Over-Engineering Impractical Weapons: Double Sawblade Whip! - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to another episode of scrap mechanic and today i'm gonna be attempting to build another impractical weapon perhaps even over engineering it a little bit and the vision is somewhat of a sawblade whip now i don't think it would technically qualify as an actual whip but i can't think of a better name to describe this thing but here's the vision that i'm going to hope to bring into reality imagine just a long line of saw blades that is also kind of flexible like a whip would be right and then with the power of thrusters this line of saw blades gets whipped around and around and around a center point and then bots are encouraged to come and attack me at the center as this whip this saw blade whip is spinning around me and we're gonna see what kind of impact this whip is going to have on the bots at various levels of difficulty when it comes to the small ones and the hay bots and then the farm bots of course and yeah that's kind of that's kind of the gist of it build a weapon watch out works so i do already kind of have an idea in my head about how i'm going to make this work there were some logistical challenges that i had to think it through and i think i've overcome them of course now when i try to put it into practice i bet i'm going to find out about all the challenges i didn't even think about yet so i could build it out of a really durable block but i'm gonna build the base of this out of a not so durable block because that way when the bots actually get to me they might have a chance to do something all right so i need to figure out how tall these guys are can you get under here all right no so that should hit him right that should hit him if it's right there all right so i feel like four blocks up is a safe bet on where i'm gonna put these uh the beginnings of the saw blades all right so here we go i think this is a basic unit that's going to keep this thing flexible and also have the saw blades be relatively close to each other so if i take this weld it right there take another one weld that right right there so now let me just do a test hit with uh do i not have a hammer out somewhere come on all right so let's see how this feels yeah oh yeah that's what i'm talking about we're gonna get some soft blade whip action going on all right now i just got to figure out how far do i want to take this i'm going to say at least 10 saw blades 10 minimum i hope it's not going to be too laggy at 10. all right we're getting to the point where i think i'm going to collide with the ground if i weld another one on let's see yeah that's what i was afraid of what i can do maybe is this all right here oh there we go all right problem solved all right how many is this one two three four five six seven eight nine i said i was gonna do ten we're gonna do at least ten here all right and yeah it's kind of just on the ground though now isn't it what if i just put a wheel that spins right here all right is that gonna help there we go i think that's not bad i don't know this is is this gonna work is this gonna work like at all this is gonna be so weird i'm liking this though this is a unique weapon okay so we also gotta make this thing spin and i was thinking about using thrusters and we can use thrusters over here and like on this line right here all right i've hooked five thrusters up and i get the feeling this is not going to be very effective but let's give it a try oh oh no oh yes kind of for the most part yes for the most part this is almost what i was imagining i think we need more thrush though this is so interesting i actually kind of like this this is really cool i really wonder how much damage this is gonna end up doing all right let's turn it off and i'm just gonna add a bunch more thrust to this thing all right is this faster oh my goodness this is faster that's good that's pretty good i like that here what is it what does this look like from the bot's perspective oh my good it goes right through me that might be too much thrust yeah i'm gonna uh i think oh yeah should i be should i have saved this already am i already at risk for destroying this thing but here let's turn down some of the thrust here i need to find like a good happy medium between the last couple i feel like this is pretty good here all right i'm gonna go with this for now we can always increase the speed afterwards but i think this is a nice healthy speed so what i should be able to do is just attach this from the ground and save this as its own weapon but you know i'm gonna paint it up a little bit first to make it look not so you know unflattering and also i'm gonna do i'm gonna make this look ten times better by adding some wedge blocks ugh all right here we go look at this thing looks so professional now look at all these blocks i put everywhere all right so this is how it looks does how it functions oh all right it has an initial start up time and then it kind of gets into a weird groove where the just get the force of it kind of slows it down and speeds it up and slows it down and speeds it up but i think it's about time to uh spawn in some bots and let's see how close they can get we'll start with the greenies of course all right ladies gentlemen i am surrounded by capsules of greenies i'm gonna go ahead and activate this i'm gonna type in pop capsules and we're just going to observe the utter destruction that is about to entail however i i don't i'm not i i don't actually know if it's going to be out of destruction it could be a flop and this weapon might be actually useless but we're gonna find out three two one go here we are um i should probably do aggro all there we are now they're coming come at me bros oh boy they're actually getting kind of close over here oh no it's too fast oh no this back fired so bad guys it's whoa um apparently this is okay all right i yeah this isn't working out too well this is wait or is it what i thought i was so dead i legitimately thought i was so dead after that i cannot believe this thing survived so it's kind of maybe a little bit too fast but at the same time i don't know so i'm gonna slow it down like this uh we're also kind of tangled up here i don't think i can untangle this i might have to put it back on a lift that did both worse and better than i expected all right let's see how this feels now to go slower so hopefully it won't glitch through them quite as much this time here we go pop capsules aggro all right they're coming after me now i don't know what to expect with this anymore oh oh you know what i didn't do we're missing oh it goes over them that's a problem that right there is a pretty big problem oh the way it surrounds them like that is awesome it wrapped around them so well all right but i've realized i've missed a key aspect of this weapon i don't have the saw blades powered the saw blades in addition to the whip spinning around each of these saw blades should also be spinning around there's a good thing i chose 10 saw blades actually because that's exactly how many connections this engine can have all right so i made two adjustments i welded it one block closer to the ground and i have now added that all of the saw blades are powered and spin now so that should add extra deadliness when it's touching the bots there we go oh i love how it wraps around them and it's actually kind of good that it wraps around me because it gives me a lot more protection and they're totally gonna get me they're gonna get me they're in the middle they're gonna get me oh no the saw blades fell off we're so dead now well actually just this as a hammer what this is a better weapon guys this is not right this is not fair this is so not fair this the spinning hammer is a better weapon than the saw blades that is so discouraging or no no no no that's not what it is what it is is this is stage two of the weapon one stage one fails stage two is the hammer i actually kind of look i unintentionally made this look like a hammer that spins i think that was not the intent here but then as you can see they knocked the saw blades off and it became uh even more deadly hammer so if they don't like the saw blades then they're in for a surprise i don't mind that that greeny just got absolutely flung out of existence almost he's really coming back for more he's really coming back for more after what just happened to him i'll give him more he can have as much as he wants come on come on come on you're always welcome back here this is a this is a greeny welcoming area what did you think was gonna happen okay well that's how it works on the greenies let's try it with the hay bots all right you think it's gonna be better i think it's gonna be better at least for the saw blades oh no that was absolutely terrible timing that was like the worst timing that could have happened here whoa you see that pulsing like a wave almost uh oh they're gonna get me they're gonna do it they're actually gonna do it they hit my chair they froze it up they totally froze it up i'm done like how are they how have they not broken through yet how have they not destroyed the like they could just if they just hit like the one block below my seat they'll get it why is this oh there we go look at me they're just hitting the toilet seat around and around how do they stop it so well this is terrible come on guys stop stopping it stop stopping it all right you know what that means we need more power we're not going to let this happen like this anymore we are not going to let this happen like this anymore there we go look at this is so strong oh no this is gonna break us this is actually gonna break us i think oh it's so laggy too that i've spawned in too many bots this is better this is so much better this is getting worse this is worse and better this they were tangling up they were breaking oh man they're stopping us we're gonna die oh he's on top how do they get on top what is happening i don't even know what's happening anymore this is too difficult to follow this is oh that was so good the way it wrapped around one of them was so awesome all right what happened here what happened right here that's a problem all right i think we did pretty good with the hay bots i think we're ready to move on to a farm bot where's your bets now is this gonna be successful or not i think if this can harm him i think it's gonna take a while before it actually kills him oh what how how how did that not send him flying how did he survive that i mean i knew he would survive survive but how did he maintain balance that should have ragdolled him across the map that was so powerful this is it this better hit him off his feet [Applause] get on my face there we go now everyone's coming after me we're holding back we hope we're doing really good against the hay bots but we've kind of oh the greenies are too low for this i i set it up a little bit higher than i was before okay okay what's gonna happen here this is not happening right oh no oh no keep pushing oh stage two stage two is victorious on the farm bot look at that distance wait it's not doing well on these guys right now all right come on come on this is just so much better as a hammer like this is kind of sad all right let's see what happens with this let's see what happens with this i don't know what to expect okay that's good good good battle so far good battle so far with the head with the farm bot what happened to the saw blades by the way what actually happened to the saw blades i don't see them they must have went in the water or something right here we go here we go oh man there's some weird collision issues happening with the farmbot for sure i feel like this thing should be doing way better against this guy but it's just not all right i got one final crazy idea and my final crazy idea is this i'm going to detach this and i'm going to uh detach this and i'm going to duplicate this and i'm going to weld this right there and then i'm gonna weld this right there there we go look at this this is much better i think we can i think we can deal with this we got a row of greenies paybots and a farmbot and they should get to me i mean they should get to me before the farmbot does which is what it's looking like oh boy well this is definitely it's hitting them more often which it should hit them twice as much as it was he's getting in he's getting in but this is giving me more of a layer of protection of saw blades i don't have that big open spot like i used to he's dead oh he's dead it worked how did we survive that how did the farm bot get so instantly killed that time i have no idea we gotta do i gotta do just a farmbot to see if i can replicate that look at that this is so much it keeps them back it does it keeps pushing him back this time oh oh oh oh it did it it did it how many farm bots do you think we can take with this thing this is taking so much longer to kill him though this is still really crazy that it keeps pushing him back i keeps pushing him back i said there we go this is good this is a good weapon now it took a bit took a bit to figure out what we needed but now i know what we need and we're gonna spawn in four we got four coming after me now they're not all gonna arrive at the same time though oh this i can't even watch it all it's working it's not working uh one of them got in at just the right time and that's just what happens you know i do want to try this one more time though because that could have been a fluke he could have just gotten lucky there come on you can do it you can do it saw whip you cool that was so close get them out of here get them out of here get them out of here keep them back oh no he's so close there's so many close calls guys there's too many close calls oh man we didn't even kill one of them all right we can't do four all right just because i know you guys are gonna ask for it we're gonna do a bonus tape bot round but you know they're just gonna shoot me and instantly disable this thing right like we all know that's gonna happen all right here you go pop capsules aggro all yeah look at all that tape just coming right at me i'm so dead well i'm i'm i'm off i don't know what to do now i i can't get oh that's pretty good right there all right come after me bros oh i can't even i feel like i'm playing jump rope now there we go no i can't stay up on this thing oh and there goes that one now yeah i don't know what else you would have expected obviously the explosive tape odds are just going to be an even worse result than that this is kind of fun isn't it well today's practical weapon was the double saw blade whip and it actually ended up being kind of good despite some weak points i mean just because you can't beat fire or four farm bots simultaneously doesn't mean you're not a good weapon it's just uh it's just not the most practical weapon that's for sure but i definitely enjoyed using it let me know if you guys enjoyed it as well and if you have any other ideas for other impractical weapons you'd like to see if you're enjoying this concept let me know down in the comments below if you enjoyed this do you want to see some more stuff on the channel go ahead and check out the end screen right here if you're interested in supporting the channel then i encourage you to check out the merch link down in the description hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 464,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic update, scrap mechanic creative update, scrap mechanic bot spawner, bot spawner, testing bots, saw blades, scrap mechanic whip, saw whip, whip, double whip, sawblade whip, impractical weapons, over engineered
Id: HmI8zkXtt-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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