I Built a Floating Water Bridge and Tried to Drive Across! - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to scrap mechanic and today i'm going to attempt to build a floating segmented water bridge that is capable of carrying the weight of this vehicle a classic that i haven't really used that much in a while which is actually made of mostly concrete and metal so it's going to be a pretty heavy vehicle to try to support on water but i think it'll be really really cool to see a segmented bridge that kind of flexes and bends with the weight of something traveling on top of it and the goal is going to be able to create a bridge long enough and hopefully not too laggy uh to be able to drive this vehicle from here and then over to the other side this thing this is actually a lot wider than i thought it was this is a lot longer distance than i expected it was gonna be so this is obviously gonna come with its own challenges when it comes to building this bridge i mean with scrap mechanic physics and the way things work i guess i of could just drive my way underwater but let's pretend we're actual humans and um this would kill us by the way in case you haven't noticed since yesterday's video i don't know if you guys saw it but um my lighting was a little bit weird one of my lights was broken in yesterday's video but i ended up fixing it so things should look more normal today it turned out i just um i just forgot to turn the light on so that's why things looked a little bit different and sounded a little bit different as well so if you want to see what it looked like with less lighting then go ahead and check out yesterday's wine dip video after this okay now to the task at hand which is a segmented floating water bridge this is giving me flashbacks to the suspended mountain base days when i was building the suspended bridges and uh the game didn't like those very much and the method of building these is probably going to be somewhat similar but i figure i'll do bubble blocks for the borders of the bridge and wooden blocks for the main part that we're going to be driving on and you know what i should probably have this vehicle spawned in for size reference all right so we're gonna fit on here with our wheels we should probably be at least 60 i guess we could deal with that yeah we're gonna make it 16 wide and a little bit longer for each section because of how far we have to go if we have a bunch of sections bunched up very very close to each other it's just going to increase the lag so if we can keep the flex points of this bridge a longer distance away from each other we'll have less and they won't be as close to um lag with each other i also think it would look pretty cool to have it shredded kind of like this with uh the holes kind of like i did with my suspension my drawbridge in my survival world i don't know why i just think this kind of looks cool it adds a nice texture to the bridge so let's see how does this fare as far as being able to support the weight of this i haven't even used any bubble blocks yet this is just pure wood which is buoyant all right here we go let's just weld the bottom of the car right there and nope that is definitely not enough to support the weight of this car we're just gonna add a couple layers of bubble block on the outside and i hope just hope that this is gonna be enough to make this thing float because i think it makes sense that every segment should by itself be able to support the weight of the car all right now i got some bubble blocks on this thing can this save us oh no this is not looking good people this is really really not looking good this car is very very heavy i don't know why i chose this car i could probably right now just decide to use a smaller car and it would work no no no no i'm not giving up that quick i'm just gonna line the whole bottom of this as well we're just gonna need a lot more bubble block this is all that should be a lot more buoyancy please please float it's not floating why doesn't it float all right guys i realized my mistake my mistake was using tier 1 wood instead of tier 3 wood tier 3 wood is a lot more buoyant than tier 1 would so we're going to go with this it rises it actually rises all right and then what is this like oh my god if i take this off ready for this oh it's it goes too high though i'm gonna have to do some this is this is a lot more difficult there's a lot more fine tuning to this than i thought there was going to be i have a vision of this in my head and right now it's not matching the vision so i can make some adjustments okay i think this is the best i'm gonna be able to compromise with as you can see it still is a little bit above the water here but uh when we have the car on it is slightly negatively buoyant but remember this is also going to be attached to other things which are going to be very very buoyant so i think though the segments will end up helping each other out and also gives us an incentive to maybe not spend too much time on the bridge and letting it sink it's a little bit of pressure you know okay so now i have a floating bridge segment and i have to make this modular which means i want to make this so i can just easily connect them together with the weld tool uh in a way that's going to be symmetrical and attached to a loose bearing okay this should be it right here all i got to do is weld this point to one of these painted blocks just like this and now when we take it off the lift it should be flexible bendy both directions yes and it should just be a one block gap so it shouldn't interrupt the flow of the aesthetic of the bridge at all so now i can just repeat this all right so place your bets now how many segments is it gonna take to get from this side of the canal to the other side this is three i'm gonna guess like 12 to 14. i might just be completely embarrassing myself and be way off there but uh let's do it let's see how close it is to 12 or 14. does that look that nope nope this is not my estimate was incorrect this is 12 it's gonna be like oh man it's like almost double that it feels like how many more it kind of sits pretty nice though doesn't it i like this so i guessed up to 14 this is gonna bring the total up to 18. it fits but how close how close oh my goodness this is like nothing i can probably spawn another six and just put it over here i'm gonna do that there's another six this is 24 now and we're still not there oh my estimate was so bad all right no way we can fit another six though right what what what is this this is another sticks this bridge is getting too much this is actually getting too much this is it we have one more so oh oh that's not aligned is it i meant oh i messed up somewhere i messed up right here i messed up bad yep i welded the wrong weld point on that one don't worry easy fix all right check out this life hack here i can stand on the bridge while i weld it and it stays under me and it stays in the right spot okay yeah we're in the right spot we're good all right so i should be able to spawn in one more segment here i should probably lift this up with the lift weld this on all right and now it goes from one side to the other the only thing is uh we don't really have easy access up and down but we can probably use some ramp oh i think you know what perfect the perfect thing the warehouse ramps i think they are four blocks oh wait they're more oh this is only three one two three oh hey let me go check the other end all right i'm at the other end now i'm just gonna see does this detach oh it does for the sake of simplicity i might actually add warehouse ramps but they're just going to be sticking down a block this fits pretty nice that's not bad at all that really works all right and then we can do the same thing on the other side and we'll have we'll have done it it's just a matter of can we drive across it with this heavy vehicle all right there we go now we got both sides and i left my vehicle on the opposite side you know what let's just spawn in another one all right it's going to lag out my game or sync or what do you think is going to happen with this i have no idea what's gonna happen here's another question do you think we can get some bots to follow me across it that would be kind of cool all right well uh we're off to a good start oh no we're actually off to a good start oh except for the fact that we're bottoming out come on vehicle come on come on car you can do it once we're on i think we're going to be good oh no we are not good the spikes in the front there we go oh no this is so heavy go go go go go go go why is this sold i thought this was gonna do so much better this is working so interesting ah this is awesome i love this this is really cool oh no oh no it's so hard to keep control it's so hard to keep control i love watching the waviness of it though but it's oh it's hard to yeah i'm trying to keep control while looking and i was absorbing observing the uh amazingness that this is i'm like at a loss for words right now oh that was awesome and now it's kind of messed up at the end but it's equalizing itself out wow that was really really cool all right i'm gonna do this again but i'm gonna keep looking in the direction that i'm going this time and this thing does not have the ground clearance it needs these are definitely not doing me any favors they look cool but functionally they're just getting in the way all right here we go this should be much better oh my goodness look at that so much better all right and go so awesome this isn't how i feel like a water bridge should work except maybe just have a little bit more buoyancy so it doesn't actually sink your car into the water but of course i'm gonna on the next attempt i'm gonna drive to the middle and i'm just gonna stop i wanna see what happens if i just stop but look at that we've now driven the car across the water much faster than if we were to go underwater and uh not make any sense when it comes to physics and human life all right here we go this time i'm gonna be stopping myself this is fine no this is fine i got this oh that that's actually not that's kind of gives a little bit of a preview of what's gonna happen when we stop all right where's the middle it is really hard to stay straight on this bridge i feel like this is kind of the middle let's actually put ourselves completely on one segment there we go you know what this still works i mean the wheels are underwater your car might flood a little bit but my character can totally breathe the engines out of the water you know if there was exhaust on this thing then the exhaust might be under the water a little bit but this is working just fine look at in fact it's it what why did it how what that doesn't make any sense to me we were thinking we were heavy and now we're not as heavy is it because the joints oh the joints are actually kind of like they make you go down further because they dip the whole bridge down at the apex so you're actually much more secure you'll gradually rise if you're on a single segment like that that's really nice but as soon as you get to a joint it just bends the whole bridge down lowering the ends and then that just kind of has a ripple effect going through a literal like literal ripple effect this is so awesome i love this okay i'm totally falling off now it's really hard to control while you're looking backwards and trying to drive forwards and the bridge is flexing underneath you alright so i definitely want to try a couple of different vehicles and then we're gonna try to bring some bots across as well oh this thing looks so awesome i am so proud of this this is working amazingly this is way more successful than my suspension bridges back in the day here's a fun test i actually have no idea how heavy these explosives are oh this might be too wide this is not a fun test because if i explode the bridge explodes and i'll have to build it again but if i put on a lift to save it oh no i couldn't do this anyway it's too wide it's not too wide why am i doing this this is so unnecessarily risky if this thing blows this bridge up because this is all really not durable material these things this will get shredded in an explosion but i did not save this bridge [Music] and saving it means taking it out of the water which would also be a hassle but this is working this is working way better this is definitely way lighter than my concrete vehicle what have i done why did i i knew this was a bad idea why did i do it i don't even want to look at the damage i do not want to turn around and look at this damage [Music] i knew it i knew it when i was going into it that this was a bad idea and i just kept going okay well i guess i guess we have to look at what we've done you know what this doesn't look as bad as i thought it was going to it looks like this side no not completely intact we've lost like a couple of segments just a couple of segments we could probably fill it in without being too much of a hassle i have to get rid of that segment over there though it looks like two or three segments got taken out i really have a terrible sense of scale with this for whatever reason all right so there goes that yeah it looks like two more segments oh no what did i do why am i like this what happened here how did i not see this was a thing okay i've done it it actually was a lot harder than i thought it was going to be but i have repaired the bridge it is welded again from one side to the other and now i'm going to save this thing and i have an idea on how to spawn look at this i have an idea on how to spawn this in but it's not easy it's not it's not a convenient object to work with all right i just counted all the segments up because i realized i never actually gave a final count when i built it and this is from my estimate of 14 segments maximum uh it's actually 30 segments so more than twice as much as i thought it was going to be only uh 23 000 bubble blocks and 20 000 uh wood blocks though so we're going to save this as a floating bridge so here's my plan on welding this thing we need to make a high beam that goes above sea level a decent amount and then all we got to do i need to go to the left side of the bridge all right so then i just gotta grab the left side of the bridge with the weld tool and i should be able to weld it somewhere let's uh get out of the way of it so somewhere around here let's give it a couple blocks clearance just like that and it should re i hope that reaches the other side i have no idea if this worked and we can disconnect this side and i think we have a functioning bridge let's spawn in another vehicle and drive across it this time not an explosive vehicle all right how about this thing this is a metal car this should be really really light in comparison to what i've driven over it already i'm really glad i put this entrance right in the middle of a bush all right there we go look at that this is no problem compared to the magic scrap car all right let's just go as fast as i can all right this this car is not a good car this is really not a good car for controllability it's just small and compact and that's why i like it okay does it reach i don't know if this no no please don't please don't please don't please please please please please please wait i can't put this on the bridge oh no well i'll just walk the rest of the way but does this reach does it actually reach it's really close it uh it's really close that's all i can really say it's really it's really close all right now i want to test will bots follow me across the bridge which means i'm actually going to have to move this closer to this side now but that should actually be pretty simple all i should have to do is this and then put that right here there we go i think that should work now let's start with a couple of greenies the hey but the greenies are okay with water the hay bots do not like water will they follow me up here where are those going to attack the ramps oh they're following me they're actually following me across the bridge this is a successful bridge i didn't know if the bots were gonna do it look at this all right hold on i kind of want to um uh yeah pop capsules all right and uh aggro all come after me will the table the uh will the far the hay bots will they follow me they're coming across the bridge no no no don't attack the bridge they stopped they stopped on the first segment which isn't you know let me back up closer to them i'm just going to run these guys over excuse me that was easy where you guys going i gave you my coordinating no oh why do i keep jumping out thinking i can put this thing on a lift out here i can't all right that is really weird they literally gave up on chasing me across this bridge it could be from their fear of water oh that could be it right here look at that i wonder if that is it where are you guys going though they're literally just walking away they're like we don't have the time for this this is not po this is not what we signed up for we don't get paid for this all right do i have to do aggro all again they literally don't care anymore all right i'm going to turn aggro off and then i'm going to turn echo back on and then i'm going to do aggro all again they don't care they do they're so done oh now they're coming after me kind of maybe do they care now are they gonna follow me now all right let's see if they actually follow me this time all right they're creeping up but there's water now oh it's working it's working i thought the hay boss were going to be too afraid of the water look at this this is so good all right i bet i can make them go all the way across you know what's going to be a really interesting experiment though is the farmbot because he damages things when he walks on them in certain ways so he might just literally destroy the bridge as he walks across it i think these guys are going to make it with me oh joe careful they're getting close to the edge oh no no stop don't stop we're almost there we're almost there come on guys yes we made it as a team we made it is one of you guys hank what are you guys think did you miss me oh no okay that's how you want to be all right all right now it's time to do the farm bot and i'm really gonna have to prepare myself for the farmbot because this guy he might destroy the ramps as he comes up on this thing all right place your now is he actually gonna get onto the bridge or is he just gonna destroy this thing and then fall in the water eventually he's probably gonna fall in the water [Music] i'm over here oh boy here he comes moment of truth oh he's on is he doing damage it looks like he's doing damage but the tier 3 wood i think is actually pretty durable so there's a low chance it'll actually cause uh any actual destruction but you can see and you can even hear if i turn the volume up you can hear the impact of his walking oh what are you doing even just standing on it it makes impact noises is it actually doing damage though because the bubble block i feel like should be getting destroyed because the bubble block is super low durability go go go that's weird it's weird that it's making those noises and giving those visual uh particles but it doesn't actually seem to do any damage you know what let's let him attack me on there and see if he damages the bridge i think that's the only the only solution to figure out if this if this bridge is glitched out and not taking damage or if it's just his walking is fake it's fake damage all right try to get me now he just look at that what is he doing is he even gonna is he even gonna hurt me okay oh okay does he even have a weight i don't think he affects the bridge huh i don't think oh wait does he oh boy he doesn't seem to care the bridge doesn't seem affected by his attacks on me at least right here i kind of want to move this off oh excuse me oh now we both fell in the water look what you've done you know what i guess here's a test let's uh put up a wall if he lets me oh my goodness this guy there we go get through this let's see it get through this thing is he gonna be able to do it he's hitting it all right something's definitely wrong here something is definitely wrong here he can't damage anything the durability of this is literally one i can shoot it with a spud gun and destroy it but this guy can't seem to do it i'm sorry the game hasn't been fair to you farmbot but wait did you just destroy something finally [Music] wait what what out of what what all of a sudden he can't do the bubble block and then he takes out that giant section of tier 3 wood i am so confused i was just going to kill you i was just going to kill you and put you out of your misery you know what i'm going to do it anyway okay uh well that was definitely interesting that was not what i was expecting but the concept the idea it worked great it got us from one side of the canal to the other in a vehicle with no problems arguably no problems at all and it feels like an actual floating bridge when we go across it and box can go across it this is a multifunctional bridge so let me know what you guys thought down in the comments below and if you have any other crazy ideas you'd like to see on the channel leave those down there as well if you enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some other stuff on the channel that you can find here on the end screen don't forget to check out the merch store if you want to help support the channel hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 228,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic update, scrap mechanic creative update, scrap mechanic bot spawner, scrap mechanic water, scrap mechanic bridge, scrap mechanic water bridge, water bridge, floating bridge
Id: zvFNX6kQwBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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