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It's finally time. The Outlast Trials has been fully released and if you are a long-time Outlast fan and Horror Game fan then you are probably as excited as I am. And with the full release have come multiple new trials, documents and small details that I have the pleasure of breaking down for you guys. Now, very briefly before we begin. If you have watched our previous video on the channel explaining all the story points found within the BETA of Outlast Trials then just be warned that we will be going over much of the same details described in that video but obviously adding in all the missing pieces that we didn't have back then and some of the smaller details now revealed to us. And this video will be a big one, I debated shortening it but felt it would do a disservice to the story so we will be covering absolutely everything we can in this video, so strap in. It's going to be a long journey. Without further or do, let's break down the story. Our first scene is that of a mouse trying to reach the pills at the bottom of the bottle. In reality a pretty fitting metaphor for the lab rats that are taking part in Murkoffs new facility. We pan to a flyer as it's swept away by the wind, landing on a nearby homeless person. As the person looks at the flyer we can see that it is asking for people that are lost, lonely, poor or confused. Stating that the miracles of science that Murkoff can provide them will give them purpose, since the world owes them everything. They accept people of any gender, race, religion, class or political viewpoint and all you have to do is stop by one of their convenient volunteer charitable outreach centres before the opportunity is gone forever. And you might be wondering, what does this gracious opportunity look like? Yeah... not very good. This is how people lose kidneys I'm telling you. We can see the participants are being transported while hooded and wheeled into this new facility. When the hood is taken off, it's a complete horror show. I will have to blur a lot during the video since YouTube. But trust me, it's definitely not the sight you were hoping to see when you were promised miracles. A doctor wheels over a table while lowering a television. The man on the television tells the participant to not be afraid and assures them that they are safe. All while giving them a goddamn eye injection. The man introduces himself as "Hendrick Joilet Easterman". A name that is worth remembering as he will play a big role in the events to come. He continues by explaining that he is a friend, and along this journey, you will be reborn into a whole new you. The doctor at this stage has finished removing a device from the head of a deceased reagent. They begin by mentioning how the table consists of all of your belongings found about your person. Your public records, and also a privately conducted investigation into your private life. Murkoffs attempt to find out every aspect of a person's life to be completely sure that nothing could possibly come back to bite them later. She asks if we consent to the collections and the other gracious doctor gives us a hand by making us nod. Very kind of him, I must say. They begin drilling the device into the head of the patient which is of course the signature outlast night vision, in this case, some night vision goggles. We awake sometime later in the hallway of a building, with a significant amount of blood loss still on the floor. As we reach futher into the building we can finally get our eyes on what exactly this place is that Murkoff built. Televisions state to erase your past while an entire house has been built within a giant warehouse. Much like a movie set, filled with mannequins and the odd real dead guy here and there. You can even see the employees of Murkoff watching as you enter the building for the very first time, keeping an eye on everything. We are greeted by a mannequin that is welcoming us home, asking if it's how we remembered so we can burn it all down once and for all. The televisions in many of the rooms say to proceed with pre-conditioning. That means the pre-conditioning of mind control, to set the reagent down the phycological path to change his or her own views and ambitions to that of the Murkoff Corporation. We get into a room that shows a mannequin woman over the crib of a baby. Easterman narrates that your birth was the most destructive thing you have done to the world. Before stating that you must forget the past in order to embrace the future. To abandon your birth. Our mannequin host escorts us to the next room and we can now see a scene of early childhood. Easterman explains that even before you could speak, you have instincts. Before dismissing them as nothing more than the instincts of an animal, we must forget them. Slowly but surely attempting to erase the previous life of the reagent piece by piece. A child learns discipline, both rewards and punishments. And a truly disciplined child is thankful for both. We can even see some writing on a nearby wall in the kitchen from a previous reagent straight up saying that dying is easier. Really putting into perspective just how bad of a situation we truly find ourselves in. Some singing can be heard from the nearby theatre, as a bunch of child mannequins are watching a show. As we approach the apple we are introduced to Doctor Futterman, the hand-puppet to Mother Gooseberry. It essentially explains how the Doctor is going to help rip out our previous self and put in something better. Once outside, Easterman hits a critical strike on us, saying that we surely loved somebody in our life even if they didn't love us back. Oooph... We are now allowed upstairs to what the host calls adulthood as Mother Gooseberry gives us a front-row seat to what will happen to us if we are unwilling to forget our previous self. This gives us the slight opportunity to receive our public record. Easterman tells us that our job, work, and purpose are all that the world thought you are. It's time to destroy it and free ourselves to become something new. Along with a box filled with things from a private investigation containing all the secrets we have in our life. The way Easterman is explaining it would suggest that our character has done some pretty crazy stuff. Something you would take to your deathbed. But reminds us that we now have an opportunity to start over. Once all the files have been destroyed we make our way to a chair, before a television once again falls from the roof. Easterman praises us for our rehabilitation and congratulates us on our new life, before explaining that we will now be sent to the sleeping quarters. A place where we can reflect. This particular place serves as an in-between for the reagants as they come and go for their trials. The facility is watched closely by the eye of Murkoff with many different parts containing scientists and staff members that can observe. We even get a very interesting look at an individual in a wheelchair that approaches the upper windows. I strongly believe this is actually Dr Rudolf Wernicke from Outlast 1, the person responsible for the Walrider project at Mount Massive Asylum. He can be seen observing the reagants. If the reagants find themselves slightly peckish, it's equipped with a kitchen for all the top-quality dining experiences that a growing Murkoff reagent could possibly need. As well as carefully placed Murkoff propaganda that is so blatant it's actually funny. You can see the Murkoff employee injecting the Reagant with something in the middle of a handshake, showing just how sly they can be. Another fun fact is that caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol are prohibited within the sleeping quarters. Which seems almost criminal, since they are probably the top three things I would be reaching for in a situation like this to cope with this crap. I want to bring some attention to a few of the phases that have been written on the walls of the facility. We even have some bible verses, such as Matthew 12:43 placed on the walls. In the Bible, Matthew 12:43 says, and I quote "When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it." end quote. And also Luke 11:14. Which says, and I quote "Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed." end quote. These two bible verses really help shape the narrative of change, and even subtly symbolising that the previous life of these reagants should be viewed like a demon or impure spirit, something that needed to be cast out and be rid of. At this stage, the reagent would be sent out on trials to be examined, judged and given a score as to their performance. Throughout these trials, we can find documents that give us a clearer picture of how exactly all of this came to be and some more details on who is involved. So I have rearranged all of the documents you can find and ordered them chronologically so we can get the unfolding story as it happens. And have picked out only the crucial information from each of the documents since there is so much filler that isn't really relevant. So let's begin. We start off with a document sent by A. Bradley Avellanos to the board of Murkoff Corporation in 1949, stating a proposal for a New Business Opportunity. He mentions a new opportunity for great revenue in the field of chemical refinement for their new friends at the agency. Making the most of the capabilities already established by Murkoff Pharmaceutical. Agency Asset P. Helliwell, better known as Paul Helliwell. A real CIA agent that was responsible for the formation of the Sea Supply Corporation which ran arms to the Thailand Police and Nationalist Chinese forces in Burma for 10 years between 1951 and 1961. The letter states that he was providing drugs to the Chang Kai Sheck rebels in Thailand and Burma, indirectly funding their anti-communist activities. The agency wishes to expand the operation into Europe and the Middle East and the CIA contacts within the Sicilians are not capable of refining the drug, lacking the sophistication to do so without risk of blowing the whole thing sky high. It does say that the Corsicans could do it, but the CIA doesn't want to insult Mr Luciano. Referring to real-life mobster Salvatore Lucania, better known as Lucky Luciano. He was shipping narcotics into New York City in the '40s and early '50s from Italy. Due to this, there is an open position in manufacturing that Murkoff Pharmaceutical could easily fill and has the added bonus of allowing Murkoff to become part of the CIA's extra-budgetary activities. Meaning, a near-limitless, global, tax-adjacent revenue stream, with powerful legal-protective implications. The next file skips a whole four years into the future to 1953 as the CIA Interview Mr Hendrick Joliet Easterman. This is the same man that was on the screen at the beginning of the game, giving us the whole I'm your best friend, love me please spiel. It notes that Easterman is simply a civilian at this stage. Agent Jameson Lawler of the CIA is asking Easterman if he was at Dulles's speech in Princeton. Easterman points out that he doesn't like the tone that Lawler has, saying that it's suggestive that he already knows the answer despite asking the question. To give some context, the speech in question was from a man by the name of Allen Dulles, who was the Deputy Director of the CIA. He spoke in 1953 of brain perversion techniques and brain warfare that he claimed were being conducted by the Soviets at the time. Lawler says that Brainwashing has already infiltrated the popular imagination, large part due to the speeches of Dulles. Saying that only July of 1952 it was the front page story in every U.S city. He says that twenty-one American Prisoners of war refused to come home, red-blooded Americans that would rather make a home in Communist China than return to the US. Telling Easterman, that the question they need answered is "Why in the name of God would anybody, given the choice, become a communist?". Easterman says that what Lawler is talking about is thought reform. Something he worked strictly out of assumptions based on the German psyche in the lead-up to 1933. Lawler agrees and mentions that the notion of belief is the same within dangerous political circles, calling it a subtle menace that is seeping into the culture, advertising, music etc. Lawler brings up the death of Eastermans brother, who apparently committed self-dead. Apologies for the wording but, YouTube is pretty serious about this stuff. But was saying that he died in Korea and that he was a Lieutenant. Easterman calls out Lawler again about how he asks questions that don't really question since he already knows the answers to all of them before asking. Stating that the reason for his brother's death is unknown since he died alone and the forensics were sloppy. Suggesting that he might have been murdered. Lawler offers Easterman an opportunity, to study what happened to his Brother in Korea, stating that the CIA is holding K.P.A brainwashing subject in Hong Kong and they need someone with Eastermans skill set to investigate. We now jump over to a letter sent to the wife of Easterman, named Irene. He asks his wife to burn the letter after reading it, saying he essentially hates Hong Kong life but is fascinated with his initial interviews. He feels certain he will be able to find the evidence needed to prove his brother's murder, saying he interviewed four veterans and one minister. All of which were prisoners of the Korean People's Army. He hasn't found evidence of psychological programming yet but does believe that the degree of trauma is impressive. We now jump into 1954 as Easterman has taken to writing personal journal entries about top secret matters that have absolutely no business being anywhere near a goddamn dairy but nonetheless. Here we are. He is currently stationed in Berlin, Germany waiting for his flight back to China. (Remembering this is only nine years after World War 2). He is pondering the idea of the spoils of war, and what it was like before land and treasure. He says in World War 2 the spoils of war are instead cultural, saying that national socialism has much to teach us about infrastructure, propaganda and leadership. The true spoils of war, as he puts it were reaped in Hiroshima, in the use of weapons that could mean instantaneous global death. In truly meaningless, nonexistent, extinction nobody will be remembered because nobody will be around to remember. I must say a very bleak outlook on things, that has me over here staring blankly into my computer monitor. I mean... I don't know what I expected, the Outlast story is hardly rainbows and unicorns but damn... Easterman says that the agency wants a full investigation into the technique of hsi nao. Which translates to wash brain, and they have set Easterman up with an observation post with dozens of veterans to study. Both Western and Chinese, already exposed to the techniques. He feels he has found even greater lessons, however, saying that the Chinese Communist Parties have celebrated the ideological remodelling of a whole population. Which by all indications is already taking hold. He does however make the observation that the brainwashed Veterans are largely listless, near-catatonic in between bouts of aggression. Calling them more akin to broken children than programmed machines. The next entry is another entry into the personal journal of Dr Easterman. He believes that he has broken Private Raymous by employing Benzedrine to pep him to a talkative state, but his testimony is filled with repetition and contradiction. He states that the sessions are cut short by the appearance of "The Doctor" otherwise referred to as "Doctor Skinner". An invisible spectre that manifests whenever Easterman asks directly about Raymous's captors. They increased his dosage of Benzedrine but it ended up sending the private into a permanent catatonic state. His cardio and galvanograph readings suggest he is still facing the torments of the doctor. Along with an expression on his face which is twisted into a permanent expression of pain and fear. Even comparing the face to the hideous smile on a Japanese Hannya mask. Moving on to April, we have a correspondence between Easterman and Olivier Baranzyk. If you are wondering who Baranzyk is, he was the Assistant Director of Behavioral Medicines at Mount Massive Hospital between 1954 and 1963. You can actually find a picture of him within Mount Massive Asylum in Outlast 1 on which the game is based. He mentions to Easterman that their mutual friend at the CIA Jameson Lawler has been sharing with him the findings in Hong Kong. And that his research synchronizes remarkably with the dream therapy work they are working on in Los Alamos at Mount Massive. He says that he has secured agency cooperation to bring Easterman to Los Alamos to meet the Murkoff team of researchers and that he will be able to find the tickets and documents on his bedside table. Before strongly suggesting that he accept the invitation as the letter he has sent is has highly sensitive national security issues and now Eastermans knowledge of such activities even without his active participation, could represent a great security risk that requires some... enforceable form of silence. If you need a translation for that tongue twister it essentially means, accept the invitation or you will be bird food within the next 24 hours. We can see in another journal entry that the trip to Los Alamos proved fruitful for Easterman as he mentions reviewing the notes of Dr. Wernicke. This is the same doctor we see in Outlast 1 and observing the reagants in the sleep room, the one responsible for the Walrider Project. Saying that if he were alone in these endeavours he would categorize him as delusional, and damaged from his participation in the Nazi business. But since his work has been thoroughly vetted he is left feeling unmoored from reality. Another journal entry talks about a time that Easterman visited a bookshop in Santa Fe as he recalls a favourite monster story from his childhood. A story of feeble pulp from a slavering fetishist. And mentions a paragraph that has stuck with him as oddly applicable to his new friends at Los Alamos. I will read the paragraph in full as I think it's pretty interesting. It's as followed. "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace safety of a new dark age." A very sombre message, but if you aren't quite sure of its meaning. It's essentially a play on the idea that ignorance is bliss. The idea is that what you don't know cannot hurt you, and with that ignorance comes safety. But only when you peer deeper seeking knowledge will you actually begin to understand, this is when you can truly be hurt. I want to make a quick thank you to SSDDaimyo, who commented on our previous video on Outlast Trials story during the BETA and pointed out that the author that Easterman is referring to in this is actually famous horror author HP Lovecraft. And the quote is from the end of Call of Cthulhu, so, yeah bonus points for finding that out. Thanks again Daimyo! Moving onto another Journel entry as Easterman talks about how he has been warned about Dr Wernicke and describes the phrase "We can overlook his past for the sake of the future." Meaning that Wernicke has done some really messed up things but he's too valuable to get rid of. Baranczyk seems to think that Eastermans research into brainwashing and ideological revision seems to mesh seamlessly with Wernick's work with microwave signals and guided visual stimulation. Easterman attempts to get clarity on Wernicke's intentions on his experiences but is spurred away each time. A strange thing is mentioned at the bottom of the letter how Wernike mentions that straight relationships are doomed. Before Easterman mentions that he is having strange dreams since arriving at Los Alamos. Even stating that Wernike is a vital and handsome man and that he might need to request his wife out there to be able to concentrate. The fact he is having strange dreams and also the unusual and out-the-blue compliments towards Wernick suggests that Wernick might be using his microwave signalling on Easterman. We now get some interesting new information from news clippings that are transcribed for records of Easterman. It speaks of a deranged airman that murdered a family of five and he even did some... unconsenting things to the family members and possibly even several animals as well. The man's name was Jerome Gillette, and before you think it, no he has no affiliation with the razor brand. He was 37 and found naked and disoriented among some hogs outside the scene of the crime. And is now being held in an unknown location. He states he has no memory of the crime, though physical evidence at the scene makes his guilt obvious. He told officers his last memory was Sunday night's fireworks and mentions being offered chewing gum from a woman in white before blacking out and waking up among the hogs. I mean... damn... I have heard of waking up in bushes and stuff like that but waking up naked surrounded by hogs is... it's up there... Lawler sends a message to Avellanos in regards to the news clipping about Gillette, saying to have a newspaper couriered. That a crime that is disgusting and violent, committed in public needs to be sure that the press does not make public any connections between the crime, airbase and CIA/Murkoff activities. Avellanos replies saying that progress is rarely clean and easy. Stating the incident as regrettable but to think of it as a speedbump in the road. He goes on to mention that Sinyala will solve this problem and any issues that could arrive in the future. Saying that it's now only a matter of money, Murkoff has made a very reasonable proposal for how it can be sourced outside congressional approval. We now head futher in time to 1955 as there is another news clipping about a raid on Futterland. Two police are dead and half a dozen injured during a raid on a studio of disgraced children's variety show host Phyllis Futterman, better known to her fans as Mother Gooseberry. She was charged with conspiracy to commit murder, kidnapping, and racketeering. She has been using her television platform and dental drops business to hook a generation of children on narcotics, violence, theft and even murder. The Police chief described Futterland as the most grotesque architectural perversion since H.H. Holmes Chicago Murder Castle. If you wondering, H.H. Holmes was a serial killer in Chicago during the 19th century, he's widely regarded as America's first Serial Killer. He built a whole hotel to act like a maze, with doors to nowhere and secret walls that could change the architecture of the hotel so he could murder guests. Bad Stuff all around. We now get some recommendation letters for Scarfiott addressed to Avellanos. It mentions that Murkoff is looking for an architect for its project in Arizona, and mentions that a Navy engineer by the name of Moses Scarfiotti. He is a Stanford man, top of his class and more importantly, one of them. He can be trusted and the CIA would highly recommend him to be considered for the architect role. It doesn't take Murkoff long before they formally interview Scarfiotti for the role. Scarfiotti asks Avellanos if he has been to Disneyland, and Avellanos responds that he doesn't have children. Scarfiotti says that it doesn't matter and that he should go since it's the future and that Helliwell keeps asking him to go, the same Helliwell mentioned earlier in the documents. He says that Disneyland moves people through it and the shapes instruct the visitors how to behave. When to be delighted, hungry, and compliant that it was wonderful, he has never seen so many happy people. Avellanos asks if Scarfiotti knows how Mr Disney achieved this, this being, you guessed it, the king of the mouse, Walt Disney. Scarfiotti believes that he does, saying that it's so clear once you've seen it and that there were hints of it in Germany. Alright, quick composure break. It's a lot of documents, it makes my brain hurt as well but, just wanted to give everyone a quick moment to relax. I hope you have enjoyed the video thus far, if you have maybe consider hitting the like button on the video so other people can see it as well. It would mean a lot, and write Reborn in the comments down below so I know you got this far. Anyway, we should probably get back into it since there is still a good chunk of files to break down. We now find ourselves in 1956 as Clyde Perry is messaging Avellanos in regards to surveillance on a Leland Coyle. He had altercations with Oklahoma law enforcement, there was anecdotal evidence of animal abuse and even SA as a child led to a military academy education. He joined the KKK and married at nineteen just for his wife to die six months later after "falling down the stairs". He then joined the Marines to avoid investigation. Went on to serve two years in the Pacific theatre with three confirmed enemy kills and two suspicious friendly fire kills in his company as well. He returned back to Oklahoma, resumed activity in the Klan and then goes on to get into Law enforcement. He also keeps very complete notes and has an inflated view of his own stature within the world. It notes that he is an extremely effective policeman, gaining enormous profit from exploitation and extortion. He marries a second time and proceeds to extort his new wife's family. The wife's family goes on to die in an electrical fire and she flees to Chicago before dying of "natural causes". If you think this absolutely insane story ends there, it doesn't. He marries a third time, his third wife apparently self-deads and is found with gunshot wounds to the head. That wife's family dies within a year, all apparent self-deads via increasingly violent and convoluted methodologies. Coyle has been seen standing in a field watching lightning storms on five different occasions and he displays extreme charisma and is widely popular among his fellow police. I mean holy crap man, Coyle is next-level crazy. Even for the normal Outlast villain, my man was going for kill streaks. Back to some letters between Clyde Perry and Avellanos regarding a Coyle interview. Apparently, Clyde has arranged to meet Coyle at a bar under the pretence of bribery. It didn't go well however as Coyle saw right through Perry and the conversation took a violent turn. Perry states that he had the feeling of being a crippled mouse being used as a plaything by a tomcat. Believing that if he had intended to kill him, he would not be writing right now. Once again praising his charisma and proceeds to highly recommend Coyle for PROJECT LATHE. He goes on to mention that he has two broken fingers, a lot of bruising, and even peeing blood to top it all off. Another letter from Perry speaks about Phyllis Futterman, the woman described earlier. An interview was conducted at Holmesburg Prison in North Philadelphia. It describes her as nearly unrecognizable compared to archive photos and mugshots. Futterman, along with the majority of inmates have been subjected to dermatological experiments under the supervision of Doctor Kligman. Once again this small detail is based on a real person, this time Doctor Albert Kligman, who received huge backlash for unethical dermatological experiments in Philidelphia stemming from ringworm treatments. And in this note, Futterman has been exposed to carbonic acid, dioxin and grafts of infected flesh. Dear god, ew. It does however say that other inmates have gotten it much worse. Despite this, her physical health remains remarkable, even if she looks like yesterday's guacamole. And we can learn a bit more about Mother Gooseberry in a background check done on her. She was the daughter of a Dr A Futterman, her mother was out of the picture. She worked for her father from a young age and used puppets to distract kids during drilling and surgery. She enjoys taxidermy and musical theatre and the popularity of the futtermans resulted in a TV program called "The Mother Gooseberry Hour" which aired in 1951. After Dr Futterman's death, Phyllis suffered hysteria and disassociation. It's also noted that his corpse has not been found. This an interesting thing to learn since we know that the name of Mother Gooseberries' puppet is Dr Futterman. Presumably named after her father, and the added fact that Gooseberry also regularly calls the puppet Daddy during conversations, eludes to that point even more. After his death, the tone of the show changed dramatically, conditioning adolescent audiences through abuse and praise causing the audience to become almost cult-like, engaging in immoral behaviours for her. Police raided the studio in 1955 and Phyllis retreated into the puppetry tunnels beneath the set and used her drill to kill two policemen and injure five while being apprehended. This resulted in a life sentence to Holmsburg Prison. Interestingly, we can see some private communications between Scarfiotti and Avellanos regarding Easterman. Explaining how the board is all hot and bothered over the tax savings inherent in populating the trials with the charitable outreach centres. The whole operation of running the centres, recruiting volunteers and trucking them to Sinyala is a bulletproof tax deduction and also a clever way to hide money coming in from the CIA. They believe that Easterman will sabotage himself sooner or later and that the profits will be glorious. Speaking of Charity Outreach Centres, we also have a file that asks to have Scarfiotti and Avallenos that thirty-seven Murkoff Charity Outreach Centres are now operational and intaking potential patients. An additional six centres will be open, pending signage since Scarfiotti's insistence that any Murkoff Coperations branding be limited to the inside of the centre. Outside public view. Followed by a list of locations which have centres, which is the majority of the U.S. but god damn, Murkoff is having a field day in New York. We get to see an internal letter within Murkoff saying how in response to the unanticipated volume of patients volunteering at the centres. Murkoff has purchased a controlling share in Liberty Meat Hauling LLC. How nobody found it suspicious that a pharmaceutical company has the need to buy majority shares in a meat-hauling company is beyond me. Now the cost of transporting patient volunteers to the facility is cut by roughly 72% but the experimental population volunteers will require extra sanitation as the stink is considerable. And Murkoff will continue to transport beef in the cars for the return trips, and the sanitisation of human waste in the cattle cars is not necessary, thanks to recent rollbacks in regulations. This means that all of those volunteers are being transported, hooded, in piles of human and cattle waste. Lovely. Another note can be found from Baranczyk to Avellanos. He asks if he has been monitoring the PAPERCLIP work coming out of Los Alamos as Dr Wernicke's Sleep Therapy Lab is showing an extremely suspicious fixation on the last few Reagents coming out of the Sinyala Facility. The Sinyala facility by the way is the one that is used in Outlast Trials. Apparently, Barancyzk has a secretary who eavesdrops on Wernicke as she can also speak German. Apparently, Wernicke said that Easterman may have made the most fruitful mistake in modern science since the creation of Penicillin. Barancyzk sees this as a provocative statement and is cautious to put too much stock into Wernick's words on account of his cynicism and condescension of all things American. But asks Avallanos to tell him about PAPERCLIP activities at Los Alamos, and in return he could share details with him. A personal report, regarding a report to the board about PROJECT LATHE's death count. The following list is the tally of deaths and injuries incurred by Doctor Eastermans Limbic Aggression Therapy (Better known as PROJECT LATHE) 109 from the Reagants, 32 Staff Security, 8 Research Staff, 17 Maintenance Staff and even the visitors aren't safe with 5. Quite the body count, as it's stressed that no redesign or hardening will make the trial environments at the Sinyala facility acceptably safe. And as a result, strongly suggests immediate shutdown. Another Correspondence of Easterman can be found as he sends a letter to Baranczyk. He is essentially sucking up to him, saying how he has always admired his character. Especially as he will soon be making a recommendation to the board on whether or not Sinyala will continue to receive funding. He goes on to say that they have found a way to salvage current resources and push forward into even more exciting research. Since PROJECT LATHE created psychotics, which has been a partial success. They are working to create agents willing to do anything, even murder if necessary. But they currently lack the necessary subtlety and control. Since it was based on classical operant conditioning, focusing on subconscious triggers. Calling it crude but it has revealed an unexpected and extremely promising side effect. The setbacks have left Murkoff with an enormous number of LATHE subjects for autopsy. And those revealed strange tumour-like growths in the parietal lobes. Easterman believes that this suggests an avenue for a more precise form of Operant Conditioning and he will spend the next few days creating a proof of concept after which he will share his theory with Barancyzk. A journal entry from Easterman mentions how he believes Scarfiotti to be conspiring against him trying to use the recent events of LATHE as evidence of his incompetence. Stating that transference is common in therapy. Prime Assets Mother Gooseberry apparently sees Easterman as a proxy to her father while Coyle is projecting a veritable parade of murder victims to his feet. He says that accidents happen, and people died. He takes full responsibility but clarifies that science is a matter of experimentation. And since they can't control the Prime Assets, it also means they can't control the experimental population. If PROJECT LATHE is allowed to collapse, all of them will be liquidated. He thinks that if life gives you lemons, then you make some damn lemonade. Since LATHE proved reprogramming is possible he will use the trial environments, along with the Prime Assets and their ex-population will be the anvil against which they hammer the true subjects. From this point on he wants meaningless test subjects. Neither damaged and broken mental patients, nor charismatic killers like Gooseberry and Coyle. He wants the vanquishable, the unloved and the unformed. Subjects that are the opposite of special. This is who we play as, the downtrodden. Men and women are down on their luck in society. And also with the added bonus of nobody searching for them when they go missing. Easterman and by proxy Murkoff wish to take advantage of these people. Easterman has a conversation with Scarfiotti and Avellanos in regard to this realisation. Stating that Gooseberry, Whitehorn and Coyle have developed a cult of personality. This is the opposite of what he needs, asking instead for blank canvases, those lost and hopeless, people who can break into nothing. Avellanos says that they already had that in the experimental population from Mount Massive Hospital, which Easterman refutes since they were full of damage, and trauma. They couldn't empty them out, only shovelling in more damage and trauma. Avellanos mentions that Easterman has his attention before Easterman mentions that we would only be throwing away Murkoffs money if they shut it down. Instead by pivoting to the next phase, there will be no added cost outside of getting the new reagents. Saying that once the next generation of reagents are finished they will be ready to release into the world, acting as agents that can be released into the culture and cause change without being consumed by the system. Avellanos calls out the fact this was the initial promise yet they are now millions of dollars into failure. Easterman believes this could make history and not in the sense of an idiom. Meaning that they could LITERALLY. MAKE. HISTORY. Easterman now begins to look into the autopsies of the previous subjects. And after searching dozens of brains, has realised that there is zero correlation between stimulus and lesion growth. The only consistency close to being interesting is a shared vision of this skinner man. Some nightmare man making his way through the test subjects. But that isn't science, he begins to lose hope as he states that Murkoff will shut down LATHE, calling it a disaster. However, desperate times call for desperate measures. So Easterman sends another message to Baranczyk saying how the proof of concept was a phenomenal success. Stating the parietal lesions formed just as expected, allowing him to adjust the Cortical Homunculus with surprising precision. Once conditioned, Murkoff will be able to set predetermined behaviours in the subject's brain. Belief will follow, making subtle adjustments that can make agents capable of almost anything. Using feelings like temptation and addiction to help encourage the subject to follow the order. And once acted upon, the motivation of that temptation will follow. He asks once more for Barancyzk to continue PROJECT LATHE, stating it will be Murkoffs century. It doesn't take long until we get confirmation that PROJECT LATHE TWO will be officially authorized. Now change the name from Limbic Aggression Therapy in documentation to Latent Agency Therapy. Also mentioning that overall operational costs should be much less than phase ONE and that oversight from Los Alamos and cooperation/influx will be minimal from Mount Massive. An interesting discussion is had between Easterman and Scarfiotti regarding what exactly they are doing to the reagants. Easterman mentions that they are not creating behaviours in the reagents, but instead, they are creating complexes. A psychological complex has a story, its pain mixed in with a story. Using the example if somebody is frequently burned with cigarettes; they will quickly learn a fear response to a smouldering cigarette, and their behaviour will change to avoid cigarettes from that point on. Now let's say that somebody is frequently burned with cigarettes by their mother who is beautiful and voluptuous, (not entirely sure why that's relevant but sure.) But she whispers "I love you but the doughnuts are making you fat" That person hasn't learnt a behaviour, that person now has a complex. It creates contradictory objectives, justice through lies, faith through absurdity, mercy through violence or in the case of the example love through punishment. It doesn't require much redesign. Coyle will believe he is the law in his own private fiefdom. While Gooseberry will believe she is in her own make-believe world of childhood joy. That belief will allow them to control the ex-pops to create a furnace of complexes that will burn away the reagent's personalities. We also get some more information into some research that Easterman did in regards to the skinner man. He mentions that the influx of funding was so unexpected that he initially believed it to be an accounting error. Barancyzk is insisting that Easterman share his test results with the PAPERCLIP team at Los Alamos, especially with the skinner man. He thinks it's ridiculous since it's just dreams, but points out that Wernick thinks everything is possible in dreams. One of the sleep room observers suggested that the skinner man is a reflection of Easterman. Simply because he overhead reagents calling it Doctor Skinner. He thinks this is ridiculous and mentions that the correlation between heart attacks and strokes with the skinner man's appearance is only that. We now get some surveillance documents regarding some ex-reagents. Including Reagent 0877, which was viewed as uneventful. They attended a baseball game, and had two meals at a diner, a relatively uneventful month overall. Meanwhile, reagent 0946 was quite eventful, the subject exited the apartment before dawn. Walked through the residential neighbourhood and observed a bird falling from the sky. The subject then stepped on the bird. Bird Dead. They then proceeded to have two fits of crying throughout the day, one fit of uncontrollable laughter and then went on to perform their job well. It was also overheard from the subject that the bird fell from the sky with the power of the mind. The next file mentions that Reagent 0946 had to be terminated and is now awaiting cleanup. The subject was observed at a theatre and approached a group of adolescents claiming they had extra-sensory abilities. The adolescents laughed and fled but the subject followed them. The subject tried to climb into the house of the youngest adolescent, roughly twelve years old. They were then intercepted and engaged the subject in a physical altercation. It took six shots to the head and chest and a garrote to finish the job. However, you remember the boring Reagent. Well, Avellanos has requested them to be retrieved and transported to our office in Los Alamos for futher study. Baranczyk will be there to retrieve and process the patient. Afterwards, Barancyzk sends a message to Easterman regarding 0877. Mentioning that the reagent has proven a remarkable inspiration to our PAPERCLIP guests. Avellanos told Barancyzk that it's rare for one of your test subjects to survive as long as 0877 and hopes for more to achieve similar ascendance. And will increase funding per Los Alamos contributions. Reagent 0877 is also the subject that Wernick compared to being like the modern-day discovery of penicillin. There are quite a few theories online that suggest that Reagent 0877 might actually be Sullivan Knoth from Outlast 2. Due to some interesting connections between the two and also a notable thing in regards to the final objective of Outlast Trials which we will get to at the end. That could be a whole video of its own, and I won't go too much into detail here as this video will already be a long one but worth checking out if you have the time. Not much longer to go, let's finish up these documents. Another reagent 1616 was fired from the shoe department over misconduct with a customer. They were later observed in an emotional state and all trigger tests were successful. They had lapses in memory and sporadic bouts of near-catatonic behaviour. The subject wandered the town, continued to use metal objects to press around their eye and mouth and continues looking in different directions which the survallience team noted as strange. The same subject sells all their possessions and boards a bus to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Once there, they apply for multiple jobs and are noted as having an abiding interest in the ladies. They speak to a woman, described as a loose character. Bit of a rough observation, but they display good charisma and manage to take the woman back to the hotel room. They use the test trigger while they were inside and apparently, the subject showed exceptional and immediate results. Lethal outcome before neutralization was possible and clean-up is now required. The subject continues on Day 15 of surveillance to show odd behaviour with metal objects. Even pretending to be a human compass. He then holds the metal to his eye or mouth and turns in circles, and ends up heading west/northwest. The observation team used a map and traced the headings from the human compass, with starting points in Fort Worth and Albuquerque. Lines connect within forty miles of the Sinyala Facility. They note the subject could be picking up some kind of signal. And that is every single document you can find in Outlast Trials, 53 if you want the exact number. However, that is not the end, once the subject has completed the three trials and completed program X, which is just redoing the previous trials under harder conditions. The Reagant will receive tokens that can be spent to allow them to be Reborn. Once paid to the security officer you will once again be greeted by Easterman. He explains that the trials are now inside them and they only need to survive one final test to escape this place. Calling them the most perfect weapon, the most innocent child ever born. The future. We once again see the hostess Mannaquien as she mentions that the boxes on the table are tokens from your new life. Public records and private files. Your task is to take them to the appropriate authorities, placing them back in the locations that you took the previous files from at the beginning of your journey. You will be tasked with deciphering the final tests, which will put everything you have learnt throughout the previous three trials to the test. Once you exit the door, the reagent will appear in the water. With a large white glow on the horizon which you can run towards. The sound is very similar to a light that can be seen and heard in Outlast 2. You awake inside your home with blood on your hands and feet. Having no memory of how you got to your current location as the phone begins to ring. On the phone, you hear Easterman tell you three worlds. Spider, Eye, Lamb. The trigger words needed to turn you into the special agent that they need you to be. And thus ends the story of Outlast Trials, I found similarities to Outlast 2 at the end to be fascinating as the verses mentioned from Martas were spider-eyed lamb. A futher connection to Knoth's gospel is possibly influenced completely by Murkoff. And also one of the devs mentioned that the facility is located near Temple Gate in Outlast 2 which helps with the theory. But regardless, I really hope you enjoyed the video. Remember to put Reborn in the comments below to let me know you got this far. This was a lot of work to get done so I hope you found it helpful and informative, if you did throw a like on the video as it helps us out immensely. And remember to subscribe for more content in the future, also if you are interested in what actually transpires when you are running through the trials within the facility, be sure to check out this video to get all the details. Until next time, peace!
Channel: Green Links
Views: 180,491
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Keywords: story explained, ending explained, green links, outlast trials story explained, outlast trials ending explained, leland doyle explained, lady gooseberry explained, outlast trials explained, outlast story explained, outlast trials, full outlast story explained, program explained, Outlast Trials Programs Explained, outlast trials evidence, Outlast trials fully explained, outlast trial lore, outlast trial evidence locations, complete explanation of outlast trials, outlast lore
Id: hvEx8xetjlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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