Impractical Engineering: Expanding Wheels! - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to scrap mechanic and today we're going to be doing some more impractical engineering now this idea is inspired from i saw something in the comments that somebody mentioned about it would be cool to have expanding wheels so i'm gonna try to build them i think there could actually be some practical utility to them so it's not like a completely impractical concept but um i just don't think they're gonna be that efficient so the vision that i'm having in my head is i have to build a wheel first of all and i have to build it out of wood because obviously we can't expand an actual real wheel scram mechanic doesn't offer us any expandable materials in order to expand things you're gonna have to use pistons or bearings or some type of moving parts to make things grow and change size and that's also part of the reason why this is going to be impractical is because as these wheels expand they're no longer going to be complete circles anymore because we're not going to be able to really fill in that space but i've thought this through used my big brain and i think i've come up with a way that this could work using pistons but first what i'm gonna have to do is figure out how small of a wheel i'm gonna start with because our starting point is going to determine our ending point kind of it just seems kind of obvious doesn't it so now i have the fun task that i always enjoy doing which is building a circle in scrap mechanic you know what this time i'm actually going to use some wedge blocks on the wheels to make it more roundish i guess all right this isn't the roundest wheel i've seen but it is something so now i think if i just delete some of the middle part here add some pistons and then i have to separate each quadrant of the wheel into its own separate piece so that they're going to like be able to expand off of each other oh and i think it's as simple as doing this oh i probably should have welded that first oh no what have i done the whole thing just got detached from the centerpiece hold on hold on don't worry i can recover from this i can do this okay is everything welded to the pistons now can i delete that all right let's test this thing out i think that this might have been a way easier concept than i thought it was i say this now when i haven't even gotten anywhere close to implementing it yet but here let's just hook this up to these and see how far we want to expand oh look at that that's pretty good this is interesting i have ideas i have ideas on how to implement this how fast i feel like do we want slow expansion because we do it too fast we're going to essentially create a jumping thing but i think this is a good start i think this is a great start to an expanding wheel but we have these gaps here but i have an idea i have an idea for these gaps i decided to give it some extra design elements to make it look cooler i don't want to look cooler looks cooler to me all right so here's what we do to fill in those gaps that i don't like i'm going to put a bearing like that and then if i weld this onto there then what i can do is set a controller to set these wheels 45 degrees offset from each other which will also probably make them more roundish working together but then when they expand each wheel should kind of link up with the other wheel when it comes to creating a full circle i hope that's the that's the goal you know let's just do a quick test right here i'll just put a random controller put that on 45 degrees and then i just need to hook this up into all of the pistons all right is that all of them i think that's all of them oh that looks like a wheel doesn't it this is a real maybe we can even go can we go one more yeah i think one more having a four extension is even better oh look at that i like this this is this concept is turning out to be so much cooler than i expected look at that that looks so cool all right so now i need to build myself a car body and i'm going to try to make it look somewhat like a car not just a slab like i did in the last and practical engineering video because the last one the mechanism itself was hard enough this time the wheels were not too hard so i could spend more time on the actual frame of the car itself okay one thing i'm realizing i have to account for i need to make sure that as these wheels expand they're not going to expand into each other and conflict i need to make sure that they're far enough apart because the amount of space these things take up it's going to be changing when they expand oh you know what i should have done oh man i missed an opportunity here i need to i need to edit this i need to put a lot i should have put a logic gate in the middle i'm still going to do it this will just make my life so much easier having a logic gate right here all right there we go and the reason why the logic gate is going to be super useful is because now all i need to do is hook the logic gate up into all of these pistons and then anytime i want to hook up a switch to control all these pistons i just gotta hook it up into the single logic gate and then it'll be good and i gotta make sure these all get adjusted to the same height again or distance all right now this wheel is good to go all right so now let's see how far these things expand next to each other all right that's doable i think this is a good distance right here i think we got this you know this is gonna be a good build when i start adding wedges to it all right this is very quickly turning from a car into a pickup truck and i'm okay with this i'm actually gonna have to make these wheels extend out farther from the vehicle because when they're that big and you turn them they're totally going to interfere with the vehicle i can make them expand not only the wheels themselves but also expand out from the vehicle too that could be a thing i'm gonna do it all right here's the last wheel so it's gonna be a really weird looking pickup truck it's gonna i didn't realize how stubby the nose of the pickup truck was we got the engine up there it should function all right so now i'm just going to hook up the controller to the second bearing on each of the wheels and it's going to be set to 45 degrees this is going to make all the wheels do that special offset thing that we need them to do and then make sure to hook up the steering i am gonna have four-wheel steering because i feel like the strength of this vehicle if we're gonna try to make this in practical engineering as practical as possible it's gonna be for climbing over things with ground clearance the big benefit of this is expanding your ground clearance we're gonna see just how impractical this on practical engineering really is and i am giving it an electric engine because i think we're gonna need the torque from the electric engine for this all right and now we need the switch which is going to expand our wheels so we can hook that up to all of the logic gates instead of having to do every single individual piston which would be a nightmare and then also these four pistons i suppose because as the wheels expand we're gonna need them to extend out from our vehicle a little bit so we can still turn without colliding with ourselves all right now let's paint this thing up and test it out all right i think this thing is ready for its maiden voyage these wheels are completely untested even in their contracted state so let's drive it around a little bit our turning is good our turning definitely wouldn't be good if we expanded right now but let's drive it around a little bit as is see how it feels oh no oh this is bad wait wait let's expand all right the wheels don't touch each other when they expand naturally oh this did not have the intended results i forgot that pistons they kind of get stretched with centripetal force this is not good this is really not good but at the same time it's kind of amazing look at that don't do that though can you not this is not what was meant by expanding wheels at all oh no god it expands all the way past the point it's supposed to expect this reminds me of those like those sphere toy things that you can pull and expand and they're like a spiky ball and they expand into like a round ball but uh this is uh this is this is a problem all right obviously the the obvious thing to do is just turn down the speed so we can't go as fast but we can have some more control all right there we go let's find the maximum speed without expansion all right that seems to be good [Music] oh there's a little bit just a little bit of expansion going on here but i feel like this is tolerable i think this is tolerable only a little bit of expansion i i want intentional expansion not unintentional expansion i want to be in control man i really wish i could go faster with this oh this was a little bit of a mistake just a little bit of a mistake let's see what happens if i uh try to drive over this you know i think i need to be heavier maybe a little bit heavier i think i'm kind of light when it comes to off-roading here so let's add some concrete slab to the bottom especially more so at the bottom front maybe a little bit less on the back like that all right this should give us some more weight to work with all right here we go we should be a lot more beefy now let's uh we need some we need like an off-roading section we need i need some rocks some some good rocks about if i just try to get over this all right no problem oh no we're kind of stuck whatever shall i do well let's press the button and see what happens there we go and then we can just oh oh oh i you know they're fine at a slow speed as you can see but as it goes that little bit faster they start colliding with each other oh you know what oh look at that though is it colliding with me it is colliding with me all right hold on we just got to change these to two distance and then this should get rid of the collision issue at least with the wheels turning against my side all right so now when i turn you can see they are not colliding with my side so contracted expanded this is good all right i do need to make sure these wheels aren't going to collide with each other though and i think let me save this first in case i mess anything up but i think the easiest solution is to literally just cut this in half i think i could do it right here and then i'm going to add two more blocks worth of thickness to this all right i think we're good to go this is two blocks longer let's see if that makes the wheels no longer collide with each other oh it's so close to being perfect all right we need to add another two blocks maybe okay now we should be good to go please don't collide they still they still collide we're going too fast this is the next slowest option i have and it totally works but it just feels too slow all right and here is the contracted state ah it is so slow i don't i really didn't think this was the issue i was gonna have to deal with but you know what it's a pretty smooth ride the suspension the suspension is working great look at that suspension go with the unevenness of the wheels like this is first person first person actually feels like a really nice ride all right so here's some rocks we can climb up some of these rocks over here all right it's a slow going ride but let's see what happens if we do not expand the wheels as we try to climb up this basically i kind of made like a versatile rock climber i think this oh look at that that was no problem that was no problem at all what we need to do is we need to find a problem spot that only the uh expanded wheels can solve then this goes from impractical engineering to practical engineering except for the fact that our speed is kind of actually impractical due to the limitations of the wheels all right this section right here looks like it'll be interesting to try except there's that tree right in the way oh looks like we've already bottomed out well a simple expansion will solve that issue just like that there's actually this is i'm more and more hesitant to call this impractical this is feeling nicer and nicer look at that this looks like a legitimate piece of engineering now to be able to do that that seems so useful does this i feel like this might exist in real life does this exist in real life all right i just kind of feel like i want to expand as i go down naturally rather than doing it in response do you think i can get up this oh expand the wheels thank you i want to try this first i'm going to try it without the expansion and then i want to try it with the expansion i don't know this is like a cliff almost this is a significant drop all right well here i am like this can't do it and then i expand this is kind of an awesome build this is actually kind of a really awesome build all right you know what let's just see how far we can take it all right expand please there we go i don't want to expand too much because it raises my center of mass which makes me more likely to tip over but so far this is doing pretty decent there's no way there's not enough friction for this part here all right i've turned the engine up again because now we're not going to be reaching our max speed when we're climbing anyway i just want to see what kind of impact it's going to have oh this is too vertical yeah i don't think this thing is meant for cliff climbing i think oh no now it's doing the thing again oh why do you have to do this to me it would be so this would be so much better speed if the pistons just weren't that weak all right but the cool thing about this is uh it actually doesn't really tip over that easy and when it does it seems to be able to recover here i'll tip it over intentionally all right we're sideways let's see what happens when we drive now [Music] can we get ourselves up look at that no problem this thing can get up so easy what happens if it tips over upside down i'm curious what the wheel expansion will do in that scenario all right now we're upside down there's clearly nothing i can do from this situation here but if i expand my wheels i can actually drive upside down there is just enough ground clearance to drive upside down i do not however think i can flip myself back over from this position but hey this is still a plus i mean worst case scenario we could probably find a vertical wall drive up against it and end up flipping ourselves back over let's try it out all right here it goes come on look at that no problem at all and then we could just contract our wheels and be on our merry way like a perfectly normal looking pickup truck nothing off about this at all guys i'm still actually surprised at how practical this impractical concept ended up being oh you know what i also just realized that expanding the wheels makes you go faster too because you have more surface area that the wheels are actually rolling over so look at that we totally pick up speed because they're still spinning at the same speed but they're covering more area in one rotation that's kind of cool all right here let's try some climbing in first person to see what it feels like i'm hoping that i can't get up this in the normal mode yeah can we do it oh no we appear to be stuck no worries got my own practical engineering to have some practical effects and then we just continue on our way just like that oh i didn't realize i could go all the way around in my seat like that oh you just press the button and your wheels get bigger and you can climb up the rocks no problem am i doing a good sales pitch right now is this a good commercial for the expanding wheels concept i feel like this would be useful for like a mars rover or something you have you have trade-offs in each version in this form you get your lower center of mass which equals some more stability less likely to flip over you have a smaller profile so you can fit into smaller spaces and then uh this has more ground clearance at the cost of a little bit less stability also this has more speed so you can get over things easier but you can't fit in such a small space and uh yeah there's definitely some costs and benefits to each each version each mode i am officially a fan of the expanding wheels concept i think this was an overwhelming success and i am impressed with how well it turned out if you guys are impressed with how this turned out as well then make sure you hit that like button if you want to see more awesome content on the channel like this then you might want to check out some of the stuff on the end screen right here hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 279,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic update, scrap mechanic creative update, over engineered, impractical engineering, scrap mechanic expanding wheels, expanding wheels
Id: FIlcl3MPq5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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