Layers of Fear: Complete Series - Story & Lore Explained

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[Music] [Music] [Music] one of my favorite horror game experiences has been reimagined and reworked with layers of fear before we begin I would like to thank the developers blueba team for sending us a code to help us create this video and in this we will be discussing the story that is within the brand new release of layers of fear as it incorporates the two previous titles into one new narrative I hope you enjoy the video let's get into it we are a lone writer finding herself inside a lighthouse with nothing but the elements to keep her company leaving her family in order to be here in order to write a very important book but this Lighthouse is different darker in many ways the prize for winning a competition to allow her to enjoy the entire place to herself and to serve as inspiration compared his head to write an essay and submit their work concerning a particular artist a painter to be specific whom is said to be one of the most mysterious and tragic figures in the history of Modern Art and now in solitary within this Lighthouse the book may now be written by the winner a sweet gig on its surface a sensationalist a horror writer would get the honors of writing such a book many thought that it would be a scholar or somebody of a higher education but only one truly captured who this painter was hello I received the word that you came to the lighthouse you find everything to you're liking well that was fast yeah I'm here I'm very pleased to hear it now are you writing what you must understand Mrs it is imperative that you start your work as soon as possible I will will remind you that you signed a contract so it is very specific on the timeline I would advise you abide by it goodbye a strange request to say the least to not even allow the writer to settle in but work is [Music] work I did mention that this Lighthouse was different unusual the noises come from a room that was once locked now open maybe it's just the rats there is no Comfort like hearing the voice of a loved one seems only appropriate to give the proud son at home a CO hello hi darling I'm calling to let you know I'm here can you believe the agency already called to see if I was working that's insane did you at least have time to settle in a bit how's the lighthouse inspiring spooky haunted all of these things I was just looking around and it's certainly something how are you do the meds work don't you worry about me Mama this is your time to do your work to live your life well maybe you're right I should probably get to it then bye son love you love you too Mama a haunted lighthouse filled with rats and silence a great backdrop for any horror riter and with the added encouragement of family the rider can begin her [Music] work we would like to ask you to cease bothering our Pest Control Specialists as well as refrain from sending us any more of you highly inappropriate letters all of our employees that visited your house reported absolutely no signs of eroded infestation of any kind and as such decided not to act further than a prophylactic spring please treat this letter as a final warning or else the next envelope you'll receive will be from our lawyers to be compared to the likes of kavaj and Leonardo da Vinci is no small achievement for any artist putting his talents on full display at the gallery opening for the world to see attending the event with his beautiful fiance and her black gown purposely chosen to let the spectators know that the couple is expecting the wife was considered by many to be as talented as her husband maybe even more so the new face of music as she was described by her peers and critics alike her music so inspirational that she would regularly play music for her husband to help him work to create [Music] [Music] masterpieces the birth of a healthy young daughter would leave the family Practically Perfect and for The Talented perfectionist painter there was no better outcome no other alternative but Perfection has a strange tendency to deteriorate the long-awaited opening of the galactic department store turned into hell on Earth when the building's wiring burst into flames while the majority of the visitors managed to reach the emergency exits in time several unfortunate attendees were trapped in the back of the building having no chance to escape the Raging Inferno the exact number of casualties has not yet been determined although it is estimated that at least a dozen people have been severely injured the owner of the galactic Ronald Sheffield has so far declined the comet on today's tragic events it is funny how a single random event can change a person to set someone down a different path a different mindset and the painter was no different let me ask you one simple question have you completely lost your goddamn mind I know you're going through some rough times right now I really do that's why I've agreed to let you do those illustrations in the first place for all time sake I even deliberately gave you a trivial task because I expected Little Red Riding Hood to be something you can draw in your sleep what I didn't expect is to get this demented nightmare fuel you submitted for a kid's bedtime story there is no way in hell I'm using this and I already regret agreeing to a payment in advance please get your [ __ ] together the problem with being a perfectionist is actually being able to realize your in goal Perfection see the painter was destined for greatness at least that's what it seemed like but things changed after that damn fire everything changed now there is only one thing left to do to create Perfection to create his magnum opus the one painting that will make all of this worth it lost you deserve it finish it two Souls so passionate so talented and yet they wanted to build something so ordinary a home a wife a family peaceful life betrayal of everything that made them both artists and yet they clung to it what people don't seem to understand is what it takes to make a good painting the work doesn't start with the brush anymore than family doesn't start with marriage the work starts with the canvas this Mansion was once a beautiful home for this prodigal family and now it's something else entirely now a tiny bit to the left yes just like that hold that pose I want to get all those lovely curves just right filled with messages Despair and strange occurrences but none of that really matters as long as the painter can get the materials he needs to create that perfect piece the one that will put him on the map once again sorry I haven't written in a while I've been swarmed with work I got to tell you your last letter was troubling to say the least I just can't believe she would set fire to your old paintings why would she do that the lady in Black especially that was your tribute to her wasn't it I don't know what to tell you except to get her some professional help Bronto you could probably talk to someone as well with all that's happened I'm sure it would do you some good to destroy his tribute is unimaginable but even worse to instill self-doubt into his work well he can't have [Music] that no matter what we did the fireplace just wasn't enough to warm this room don't be scared it's just a book birdie it only takes one painting it needs to be done this is fine this is good the these are great conditions I can finish it I can I will I need to for all our sakes for our family for a family or just for you go on the scales what does matter more one's ambition for greatness or family or maybe the painter's ambition for greatness as for his family whether they know it or not prosthesis snatchers insatable bastards can't afford a new one why the damn l the rats speak you know in the walls and so does [Music] [Music] she [Music] marital issues are normal it happens what's most important is completing the paintings to get it right for once it's never right how can two people who once loved each other so fully so profoundly drift so far apart my husband barely speaks to me anymore he just slithers in and out of his study obsessively working on one failed painting after another he won't even sleep with me anymore I can tell he's disgusted by me the look he gave me the other day that pathetic hurtful look a combination of Shame guilt and repulsion I've come to realize that I've become a monster in my husband's eyes it feels like nothing a woman should ever experience still being the good wife that I am I decided to realize my husband's fantasy if he thinks me a monster I will sure as hell act the part after such a claim to be belittled by critics laughed out of the galleries in such a way they don't know what the paint has been through especially under these conditions the thought alone that the most beautiful piece of art doesn't have my name on it is killing me so will you marry me you can't fight against her or this Mansion the only thing to do is finish the painting to find the right materials first I looked for a canvas not just any canvas I had to find a knife not one of those breed ones it needed to be as sharp as a razor so I used a razor in fact and then carefully Fayed the skin booze helped keep my hand [Music] steady only the most beautiful piece of art can bring this magnumopus to life locked away in his Workshop all day every day tensions grow inside the home Maids come and go resign rehire resign rehire not to mention the effect on the marriage and the daughter he's not a drunkard it was only to calm his hand to help him sleep in OV exaggeration you keep the fire in your office just to stop me don't you you hate me that much was it just for hate or as a repellent the painter knew about his wife's fear of fire but lit them anyway but she would lock the doors if you're so afraid of fire why would you block the only means of Escape [Music] [Music] [Music] color the life of painting the soul I need it I need it to be perfect striking f life life life life life life fire no excuses no accidents no weakness just fire from the depths of your soul finish it I need to fight the darkness from broken stools and cups sticking to tables the maids are just lazy it's not like it's a hard job it's time to get a new one as of today I'm resigning from work at this house I think I don't have to explain reasons paint needs texture something to help it stick to the canvas and really stand out we have just the thing I thought it would be harder it should be harder bones shouldn't break so easily texture gives a painting depth an extra layer it's vital but first we need to prep the materials I needed to remove the flesh from the bone at first I was lost as to how but then I sought it off with a handsaw boiled it then put the bone in a mortar I had to get one obviously this was not something I'd done before finally I mixed the dust with some white paint it made for a lovely undercoat hate even now lost alone you deserve it a grave for you finish it their life started to fall apart everything he touched turned to rot now for the paint itself something with color we can always Source the materials from the same place and death Sprouts a new life on the canvas blood is stick out water good solid undercoat a primer hold it all together so it doesn't rot the house is sick all the rats the world is breaking around us everything he touches breaks and she knows it while I can certainly understand that you are upset and I have nothing but sympathy for your wife and yourself I must categorically state that I do not wish to receive any further correspondence from you in this matter any skin Gra procedure is extremely complicated and inherently associated with the risk of failure having stated that I assure you that me and my colleagues at s n have made every effort to ensure a positive outcome for your wife personally speaking I believe you have done the best job possible considering the extent of tissue damage you are of course entitled to your opinion and I can certainly understand your disappointment what I do not understand understand is how you seem to think writing hateful letters to me or my fellow doctors will amarate the situation everything changed after the department store fire she was never the same the scars she wasn't the person he married anymore she can't even play music anymore but one thing a painter is good at is fixing talk to me why won't you talk to me you promise you you deserve this all of it all of it this solves nothing it never has it never will look at him waiting through ashes such determination such blindness ient floaters they clock the drains fur in the water no baths for me she needs to be fixed if I am to be honest I can't say your letter was unexpected numerous colleagues have informed me that you had previously sought their advice in this matter and while it is perfectly understandable for a patient to demand a second opinion I would think 16 concurring opinions would be enough still out of respect for you and your wife I have examined the case thoroughly and I have to concur with my colleagues involuntary muscle spasms are not uncommon with patients who have suffered Burns as severe as your wife did what you refer to as a freakish grin or an unnerving Yelp though many would find such Expressions hurtful could indeed be manifestations of nerve damage this thing this family won't work if you keep undermining me it will break apart alcohol helped and staying away from her helped keeping a good distance but the paintings are just not the same anymore he can't paint like he used to not with all this added noise they just don't understand it's all your [Music] fault you put more and more locked doors between us but it's my drinking that ruins the family the music was used to help with the paintings to give inspiration and guidance and his work but without it in the end this was the only instrument she could play the only music this family could accept when you work your whole life towards something you can't just throw it away you need to hold on to it continue to grow and show just how good you are despite everything else to show the critics that they are wrong I'm not like her I won't let go I won't let my passion Decay I can't never I will finish it this is who I am without it I'm broken I have to finish it all right let's try this again finally managed to play a little if banging on the keys awkwardly counts is playing I won't lie it drives me insane not to have full control of my fingers in any case I was promptly berid by my loving husband who said I should be resting I know he means well but how will I ever get better if I don't work at it the worst thing is I could swear I smelled Liquor on his breath oh God please not this again a drunken husband unsupportive a waste of talent losing his mind undercoat the painting needs an undercoat I needed a jar and a plastic tubing I siphoned gas before I knew how it was done I stuck the tube in a vein and sucked on it until blood filled my mouth then put the tube in the jaw and it just kept coming her Taste of copper haunted me the entire night why didn't I think of a syringe I hate even now lost alone hopeless you always will be a grotesque misunderstanding finish [Music] it [Music] it can be hard work working on such a twisted subject as the painter and while this Lighthouse seems like the perfect place to write this story it can't help but make your skin crew so I'm here for a place belonging to Posh as agency this is weird if they wanted to have a Decor that corresponds with story they succeeded it's dark there are rats and its weird paintings not going to lie I felt like it was some [ __ ] up experiment expecially since the man called to check if I'm working soon after I entered I heard a strange noise when I was about to start writing but it turned out that it were only rats I think I thought what I saw later I called to let him know I'm here he always cheers me up watching over everyone the painter the writer who else has the queen of rats helped [Music] come I have your truth what the [ __ ] hello oh thank God it's me Mama did something happen I don't know I don't feel good I don't like this place what do you mean you don't feel good do you need a doctor no it's dark in here I'm scared Mom it's night I think you just had a bad dream everything will be okay in the morning I imagine the lighthouse gets lonely but come on it's you who wanted to go there no you don't understand it's dark it's awful and I can't write everything is hello hello [ __ ] now that's no way to greet your Muse what your surprise creation isn't pretty you pushed a human being into the world and now you need to do the same with a book I'm here to help you with that how how she asks the same way I helped the painter the musician and the actor all you have to do is choose your voice will be heard it won't it never is and now with my help it's possible do you choose to use [Music] it say it I do I choose your help then it is done hello thank God you're okay what happened what do you mean I uh you were scared and the call was cut off and oh that that's nothing the generator died it's fine now oh okay I guess that's good how do you feel you sounded upset I'm worried I'm good but I'm good son it's as you said I'm exactly in the place I wanted to be are you yes I'm sure I need to get back to work good night love you a sudden change of heart and a concerned son the book needs to be written with this new help it will be the painter's story will be finished to be the child of two great creatives can be a nightmare the expectations set upon you from a young age the prodigal child trained by her father to be an artist like himself someone to pick up his brush when it's all said and done a wild temper but it was only for her best interest in mind she could achieve so much he had to be critical of her drawings how else would she learn how else would she improve her mother on the other hand trained her daughter to play the piano to take over her Legacy the fire saw an end to that [Music] is it wrong to want an ear somebody to teach pink enough of the childish drawings it needs to be right [Music] she saw it all the fighting the sadness and even that moment the victim of the painter's Outburst caught in the middle of a waning relationship of her parents what more could she have done no leaving the workshop until it's finished I had to move most of the dolls out of her room it was getting ridiculous you can't just throw gifts at her whenever you feel guilty for whatever it is you feel guilty [Music] for to lose appearance so young is horrible but to see it in that manner unimaginable what what's so funny you beat me again sometimes I wonder why I even bother my little bird loved this game I need some peace and quiet to work is that too much to ask this house is not a playground you like it my little bird okay we'll buy it it will look great on the fireplace don't you think honey he was a loving father before the accident he tried his best given the circumstances and that's what matters I know she adors that toy but I don't know something about it is very unsettling maybe it's the way she plays with it she's not a happy child it [Music] shows I'm sorry little birdie what no of course cutting your hair doesn't hurt birdie I need a brush as soft as a child's hair losing a child to have her taken away how is he supposed to cope finishing the painting it's the only way come [Music] I should have let her Express herself isolation and loneliness a no place for a child maybe she's better off could the queen of rats be responsible for the misfortunes of this house she knows the weakest parts of her person and how to exploit [Music] it oh my children your both so sweet I could eat you right up be an example finish it [Music] where [Music] [Music] [Music] let [Music] [Music] oh this was a special brush like a horse hair brush but different at that point I hesitated will this really work [ __ ] it I was already halfway through and besides it's not like I can just put it all back and forget the whole thing I hate you even now lost alone hopeless you have always been alone you always will be hope a grave error the painting is nearing completion only a few more materials are needed before it's perfect to make this whole thing worth it he simply wasn't enough everything I do I do to stop thinking to stop the questions is this really the house I know where am I what what is behind that door what is behind me the questions are worse than anything that can actually happen I loved him the most when he lost himself they don't understand they don't see tasteless Mal contents and so our agreement although fruitful must come to an end we seek someone who understands Modern Art a little bit better who was able to engage with it and you sir don't seem to be that person anymore I hate it everyone hates it I have to make it perfect I need to start practicing I don't care what he thinks about it I'm not myself without music neglecting his wife and child obsessed with his passion and the need for Perfection the need to create instead all he created was chaos and destruction and the first casualty was his mind only I could help him only only I can help you a creative's mind is their toolbox and without it you lose your means to [Music] work you deserve this all of it all of it I needed something to add the how should I put it final touches a finger I needed a finger chopped it off easier than sawing a leg washed it dried it in an oven fell asleep almost burned it will I manage to pull this off one step closer to the master piece we have all but one ingredient I used to hate you even now you must feel lost alone hopeless finally realized you always will be the Quin essential part there is still a way finish it only one thing left to do find it in yourself and finish it finish just finish it just a little bit more and it will be finished nothing will stop me from finishing it finish finish finish finish it there is no other way rats in the walls eyes in the darkness watching over the painters seeing his progress Servants of the queen right just one more can and'll be ready look at you who's a dead boy who's a dead boy you are you mind explaining this to me I know what it is care to tell me how it got in my workshop stop lying we both know it couldn't have gotten there on its own I nested in his emptiness why do they try to restrict him and doubt him and his abilities he deserves his chance only his wife can help him why don't you answer me I need something anything some old notes will suffice I know you're dead but we both know you're not really gone without you it won't be finished Hickory Dickory Dock the mouse ran up the clock the Clock Struck One ran down Dickory Dickory duck the house is sick he is sick such a delicious despair you can feel it can't you why won't you help me you are a monster embrace it you're mine you know even though you are my rival and the source of all all my sorrows you're also the only one I can still talk to the only one who will listen I'm not sure if it's funny or merely pathetic probably both hey there princess what oh this is Daddy's mess whenever Daddy's hurting this helps the hurt go away no don't touch that oh God I'm so wait I'm sorry I I'm sorry the wife can still help even after what she did the painter needs materials and she can help with that what is taking so long open this [ __ ] door I need to go open up hell is oh God no no no no what have you done no I finally figured it out and it's all thanks to you you've showed me that there's no other way now your sad smile confirms what should have been obvious we will not speak [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] heav [Music] finally someone had to Bear witness I couldn't just look at my own work art and the artist needed an audience a critical eye on things I knew what I had to do I gouged it scooped it up like ice cream felt like a butcher a least there was to come Something Beautiful from all this filth after what she did to herself in the tub the most beautiful piece of art can become the magnum opus skin for the canvas bone and blood for the paint and she can now watch on you left so so quietly secretly when I realized it was too late do you see me I tried to do my best I tried I did fix it I tried to cope I tried to be there for you both I was I supposed to do it without something to calm my nerves [Music] broken I remember the feeling of seeing it all falling apart fighting the helplessness and Los take it back but we were happy for a while we couldn't last we had it a short sweet time together I could have done it we could have been [Music] happy it was like a curse Primal angry blind ever since the accident devoured by forces out of our control [Music] what will you say about it how will you end the story I used to hate you I think even now I still might I know how you must feel lost alone hopeless you probably deserve it the one precious thing you ever truly desired you will never finish [Music] it yes that's [Music] it it's beautiful perfect just like I always imagine what what is this I don't understand no stop it please I was so close this time I almost had it an endless loop of failures destined to try again and again to create his Masterpiece once a loving family struck by disaster when the department saw fire happened his wife was never the same she couldn't be fixed unable to fix his wife it drove him mad unable to paint like he once did taking his frustrations out on his daughter and distancing himself from his wife Leed to her eventual death unable to bear the thought that her husband loved his paintings more than her losing the will to continue on but the painter was resourceful using the remain his materials for his one perfect piece but to no avail the painter's mind is Twisted not every magnum opus is the same for example his self-portrait not understanding what he has done wrong but believes that all of the suffering he and his family have gone through was necessary to achieve perfection in his art or the Opus of family the painter's true peace inspired by guilt that no amount of painting or a claim will bring back his family deciding instead to end the cycle with a fire destroying his sick house and sick mind in the process but with all that said it's time to restart to try over finish it this time to create his magnum opus but first we need a suitable canvas a story completed a job while done the Red Queen will be pleased but there is more to tell maybe deep in his heart he longed for them for any presence other than his own my pallet was saded nostrils stimulated standing venerated it was never true was it even before the deaths of desperation when the book became a hit I already knew what I lost the book was finished thanks to the queen of rats but at the cost of a son it's quite the price but the Ryder has returned to this Lighthouse 10 years later to save her son to break the P you sick [ __ ] how dare you ah hello it is always good to hear from one of our writers bring him back I'm afraid it's it's not possible at the moment you know where I'm at sad man I'm at your precious Lighthouse yes I am aware of that don't interrupt me I'm at the Lighthouse and I know how to hurt your precious Queen I know how to break that pact so either you bring him back or I'll show you what I can do with words I will warn you that it is a fruitless Endeavor I don't give a [ __ ] about your warnings I will destroy her I will get him back I will write my own story thought you got me well guess what I can write without you I always could [Music] [Music] [Music] let's get this over with when I was a child I used to lay in bed late at night staring at the ceiling listening to my father's scream scream at my mother scream at yet another failed Masterpiece finally just scream out into the darkness it became my lullabi and even when they took me away the screams followed I was once told that Insanity runs in my family it's time to make it stop all growing up the daughter returns to her old home filled with bad memories of a divided house and marriage even though decades have pass the remnants of her father remains [Music] inside my beloved I've been thinking about what happened I've been trying to understand my dear help me I just don't understand why would you do it did you feel like there was no other way tell me God damn it what did I do to deserve this I did my best you know I did I gave you everything selfish [ __ ] [ __ ] why would you do this to [Music] us not much is knowing about the fate of the painter only that his daughter has come back after all this time to claim her inheritance presumably alluding to his eventual death but it is clear that despite consistent recommendation from friends to seek professional help after the death of his wife it unfortunately seems to have fallen on De ears but for the daughter there are questions about her parents that she needs answered after all this time away way and a few memories that she needs to face head [Music] on no that's not how it went maybe no that's not right oh God damn it why can't I remember I told you never to come down here a broken man looking to recite the music his wife once played for him while he did his paintings not even allowing his own daughter to be near her mother's favorite instrument anger sadness grief her father's presence is not the only thing that remains his little bird his little rat the queen of rat still watches over the house feeding on the sadness left over in the home huh I don't remember that being there I can hear you out there please please help me it hurts it hurts so much I can't take it anymore [Music] [Music] yes thank you it's so good to feel that there's still Beauty in this [Music] world music was the only thing that seemed to numb her pain after the department store fire a reminder that that there was still Beauty in the world even when everything seemed so dark what the hell did you do oh you didn't mean to well that makes it all better does it it'll just magically Unbreak because you didn't mean to go on get out of here go to your room and break [ __ ] in there just take all your toys and smash them one by one and keep at it maybe you'll finally get good at something but it was clear for the daughter of two such talented parents it's only natural that she would be talented herself take her mother for example from the age of three she realized her passion the feeling of control and the ability to make the piano do whatever she told her to and the daughter did show promise with the right guidance hey there oh come on don't be afraid it won't bite here try for yourself no no that that's not quite [Music] right huh still not quite there whoever is pounding on that piano qu it did I not make myself [Music] clear you know what I have an idea yeah go get your crayons that's actually not bad look at you young lady it looks like Talent runs in the family her father wished for her to be able to achieve what he could not to be able to express the deepest parts of herself onto the canvas but only when it was done put his way you're much too old for that childish nonsense finally are you ready to embrace true art oh the summer trees so green and vibrant and full of life but also so young and experienced let's try to find them a more poignant season where they are wiser have some stories to tell there is more to Art than just putting paint onto a canvas there needs to be thought and real feeling as well it needs to tell a story just by looking at it for example we can have a warm Autumn scene but the man living there would need Shelter From The Elements now let's show the elements in all their Glory the house not looking as pristine as it did before showing that what we take for granted is fragile and temporary while man passes nature endures but nature is also cruel and at times tragic but as the painter points out a beautiful tragedy is always better than an unremarkable existence in his own way I believe he meant well he wanted me to excel hoping that when the time came I would succeed where he failed avoid his mistakes God knows he made plenty of those if there was one word to describe this family I think the tragedy fits quite [Music] well you're sick you're insane you're not thinking straight you're right I am sick I'm sick of you not being there for us we need you I need you when was the last time you slept with me Christ when was the last time you even touched me do you know what that does to me you know that my own husband is disgusted with me excuse me if I've been too busy working my ass off trying to provide for this family but no you're right it's much more important to whisper sweet nothings in your ear you call that work you you lock yourself in there for hours days you you come out looking like [ __ ] stinking of booze and stale piss do you even realize how much your daughter is scared of you do not bring her into this don't you dare all I do I do for her you keep telling yourself that I'm sure it makes it a hell of a lot easier it's hard to forget the day she was taken from her father following the death of of her mother he did love her in his own way but maybe it was a miracle princess princess wake up I need you to get dressed real quick there are men coming some very bad men they want to take you away from me but I won't let them we won't let them will we yes now I remember throughout all the chaos and misery in his own flawed and misguided way he did love her after all his way of expressing it was a different matter altogether I grasping at the remains of my sanity declare this to be my last will and testament I hereby deem all my previous Wills just as worthless as the shallow husks calling themselves my friends and Associates to my agent Thomas Caldwell I bestow the hellish Vermin that infest my home praying that they will gnaw away at him endlessly bleeding him dry just like he did to me to my publisher Liam Brickstone I bequeath the Flames that consume the of my life in hopes they will devour him along with The Wretched [ __ ] and the squealing bastard he calls a family to my lawyer James Jerome Sadler I pass on whatever illness has rotted my brain and soul away so that he can feel just as empty and useless as he was to me to any other parasites that come crawling out of the woodwork I leave nothing to hell with all of you finally to my beloved daughter I leave all my Earthly possessions for what they're worth I hope they will inspire you to realize your true potential the final most precious gift however is not mine to give you will have to discover that on your own I believe believe in you as I always have the painter had been criticized many times for his morbid view of things such as the grotesque drawings of Little Red Riding Hood that was meant for a children's book and for a child it can be scarring even if he didn't mean it and yet she felt that the evil witch was lurking nearby as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she saw something moving in the corner of her eye and yet she did not dare to move for she knew that that would be the end of her the princess heard a fearsome growl the witch had Unleashed her familiar the hellhound the monster sniffed at the its perky ears wearing even the slightest sound the princess remained motionless letting the monster pass there was a Stillness in in the air the princess breathed a sigh of relief princess keep looking at me for a moment it seemed like the worst was behind her and yet she knew that it was not over there was still danger nearby waiting for her slightest move Frozen in Terror she kept looking straight ahead suddenly she heard a terrifying cackle it was the evil witch herself The Wretched thing despised Beauty and innocence for she had neither the hag was near just outside of view but our heroine didn't dare to look she had to keep her head straight lest she be cursed by The Witch's foul magic she could almost feel the chilling touch of the witch's hand at her neck she felt the sudden urge to run away but fought it with all her will for she knew that was precisely what the wi would have wanted and then just like that the chill was gone she saw a glimmer of light Over the Horizon the sun was almost upon her it was almost Dawn it was almost over and there the princess stood triumphant in the sun smiling as she wait that's not right her face why is she still scared oh God I didn't mean to princess I am so sorry it's not that he was cruel it's just that to him reality was just a pale reflection of art he was blind to the world unless it was translated to him through a canvas the horrible memories that haunt the daughter even to this day are found throughout the house as jings from her childhood a strange black marking can be found on the drawing and when rearranged correctly it's me but what does it mean there has to be more to this self-reflection can be hard and for the painter it would have been harder than most to see how your own daughter saw you and your wife before she was taken but now the only thing that you can do is give her what she deserves most I don't know what I expected to find a farewell note a final will what I found was an apology expressed in the only language he ever truly knew at that moment he could finally see my father for what he was a man driven insane with sadness and guilt trapped in this house a nightmarish Echo chamber of past mistakes and tragedies it was this house a place beyond hope Beyond Redemption I knew what I had to do I had given up trying to understand my father a long time ago but I could finally forgive him [Music] hey princess what have you got there oh that's so lovely sweetie but why pink much like her father this households many secrets and the outcomes are not always the same acceptance and most importantly forgiveness is as good an outcome as one could hope for the daughter but continued resentment is also quite possible to not be able to look beyond what happened all those years ago but even worse it's the secrets held behind the drawings what is this supposed to wait the lines are yes now I see it like you knew I would I had to dig deep to uncover what my father really wanted me to find but in the process I realized what he was trying to tell me this house was nothing but a tomb there was nothing left for me here here no answers no Solace no closure my true inheritance lay within and then just like that it finally happened for the first time in my life I saw the world through my father's eyes I was once told that Insanity runs in my family let it [Music] run destined to relive her father's mistakes but as she did say they did say that Madness ran in her family and while one chapter ends another needs to be written for this book to be finished to finally complete the work this is another story of a troubled creative never able to forget what was once lost the actor oh such a shame you almost had it you will Play Your Part you will stay awake sleep is a poor excuse and so are you the first true test of an actor is to build their character connect memories dreams and fears who are you where are you through exploring the ship we can find your motivation and play the part why are we here they asked although they already knew to build the character to act that was what they did for all of their lives they did it for love did it because of a burning passion a flame within them that wanted to be set free and above all they did it to run to forget to be anyone else everyone else to keep the one story that mattered the one that really happened unused and intact secret they couldn't even recall it now they would though walking the corridors of this strange ship and the ship from their past remembering their first characters and why they played them remembering the borrowed bravery of the pirate crew finding out who they were before they learned to put on all the masks in their time they played the parts of many men observed others and were observed wore the characters as if they were second skins layers upon layers of people who wore their face now it was time to shed these skins to meet themselves again to remember to choose it is kind of the director to section off much of the ship for the actor to get into character but that does mean that he is alone on a ship while being afraid of the ocean and hindsight maybe not such a good idea yeah yeah I know you've told me a million times how much you hate the seat and I'm telling you this gig is just too good to pass up up this particular ship has tight security procedures you see in the past there have been incidents of unwanted individuals making their way aboard the vessel this causes all sorts of problems if people think that they can get on the cruise for free well it's bad for business so from this point for it's increased security and no stowaways will be tolerated secret admirers and glowing reviews it comes down to having the ability to completely inhabit your character so you and the Very things that make you a person completely disappear that's the secret guy's got a reputation makes his actors jump through hoops before he even lets them on the set supposed to be some new method of building the C character bunch of oy FY [ __ ] if you ask me Just Go With It guy doesn't take no for an answer so what if the guy's a little nuts he's a director he comes with a job I mean what's he going to do kill you nobody knows the ins and outs of the business like the director he knows what he wants and exactly what he needs to do to get it out of his acting [Music] is the world's the stage for the play is badly cast there's always way light and darkness there always a way do you remember before the world told you who you should be do you remember who you were come I will make you remember some things a better left deep down why should it matter who you were what matters is who you will become wake up Mr hardy we've got to get out of this godforsaken prison before we rock it's an Escape when you play a different character you don't have to be yourself anymore all of your concerns worries and stresses of your everyday life are not the concerns of your character so it's easier to cope plus is always a bonus if you can be a little more heroic than normal are we are we really good l i that's Captain Baines to you Mr hardy remember the name Quarter Master or I'll have you walk the plank being adventurous can sometimes get you in trouble but if the character is brave you can always deal with it head on there she is Mr hardy the fastest vessel ever built ready to set sail for the land of the flame I don't see any sails shh we must make our way aboard quietly Avast Mr hardy too many of them scurvy dogs to take head on Lily I want to go home Quarter Master steal yourself be your heart soaked in doubt or be there a fire burning within in the land we've seen behind shut eyes the one of bright Shores caressed by tide where there's no pain no fear no fury no lies there we shall stand T our hearts full of Pride if your dreams are bold and by no man bound if your soul is strong unlike any other able to build walls or tear to the ground then yours is this world my little brother Lily was always the braver of the two and more adventurous and not just her role but Lily herself she fits the role of Captain the fearless leader but the Quarter Master is also very important since the Quarter Master needs to make sure the crew get to where they need to be not to mention making sure there's plenty of rum and food for everybody and while the captain sometimes gets crossed with the Quarter Master it's only because she cares we always come with a burden figures faces Voices From the Past wrapped in a heavy old B the first thing to do is to get rid of it a little spark is all it takes to set the human soul on fire one life ends another begins one life ends the right [Music] one a simple task and the execution truthful instinctive pure that'll do for now look what I found Mr hardy this chart will lead us away from Peril and into Safe Harbor you shouldn't play with strangers she wouldn't like that she doesn't like it when you play with anyone but her sto always cause all types of issues for the crew the company not to mention the safety of the passengers and their belongings this bottle do hurry we have to secure it they'll be here any moment Lily I'm I'm scared you should be scared you know what happens if they find us they'll send us back with a journey comes risk sometimes serious ones but for the siblings it was a necessary risk after all they had dreamt of it for years we are now entering the eastern part of the bur this particular area holds a special place in my heart as I grew up not far from here myself a few things have changed it seems for better or worse I see children playing in the streets nor caring their little lines if it wasn't for their shabby clothes one could almost forget about the crushing poverty that plagues so many of the local families what do we have here a boy sitting on a park bench alone perhaps he would't mind if we pick his brain a bit good morning young man what's your name good morning young man what's your good morning morning good man your home name what's your name now they knew a part of the answer to the director's question before the world told them what to be they were St alwayss hidden deep in the entrails of the Beast that was the ship they hid and fought for survival losing more and more of themselves now they had to descend again into the entrails of the Beast that was their own mind find what they lost it was still there buried hidden away locked in a vault a prison of themselves deep down there was only Instinct a need and an act hunger and violence and was there also a choice it's good to have faith in somebody that you care about somebody that has your back someone you idolize she will always be there for him yeah uh could we take this again uh there's something wrong with the picture I I think you must have moved you just don't look quite yourself when chasing dreams we often find ourselves in a nightmare the only way to get a away to start their Journey was to get onto a ship to finally get away from everything it should have been easy sneak on board and find a nice warm place to sleep and they found that in the cargo hole but the crew just kept searching making it almost impossible to stay quiet to themselves tragedy strikes at the heart despair consumes the soul a life crumbles how were they supposed to know that they would lock down the food I mean it wasn't much a few apples here a piece of bread there but after they rationed the food guarded the storage it all started to fall [Music] apart get up cter Master what's done is done no use crying we need to venture forth and find some fresh supplies here take this it will help you find your strength the way the ship works is all very confusing in fact how they even make it work as a mystery there were so many gears and cogs in the Machinery room and nowhere close to being as comfortable as the cargo room for another another takes their place that sheine goes on it warms the heart it feeds the soul it makes the world so bright so bright a stolen flame Burns strong Burns quick a stolen flame [Music] burns the flame of a person is otherwise referred to as the soul to bring a character to life you need to create that flame and bring it into yourself in order to have that person come to life would that work with a real soul I wonder no food just paper don't lose hope Quarter Master let's keep on looking there's no food anywhere and running out of options but perhaps there is someone that could help looks like the rat's got to it before us what what was that sh we're not alone here oh it stinks but it looks like someone took a bite or something come let's not wait for it to come back the open oceans can be rough you never know what's around the corner and something has the animals spooked and the guards are battering down the hatches this storm is going to be a big [Music] one look there's something there look over there can't you see it no this isn't what I saw you have to believe we're out on the edge of the world Mr Harley nothing is as it seems this one's empty too we need to keep looking Lily I mean Captain there's something out there in the dark hush now stay behind me I won't let anything happen to you the caring big sister and the scared hungry younger brother they had no food and the storm was approaching but little mattered as long as they had each other but there was something or someone watching over them leave it Mr hardy we're not that desperate yet James I said leave it a heavy cost must be paid when one destroys the balance a heavy cost not all lives are created equal the life of one can outweigh the lives of many when everything is at stake the lies hang in balance reason becomes weakness trust your [Music] instinct let Instinct guide you forget reason forget Mercy one may carry the flame many pave the way one life proves its worth one life can go on go on you pray on the week your belly grows full you take what's not yours your heart grows cold you feed on misery your soul grows weak I once saw this boy drown a baby rat in the gutter I said it made him feel better but that didn't make it all right I think he was broken there is a treasure to be found on the ship for the captain and her Quartermaster and what is it that they will do with all their [Music] spoils it's no good we'll never find any food James look at me and it's all my fault I said look at me I am captain Baines the black Wanderer the Slayer of the Cyclops the seeker of the flame I will see us through this don't you ever doubt me [Music] oh [Music] nothing is as it seems on the ship what was once fresh is now Rotten once available now taken the silly children didn't realize that the only one that truly sits over the treasure is the queen maybe there's some food here come on we have have to go oh did you hear that this way James [Music] run you think you can survive without me watch out something's coming you need to keep moving they had each other you are alone solidarity can be fra but the comfort of others is really shunned there is more to this boat than you think on one hand the actor is building his character finding the flame if you will but Underneath It All is a story of two siblings fighting to survive but every story has a beginning some more tragic than [Music] others there was life before the ship a reason for their escape they didn't dare look back but their past fueled them for years they harnessed it without remembering they transformed fear anger and despair into art the art was called outstanding haunting Unforgettable but they did forget did they did their best to forget and when they weren't looking their past entangled them bound them their Roots suffocated them pulled them under away from the air and the light they had to cut them away only then could they be truly free the black Wanderer it was Lily's favorite film their father owned a theater and he had heard around that the Americans love this pirate movie so let's make the most of this having more screenings means more people in seats and then the theater can Thrive come faithful servant for tonight we brew a ghoulish concoction the world world's strangest stew seasoned by sadness burnt from within ravaged by Madness rotten with sin torn up by conflict ravaged by War flawed on the surface warped to its core hollowed by longing hardened by loss once slick and Polished has lost all its gloss look at it Bubble look at it shake the Beast it's [Music] awake the extra screenings were ideal for Lily since she could watch it over and over again she would sneak onto the balcony and watch her from above the audience there were even complaints from the viewers since there were noises is coming from up there they thought the thing was going to fall on their heads now that would be bad for business look Jimmy father's screening the black Wanderer they only had their father now once a soldier in the British army relieved of Judy due to injury sustained on the field of battle he even won the silver war badge but things weren't all that nice at home little scum you were always bad luck a blight upon this family a blackened heart uprooted by tragedy skewed by pain that's all you've ever given me that's all you were ever good for they lost their mother the day that James was born life for a life a death for a death his father never really forgave him for that she gave everything for you prove that it was worth it that you weren't a mistake weak useless no good to anyone it's like I was never there it would have been better if I was over there it wasn't out of the blue see she had had pregnancy issues with Lily quite a few complications in fact but the pains were worse with James the doctor assured them that it would be okay quiet just watch when the world becomes too cruel we look for a place to hide the dark can be many things it can be Refuge or it can be help it is whatever you make it the dark can be a silent Place silence can be empty or you can speak volumes it is whatever you make it the dark can be a lonely place Solitude can be a sentence all can be a companion it is whatever you make it sometimes it's better to hide to let the dark in Father's coming quick get no please I said get in hush it's already started the abuse from their father in many ways was a Loveless upbringing for James aside from his sister he idolized Lily and became dependent on her the only source of love that he ever knew now you write about their path this is where you come in go on pick it up it seems the tables have turned Court Master curse you and your mutinous puppets I will not make this easy for you if I am to meet my Doom today it will be by Your Hands by your Action Play Your Part villain I'm waiting do not give in yes too late to build your character boy you wanted to be like me shoot what are we to you mere play things Play Your [Music] Part Way you thought you could be me you will always be just a scared little boy Lily are you all right Lily Lily Lily I thought you were gone that's because I was well she is what who I was a moment ago is no more now I can become someone else it was easier to become someone else your issues and the stresses of life no longer mattered not if you're a brave pirate captain or a loyal quartermaster you were something else entirely something more no one understands them no one will understand [Music] you watch this is the best part I know henceforth I shall be Captain Baines the black Wanderer but Captain Baines isn't a girl steady your tongue Quarter Master I can be whoever I choose to be if your little mind says otherwise then to the depths with [Music] it they were dreamers wishing for something better for themselves to be real Advent curers together to get away from their father my brother he was always there following in my footsteps silent smiling sadly like a warm Shadow always there but never really present sometimes when darkness fell across town we'd sneak out of the house he'd look up into the night sky watching the stars but never really seeing them what he really saw was a thousand Souls on fire his eyes would light up the stars were already there at that moment I knew he had it in him to make a thousand Hearts bleed a thousand heads turn a thousand eyes weep my brother the silent dreamer dreaming that a day would come when we could leave it all behind the Journey of a lifetime a light on the Horizon a flame to call his own yes he had it in him to make a thousand Souls burn make them feel alive make them live forever a thousand lives but never mind never mind there we were dreaming ourselves away into the night sky when we could almost reach out and take it a cruel shade eclipsed the sun our dream was gone something else took its place something vicious something oh no what were the black wer do [Music] now Lily what if something bad happens what if I can't find you sh listen to my voice hold it deep inside and I will always be there for you forever forever as long as they're always with you they're never truly gone you never alone never in solitude you can even fight back against the monsters Because deep down even though they are scary they're really just as sad and lost as we are father no please stay out of it Lily why why can't you just just leave us alone you filled the boy's head with nonsense as if he wasn't useless enough you're you're the one who's useless you cruel oneeyed freak what did you call get away from him you you monster a monster like a cyclops a one-eyed Beast attacking the captain and her crew what would a real pirate do they would fight back father it's today I know I'm going to see her take care of the house and I'm done did you get anything for James it's his day too I I had to buy something for your mother that's all I could afford a birthday overshadowed by a death day sometimes it is easier just to be someone else it is it over no Mr hardy it's only just [Music] [Music] beginning the book is coming around nicely two stories told and only two more to complete the ector is not quite finished but it will be and without the help of the Rat Queen the rider has a son to save after all and only she knows the thing that would truly hurt her to destroy her once and for all so sharp after all this time that knife near the bathtub she knows using it to taunt the writer hi Mama how it's been a while so just wanted to check on you I I'm glad you're riding again again you are of course I know you it's always been the most important thing in your life that's I should probably leave you to it it's been great hearing from you wait don't bye don't go the closer you get the harder that she will fight [Music] back all you can do is cut corners and shock use think yourself an artist they had fun they had fun breaking his bones and kicking him watching him spit blood they were proud of themselves you're mine you have nothing to say no voice no characters no Talent all your words are empty underneath there is only your ego I made you you'll never be safe you gave your word you will keep it I will finish it last exhibit Recreation of exhibit opening with piano at home arubus after all these years they still listen to you the the wife is still remembered after all this time her momentos In This Very Lighthouse her story needs to be told but that will be the final chapter I have to finish it the actor's job is not yet done he still needs to build his character the director will be displeased if he doesn't it's not quite there yet still some tweaks to be made [Music] now they knew where they came from now they could scream themselves free one glorious act and then a vast silence it's only a matter of time before the crew find the starways young boy and girl nothing but thieves stealing the food and rations they need to be dealt with appropriately Lily Captain I found it but it's empty it's all gone steud yourself Quarter Master Return To The Hideout I'll keep searching on my own I can help I I said go you and them both have no future without me go on be there for her like she was for you the director knows what's best for the character it's his film after all you could even say that he knows better than the actor the director is the Visionary the actor is simply the toll some parts are not to be played some parts what did they seek what do you seek yourself themselves why there is only me cheer up you're all right you're not hurt I'm not upset nothing really happened you just need to be more careful James was clumsy they've almost been caught too many times now it's time for the captain to take charge to find food for her crew the Quarter Master best rest at The Hideout but the serious danger does lie ahead [Music] why am I always the one why weren't you there why didn't you protect me why did you let this monster useless worthless I hate you he wasn't there to stop them to help her it's James's fault he should have been there it's all things happen bad things I am still here this is not the end this pain will pass the scars will [Applause] fade the flame will burn it all away you are mine they were mine we were meant to live [Music] forever and I [Music] will I will be forever I will be some stories shouldn't be told things that shouldn't be witnessed what they did the captain had to [Music] do forever for the dream forever the wound forever you do you hear it The Tide Rises and it veins the world it comes for you don't fight [Music] it do not go into that Savage fire you will never be C you will never be T it was not meant for you you will not let you your heart burns your soul peels away and still you choose to go deeper you cannot have it you can never have it he has to seek the flame it's the only way to be together forever Lily please come back I need you hello my name is James what's yours a voice in the darkness that's a funny can you help me find my sister someone to give Aid you are all empty to bring them back together she's been gone a long time I'm scared something happened to her I I didn't mean to she told me to go back no stop it it's not true it's his fault after all you you're right it is my fault yes I can still save her she can live on forever show me the way I'll do what needs to be done I'm the captain now Captain it's time for the Quarter Master to be brave and with this new help he will find his captain but to begin the actor must Forge the CLA of his character and nobody likes a Mary Sue an audience needs to connect to the flaws of the character also and there are no worse flaws than the seven sins [Music] gluttony I was drowning in a sea of thirst I was feasting but never full you my teeth are yours to Bear sloth have to drift in a sea of lethargy my hands the devil's play things put them to some use greed stripped of all my riches I sailed the Sea of nothingness my debt to you I will repay here is my pound of Flesh lost I come from a sea of displeasure I have longed for affection now I live to please you [Music] Pride wallowing in a sea of shame I was never one to serve but for you I swallow my pride and with seven sins comes the Seven Seas lead us Oh Captain we will follow you across the Seven Seas so pays its debt it's just you and me the [Music] captain here we are again you almost had it she lied to me she lied to me she lied to me she lied to me she lied to me she lied to me [Music] Roth J this way it's so dark can't you hear it Lily what if something bad happens what if I can't find listen to my voice hold it deep inside and I will always be there for you forever the storm was bad the winds were so strong they lifted a woman from the floor and sent her overboard the crews perished at Sea losing half of the passengers people were shocked that such a state-of-the-art cruise sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic didn't seem possible the cause of the tragedy was a fire that broke out in the engine room the crew worked tirelessly to stop the fire but once it reached the Boiler Room the ship was history the resulting explosion breached the hull but what happened after was the hard [Music] part so James am I correct to assume you live somewhere nearby yes with your family my sister oh you have a sister Splendid and what about your parents father oh well let's start with your father he must be proud of such a strapping young lad as yourself he is not how about your sister is she um she's everything I see you you spend a lot of time with your sister she's always there and she will be forever tell me James do you like sitting here in the park I I don't know you don't know I I think I do out here I could be anyone truly you can be anyone you want I I think I don't need to be I can play anyone I want have I offended you James no I just you just don't want to talk to me anymore I I don't know what I want they say that the team try he really can come true our dreams what's really important to you MH your dreams can stay with with you [Music] [Music] forever now they knew why they feared freedom why they hid flow with the tide and pretended to be one with the void inside them now in place of the Void there was a sea Restless roaring terrifying once they saw it once they lit a flame in their soul there was no turning back no other way again they felt the eyes of of Eternity upon them they were here before they faced that choice in the past they felt the stare now for the first time they stared [Music] back working so hard to bring something back that you can lose yourself in the process do you see now you tried to fix me instead you broke yourself sweet to Sweet Bitter to Bitter this place it sickens me with all of its clutter and confusion it is a monument to your weakness the portrait of your indecision the rec what never truly was it is broken H just like you a life for a life you tried so hard to bring me back you called out to me from the void but something else answered a death for a death if you wanted to be free you shouldn't have come back never strong enough poor little Jimmy poor weak pathetic little Jimmy always the victim always the burden an anchor dragging me down I guess never had a chance did I neither of us did we never should have lived this long forever is a very long time sometimes it's better not to be to burn away completely there's no place for me here only you whoever that is I hope you'll be brave this time I don't think I can I cannot you you cannot help me not this was to be my final work to reclaim what was lost to let go of the stolen fire to reignite the true flame but now the spark is it is almost gone it is lost hopeless just like you a formless man something that can be molded turned into anything a new person even the actor is Shifting shedding his skin this body just doesn't contain One Flame they will be last forever and so will you how many lives have you buried just by nearly existing existing but never being wouldn't it be better if you just went is it time for a change he can't fix it after all how many times have I tried to put the pieces back together just to watch them fall apart who who are we how long can a man burn before he turns to Ash how could you know of all the Wasted Years of all the pain it took to bring you here you don't even know who you are how many times must a man die before he can truly live how many times look at it this is what happens when you fail to take control look at it twisted [Applause] formless there L when the time comes will you crumble as well you run but do you know the way you build one character you destroy the other there's no other way you act on Instinct you see you react it's so easy to pull your strengths you hesitate you look for a better way nothing is ever easy you struggle against the current fight against all ODS in the end there is no right World there is only James Lily James listen to me you have to go no I'm not leaving I I'll find a way to reach you I know you will you're strong stronger than you know we'll be together again no matter how long it takes I will find you I will their home in theater burnt down one night resulting in the death of their father no much is knowing about the circumstances of the fire whether deliberate or accidental but What mattered most was going on the journey they had always dreamed of but every Journey has risks Envy what's past is past what's gone is gone the door is shut and the curtains drawn the lands that are no longer there the dreams we did not get to share when all we love is Stripped Away a boy must leave a man must stay and yet there is still hope you see but you are still a part of me although the boy has ceased to be where there was I there shall be we the holy flame it burns away it shows us there's another way let us be together forever and ever and ever what said it said it's time to eat I'm sure you'll find me quite a treat for [Music] forever is a very long time James you think you can take it I dreams forever but when the eyes of Eternity are upon him how far can he go how deep can he descend once the flame has been lit there's no other way yes too soon to let go too late to turn back you're a brave lad James I hope you will find what you're looking for a story of self-acceptance and the ability to let go Lily's flame burned bright within James but he needed to make a decision to let her go or to let her take [Music] over [Music] a life for a life death for a death building a character is the actor's one true goal did he achieve [Music] it and so here we are again how many times has it been you don't know do you how would you you don't even know what you are an artist giving an un focused performance a creature trapped in a prison of its own making I I know what you came for what you think you [Music] want again day you can't have it because you are not ready because you have not earned it you I'll be [Music] waiting until then a voice calls out to the director pleading for the director's help he must resist her the director awakes in his office surrounded by by movie posters of his work not to mention a few notes that give us some insight into his current state of mind the film's only redeeming quality remains performance not all of us have forgotten the star of the silent movie era after he left the industry so abruptly I'm delighted to say his talent still shines even in such an awful production when asked why he plays in film The Star told us he approached me with enthusiasm saying that he was a fan and I couldn't say no to such passion after they fell into debt with the studio perhaps the only talented person on the crew proposed that he'll write a script for new movie that would finally earn some money the same movie that killed him two months later daughter blames the director for his death saying that he took advantage of her father after his Fall From Grace already the director is partially to blame for the death of a script writer his daughter blames him could that be who the director dreamed of at the start he wrote this movie to help us he wouldn't want us to abandon it I'll finish the script and we'll sh it together for him an unnamed woman speaks of continuing the work of the deceased script writer they should finish the film you changed the script you said you were just finished it was an unpolished draft he was my father I know it he wanted to say immediately we can hear the daughter of the script writer seemingly rewriting her father's work taking control of the film for herself the plot is different the plot makes sense it didn't before and you knew about it he knew what he was doing he wanted this movie to be a warning a warning against demons and monsters it's absurd I don't want him to be remembered as a maniac a warning against what monsters exactly he did warn the director against her could he be referring to his own daughter or possibly the rat Queen you had to know he was ill and you enabled him encouraged his delusions I trusted his vision you trusted his Madness listen you know I am good at this we can make a good movie or we can smear my father's name making the unfinished draft that he wrote in a moment of weakness the daughter pushes The Narrative that her father was unstable filled with delusions that the director allowed to come to the surface her father's final work was a mess since she knows his true Vision she will correct the film and keep his legacy intact it is your choice you're the director after all the director can find a room filled with scenes that he must direct for the movie alongside them is the original script written in Black from the typewriter this was written by the deceased script writer The Unfinished draft as his daughter puts it well the red writing and pen is from the daughter that wishes to revise this scene entirely with her own ideas while the blue pen is that of the director assessing the scene overall from the original Incarnation to the revised vision of the daughter in in the end it is the director's final Choice let's begin with the first scene scene 13 fade in interior basement night a mysterious room with a pentagram drawn on the floor some kind of ritual is happening there are a few cultists around the pentagram leader is is kneeling sacrifice approaches the middle of the circle leader draws his own blood sacrifice disappears and leader raises his hands in Triumph This is too soft we need shock we need a hook we need to convey the danger of the situation it goes as written pentagram cultist ritual leader on his knees but after sacrifice disappears leader is stubbed by a mysterious shadow figure and dies death shaped his life over and over and over again we can hear the writer as she continues her work for the rat Queen at the Lighthouse speaking how the director's life has been shaped by Death the sound of rats can be heard as he looks over his work at the end of the day it doesn't matter what they think just making movies It's Magic it's new it's world changing you might recognize the mannequins from the actor's story these return in the director's story acting in for past staff at the studio these two speaking on the death of the script writer and the investigation that took place over it I heard they closed the case unfortunate accident they say I don't no there's something more going on here we all feel it we enter the set for our first scene once again acted out by the mannequins the director will have to make decisions in the film using props to make the scene play out how they want for example the first scene it has all the aspects of the script up until the cultist with the ball needing to draw his own blood without a knife the scene makes no sense the director needs to find the prop it doesn't look that [Music] great I can't imagine going there again I I don't remember being there ever nobody does I mean I mean we must have gone there but my mind just goes blank when I think about it what went blank where did they go when they lost their [Music] memory a person should be steady unflinching otherwise they end up as a prop for others to use straight out of a horror film but thankfully it's just a shadow puppet simply in illusion of the Light Art needs to be larger than life don't worry about it the director finds his prop under a watchful eye of course we place the dagger for the cultist and allow the scene to play again this time implementing the daughter's Vision also sound action [Applause] notice how as the shadow creature that the da order implemented into the story appears the rats run through the scene a sign perhaps good it's better than the script we're ready get the Reel an obituary can be found in the Halls after the first scene at first I thought it was for the script riter but it doesn't appear to be it mentions an unnamed person who was killed under incomprehensible and tragic circumstances fatally wounded by a shotgun blast committed by her spouse she left behind her two children who were her world a terrifying scene for the director a woman in red weeping over the deceased but who is it [Music] the sounds of rats fade as the Director finds himself once again in the theater in desperate need to film his next scene he tried to talk about ghost that haunted him you said you would finish the script not rewrite it I didn't realize how bad it was mad men's ramblings no plot just a called gibberish and you encouraged it you know we need this movie to be great I don't intend to end my career now we need shock blood gore something people will remember for years but of course if you want to stick with his version go ahead you're the director after all the daughter has alterior motives this goes beyond her father changing the script to suit her own Ambitions returning to the office we get a glimpse of the relationship that these two shared our sources on the set told us that on the day died his stunt double called in sick the director Furious got into an argument with the star's daughter the worst so far an anonymous crew member said the two fought regularly since the first day the woman arrived on the set the daughter and the director always seemed to bump heads and we learned from this mass that the deceased script writer was once an actor speaking on how his daughter believed he lost his mind when he gave up acting but insist that she was wrong his mind was clearer than ever she's destructive I won't have have the movie falling apart because of one woman you're too afraid of Destruction what don't try to preserve everything destruction is part of life accept it Revel in it this is a movie about destruction about lives ruined and lost a warning must be shocking but we have it The Woman in Red returns blocking the path for the director we have a bedtime story I spent years researching her and I'm telling you what we're making isn't bad enough her it's time for the next two scenes scene 22 fade in interior oval room night oval room in the Mansion static camera view through the arch doorway one of the cultists is sitting in the room the killer Sacrifice from the first scene approaches slowly the person sees the killer enter the room and runs killer shoots at them but misses this version gives a slapstick Vibe we need to establish that the Killer is actually dangerous also we need it to be more visually appealing the killer appears with a machete he throws it and hits the cultist back then he approaches his wounded victim slowly menacingly and finishes them off scene 66 fading interior renovation room night killer finds two cultists in the room he throws one of them down the second one upon seeing it runs away frightened we need to escalate the gor here the falling cultist is impaled on the table the other one falls from the lather tries to defend himself with a hammer killer saws off his hand then decapitates him the one impaled dies when the chandelier falls on him him it's a blood bath the shock Terror and pain he wanted to throw it all out we can see a pattern and the daughter's riding adding Gore and violence for the sake of it taking satisfaction in it but the director does have the final say after all hey I know how to fix it it'll be okay the director arrives on the new set ready for the scene but let's see how this plays out without any props rolling sound action something's off the key here is positioning in the original script the victim needs to escape after being attacked we need the prop for the Killer and a new angle for the victim oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's okay it's okay here let me bandage it what if it was rabid the staff members were bitten by rats another terrifying sign of the real influence behind this creative mind careful we don't want any more accidents we find the gun with The Woman in Red watching every moment now let's see how the scene is meant to play out minus the gratuitous violence added by the [Music] daughter [Music] I think we're good we're ready get the Reel okay people on to the next scene another scene finished only three more to go I want to take my time before I make a masterpiece but yeah I do have something in mind the next set is ready but once again we hear how much influence the rats had on the staff you're just seeing things get some rest I'm sure it was nothing rest I haven't rested since we started shooting I don't sleep I don't eat there were rats in my kitchen we head out to find the prop this time a hammer we're keeping to the original vision string away from the daughter's influence the most important thing in art huh stub rolling sound [Music] action we have it people notice how without her influence the killer never succeeds instead the victims get [Music] away [Music] The Woman in Red continues to appear in the hallways chasing the director rats following [Music] [Applause] [Music] suit come on we will finish it together The Woman in Red turns into the camera woman that we've seen previously working on the scenes could this be the daughter I learned a lot about her and I I'm I think she knows that and she's not happy in the end there was only three scenes finished only two more to go it's shocking it's grotesque the form swallows up the [Music] essence do you really think this is what he wanted to say all this blood and gore just to shock he didn't aim for shock he aimed for a [Music] [Applause] warning my father believed that there are monsters in this world there is no monster in this film there are only people strangely the daughter calls out her father for the gore in the script which in reality is her own revisions that contain majority of the violence but the monster being mentioned could the script writer know about the queen of rats was it her book that he found did she kill for Sor I can't do this anymore you've been wonderful to work with sure we never made anything prominent but we had a good time and the work sustained us I wanted to see this through with you alas I can't stop thinking about last moments how a series of inconsequential events stunt double getting sick you and arguing again how it all led to his death how small things keep happening how there are more and more Rats on the set despite everything we do how I keep having nightmares I'll be frank with you I'm afraid I hope we meet again I hope we'll make another movie together but for now I need to leave OD how everything that has been found suggests that the death of the script writer was almost a freak coincidence a bunch of small things that all Let It Up not to mention the rats she knows she sees you she she sees my daughter God help us she doesn't want it to be made she turned her eyes on us her eyes what are you talking about don't ask you cannot comprehend her the Queen the being the Muse she will use all her power to stop us but we cannot this we have to see through the warning in the script the monsters that he mentioned it's exactly who he thought the queen of rats he advises the director to finish the film not to allow her to win don't turn turn your mind towards her lest you lose it feel her it's in your body in your gut the Primal horror fear of the animal that is being hunted by a god feel the things we have to say going as far as referring to her as a God the director needs to use fear as the toll for the film The Fear of the unknown of something bigger incomprehensible I think I know what you were warning us about but we can do better the final two scenes scene 1 + < TK 5 / 2 fade in interior dining room evening cultists sit at at the table there is an intense conversation we cannot hear they seem to plan Killers demise there is no suspense we need them talking sure but there has to be a mystery we had a cage with rats squeaking and agitated they foreshadow the unexpected event scene five fading in interior ritual sight night in the ritual sight similar but different from scene 13 killer tries to kill himself summoning the ultimate Evil other cultists attack overpower and stop him underwhelming we were setting up the ultimate Evil throughout the movie and we need to show it killer uses artifacts to SU evil succeeds in killing himself it works we throw all special effects we can here it should be magnificent once again the daughter mentions rats wishing to use them within a scene that makes no sense in using them she clearly knows about the true evil but is she being controlled by her perhaps we will finish it take them away we can find the very box used in the scene as the mannequins get a bit more lively than normal what what happened you've been sleepwalking again you try to get to the basement set the staff have been unable to sleep properly the actress mentions how she would have constant nightmares and now sleepwalking get ready everyone let's do the next scene action don't blisten to a dead man do you want to end up like him I know what you must do so lost let me lead you don't you want to be great don't do this the queen of rats speaks at last telling the director to ignore his friend the script writer otherwise he might just end up like him will the director listen help me a mannequin is pulled away into the corridors could this represent the script writer we arrive at the basement set as mannequins surround the main actor but this time the queen of rats is the director rolling sound action [Music] this is our final scene but first we need our props in the end art becomes life to see the ocean in a bowl of water to understand that every part of of the universe is equally vast and uncaring this is our lot with everything in place the only thing left to do is to start filming rolling sound action [Music] [Music] I think this is better than the original the film is finished as the Director can now put them all together after all this they sat together to watch their creation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I know what you must do so long lost let me lead you don't you want to be great [Music] it is what he wanted yes all his obsessions all this madness all your stupid ideas we don't have to do this and I helped you oh God I helped you you know what you're right we don't have to do this what would you have me do betray him I know you gave it everything you had I know why you do this it's just I can't it's not for me don't contact me ever again please it is revealed that the woman in re is actually the daughter of the script script writer and this particular ending was staying true to her father's Vision we can see the rat Queen guiding the daughter out of the theater as she mentions her displeasure at the final product showing her influence on the daughter this entire time a few things are obvious the script writer was killed by the rat Queen for knowing too much about her trying to warn his friend the director and his daughter through the script the r Queen manipulates people that much as clear and even if you oppose her she still manages to win there is another ending to which you abide by the daughter's changes and she is thrilled with the end result this is good we actually made a good movie now I understand the path I must Trad yes now I understand the sorry what hush you're drowning her out what are you talking about I hear you I hear you I can see you the book is almost finished it's time to end it now to destroy her once and for all see you in hell hell is closer than you think you always believed that words have the power to set free and you were right I think you should stay here no no no no no no no forever trapped in the lighthouse forced by the queen of rats to continue her writing the queen watches over all the creatives forever never really leaving but there is nothing for the writer to do now than to finish the final story The final note very first memory is that of hitting a piano key my small chubby finger the cold smooth Ivory under my skin and then acceleration pure joy as I heard the immediate response to my action the sound that appeared just because I pressed that key I'm not going to let it go I won't be imprisoned [Music] you mustn't give up you had everything any of us ever wanted you still do your talent your marriage your daughter neither of these went away the only thing the Flames changed was you you have power over yourself live your life reclaim it don't let your body be your cage a comforting note from a friend this one being beatric gispie a talented upand cominging writer she knows the situation of her life and a kind word never goes astray hush now my baby I'll tell you a tale there was a man whose world wasn't pale there was a woman who made the world sing and they found love the most beautiful thing after some time they had a child that brought light to their life a lot of light she loved her parents her dogs and her toys and even daddy wasn't mad at her noise then one day there was a fire it took from Mommy all her desires she didn't know what to do with her life and then she found a very sharp knife is this how I looked a jarring thing it must be scarred from an accident unable to look the way that you once did and the constant reminder from your husband of what is no more the pain was debilitating the morphine was not enough not to mention the bandages just another way for them to bind her just like the shackles take it away I can't look at it and don't try to bind me again all this house has ever felt like since the accident is a prison Bound by the walls and doors she can't get out go on like this I need to break [Music] free if the finger you put it on has been deformed destroyed does the marriage even stand a chance does he still love her the same or does he love his art more his paintings of her today a lock jammed in the bedroom door I started screaming begging anyone to open it was a good half hour before a maid showed up I don't understand I locked the door in the house all the time but something about being in a room I couldn't leave was just [Music] unbearable I can't breathe in [Music] here [Music] he enjoys this keeping her here it's obvious what he's doing and she isn't going to let him get away with it I know it now I'm measured my room is shrinking every day he paints it at night and every morning the walls are this much closer my prison grows smaller every day the painting is so Bland that you have to focus to see that it's even there looks like the work of a person afraid to change his surroundings someone who's resigned and isn't willing to put himself out there who hates to see even his loved ones out and about and free a man who will imprison his family just to stop them from getting better than him her Brewing hat of him can only be overcome by her love of Music whatever you say about this place it had great [Music] Acoustics I could move Souls I could do anything I wanted with them if I had them listening this here it was my place of [Music] power [Music] [Music] [Music] she couldn't play of course but her dreams about music were something to behold it [Music] hurts I'm so sorry God I just want it to stop it will we'll look for help everything will be all right no I I Don't Want More Strangers to see me like this but I can't do this alone I'm not a doctor there's my work there's our daughter there's too much for one person please darling we need help there's more than one person I will look after myself I am strong enough you know me I will power through it the body is unable to do as the Mind wants she is still a talented player she deserves another shot are you insane you can barely write you can't be planning solo piano concerts and you shouldn't be surprised nobody wants to talk to you about that this is crazy even for you if you keep going on like this you'll hurt yourself keep to your writing for now and when you send a letter that is actually legible you can I think try to practice playing again he doesn't understand what it's like for her to be in her situation every dream she had vanished in that fire now she's left chained to her bed and this house I have a responsibility there is a child who needs you I understand this is hard I I understand that you're in pain but you are a mother for God's sake there's almost nothing left of her now but the sadness the sadness Remains the rat Queen watches over every creative closely digging her claws ever deeper when I had Sebastian I thought I will be the best mother to ever walk the earth and it almost killed me with Margaret I give myself more space to breathe to be myself I am happier for that and the children seem to be happier too honey wait for me not so fast wait for Mommy [Music] when in darkness try to remember that you have a daughter you brought her into this world and she needs you be strong for her if not for yourself they tried to play but it was insane to caress a child with hands bound with [Music] chain come on sweetie you know Mommy can't go down there with you there is still much her daughter needs to learn to understand about the world she's only getting older and it's probably best she gets messages from her [Music] mother [Music] ah unable to play with her daughter and a husband that locks himself away every day in a painting room of his she can't get out I need to do more if they see me playing a Sonata they they won't lock me up such a delicious despair you can feel it can't you everything in my life is Tainted now soaked in ever moving Shadows the Flames cast on me they surround the cell I'm locked in and there seems to be no Escape yesterday I played with our daughter for a while she was a bit shy at first but then she loosened a bit started to laugh and dance I felt the happiness coming it it was just at the door and then like a guard in a prison feeling that I might just catch a glimpse of Freedom the pain came I saw the fear in her eyes in her mind I must be a mimed Monster haunting her worst nightmares lost in dispair unable to find a purpose she struggles to get out of bed not seeing the point in eating or even talking the doctor said that he can't take her back to how she once was now she is left trapped in this prison that they call a body and without her Talent what can she bring to this world pathetic you weakling you claim that you're perfect nothing would hurt you if it were the truth Perfection is Incorruptible eternal proud look at you chasing me around like a fool what even am I to you my true self I am perfect nothing can hurt me this is just a test and I'm passing it everything is fine a mind shattering into a million pieces memories filled with pain everything burnt like the walls in the [Music] [Music] fire [Music] from what you WR this whole situation is very hard for your child maybe you should spend less time with her I know it's painful but I believe it will be for the best you won't need [Music] time [Music] sometimes I think she changed too much that this is not the person I loved that this is not a person I could ever [Music] love [Music] Perfection to call yourself an artist a musician a woman in her many roles Muse wife mother to call yourself anything you need to at least strive for Perfection I didn't strive I achieved [Music] it and then it was taken from me forever locked outside of the cage that was my life I will not accept it I am no one I am nothing if not [Music] perfect why am I so cold why is it so silent [Music] a tragic story and in some ways you could say the most tragic of all and with the ending of the final note the book is complete the writer has completed her work and is now required to continue her writing on behalf of the Rat Queen and that also concludes the entire story of layers of fear once again a huge thank you to blueba team for sending me a code for the game it was an absolute treat creating the video and also a huge thank you to you for watching the video if you've watched the whole thing firstly you're insane and awesome but write in the comments down below long live the rat Queen so I know I tried a very different approach with this video to attempt to the best of my ability anyway to capture the amazing atmosphere and world that lers of fear has not to mention one of my favorite game soundtracks that I have ever heard uh remember to like the video If you enjoyed as it helps us out a heap and of course subscribe as we will be making much more L content in the future thanks again guys until next time [Music] peace
Channel: Green Links
Views: 99,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: story explained, ending explained, green links, Layers of Fear Story Explained, the entire story of layers of fear, layers of fear 2, layers of fear inheritance, layers of fear last note, layers of fear dlc, layers of fear actor, layers of fear ending explained, layers of fear rat queen, layers of fear explained, layers of fear remake explained, layers of fear 2023, scary game explained, Layers of Fear explained, layers of fear retrospective, layers of fear 2 retrospective
Id: y_ISR9lN0D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 58sec (11878 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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