Over-Engineering Impractical Weapons: Saw Blade Wrecking Ball! - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to another episode of scrap mechanic and i'm surrounded by bots here because honestly who would we be without bots surrounding us in our day-to-day lives oh they got really really interested in me very quickly there when i said that i hope they appreciate what i've said and they're not angered by it well that's okay because if they get anchored by it hopefully by the end of this episode we're going to have a very impractical weapon to defend ourselves with so if you couldn't figure it out by the title and thumbnail already uh we are gonna be making a wrecking ball but not just any normal wrecking ball a wrecking ball that is made of saw blades because when i imagined a wrecking ball hitting these bots i didn't think it was really going to be that effective so putting a bunch of spinning sharp pointy objects on that wrecking ball is probably going to be more effective though i'm still not quite sure how effective yet all right bud sorry i can't have any distractions right now i'll uh see you guys later but for now all right so i'm gonna start building this thing i hope it looks as cool as i'm imagining it's going to look i'm also thinking it's probably going to be a lot harder to make it look as cool as i'm imagining it's going to look but i got to start somewhere and that's what i'm doing right now yeah i knew this was where i was gonna run into the issues trying to make this thing look like a ball is not gonna be easy especially when it comes to collisions i feel like this is a good start but i don't like how much it sticks out from the other blades i want it to look nice i might have to just roll with that if i can't come up with a better solution but i'm gonna try some other experiments for now all right i think this is just a little bit better so um now let's make it all the way around and hope it stays better i feel like at this point i'm just over engineering a wrecking ball i could have just made this so simple by making it just square but nope had to go with the round version of a ball all right i hope this idea worked i just took that one section like this and copy and pasted it so now i think i think i should be able to just weld one like that oh it's not gonna work it's gonna collide and unless no no this could still work this could still where i just got to delete that and then i can weld another one back over oh is it that's because it's colliding with the lift i think yeah we'll put that up on a pedestal to weld to okay yeah i got to remove the saw blades from the angled portion because it collides when it's on the lift so i have to put those on after it's already in its angled uh programmed position i think please let this work i don't want to have to rebuild that arm every single time all right and there's that okay this is looking good so far and then i gotta do it on this side okay so now i should be able to slap a saw blade on these corners but i'm missing some corners i actually have some of these have to have two different saw blades on them to work oh this is really interesting already i'm liking this though i think this is going to turn out looking really really cool all right so now i've had to reduce it to just this controller part so i take it weld it from there and you can see we don't have a saw blade right here so all i gotta do is that and then now i can put a saw blade right there so now he's gonna fill in all of those gaps and we're gonna have a saw blade ball a ball saw ball that works it works guys this is looking so cool i think i've done it and i like how it kind of automatically spins in some cases because of the collisions look how it looks on a lift though it is not cement i did not put this symmetrically at all this has no rhyme or reason to where the saw blades are grouped up really but uh when you take it off the lift when you uh when you take it off the why why is this one not working this this particular one seems to not want to get in its position know your place know your place saw blade everything else is in position okay okay okay okay okay okay okay i think we got it let's do another test everything going into place i think everything is going into place this is good okay now how do we power it we need to fit an engine in here somewhere there's no way i'm gonna be able to fit an engine in here without it just literally ruining everything i might need more than one engine in here how many saw blades does this have 18 saw blades that means we need two engines in here all right i'm gonna put these engines on like mid power and they're just gonna default on all right that does not solve the issue of them being stuck oh hey that one actually resolved itself look at this look at this this is amazing how destructive do you think it's gonna be i gotta still figure out how to swing this thing around i wonder if i can hit it with a hammer oh actually it slides it slides across the ground i can actually hit it in a direction and just have it slide i wanted it to roll but you know whatever this is fine i suppose so i built this thing for a multiplayer oh i should probably save this before anything bad happens and it blows up sawball all right there we go but i built this for multiplayer monday this is actually a really popular multiplayer monday where we built a wrecking ball this time we're going to swap that wrecking ball out for this wrecking ball how big this thing seems a little bit big yeah that's pretty big compared to that i might have to oh i can raise it up i forgot how does this thing work again all right we got tank steering and we can go up oh excellent all right so as long as i put a bearing right here i should be able to just attach this at the center i should just be able to attach this at the center of any of those and oh no did that not did that do what happened what happened here hold on i got i need to figure out what we just did why is it going around like that attach it at the right point or something oh boy this thing is dangerous why is it going around it's attached at the center there's my look at it it's attached at the center of the blade it shouldn't be spinning like that all right i'm gonna try this again this time we're going from that bearing right there and please okay oh that seems to be working normally all right now we go up why is it folded why did it fold like that don't fold unfold please these are free bearings you should just unfold why are you resting in an upwards position like that just unfold why isn't gravity physics come back all right you know what i think i'm just gonna build a brand new vehicle to do this because this is just not working out all right guys i think i finally got it hooked up to a point where it's functional so i can drive this vehicle around i can also uh move this back and forth if i want to it's really really difficult it's really really tough on the engines though because it's just so much mass that it takes a lot to move this thing and i can also if i wanted to i could raise it up pretty high and i can lower it as well of course i'm actually going to speed these up when it comes to the raising and lowering a little bit there we go oh yeah look at that that's super fast now i can crush them with it just by dropping it pretty much all right but i know it looks a little bit weird right now but don't worry i got a solution for that ready watch this boom look at that look at that and then boom just like that wow wow so much more professional and you know what right i don't it's gonna it's gonna break things i hope this is gonna break things i'm gonna add a little bit more on the front here and then boom just like that look at that professional look at that professional design right there all right let me make sure i could just still turn all the way around without collisions oh yeah look at that it's the angle blocks that make it work really i know what you're thinking how can you make this thing look even better well i better see this coming boom boom look at that look at that look at that just like that just like that um yeah just like that this is gonna blow your mind right here ready look at this look at this look at that look at that design all right i'm gonna go ahead and paint this thing up now and then we're gonna battle some bots with a wrecking saw ball saw blade wrecking ball all right here it goes he's so scared of it that's awesome i've never seen them do this with a girl off before i love that all right let's uh let's do some of this oh no he's just gonna run away from it the whole time i do not know why i just find that hilarious all right come on there we go it did some damage we got to get the jump on him for this to work because he's just going to avoid it the whole time all right i'm kind of regretting a little bit having my turret rotate because then when i just go about my normal driving it automatically rotates my turret because it's so much mass to move all right come on come on hit hit the thing hit it hit it hit it yes yes oh my god he's so good at avoiding it all right little guy you may remember the hammer from the last episode but you haven't seen nothing yet or should i say you haven't saw nothing yet because because we're using saw blades all right here we go i think i just ran them over it'll be much easier to see what's happening if we have an assortment of these guys to work with all right that's like i'm parting the c all right come on yes yes it actually was sawing against them oh it's so annoying that they back away i wish you could like turn fear off in the bots if you could even call this spear i don't know what you call this but this is so frustrating that they just keep avoiding it so easily excuse me pardon me excuse me excuse me part of me coming through coming through excuse me yep pardon me excuse me excuse me thank you thank you look at that that worked exactly like i was hoping that was actually pretty satisfying all right we need to spawn something in that's not gonna run away now let's go ahead and uh kill all there we go and i think tape bots aren't gonna run away the haybots are gonna run away they're definitely gonna run away faster even than the uh the tote bot so that's gonna be more difficult but here let's do these guys let's see how this works i don't think these guys run away from saw blades this isn't something nope they don't all right this is gonna be better it's gonna be a better example all right here we go it's all right it's definitely not a practical weapon at all [Music] it might be better if i was actually swinging it more there we go oh there we go there we go and i could go up and then down on top of them okay that also didn't really work that well either i don't know what's wrong with this thing die everybody it works it actually does work it just takes some time but i'm really my i'm most curious about how it's gonna work against the farm bots to be honest all right so we're gonna do it with a non-aggroed one first we're gonna see how this feels come on there we go come on i don't know how long this is probably gonna take a really long time guys i don't think we're gonna be able to beat this thing when it has aggro on to be honest i think it might actually destroy the saw blades all right you know let's run into them we're going to do some damage this time [Applause] whoa i don't know if i just lucked out and that happened to be the last bit of damage he needed or if that actually did a lot more damage we have to we have to try that again with just that strategy [Music] it feels better but uh oh uh that's not how that's but how did that get through there that doesn't make any sense and he's like ducking all right i do feel like it definitely has a more solid contact when you ram it into them which makes sense there's another hit and on the way back oh boy oh boy okay yeah i think i just lucked out on that one it was just this last little sliver of health when i chose to ram them this is still taking a lot of hits but i do look forward to doing this with an actual aggroed one as soon as this guy dies any moment now you can go ahead and die sir [Music] why is this taking so many hits [Music] there we go this had to massage his face with the ball of saw blades for it to finally kill him okay now it's time to actually turn some aggro on with this guy place your now do you think the saw blade will survive an attack from a farm bot or do you think we're gonna kill him first i honestly i don't know the answer what's the durability on a saw blade saw blades have seven durability that's pretty good how much is tier three metal tier three metal is eight so it's not uh they can still destroy tier three metal so this is that they might destroy saw blades before i can kill them with them we're gonna find out if we can actually kill a bot with this impractical weird weapon i like it i like it that he actually goes into it this is good i just got to keep backing up it what it's so much easier when he's attacking me i was totally not expecting that all right i gotta try this again with like three of them now okay here we go i'm gonna get the first shot on this guy and it's probably gonna oh boy i'm scared boink oh why do they they spread out sometimes oh no no no no no no no no no no this is so much more difficult this time sound totally gonna tip over i am totally gonna get my wheel i'm trying to go as fast as i can i promise ah all right here we go all right we got my defense back i got my defense back uh okay come on come on guys into the saw blade there we go there we go that's doing some damage now now it's not doing as much damage anymore and i'm stuck i am totally stuck this is bad oh oh no i'm gonna blow up i'm gonna blow up again oh no he's still alive back there this is bad oh he's gonna dismantle my my uh crane um oh how about this how about this dude he didn't see this guy okay not really much is happening anymore what he's doing a ballerina dance on my head is this like your victory dance you know i'm not dead yet i don't i can't go anywhere but i'm definitely not dead yet hello hello all right you know what here i'm just gonna uh you stay right there all right don't move i'm gonna go ahead and release these and i'm gonna put this back like this and now i should be able to turn this whole thing around come on oh it's so heavy it is so heavy yeah this isn't working i think we've reached the actual stalemate a really really strange and awkward stalemate this this doesn't feel right all right mr farmbot truce we're gonna call it a truce oh oh all right that's it those are fighting words right there those are fighting words we're gonna i don't even care this is uh i'll take myself out with you there oh you did that you did that oh no wow the uh tier three concrete's actually pretty durable all right how is this thing doing we lost a couple of saw blades but that's pretty much it all right so i want to do one final test here i actually want to fight a whole bunch of tape bots and actually have them have aggro on we're going to see how easily they damage us they're probably going to just i'm betting that they're gonna actually end up dismantling the crane if they just hit a couple of those points at the right spot they might just attach it for my vehicle entirely and i think that'll be kind of entertaining to see no no oh no what is wrong joint connection error you know what this means i can't i can't spawn my what happened look there's a bearing right there i can't actually spawn this vehicle back in it's broken i am very unhappy with that that means i have to rebuild this all over again if i want to do it i mean the saw the saw ball isn't the problem the saw ball still spawns in at least i don't have to rebuild that but man how does that happen why did it let me save it in the first place oh man that is really really disappointing all right i'm just gonna build a simplified version of it then all right i've made a new version and i've saved it and i can spawn it back in so we shouldn't have any issues if this thing gets destroyed now so i still got a whole army of tape pod sitting over there waiting to be challenged with a saw blade wrecking ball and uh let's do it pop capsules i think aggro's still on so this thing you can see i put a little bit more of a uh a protection cage to prevent the the wrecking ball from getting up onto me all right here we go oh boy they're just gonna get my seat aren't they oh they're so fast why are they running after me you guys are ranged you have a ranged attack oh my goodness they're just surrounding me they're totally surrounding me my vehicle itself is is way more useful than the actual wrecking ball i cannot believe this though i honestly i cannot believe that how aggressive they are all right here we go my saw blade should protect they actually avoid it i didn't know that i didn't know that they have anything oh that that guy didn't avoid it i didn't know that they had any type of avoidance um ai when it comes to saw blades but they literally went around or maybe they're not avoiding it maybe they're just trying to get a line of sight directly to me that could be it yeah they seem to be only attacking me and they're not trying to attack my creation hold on um no aggro creations echo creations on there we go now they might actually go for the saw blade oh look at all the tape going everywhere they're shooting at everything now with the aggro creations on oh man that's great oh what did he just do he just flew at me he must have walked on top of them this is crazy all right oh i have plenty of room behind me this is gonna work come on kill them come on oh boy oh boy oh boy here he comes here he comes there he comes oh i have to i have to go i got to go forward into him oh no oh no oh no my my cage is working against me now this is the opposite of what it's supposed to do it's holding it behind i'm useless now and hey that actually he didn't take as much damage as i thought he was going to all right come on come on get a nice swing into him nice swinging oh he avoided it the whole time that sneaky tape bot all right i i'm gonna say with uh i can i think i could say pretty definitively now that um the saw blade wrecking ball is most effective against the farm bots and everything else it is extremely impractical and i would not recommend this weapon to anybody really this hit so there we go that was a good swing that looks like an actual what a wrecking ball would look like all right well i hope you guys enjoyed this concept i had a lot of fun making it up until the point where it made me make it all over again making it the first time was fun making it the second time was less fun but i think it looks amazing i'm really happy with how it turned out let me know what you guys think down in the comments below and if you have any other ideas that you'd like to see me try any impractical weapons i feel like are practical weapons could be a series over engineering and practical weapons that might be what this is right here if you guys enjoyed this video you might enjoy some other content on the end screen right here if you want to help support the channel go ahead and check out the merch store with the link down in the description below hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 190,814
Rating: 4.9540811 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic update, scrap mechanic creative update, scrap mechanic bot spawner, bot spawner, testing bots, scrap mechanic hammer, scrap mechanic wrecking ball, wrecking ball, saw blade wrecking ball, saw blades
Id: layto_DocQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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