I Built A Bridge That Launches Anything That Tries To Cross! - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to scram mechanic and today we're going to be doing some more over engineering of impractical weapons however this one i don't know if it's really going to be a weapon so much as just an inconvenience that is gonna be entertaining to watch so the idea is to create a suspended bridge that's uh you know it's kind of loose hanging between two sides but it's gonna be attached to the sides with pistons and when those pistons contract it's gonna pull the bridge tight so it should kind of act as like a launching mechanism so then what we're gonna do is try to coax some bots across the bridge and then maybe i'll have a sensor in the center of the bridge that triggers the pistons to then shoot the bots up into the air if this even works as intended by this is gonna be a fun concept both in the building process and actually watching it in action okay first things first we're gonna need a bridge and i'm gonna build this bridge as wide as this thing because i'd really like it if this thing could uh walk across the bridge for us all right this is actually pretty wide i am really surprised at how wide this is well hopefully this isn't going to make it too big of an issue how big do i i don't want this bridge to be that big because it needs to be able to support its own weight on the pistons the piston's gonna be able to pull it back all right i think this should do it i put these in here which should be the flex point that then attaches to this section and maybe for these end pieces i should have a duct piece so that the corner is less likely to rub all right let's see how this feels all right so i should be able to attach that to there and now if i take this off the lift uh kind of works but this still rubs so i think i'm just gonna have to have these not have a section there so it's just gonna be a gap unfortunately but that's fine that should allow for a suspended bridge all right so now the question is how long do we dare make this suspended bridge before it's going to be too much to handle itself i think this length right here is going to be enough all right so in its fully contracted state this is how long the bridge is going to be but then of course it's going to be hanging down a little bit as well so you can see this should work as a suspended bridge i hope this works i still have ptsd for my first time trying to do something like this all right so now is the engineering part this bar right here is what's going to attach to this end and this bar is going to attach the other end i got to make sure all this is going to be on one solid creation so we can weld both sides together all right so i've completed the next step in the process which is attaching each side of the bridge so now let's see if i take this off the lift you can see there's already some sag in it which is not id i mean i guess it's okay but we're just gonna be adding some more here i'll show you an example if i just hook these this switch up to actually i'm gonna make this easier on myself and create a logic gate for all of these all right there we go so now whenever i want to activate all the pistons i just do that and uh oh my bad my bad my bad i forgot when the pistons are on one distance they freak out like this we gotta not have them on one distance then too distance it is this two distance gonna be too much i hope it's not gonna be too much okay two distance two two two oh look at that actually can we go three three i wish i could like do a select all pistons or copy paste settings to all pistons that'd be amazing three are the but i don't know if the bots are gonna walk across this i feel like it's going to be too steep and they're going to see it as a cliff now let's see what it feels like for us i see this gap is a problem well actually wedge wedge which why did they make this so wide i know why i made it so wide but i regret making it so wide you like how the pistons do a little mini freak out every single time i place a block on this that makes me feel good about the future of this build all right and then just doing this oh you see that that's exactly what i'm trying to prevent right now how am i going to get the bots up here i guess i could just create a spawning platform and spawn them up here that'll be the easiest thing all right so here's what it's looking like if we have the pistons all contract if this thing calms down calm down yes imagine being a bot on that i forgot about sensors all right then similar to the pistons i'm just going to have the sensors lead back into their own logic gate so whenever i want to redirect the sensor signals i just got to redirect this logic gate signal all right here it goes first test if i'm just walking across to do my own business and then it's too powerful it's actually too powerful i glitched through it i didn't think about the glitching through part oh there we go oh that worked nice there we go oh and then i glitched through it that time i well maybe the bots will be less likely to glitch through things than me all right calm down calm down calm down and yeah that is what i'm talking about this is turning out exactly as planned all right so now we just need uh the ability of the for the bots to get up so let me try let's see how this ends up working out i'm gonna try to use where are they where are they where are they i'm trying to use these okay here we go so now if i put this right there we should be all set i mean now those are supporting it but that's also perfectly fine whoa oh that just they just did like a wave behind me that was so cool why was this so much more successful than oh there we go this is going to be good guys this is going to be real good all right kind of want to test out a block first so let's see what happens with this oh [Music] this is actually good i'm gonna save this before anything bad happens are you guys ready for the first test of this thing i got a greenie over there i'm just gonna free it and see if it'll walk into the walk across the bridge right here we go oh it's doing it it's doing it and it's gone oh this is so good it works perfect oh it actually did take damage oh you can go up you can go up too this is great oh it's so functional whoa what just happened oh no oh this is bad can you here follow me up follow me on up i'm actually surprised i can get up there i have that one block gap but i guess they can get up on one block step so it makes sense all right follow me there we go i am so proud of what i created right now i cannot wait to try this on other bots but he didn't take damage that time or he didn't make a noise as if he took damage that time hey hey i'm over here i'm over here there we go what how does how does that happen oh he's gonna roll back to the middle it's so good he took damage that time all right normally it takes three hits with a spud gun or one of these is this fall damage the equivalent of one spud if he hear that noise one more time and he doesn't die then i don't know how many tries it would take but i was gonna try one more time on the off chance and it also takes three balls to kill him there we go all right no no damage noise we're gonna keep trying until i hear one more cry when he hits the ground hey [Music] i said no aggro creations you should not be attacking the creations if i say no echo creations that's them's the rules i don't make the rules how did you just how did you just get across the bridge that's not right what's happening my bridge broke you broke my bridge how did you break my how how is my bridge broke are the pistons through the pistons fire the pistons are firing but they're stuck i think i know what it is uh it's this part right here okay hold on hold on sorry you stay down there don't mind me i just heard what hold on oh he destroyed two of them okay just no no aggro for now no stop it stop it calm down calm down i cannot believe that this is happening all right so i'm gonna put wedge block in here and hope that this is going to kind of feed it more easily into the slot that it has to go to does it work now [Music] okay well that was whatever i just did was a bad idea because now it's stuck and laggy okay we can see it works right now right it clearly works and i walk across it and okay it works okay follow me again here we go if it doesn't work again this time i i i we're we're getting back we're getting back to the ptsd levels it was just working it was literally just working what why why when it's just why would it stop as soon as the thing gets on it why why does it change that nothing's different all right now can we please just have a success this time please i don't know why it just randomly stops working okay here he comes here he comes yeah no okay all right well i mean we we got something this time come on come on yeah oh he's gonna go straight back onto the bridge oh there was another impact noise but no death this is still the same one from before he's had three painful impacts now four painful impacts but he will not die so that could just be a tiny little minuscule amount of damage so we're just going to ignore that we're not going to try to kill him with ball damage all right let's try uh more i just go there we go all right here they come here like please work bridge you better work you better work oh yes yes oh it's great it's fantastic and then they keep triggering it more and more oh it's laggy but it is also fun oh i really am curious what it's going to do with the farm bot oh look at that one spin look at every spin oh this is amazing oh i gotta go the other side now they actually managed to make it back onto the bridge all right good luck oh they're hitting it everywhere now there's supposed to be no aggro creations it's not working very well well i'll let them hit it it's fine it's not like this thing's welded to the ground or anything that was amazing it's kind of like skeet shooting man what are they they just they went underneath it and they're just attacking it at the weak points okay all right you guys have proven your point you're not as dumb as you look all right is everything intact all right well they did some damage over here for sure i am really surprised at how much damage they end up doing to those uh wedge the big ramps so let's just spawn in a new one and let's try it with haybots [Music] oh look at that pose he was going like full on swan dive there and he's rolling right back into the middle fantastic [Music] oh this is a great creation i love this [Music] he died from fall damage i've never seen that happen with a non-farm bot that's the first time i've seen a bot that was either a hay blood or a greenie die from fall damage that was awesome at least that i can remember sometimes i don't remember stuff follow me oh they i forgot how fast they are they were right on my tail it's chaos oh oh where's my gun where's my gun no no following don't follow me anymore okay now follow me [Music] wait how did he not die i thought i hit him a bunch of dog no okay excuse me excuse me excuse me i'm just gonna go this way now oh i don't know what happened there who's hitting what i hear things being hit where's hidden where oh and he's dead all right get out from under there you don't belong there okay all right we're good now now i think it's time for farm but wait let's check the bridge is everything still intact i think we're all good all right now let's do farmbot farmbot time i built this bridge for this guy if he can't walk across it i'm gonna be very disappointed there we go they're so fast they're so fast they're so fast hey hey hey i probably should have just spawned him on top huh hello follow me please up there no just follow me up there how is how are all the other bods better at this than you oh here he comes oh oh no oh no oh there he goes it worked i didn't get to see it that much or you can actually come up this time just come on up man i'm right here come on just come up there we go ah this guy this guy i don't know if he's smart or dumb i can't really tell i can't tell if he's being smart right now or if he's being dumb stop it just just come up oh my good this guy all right you know what fine you don't you don't get the privilege of being the guinea pig of this one we're gonna have to make it really easy for him we're gonna spawn him right up here all right if he can't get across the bridge after this uh i'm gonna have serious concerns about the intelligence of this robot here we go yes you see me just come straight this way yes yes yes but now he can't like he can't really follow me back up that well can he now there we go come on over come on over yeah you're gonna cloud the whole thing so i can't even see it there we go okay that was a little bit underwhelming it's not just fun with this guy i'm surprised i built this thing to accommodate him and uh he's the least fun to use on this bridge come on man there we go all right you know let's just how much more the health do you have left okay apparently there's a lot of health left this isn't very effective against these guys there we go oh i just thought of a fun idea we're gonna have a battle on a bridge that's just gonna end up kicking everybody off and everyone's gonna lose but let's watch it in action here we go three two one battle yes yes oh no it's it's king of the bridge who's gonna be the last one on the bridge oh my goodness this is beautiful this is one of the best things ever okay oh looks like red red owns the bridge they're just still battling oh and red is falling down the bridge again and there's the sensors again it's amazing and there we go bridge is clear that's amazing all right here we go now we have six hey bots versus six hey botch let's see if red or orange is gonna be the winning team here i don't really even know what determines it bridge [Music] bit of a delayed reaction on there bridge of course it launches that piece but not the actual watch themselves okay before i forget i know people were gonna ask for it and uh i'm gonna do it we what happens if you drive a vehicle across this thing maybe this is not the best vehicle for this but you know what i'm doing anyway this is a heavy vehicle this is concrete oh there we go oh look at that it's just a bouncy bridge just bouncy bridge for this thing not bad a little oh no we're stuck inside [Music] well you wanted your answer here's your answer not the not the result i was expecting what about you all right let's try a smaller vehicle that makes more sense for this bridge all right this one seems a little bit more reasonable it's still concrete though i built everything out of concrete that used to be the middle ground block now it's like a heavy block oh there we go yeah see i want to choose a lighter vehicle though oh okay yeah that's about what i expected all right let's see if we can go lighter oh oh here we go here we go this this is what we get to drive across it this thing is massive though there's no way this can go wrong at all i think i just gotta gun it because this thing doesn't have the ground clearance there we go who saw that coming well the bridge is dead all right this is good this is good this is good this is good just going across the bridge this is how you use bridges this is just this is just your normal bridge behavior okay and there we go that was actually a really gentle landing considering what was going on well there you have it ladies and gentlemen i have successfully built a bridge that ejects anyone that tries to actually cross it this kind of coincides a bit with the theme of my uh series where i gave vehicles irrational fears this is a bridge that is afraid of being crossed if you liked it make sure you hit the thumbs up if you enjoyed this video you probably enjoy some other stuff on the channel go ahead and check that out on the end screen right here hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 217,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic update, scrap mechanic creative update, scrap mechanic bot spawner, bot spawner, testing bots, impractical weapons, over engineered, scrap mechanic bridge, scrap mechanic suspended bridge, suspension bridge, bridge launcher
Id: _7j8kgS46_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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