Are We The Actual Bad Guy? | Poppy Playtime Theory

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playtime Corporation is as dangerous and corrupt as companies go but we' have seen signs that numerous employees willingly took part in the horrible things going on in the deeper parts of the facility While others seemingly didn't know that playtime was even doing anything other than creating toys but where does that leave the player character the protagonist of this whole series do they know what playtime would doing before returning or is everything revealing itself before the ex employee that's what I want to talk about in this video what does the protagonist of poppy playtime actually know it seems hard to believe that our character is completely in the dark about the events that took place in playtime in the 1990s since they are said to be an ex-employee and they are one of the very few characters that we know survived the hour of Joy event that took place on August 8th 1995 it isn't well known where the protagonist was during the hour of Joy event but we do have some evidence to show that they were not present possibly due to travel or even being fired or unemployed at the time in Chapter 3 of the poppy playtime series we get a sequence that reveals more to us about the protagonist than almost any other moment within the game and that is when you visit the housing quarters for the plager children you will arrive at a place that is filled with red gas that is used by catnap to put the orphans to sleep and with no way around the gas the protagonist is forced to walk into it it doesn't seem like it at the time but the protagonist actually falls unconscious at this moment revealed a little bit later but it's immediately noticeable visually since the staircase and hallways become comically long so it is vitally important to understand that everything now is within the dream of the protagonist and it's taking place inside of his head revealing some cold truths and clues as to what he actually knows the sound of static from the radio plays while you find a line on the ground scratched into the floorboard happy and fun why was it done it's also during this dream sequence that the news reporter on the radio speaks about the death of Elliot Ludwick tragic news this morning as of 9:45 a.m. local authorities report that the body of a young boy has been found on the estate of the late Elliot lwig an esteemed toy maker and originator of the Playtime company at this time an identity for the child awaits official confirmation found in an upstairs B room in a large duffel bag officers on scene report that the remains appear to have been Disturbed organs as well as Key Bones from the skeletal structure were reported missing from the body it's unknown at this time whether this extraction was in fact the cause of death this is the very first piece of information that we have about Elliot Ludwig's apparent death also mentioning the fact that the remains of a child were found inside of a duffel bag within his state with skeletal fragments and Bones missing from the body now at face value this could simply mean that the protagonist heard about these events on a radio at some stage or is simply reliving that event in his mind but I think it's deeper than that later we find the words guilt haunts you scratched onto the ground and on the wall the protagonist has clearly been involved in something here within playtime and it makes me speculate since he had knowledge of the death of Elliot L could he even be responsible for his death well possibly is the one that stole the skeletal fragments and bones of the orphan found within the duffel bag the radio messages continue and this gets really creepy events playtime Cole was asked for any comment regarding the discovery this is what they had to say quote it's sickening Elliot lwig was a great man and those who knew him understood that he was not capable of violence let alone what others now claim he had a deep love in his heart for children like this one making the actions of whoever planted this body all the more sick we look forward to clearing his good name both in the public eye and in the eyes of the law stay tuned for more could the protagonist have been the very one that planted the body at the estate of Ludwick not to mention the clearly unhinged mind of the protagonist is The Voice on the radio ch changes and becomes more distorted and evil or it could possibly be the prototype's work despite play's proclamation of ludwick's Innocence many believe his reclusive and mysterious nature displayed over the previous decades L suspicion to this claim when questioned mwi's neighbors indicated that he would often return to his home in strange hours of the night and depart again Before Sunrise some believed he was sick others that don't move don't move an inch playtime Cole it seems intends to keep Elliot's name within its brand regardless but is sure to be a long battle will follow how could he know this information even the distorted voice telling us don't move don't move an inch is it just me or does that come across like the orders of a police officer would give someone or having been found in the act of doing something wrong there is clearly guilt but what for well we might just have the answer for that there is a radio that plays and at first it sounds like a jumbled mess or like it was [Music] malfunctioning but in reality it's playing backwards and if we reverse the audio this is what we get I after all this time you you come in here and you kill and murder you pullers and destroy you was demanded 10 years ago and you didn't show up 88 1995 you were supposed to be here why weren't you here you missed the event you missed the meeting you missed the party you have no right to be here 88 it claims the protagonist killed and murdered pillaged and destroyed he was demanded for the event but didn't show up 88 1995 this date by the way correlates directly to the hour of Joy being questioned why he wasn't there and that he missed it and since he missed it he has no right to be here could this be the reason for the guilt that he feels and it also give some insight to why the protagonists maybe returned to this hell hole in the first place possibly looking for redemption or to write some wrongs that they feel that they committed not to mention that it's obvious that the toys or the Prototype wanted the protagonist at the AR of joy to be punished for his crimes and let's not forget because it's easy to mess this up the employees at playtime are not really the good guys here and while the AR of Joy was a horrific event that killed many and it can seem that way when you watch toy monsters killing everybody but in reality this is the orphans getting payback for being experimented on turned into monsters forced to serve the toy company against their will and 8899 95 aka the hour of Joy was the night that they reenacted that revenge and the protagonist skipped his punishment a voice can be heard telling us to get up seemingly from our sleep the sounds of babies crying suggest trauma and memories once experienced by the protagonist and finally the television remember as you listen to this this is the subconscious of the character speaking to him greetings employees and welcome to your first day here in in playtime we're certain that in the days to come you'll find your new family here every bit as loving and supportive as your own feel free to wander the Halls sit in the mess for lunch or watch our children Play and Learn to their little hearts content join the Innovation ISS where the bounds of science are continuously pushed or join the counselors of play care whose diligence and care for our children will help shape a brighter future just you see now everyone of you has your part in that future so should you come back tomorrow feeling unhappy for where you are or what you've done worry not for your supervisor is here and happy to listen and should you come back years later your conscience finally getting the better of you may you descend into the dark and the dust finding all that awaits you are incomprehensible Horrors each hungry for your return each eager that they might find you perhaps they'd smile at you from a shadow their smiling mouths full of teeth and meats and plastic watching and waiting patiently for their turn at a warm welcome or perhaps they won't allow you such time to figure your place in the world you'd left a world that's theirs now welcome home after all of that horror does the protagonist awake left to think about everything that he just dreamed now we have other instances of our character being mentioned such as Bubba Bubba's information board mentioning that it remembers us I'm Bubba Bubba hey I remember you which actually leads to a different theory that the monster versions of the toys are actually speaking through the cardboard cutouts found throughout play care not to mention mommy longlegs when we were about to participate in the final game in Chapter 2 she mentions how we once worked here at playtime and therefore we deserve to die here alone obviously we will find out the truth of what the protagonist is responsible for in future chapters but it's very obvious that our character is not a good guy there is some serious guilt going on and possibly had a much bigger role in what happened at playtime than we think let me know in the comments down below what you think the protagonist did to make him feel so guilty and are the toys in the ri for trying to make him pay for what he did or partially did to them when he was an employee thanks for watching guys until next time peace
Channel: Green Links
Views: 54,123
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Keywords: story explained, ending explained, green links, poppy playtime 3 lore, poppy playtime theory, poppy playtime chapter 3 theory, poppy playtime ollie, poppy playtime ollie theory, poppy playtime story explained, poppy playtime lore explained, poppy playtime chapter 3 explained, poppy playtime chapter 3 story explained, we are the bad guy poppy playtime, are we bad poppy playtime, who is the main character in poppy playtime?
Id: CA32xl7AWw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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