I Built a Floor of 3584 Saw Blades for *Point*less Experiments! - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to scrap mechanic and today i've got a crazy idea that literally just came into my mind like a few minutes ago as i was thinking about what am i going to record today and i've decided to try to create a giant floor of saw blades like just flat saw blades and the reason why i think this is going to be interesting is because saw blades have very low friction so if you use a saw blade as like a wheel or something that moves across the ground it just slides but what if the ground was saw blades and then you spawned in a normal creation on top of the saw blades would you basically have created a low friction ground surface and then on top of that what happens if you spawn bots on a floor of inescapable saw blades especially like hey bots or greenies that actually have a freak out when they see saw blades they're gonna have nowhere to run and they're just gonna be it's gonna be like pure exposure therapy they've gotta learn at some point that i was gonna say that there's nothing to be afraid of but it's a floor of actual sharp saw blades so no it would be a completely justified fear by the way this is the first time i've spawned into the flat world since they've updated the texture to this so this is kind of new isn't it all right so here's my plan to do this while trying to be the least laggy as possible because i'm gonna try to make this as big as i can without hurting my frame rate that's pretty much going to be my stopping point as soon as my frames start to die so it looks like uh we can have these be overlapping with each other which i think is just going to make it look kind of cool actually it might make it look like there's not even saw blades now that i think about it so very slowly but surely i can start adding to this thing by duplicating it and putting it on the weld tool just like that alright so this is what i got so far and this thing actually looks pretty cool i'm gonna start making this longer than it is wide because ideally if i'm gonna be trying to drive vehicles on this i want like a nice runway oh oh oh that was the first time it lagged when i spawned it in but it may be because it's now overlapping with the previous version of it but i'm gonna i'm gonna save this guys look at how long this is this is this side do we really need more than this because we're just double we're going up exponentially we're doubling every single time so it's getting big quick so right now this is 7168 saw blades already my frames are laggy when it's on the lift i think we may have gone a little bit i did not uh i did not want this to be this big of a deal oh all right i welded it whoops oh this is pr youtube's compression is gonna make this look terrible this looks terrible without the compression on my screen right now i did not expect this to be a visual nightmare like this this is actual insanity i need to we have to go back okay so this one has 3 584 saw blades all right and this one i get 60 frames with it well let's see what happens if i'm on it all right you know what i think this is pretty good we got 60 frames we don't have to sacrifice the quality of the video because otherwise if i double this it's going from 60 frames down to 13 frames and uh that was just a nightmare so we have our floor now it's time to do some science first let's spawn into the car and why did i just do that why i i knew that i knew that wasn't the lift that's the lift i meant to do that well you spawn in the car and now let's see how the friction feels it is low friction i mean i don't know why i thought it might be anything other than low friction for some reason i thought maybe it's the saws on the ground and not the saws on other things that may be the low friction but i'm so happy that the low friction carries over into creations too that kind of just it it proves the purpose of this experiment all right good thing i have some thrust it's not that powerful of thrust but we got some thrust all right now let's see if i can do like a 180 or something i'm just sliding now i'm not pressing anything anymore all right it's definitely a weird texture to be driving across because the saw blades they their texture is there the middle of the style blade that sticks up the wheels do uh they do kind of ride over that in a weird way all right you know let's spawn in a smaller vehicle though let's let's make a sled i'm just gonna make a sled and i wanna see if it's capable of sliding across this thing despite all of these pegs sticking up from the saw blades all right well if the sled is big enough it should just be able to rest uh on top of enough saw blades that it levels itself out all right so after a couple of hours i've managed to build this uh really high-tech sled here you can see it's a very very complicated uh spider web of connections but i know it looks a little bit weird right now but don't worry i got a solution for that wow look at that so much more professional okay here we go oh no that's that's what i was afraid of right there all right let's uh let's try this again i'm gonna go nice and slow at first there we go look at this it's like it's the smoothest frictionless surface you could ever imagine right here oh this is a nightmare this is actually terrible yeah let's uh let's compare let's compare let's uh all right this is me going across the saw blades just the low friction really helps as you can see now let's try it on actual flat land [Music] i mean i mean it's all right it's all right on flat land but why would you choose flat ground when you can choose saw blade ground i mean i feel like this is just the obvious choice but to be fair if i stop using thrust i do kind of slide a little bit more than i would if i was on the ground just tap it for a second let go and i keep going now if i go off ready tap it for a second and then you're not going anywhere it's just the friction it's just a waste of energy really i honestly can't see any upside to using the regular ground as opposed to saw blade ground this should just be the future this is futuretech right here we're gonna save so much energy i mean imagine all the heat that is generated with friction across a normal ground that's just not good for the atmosphere it's probably contributing to you know global climate change clearly we have to convert our ground to saw blades in order to save the world here's the moment that i know we're all really waiting for uh you guys want to see the bots and how they're going to react to this and i do too i'm going to do all of them we're going to go through every single bot oh you know what even the the glow bug and the cow or walk i'm sorry the wok very different from a cow you can tell by the utter placement all right make your predictions now what do you think he's gonna do do you think he's gonna freak out constantly you think he's gonna get over it and learn that there's nothing he can do or uh maybe he's even gonna die are these gonna hurt him i don't think they'll hurt him if they're not moving but i actually don't know the answer to that question so we're gonna find out in three two one he's just gonna live a life of fear this is life now there's nowhere to go there's literally nowhere to go everywhere is a saw blade everywhere you look they're watching you they're coming to get you all right i have to spawn more okay let's spawn in a couple of these guys and i have aggro aggros on by default by the way like they're set to attack me when they see me but obviously he's got bigger things to worry about right now well but technically not bigger just um more there's just more of them all right pop capsules and let the fear ensue oh it's a little bit laggy i may have done too many oh it's a dance floor guys i made a bot dance floor i why did i not see that this was coming this is amazing i didn't realize it was gonna look like this this literally looks like a disco floor now imagine if someone built like a smaller version of this like an actual realistically sized dance floor and put it in a building with like lights and everything just like disco lights and all this stuff added some music blocks in there and then you spawn in a couple of these guys on the floor and you're lit it's literally gonna look like hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey how'd you escape how did this happen did anyone see this i did not see this wait wait how did you escape what is this how are they escaping oh okay i think this guy might escape soon oh interesting they get into a pattern sometimes where they actually end up moving constantly in one direction all right how many of these guys do i gotta destroy to get some frames back huh how many of these guys are gonna give me my frames back oh we got an escaper over here an escapee i'm pretty sure that the haybot ai does use up more uh power than the green the ai right at 30 frames now all right 40 frames one more of these guys come on 50 frames all right i think we can deal with 50 frames then three of each that way it's kind of like you know a high school dance where you get like the boys on one side and the girls on the other side but this time it's um hey boss on one side and toad box on the other side all right and everyone knows that high school dances are terrifying so if this is really this is really no different than the real thing right here are we just gonna put some dance music to it yeah let's put some dance music to it and let's watch this action here [Music] you know i gotta get on this action as well oh yeah yeah this is great this is great we're all having a good time we're all dancing together it's not a saw blade floor it's not a florida terror it's just a dance floor as evidenced by the bots uncontrollably dancing on top of it all right let's remove these ones and let's get on to another bot how are these guys gonna react and i'm gonna be i'm not gonna spawn in the explosive bots yet because uh i'm a little bit concerned that they'll just destroy this they might actually destroy it all right pop capsules i don't think these guys are afraid of sapling no they are not afraid of saw blades they are definitely not afraid of saw blades and obviously confirmed the saw blade floor does not harm the bots when they're just stationary saw blades let's spawn in one of these guys see how he reacts oh he might actually damage it by walking hm well he's definitely not afraid of it it seems to have no impact on him especially the low friction the low friction only seems to uh affect creations it doesn't affect me it doesn't seem to affect the bots it seems to be just a creation uh impact right now here's something i'm really curious about we have uh these little guys just wanted a couple of these and also these bigger guys all right are you gonna be okay they don't seem to care either i actually never really paid attention to whether or not cows are afraid of saw blades but in a few wait a minute didn't i have three of these guys oh oh there he is somehow we got underneath i got him i'll just place you right back down there i guess these guys can fall in between maybe not oh yep there we go yeah these guys can fall in between the saw blades all right so i got another idea using the same concept but this time i'm gonna build a much smaller version but the difference is that they're actually going to be the saw blades are gonna be on bearings and i'm gonna make them all spin with controllers and then we're gonna see how the bots respond all right here we go i have 100 saw blades here and when we hit the switch they should all turn on oh that's actually really whoa this is so cool [Music] this is kind of blowing my mind right now this is actually kind of blowing my mind right now what's happening to me it's like a conveyor belt system but you kind of just stay in one spot a little bit this is so awesome oh i just moved on to another row oh i'm moving all the way down this is so cool i don't think i'll actually get pushed off of it i think it's going at just a slow enough speed that the centripetal force doesn't move me against the saw blades it just keeps me on whatever spot i happen to be on and i just keep getting overlapped with another blade this is so cool i want to see myself move to like the last row though it's possible there we go it's the second last row i think i get on this outer edge though i have to wait for it i'm not i'm not tapping any movement inputs i'm just turning my camera that's all but i think i should be able to get onto that saw blade by luck i don't know what's going to do it though oh no i went back i don't go in the wrong direction no i'm going all the way back into the middle i did not think i was going to get distracted by something like this this is actually really entertaining all right you know i'm just going to move myself over there it might be easier said than okay here we go no no there we go hold there we go oh i do get knocked off okay i thought i would just kind of stay on the outer edge of them all right so you guys get a better idea of what this is like i'm just going to try to walk straight i'm just going to hold w and that's it i'm going to walk straight from this corner to that corner once i jump up all right just holding w now i feel like this is what happens when you get input input lag in a game we've made an input lag movement simulator all right but the big thing is uh we got to figure out what it's like to put um i can i just yeah this is definitely like when you get lag in the game all right so the saw blade should be spinning at a fast enough speed to affect these guys and oh yeah i forgot he's not even gonna come after me because he's kind of trapped all right and here we go i guess this is what you would call a killing floor this is just quite literally exactly what that name implies all right here we go it's so instant all right i gotta put this guy on here i i don't know what to expect with this he might actually kill me i'm gonna do this though all right you ready here we go oh no no no don't blow up my floor okay i survived um let's do it so he actually sees me oh this is a bad idea this is a very bad idea oh he fell you fell huh you fell come get me up here okay now i think it would be really satisfying just to load this thing up with bots three two one dance we have where did they all come from they like teleported behind me we have more survivors than i expected all right you know what this is now my safe zone the killing floor is the safe zone for me it may be the death zone for the bots but it's it's the safe zone for me and it's very very effective other than the fact that it's kind of hard to stay in the middle of the safe zone because it kind of actively works against you here all right come closer i didn't think he would actually listen all right pop capitals some of them are they're surviving longer than i expected i don't know what the deal is with that oh that really killed my frames though dare i do the cows do i really yeah i kind of feel bad for this but for science [Music] sorry the sound was kind of hilarious as he got moved around to i don't know why i thought that was so funny it was sad but also kind of hilarious all right what about these guys i am surprised i am actually surprised okay let's put them on some more weird places oh no okay there's this designated safe spot right in the center of every saw blade but anywhere oh no don't move he moved he moved why did you move oh it's sad oh no he moved it's just gonna get worse it's only gonna get worse no oh no you caused him to move okay i'm gonna stop pretending to be sad now these are just lines of code oh i kind of have to know what happens when i spawn my car in on this thing and go okay i'm not pressing any buttons right now my wheels are moving just because the saw blades are moving the wheels i don't know what i expected like my expectations have not have neither been broken or confirmed this is kind of i just had literally no expectations but i guess it makes sense the low friction of the saws does not really have that much of an impact on a vehicle as much as it does on like a body like me or the bots so this really is just kind of pointless and boring all right well that's all the ideas i had to experiment with a saw blade floor concept but uh before i end off the episode i wanted to change my main menu screen creation out because this has been here for a while i introduced this in a video a while ago and now it is time to pass the torch onto another creation designed for the main menu screen so as a reminder that one was made by andre de boss and this new one is a giant stabilizer mug that someone has built out of individual parts which i think is pretty awesome oh is there a duck inside there's totally a duck inside oh there's actually there's a suspension mug inside the suspension mug i'm so glad i looked in there all right this is by madeir all right i gotta jump in this thing before i look at the actual main menu danger why is this duck why is this a danger duck all right we got dangerous duck and we got our suspension mug in here as well of course there we go functional suspension mug all right let me out here let me out of here oh no it's too big for the main avenue screen [Music] oh i didn't realize you built a stabilizer mug that is too massive for its own good i'll know what it is whenever i spawn in so this is going to be the next creation on my menu screen for a while now by the way if you want your very own scrap man mug you can get one in the link down the description below stabilizer not included try to build your own though i don't know it'd be pretty impressive i'd love to see that if someone could actually pull that off i hope you guys enjoyed this episode if you did uh definitely go check out some other content on the channel i have like over 1500 videos i think something like that so it's probably something you haven't seen yet don't forget to check out the merch link if you want to help support the channel hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 172,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic update, scrap mechanic creative update, scrap mechanic bot spawner, bot spawner, testing bots, saw blades, scrap mechanic no friction, scrap mechanic saw floor, floor made of saws
Id: UFly1Gxhi4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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