Hogwarts Legacy - Complete Story & Lore Explained

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school of Hogwarts has even more stories to tell in 2023 with the release of Hogwarts Legacy from Porky games set roughly a hundred years before Harry Potter was born but before we get underway I do have to say that due to some minor choices that you can make throughout the story with your character there is a chance that small elements of the story or endings of certain characters story arcs might be a little bit different depending on the choices that the player makes throughout the game while I don't think it makes any significant changes it's definitely worth noting but let's waste no time and get straight into the breakdown we start off with our main character and what I presume is London we're speaking to one of the professors from Hogwarts named Professor fig he has been helping us study and learn to spell craft prior to the school's terms starting he mentioned how he has never seen anybody take so quickly to a secondhand one and acknowledges that we will be a force to be reckoned with once we get our own wand while thanking Professor fig a man appears named George ozric George is a friend of Professor figs and will be joining us on on the way to Hogwarts to discuss an undisclosed message that Professor fig mentioned via our Outpost when we take off in the carriage you might notice that there is nothing actually pulling it now this is a world that consists of magic but there is a critical reason of why this is the case but I will come back to that in a moment also this guy does some exorcism crap after watching his take off and it legitimately gave me a fright when I saw it for the first time after being formally introduced we learned that we were actually starting Hogwarts for the very first time as a fifth year Professor fig mentions how nobody has heard of anyone being amended to Hogwarts so late George shows us a newspaper article about a goblin named Ren rock it mentions a goblin Rebellion George believes that ramrock poses a serious threat but his colleagues at the ministry this being the ministry of magic don't agree that he poses any risk he mentions that Professor figg's wife was the one that alerted him to ranrock's activities months ago this surprises fig and we learned that his wife Miriam died after writing to the ministry to see if they knew what was going on before George had a chance to respond he received an item in the post from Miriam they believed that she sent the item in haste to keep it safe from renrock and his gobliny friends George mentions how he would be absolutely horrible at Escape rooms since he has no idea how to open the damn thing fig also mentions that it's made from Goblin metal and our main character asked what the glow is on it and the surprise is freaking George since neither of them can actually see the glow on the item once placed in our hands it opens up revealing a port key holy Christ Almighty so yeah rest in peace to George and as you can probably see this is not looking particularly great for our main two characters as this character is now on half load we get a shot of us looking towards the front of the carriage and we can actually now see that these horseback creatures are beginning to appear revealing exactly what was causing the carriage to fly now this is a cool little Easter egg that we find out later in the game as you explore the world but essentially these creatures are what are called thestrals they're considered bad Omens by many due to the fact that you can only see them if you've witnessed death at some point in your life that was the reason that we were not able to see them earlier it was only George's death that allows us to actually see these things now we jump out of the carriage but Professor fig is able to save us when the portkey conveniently teleports us to safety before we fall to our death figure also mentions how the dragon attack was unusual since a normal Dragon would never think to attack a flying Carriage like that we spot some ruins in the distance as figs tells us how he believes that his wife Miriam and now George have died in the pursuit of whatever the poor kid leads to so for whatever reason we decide to pursue what the key leads to sure why not during our evening jog we'll learn that Miriam has spent years searching for evidence of this long forgotten form of ancient magic something that was said to be wielded by a rare few but has since been lost the time but also mentions that Hogwarts itself was constructed by the very same magic and that there has to be a connection between the portkey and the ancient magic that she was researching we see a very fancy mural that suggests that the person that resided in these ruins was possibly a Seer I mean he even has a statue of himself what an eager we see a war with a similar symbol that we saw on the port key our character mentions how he can see the room on the other side but Professor fig mentions that he can't actually see anything after touching the symbol it causes the two of them to change locations completely we see a goblin having a nice snooze on his books it turns out that he is a goblin banker and he is really surprised by the fact that there are actually people out there wanting to use the bank he welcomes us to gringott's Wizarding bank and presumes that we're here for Vault 12 and request to see the key we go on what could quite possibly be the sickest roller coaster ride ever and an interesting point is mentioned as fake asked the goblin Banker of private entrances for vaults are common in Gringotts the bank of mentions have a actually very rare and whoever organized this is either very powerful or very wealthy on our way we speak to a goblin guard that has an armband that oddly resembles the collar that the dragon was wearing earlier that destroyed the carriage very ominous indeed once we reach Vault 12 the banker mentions that the station has actually been manned for hundreds of years and Vault 12 has never actually been visited until today he proceeds to close the door behind us since the instructions that were given to him would leave the people inside the Vault we open it up and we are left inside of a dark room fig believes that this is likely a test and to stay on guard we do a bunch of puzzles and some very unfriendly nights begin to attack us but we make short work of them before we are separated from Professor fig we managed to find offensive and Professor fig a pensive allows a person to view the memories of other people which is exactly what we do we see there's a large bearded gentleman named Percival Rackham and his colleague Charles Rookwood building the Very Room that we're currently standing in Charles is concerned that the trial that they have created may be too difficult for anybody to follow but Rackham assures him that it's only impossible for somebody that cannot see traces of ancient magic as he can they mentioned that they will be entrusting whoever can pass their trials with Powerful Secrets and knowledge that many will do anything to obtain but reckon mentions that they can pass the trial then they have actually proven themselves worthy of that information and the responsibility that accompanies it fig realizes that our character is seeing the very ancient magic that Miriam believe existed but could never actually prove and that we're likely the key to understanding exactly what it is all of a sudden we're interrupted by this terrifying bloke I mean look at the fit on him he looks like he has freaking legendary armor on for God's sake anyway this is Ren Rock the same Goblin that we saw in the newspaper earlier leading a goblin Rebellion he mentions how he began to think that nobody would ever visit reckon's Vault and tells us to hand over whatever we've found and then we can all go our separate ways the banker reminds him that the contents of the Vault belongs to us since we had the key Round Rock proceeds to hit a critical and completely destroys our Goblin Banker friend I feel since we have already seen two people get absolutely wrecked this is probably going to be a reoccurring thing throughout the story pigtails were in rock no sharesies and tries to get a critical hit of his own it fails pretty miserably before another Knight pops out and decides to join in on the battle in the middle of the chaos we see a secret door and ultimately Escape fig mentions how he has never seen a goblin so strong and reminds us that this is indeed a Harry Potter game and we should probably get to Hogwarts before we mistake this game for Uncharted 5 with magic it's time for the Sorting ceremony and it turns out that we're late we get into school uniform as fig mentions to us that he needs more time to study the locket and he also needs to notify the ministry of George's death and ranrock he asks us to keep everything that happened today a secret from everyone else until we gather more information we agree the Headmaster noticed us peeking in and mentions how we've missed the Sorting ceremony he's not entirely happy with any of the excuses that we give him but regardless we're allowed to get sorted now this is something that will change depending on who you are so it's not a universal thing since you can realistically join any of the four houses but in regards to the main overarching story the differences in minuscule dialogue pieces and they don't really change too much for what it's worth we got sorted into Slytherin so for the remainder of the video I hope you enjoy your stay in the slipperiest and slimiest House of Hogwarts Professor black mentions that due to an injury in last Spring's final quidditch has been canceled for the year I don't know if this is so Porky games didn't have to design an entire quidditch minigame but regardless no quitter heathens we're introduced to Professor Weasley yes that Weasley family as she shows us to our common room we have an awesome snake door and essentially sleep in the sewers of Hogwarts we wake up pristine and ready for our very first day of Hogwarts we decide to introduce ourselves to some of our Slytherin classmates the first being Sebastian sallow he congratulates us on our escape from the dragon and mentions that not every spell that you might need can be found in the Hogwarts assigned textbooks the other important character we meet is a student named ominous gaunt he is blind and mentions that if we need anything to let him know we also find out that his family a direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin one of the four founding members of Hogwarts and the house slytherin's namesake he's not particularly proud of that fact since Salazar was obsessed with blood status he was a blood pure Maniac as he puts it and mentions that most of his descendants share the same views as Salazar we leave to speak to Professor Weasley who mentions that in light of our unique situation starting Hogwarts in our fifth year we will need to play catch-up with our classmates so we don't fall behind since we will be expected to finish our owls at the end of the year it stands for ordinary Wizarding level exams look it's a school's end-of-year exams how you do will determine what you can do when you leave Hogwarts she proceeds to give us a tour of Hogwarts and mentions that we are expected to attend both classes for charms and defense against the dark arts today and if we need any supplies we can also head over togsmeade to get them more on that town a little bit later Professor fig pops up and mentions how well we've progressed during the pre-term and that we have a rare aptitude for Magic once Weasley leaves to teach her class fig pulls us aside to mention that since we have this rare gift of being able to see and harness this ancient magic it obligates us to be well trained so no ditching class we waste no time and head to the defense against the magic dark art classes since it sounds cool as hell Sebastian and a Gryffindor shouldn't are trading blows in a duel in a skull of a creature almost falls on the head of the Gryffindor student thankfully Professor hickey saves him and gives him a quick breakdown of what the creature was she mentions that she single-handedly took out the largest poaching ring in eastern Wales she also goes on to explain that she'll be teaching us levioso and demonstrates to the Gryffindor student after he gets a little bit Livy she tossed the class with levitating a feather before asking if you want to have a doll so we get matched up against Sebastian now I don't mean to toot my own horn here but Sebastian gets embarrassed about yours truly he later compliments us on our battling abilities and mentions how if we want to get the most out of our time here at Hogwarts we will need to break the rules now and then like breaking into the Restricted Section of Hogwarts Library for example we head over to charms class it's here where we meet our new student from house Gryffindor named Nats ionai not to mention Professor Ronan who is a bubbly an enthusiastic teacher and Professor Ronan mentions that we are a very quick learner and if we keep it up we might just be able to catch up to netsai suggesting that she is leading the class in charms she mentions that it took her weeks to get anything right when she first transferred to Hogwarts and that she was originally from wagadu and that her mother teaches the Divination class here at Hogwarts when asked about where gonna do next I mentions that it's the largest Wizarding School in the world even bigger than Hogwarts and that it unlike Hogwarts which is a castle what could do was called the mountain of the moon since it's actually an edifice carved out of the Mountainside an interesting difference between wagadu and Hogwarts is the fact that in wagadu hardly anybody uses wants they instead cast one less magic but netsai has grown to enjoy her wand due to it being very dramatic after various puzzle solvings mathematical doors and ghost hijinks we head back towards Professor Wesley's classroom she mentions that she has asked each of our professors to give us extra assignments yay she also mentions that Hogwarts will be replacing the supplies that we lost on our way here due to the whole dragon attack and that the replacement seeds potion recipes spell crafts need to be picked up from hogsmeade and not to mention that we can also drop by Mr ollivander's store in order to receive our very own wand instead of using the second hand one that we were given and been using up until now she says that the magic that you cast with your own wonders far superior and that it would seem appropriate to have another classmate show us around Hog's meat since it is actually just our first time here we have a choice between natsai or Sebastian and for the purpose of this Quest I asked natsai to join us Weasley mentions that natsai will keep us well clear of Victor rookwood's undesirables stating that Rookwood is an unsavory local and to avoid him and his associates if we can including his right hand man Theophilus Harlow there's a very hard name to say we made up with that sign head towards hogmead on our way we meet Mr Moon the Hogwarts caretaker it seems Mr moon has had one too many butter beers and has completely hammered he mumbles a bunch but doesn't actually mention much of note but since it's a funny interaction I thought I would include it we're Hogwarts and we are left to our own devices to explore the town and get supplies there is a whole bunch of wacky stuff going on in hogsmead but once we receive our seeds and spells we head to ollivanders for our wand once we actually meet him he mentions that he has been expecting us since Hogwarts had sent him an hour to prepare for our arrival he mentions how his family the ollivanders are the world's finest one makers he began searching and gives us a one to try after some performance issues he mentions that some ones are not very good matches with particular wizards but eventually we do get our wand you ultimately get to customize how you want your wand to be but for the sake of the video if you are interested we went with a ringed wand style we kept the color dark brown we used Redwood for the wood it's 12 and three quarters inches and it's solid as it gets for the one's magical core we decided on a dragon heartstring we meet back up with Neddy in the town circle when this big old boy comes wandering in thankfully The Wizarding police are here to save the day oh no never mind there's the second one after some questionable fighting we managed to get the upper hand Ruth singer The Wizarding cop from before thanks us for helping out and mentions how impressed she is by the fact that we managed to sort out an entire troll on our own before tasking us with repairing the damage caused by the trolls with a spell named reperio afterwards we head to the three broomsticks for a much deserved butter beer but noticing a secret meeting down the stairs turns out it's our old Power ran Rock and Victor Rookwood Rand Rock mentions how Victor mentioned how he would get the child for him and all he needed was a distraction uh the child is Us by the way suggesting that the troll attack from earlier was actually ran rocks doing Victor is surprised how this mere child managed to take down one of Rand Rock's trolls and there must be more to this than Round Rock is leading on after we get spotted we head straight to the three broomsticks we meet sirona Ryan the bartender and the owner of the establishment Rookwood and Harlow make their way into the three brooms sticks is Serena confronts them Victor says that there's nothing that needs to happen since he's only here for us Cerner tells him that he needs to leave because we're enjoying our butter beer he reluctantly agrees and mentions how we can't drink butterbeer forever and that our time will eventually come afterwards sirona warns us that Rookwood and Harlow are worse than any troll that we might encounter and to watch our backs this understandably gets netside quite curious as to why all of this is happening and what Rookwood and Harlow's interest in us would all be about we mentioned that it's probably not the best time to be speaking about this and we begin our walk back to Hogwarts once we do arrive back we get a message from Professor figs saying that he has discovered something in the locket and to come and see him in the classroom once we get there we see that Professor fig is disappearing before our very eyes joking aside I apologize for the graphical tearing here it is literally the only part of the game where it does this for me but regardless Professor fig says that he's heard of the troll attack and we say how the trolls were wearing armor that glowed very similar to the dragon collar and the Goblin guards armband fig says that well it's Goblin silver likely what ranrock used to control the dragon and the trolls he goes on to say that randrock in the dark Wizards are after us and they want what we found in the vault he mentions how he actually discovered an inscription on the locket and when he reads it aloud a map appears specifically a map of Hogwarts but he's not sure where it leads it isn't until our character looks at the map that we can actually see traces of ancient magic circling an area that is the Hogwarts Library to be specific the Restricted Section fig believes it's too early to follow this leap since the troll attack and now the knowledge that ranrock has followed us to hogsmead we should probably spend a little bit more time with professor heckett and learn more about combating dark Wizards and their spells before continuing once we arrive back air Professor hacketts we learn incendio so we can burn obstacles and our enemies a sort of training montage later we head back to Professor fig with our newly learned spell and dark magic defensive drills under our belt as we start to come up with a plan to get into the Restricted Section the Headmaster barges into the room he asked fig to join him on a task immediately and that anything that we had planned can wait till afterwards with fig down indisposed we remember a certain person mentioning sneaking into the Restricted Section of the library earlier Sebastian so we take the initiative and we decided to go and get the book our own way we Tracked Down Sebastian and we mentioned to him that we need to get into the Restricted Section he is just sort of up for the challenge and agrees to it almost immediately I mean I expect a little bit more pushback here but sure why not we went until night time and Sebastian teaches us a spell named disillusionment it's essentially a spell that allows us to reflect light making us semi-invisible as long as we don't get too close to people we sneak past some students and we get ourselves into the library however the librarian is actually still wandering around which poses some serious issues Sebastian creates a distraction so we can get the key to the Restricted Section and unlock the door we ask what Sebastian has been looking for in this place as he mentions that he is trying to find a cure for his twin sister and so she can return back to Hogwarts and that everybody else has given up on her we head downstairs when the Hogwarts Poltergeist peeves pops out of nowhere now this dude might be the most annoying POS in this place but one of the things he loves other than pranking the students or harassing them is while telling on them he starts chanting that he's going to tell and he's to tell the librarian Sebastian tells us to keep going and that he will head back to deal with the librarian and peeves we managed to find some traces of ancient magic and it opens up a portal that takes us to a brand new empty chamber after some trials we find a book above another pensive it drops another memory that we can view we see reckham Rookwood and two others in a small Hamlet a young family are trying to get water from a well but it's all dried up Rackham casts a spell that makes rain and flowers begin to appear turning this once dying Village into a rich environment for them all to live this young girl takes notice of requiem as the young boy is seen coughing along with a walking stick meaning that he could be quite ill it fast forwards to a young student named Isadora morgenark meeting with reckerman his associates including the hid Mistress of Hogwarts at the time Professor Fitzgerald we learned that she is adjusting well to Hogwarts after joining as a fifth year reckon mentions that he was also admitted to Hogwarts as a fifth year and that he has not heard of any other like them a clear connection to our main character Rookwood mentions how Isadora has been asking questions about the soils that she saw years ago when they visited her Hamlet she thanks them for all that they did meaning that Isadora is actually the same little girl that we saw earlier she mentions that she saw swirls of magic everywhere that day and that her father suggested that there was just her Imagination Running Wild since he couldn't actually see it it turns out that Isadora can see traces of ancient magic just like Percival Rackham and that before today they thought he was the only person that could see it this makes Isadora curious and she begins asking that if she can see it does it also mean that she can wield it as well Rakim insists that it requires proper training and before he can even consider teaching her she must first master all that Hogwarts has to offer Fitzgerald claims that the magic this powerful and the wrong hands can cause great harm so it should only be wielded by a very select few once we are done with our memory TV we head back into the library and see Sebastian being told off by the librarian peeves absolutely loving every second of it after being pressed about if there is actually another person with him today since peeves mentioned that there were two people Sebastian insists that it was only him and as left with a warning we get back to Professor fig as he is informing Professor sharp of Rookwood working with goblins we let fig know that we managed to get the book from the Restricted Section and he asked to view the book himself as it turns out there are a few pages missing from the book and he believes that whatever is missing from the book is likely connected to the memories that we found he says that he will take the book with him to London as he needs to speak to the ministry directly about George's death by the order of the hid master and to keep up our studies in one work after a night's sleep we head to our brand new class herbology this is where we meet Professor garlic and are taught about various magical Flora that inhabit the world we learn about Mandrake for example and how a fully grown one can make a person go deaf but luckily these are only baby mandrakes Professor garlic tells us that Gryffindor member Leander Pruitt will actually show us how to use a chomping cabbage a literal cabbage that bites people go figure our next class is potions which is headed by Professor sharp the same Professor that we saw earlier speaking to Fig were tasked with brewing a potion called a Wigan World potion and not to blow up the entire potions wing of Hogwarts of course he mentions that even a sneeze could be disastrous when brewing a potion Professor sharp gives us a key to his office in order to grab some supplies for the potion since we lost all of ours on the dragon attack this is where we meet Gareth Weasley the nephew Professor Weasley and he us to grab some foyer feathers while we're in Professor Shop's office and he claims to be a budding alchemist that can create amazing potions I accept it because why not as you can see it goes horribly wrong big surprise and after a bit of tongue lashing from Professor sharp we're finally allowed to leave we're receiving our message from that side to meet her in lower hogsfield as she has something to tell us she mentions that seeing the courage that we displayed fighting the trolls and hogsmeade and sirona standing up to Rookwood and Harlow has inspired her to make her own stand and that people like Rookwood and Harlow are the reason that her mother and her left Uganda she mentions that she will watch and listen to find out what they have in store and we'll get back to us later with some more information on our way back to Hogwarts we find a secret message from a house elf named scrope that says that he knows about the book that we found and the missing pages within it he asks us to meet him in secret to discuss details once we find the secret spot company appears and introduces himself as the personal herself of Headmaster black and says that he has been serving the black family for years scrope says that he will give us the details about the book but in return we cannot mention this to anybody especially the Headmaster he mentions that his former Master Apollonia black was a student at Hogwarts 50 years ago before she died she spoke of some of the pages ripped of the book and the scrote believed that she actually took them to a private Grotto and the reason script wants to help us is that he also believes that there is a treasured black family ring inside The Grotto and he wants to give it to the Headmaster and due to apollonia's forbidding scrope from entering The Grotto he wants to honor her wishes now you might have noticed that old scrope here is looking a little bit worse for wear an entire ear missing in fact when asked about it he mentioned how the black family has a tradition of taking the heads off their house elves when they no longer required and one day Apollonia was so angry she got a little bit too eager with a Cleaver on scope but eventually scrope was able to talk your way out of killing him and by that stage he had already lost the near some frogs try to stop us from getting to The Grotto but we find a wall with a giant squid drawing on it scrape told us in order to get in that we needed to place a piece of toast on the pillar apparently squids like toast uh look I don't know but that drawing eats the [ __ ] out of that toast it inside we meet a headless ghost named Richard Jackson he was a student at Hogwarts about a century ago and when asked about the ring Richard explains that he sold that ring a very long time ago and that he also stole a bunch of trousers just to impress Apollonia but it never worked he goes on to explain that he pilfered a secret map from peeves that was ripped from some pages in a book but even that failed to impress her we ask him for the ripped Pages back but he explains that when Apollonia didn't respond favorably to the map itself perhaps whatever it led to would be more intriguing to her he goes on to explain that he followed it to what he believed was an enchanted cave and once he was in there well he was killed so we head out straight away with his new information no pun intended to the location described by Richard he joins us there to escort us to the entrance of this cave but explains that he's a little bit reluctant to revisit the location of his death we also get a lovely welcoming party as we attempt to enter the cave from some Rand Rock loyalist assassins that had been following us it doesn't end very well for them but they get an A for effort many puzzles and spiders later we find the remains of Richard jector looking very worse for where might I add and also has two swords where his neck is supposed to be some of the Guardians away from their Slumber and we can realize just how he died I'm not entirely sure why they left the swords there after they killed him possibly rubbing it in but sure after defeating the Guardians we find a room that begins filling with water but due to some form of magic we're protected from drowning and it allows us to continue into a secret chamber once we arrive inside we find a giant room with four canvases on the wall they begin to show an image with Professor Rackham appearing he begins to talk to us at first he's shocked that someone after all this time has actually found his map chamber and he's also shocked that somebody so young was able to do it we explained it much like himself we're able to see traces of ancient Magic he says how our ability allows us to have a rare connection to all magic and to continue our conversation we need to place the book that we found in the library on the pedestal the only issue we sort of left it with Professor fig so we need to go back and retrieve it from him and continue learning what Professor Rackham has to offer we head back to Hogwarts but are intercepted by Sebastian he explains that he managed to weasel out of detention for the incident in the library earlier and he says that he wants to show us something and takes us to a clock at the end of a corridor when opened it reveals a secret room that looks like an old supply room Sebastian explains that ominous gaunt showed it to him years ago and he named it the undercroft and that ominous his sister Anne and himself would play down here all the time during their first few years at Hogwarts and the undercroft comes with a little bit of a caveat Sebastian swore to never tell anybody about the undercroft and asked us to keep this place between us and also not to allow ominous to know that he showed it to us we mentioned that we remember ominous and that we have noticed that he wanders the common room using his wand Sebastian says that he has no idea how ominous does it but he was born blind and not a single spell could reverse it but we also learned that ominous knew about the undercroft's existence from his family and at the gaunt family are full of secrets Sebastian goes on to explain that while ominous has no love for his family he does Treasure the undercroft he then asks why Victor rickwood was after us at the three broomsticks earlier since he was actually there we give a little bit more context behind why since we might need someone to help us in the future we leave the undercroft and are immediately caught by ominous look we're a student all right we're not James Bond after managing to keep our secret for less than probably 60 seconds ominous asks us how we got into the undercroft we attempt to lie and say that we just stumbled upon it but he realizes very quickly that Sebastian told us and explains that if we tell anybody about it not even Professor fig could help us he goes to give Sebastian a mouthful while we head to meet up with Professor Weasley for some extra assignments that she spoke about and an L message we arrive at the location with no professor in sight but a secret door does form on the wall when official ways they arrived she's surprised that we managed to find the door and asked us to enter once we do enter I can only explain this place as a hoarder's wet dream and Weasley asks if we have seen Deke since he was actually going to help us reorganize the room he is her house elf if you're wondering she mentioned how this room is called a room of requirement and that it only appears if somebody is in real need of it occasionally a student might stumble upon it but it happens very rarely we find Dick rummaging around in a box when he introduces himself Weasley mentions how Deke was her friend when she was just a second year at Hogwarts herself and that they found the room of requirement together and after some thought felt that we could possibly benefit from the room like they once did Deke explains how the room is unplodable so it will never show up on any map and that the room will change depending on what the student needs for example a student found a room while needing an extra vial for potions class finding the room completely filled with them but according to Deke we found the room in its room of hidden things form but we mentioned that we need a place where we can focus on school work and assignments without any distractions Deke says that the room can provide that all we have to do is focus on exactly what we said the room begins to transform into this Majestic place now since the story points will be minimal with the room of requirement I will mention that for anyone that doesn't know what it is this is essentially a room that you can completely customize throughout the game you can create potions you can grow herbs and you can design it as you see fit not really story stuff we will be back here but understand that you'll probably see the room change drastically when we show this place again and it's because I'm actually making Renovations in between the quests after settling into our new room we head back to Professor Fig's classroom we begin to explain just how much has happened since we last spoke to him we go through how scrub sent us a message the spider cave and ultimately the fact that we need the book for the secret room under Hogwarts we head down to the map chamber and place the book on the plinth the floor begins to emit small lights that form a complete map including everything from hogsmead Hogwarts and the surrounding area afterwards Professor reckham appears once again and introduces himself to Fig recum is impressed by our ability thus far and explains that the locations of the four trials that await will in time appear on this map the trials were created to test us and to see if we are worthy of the invaluable knowledge that they provide we're also told that we cannot do these trials with any assistance of anybody else they must be done a lot alone he goes on to say that Charles Rookwood from the previous pensive is another one of the keepers a designation they gave themselves centuries before they tasked themselves with keeping the knowledge hidden until somebody worthy of it appeared Professor fig mentions how ranrock attacked us at Gringotts and that ranrock was using a very similar magic to the ancient magic that we possess and the fact that he even knew that the Vault existed could mean that he has more knowledge of these trials or of the secrets that they're trying to keep hidden than we realized this understandably concerns reckon and He suggests that we advance the trials quicker than originally anticipated and Begins the very first trial we walk back to the map and a single Tower is highlighted Professor fig mentions that he knows that Tower and has walked past it numerous times over the years and we agree to meet up once there we noticed something suspicious the entire Tower was thought to be abandoned and is completely overrun by Round Rock loyalists this requires some stealth some quick extermination before we can get in once inside we find a note on the table that says to search the Tower and the surrounding area for anything to do with these names and that what they can find could mean a huge difference for Goblin Kind and we also see that this is written by ranrock with the use of our ancient magic we're able to find a hidden door that leads to the very first trial inside is a variety of puzzles and combat tests that are relatively easy to cope with but in the end we do get a boss that is a little bit spicy but thanks to my 19th century paper boys hat we got the job done we head into the next room and find a gigantic statue of Professor Rackham that drops a single tier into the pensive the tier is more memories this time we see Rackham teaching as Adora how to create things using her ancient magic while she is a student at Hogwarts asadora mentions that her father has been getting worse since the death of her brother the sickly little boy that we saw in the early appensive she mentions the notion of her using her ability to take away her father's pain Rackham states that while it is tempting to use this magic to transfigure more than just the physical world changing human emotion is something that is not to be trifled with and that even the most well-meaning and competent witch or wizard couldn't know the consequences that could come from manipulating it Isadora asks if she is just meant to watch her father in pain while reckon reiterates that her father's pain is not for her to take we fast forward to wreck him speaking to Charles Rookwood when a fully grown-up Isadora Morgan Arc walks into the room and we find out that she is actually now a professor at Hogwarts she is teaching in the defense against the dark arts and tells the other professors that she has much to share with them before the memory ends we arrive back in the map chamber to speak to Rackham when Charles Rookwood appears in the second canvas he tells us that he's impressed with our abilities thus far and explains that after each trial we will receive an invaluable artifact that we have to keep safe we speak to Professor fig and mention the fact that Charles Rookwood shares the name with Victor Rookwood the dark wizard that approached us earlier at the three broomsticks but we decide to keep the information to ourselves for now Professor figs believes that we need to find out more information on what randrock knows and we mentioned how we saw a goblin at the three broomsticks speaking to sirona and we decided to go and speak to sirona to see if we can meet up with them after a solid night's sleep in the Slytherin common room we head outside to peace class we learn about a bunch of local animals and we meet a Hufflepuff student named Poppy Sweden after doing some animal cleaning and feeding we meet up with poppy and she says that she has someone that she would like us to meet turns out that somebody is actually a hippogriff named High Wing we learned that Poppy saved highway from some poachers a few years ago and brought her to safety she also mentions that the poachers have been a real problem in the surrounding area around Hogwarts as she's concerned that the poachers might get to highway again and she won't be there to help we both agree to look into Gathering more information about the poachers but I depart to hogsmeade after a complete change of clothing thanks to some twitch viewers we speak to Sirota and the three broomsticks we ask about the goblin that she was talking to and she says that his name is lodgok and a friend of hers we asked if we could talk to him about Round Rock and she explains that he is actually a metal Trader and does do some work over at the hogshead and that if we're looking for information on ran Rock then lodgok is the right Goblin to ask we head to the hogshead and speak to Lord God initially he doesn't know if he can trust us but we tell him that we're friends with sirona and he agrees to help he speaks of a tale about a witch that stole a sacred Goblin Relic and that it's now residing in her sarcophagus however the only people that can access the tomb Are wizards or witches he explains that he and ran Rock had a falling out and possibly the returning of this Goblin Relic could help repair their relationship in order to get more information from him we head to the tomb and after many puzzles and strange zombies we reach the sarcophagus we find the body of an ashwinder essentially the foot soldier for Victor Rookwood and Harlow and The Relic is missing we head back outside we tell lodgok and he tells us that there is a nearby Ash one the cap that most likely holds the Relic and without it we lose all of our leverage with Round Rock some dead dark whizzes later we return The Relic to lodgok who is happy to see The Relic and is excited to give it to ranrock a few nights rest and study at Hogwarts later I quickly changed into our school uniform again and received a letter from Sebastian inviting us to visit his home and his ill sister as he believes that seeing a new student of Hogwarts might just lift her spirits When we arrive at felcroft we speak to Sebastian he's been looking at this Rookwood castle in the distance he sees that has been taken over by Round Rock Loyalists and that his uncle Solomon the man that takes care of his sister Anne is a former Aura and is unwilling to look into it even though they were responsible for cursing Anne we meet the family in Sebastian shows and a vegetable of some kind and he thinks that this could help cure Anne his uncle immediately removes it and explains to Sebastian that there is nothing that can cure Anne the tension is pretty high in the scene and Sebastian exclaims that they have not tried everything so there is always a chance clearly not a very well-functioning family and begins having some pains so we leave the home and Solomon tells us that they have spoken to nurses and even taken her to Saint mungo's for treatment but nobody can figure out how to lift the curse he insists that his nephew is just ridiculous for not accepting the facts and he needs to move on on we also speak to Anne who feels for her brother but believes that her uncle is actually correct that the curse is unbreakable and Sebastian needs to move on as well she asks us to help him understand that when we speak to Sebastian again he is clearly pretty upset by the interaction that he had with his uncle he believes his uncle has always been angry since his parents died he says that he will also never give up trying to save his sister Anne he takes us to a location nearby where Anne was cursed he explains that they smelt smoke in the middle of the night and when they looked outside they saw Flames coming from the estate and rushed out thinking that somebody could be hurt when she arrived she was face to face with a horde of goblins trying to put out a fire she then Heard a Voice from behind the smoke saying children should be seen not heard and after that she was cursed we mentioned that it's a very unusual response to a child and that they must have been looking for something or there was something that they did not want anybody to see after some searching we find a canvas that has been been burnt during the night that the goblin started the fire we can't make out who it is at the moment but it is important as we walk outside the house we notice a well on a hill overlooking a hamlet the view is familiar since it is actually the exact location that we saw a young Isadora morgenark and her family in the very first pensive we explained to Sebastian about the keepers and the pincers and it becomes increasingly obvious that the canvas was of Isadora and that the home that we're currently in is the one that she grew up in a close look at the home reveals a secret seller full of notes from asadora now I will take some time here to break down the secret notes that you can get some background Insight of how Isadora was thinking and it also helps give some more context but before we do if you're still watching the video at this stage I firstly want to thank you and I really do hope that the video has been enjoyable and informative but write down in the comments uh memory so let me know that you've made it this far and if you could drop a like on the video it would mean a lot in helping support the channel so we can make more videos like this in the future on other games anyway let's break down these letters and her first journal entry is Zadora speaks of a plague that has ravaged her Village she saw a man that she compares to her father that recently lost a child and wishes that she can give him some peace she begins to think that everybody is wrong and since she has the power to help these people there is no reason not to try and take away their torment the second entry continues to show the conflict between listening to her peers and mentors and then her will to heal people that are suffering she speaks of the idea of continuing her research before doing anything that feels that it's pointless since she could actually be doing something right now we head back and speak to Sebastian explain that we can see the undercro from a mirror in the house and that possibly we could even travel straight back to Hogwarts from here however when we do arrive back at the undercroft uh wall changes and a triptych appears we pick up a note that has a bunch of keeper symbols Sebastian thinks that there's a connection to the goblin searching a Keeper's old home and possibly Anne being cursed by ancient magic we mentioned that we didn't see any traces around it so that is actually very unlikely he goes on to agree but won't completely rule it out yet and mentions that Salazar Slytherin has a secret scriptorium in Hogwarts and he says that they just learned about it and will look more into it we receive an L from Nats ionai asking us to meet her at felbarton Castle she says that she was doing some investigating to find out what Harlow was up to and followed him to the hogshead in hogsmead she saw him reading a letter that was sealed by Victor rickwood she believes that that letter is a tangible proof that officer singer needs to be able to arrest him and she wants to go to the castle and attempt to retrieve it after some sneaking around we find some ashwinders trying to contain a hippogriff it turns that this is high Wing the same hippogriff that Poppy introduced us to earlier we decided to change plan we will rescue High wing while netside will focus on collecting the evidence a few dark Wizards later we find high wing and make a quick Escape once we get a safe distance away netside mentions that she managed to get a letter and describes that Rookwood is looking for a phoenix and some other poacher goodies she plans to take it to officer singer before we part ways it's about time to make our way back to the map chamber room and fill the keepers in on all the details that we found at this adora's home we also hear from Charles Rookwood that his trial is located in his own home Rookwood Castle we inform him that his descendant Victor is currently living there and is a dark wizard he goes on to say that the Rookwood Castle was home to a dangerous magic that cannot fall into the wrong hands and urges us to go there immediately to fight his canvas that urgency however falls on deaf ears as we head over to the Slytherin dorm room to meet up with Sebastian as he begins to believe that there is more information on the secret chamber for Salazar Slytherin he believes that whatever is in that chamber could hold the key to saving Anne what were their ominous explains that we shouldn't be attempting to go into the chamber since it's likely full of dark magic that is best remained untouched he explains that his favorite aunt knocked to a gaunt like himself did not agree with the family's use of dark magic she wanted to prove to her family that there was more to Salazar Slytherin than just his pure blood worshiping status she was responsible for finding the location of the scriptorium and told ominous father about its existence and location via letters but one day she just completely stopped and vanished nobody else ever tried to enter Salazar scriptorium ominous is of the opinion that his aunt knocked tour went down this path with good intentions and still lost her life and he does not want that to happen again we tell him that we could get some valuable information on what happened to his aunt as well as something that we used to help in plus we would all be working together unlike his aunt he reluctantly agrees and we inform Sebastian before heading inside we find a note from knock to a gaun explaining that she has written to her brother and explained how to access the entrance of the corridor she hopes he will follow her lead and that they can study their ancestor together we find a puzzle that requires the use of parcel mouth essentially the ability to talk to snakes as it turns out ominous possesses this ability due to the fact that all parcel mouths are descended from Salazar Slytherin he also mentions that the ability is closely associated with dark Wizards so he's not particularly proud of it with his help we managed to get through the door and progress down the tunnels until we come across the door with some dark magic around it the door behind us closes and next to the door there is a skeleton with a note it turns out that this is knocked to a gaunt as she mentions in her note that she was locked in and heard a scream from the door The Only Way Forward is to use an unforgivable curse but due to the fact that she was alone she was unable to cast it on anybody she worries that her brother will come searching for her and share her fate we explain this to ominous and the fact that we have to use this crucius curse in order to continue we learn more about a story that when ominous was very young his family forced him to cast curses on others to cause pain ominous hated this and eventually he refused to do it at all resulting in his father casting it on him instead the pain was so bad that he begun to cast on others again but has since given up on dark magic because he knows the pain that it causes others and his family ultimately he is completely unwilling to cast The Curse Sebastian offers to do it since without it we will likely be stuck down here forever we have Sebastian cast the curse on us and we proceed through the door we find a notebook that belonged to Salazar Slytherin accompanied by a note Salazar mentions how he cannot persuade any of the other founding members to listen to him he felt that possibly godric Gryffindor the namesake for house Gryffindor would agree with him but to no avail he believed strongly that only a pure blood should be worthy of being a witch or a wizard he intends to allow his ancestors to continue his journey of bringing Hogwarts back to the vision that he felt that it should be we leave a room and ominous asks us to stop engaging in anything dark magic after this moment Sebastian reluctantly agrees and apologizes for his aunt's death ominous is just happy to know what happened to her we head to Rookwood Castle to meet with Professor fig he mentions how the goblins and the ash winders are working together but it's not a friendly Alliance we managed to spot ran Rock and Victor Rookwood having a discussion rainrock wants the child and Victor is blaming ranrock for not being able to retrieve the container that he works months trying to track the container by the way is the port key and we all know that randrock is behind the dragon attack on the character to the beginning of the game Brad Rock wants stores of magic as he uses it to gain power for himself but Victor eventually gives in we continue to make our way into the castle and find the glowing source of power that randrock mentioned thankfully not far away we find Charles rookwood's canvas and describe the situation to him he sends us on the next trial and we get to work a bunch of puzzles and a boss fight later we arrive at a giant statue of Charles along with a pence of memory we see the keepers arriving at isadora's home at the Hamlet as it appears she has invited them all for dinner she asked them all to take a seat and she retrieves her father for a demonstration she mentions how her father has not spoken a single word since her brother died and that during her travel she confirmed that she has the ability to take away pain so she does just that she takes away his pain and understandably recommend the other keepers are concerned about what they just saw he is concerned that this could have a greater consequence but Isadora doesn't believe him her Father which is important to mention also speaks for the very first time thanking her before the memory ends We Begin speaking to the keepers in the map chamber when the third keeper appears this time the former head Mistress of Hogwarts knife Fitzgerald she begins to prepare for the third trial while we are tasked to continue to hone our magic in the meantime from Rackham after a cold sleep in Hogwarts Castle we enter winter within the game as we head out to meet with natsai she is information that a man named Mr Bickel has evidence against Harlow and we need to go and have a chat with him we speak to his wife and she tells us that her husband has been killed and that her son has been taken captive she mentions that her husband looked into Harlow's dealings and discovered exactly what he was up to we immediately head out looking for her son Archie at a fort that he created down the road when we arrived the place has been ransacked but we do manage to find a bag nearby using a tracking spell we managed to follow his footsteps until we spot some festivals it's at this moment that we find out that natsai can also see the thestrals she tells us that she witnessed her father's death when she was only nine years old and has since been able to see them we managed to track down the ash winder's tent and after doing some exploring we do find Archie in a cage we managed to return Archie to his mother at his house and Joanna Bickel mentions that Harlow has things over some of the vehicle's friends netsai leaves to find out more information on bickle's Friends while we head back to the undercroft to speak to Sebastian about the book that we discovered Sebastian mentions that Salazar encouraged teaching dark magic at Hogwarts including even the killing curse the book also references a lost Relic that can guard the owner the power to reverse dark magic curses Sebastian believes that this can be the key to saving Anne and asks us not to mention it to ominous but in an interesting twist ominous was secretly hiding and heard everything an argument ensues and we speak to ominous afterwards he says that Sebastian is a reckless as his parents were years ago apparently that's how they died they were researching some books at a library when a defect with a lamp caused the room to fill with an undetectable toxin ominous feels that he's already lost Anne and he is not willing to lose Sebastian too and he pleaded with us to stop him from doing anything to do with the Spellbook it's actually not long after this that Sebastian asked us to meet him at a catacomb we reach him and he mentions that a student of Salazar stumbled upon the Relic while studying a psychophagi in the catacomb we deal with more spiders than I ever want to see again in my entire lifetime and we managed to find the psychophagi on the top there is a diagram of a relic mixed with a note from a student mentioning that The Relic requires a sacrifice to unleash the relic's true potential it also turns out that ominus was following us through the tomb the entire time he pleads with Sebastian to leave The Relic behind as he will not allow him to leave with it Sebastian threatens ominous stating that he's not afraid of a fight but we do manage to speak both of them down and ominous asks us to keep a close eye on Sebastian and not to allow him to use the Relic at any cost we make our way back to feldcraft to find Solomon and Anne fighting back against an entire wave of goblins we immediately jump in to help while Ann falls down in pain we see a straight Goblin look to Ambush and while she's defenseless smashing car's empiro another unforgivable curse that allows you to take over the brain and the actions of your enemy he dispatches the goblin but Solomon was able to notice the fact that Sebastian had used a forbidden curse he tells him that his father would be ashamed of him and that he should stay away from Anne from this point on Sebastian doesn't understand that since he was only helping his sister she would have died without his intervention unforgivable curse or not when speaking to Solomon he mentions that using unforgivable curses is inexcusable and if he finds out that either of us are using dark magic again he will notify Headmaster black immediately to have us expel from Hogwarts we then head back to Hogwarts and take another nap in the Slytherin sewer that we call a dorm room we head towards the Divination classroom in the morning where natsai asks us to join her as she was about to get a mouthful from her mother for investigating the poachers When we arrive we hear Professor onai mention that there were reports of an unusual creature spotted near hogsmeade she mentions that officer singer sent her an hour explaining that size actions with the poachers once Professor onai leaves natsai admits that the unusual creature near hogsmead was actually her she's an animagus somebody that has the ability to transform into an animal something that is not taught at Hogwarts she apparently uses her gazelle form to wander around and gather information without suspicion but does reiterate that she will not give up her fight against Rookwood and Harlow and believes that she is doing the right thing despite her mother's worry about her well-being we've been summoned also by ludgog who requires somebody that can speak gobbledygook the language of the Goblins we meet a character called emit earlier in a smaller side quest that mentions that he's able to do this so we go to meet him it and ask if he is willing to join us in going into a goblin mine he agrees and goes straight there lodgok is waiting at the mine and explains that presenting The Relic to rangoc did not work out the way that he had hoped due to the fact that he knew the details Around The Relic being plundered he guessed that lud Gog probably had help from a witch or a wizard in retrieving it he goes on to say that randrock has access to a book from bregboar an ancestor of his famous for Middle Works Red Rock had sent ludgok to retrieve the pages from the journal about repositories that bragbor had built for a group of wizards and witches he was told to search any place that was connected to any of the five names Rackham Fitzgerald bakar morgenark and Rookwood hence why they were searching through the Rookwood castle and Isadora morganock's Family Home and also due to the fact that witches and wizards for centuries were against the idea of teaching magical spells to any form of goblin some not allowing goblins to even hold a wand this caused randrock to believe that the repositories were containing a magical power that Wizards tried to just keep for themselves as we're in mid-conversation a met finally shows up and introduces himself to lodgok lodgok is surprised that Amit knows gobbledygook and emit gives a demonstration which completely horrifies the dude lodgok pretty much calls him out since he doesn't understand a thing that he said amid is concerned and it's probably his pronunciation and lodgok hopes that he can read it better than he can speak it since we go into the goblin mine in search of plans to see what Randolph is planning lodgok cannot come with us since he would obviously be recognized we hid inside we find some notes that mention that they are building something quite large in fact due to the schematics we can actually tell that this is a gigantic drill bigger than the goblin mind could contain we return outside an inform log Gog of the drills but he does not know where the target is we question lodgok on his stance towards goblins and wizards since he actually feels the same way about it then ran Rock so why is he helping us he talks about a time that they first began looking into Rookwood Castle he was told that it would be abandoned but was surprised to find a witch there at the research site she was apparently studying an item and barely noticed lodgok approaching but when she did look up at him she wasn't scared or had any look of disdain towards lotgok in fact she smiled at him something that lodgok mentions that he will never forget she asked him to sit with her and explain that she was a researcher and had a small oddly shaped container with a symbol on it she knew that it was made from Goblin metal but was unable to open it she wanted to work together with Lord God which completely shocked him we clue onto the fact that this is likely speaking about Professor Fig's wife Miriam since she was the only witch in possession of this small container that held the Porky from the very beginning of the game lodgok mentioned that she spoke of reverence for goblins about their intelligence and their skill he had never been treated with such Respect by a witch or a wizard in his entire life so he decided he would go against his orders and instead allowed her to study the container if she would allow him to search the castle alone she agreed but later some more of ranrock loyalists arrived and located the very first repository while happy about the discovery ranrock was completely furious at lodgok when he learned about the Witch and it was not long after that the blood God had learned of her death which completely tore him up he believes that randarok was responsible for her death along with the fact that ranrock was changing as he took on the powers of the repositories he knew that he had to leave he goes on to say that ranrock never found all of brego's journals but the ones that he did find suggested that bregboar had built a much larger repository than the ones that they found below Rookwood castle if he can find the location of these lodgok worries that it could begin a war between goblins and wizard kind he leaves intending to find more information on what round rock knows so how are we holding up consider this a moment's break from the gigantic law drop that just happened and I know that this can be a lot to take in the amount of story in this game is completely absurd take a breath and let's jump back into it we meet back up with Sebastian as he remembered something interesting with the triptych that we found in the undercroft this mine is the view that was painted on the canvas it turns out that it's filled with Rand Rock's loyalists we head into the mine looking for the next clue for the triptych and I should also note that it's clear that the relationship with Sebastian is starting to strain at this stage he is much less understanding and trusting and also far more Reckless overall we kill an entire heap of goblins and spiders before we can reach the next canvas piece and then we head back through the wall to Hogwarts when we place the canvas piece in Sebastian mentions that he also recognizes the new location we tell him that we have a potential ally in our quest of getting ahead of ran Rock and explain to him our situation with lodgok Sebastian is immediately angry that we would ever trust a goblin after what they did to her sister in fact he ends up storming off it was important to get back to Professor Fitzgerald to explain the situation with the drills that were being made by randrock she believes that there is absolutely no time to waste and Begins the third trial immediately she tells us the location for the trial was actually in the headmaster's office in Hogwarts her old office we will need to sneak into the office without him Master black realizing we speak with Professor fig and he agrees to create a distraction that will get Professor black out of his office long enough for us to get what we need we also let him know about the story that lodgok had told us about his wife and he explains that that's exactly like her and would like to speak to Lord go personally if the chance ever arises the headmaster's office requires a password that nobody knows except for himself and possibly his house self-scrope that we spoke to earlier we devise a plan to use a Polyjuice Potion that will allow us to turn into Professor black and trick scrope into giving us the password after some hijinks and having fun tormenting the students we speak to scrope who does end up giving us the password which we use to enter the headmaster's office we managed to find a canvas at Fitzgerald and she tells us to look inside the book on the pedestal all when we do we're teleported into a magical storybook for our next trial now for my personal favorite trial of the game we are within a hand-drawn version of the world that requires us to sneak past versions of death itself until we end up fighting death in his main form afterwards we find a tomb of Fitzgerald and she explains that you cannot undo death the canvas is simply conjure a shadow of her previous self she pushes the idea of light and Shadow that the two intertwineers neither can live without the other without light Shadow cannot exist and without Shadow being present light cannot form so just because you can eliminate the darkness does not always mean that you should after this she shows us her pensive we teleport back to a meeting between Isadora and Fitzgerald Isadora explains that she has continued helping people after her father and can now contain it she worries Fitzgerald as she believed that Isadora had stopped after her father she goes on to say that the pain that she takes away from others enhances her own ability to wield magic it's a source of strength and now she wants to harness it Fitzgerald begins to push back as Isadora mentions that everybody is in some form of pain and proceeds to take the pain from Fitzgerald without her permission isidora uses the essence to make her own ability stronger she mentions that the keepers held this power dormant for so long because they fear it she on the other hand is choosing to embrace it afterwards we head back to the map chamber and speak to Professor bakar the fourth and final keeper he is incredibly wary to send us on his trial and requires time to speak to the other three Keepers fix is that we should gather more information on ran Rock in the meantime we head to the eastern coast to meet up with Sebastian for the next canvas piece after another very long spider Den we do find a room that Isadora was using for research in the room we find a few more of her journal entries we learned that she felt shunned by the keepers and decided to continue her research alone the magic she is taking from people makes her more capable by the day describing it as being rewarded for her courage and since she can't use it all she has to create a way to be able to store that extra magic she hopes to find another that will share her view on what she's doing but as the days go by she finds it more unlikely but she finds confident in knowing that she will leave her path to follow in the future where people can learn how to uh Heal the World quotations after taking the final canvas piece back a pencil appears before us we take a look at the memory this time from the point of view of Isadora she speaks to her father about how she can give her father the peace that he needs we see the meeting once again where she heals her father and even one of her meetings with bregboar asking him to create an even bigger repository Sebastian immediately realizes that Isadora can take away pain and thinks that this will cure Anne for good he asks us to learn how to do what Isadora does and use it on hand we tell him that the keepers wouldn't agree and that removing somebody's ability to feel pain is highly complicated and Incredibly dangerous he begs us to at least mention it to them and we part ways lodgok sends us an L mentioning that he found one of Rand Rock's drills and intends on destroying it saying that we are welcome to join him but he'll do it alone reach out when he's done we head out to the location and we find a goblin mind guarded by trolls it takes some sneaking and stealing some Goblin taxi but we do manage to find a room where Ren rock is giving a speech to some goblins Ren Rock spots us after we take out his goblins and we collapse the mine on the drill he tells us that while the destroyed drill is completely unfortunate they'll just build another one and that's when Victor brings ludgok inside Rand Rock calls ludgok a little brother revealing that the two are actually Brothers Round Rock takes the book from ludgok that he intended to give to us and within it revealed the location of the giant repository ran rock is furious that lodgok knew the entire time and never told him he mentions that the witch did not consider him an equal instead of using him as all wizard kind do when he mentions that he finally has bragbor's final Journal Victor realizes that the final thing that randrock needed from him is now gone and begins to get worried renrock yells that he doesn't need anyone anymore and goes on to kill ludgok in the chaos Victor actually attempts to use the killing curse on Round Rock but misses as we run for our escape from the collapsing mine a whole action sequence later we meet back up with Sebastian and Anne outside of feldcraft after he is telling her about the Relic and is not convinced unless ominous agrees as the correct course of action she mentions that Solomon is wanting to take Anne and leave feldcroft completely Sebastian asked her to stall him as she agrees but not for much longer Sebastian mentions to us that he is studying The Relic using books within Hogwarts and believes that the Relic only works inside the catacomb that it came from but he says that he will need to convince ominous of the plan and that we need to head back to Hogwarts back look at the map chamber Professor figures waiting along with the keepers when we explained that ranrock now knows the location of the final repository and that he just killed ludgok we tell the keepers about the memories that we saw with his Adora and they now believe that we are fully aware of the danger that we're in the keepers ask us to head towards the final trial the location was described to us as a face of stone with tendrils which we do find the door requires us to bring a Great Horn to it in order to open Professor figg speaks of a great porn nearby with the nickname of Lord of the shore we end up finding this beast and after a lengthy fight we managed to win it over and win its trust and we managed to ride that bad boy back to the door Professor bakar believes that his memories will show us the full situation with what Isadora was doing and why it is so important for us to do these trials we find the pensive and we see the memory Professor bakara is visiting isadora's house when he notices her father sitting alone at a table when he turns to him you can see that he has lost complete emotion essentially a Walking Corpse a clear side effect of Isadora moving his pain he goes back to Rackham and explains the situation wrecker mentions that the situation is far worse than they had feared Isadora has been wielding that magic on students at Hogwarts and they agree that she needs to be stopped We Now find the keepers inside a massive cave below Hogwarts Castle as a student is walking back from having their pain taken from his Adora she is giving off big dark wizard Vibes here as the keepers ask her why she is doing this she believes that they have been scared and wants to keep secrets to themselves and that everyone should be saved reckon asks her to lower her wand and when she refuses casts a spell at her one of the resulting blasts mortally injures Professor Fitzgerald and recommendous Adora have a classic one fight that is until Professor bakar casts the killing curse on Isadora and as the name suggests killing her they check up on Professor Fitzgerald but she is not doing very well the memory ends and we head straight back to the map chamber the keepers admit that the final repository that randrock is chasing is actually below Hogwarts and that they were unable to destroy the strands of emotion that Isadora had stolen so instead decided that they would keep it safe and since it would be a danger to all wizard kind they became the keepers the keepers of a secret and that one day somebody with the same ability could be seduced by its power so they decided to create the trials to lure that person in and allow them to prove themselves that they are worthy of the secret they have kept hidden he says the repository is protected by an ancient magic that will require a special one crafted from the artifacts that we have found with each of the pencils they do however believe that if randrock does possess the power that we've described it's entirely possible that he could break through their defensive magic fig tells us that we need to head to ollivanders to create the special one while he goes and tells the professors of Hogwarts about randrock and what we have been doing since we receive a message from ominous telling us that Anne needs her help as Sebastian is not being himself and is inside of a tomb with a relic we head to the area and ominus tells us that the tomb is full of inferior and Anne says that she will return to Solomon for help we go inside and find numerous in theory and after dispatching them ominous remembers that since Anne is going to Solomon he might very well tell Hogwarts that we've been using dark magic that could totally get us expelled he mentions that when Sebastian and Anne went into the tomb she actually thought the inferior were attacking Sebastian but he showed her the Relic and said that he had learned how to use it he was controlling the inferior and this level of dark magic completely scares ominous he decides to leave for Hogwarts in order to weave a story to Professor black about what we were doing so we don't get expelled while we continue to look for Sebastian we do find Sebastian and tells us that The Relic is the answer but instead of reversing magic he can actually control it instead we mentioned that we had to fight a bunch of inferior the entire time and that he doesn't have as much control as he thinks one of the inferior gets absolutely wrecked and it turns out to be Solomon who asks what the hell we're doing he uses ekio on The Relic and destroys it much to Sebastian's horror we end up with a boss fight against Solomon as he attempts to take us down we ask Solomon to stop multiple times during the fight but once it's over he mentions to Sebastian that Anne cannot be healed and he has to stop it's here where Sebastian then uses the killing curse Avada cadaver to kill his uncle foreign [Music] oh God no [Music] you've made your choice [Music] oh and what have you done I thought that that was worth watching for yourself the book that she destroyed by the way was Salazar slytherins and we speak to Sebastian and he feels that he did what he had to and that his uncle would never have let him save his sister he mentions that he will never give up on Anne and we tell him that he went too far and he leaves to find ominous but we do agree to meet at the undercroft afterwards we decide to backtrack a bit and speak to Mr Pickle's friends that have been harassed by Harlow we head to hoaxme to speak to them about what's been happening one of them explains that her husband has been kidnapped and she has to obey his orders while the other is trying to hide a secret love he has with a man's daughter that would not allow it to happen if he knew so Harlow is ultimately blackmailing him net size told us that she was going to look for leads at the hogshead but when we arrived to speak with her all we find is her want and we can see that she's been kidnapped we follow some footsteps to a seller below the hog's head that the poachers use as a secret base we managed to make our way to some cells one of which contains the kidnapped husband and Nat's eye when we leave King singer is furious about our involvement and swears to tell Professor onai about her daughter's actions but we'll at least give her the courtesy of speaking to her mother about it first we give over all the information about Harlow including the husband's testimony and the blackmail letter we head back to Hogwarts but natsai mentions that her mother has forbidden her from chasing any more poachers but she does say that she cannot let this continue happening and explains how her father died she says that her father was also an animagus and could turn into a giraffe one day they were Galloping in the savannah when her father decided to carry her on his neck when they went home they surprised a group of Bandits that came from the village one of them saw natsai as he was removing his scar from his face so he aimed the rifle letter as not to be exposed natsai's father bowed his head to protect her and took the shot as he was falling he changed back to his human form which scared the bandits but natsai's father had already died she blames herself since it was his saving her that resulted in his death We Begin our trip back to hogsmeade to have a special one created for the keepers Ollivander is a little perplexed but insists that his family are the greatest one makers alive and manages to create a brand new wand Victor Rookwood appears and explains that we're on our own he asks us to align since ranrock no longer needs them and he can't bear the thought of goblins taking all that power when it's rightfully theirs he wants us to work together to take the power for ourselves he also notices the wand and is curious if it has anything to do with the repository we disagree obviously and he says that he should have known better than to try and reason with a child since he has always said children should be seen not heard now that saying is ringing some Bells it should be we're then kidnapped and teleported to their base a massive fight ensues and we ultimately get the best of Victor Rookwood when he attempts to cast a killing curse on us it evaporates him and we now have one loose enemy we'll get another lead on Victor rookwood's second in command Harlow netsai asks us to meet her near Manor Cape as she'll received the letter from Mrs Bickel about Archie's whereabouts since we already saved Archie we realized that this letter was not sent from Mrs Baku but instead likely was sent by Harlow looking to Ambush US netside thinks that this could give us more evidence for officer singer and give her everything that she needs to bring him down as she still has not acted on the previous evidence that we've given her we arrive in surprise surprise we get ambushed a long battle ensues until we get the best of them Harlow manages to catch us off guard and attempts to cast an unforgivable curse that causes us severe pain thankfully natsai manages to change into her gazelle form and jump in front of us to save us officer senior and Professor owner arrive and attempt to help natsay and subduce Harlow we cut back to the hospital wing of Hogwarts to Nat's eye sitting with her mother in a wheelchair her mother allows us to speak and natsai tells us that she's feeling much better we apologize to natsai since the only reason she got her was due to her saving us she tells us that it's not our fault and that when she saw Harlow point the wandered us she just acted she explains that she couldn't see us get hurt and we asked her we shouldn't feel guilty then this causes netside to reflect on her father's death and realizes that it is no more our fault that she got hurt than it was her fault that her father died finally able to forgive herself and have an understanding that her father acted to save her and that is nobody's fault she thanks us for being her compatriot on this journey and states that her time at Hogwarts has been enriched more than she could have ever imagined due to us we part ways for the final time as we head to the map chamber with a special wand the keepers congratulate us for completing the trials and accept that we have proven ourselves worthy of the secrets that they held they tell us that what is in the repository should never be released and to avoid the temptation to destroy or utilize it for our own power they ask us that we use the ancient power magic that we have honed to only protect the secret and since we have the wand we will know what to do with with it when the time arises they say their final farewells as the map belows us sinks into the ground revealing a door when we get inside we agreed with numerous goblins and drills it eventually looks like we're going to be overrun but that's when the other professors of Hogwarts arrive to help they deal with the goblins and the trolls in defense of Hogwarts while it buys us time to continue towards the repository we eventually find a door that is being protected by two behemoths for guards we use the special wand in order for them to allow us to pass we find the repository fig mentions that this is what Miriam and ludgok died for and that Miriam believed this power could be used for good but did understand that she did not know all the details as we do he tells us that we are now The Keeper of the power this holds and asks what we intend to do we say that we intend to leave the repository dormant and defend it as the keepers wished for us he goes on to ask if we should tell the other professors of Hogwarts of this power but we do decline deciding to take their responsibility alone but fig reminds us that with him we will never be alone with this task rainrock shows up and mentions the arrogance of wizard kind since goblins built this entire place this power belongs to them he pulls out a wand and fig mentions that it's actually Miriam's one figure tax him and he mentions that Miriam didn't know when to give up either proving ranrock was actually the one that did Kill Miriam he shoots at the repository causing it to explode and he begins to absorb the power this turns him into a giant repository dragon that starts to attack everything we see a rock falling from the cavern roof and that it falls on Professor fig but before we can do anything we fall down a Cliffside and we need to fight Rand rock this fight was no joke especially since I was dumb enough to enter this fight with no healing potions but we did manage to get the best of ran Rock he begins to implode as the power he contains within himself goes rampant we pick up Miriam's wand and attempt stop the cavern from collapsing we begin to struggle but we see Professor fig behind us helping stabilize the cabin we attempt to contain the energy and after a long battle manage to reform the energy into a repository Professor fig collapses and we give him Miriam's wand as he begins to die he tells us that the Wizarding World could not be a more capable hands and ultimately passes away we cut to the main hall of Hogwarts as the students and the professors give praise to Professor fig and share memories in celebration of his life after the celebration we speak to Sebastian who says that the professor Weasley toasted him well and that fig will always be remembered he feels that he should have done the same for his uncle and hopes that Anne agrees with them we explained to him the situation with Victor Rookwood and the fact that he mentioned the exact same phrase that Anne heard before she was cursed children should be seen not heard revealing that it was actually not goblins that cursed Anne but instead a dark wizard making Sebastian shouldn't realize that his hatred of Goblin Kind has been misplaced this entire time he apologizes and parts ways the next day we meet up with ominous and the undercraft as we discuss what to do with Sebastian he explains that Anne wanted to turn him in but as torn ominous understands that Sebastian needs to face the consequences of killing his uncle but is too emotional about the idea of Hogwarts without him but after some discussion we both agree that he needs to face the consequences of his actions and go from there ominous explains that he will notify the Headmaster of what Sebastian did but he will never not be his friend he ends the conversation by stating that while we definitely had some ups and downs he is happy that we ultimately came to Hogwarts we get an L from ominous later explaining that Sebastian was eventually expelled from Hogwarts and faces trial with the ministry of magic for the death of his uncle and is now living on her own unwilling to forgive Sebastian and Sebastian sends us an owl saying that he understands our decision and is still glad that we met and became friends and that wraps up the entire story of Hogwarts Legacy holy crap that video was a behemoth there will be minor story points with natsai or Sebastian depending on some choices that you make but I will say it always ends hour for Sebastian in the end I really do hope that you enjoyed the video and if you're still watching I just want you to know that you're an absolute Legend this is the first time I have done a video of this magnitude and it took an incredible amount of time to make it so I would really appreciate it very much if you could throw a like on the video and also remember to subscribe for more story and lore videos in the future I am open to suggestions by the way on games in the comments Down Below have a wonderful rest of your day or night depending on when you're watching the video and until next time peace
Channel: Green Links
Views: 4,714
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Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, the story of hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy explained, hogwarts legacy story and lore, hogwarts legacy story explained, complete hogwarts legacy story explained, hogwarts legacy collectables, hogwarts legacy avada kedavra, hogwarts legacy lore, what is the story of hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy harry potter, who is isidora, who is ranrok, hogwarts legacy collectables explained, hogwarts legacy review, is hogwarts legacy good
Id: gg84qxWfndM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 32sec (5132 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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