to yell to all the kids at all at one time i would say how much of our money belongs to god and they would all yell back all of it and then i would say how much do we know what to do with and they would say 10 that's what our tithe is it's giving to god and what is his and the confidence that the 90 percent that he gave to us to steward will be more blessed than if we kept all of it to ourselves because it's all his anyway so it's a portion of our offering the real offering is your heart god doesn't want your money wants your heart but one of the way we express that he has my heart that he has my whole life as an offering is that i give him a tithe and i give him offerings it's another way of saying i love you and knowing that you mean it right but you start giving your money to god that means you mean it you got serious about this so lord we bring our offerings and our ties to you today just hold your hands out if you don't if you have your phone where you give on your phone or your checkbook or wilt wallet if you don't have that just hold your hands open what we're saying is lord our hands are open everything we have has come from you the air that we're breathing right now is your air the ground we're standing on it's your planet and we love you for all you've given to us and we give our ties and our offerings not only to say thank you but to say we worship you and nothing else will own us especially money you are the source of everything we need and all that we have we love you and everybody said amen well while you're still standing would you give a hearty welcome we're gonna get a powerful message this morning from pastor mark middleton as he comes up to teach us this morning all right so good aren't we blessed with such an amazing worship team that led us this morning wow wow thank you god well my name is pastor mark i'm i want the connections pastor here at the church if you're watching online we want to welcome you my heart one of my roles here at the church is to help bring people into family so if you're new here or you've been coming the last few months we want to invite you to come closer into family we have a class starting next week at the 11 o'clock service called coming closer you can see about it in your program but i really want to personally invite you to come be a part of that with me uh last six weeks it's a great way to step into what are we all about here at life church seven so that's next sunday and then tomorrow night we're doing the revival night so if you liked what we just did there's more tomorrow night at 6 30 so come for more because there's more we're in a series um in the gospel of john and uh so we're going to be jumping around the gospel of john so would you turn there with me and john described himself as the the one or the disciple that jesus loved what a great way to describe yourself john got it he was the one that jesus loved john or jesus love john and jesus loves you you are the one that jesus loves you're the one you're the one and my hope today is that you would gain even a greater understanding of that this whole summer has been about us knowing jesus more that we want to know jesus more because the more i know him the more i love him and the more i love him then the easier it is to serve him so this series is about knowing jesus loving jesus and serving jesus so today i want to talk to you a little bit about how easy it is to love jesus and why it's easy to love jesus and i want to actually start in a passage of scripture that's way far away from the gospel of john it's in the book of exodus chapter 3. so i want you to turn there really quickly exodus chapter 3. it'll be on the screen you can follow along that way but i want to give you some context of of what exodus 3 is so the israelites are in egypt we just sing that song right you stepped out you stepped into my egypt and pulled me out well there was a there is a physical place called egypt and the israelites were there in bondage and in slavery moses is in the wilderness far from egypt and god shows up in a burning bush catches the tension he walks over god says remove your shoes this is holy ground he removes his shoes he steps in there and god says to moses i want you to go to egypt to set my people free and let my people go so god says this to moses and then moses says this in verse 11. moses said to god who am i have you ever had god ask you something you thought who am i to do that who am i to lead that who am i to say that who am i to go after that moses says who am i that i should go to pharaoh and bring the israelites out of egypt next verse verse 12 and god said i will be with you and this will be the sign to you that it is i who have sent you when you have brought the people out of egypt you will worship god on this mountain moses says to god suppose i go isn't this funny have you ever had a conversation with god like this well suppose i do listen to you suppose i do obey god suppose i go to the israelites and say to him the god of your fathers has sent me to you and they asked me what is his name and what should i tell them and god says to moses i am who i am okay this is really important this is this is we got to capture so i want you to say this with me i am who i am can i say it one more time and maybe a little more energy i know let's go let's do it i am who i am good good good good this is what you are to say to the israelites i am has sent me to you moses asks who am i god says i am moses asks who am i god says i am see i here's what i believe you can never really know who you are until you get a revelation of who he is you can never really understand your identity who you are as a son or a daughter until you realize who god is who jesus is how amazing he is god says i am i love that does god answer moses question who am i no what does he say i'll be with you i'll be with you i'll be with you because here's what i believe and i'm convinced that i discover who i am in his presence so when i'm with him when he has this promise remember jesus said they will call his name is emmanuel which means god with us so when i am with jesus it's in that place that i discover who i am and the truth is this is some of the questions we ask jesus are answered with us getting a revelation of who he is so some of the questions we have in life some of the struggles we have in life if i just get a revelation an understanding a knowing of who he is he answers it so let me explain this some of you in here struggle with worry and perhaps the answer to your worry is just an understanding a deeper revelation that god is in control some of you might struggle with fear and the answer to your fear is a greater understanding that god is all powerful some of you hear you might struggle with sadness but the word says in his presence is fullness of joy so when i get in his presence sadness goes and joy comes man some if you struggle with addiction you realize in his presence god is all that i need i don't need anything else i have him and that's all i need there's something that happens in his presence there's something that happens when you know god and here's what i'm hoping happens today is that you would get a revelation of jesus in a new way and as you do that whatever you come in here with if you come in here with worry or fear or anger or sadness or doubt that that would melt away as you understand who he is he's here he's here he is the great i am so my big idea if you're taking notes write this down it's coming up on the screen the more i know jesus the more i love him the more i know jesus the more i love him so in this room in this room are hundreds of testimonies of people who've known jesus as savior as healer as redeemer as restorer as provider as freedom as the breakthrough and the testimonies in this room and the testimonies online are just giving more faith and more belief on who god is and if he's done it in my life and he's done it in your life it just makes me love him more and more and more amen yes so how can i know god jesus jesus says if you've seen me you've seen the father so in john 8 turn there with me john 8 we'll go over to john 8 and we'll start there we're kind of flip through the gospel of john together and in john 8 jesus is in a heated argument with the religious leaders about father abraham now in hebrew culture abraham is really important very important in christian faith abraham is very important so they're arguing about abraham and they're saying well well what's what you know what's so important about abraham is he the father and and jesus makes a statement he says well abraham was excited about me he was excited about me coming and they said well hold on you're saying how would abraham know you he's thousands of years before and in john 8 58 jesus says this statement to the religious leaders jesus answered i tell you the truth before abraham was even born i am let's say that together i am so where did we just see god call himself i am in exodus and now jesus is here in john saying i am i am i am in hebrew writing there's this really beautiful way that they write that there's this overarching story but there's actually a story within the story that they're telling so the gospel of john is actually it's about jesus being the savior of the world but underneath that there's some things that john writes about that are really powerful and one of them is the seven miracles there's actually seven miracles in the gospel of john it starts with john 2 jesus turning water into wine that's fun he turns water into wine and at the end of jesus turning water into wine john writes this is the first sign or the first miracle that jesus did well when we read the bible i love to read the bible with a curious heart like what is is there more if you're saying there's a first sign is there more yes there are seven miracles seven signs in the book of genesis is the number seven important anywhere how many days creation seven so what is john alluding to what he's alluding to with the seven miracles is that jesus is birthing a new creation right in the middle of this creation that he's actually restoring access and relationship to the father which is what the garden of eden was all about but there's actually an eighth miracle in the gospel of john and that's the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead signifying a new day a new dawn a new covenant a new plan and a new story that all people if they give their lives to jesus can have access to the father wow that's good i can tell you guys are excited about that whoa what a revelation that was bonus material because i'm not going to talk about the seven miracles there's actually never another seven which is really fitting because we're live church seven we love the number seven here seven cities there's actually seven i am statements in the gospel of john where jesus is revealing who he is seven i am statements in genesis there are seven i am statements about god in revelation there are seven i am statements about god you might be familiar with the i am the alpha and the omega i am the beginning and the end and in the gospel of john there are seven i am statements don't you love the bible love the bible so good today i want to talk to you about the seven i am statements and here's my my hope and my prayer and my heart for you is that as these statements are read and as you hear about who jesus is that there'd be one that you're like that's why i came today i came to apprehend that side of jesus i came to know and to receive more of that i am of jesus that you would receive more of him because that's what you need in your life you need more of him because the more i know him the more i love him the more i know him the more i love him the first one jesus says in john chapter 6 he says i am the bread of life i am the bread of life john 6 35 jesus replied he says i am the bread of life whoever comes to me will never be hungry again and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty wow what's the context of this john 6 well the beginning of john 6 jesus takes a little boy's lunch and feeds 5 000 people with it a miracle five loaves two fish feeding thousands and they're like wow this is exciting can you do more miracles what can we do to perform miraculous signs and jesus said the only thing i ask of you is that you would believe that's the only thing i'm asking of you to do is believe believe in me because he said after that he says i am the bread of life what does bread represent it represents nutrients life now i know some of you in here are gluten you know not no gluten we're not talking about that kind of bread you know some of you here work you know you work out you just heard bread and you your workout coach just got scared you know i'm not talking about that kind of bread i'm talking about the bread of heaven jesus said in john 6 i am the manna come down from heaven the israelites got manna that came down from heaven within in the wilderness and god provided miraculously for them but it was showing us that god was going to pro provide miraculously for us in jesus that in jesus i have a provider in jesus i have an all-sufficient one in jesus i have everything that i need the bread of life it's in jesus it's in jesus he provides everything i need and the truth is this is bread has no value unless you eat it so unless i believe in jesus i can't receive the provision that he need he wants to give me unless i believe believe in him believe in what he said and believe in his power over my life you see the world is offering bread it's wonder bread or whatever kind of fake bread you want to call it and the world wants you to eat but here's what we know if you've eaten of that bread before and i have it never fills it never satisfies it always leaves you empty but there is a bread in jesus that will fill you that will satisfy you that will make you whole and that is the bread that's available for you today and i know there's some people that came here this morning that you're feeling empty you're feeling dry you're feeling lonely you're feeling weak there is a bread available today for you to receive and god is asking you to just believe would you just believe believe i am the bread of life i am the bread of life i will provide for you he will satisfy us i'm not going to consume other bread i'm going to turn to jesus i'm going to let him feed me word says those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled i'm here to tell you this morning if you came in you're empty you can leave filled if you came in here empty you don't have to leave that way jesus is here jesus the filling one the bread of life is here and he'll fill you the second one is this jesus says i'm the light of the world i'm the light of the world john 8 verse 12 jesus spoke to the people once more and said i am the light of the world let's say this together i am the light of the world let's try again ready one two three i am the light of the world well done if you follow me you won't have to walk in darkness whoa because you will have the light that leads to life when you get a revelation that jesus is the light of the world you understand that there is no dark place that his light cannot penetrate there's no dark place there's no broken place in your life that god does not want to touch and bring his light to what happens in darkness when light invades the room light invades the darkness darkness scatters darkness has to bow to light it's just the way it works in the natural and it is true in the supernatural when jesus shows up to any dark place in your life there is hope for you today there's hope for your marriage there's hope for your life there's hope for your future because jesus is the light of the world he can bring light to you so there's any place where you're like i just feel hopeless i feel hopeless about my life jesus is here today and he wants to give you light he wants to fill you with light amen oh how wonderful the light is the enemy tries to get you to believe that the darkness is good and light's bad how wonderful the light is how wonderful the light is that is actually the place i need to live is in the light because it's the light that leads to life the third thing jesus said i am the gate john 10 verse 9 jesus says i am the gate and those who come in through me will be saved they will come and go freely and we'll find good pastures the gate it also says the door of the translation to the door he is the gate he is the door meaning it's jesus we have to go through to gain access to abundant pastures through jesus being the gate we have abundant pastures to graze in no longer wanderers or vagabonds we have a place to rest i don't have to go to other pastures i don't have to go to other pastures i have a place where jesus has for me and he's not the gatekeeper he is the gate there is a difference he's not the gate gatekeeper saying oh you can go you know jesus is the door he is the access to the father it's jesus it's only jesus he's the gate he's the gate he's the gate and he says they will come and go freely oh i love this it will come and go freely freedom is found as you go through the gate of jesus and live in the abundant pastures you see the world will say that you have to go to another pasture experience freedom but those of us who've done that before understand that that's actually bondage it's never freedom it's never freedom it's always bondage but the freedom that i'm looking for the freedom that my soul longs for the freedom that my heart longs for is in that place where i go through the gate of jesus and enter into true freedom i wonder today if you've been grazing in the wrong pastures thinking it's freedom well i want to do that where i want to i i'm free to do that i can do whatever i want and really what's your experience is deep bondage in your life deep pain and deep hurt there's a gate for you to walk through today his name is jesus and he is the great i am number four jesus just a few moments later to the his disciples in john 10 verse 11 he says i am the good shepherd the good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep wow that verse in itself contains all that we have to be joyful about jesus gave his life for us jesus gave his life for us he gave his life for us wow and he says in verse 14 i am the good shepherd i know my own sheep and they know me and just my father knows me and i know the father so i sacrifice my life for the sheep i have other sheep too that are not in the sheepfold i must bring them also they will listen to my voice and there will be one flock with one shepherd how great a savior we have a good shepherd a good god is good that has to be a declaration that you make and believe in your life god is good we have a good god we have a good god he's good he's good he's not bad he's good he's not mad or or angry at you he's good he's in a good mood he's in a good mood towards you he sent his son jesus to give man he gave his life for us so we can be a relationship with him not only did he step into our egypt he stepped into this world and he drew us from sin and slavery and brought us into life and joy and abundance we have a good shepherd and i believe this world is just longing to be loved and cared for one of the main issues in the world today is i want to be loved and i want to be cared for greater love has no man than he who gives down his life for another jesus gave us the greatest love we could ever experience and he is the good shepherd he is the love of my life he loves me if you're here and you're you're feeling i'm feeling deficient of love jesus is here and he can fill you with love the love that you're longing for the love that you're hoping for you're not going to find it in something else or someone else it's found in jesus he gives us love he's our good shepherd number five he says i am the resurrection and the life i am the resurrection and the life john 11 25 jesus told her martha i am the resurrection and the life anyone who believes in me will live even after dying everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die do you believe this martha now the context of this story is lazarus is dead martha's brother lazarus is dead he's been dead for a few days he's in the tomb and martha is basically saying yeah i believe in the resurrection that that's going to happen at the end of days and jesus says not only is there resurrection power then but i'm here to tell you there's resurrection power now there's resurrection power available today and lazarus he speaks to lazarus lazarus get up and what happens to lazarus he raises from the dead he walks out of the tomb and i'm here to tell you there's no dead thing that god can't raise to life there's no dead dream there's no dead relationship there's no dead story there's no dead marriage that god cannot raise back to life it's what he does it's who he is he's still raising broken bodies he's still raising broken spirits he's still raising broken souls if you came in here feeling dead and weary god has life for you today he is the resurrection and the life wow the resurrection in life i'm telling you when you get a revelation of the power that's available today you pray different you worship different you believe different you live different your life is marked because there is power available in god i just want to pray into this right now i just i paused last service i feel like there's something on this that there's something dead in your life or something that maybe it's a a son or a daughter that's far from the lord or maybe it's even a sibling a family member a friend that's far from the lord and you're saying man it just feels like they're dead man do you remember the prodigal story where the father said the son of mine was dead and now he's alive he was lost and now he's found so i just want to stand together right now in the room i just want to pray for for things that are dead to come to life so would you stand with me i just i feel like there's something on this i want to pray into this yes would you just bow your heads we just pray we prophesy resurrection power right now god we prophesy resurrection power over any lost person that's represented in this room if you know somebody who's lost or far would just begin to raise your hand and begin to raise your hand and start begin to pray for them holy spirit we just see a returning lord a returning we see a returning in the supernatural we see a returning god of people coming to their senses and coming home to the lord we see a great homecoming coming in our nation and in this state and in the seven cities god we just believe it jesus the resurrection power we see household salvation god entire households saved god we believe it god help us with our unbelief because we believe in god if there's anybody in this room that has unbelief we lay that before you now god and we just declare we believe god we believe in the great i am that is the resurrection and the life you are the resurrection in life i pray right now over dead dreams god i believe you're bringing dead dreams back to life god i pray over uh callings god dead callings that those are coming back to life i pray god resurrection power over marriages in the name of jesus that you're bringing life god into marriages god i pray resurrection power into families that are far god that you're bringing your resurrection life bringing families together i pray resurrection power over the seven cities god that you're bringing life you're bringing hope you're bringing transformation god to the seven cities and we believe it we agree in the name of jesus amen can we celebrate the lord together yes god wow yes [Applause] you can have a seat wow there's a story of my friend um he's a pastor on the west side his name's tom he's ministering in burkina faso for 10 years and burkina faso has the number two illiteracy in the world and so they started ministering by by having schools and ninety percent of their schools are attended by muslims but they're a christian organization and um they started these schools and uh what they noticed was that there's a large deaf population so they started to pray for the deaf and the deaf weren't healed and so they said we're going to keep praying but we got to start a school so they started a school for the deaf to teach them sign language but they kept praying and believing for god to heal these deaf children and so this last time he was there this last week and rachel and i went to his church and ministered and i heard this story just this week of of them he brought his whole family and his son nehemiah is 10. and nehemiah began to pray for these deaf children his heart just turned towards them he started to pray for these deaf children to be healed and they weren't healed the first day and he spent about three hours just praying a ten-year-old praying for these kids and he his dad his dad had to bring him out he said son we need to stop praying we need to go to bed and he's crying saying god why didn't you heal him the next day they pray guess what happens god heals them and i'm not talking about one deaf kid 10 deaf children ears were open were talking and speaking for the first time in their life [Applause] so i'm telling you that was on wednesday so i'm telling you this resurrection power of god available today he heals today he's healing today he wants to heal your life today do it here lord do it here lord oh we released that prod that that that testimony over this room right now actually but i want to speak to this there's some of you you've been praying for something for years that hasn't happened yet i believe there's actually a suddenly it's going to happen you're going to have breakthrough it's actually available in the room there might be something that you've been praying for for years and today you're gonna come up you're gonna get ministry from our team and there's gonna be breakthrough in your life i'm just gonna speak it out in faith right now there's gonna be breakthrough of things that you've been praying for for years anybody out there been praying for something for years yes yes yes we pray and release breakthrough power of jesus right now the breakthrough power of the i am the resurrection and the life number six jesus says i am the way the truth and the life i am the way the truth and the life john 14 6 let's read it together would you read it with me ready one two three jesus told him i am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me so i have a leader his name is jesus the world will tell me i need to be my own leader that's garbage i have a leader his name is jesus i'm submitted to him i'm surrendered to him i'm yielded to him and i believe him he is the way scripture says there's a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death i have a path i have a way to go his name is jesus he leads me into truth jesus has the final say in my life romans would say caesar's lords and the christians picked up this saying jesus is lord what does that mean jesus has the final say in my life jesus is lord jesus lord my life is not my own i've been purchased with a price jesus paid his blood for me so i have a lord and a savior and i don't care what culture says i don't care what's relevant i have to believe him so i am not going to sacrifice what's in this word because it doesn't fit with the culture today i am not going to sacrifice because i fear the lord more than i fear fear man and i'm going to believe this i'm not going to sacrifice this at the altar of being more afraid of men i believe god i believe god i believe his word i'm not going to cut out parts that i don't get i'm going to press in and say god would you help me understand because you are the way you are the truth you are the life you are the leader and he's leading me into good pastures into freedom and joy and peace and rest and life the way the truth there is truth in this world truth is a person his name is jesus the more i know jesus the more i know truth the final one is i am the vine i am the vine jesus in john 15. he says in verse 1 he says i am the vine and my father is the gardener and then in verse 5 he says this yes i am the vine and you are the branches those who remain in me and i in them will produce much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing we have a source it's jesus i have a source it's jesus it's not another person it's not a position it's not prosperity it's jesus jesus is the source of my life jesus is the source of my life he is the source he's where i find hope and healing and i'm here to tell you maybe you've been finding life at a different source i'm telling you god can do a miracle if you've been far from the lord you don't know jesus he can take a branch and he can graft it in in a moment god can graft you in in a moment if you've been far from the lord he can bring you into family in a moment and maybe that's why you came here today is you've been far from the lord and he's going to graft you into the vine the real source for your life nothing else will satisfy nothing else will fill you like him he is the vine i want to ask the band to come we're going to close the message and i love in here that it says jesus says in every single one i am the i am the bread he doesn't say i am a bread i am a light i am a way some people believe there's many ways to god i know there's only one way it's jesus he is the way he says i am he doesn't say i am a good shepherd he said i am the meaning he is the only one it's only jesus he is the the no one else him that's it nothing else no one else it's him it's jesus that's it there's the exclusiveness to jesus that i can't find in anything or anyone else it's only him but then he says i am the bread of life i am the good shepherd i am the light of the world and that is for everyone so he's the bread of life in your life he's the bread of life in your life he's the good shepherd for you and for you and for you and actually for all of you and for the whole world wow so i am the way the truth and the life so all of us can get on the path of jesus all of us can understand the truth of jesus so think about the cross there's two beams on the cross the first one is vertical that represents jesus being the only one vertical just god but what's the other beam on the cross horizontal meaning it's for everyone it's for you it's for me the way the truth to life the gate thank you jesus that you are all that we need today so only jesus can save everyone only jesus can save everyone only jesus can heal everyone only jesus can set everyone free only jesus can redeem everyone it's only jesus he's the one and the final thing i want to read you is in john 18 john 18. jesus has just finished in john 17 praying for you john 18 he's at the garden of gethsemane judas is left he comes with a group of people to arrest jesus and there's peter he brings out a sword he chops an ear off and jesus is like really peter i gotta heal it you know and then in verse 4 john 18. it says this jesus fully realized all that was going to happen to him there's a moment where jesus fully realized i am the way it's just me i've been saying all these things but here i'm fully realizing what has to happen i have to go to the cross for everyone so we stepped forward to meet them who are you looking for he asked jesus the nazarene they replied and jesus said let's read this together i am he let's read it out loud together one more time i am he there's i am again jesus said jesus who betrayed him was standing there and listen to this is so awesome verse six as jesus said i am he they all drew back and fell to the ground so the power of the i am him just declaring that even in the natural people fell to the ground these people who were going to arrest him he had such power in the i am that they fell to the ground the same spirit oh the same spirit of jesus that was in that moment the same holy spirit the same power is in the room today i am is here do you need the bread of life this morning do you need light to enter the darkness in your life this morning do you need to go into good pastures today do you need a good shepherd do you need love do you need resurrection is there something dead in your life do you need the way the truth and the life do you need the vine the i am is here would you stand with me and when i am shows up you just can't help but fall to your knees and say holy holy holy so jesus would you come now come holy spirit reveal jesus to us reveal jesus to us reveal jesus to us wow god revealed jesus to us oh jesus you're here you're my provider the bread of life you are my hope the light of the world you are my access the gate you are my pastor the love of my life the good shepherd you are my restore the resurrection in the life you are my leader the way the truth and the life and you are my source the vine come in power now holy spirit come and power the spirit of jesus and touch your church we're yielded to you we're surrendered to the great i am come and reveal yourself to us in jesus name amen jesus at the center of it all jesus at the center of it all from beginning to the end it'll always be it's always been you jesus jesus jesus at the center of it [Music] it's always been you jesus jesus nothing else nothing in this world will do [Music] jesus you're the center [Music] and everything revolves around you jesus you jesus be the center of my life [Music] [Music] it'll always be it's always been you jesus jesus and nothing else [Music] and everything revolves around nothing else [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus be the center it's all about you yes it's all about you from my heart to the heavens jesus be the center it's all about you yes it's all about you from my heart to the [Applause] jesus be the center it's all about you yes it's all about you from my heart [Music] jesus and nothing else jesus you're the center and everything revolves around you jesus nothing else matters nothing in this world jesus you're the center and everything revolves around you jesus [Music] jesus you're the center nothing else matters everything revolves around you thank you lord what a wonderful invitation if you're here today and you may know about jesus but you really don't know him seven i ams today that jesus has declared over us [Music] he's the way he's the truth and he's the life and just in this wonderful atmosphere if you're here you just said you know i want to know jesus i want him to be my lord and savior i want him to be the lord of my life i want him to be my friend today you may have in the past you've made other commitments maybe here today and just said you know i've repeated those words before but the truth of it is you've never really gotten to know him yet the point of asking jesus to come into your life is that he comes in and the point is when he comes in he transforms us that's how i know whether i pass from death to light i i'm experiencing transformation and if you're here this morning just going like man i just feel dead inside it's just the opposite of jesus i just feel lost inside it's just the opposite of jesus if you're here today and you just go you know what today i'm just going to lift my hand i want jesus to be the lord of my life i want him to be my savior i'm asking him to come in to transform me and i'm not going to give any qualifiers fires if that's you today or that's you online and you're watching would you just boldly lift your hand i'm gonna pray for you right where you're standing yeah thank you just boldly lift your hand i want the living jesus i want the yeah amen others just boldly lift your hand i want i want to come alive today i want to come alive today thank you lord thank you lord so let us all pray this prayer together let's all i see that hand yeah amen just repeat with me lord jesus you are the way you are the truth and you are the life so today i ask you to come into my life to transform me take me from darkness into glorious light today i put my faith my trust in you alone for salvation in jesus name amen amen could we give the lord a great big praise lord we give you a shout we give you praise thank you lord here's what i'm going to encourage because i know some might be hungry or but the food will be there when you get there 100 confident of that i'm going to ask our protein to come real quick i believe that the holy spirit mark that was such a great word thank you such a great word yeah i believe that the holy spirit is gonna meet people here today if you've had issues things going on maybe it's been covered maybe it's been just other things today is your day of victory don't go out that door with the load that you came in with i encourage you come come forward some might just say you know pastor my biggest concern is that i'm just not very hungry i'm not just not very hungry for the kingdom i have actually gone and had people pray with me i just said you know what there's something missing there's something that i've gone in this pace of life that i want to i want a restoration of god's hunger and wonder and has thirsty in my life that's you today come god will feel you'll touch you whatever you need i encourage you to come if you're good to go you're free to go we bless you in the mighty name of jesus so father i just pray a prayer blessing to those online to all those here this morning declare your goodness declare your mercy i thank you father bless each one in jesus mighty name amen come let us pray for you god bless you happen to me well we feel honored and privileged that you joined us online today whatever platform it is that you're using but we want to ask you if you today made the decision or prayed a prayer however simple it may have been for the first time to receive jesus as your savior you want to begin that relationship with him today we'd love to help you continue that journey and if you could email us at connect that gives us the opportunity to reach back to you and give some resources to you and and a pastor to help you walk that out that's important for you and we would love to be a part of that with you so that's how you can reach back to us one of the things i just felt on my heart as i was praying today is that there's some people right now watching where you need the lord to touch you in a way you need some healing and so we just want to just pause right now we just want to release healing into your living room into your car wherever you are we and i just i got the sense of maybe some um long lasting coveted symptoms okay it's like an ongoing thing that i just feel like the lord just wants to touch you right now so we just extend the hand towards you in jesus name we just ask you to be healed lord we just ask for you to touch them right where they are yeah these long lasting symptoms are not of you god so we take authority over those and we pray for anyone watching whether this is in a month from now or if this is live in the moment we just pray for healing to be released yes where you are in jesus name that you would receive your healing in full and also there's just this we've been talking a little bit about it there's a spirit of fear there's this new variance and all that and we just release the peace of god into your house right now the shalom of jesus we just ask that the if you need the shalom of jesus just maybe just put your hands up close your eyes and receive right now that the shalom of jesus would enter into your heart your mind into your soul and it's the it's the peace that surpasses all understanding it's one of the wonderful things that jesus offers us that the world cannot it's the peace that surpasses all understanding and so we we just pray for that for you today we release that into your home and uh receive that in jesus name amen and we'd love to hear your testimonies about the lord touching you again connect until next time god bless you bless you
Views: 248
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: iEwYrjTq20Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 33sec (5553 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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