The Outlast Timeline | Full Story & Lore

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Outlast has been an absolute Juggernaut in the horror genre ever since its initial release over a decade ago and it only feels right that Outlast trials has now gone into its 1.0 release to finally put together a full and comprehensive timeline for every single event that takes place within the Outlast universe as messed up as they are bound to be just some quick points before we begin during the portions of the video where the playable games take place we may reference back to files and documents that we've already covered earlier since this is the moment and the time which they're actually found also for purposes of context we will also jump forward in time momentarily so you have a full grasp of the law being presented but aside from these very small moments everything will be in complete chronological order with all of that being said I hope you enjoy the video the very first dated event within the Outlast universe is actually the birth of Dr verick as seen in his documentation and last one showing his birth date to be the 20th of October 1918 in Germany this is one of the presumed birth years of Sullivan Noth due to a passage about the character released by Red barrels developers stating that Sullivan was the age of Christ at crucifixion when he heard the voice of the Lord for the very first time the year stated was 1966 if you don't know the actual age of Jesus at his time of death is not actually very well known but it's presumed to be between 33 to 38 years old at the time but the majority of Scholars seem to lean towards 33 so we'll be going with that since it's so vague in 1938 US Chemical Company mirkov Corporation was exposed selling weaponized diogene to German forces during the early stages of World War II if you're unsure of what dagine is or possibly know it by its chemical name of Tri methyl chloroformate it's actually a poison gas that was used by the German soldiers during World War I and it would cause respiratory irritation so bad to the point where it would normally prove lethal to anyone unlucky enough to actually inhale it within a file in outlast one is actually a document written in Berlin that's been translated and speaks about Dr vernick's progress on the morphogenic engine Vernick has been expanding on theories developed during his brief relationship with a turing a turing is in reference to a real life mathematician Alan Turing whose story if you don't actually know is really quite incredible but to sum it up briefly he was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science creating the concepts of algorithm and computation when he created the turing machine he's more famously known for being one of the people that created the machine that managed to find the settings to the German Enigma machine in World War II a machine used for all German Communications and was thought to be impossible to decipher successfully deciphering the codes and giving the Allies a huge advantage in World War II as a result he's also seen as the pioneer of what Computer Sciences today anyway enough of the history lesson back to the document the doctors are amazed by vernick's work stating he is breach the spiritual realm after personally witnessing an apparition the doctors go on to suggest that this work should be brief to Hitler as it poses an opportunity for the German cause and not to include him in the culling program how nice Cornelius noes participates in the World War II battle of ATU as described by him during the Dennis and storylines and our last trials he was a veteran and engineer of the US Air Force participating in the Battle of ATU that took place between May 11th to 30th in 1943 fought between the United States and Canadian Forces against the aess forces of Japan of which the Allies eventually won we know from an interview with Rudolph Vernick found within Outlast one that in June of 1943 he recorded three instances of spontaneous bleeding and half a dozen of his German subjects began developing brain tumors the autopsies of these test subjects show tumors made of pure lead an interesting thing to know going forward during this period of time we know that future senala facility Prime asset Leland Coyle served at the Battle of okanawa in the Pacific the the during World War II fighting as a Marine in the US Army against the Japanese which we find out in a MC of surveillance document over a decade later we also know from some surveillance documents that Leland Coyle joined the police force in blackw Oklahoma in 1947 after returning back from the war thus starting his career as a police officer in 19 1948 the United States began an operation called Project Paperclip which provided the means of recruiting foreign Specialists largely Nazi soldiers and scientists of German or Austrian descent into specific assignments within Technical Services of the Army Navy or Air Force the goal was to utilize these Specialists to further grow the American Military capabilities and it also served as a way of denying those services to perceived enemy countries primarily the Soviet Union an operation that is actually based on a real life operation by the way post World War II in 1949 Dr Rudolph Vernick immigrated to the United States with a visa from the state department as part of the previously mentioned Project Paperclip operation this would be the start of Vernick doing decades worth of work for the American government in Los Alamos we begin with a document which you might have noticed looks a little different to the one shown in outlast trials I got the old C of juices going and designed and rewrote every single document in the game to make it look better and more authentic for the video I think they came out pretty good so I hope you like them the document is dated 30th of April 1949 by a Bradley avelinos to the board of the mirkov corporation for a proposal for a new business opportunity he mentions a new opportunity for great Revenue in the field of chemical refinement for their new friends at the agency the agency in question is the CIA and ainos plans to make the most of the capabilities already established by mirkov pharmaceutical agency asset P helwell who is better known as Paul helwell was a real CIA agent that was responsible for the formation of the sea Supply Corporation which ran arms to Thailand police and nationalist Chinese forces in Burma for 10 years between 1951 and 1961 it mentions that he was providing drugs to the Chang Kai shic rebels in Thailand and Burma indirectly funding their anti-communist activities the agency wants to expand the same activities into Europe in the Middle East however the CIA contacts within the Sicilians are not capable of refining the heroine lacking the sophistication to do so without the risk of blowing the whole thing to the Moon it does say however that the CIA believed that the corsicans could do it but they don't want to insult Mr Luciano now this is referring to real life mobster Sor lucana better known as Lucky Luciano he was shipping narcotics into New York City in the' 40s and ear early 50s from Italy and is actually widely considered the founder of what the New York mafia eventually turned into due to these issues there is now an open position in manufacturing that mov pharmaceutical could easily fill and has added bonus of allowing mirkov to be part of the cia's extra budgetary activities meaning a near Limitless Global Tax adjacent Revenue stream with powerful legal protective implications on top of it a massive win-win for mirkov a local television program begins to air in Philadelphia called the mother Gooseberry hour the Stars a dentist Dr fman and his assistant and daughter Phyllis fman during Outlast one a diary can be found from a mount massive Hospital patient named Shirley Pierce which shows that she was committed to mount massive for hypnotherapy treatments in 1952 due to her bedroom inpire had hysteria and marital issues she would later become a subject to the project MK Ultra experimentations conducted by the C the CIA interviewed a civilian named hendrik jolia easterman agent Jameson Lawler of the CIA is asking easterman if he was at Do's speech in Princeton easterman points out that he doesn't like the tone that laola has saying that it's suggestive that he already knows the answer despite asking the question question to give some context the speech in question was from a man named Ellen dos who was the deputy director of the CIA he spoke in 1953 of brain perversion techniques and brain Warfare that he claimed were being conducted by the Soviets at the time Laura believes that brainwashing has already infiltrated the popular imagination large part due to the speeches of Alan DS saying that it was the front page story in every us City newspaper in July of 1952 he mentions that 21 American prisoners of War refuse to come home when given the chance red-blooded Americans that would rather make home in communist China than return to the United States laa feels that this is a clear sign of China having the capabilities of brainwashing since why in the name of God would anybody given the choice become a communist easterman says that what Lawler is talking about is actually called thought reform something he works strictly out of assumptions based on the psyche leading up to 1933 Lawler agrees and mentions that the notion of belief is the same within dangerous political circles calling it a subtle Menace that is seeping into culture advertising music Etc Lola brings up the death of ean's brother who died in Korea he was a lieutenant in the Army and his death was officially ruled a but easterman disputes this saying that forensics were sloppy suggesting that it may have been murder easterman points out that Lawler likes to ask things that sound like questions but in all reality they aren't since he already knows the answers to them all before even asking probably something that he picked up in his time at the CIA I would imagine Lawler extends an offer to easterman to study what happened to his brother in Korea firsthand stating that the CIA is holding kPa brainwashing subjects in Hong Kong and they need someone with easterman skill set to investigate we now jump over to a letter written by easterman to his wife named Irene he asked his wife to burn the letter after reading it easterman is essentially hating Hong Kong life but is fascinated with his initial interviews calling them Illuminating he feels certain that he'll be able to find the evidence needed to prove his brother's murder saying he interviewed four veterans and one Minister all of which were prisoners of the Korean People's Army he hasn't found evidence of psychological programming yet but does believe that the degree of trauma in the prisoners is impressive we now jumped to 1954 as easterman is taken to writing personal journal entries like a 12-year-old school girl how somebody conducting official CIA business is allowed to write in a journal that could get lost at literally any moment is a mystery to me but nonetheless he is currently stationed in Berlin Germany waiting for his flight back to China remembering that this is only 9 years after the end of World War II he is pondering the idea of The Spoils of War and what it was like before land and treasure he believes that the spoil of World War II were instead cultural believing that national socialism has much to teach us all about infrastructure propaganda and Leadership the true Spoils of War as he puts it were reaped in hoshima in the use of weapons that could mean instantaneous Global death only in truly meaningless non-existent Extinction nobody will be remembered because nobody will be around to remember and since nobody is Left To Remember the atrocities anything is possible and permitted easterman says that the agency wants a full investigation into the technique of see now which translates to wash brain and they have set easterman up with an observation post with dozens of veterans to study both Western and Chinese already exposed to these techniques he feels that he has found even greater lessons however saying that the Chinese Communist parties have celebrated the ideological remodeling of a whole population which is all indications that it's already taking hold in China he does however make the observation that the brainwashed veterans are largely listless near catatonic and in between bouts of aggression calling them more akin to Broken children and program machines a next document titled agency partners is a letter sent to the CIA agent Jameson Lawler from Merk of employee a Bradley avelinos avelinos points out that he heard through the Great Vine that Jameson was considering a different contractor than mirkov for the research into Pharmaceuticals and psychological influence this other contractor being easterman This concerns mov and valanos reminds Lawler that Lawler doesn't have anything on mov that they don't have on him pointing out that LLY used mirkov for help outside of bureaucratic stagnation of Congress and the CIA so rejecting mov for this project could have some terrible public implications not to mention the cheeky signing offline have we look forward to working with you n nothing like some blackmail to solidify a healthy working relation reltionship on February 10th 1954 as part of the cia's MK Ultra program they conducted more hypnotic experimentation and research in Building 13 of Mount Massa Preserve in Colorado and Mrs Jackson and Shirley Pierce mentioned earlier on a hypnotic queue using a pointed finger to make them sleep the initial queue was a success as both Jackson and Pierce progressed into a deep hypnotic State they then instructed Shirley Pierce who had previously expressed a huge fear of firearms by the way to wake up Miss Jackson using any and every method at her disposal to do so and after she inevitably failed doing so using numerous methods they tell Shirley to pick up a nearby pistol and fire it at Miss Jackson instructing her that her rage would be so great that she wouldn't hesitate to kill Miss Jackson for not waking up all of this as a test since Shirley stated her fear of guns earlier as it turns out surley Pierce would go on to do everything as instructed including shooting Mrs Jackson provided it was with an unloaded pistol before falling back into a deep sleep the two of them would awaken from the hypnosis and both would have complete Amnesia of what just happened when staff attempted to hand Miss Pierce the gun that she just used while hypnotized she refused to pick it up or even accept it expressing complete denial that the sequence mentioned earlier ever even happened the next entry is another entry into the personal journe of Dr easterman he believes that he has broken private RIS by employing binsad drein to pep him up into a torka of state but his testimony is filled with repetition and contradiction he states that the sessions are being cut short by the appearance of the doctor otherwise referred to as Dr Skinner an invisible Spectre that manifests whenever esman asks directly about rus' captors they increased his dosage of Ben andrin but it ended up sending the private into a permanent katonic State his cardio and Galvan graph readings suggest that he is still facing the torments of this Dr Skinner along with an expression on his face which is Twisted into a permanent expression of pain and fear even comparing his face to the Hideous smile of a Japanese haa mask on April 19th of 1954 we have correspondence between easterman and Olivier barones now Baron zes has some history in the Outlast law he was the assistant director of Behavioral medicines at Mount massive Hospital between 1954 and 1963 you can actually find a picture of him within Mount massive asylum in outlast one on which the game is based he introduces himself named dropping mov Corporation in the process he tells easterman that their mutual friend in the CIA Jameson Lawler has been sharing with him the findings found in the Hong Kong trip and that Easter's research synchronizes remarkably with the dream therapy work that they're working on in Los El at Mount massive he says that he has secured agency cooperation to bring easterman to Los Alamos to meet the mirkov team of researchers and that he'll be able to find the tickets and documents on his bedside table before strongly suggesting that he accept the invitation as the letter that mov has just sent him has some highly sensitive National Security issues within it and now Eastman's knowledge of such activities even without his active participation could represent a great security risk that requires some enforcable form of Silence once again some classic MK of blackmail it's a very congested and sophisticated way of saying accept the damn invitation or you'll be feeding the vultures for the next week he does however offer a kind word to Ean telling him not to only come due to his fear of punishment insisting that the Merk of scientist and research is actually very inspiring work well beyond anything of the brutish works that easterman has seen in communist China we can see in another Journal entry that the trip to Los Alamos proved fruitful for easterman as he mentions reviewing the notes of a do verick while he was there this is the same doctor that we see in outlast one that was responsible for the wall Rider project and clearly seen observing the reagents in the Sleep room easterman believes that if he were alone in these Endeavors he would categorize Vernick as delusional and damaged from his participation in the Nazi business but since his work has been thoroughly vetted he's left feeling unmowed from reality it's also on April 30th 1954 that Dr Rudolph verick was officially recorded as a citizen of the United States for his work in Los Alamos for the United States government another easterman journal entry talks about a time that easterman visited a book shop in Santa feay as he recalls a favorite monster story from his childhood he describes it as a story of feeble pulp from a slavering fetishist and mentions a paragraph that has stuck with him as oddly applicable to his new friends at Los Alamos I'll just read the paragraph in full as I think is pretty interesting it is as followed the most merciful thing in the world I think is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents we live on a Placid island of ignorance in the midst of a black Seas of infinity and it was not meant that we should Voyage far the Sciences each straining in its own Direction have hither to harmed us little but someday the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality and of our frightened position therein that we shall either go mad from the Revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age quite a sad message but if you aren't quite sure of its meaning it's essentially a play on the idea that ignorance is bliss the idea that what you don't know cannot hurt you and with that ignorance comes safety but only when you peer deeper seeking knowledge will you actually begin to understand this is when you can truly be hurt for all of you horror fans out there the author in question is the famous horror writer HP Lovecraft and the quote is from the end of Call of cthulu we are sticking with the journal entries with e as he talks about how he has been warned about Dr verick and describes the phrase we can Overlook his past for the sake of the future meaning that Vernick has done some really messed up things but he's too valuable to get rid of Baron zes seems to think that Easter's Research into brainwashing and ideological revision seems to mesh seamlessly with vernick's work on microwave signals and guided visual stimulation easterman attempts to get clarity on vernick's intentions on his experiences but is spurred away each time a strange thing is mentioned at the bottom of the letter how verick mentions that all straight relationships are doomed before saying that he has had some strange dreams since arriving at Los Alamos even stating the verick is a vital and handsome man and that he might need to request his wife out there to be able to concentrate the fact that he's having strange dreams and also the unusual and out the blue compliments towards Vernick suggests that Vernick might be using his microwave signaling on easterman we now get some interesting new information from news clippings that have been transcribed for the records of Eastman it speaks of a deranged Ean that murdered a family of five and he even did some unconsenting things to the family members and even the farm animals weren't safe the man's name was Jerome Gillette he was 37 and found naked and disorientated among some Hogs outside the scene of the crime and is now being held in an unknown location he states that he has no memory of the crime though physical evidence on the scene makes his guilt obvious he told officers that his last memory was the previous Sunday night's fireworks and mentions being offered chewing gum from a woman in white before blacking out and waking up amongst the Hogs I mean damn waking up in the middle of hogs naked and going on a killing spree these chewing gum flavors really getting out of hand laa sends a message to ainos in regards to the news clippings about Gillette saying to have a newspaper cued that a crime that is this disgusting and violent committed in public needs to be sure that the Press does not make public any connections between the crime airbase and the CIA mirkov activities a valanos replies saying that progress is really clean and easy stating the incident is regrettable but to think of it as a speed bump in the road Ro he goes on to mention that senala will solve this problem and any issues that could arrive in the future saying that it's now only a matter of money mov has made a very reasonable proposal for how it could be sourced outside of congressional approval we now head further in time to 1955 as there is another news clipping about a raid on ferland two police are dead and half a dozen injured during a raid on a studio of a disgraced children's variety show host Phyllis fman better known to her fans as Mother Goose bear she was charged with conspiracy to commit murder kidnapping and racketeering she's been using her television platform in Dental drops business to hook a generation of children on narcotics violence theft and even murder wow we Mickey Mouse really has himself some competition here with this one the police chief described F land as the most grotesque architectural perversion since HH holes' Chicago murder castle if you're wondering HH Holmes was a serial killer that lived in Chicago during the 19th century he's widely regarded as America's very first serial killer he built a whole hotel to act as a maze with doors to nowhere and trap doors peep holes and secret walls that could change the architecture of the hotel so he could murder guests bad stuff all around anyway our favorite Journal writer easterman puts in yet another log on August 22nd complaining about the poor Ro that lead to the senala facility and how much he misses his wife since she would have given him massages radio EAS you do realize you could pay for that sort of thing right we get a glimpse into the early stages of the building process for the senala facility explaining how he was sitting within a warehouse that could contain an army and they will Source the electricity for the facility using generators while the water will come from the Colorado or the Havasu the building however will require an AR detect of which they are in the process of hiring for the facility avelinos will be interviewing candidates for the role while mirkov collections departments hard at work sourcing potential subjects including both Prime assets and the general experimental population easterman is excited and has optimism that they will achieve phenomenal things here at this new facility it looks like at this stage that easterman is fully committed to his new role in research within mirkov 3 Days Later easterman does another journal entry he talks about self-administering theurgic acid this is found within Urgot funguses and within the seeds of opiuma kosa a plant native to Latin America he is using it for Charisma and belief he mentions how the desert and the Sun have revealed to him some new truth that he has yet to unravel saying that he called his wife to find a Julius Ficus maternis book on his bookshelf she couldn't find it or for whatever reason didn't want to find it Julius by the way was a Roman writer in an AAL astrologer that lived during 314 and 360 ad but while his wife couldn't find his work there was something of which easterman addresses as the fallace of the Sun and Nemo Des senses per autum soulless tributor I know I B the hell out of that but it's Latin which translates roughly to the spirit descended through the orb of the sun is given putting forward the comparison of how the Sun is the only rational God it is the center of all life yet if you look directly at it it will make you blind he Compares this analogy to being transformatively charismatic a person must be both unknowable and lethally dangerous since looking at them would make you blind figuratively or literally in the case of these damn trials so this Charisma that is being described is the vital thing being sought by the collections team and specifically easterman when picking candidates for the roles of the Prime Assets Now with that in mind another entry is written on August 25th called charismatic Authority he speaks on how rinos understands ean's intentions and that the work that he's trying to do with insala while CIA agent laa holds doubts towards Easter's work saying that something that is quite strange since laola was actually the one that introduced him to mirkov and sent Eastman to Hong Kong to investigate the brainwashing but then again Lola was also being blackmailed so take his reservations with The Grandin of salt he goes on to say that he found and read a Bible reading some Corinthians St Paul to be EXA act saying how Paul understood that charismatic Authority overpowers legality tradition and dignity Charisma can create deep and widespread societal change Charisma could only be gifted by God something to which easterman disagrees saying how humans are like clay with no organ more malleable and vulnerable than the brain believing that all laa needs to understand is that Charisma can be a product and even a weapon and weapons can be used a third entry on August 25th can be found called The Eyes of Dr verick it shows that easterman has grown fascinated by him saying that he would actually love to study him since he exhibits the clearest examples of this charismatic aura that he is seeking so much the next line is equally strange as it is creepy as hell saying that vernick's face gives off the impression that he believes intensely in something impossible and that his eyes were even changing size when easterman was looking at him it makes me wonder if these should be taken at face value or if this is a result of vu's clear dream therapy testing that he was using on easterman in the early stages of the lath program since we saw in earlier files that easterman became enthralled by Vernick and even slightly attracted to him easterman questions if this magnetism he feels towards verick is a detriment or a boon to the man's science but the tendency of the deeply charismatic to impart belief onto others as a subjective science and in that case maybe easterman has a point maybe the Charisma that he's talking about is rubbing off on easterman himself since he's having these swaying feelings towards Vernick an odd thing to think that if Vernick was not a member of mov or such an important figure behind the scenes hman actually would view him as almost the perfect person for a prime asset role within sena's trials the next document is one taken late August in 1955 a conference between easterman ainos and laa ainos wants results and we'll be looking at the data from both Los Alamos and mount massive with a mind towards creating actionable agents people that can be deployed and create thought leaders in the public that can create drastic societal change laa thinks that the warehouse is overkill but easterman reminds him that if you want to train Shepherds you need to give them a flock and this place provides the space just for that avelinos mentions a phrase called D Bean Fu saying how the French got their heads kicked in by the Communists at dine benan Fu and president Eisenhower did absolutely nothing about it why why didn't he do anything to help his allies Lawler correctly says massive retaliation the US fighting in Indochina would mean nuclear war any retaliation taken is massive retaliation this would lead to the Soviets getting involved and it's a big old mess the lath program offers the country a quieter weapon where you can deploy belief why send in a bomb that could cause chaos when you could send in a single agent to cause the same amount of chaos without any retaliation I swear mov just wants to take over the world at this point the same conversation continues into the next page as aenos points out that the CIA is already invested in the lath program since they offer some more potential domestic and civilian applications than sadm this refers to the special Atomic demolition munition that was in the works around this time Lawler really shows his CIA colors here when he refuses to acknowledge domestic application but a velinos reminds him that the Communist threat is just as real in the US as it is abroad Eastman puts in his two cents saying that Charisma and belief were the two main lessons of World War II the French lost in Indochina because they underr rested the power of these two things laa thinks that the point is ridiculous since how is he supposed to sell Charisma to the CIA but avelinos suggests rewarding Charisma with marketing and propaganda to get them on Bor with the idea we now get some recommendation letters for an architect named scarfiotti addressed to a valanos from Sydney gotlib this is a real guy who was a chemist and spy Master for the CIA he headed assassination attempts and a mind control programmed called MK Ultra in the 1950s and 60s ironically the very program that inspired the Outlast trials and mentions a Navy engineer by the name of Moses scarfiotti he is a Stanford man top of his class and more importantly one of them he can be trusted and the CIA would highly recommend him to be considered for the architect role it doesn't take mov long before they formally interview scarfiotti for the role scarfiotti asks of valanos if he's ever been to Disneyland and ainos responds that he doesn't have any children so no scarfiotti says that it doesn't matter and that he should go since it's the future and that helwell keeps asking him to go the same helwell mentioned earlier in the documents he says that Disneyland moves people through it and the shapes instruct the visitors how to behave when to be delighted hungry and compliant that it was wonderful he's never seen so many happy people ainos asks if scarfiotti knows how Mr Disney achieved this phenomena it should be obvious but he is referring to you guessed it the king of the mouse Walt Disney scarfiotti believes that he does know how Walt Disney did this saying that it's so clear once you've seen it and that there were even hints of it in Germany our next file is between easterman and Clyde Perry Perry is one of the people within the collections department in charge of finding prime assets for the trials we could see during the first lath program that the Collections Unit had no issue finding lost and damaged men to fit into the general X poop designation but the prime assets on the other hand were much more difficult Perry makes a joke about the vagueness of what a prime asset actually is and easterman gets frustrated telling her him to read Jungs after the catastrophe at the very least to understand the prime assets are to be the pillar of the lath program the people that fit the role will be exceedingly rare and exceptionally dangerous the only Advantage is that they will be hard to miss now let's get into Jung's after the catastrophe ourselves since it was mentioned KL Jung is the man mentioned who was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist the after the catastrophe in question is some work that he did regarding world War II since it was written in 1945 the year the war ended it's actually a fascinating read that goes into the psychological breakdown of Germany postwar and the steps of which they had to act in order to fall back into the good graces of Europe in the decades to come and also how Europe must act to allow Germany to repent and truly understand as a people the crimes that they committed in World War I there are some things however mentioned that I think fit perfectly with what easterman is trying to show beginning with how Germany no longer views what happened in the concentration camps as murder since it was lost in considerations of his own privilege and that in all reality it's all signs of Hysteria but he brings up something called The Pale criminal and I quote he will stoop to every kind of self-deception if only he can escape the sight of himself it is true that this happens everywhere but nowhere does it appear to be such a national characteristic as in Germany the condition can easily lead to a hysterical dissociation of the personality end quote now I'm going to briefly break the timeline here and mention the two people that will eventually become Prime assets for the LA program which we will learn about very shortly the first is Mother Gooseberry who is the perfect embodiment of the previous description after the death of her father she suffered from both hysteria and dissociation or dissociative identity disorder to help cope with his death taking on the doctor fman personality in her hand puppet to replace her deceased father well the same can be said for Coyle who seems to have a narcissistic personality disorder that regularly causes him to slip between sheer paranoia and hysteria projecting his own cruelty onto others so the parallels between key charismatic Tendencies required for the prime assets of the LA program mirror the public hysteria seen throughout Germany in World War II listen to this quote the phenomenon that we have witnessed in Germany was nothing less than the first outbreak of the epidemic Insanity an eruption of the unconscious into what seemed to be a tolerably well-ordered world a whole nation as well as countless million belonging to other nations was swept into a blood drenched Madness of a war of extermination almost sounds like brainwashing doesn't it easterman wants to recreate that epidemic with the lath program to create Mass hysteria within its populations and the prim set share characteristics with the one person that was able to create Mass hysteria and epidemic as it was called Hitler viewed as charismatic and extremely dangerous was the person that led the rallies and helped bring in everyday otherwise normal people accepting a war of extermination even cheering for it so easterman is hoping that the prime assets will have a similar effect on the acting population and the reagents that enter the senala trials and on the note we have our next file on the meeting between easterman and Clyde Perry called Hitler versus mosalini Hitler obviously being the leader of Germany during World War II and melini being the leader of Italy during World War II allies in the war to be exact they make this comparison between both Hitler and mosalini and what set them apart mentioning how KL Jung saw them both speak at a rally saying how molini was boisterous strong cheerful and that everybody liked him Perry points as being charismatic easterman refutes that saying that mosalini was emphatically not charismatic he was just simply popular a typical strong man that you see in every room while Hitler on the other hand was the opposite he was withdrawn uncomfortable and an unattractive little man until he started speaking this was when Jung viewed him as a psychic scarecrow his rantings gestures and shill voice were like a man possessed Peri misunderstands this thinking that e just wants crazy people but easterman corrects him telling him that he wants somebody that you can put into a crowd of completely sane people and then 10 minutes later you have a crowd of lunatics this is the purpose that fman and Coyle serve to the reagents and the trials and speaking of coil and Gooseberry let's get back into the chronological order of things we now find ourselves in 1956 as Perry is messaging a venos in regards to the surveillance of a Leland coil this is where we take a detour into the first chapter of an Outlast trials comic that was released by Red barrels it's available for free on their website by the way there is a whole file describing these things but the comic actually does the same but this time with pictures and I think we can all agree that picture books are the best books Coyle had altercations with Oklahoma law enforcement and there was anecdotal evidence of animal abuse and an essay as a child that led him to having a military academy education he joined the KKK and married at 19 just for his wife to die 6 months later after falling down the stairs he then joined the Marines to avoid investigation went on to served two years in the Pacific Theater with three confirmed enemy kills and two suspicious friendly fire kills in his company as well he returned back to Oklahoma resumed activity in the clan and then went on to get into law enforcement he also keeps very complete notes and has an inflated view of his own stature within the world it notes that he is an extremely effective policeman gaining enormous profit from exploitation and extortion he marries a second time and proceeds to extort his new wife's family the wife's family go on to die in an electrical fire and she flees to Chicago before dying of uh natural causes if you think this absolutely insane story ends here it doesn't he marries a third time his third wife apparently shoots herself and is found with gunshot wounds to the head that wife's family dies within a year all apparent suicides via increasingly violent and convoluted methodologies Coyle has been seen standing in a field watching lightning storms on five different occasions and has displayed extreme Charisma and is widely popular among his fellow police I mean holy crap Co was Next Level crazy even for normal Outlast villain my man is going for kill streaks back to some letters between Perry and ainos regarding a coil interview apparently Clyde has arranged to meet coil at a bar under the pretense of bribery it didn't go well however as Coy saw right through Perry and the conversation took a very quick violent turn Perry states that he had the feeling of being a crippled Mouse being used as a play thing by a tom cat believing that if Coy had intended to kill him he would not be writing right now once again praising his Charisma and proceeds to highly recommend coil for project leth he goes on to mention that he has two broken fingers a lot of bruising and is even peeing blood on top of all of it and will be taking a week's recovery in Witcher we can see some private Communications between scarfiotti and ainos regarding EAS explaining how the board is all hot and bothered over the tax savings inherent in populating the trials with the charitable Outreach centers the whole operation of running the centers recruiting volunteers and trucking them to senala is a bullet proov tax deduction and also a clever way to hide the money coming in from the CIA they believe that easterman will sabotage himself sooner or later and that the prophets will be glorious another letter from Perry later that year speaks about Phyllis fman the woman and child show host described earlier and once again we have a comic that shows us what happened an interview was conducted at holmesburg prison in North Philadelphia it describes her as nearly unrecognizable compared to Archive photos and mug shots fman along with a majority of the inmates have been subjected to Dermatological experiments under the supervision of a Dr cman once again this small detail is based on a real person this time Dr Albert kman who received huge backlash for unethical Dermatological experiments in Philadelphia stemming from ringworm treatments and in this note fman has been exposed to carbonic acid dioxine and graphs of infected flesh dear God o it does however say that other inmates have gotten it much worse don't know how but I probably don't want to know how despite this her physical health remains remarkable even if she looks like yesterday's guacamole and we can learn a little bit more about mother Gooseberry and a background check done on her she was the daughter of a Dr a fman who was a dentist by trade her mother was out of the picture and she worked for her father from a young age using puppets to distract kids during Drilling and surgery she apparently enjoys taxid and musical theater and the popularity of the fans resulted in a TV program called the mother Gooseberry hour which air in 1951 after Dr Fan's death Phyllis suffered hysteria and dissociation it's also noted that his corpse has never been found this is an interesting thing to learn since we know that the name of mother Gooseberry puppet is Dr fudman presumably named after her father and the added fact that Gooseberry also regularly calls the puppet daddy during conversations alludes to that point even more after his death the tone of the show changed dramatically conditioning adolescent audiences through abuse and praise causing the audience to become almost cult-like engaging in immoral behaviors for her police raided the studio in 1955 and Phyllis retreated into the puppetry tunnels beneath the set and used her drill to kill two policemen and injured five while being apprehended this resulted in a life sentence to home hburg prison analysis from Perry during the interview gives insight into how mother Gooseberry operates firstly Perry acknowledges that charismatic personality within Phyllis and also the fact that she seems to have two personalities that she would change between on a dime the first is her Phyllis fman personality that will alternate with the television Persona of mother Gooseberry a childlike version of Phyllis of approximately 14 years old while the other is Dr a fman her deceased father now being puppeted by a hand puppet made of scraps this personality is abusive and Incredibly violent however most importantly Perry thinks he's funny so he likes him great input there Perry appreciate it pal I will say that the personality traits that the hand puppet has and the fact that it's named after her father might give some insight to just what that relationship was like between Phyllis and her father Perry goes on to mention that both personality laps into a lizard brained murderous rage monster that her Gooseberry personality shows remarkable Charisma and has even managed to seduce two guards despite her ragged appearance giving more Credence to her being a good candidate for the role of prime asset now for how mov planned to secure the test subjects for the reagents as we head into 1957 it begins with a document that asks to inform scarfiotti and avelinos that 37 mov charity Outreach centers are now operational and taking in potential patients an additional six centers will be open pending signage since scarfiotti is insistent that the mirkov corporation's branding be limited to the inside of the center outside a public view of course followed by a list of locations which have centers which is the majority of the US but damn mov is having a field day in New York we also get to see an internal letter within mov saying how in response to the unanticipated volume of patients volunteering at these centers mov has purchased a controlling Shear in a company called Liberty meat hauling LLC how nobody found it suspicious that a pharmaceutical company has the need to buy a majority shears in a meat Hauling Company is beyond me now the cost of transporting patient volunteers to the facility is cut by roughly 72% but the experimental population volunteers will require extra sanitation as the stink is as you could probably have guessed pretty damn stinky mov will continue to transport beef in the cars for the return trips and the sanitation of human waste in the cattle cars is not necessary thanks to recent rollbacks and regulations this means that all of the volunteers are being transported hooded in piles of human and cattle waste lovely some correspondence between Baron zes and aenos is recorded Baron zes asks if a velinos has been monitoring the paperclip work coming out of Los Alamos as Dr Vernick sleep therapy lab is showing an extremely suspicious fixation on the last few reagents coming out of the newly created senala facility apparently Baron zes has a secretary who Eaves drops on verick as she can also speak German and Vernick said that easterman may have made the most fruitful mistake in modern science since the creation of penicillin Baron zes sees this as a provocative statement and is cautious to put too much stock into vernick's words on account of his cynicism and condensation of all things American but he asks aenos to tell him about paperclip activities at Los Alamos and in return he could share some more details with him easterman sends a letter to Baron zes on the very same day essentially sucking up to him saying how he has always admired his character especially as he will soon be making a recommendation to the board on whether or not senala will continue to receive funding he goes on to say that they have found a way to salvage current resources and push forward into an even more exciting research since project La created psychotics which has been a partial success they are working to create agents willing to do anything even murder if necessary but they currently lack the necessary subtlety and control since it was based on classical apparent conditioning focusing on subconscious triggers calling it crude but it has revealed an unexpected and extremely promising side effect the setbacks have left mirkov with an enormous number number of lath subjects for autopsy their bodies revealed strange tumorlike growths in the perial loes of the brain easterman believes that this suggests an Avenue for a more precise form of apparent conditioning and he will spend the next few days creating a proof of concept after which he will share his theory with Baron zes CIA agent Jameson Lawler believes that further research is needed into psychoemotional with the MK Ultra and Dr verx wer program he gives personal authorization for budgeting and continued Research into both noting the metallic brain tumors found within the autopsies as subdermal combustion that indicates heavy current death count the following is a list of the tallies of deaths and injuries incurred by Dr Eastman's lyic aggression therapy better known as project La 109 from the reagents 32 staff security eight research staff seven mainenance staff and even the visitors aren't safe with five deaths quite the body count as it stressed that no redesign or hardening will make the trial environments at the senala facility acceptably safe and as a result it's strongly suggests immediate shutdown the next journal entry from easterman is really fitting since he's now finding himself deep in his Fields he believed scarfiotti to be conspiring against him trying to use the recent events of La as evidence of his incompetence stating that transference is common in therapy mother Gooseberry apparently sees easterman as a proxy to her father while Co is projecting a veritable parade of murder victims to his feet he says that accidents happened and people died he takes full responsibility but clarifies that science is a matter of experimentation and since they can't control the prime assets it also means that they can't control the experimental population if project lath is allowed to collapse all of them will be liquidated as a result he believes that if life gives you lemons then you make some damn lemonade since lath proved reprogramming is possible he will use the trial environment along with the prime assets and their ex population will act as the an against which they Hammer the true subjects from this point on he wants meaningless test subjects neither damaged or broken mental patients nor charismatic Killers like Gooseberry and Cole he wants the Vanquish the unloved and the unformed subjects that are the opposite of special the downtrodden men and women who are down on their luck in society and also with the added bonus of nobody searching for them when they go missing easterman and by proxy mov wish to take it advantage of these people easterman had a conversation with scarfiotti And ainos in regards to this realization stating that Gooseberry whorn and Coyle have developed a cult of personality this is the opposite of what he needs asking instead for blank canvases those lost and hopeless people who can break into nothing avelinos says that they have already had that with the experimental population from Mount massive Hospital which easterman refutes saying that they were full of damage and Trauma they couldn't empty them out only shoveling in more damage and Trauma and valanos mentions that easterman has his attention before easterman mentions that they would only be throwing away mkv's money if they would to shut it down instead by pivoting into the next phase there would be no added cost outside of getting the new reagents saying that once the next generation of reagents are finished they will be ready to be released into the world acting as agents that can be released into the culture and cause change without being assumed by the system avelinos calls out the fact that this was the initial promise yet they are now millions of dollars into failure easterman believes that this could make history and not in the sense of an idiom meaning that they could literally make history easterman now begins to look into the autopsies of the previous subjects looking for something to give to Baron Z and after searching dozens of brains he has realized that there is zero correlation between stimulus and lesion growth the only consistency close to being interesting is a shared vision of the Skinner man some nightmare man making his way through the test subjects but that's not science he begins to lose hope as he states that mov will shut down La calling it a disaster however desperate times call for desperate measures so Ean sends another message to Baron zes saying how the proof of concept was a phenomenal success I see easterman as a fan of the fake it till your make it approach stating that the parial lesions formed just as expected allowing him to adjust the cortical humuli with surprising Precision once conditioned mirkov will be able to set predetermined behaviors in the subject's brains belief will then follow making subtle adjustments that can make reagents capable of almost anything using feelings like Temptation and addiction to help encourage the subject to follow the order and once acted upon the motivation of that Temptation will follow he once again asked for Baron s to continue project lath stating that if they continue this will be Merk of century it doesn't take long until we get confirmation that project lath 2 will officially be authorized now changing the name from limic aggression therapy and documentation to latent agency therapy also stating that overall operational cost should be much less than Phase 1 and that oversight from Los Alamos and cooperation influx will be minimal from Mount massive however to to continue getting funding from the CIA minimal sharing of results must be shared with MK Ultra MK Delta and MK Naomi an interesting discussion is had between easterman and scariot regarding what exactly they are doing to the reagents easterman mentions that they are not creating behaviors in the reagents but instead they are creating complexes the difference is that a psychological complex has a story it's pain mixed in with a story using the example that if somebody is frequently burn with cigarettes they will quickly learn a fear response to a smoldering cigarette and their behavior will change to avoid cigarettes from that point on since they associate cigarettes with physical pain now let's say that somebody is frequently burned with cigarettes by their mother who is also beautiful and volumptuous very strange place to go to in this analogy estim but continue I guess and the mother Whispers to them I love you but the donuts are making you fat the person hasn't learned a behavor that person now has a complex it creates contradictory objectives such as Justice through lies or faith through absurdity Mercy through violence or in the case of this example love through punishment it doesn't require much redesign Coyle will believe that he is the lore in his own private fom while Gooseberry will believe that she is in her own makeb believe world of childhood joy that belief will allow them to control the EXP poops to create a furnace of complex that will burn away the reagent's personalities we get another journal entry from easterman explaining how the LA 2 program is barreling forward with such great pace and the influx of funding for the new program is so much that he originally thought it to be an accounting era Baron zes has requested that all test results be shared with the paperclip team at Los Alamos especially regarding the Skinner man easterman points out that it's just a nightmare some subconscious projection of the guards and nothing of any real scientific note but points out that Vernick is the type of person to think that everything is solvable in dreams pointing towards vernick's past saying that to a hammer the world is made of nails and to a Nazi the world is made of nightmares he mentions how one of the Sleep room staff members suggested that the Skinner man is a reflection of easterman himself since he overheard reagents calling at Dr Skinner this annoys esman saying that he is much like a father to his patients and that they love him as much as he respects them the first is a description about the guidelines being put in place by mov for the second phase of the leth project deciding to separate and group The X pop by documenting archetypes and augmentations if you remember the last video The X pop are the people that the reagents can find throughout the trial to complement the prime asset associated with the area the list includes markov's descriptions of each archetype including General X poop heavy X poop pouncers screamers imposters Berserkers nigh hunters and the much less scary description of the pushers mov wasted no time going into the depth of what each archetype and X poop entails starting with the general X poop if you remember the recruitment ideology of mov going into the creation of the trials back in 1956 they wanted to find people that wouldn't be missed to find the bottom of the barrel so when mov took them and possibly killed them during the trials nobody would come looking for them this includes the homeless and downtrodden people that could easily be manipulated into chasing mkv's false promises these are the people that fall in the general X poop archetype lost men people with a high degree of vanish ability mov actually lists a bunch of people they feel fit this category such as drug addicts fallons political disant artists leftists and hobos they are to be left with minimal augmentations and they previous involvement in phase one of the lath program have left them vulnerable to mov Sway and apparent conditioning so they will listen to the prime assets and mold to the environment effortlessly and if you want to know just how valuable these people are to mov the last line clarifies it all General X poop is considered Expendable and should be periodically evaluated against the cost of feeding storage and upkeep I suppose it's fitting that mov have invested in a meat Hauling Company for cattle since they treat their subjects just like cattle and then we have heavy pop these consist largely of violent children or adolescents that have been subjected to hormone therapy and limb extension surgeries to have increased their speed considerably this due augmented strength means they're impossible to control through physical restraints but have been conditioned for obedience they have almost a childish cognitive framework and should be considered extremely dangerous it even says under the doctor's note to avoid accidental contact with the groin area since they are easily aroused Jesus their childish mind does prove useful to mirkov however since they will believe almost anything that they're told then there's the pouncers largely consisting of people considered as sadomasochist paranoids these are people that derive sexual pleasure from pain while also being incredibly paranoid it says that they were selected from patients at Mount massive Hospital due to their paranoid Tendencies and as a quick reminder for people Mount mess of hospital is the location of the first Outlast game and due to the connection with Dr Vernick this is of little surprise the pouncers have nails wire and scavenged bits of metal that they've pushed into their skin and are also known to enjoy some self-inflicted shrapnel from time to time due to their heightened paranoia pouncers tend to ramble about fantasies of the worst possible outcome Futures things that they fear that will happen the doctors believe that they should listen closely to these fantasies as they might prove as inspiration for future trauma vectors to use on reagents now for screamers the perfect screamer is somebody that is extremely sleep deprived they were gifted from the paperclip people at Los Alamos for the trials at the Cala facility and were inspired by experimentation in German war camps during World War II since these concentration camps experimentation revealed guided treatment that could greatly alter vocal cords causing them to scream louder peer this with the morphogenic engine therapy that was used to encourage them to scream when somebody was in close proximity to them it could stun anybody nearby to them the people at lost Alamos used the techniques found in Germany and created what was possibly the worst form of existence you could imagine using amphetamines they have created a NeverEnding waking nightmare for these people they are always in a state of near sleep meaning they are sleeping at all times while also never sleeping and are near catatonic while being sensitive to Sound and Motion they are literal walking alarms essentially the doctors describe their mental state as constant hallucinations anxiety and psychosis and that they are in a steady decompensation towards greater and greater suffering dear God easterman hopes that the screamers will actually have a calming effect on the reagents and the trials as they encourage a slower and more thought out approach to the trial next up are the imposters sneaky ones these are if you run around the trial you might spot somebody that looks awfully like someone in the reagent's team only for them to get close to you and start stabbing away these are imposters they are largely just general pop but have been given latex masks in order to imitate the reagents they are used to teach the reagents to essentially trust nobody it mentions that imposters are put into the environment nude and are left to scavenge clothing from the corpses and even take pieces of metal or glass to serve as their weapon but they are considered very dangerous since they normally have a childish playful nature while also being incredibly sadistic there have been cases in the past where imposters have managed to steal clothing from the senala staff taking on the appearance of scientists there's even a warning that states that it's good practice for senala staff to greet their colleagues regularly and look to see if they respond without moving their lips or to appear to be giggling without smiling to see if it's actually an imposter or Not by the way that sounds creepy as all hell then we have the Berserkers patients that have been repurposed from a prison experiment and weaponized syphilis this engineered strain of syphilis has resulted in blindness and dementia in the patients but were relocated from the prison to Los Alamos where steel pins were surgically inserted into sensitive skin areas for increased awareness mov compensated for their blindness and disorientation with increased strength and aggression using limb lengthening therapy and hormone treatment much like the heavy pop the notes actually show that Berserkers are one of the few archetypes that display Dr vernick's theories of lateral Ascension since they find Enlightenment at the extremes of pain resulting in them to almost warship violence against others and as if it couldn't get any worse Berserkers have been recorded as having an unreasonable amount of animosity towards their ruined eyes going as far as picking out their own eyeballs and then continuing into the cavities beneath and until they damage their own frontal loes in their brain causing a self lobotomy it notes a warning to senala staff to not engage in conversation with the Berserkers as previously healthy staff have engaged in self Haring after prolonged exposure to them and finally we have our last archetype the pushers they're made up of previous staff members at senala who have been driven to psychosis due to chemical exposure in proximity to trial populations they are equipped with basic aerosolized medication equipment and are encouraged to create their own psychoactive compound their evolving amphetamine and huyen mixture has managed to stay one step ahead of reagent drug tolerance and almost always causes temporary psychoses to the reagent the pushes have a perceived relationship with the so-called Skinner man mirkov related the relationship between that of a child with a overly affectionate uncle or a trusted priest God damn it senala and mov staff have encouraged to use pushes as an example to always maintain strict security protocols and mental hygiene and also that with every accident comes opportunity for Innovation and that wraps up the background of each of the archetypes that could be found throughout the senala facility the mov Corporation begins conducting group experiments with LA 2 test subjects in correlation with the CIA program MK Ultra with the intention of controlling human behavior we can see a mouse trying to reach the pills at the bottom of a bottle in reality a pretty fitting metaphor for the lab brats that are taking part in markov's new facility we pan to a flyer as it's being Swept Away by the wind landing on a nearby homeless person as the person looks at the flyer we can see that it's asking for people that are lost lonely poor and Confused stating that miracles of science that mov can provide them will give them purpose since the world owes them everything they accept people of any gender race religion or political Viewpoint and all you have to do is stop by one of their convenient volunteer charitable Outreach Centers before the opportunity has gone forever and you might be wondering what does this gracious opportunity look like yeah not very good these are the kind of situations that people lose kidneys in I'm telling you we can see participants being transported while well hooded and wheeled into this new facility likely using the cattle trucks we learned about earlier when the hood is taken off it's a complete horror show I'll have to blur a lot of this during the video since you know YouTube but trust me it's definitely not the site you were hoping to see when you were promised Miracles and a new start in life a doctor Wheels over a table while lowering a television the man on the television tells the participant to not be afraid and assures him that they are all safe all while giving him a juicy injection Str of the eyeball this man introduces himself as Hendrick jolia easterman our favorite Journal writer in the flesh well television you get what I mean he continues by explaining that he is a friend and along this journey you will be reborn into a whole new you the doctor at this stage has finished removing a device from the head of a deceased reagent and Begins by mentioning how the table consists of all of your belongings found about your person your public records and also private conducted investigation into your private life movs attempt to find out every aspect of a person's life to be completely sure that nothing could possibly come back to bite them later she asks us if we consent to the collections and the other gracious doctor gives us a hand by making us nod very kind of him I must say they begin drilling the device into the head of the patient which is of course the signature Outlast night vision in this case some night vision goggles and it's also good to see that mov recycles we awake some some time later in the hallway of a building with a significant amount of blood still on the floor as we reach further into the building we can finally get our eyes on what exactly this place is that mov built televisions state to a racial pass while an entire house is being built within a giant Warehouse much like a movie set filled with mannequins and the odd actual real did guy here and there you can see the employees of mov watching as you enter the building for the very first time keeping an eye on everything we are greeted by a mannequin that is welcoming us home asking if it's how we remembered so we can burn it all down once and for all the televisions and many of the rooms say to proceed with the preconditioning that means the preconditioning of the Mind Control to set the reagent down the psychological path to change his and or her own views and Ambitions to that of mirkov Corporation we get into a room that shows a mannequin woman over the crib of a baby easterman narrates that your birth was the most destructive thing that you've done to the world before stating that you must forget the past in order to embrace the future to abandon your birth a manican host escorts us to the next room and we can now see a scene of Early Childhood easterman explains that even before you could speak you have instincts before dismissing them is nothing more than the instincts of an animal we must forget them slowly but surely attempting to erase the previous life of the reagent Peace by piece a child learns discipline both rewards and punishments and only a truly disciplined child is thankful for for both we can even see some riding on a nearby wall in the kitchen from a previous reagent straight up saying that dying is easier really putting into perspective just how bad of a situation we find ourselves in some singing can be heard from a nearby theater as a bunch of child mannequins are watching a show as we approach the Apple we are introduced to Dr fman the hand puppet to Mother Gooseberry it essentially explains how the doctor is going to help rip out our previous self and put in something bitter once outside easterman hits a Critical Strike on us saying that we surely love somebody in our life even if they didn't love us back ouch we're now allowed upstairs to what the host calls adulthood as mother Gooseberry gives us a front row seat to what will happen to us if we're unwilling to forget our previous self this gives us the slight opportunity to grab our public records easterman tells us that our job work and purpose are all that the world thought you are it's time to destroy it and free ourselves to become something new along with a box filled with things from our private investigation containing all the secrets that we have in our life the way easterman is explaining it would suggest that the character has done some pretty crazy stuff something you would take to your deathbed but reminds us that we now have an opportunity to start over once all the files have been destroyed we make our way to a chair before a television once again falls from the roof easterman Praises us for our Rehabilitation and congratulates us on our new life before explaining that we will now be sent to to the sleeping quarters a place where we can reflect this particular place serves as an in between for the reagents as they come and go for their trials the facility is watched closely by the eye of mov with many different parts containing scientists and staff members that can observe the trials we can even get a very interesting look at an individual in a wheelchair that approaches the upper Windows this is again Dr Rudolph Vernick from Outlast one much younger but just as psychotic if the reagents find themselves slightly peckish it's even equipped with a kitchen for all the top quality dining experiences that a growing mirkov re agent could possibly need as well as carefully placed mov propaganda that is so blatant it's actually funny you can see the mirkov employee injecting the reagent with something in the middle of a handshake I love how up front they are another fun fact is that caffeine cigarettes and alcohol are all prohibited from the sleeping quarters which is almost criminal since they are probably the top three things I would be reaching for in a situation like this to cope with this crap I also want to bring some attention to a few phrases that can be written on the walls of the facility we have some Bible verses such as Matthew 12:43 placed on the walls in the Bible Matthew 12:43 says and I quote when an impure Spirit comes out of a person it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it in quote while Luke 11:14 says and I quote Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute when the demon left the man who had been mute spoke and the crowd was amazed end quote these two Bible verses really helped shape The Narrative of change and even subtly symbolize that the previous life of the reagents should be viewed like a demon or an impure Spirit something that needs to be cast out and to be rid of at this stage the reagent would be sent out on Trials to be examined assessed and judged then given a score as to their performance at the time of this video the there are a total of five programs that have been released with numerous trials throughout it is the 1.0 release and technically the full release of the game and while Outlast trial seems to be going down the road of a live service game it's hard to say how many will be released by the time red Barrel stops making new stuff for it so we will make do with the five that we have so far let's see what the reagents need to get up to within the Cala facility the reagents are normally grouped up into a team of four people you along with three other reagents is sent via a trained system to the warehouse during the ride you will be bound to cheers and showing a brief video on a screen from Dr easterman mixed them with some subtle brainwashing images that are played throughout the facility he will explain to you that your job during the trial is that of an exterminator enforcing that only what they tell them is true before explaining that there is a snitch that is inside the prison preparing to testify against mof's truth and if we want freedom then we need to kill the snitch as the TV screens go back to the roof a chemical agent is released inside the carriage that causes hallucinations now it's important to remember that mov is attempting to create a type of super soldier that would do whatever they ask of them so the idea that the reagents would be rewarded for killing a snitch that is supposedly responsible for trying to testify against mov is most likely viewed as a suitable starting place to condition the reagent's mind to serve mov and his interests after our tripping out sessions we arve at the first of E's trials snitches get stitches as you'll notice the surrounding area is filled with mannequins and television screens that create quite a scene again much like you would see in a movie however not everybody inhabiting the space as a friendly mannequin that cannot hurt you it's also filled with bodies of previous reagents that have failed and numerous people that will attempt to attack you hander your progress or just straight up murder you these smaller enemies people from the earlier lath program left over to use for mkv's newer reagents comprising largely of Asylum and psych wood patients easterman failed to properly convert using his brainwashing program due to there being too much trauma already once inside we make our way into the security room and can set our eyes on Leeland Coy for the first time and as we learned earlier in the documents he is not to be messed with and he thinks that he is the commanding police officer of this place and gets a little too excited at the idea of electrocuting people with his shock baton which is his weapon of choice he's currently guarding the snitch and we need to get to that snitch and begin Wheeling him out to his demise but mov has understandably put a lot of obstacles in our way like turning off the power which requires the reagents to head down into the basement to refill and rewire the generators coil and numerous other X re agents will be scattered throughout so the whole thing can be an incredibly dangerous you can even find numerous instances where mirkov employees are watching you as you make your way throughout the facility taking notes on your performance once your team has managed to refuel the generators you'll need to make your way back upstairs to the snitch and begin pushing him along the rails eventually being blocked by a gate the television will show the reagents a symbol that will represent the correct body that contains a key those keys will open Gates throughout the police station that will allow for us to continue pushing the snitch throughout if you get the body wrong then you'll instead pull out a device that will shock you something that I found interesting in the first trial was a security guard station outside the trial's confines mentions if you get close enough that the walls are not there to keep you in but instead to keep the outside world out further signaling the need for secrecy for this whole Endeavor to work a few gory searches later that I will unfortunately have to blur because of YouTube we can get the gates that will allow us to get the snitch all the way through the facility while coil will do everything in his power to stop you at the end of the line is a giant electrical chamber that acts as an electrical chair four handles are available to use in order to create a charge that you will need to hold the handle for long enough to cause a fatal reaction on the snitch once you have yourself a fried snitch you will then be able to make your way back to the shuttle while trying to avoid the people trying to kill you along the way once you've made it back successfully you have officially completed the very first trial that mov has set out for you eliminating a threat that was attempting to expose markov's interest already planting the brainwashing seed into the mind of the reagent depending on your raing easterman will speak to you afterwards as you're sent to the evaluation room to be cleaned stripped of items and monitored before being released back into the Sleep quarters with the other participants mov gives the reagent a form of currency that can be used to purchase new things for their room and person after each trial as well however that is not the final task of the snitches get stitches programs there are two MK challenges included for the reagent the first of which is cancel the autopsy which sends the reagents back to the facility that is hosting L coil easterman briefly mentions on the ride there that it doesn't matter what it is that you serve a yearly salary possibly an appetite or passion or even an actual God in heaven before asking us to show him how we serve when we arrive we can find a few people hanging upside down above a grinder and it is reinforced that corpses offer forensic evidence and mov is asking you to turn this evidence into um sludge the task is simple collect the keys in the different rooms and much like you did in the first trial unlock the levers that will lower the agents once again the corridors and rooms are filled with numerous dangers that can quite easily Ender reagent's participation in a heartbeat but once you collect the keys do as you're told you can once again head back for evaluation and this is the new daily life of a movy agent forced to abide by the rules of Dr E until it becomes second nature the third and final requirement of the snitches get stitches progr PR is to sabotage the lockdown this tells the reagents to return power to the facility by repairing the generators and enabling their escape from prison which in hindsight seems really counterintuitive on markov's part teaching your own prisoners how to escape captivity but I guess given mkv's end goal was to send these reagents out to public and utilize them on missions that could get them captured I suppose it makes sense the rest of the trial is pretty self-explanatory but once you're done you return to the sleep ERS a champion of the snitches get stitchers trials does that mean Freedom no of course not but you might be wondering what is it that you get as a reward for completing the trial well your reward is another trial this time we head out to meet Phyllis fman or better known his mother Gooseberry in the grind the bad apples program she will be the main danger as we Traverse our way through this amusement park of horror and death we get Dr easterman once again speaking to us during our journey as he mentions that we the reagent are an adult but the youth will not obey our orders and must be corrected before saying that there are children murdering adults in the root canal and that they need to be punished now don't freak out I will quickly clarify that the children being spoken about are simply hypothetical and are only mannequins and dolls but the underlying theme in regards to the brainwashing is as serious as you could probably imagine once we finally arrive at the set which is actually named futter land which can be found on posters and signs throughout the we can see what levels mirkov is willing to go to in order to create an immersive experience for their reagents and I think you have to salute the effort as incredibly terrifying as it might be we could see mother Gooseberry parading above the door as she is Dancing with a mannequin and her Quirk is the fact that she has a little duck puppet in her hand which is called Dr fan hence the name of the amusement park and Dr fman is really good at removing people's faces and she demonstrates just that to the guests as they enter the amusement park a little thing that you can find as you Traverse the Landscapes of fle land is that numerous mannequins and people will just have skin faces that she just leaves scattered around the place once you manage to enter the park you will once again be joined by various failed x-r Agents from other versions of Project Life much like we did in the police department but the amusement park is full of everything that you could imagine rides games tickets and even a diner except with the Gory Outlast kind of fun a very very first job is to unlock the gates to the area called the root canal in order to get entry the reagents must collect tickets by playing the carnival games but instead of using Bulls you're using human hearts once you complete the game you can take your ticket to the fancy ticket collection robot and after four tickets you will be allowed in and our gracious host mother Gooseberry is there once again to greet us I'll have to blur out most of the room for once again you guessed it YouTube but it's an absolute mess up there and she is once again demonstrating just how dangerous she really is a little ride car appears and we need to wheel it throughout the root canal ride to punish the children at the end again they aren't real just some mannequins that are treating a real person very poorly in that car the ride is supposed to be a kind of water ride and you'll need to re-engage the water flow so the cart can continue to be pushed throughout the area and speaking of area much of the ride is dressed to look like a human mouth with rotting teeth and and such hence the root canal name but it also has a lot of things that you would expect in like a child's toy box like building blocks of proper duckies so it's not all horrifying once you push the card all the way to the end you will find yourself a giant grinder that you will need to push the mannequins into in order to punish them and after doing so the reagent will be able to hit the burners flee the ride and hopefully the trial all together once they arrive back mov will once again clean and strip the reagent of all items and return them to the sleeping room with a Big W of mirkov dollars to go buy that badass Robot action figure and then send them back to do more deadly trials this time to punish the miscreant this is largely a similar premise the reagents will arrive back in ferland but this time the place has had a quick coat of paint on the exterior walls that would distinguish the areas a little bit more there is a grinder in the main room and there are four child mannequins that are creating trouble throughout F land your job is to find them deactivate at them and ultimately return the mannequins into Splinter form using the grinder and they once again will have to deal with Mother Gooseberry as she is not very fond of reagents coming into her place and disrupting the children's mannequins also a fun little addition to this level is that when the reagents typically if you don't want to be seen will need to sneak around to not be noticed however once you have the mannequin in your hands they have a little voice box inside them that would yell out for help and ask the failed reagents and mother Gooseberry to murder you revealing your location for everything around you so this one is a little extra dangerous for the group once you have grounded all the misc and you can head back into the train and go to the sleeping quarters some very nerve-wracking arm wrestling later and you are ready to be sent back out to the third and final challenge of the grind the apples program open the gates you will return to F land and will need to unlock the gates preventing you from leaving much like the third challenge of the snitches get stitches which teaches the reagents how to escape from a captivity environment easterman speaks to us once again on the journey and asks us to view ourselves as a spider building a trap to ens snare the future the underlying tone of the grind the bad apples program is that of obedience while snitches get stitches taught the reagents to defend mov and its interest from people looking to expose them grind the bad apples teaches the reagents the importance of obedience and what can happen if you don't or rather what you should do if somebody isn't it's pretty messed up overall but I mean you sort of have to come to expected from this universe much of this challenge takes place in the background area of f land which has a whole bunch of wires scattered throughout that we need to deactivate in order to open up the gates and once you do you'll get your grade and be ready to head back in once again after a little nap it's time to get back out there and this time we will be returning once again for our favorite child show host mother Gooseberry for the cleans the orphan program mother Gooseberry has been moved from F land to the orphanage area for the cleans the orphan to take place in you'll be placed onto the train system by m of employees as Dr easterman once again gives us some words of advice speaking about how even education and Faith must follow mandates and reinforcing that children will learn obedience a similar lesson was learned in the grind the apples program he says to shape them young and they'll be MK offs for Life very creepy if you ask me some words pop up on the screen explaining some of the core principles no drugs no Rebellion and no lust so I guess easterman draws the line between those and straight up murder and brainwashing sure and once again for clarity the children mentioned uh just mannequins living their best life we arrive and we get to see the set that has been created for the third program and this time it's an orphanage from the outside of the orphanage it actually doesn't look that bad but once you get inside wow it is a mess and whoever decided on the interior design is to get fired because holy crap those things are some hideous paintings our first objective is to start turning off some of the security systems in order to open the gates around the orphanage more importantly the children's dormitories as they have other technical tuners to unlock the gates to the outside areas once we arrive at the dorms we can find mannequins placing their heads in piles of sugar and baking soda totally not drugs of any kind and also this thing which I could honestly say gave me about three heart attacks as I've mentioned throughout this area and speaking of heart attacks we got mother Gooseberry again wrecking havoc in rooms and hallways of the orphanage which I might say is probably even more scary than the carnival since it's now in a much smaller space in corridors instead of open areas after doing all the tunings the Regions open up and the gate to the classrooms will require you to go through changing the film on the projector to some classic Merk of propaganda I have to be really selective about the footage I show throughout this because the entire orphanage IS F filled with nun mannequins in very risque a attire and positions so I apologize if this part is a little chopped up anyway once the propaganda has been placed in the classroom for the children to enjoy it is now our job to head back into the reception desk and open up the gate that will lead us out to the chapel and this area is where things are about to get really crazy for the reagents and what is quite possibly the craziest thing I think I've ever done or seen in a horror game and for YouTube's sake I will need to blur much of it but I will explain it the best I can for you inside the chapel you can easily be mistaken at first for its very wholesome scene disco lights spinning while child mannequins dance and play between the pews it's only when the lights turn on that we realize the true horror of the situation and in this case we aren't talking about God but instead mirkov he is tied up at the cross and the reagents are task with collecting sore handles while also turning on the generators to power the mannequins once we arrive mannequins need to um chop his legs off essentially trust me it's really graphic and Outlast really turned up the gross meter for this particular program but once that's all finished we need to turn on the mannequins as they will go and have a big old dance in the fake blood and eat from the um offerings that the reagents just gave them yeah I'm I'm not kidding now it's time to feed the orphanage and head back to the facility to be judged and placed back into the sleeping quarters for a round of arm wrestling to cope with what just happened our job however is not over we must head back for our next challenge which is to feed the children this will take us back to the orphenage but instead of being inside the main building we will make our way to the cafeteria where all of the mannequins have been placed ready for their Monday night dinner but what is for dinner you might ask well let's just call it mystery me Monday we need to go around the outside areas and search for the main stock ingredient for our soup in this case it's bleach which is an incredibly deadly into toxic concoction probably even for mannequins once the bottles have been collected we can take them and fill the pot up and eventually serve the food using the graciously set out pipeline that will take the soup straight to the tables the mannequins will jump around with excitement while the reagents jump around flailing for their life as mother Gooseberry is coming to murder them we get out of there and are now only left with a single challenge left for the program Foster the orphans which will put us back in the orphanage but this time we need to tune all of the frequency to allow us to save the children from other Gooseberry and find them a new home or if you're like me just hide in a cafeteria freezer for 10 minutes while the other reagents do all the work for you this is actual footage by the way it's not a still image remember folks work smarter not harder once we get the lobby gate open it will allow the children to flee and allow us to flee back into the Sleep quarters this time around similar to Mother Gooseberry with the carnival and the orphanage mov has now transferred coil from the police station to his new set the courthouse the reagents need another lesson in Justice and loyalty and easterman is happy to oblige mentioning that we must always fight for and protect the people who help us mov and that our goal is to kill the judge and make them pay for crossing them I really do have to admit whoever is doing the set design for mirkov needs a raise cuz this is some really impressive stuff once you reach the main lobby you'll get this feeling of MK of Justice deep down but the reagents waste no time getting to the courtroom Coyle makes his first appearance at the new set as he explains that the wheels of Justice might turn slowly but nobody can avoid his Justice you know normal coil things the courthouse has a set of mannequins set out as lawyers the jury and an audience to observe the trial you might notice that the accused on the side here while the judge is tied up and has a bag over her head up on the stand one of the lawyer mannequins addresses the room saying that the accused is on trial for kidnapping and cutting up four people but mentions that there is no evidence the accused mentions her innocence and we need to continue onwards the accused mannequin represents mov in this Twisted situation as the reagents need to learn what it is to keep mov safe I took a few minutes to sit next to the judge and listen to the different things that she says and other than the fact that she doesn't feel that she deserves what's going on she mentions that we should kill the doll and that it was only a doll did get me wondering if this might be the actual judge that convicted and sentenced Phyllis fman AKA mother Gooseberry since the charges that the judge was on trial for were very similar to that of Phyllis and the reference to the doll could be alluding to her duck puppet Dr fman let me know if you think I'm on to something there in the comments anyway the reagents will need to collect the evidence for the case and this includes a puzzle right out of the movie 7 when you activate the Box a timer will begin and a black light will reveal numbers hidden around the room next to a pyramid that is either filled partially filled or empty the correct order for the code is by doing it in order of low to high AKA you take the empty pyramid first and then the one section filled in and two section filled in and then finally the whole section filled in the evidence in question is a human head that would need to be taken outside to a fountain once placed inside they will need to collect acid to act as a liquid for the fountain acid heads fountain you can probably guess what's going to be happening here there are numerous rooms throughout the courthouse that the reagents need to explore and to find the remaining heads of the victims of the accused and continue to place them within our acid Fountain once the reagents have destroyed the evidence they return to the courtroom as the defense lawyer mentioned that the case should now be thrown out for lack of evidence Coy shows up and says that he has taught some of his friends what to say in order to get a conviction now the reagents have some witnesses to kill you might might have noticed these guys in the previous trials but they act as the screamers the reagents are provided with a device that causes their heads to explode and a separate device to track them around the courthouse while coil chases you down once you've dispatched to the witnesses we return to the courthouse and prove that without evidence and witnesses there is no case now it's time to teach the judge a thing or two which much like the chapel scene in The Orphanage is very graphic and let's just say that the judge gets the Hammers of Justice gets them bad in the legs and the arms and the head once the judge has been dispatched the reagents will return to the sleeping quarters for Halloween festivities and apple juice that is until we need to finish the following two challenges of the program easterman explains just how special we are a nice little pep talk before running for our lives for the next 20 minutes he explains that Civilization is built off the suffering of the weak and we need to dispatch of the scapegoats we need to track down each of these guides and give them the explosion treatment the rest is very straightforward once they're all dead head back to the Sleep quarters and get ready for our Second Challenge this time around is disposing of more evidence which will require us to reuse our favorite disposal unit acid and this time with a bathtub type of thing there is a body inside the tub and we need to find buckets of acid to fill up the tub creating one less potential issue for our new Overlord estimate once done run away from coil and back to the Sleep quarters ready for the newest release trial our favorite television host mother Gooseberry has received a third set for her time as the prime asset and the reagents are tasked with taking on the toy factory once you've managed to work up the courage you re-enter the train with your fellow reagents ready for the next adventure easterman calls us the Revelator we are what exposes perversion latent in every heart within the toy factory is a deviant that needs to be destroyed only then will we be let out we get some more Twisted hallucinations of mother Gooseberry going to down with her drill before arriving at the facility this time around Dr fman takes the stage front and center is a duck mascot can be seen around the toy factory appropriately named duck duck and Goose our first job is to Infiltrate The Toy Factory until we find a person that's trapped inside of a trash compactor I must admit that is not a good place to find yourself stuck in my friend he mentions how he's been in there for hours or possibly days the fact that you don't even realize would probably make me lean towards D pal since I would know the difference it's not looking good for this guy however since we need a key that is inside the compactor and the only way to get it open is to actually fill the compactor until it's full causing the machine to crush the trash and a new friend but we got the key and that's what matters we opened the front door to the toy factory and we can see the fman mascot and all its ducky Glory we need to reach the toy production line which reveals a naked person on a production line belt for obvious reasons I'm going to have to keep this person blurred out but we need to head up to the security room upstairs to retrieve the security key that will allow us to operate the machine however this will only allow us to operate it we still need something for the assembly feeder bin which will require finding the correct box of wax from the upstairs storage area next to the assembly feeder will be a television that will show you the exact box that you need the other boxes are filled with classic mother Gooseberry booby traps once we get our wax it will need to be f via converter belts to get around the security door systems that somehow make wax go bad I have no idea how it does it but sure after that it's simple feed the wax into the machine and before you know it our assembly line friend has himself a new coat of hot wax trust me it is as terrible looking as you could probably imagine this is however the first of a four-step process head back up and the next two keys and boxes that contain metal scrap pieces and lubricant while doing all of this mother gooseberry will remind you just why she is the creepiest damn villain in the game once we've fully created our toy we need to open up the pressure valves since we'll be sending this new creation into the incinerator again I don't really understand why we need to go through the hassle of production since we just burn them anyway but hey I really like the level Design After The Burning is complete we can head back to the shuttle and re-enter the trusty sleep quarters until our next challenge the next objective is to head back into the toy factory with the intention of of destroying toys of the pervasive nature using the conveyor belts once again to get the boxes to the trash compactor this time around however we can do the compacting guilt-free since there isn't actually somebody in it this time around but I like how this mirrors the beginning mantion mission where you need to destroy your identity and secrets mov once again urging the reagent to destroy anything that is not useful to mov and his interests since it doesn't serve their objectives bonus points for the fact that mother gooseberry CH me down like a blood hound for like 5 minutes while I was getting this done and I think my blood pressure is still recovering as I make this Dar video the final challenge is essentially an escort Mission as you can take a full cart of toys and mannequin parts to be burned inside of an incinerator not much more to add on that front since it's pretty straightforward and with that we can head back to the Sleep quarters and enjoy our new room filled with Mother Gooseberry drawings and celebration of finishing her third trial I feel like this would be a good time to mention the newly released Dennis and story lines that came out with the 1.0 update these allow the reagent to speak to noes news bow and easterman via your radio within your cell they unfortunately don't have a heap of information to give but let's cover what we did get the timing of these discussions changed depending on how far you are throughout the trial itself but we'll just begin with easterman easterman lays it on thick with these recordings telling the reagents shortly after arriving that any fear that they are feeling is simply a result of their life outside of seala facility however here they are loved they built this all for the reagent they cannot allow their outside life to slip Within These Walls even if they recognized someone from outside that was just simply who they used to be but not anymore do not bring it up to them they are dead they are now someone beautiful and wonderful I watch you when you sleep whoa easterman dude thinking about how special you are and how much I love you I hope you'll think of me like a friend like a mentor like a father I feel incredibly uncomfortable with that update from easterman could be more scary in fact than the trials that we've just completed he goes on to tell us that we are free and not to allow anybody to tell us what to do that we are Nobody's Child while telling us what to do and literally telling us to call him daddy like 5 seconds ago we need to release our sadness and fear since we belong to no Nation or church or family we belong to ourselves and mirkov will teach us how to get better we can be happy confident and productive Now we move on to nurse barow our first interaction with nurse barow offers the reagent a shoulder to cry on or somebody to talk to if they need it reinstating how we need to trust Dr easterman since he built this and he built it all for us before asking if we think that any doctor has ever cared for their patients to the same level as easterman does she goes on to say how she feels so lucky to be alive in a time of Miracles and advancements to witness incredible men like Dr easterman the therapy that they offer here at senala is a bit like going for dental work or minor surgery it's a bit uncomfortable but you feel so much better when it's all over bow goes full creep mode and admits that whenever Dr easterman is near the coffee machine or the water dispenser she will deliberately linger around the area wanting to listen to his conversations she also mentions how angry Ean was about the news coming out of Korea some of the United States soldiers came back changed like they were different people and easterman wants to create similar changes she also asked the reagent after they returned from a trial what they thought about the previous lath participants such as Gooseberry coil and the general pop she feels sorry for them but mentions how they simply didn't try hard enough but now they can use those previous failures to help shape our healing and finally noes he makes an observation that we clearly had a terrible life outside of senala for us to even consider about volunteering but reminds us that the horrors that take place here will far outweigh our troubles on the outside after a trial he will ask us about how our therapy went inside the trial before pointing out how much therapy will it take before we're no longer ourselves we are slowly losing pieces of ourselves within these trials he tells the reagent to stop going in the trials stay inside the Sleep room instead read a magazine and is frustrated that we continue to go through the therapy but does understand that we're trapped here just as he is it seems that no is the only character that is genuinely looking out for the reagent warning them about the real dangers of the senala facility now we'll be continuing with the files since there's still quite a bit more to go we moved back to some surveillance documents regarding some x-r agents released back into the wild this time in 1959 which includes reagent 0877 which was viewed as uneventful they attended a baseball game and had two meals at a dinner and relatively uneventful month overall meanwhile reagent 0946 was quite eventful the subject exited apartment Before Dawn walking through the residential neighborhood and observed a bird falling from the sky the subject then stepped on the bird bird dead they then proceeded to have two fots of crying throughout the day one foot of uncontrollable laughter and then went on to perform their job well it was also overheard from the subject that the bird fell from the sky with the power of his mind the next file mentions that reagent 0946 had to be terminated and is now awaiting cleanup the subject was observed at the theater and approached a group of adolescence claiming they had extra sensy abilities the adolesence laughed and fled but the subject followed them the subject tried to climb into the house of the youngest adolescent roughly 12 years old oh they were then intercepted and Perry engaged the subject in a physical altercation it took six shots to the head and chest and a g to finish the job 0946 would go down as a failure now back to the boring re agent 0877 ainos has requested them to be retrieved and transported to markov's office in Los Alamos for further study Baron zes will be there to retrieve and process the patient afterwards Baron zes sends a message to easterman regarding 0877 mentioning that the reagent has proven a remarkable inspiration for our paperclip guests avelinos told Baron zest that it's rare for one of the test subjects to survive as long as 0877 and hopes for more to achieve similar ascendance and will increase funding po Los Alamos contributions reagent 0877 is also the subject that verick mentioned being like a modern-day discovery of penicillin another reagent 1616 was fired from the shoe department store over misconduct with a customer they were later observed in an emotional state and all trigger tests were successful they had lapses in memory and spodic bouts of near catatonic Behavior the subject wandered the town continued to use metal objects to press against their eye and mouth and continued looking in different directions with the surveillance team noting it strange the same subject sells all of their possessions and Boards bus to Albuquerque New Mexico once there they apply for multiple jobs and are noted as having an abiding interest in the ladies they speak to a woman described as a loose character bit of a rough observation but they display good Charisma and managed to take the woman back to their hotel room they used the test trigger while they were inside and apparently the subject showed exceptional and immediate results results lethal outcome before neutralization was possible and clean up is now required the conversation between the woman and 1616 is seen in the next document before everything we know happened 1616 makes a joke that he is built for Comfort rather than speed which got the woman laughing he asked the woman for her steel bracelet to show her something quite extraordinary he mentions how the metal a is a kind of antenna saying that he can feel it pull and he was much like a human Compass a tug in the same direction the woman asked which direction to which 1616 says West she points out that compasses normally Point North not West 1616 says that there is clearly something to the West that he needs to see and that a man of his huge appetites ought to follow the things that tugg at him at the end he Reveals His name as Sullivan this is a character that we will see chronologically almost 55 years later in outlast 2 called Sullivan North day 15 of the surveillance of 1616 or Noth continues to show odd behavior with metal objects pretending to be a human Compass he then holds up the metal to his iron mouth and turns in circles and ends up heading West and Northwest the observation team used a map and Trace the headings from the human compass with starting points in Fort Worth and Albuquerque the lines connect within 40 Mi of the senala facility they note the subject could be picking up on some kind of signal we love ourselves at good journal entry as easterman writes yet another this one explains that veret continues to haunt The Sleep room that he seems completely uninterested in any MK of Staff instead focusing completely on the reagents in the Sleep room as they rest and recover for trials what is also quite interesting is that easterman mentions he watches Vernick from hidden vantages showing that somewhere in the Sleep room easterman is watching from hidden areas Vernick has been watching reagent sleep and even participating in some patients paralytic trauma therapy easterman is concerned by his involvement as vernick's work is Ed on dreams and Superstition and thinks that it could pose a threat to Le too this is around the point in which the playable reagent completes program X and completes the senala trials it is difficult since we don't have any definitive time that these different endings take place or really much context for what they are so I'll just be adding them here since they're kind of addressed in future documents and I'll just be explaining what I think the endings mean the reagent will receive tokens that can be spent to allow them to become reborn once PID to the security officer you will once again be greeted by easterman he explains that the trials are now inside them and they only need to survive one final test to escape this place calling them the most perfect weapon the most innocent child ever born the future we once again see the hostess mannequin as she mentions that the boxes on the table are taken from your new life public records and private files your task is to take them to the appropriate authorities placing them back in the locations that you took the previous files from from at the beginning of your journey you'll be tasked with deciphering the final tests which will put everything that you have learned throughout the previous five trials to the test once you exit the door the reagent will appear in the water with a large white glow on the horizon which you can run towards the sound of which is very similar to the light that can be seen and heard in outlast too at this stage there are multiple possible endings for your reagent so let's start with the very first one released for Outlast trials Cuba you awaken inside your hotel room with blood on your hands and feet having no memory of how you got into your current location as the phone begins to ring on the phone you hear easterman tell you three words spider I lamb the trigger words needed to turn you into a special agent that they need you to be now to explain what this ending means when the player character awakens the very first thing that you can see is the blood covering their clothes bed and even bloody footprints on the floor the shock expressed by the character is clearly showing that they have no collection of what happened or quite frankly where they even are but one thing is clear you are in some type of hotel room and your exact location is made more clear by simply looking outside your window that particular flag is the national flag of Cuba which means that our reagent has done some traveling since leaving the merco facilities we can find a further clue as to where we are exactly within Cuba with this small book on the table named lahabana which if you didn't know already is the Spanish name for the the city of Havana the capital city and the largest city within Cuba so the question needs to be asked why are you in Cuba for what purpose would mov have to send you there after your time during the LA program well it's important to set out a rough timeline we know from documentation that can be found throughout the facilities that mirkov has been planning the lath program since around 1949 eventually starting their first iteration of the program in 1956 before needing to completely rethink the volunteer strategy for a second iteration of the program in 1959 this is the same program that we participated in so we know that these events are taking place post 1959 how long after is a mystery but I would assume that mov would have taken advantage of their experiments quickly as they aren't historically a company that likes to mess around much now there are a few theories going around online as to the reason that you find yourself in Cuba most popular of which is that you've been sent out to kill Fidel Castro a real life Cuban revolutionary that was the Prime Minister of Cuba starting from 1959 and yes you did hear that right 1959 seems like a very big coincidence if the two are actually unrelated and while it might seem strange when you ask yourself for what reason would mov have to kill Fidel Castro what would they have to gain it's also important to remember that the lath program was a joint oper operation between mirkov and the CIA which given the circumstances of the location at the end of the game would suggest that the player character was one of the successful reagents that was given to the CIA for the issues of State instead of personalized Merk of interest and when we look at this through the lens of the reagent being used by the CIA instead of mirkov this makes a lot more sense Fidel Castro and the CIA did not get along at all and if rumors are to be believed Fidel Castro was said to have survived upwards of 638 assassination attempts much of them being from the CIA and they were some pretty creative methods they used exploding cigars poison filed pins and even booby trapped seashells to name a few there are public documents that show that during the years of 1959 1960 and 1961 the CIA had many operatives in Havana Cuba with the intention of bringing down Fidel Castro and and his brother rayel Castro so you might be wondering why did the CIA and by proxy the American government want Fidel Castro dead in the first place well in 1959 Fidel came into Power by overthrowing fenia Batista the nation's American Beck president and since Fidel was viewed as being a communist in the close proximity of Cuba to the United States it made the US nervous so the reasoning for the character's presence in Cuba is concrete in this Theory but unfortunately we don't have the the exact time frame and context does matter in these short amount of years for example if this takes place in 1959 then it is right on the precipice of Fidel Castro's coming of power within Cuba so the reagent could be used as a preventative for example however if this takes place instead in 1960 there is a very good chance that the CIA has brought in the reagents from the mirkov trials as an alternative method since the failed attempts during 1959 on Fidel cas his life however if this instead takes place in 1961 only a short 2 years after the MK of La 2 program this could possibly be during the period of the Bay of Pigs invasion which if you don't know was caused due to Fidel Castro establishing diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union in 1960 as a result the United States prohibited the importation of Cuban sugar this would be absolutely crippling to the Cuban economy since the United States sugar Imports comprised of8 % of the country's total so the USSR agreed to buy that sugar to stop the Cuban economy from collapsing so in 1961 John F Kennedy severed us diplomatic relations with Cuba and stepped up its preparations for an invasion the main planner for this invasion was the CIA it ended up being a massive failure for the us but it's absolutely plausible that the mirkov agents was sent in 1961 in preparations for the Bay of Pigs invasion and then there's 1962 only 3 years after the L 2 program when the Cuban Missile Crisis took place uh confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union that almost boiled over into a nuclear war it involved the Soviet Union placing strategic missiles some of them nuclear inside of Cuba and due to the close proximity of the US caused a lot of tension and problems between the two countries with Cuba being right in the middle of it all so again it could be in relation to the Cuban Missile Crisis and as you can see there is no shortage of reasons that the reagent and by proxy the CIA would have by sending your character to Cuba the question is more about when it happened now I want to address some added things that can be found throughout the hotel room if you look around close enough to the room you can find writing on different surfaces saying different things for example in my playthrough I got this line don't listen hidden behind the pl but interestingly you can actually find many different phrases written each time that you go through here since I didn't have the time to go and get every single one of them I found some photos of different phrases that can be found throughout the hotel room including never let it end over the bathtub as good as Dead behind the television rabbit holes in also over the bathtub monkey Sleep Walker under the sink jump only way out I was here you are not you're the prison which at first I actually thought said J are the prison but I quickly realized that made absolutely no sense dead puppets which could be a nod towards mother Gooseberry don't wake up and even kill easterman by the way full credit for these photos go out to the official Outlast Discord group it's full of Outlast law Buffs like ourselves and they did all the hard leg work to find these phrases just saying I'm a big fan of you guys over there keep up the amazing work if you're watching anyway these phrases are clearly written by the player character and it gives us a glimpse into the mind of successfully turned MK of reagent what I believe this to be is something akin to this example you know when you're asleep and you have a dream then you're awake from that dream and for the first 10 or 20 seconds the dream is clear as day but if you say check your phone or get a drink of water or roll over and try to go back to sleep that memory of the dream disappears it could be 1 minute from waking up 50 seconds ago the dream was as clear as it could be and now 50 seconds later you can't remember any of it that is what I think is happening to the reagent the dream in this example is the trance that they are put into after hearing the code words sper I lamb which by the way causes the same blood red tendrils that the gas within the trials caused while you were still within Merle facilities these messages and phrases are likely the characters attempt to warn their future self to help them remember or to give warning after they forget as good as Dead shows the desperate state that the character finds themselves in unable to escape the programming and not being themselves anymore rabbit holes in could be used as the idiom for rabbit hole to describe a situation Journey or process that is particularly strange problematic difficult complex or even chaotic jump only way out a much more tragic example showing that the character feels that the only way out of this is to jump monkey Sleep Walker when the agent has been controlled by the code words is a equivalent to sleepwalking monkeys predominantly being known for tests or being told what to do I was here you are not shows multiple possibilities the first is that the memory loss of the character is showing that since they forget they are almost like a different person each time they wake up or a more interesting one that possibly the controlled or dreaming version of the character exhibits its own personality showing the awakened version of the character that they are actually different people or personalities you by the prison showing that the Regent's body is literally now a prison something that they can no longer Escape as mov has full control over it don't wake up this could be the dreaming version of the character expressing that they don't want to wake up or change back and kill easterman which and all fairness is actually pretty straightforward into the point which is nice given the ambiguity of some of the other phrases but it's clear that the reagent knows who is responsible for making them the way that they are and telling in their future self what needs to be done even though I'm not totally convinced that killing easterman at this stage would actually change much since the programming from the trials is already set in stone now on to the second ending this time Vietnam this ending is a bit more vague and quite frankly a bit more of a permanent ending to your character I think you could say your character wakes up driving a vehicle as a voice can be heard whispering to you only I love you a timer is ticking down on your chest and before you can even come to terms with what the hell is going on you explode now thankfully we have the luxury of rewinding there are a few things to point out firstly the board that we can see clearly shows South Vietnam and USA on it not to mention the sign near the building saying Hotel Saigon so in this ending we have taken quite the trip from Cuba and ended up in Vietnam instead that much as obvious now geography might not be your thing but Saigon is located in South Vietnam which lines up nicely to the South Vietnam sign so what could this particular incident be referring to well the first thing that came to mind for me was the 1964 Brinks Hotel bombing that took place during the Vietnam War timeline wise this would put us roughly 4 or 5 years after the reagent participated in the trials but firstly I'll give you a quick overview on what happened in real life it was Christmas Eve December 24th of 1964 and the Vietnam War was in full swing remembering that during the Vietnam war the United States were allied with South Vietnam fighting against North Vietnam who were Allied to China Russia and North Korea to name a few in 1964 there were 23,000 American soldiers in Vietnam and the Brinks Hotel housed the United States Army's officers lieutenants Colonels and Majors it had 193 bedrooms and was surrounded by a 4 and 1/2 M concrete wall that acted as a shield for the building not to mention South Vietnam guards however two Vietcong operatives managed to stash 200b of explosives into the trunk of a car set to a timer that would go off at exactly 5:45 p.m. during the officer's happy hour within the hotel miraculously only two people died from the explosion with 60 odd people being injured however in this bombing there are quite a few inaccuracies when you compare it to the Outlast trials version of events firstly it wasn't a chest bomb the two operatives simply parked the car and let the timer do its thing they never died in the explosion also it's reported that the car was under the hotel not outside of it but this could be simply a reimagined version of the real life event since it seems within the Outlast universe that mirkov has invested interest in big political events that took place in the 60s and presumably 70s in the Cuba ending however the motive seemed much more obvious since since mirkov has a very clear connection to the CIA as we can see in numerous files but from what I can tell the brink Hotel bombing had no CIA interference in fact it was actually orchestrated by North Vietnam well the only other thing I could think of that took place in Saigon in roughly the same time period 1963 to be exact that the CIA also were involved with was the assassination of the first president of South Vietnam now I would try and pronounce his name but I know that I'll butcher the pronunciation horribly so I'll just show you the man's name instead he was killed in 1963 in Saigon during a CIA backed coup where CIA backed Vietnam officers who disagreed with the president's handling of the North Vietnamese and Viet Kong threat to South Vietnam but the problem with this theory is the fact that he was captured and killed by shooting not a Car Bomb so it's possible that this event is a mixture of the two events put into one since the CIA played a big part in the cuber ending it would only make sense that the CIA would play a bigger part in this one also or maybe mirkov just wanted to sew political chaos and conflict which is entirely plausible also and our third ending that was released with the 1.0 update is quite an interesting one the reagent awakes inside some kind of containment unit as Dr verick and his staff are talking about how they needed to wait for altitude adjustments since Dr vernick's test required a robust immune system as the container closes one of the staff members mentions how there is almost as much tumor in the scan as gray matter referring to the brain of the reagent before stating that if these tests are indeed lethal you might as well use somebody that is as good as dead verick is annoyed by this stating that they wouldn't have made a long trip to Colorado if they were simply transferring a corpse he believes that the tumors are in fact Fingerprints of a god stating that when somebody is touched by a god they can sometimes be smoked and other times Ascend finishing with black tendrils surrounding the reagent as we can hear the classic spider ey lamb activation code from easterman the same that we heard at the end of the Cuba ending let us begin with the location of which this ending takes place we know from Outlast one that Vernick headed the dream therapy research and W Rider project underneath Mount massive hospital as it acted as a supply of test subjects for him and mirkov we also know that mount massive Hospital is in Colorado and the containment unit that houses the reagent is awfully familiar to the one seen in the facility in outlast one not to mention the video that begins playing on the television in front of the reagent is exactly the one that we see Eddie watching also so it's safe to say that the reagent has been moved to the facility underneath Mount massive Hospital during the early stages of Dr vernick's work and the reagent is one of the early subjects used on the morphogenic engine now speaking a little bit more on the brain tumors since they have such significance firstly brain tumors are something that has come up significantly not only in outlast trials but also Outlast one and two we know from earlier documentation that Dr Eastman found significant amounts of tumorlike growths in the perial lobes of the brains when assessing bodies of the lath subjects during autopsy the tumor growths are speculated to have been created from the pushes psychoactive compounds that they regularly use on the reagents During trials filled with a mixture of fetamines and huens that cause psychosis in the reagent and later creates tumors on the brain due to prolonged exposure to these chemicals however brain tumors are also mentioned in outlast 1 during a film that is seen playing mentioning how in June of 1943 over a decade before the senala facility fck recorded three instances of spontaneous bleeding and half a dozen test subjects began to develop brain tumors stating that the brain tumors in question were made entirely from Pure lead however these tumors were found within German patients while Vernick was in Germany and the brain tumors were not able to be recreated within the United States putting this down to the fact that the German people at the time were in a unique mental place that cannot be replicated without significant amounts of Horrors and death these things would allow them to be capable of activating the morphogenic engine and ultimately the wall Rider and we have to remember that Vernick believes that these tumors are actually the Fingerprints of a god this could be be due to numerous reasons Vernick was attempting to create a host for the war Rider somebody that could control the nanites and the only people capable of reaching that level of lucid dreaming are people with such high amounts of Trauma from the views of horror and death the same things responsible for the tumors found in Germany so this could be vernick's way of pointing out that the tumors are God's fingerprints allowing the subject the capability to control wall Rider and my other theory is associated with the black tendril scene at the end these black tendrils are very clearly referencing Dr Skinner who has the same tendrils as the reagent and we know that Dr Skinner also appears to the reagent after they have been subjected to the hucog genic compounds that causes psychosis the same compounds that cause brain tumors so there is a direct link between brain tumors and the person's ability to see Dr Skinner we saw very early on that Dr Vernick specifically was very interested and fascinated in Easter's finding surrounding Dr Skinner actually having Baron zesk reach out to easterman to share test findings with the Los Alamos team especially in regards to the Skinner man something that easterman at the time brushes off as a nightmare or subconscious projection and doesn't give any real thought to do you remember when Baron zes pointed out that his secretary heard Vernick mention how easterman had made the most fruitful mistake in modern science since the creation of penicillin I believe that this is what he was referring to the brain tumors and more importantly Dr Skinner this is a being that numerous people with exposure to chemical compounds see even without knowing or speaking with one another Each of which would have these brain tumors and also seen enough horror and death to Warrant them as a perfect candidate for vernick's experiments and due to the obvious correlations between the tumors and Skinner I think the Vernick looks at Dr Skinner as a kind of God the same God who verick is referring to in regards to the fingerprints giving the people a way to see him there is also a correlation that I would like to bring up because I think it's interesting in previous documents there was a staff member within the senala facility that believed that Dr Skinner was in fact the reagent's mental Recreation of Dr easterman something easterman actually got annoyed at when recounting the conversation but if we make a direct comparison between Dr Skinner And easterman in regards to vernick's reference to a God we see in the lemonade file when easterman is speaking about how he needs to treat the reagents going forward with LA 2 he speaks about how he must be absent powerful benevolent and will guide them as a God does from a mysterious remove and an added coincidence that once again in an easterman journal entry he speaks about his favorite horror passage from a horror writer which we know to be HP Lovecraft why this is relevant at all is the black tendrils that surround Dr Skinner the same entity that people believe is a version of easterman in the minds of the reagent HP Lovecraft is almost synonymous with tendrils as he is the one that popularized the horror of the sea creatures and practical Godlike creatures from the darkness and void all of which have predominantly had tendrils so it's a trifect the link between Dr Skinner easterman and his favorite horror writer my guess is that the last one is just a coincidence but I found it interesting nonetheless but that covers the new 1.0 ending and my thoughts on what It ultimately means we know that the reagent will not eventually become the host for war Rider since we saw Edie in outlast one but the reagent is likely one of the many subjects that were use along the way now back to the documents Eastman's next journal entry shows us just how much he has learned about Charisma as a whole in the past four years saying that he once thought that you could combat Charisma with Charisma but fighting fire with fire never really works he looks towards Christ how if you simply kill a nation's Soldier all you've done is kill a soldier but if you strike against yourself a tactical self-de you can destroy a whole nation he has been reading the orders for reagents in Vietnam reagents conditioned for self-destruction culturally attuned to Urban environments we must strike against ourselves to kill our enemies this is an exact reference to the car ending in Vietnam a transcript between Bradley of valanos and James Lawler can be found as they discuss a new program called program g a program that is in collaboration with Dr vernick's lab it's mentioned that ainos is trying to get the cia's approval on the program from Lawler but laa brings up Cuba saying that Castro is making all the worst enemies and that the agency is not averse to spending money right now as a result andinos feels that guer is a more aggressive program than paperclip or lath and could see results quicker for the CIA going as far as saying that Vernick describes Gyer as a nightmare material which interests Laura giving permission for the agency's approval our other ending is referenced in this next letter sent from valanos to laa speaking about how the Cuban Adventures the reagent's function is ordered even though the incorrect targets were killed mentioning how to some degree of experimentation in the field is necessary more importantly none of the agent activity has been linked to mov or the CIA saying that the events in Cuba were not a failure instead of just another trial honing techniques and gaining valuable data on October 1st ainos took the proposal of project Gyer to the mov board stating that Los Alamos has ident ified extraordinary commercial potential and unexpected side effects of late 2 using reagent 0877 as reference the side effect in question is the extra sensory activity that relates to the Skinner man while the hallucinations are remarkable in their own right the fact that unrelated reagents and separate trials see him is seen as extraordinarily provocative for Los Alamos Dr verick has found out that an increase of reagents hallucinations has been correlating directly to seasonal change despite the senala facility's complete removal of outside variation in light and temperature the St D Vernick proposes trials and program G which would entail scheduled chemical encouragement and guided trauma of which all results would be shared with Los Alamos and mount massive aenos also mentions that the CIA approves of the program and will offer extra outside funding to further entice the board we can see that only 2 days later on October 3rd the board officially authorized program G all results will be sheared to Los Alamos Mount massive and the CIA the trials will be under the authority of do Vernick it is also stated that there was a handwritten note at the bottom of the approval letter to ainos asking him to call them and that there are dangerous expectations from the board relating to Project G a few days later on the 6th of October Clyde Perry puts in a request for transfer to the senala facility he mentions that he'll be unable to continue his work in the collections department following his injuries in connection to his recent surveillance if you don't remember Clyde Perry was responsible for the surveillance of Officer Coyle and was severely injured by coil during his surveillance he says that the doctors have reconstructed his leg and skull enough to get him back to mov for further treatment but feels that his Mobility will never return to its former level he asked for a reassignment before committing himself to mov corporation's cause we see nothing relating to Peri for a few weeks following his transfer request but there is a transcript of a convers ation that took place between ainos and Perry on the 18th of October aenos is informing Perry of an internal leak within mirkov saying that dozens of memos letters transcriptions and photographs have been leaked into the trial environments and what is probably the closest thing to a fourth wall break since the leaks he is describing are the files that the reagents found throughout the trial the very documents that we're discussing now aenos feels the leak is controllable but Perry is more concerned how this could have happened both have a theory that the pushers could be responsible for the leak they were once senala staff members and have since turned into a part of the trial population which would make them the likely suspects but avelinos points out that since the trials are sealed environments there is not much reason to worry Perry refutes this mentioning that one day the reagents will be sent back out into the world and that causes reason for concern if they leak the information valanos is still not concerned saying that the reagents are pumped full of chemicals so any memory inside the trial will likely be subconscious and since reading is boring nobody will possibly read them that felt personal but I'll let a slide in valanos offers Perry his reassignment something that he calls the department of historical refinement it would have three directives and descending order of urgency number one discover the source of the leak and how the documents have been scattered throughout the trial environments number two the removal of documents from The Trial environments and third the suppression of any any leaked information and dissemination of tangent information to corrupt or confuse anti- murov narratives and Perry agrees to the reassignment on November 20th Perry contacted easterman telling him that during his review of leaked MK of communications he has noticed inaccuracies with the documents he asked easterman to inform his staff to be more careful in the editorial department since the documents have had mispelled words incorrect dates and complete historical inaccuracies stating that if it continues he'll be forced to bring this up with the board easterman responds the following day telling Perry to cease from bothering him with perverse fixation on spelling and accuracy stating that he's not a librarian or a county clerk fixing dates and events for a bureaucracy he's in the business of Discovery before finally stating that the past is fungible and only the future is set the next letter mentions how Lawler is having issues with gotlib saying how upset he is over the results of their Cuban Adventure even threatening to cut SE funding the MK of Lawless speaks on how snow will soon fall on Cuba and they must make their move now speaking of snow we have a conversation titled cold Future Between avelinos and laa they speak about a possible nuclear winter Fallout from bombings and how the CIA are already making aftermath maps in preparation pointing out the terribly cold temperatures that would result in such a Fallout a valanos points out that they need to prepare agents so they can deploy them in environments that will kill them with cold who will still achieve their objectives even if they know that they're going to freeze to death and by doing this it could bring gotlet back into the fold regarding Merk of contracts a valos promises to provide actionable agents to the CIA that would allow them to work in low temperatures if the worst actually does happen this is in reference to the cold snap temperature that takes place within the trial during the Christmas period requiring the agent to hide during the temperature snaps in order to stay alive we then have a meeting between aenos scarfiotti and EAS as the syala architect scarfiotti speaks on how he'll be able to build the freezing technology quite quickly however it will not be cheap ainos feels that this will get them back into the agency's good graces after the Cuban situation easterman is humming to himself until scarfiotti tells him to stop easterman says that the winter kills program will be fruitful since it actually addresses a deeply rooted and Universal fear they haven't explored in the trials yet sudden Mass scale annihilation followed by a Gress endless winter of even more pain before asking if he is sure that the board will approve of the program and valanos assures him that as long as it brings in money the board will approve it easterman finishes by mentioning how they will need to increase reagent recruitment due to increased mortality rates that this will bring to which venos mentions that it won't be a problem we have a note from Dr new house directed to Father Clark at Mount massive Hospital showing that Clark was conducting sermons for patients within the hospital with Dr new house offering to either increase chemical restraints or lobotomize anybody that father Clark feels threatened by new house feels that the patients of hypnotherapy need the bedrocks of God and family in their lives and thanks father Clark for his contributions whilst we do not have any further information on why we do know that it's a 1964 that Shirley Pierce was no longer a patient of Mount massive hospital as it's marked as her final year as a patient but it is Mount massive so the idea that she had a happy ending is incredibly incredibly unlikely on the same note as Shirley Pierce her longtime Doctor Bruce neous left his employment at Mount massive Hospital in 1965 as seen in his excerpt once again mov is not one to leave many Loose Ends so it does make you wonder what happened once again we know due to the developer description of Sullivan no that during 1966 he was working as a shoe salesman in Albuquerque New Mexico this being many years after his surveillance from mov after he participated in the LA program at the syala facility it is on this day of November 26th 1966 that he received his first vision from God while he was listening to the radio we know from a patient form found an Outlast one that Eddie gluskin was 46 in 2013 putting his birth year here in 1967 unfortunately we don't know the exact date three Mount massive scientists were murdered by an unknown patient at Mount mes of Hospital resulting in authorities to order the closure of the assy after his Revelation with God Sullivan would abandon all of his Earthly possessions and begin preaching to the people of Albuquerque his passion and noticeable Charisma inspired the lost and disaffected and they flocked to him as a leader in 1967 Sullivan had amassed dozens of followers that donated all of their possessions to his newly created church called The Testament of new Ezekiel they lived in a luxury Ranch owned by a wealthy woman named Linda Degan while Sullivan would continue to receive messages from God he would go on to record these messages in a book of verses called The Gospel of noth after his new found cult leader status he would encourage the woman of the flock to have children frequently and even offered himself to father said children it was at the home births of these children that gave New Mexico police the legal authority to crack down on this newly formed cult and would go on to raid them under health and safety violations this resulted in the arrest of dozens of cult men members all of their assets seized and Sullivan barely escaped arrest with a handful of followers one year after the incident at Mount massive that killed three staff members mov would cease operations at Mount massive Asylum while burying evidence of crimes that took place there after fleeing with his remaining followers Sullivan would climb a mountain alone to commune with God God would tell Sullivan to sacrifice one of his eyes in exchange for True Vision which Sullivan obliged after doing so Sullivan would see the absolute certainty and Destiny of his church seeing a town deep in the wilderness hidden from civilization it would act as a gateway to the true Temple of The Testament of the new Ezekiel the town would be called Temple's gate and he would guide his followers there to prepare for the tribulations of the end times during the winter period of 1969 Sullivan and 100 followers Caravan out to the desert leaving the Wicked World behind them it would seem that mov didn't do a great job at covering up their crimes at Mount massive as in 1971 Mount mass of Asylum would shut down completely amid a scandal of government secrecy we also know that 1971 is the documented year that Temple's gate was founded by Sullivan Noth in the Indian Reservation as seen in outl 2 it's during 1972 that the CIA director Richard Helms orders the destruction of all MK Ultra files due to public exposure with only a few documents actually surviving our favorite fruit loop for whistleblower Frank Monero was born at this point in 1977 again we don't know the exact date but we can see here that he was aged 36 in 2013 a newspaper article was published on November 2nd mentioning a conspiracy at Mount massive Hospital showing that half a dozen patients and ex employees have come forward to accuse mirkov of abuse and illegal medical practices taking place within the Asylum saying that the Asylum has become controversial and essed almost a cult-like following amongst Skeptics and conspiracy theorists mov begins expansion in their mind control programs for public testing resulting in Mass self- deaths 1981 would be the birth year of Mount massive patient Chris Walker as his patient file found in outlast one puts his age at 32 in 2013 the birthday train just keeps coming through as 1985 is the birth year of cameraman and eventual protagonist of Outlast 2 Blake langerman within Outlast one an exit interview recording with Dr ver can be found that is conducted on December 27th 1985 as Vernick speaks about his time working for the United States government in Los Alamos mentioning spontaneous bleeding tumors and psychosomatic reactions observed in sufficiently Disturbed people mentioning how only a test subject who has witnessed enough horror was capable of actually activating the morphogenic engine it's in 1987 that Paul Marian as seen in the Merk of accounts comic book passes the state bar exam in Ohio 1990 is the birth year of William hope better known as Billy hope who was a patient in the war a program at Mount mess of Hospital in our last one we also know that he was born specifically in neth Colorado to Tiffany hope as seen in part three of the Outlast MK of a count comic book series whilst we're unaware of the exact date we do know that both of Blake langman's parents died in 1995 with his father dying within a month of his mother going from being perfectly healthy prior to her death and then taking a drastic turn with his health at the end of 1995 marks the events seen during Outlast 2 as Blake langerman his future wife Lynn and fellow student Jessica attend St Cil high school with this also being the year in which Jessica eventually dies 1998 marks the birth of two characters within the Outlast law firstly Allison Marian the daughter of mov account's protagonist Paul Marian and also Anna Lee who was the daughter of Ethan who you encounter an Outlast too he was part of the community of temples gate and her eventual death would end up being the Catalyst for out last two only 2 years later would Mark the death of Joanne Marian the wife of Paul and mother of Allison she would die in hospital to a rear blood disease that she shares with her daughter Alice we know from the comics that in 2006 mov purchased the spindl toop Psychotherapy clinic in Haden Texas doing so for mirkov employee Jeremy bl's research through Charities initiative whistleblower character Simon peacock leaks secretive Merk of files and goes on to disappear 2008 is a bit of a confusing sit situation to deal with since it's the very beginning of the story told within the MK of accounts comic book series and the series takes the broken Narrative Approach where multiple storylines are taking place simultaneously over different time spans so I was a little conflicted on how to present this information but I'll do my best to split the corresponding stories to match the year and date of which they took place but just understand that a little context will be lost here since they seem to work together to tell the narrative but I'll do my best to fill in the blanks all right let's start with some basic context Paul Marian and Pauling Glick are partnered as Merk of insurance mitigation officers now why would mov be in need of such officers well strape yourself in for some good old mov propaganda the transnational mirkov Corporation continues to push the frontier of scientific research and development partnering with the greatest minds and expanding the reach of every branch of scientific inquiry gene therapy behavioral Psych ology information technology and Medicine just to name a few but sometimes errors and oversight happen so the Merk of insurance mitigation department is there to minimize the economical Fallout of such errors consider them damage control to markov's wallet it begins with Paul and Pauline working a job on some murdered patients at the mov owned spindle toop Psychotherapy Clinic which mov eventually called The hatbox Murders they had found the body of a patient named Martin Belmont his injures so bad they needed to stitch him back together his head was missing just like the other victims this however was not the only similarity in the murders each of them were Veterans of the army and obviously patients in the Spindletop Psychotherapy clinic in Texas mov bought spindle top in 2006 and had a government contract to help returning veterans with PTSD they had a discussion with the chief psychotherapist since he wasn't under mof's management telling them how much they hate accidents and lawsuits and want to ask him about the dead victims that all happened to be exp patients of the facility he mentions that his therapy technique was to reexpose the veterans with Arabic culture to show that it doesn't always associate with war while also helping them relive the events that haunt them until it doesn't hurt them anymore but it began to have inverse effects see psychological wounds would close but then reopen wider as the therapy continued so they instead opted for dream therapy Guided by hypnosis so they would re-experience the events subconsciously without burdening them while they're still awake the new dream therapy proved remarkably effective resulting in rates of substance abuse to just plummet and any self-harming thoughts were eliminated they go on to speak with a security guard called strong fat that is recorded every single therapy session asking to see the sessions involving the three murder victims Martin balmont priscella Clark and John Bowers they noticed another patient called Omar who had a violent reaction to the hypnosis attacking the lead psychiatrist thankfully the security guard was there to save him stating that he learned some Judo in the military police and was very capable in hand toand combat we see a moment where Paul and Pauline are speaking with a woman about reimbursement they end up talking the woman into a contract for $10,000 when a potential lawsuit that she could have done could have cost mov a few million in reality really SL timey things when they return to the doctor thanks to a revelation by Paul they find him dead and realize that the whole Clinic is being recorded meaning that they should have footage of the killer well that is until they notice that the security system has been completely smashed to bits it becomes clear that the Killer's motivation is a culmination of all of the separate sessions believing that only two people heard and saw every session that being Dr Claymore who is now a pile of goo on the ground and the security guard from earlier within strong Fat's home they find four callers with the first three victims heads inside of them the first caller is empty likely meant for Dr Claymore Paul makes note of a little pig stuffed animal sitting on the bed stating that Killers like strong fed are always like Angry toddlers Pauline believes that they should start calling him by his real name Chris Walker he enters muttering the words little pig as Paul and Pauline attempt to restrain him we could see Chris and all of his physical Glory smashing them aside and lifting Paul by the throat even taking a bullet to the Jaw from Pauline it takes a whole car to stop him but Paul and Pauline need to get to work immediately since Chris Walker is a mirkov employee and they need to cover up the murders before the cops get to the house and cause a whole variety of issues for mov they put the head of Dr Claymore into the fourth caller loaded them all into the back of their truck placing it at Omar's apartment the patient from earlier Omar would act as a cover murderer for Chris Walker explaining that a psych patient doing these murders puts much less pressure on mov than one of their own employees it is in July that Dr Vernick moves into Mount Messa preserve to do charitable work for mov Corporation in 2009 Mount massive Asylum was reopened by Merk of psychiatric systems under the guise of a charitable organization the same charity work that they just hired Vernick for the previous year this is also the year that Billy H's mother Tiffany responded to an advertisement for free psychiatric care in the paper from mov Corporation and hopes that they could help her son Billy for his clinical depression and disorders sleeping while it's also not mentioned as an exact date we know that in 2009 ex mov employee Chris Walker was moved and intered as a patient of the recently reopened Mount massive hospital this opened up a variety of new opportunities for Paul and Pauline with Paul never truly finding out about the technologies that took place in the dream therapy work at Spindletop and which was later explored more thoroughly at Mount massive with Pauline feeling sad that Paul still thought of her as a partner when in reality he was now a Target as seen in the very first comic book of the MK of account series February 28th is listed as the date of death for Dr Vernick by MK of Corporations after only arriving 7 months earlier dying at the age of 90 from complications of heart failure due to old age the file even states that it's an official document and certifies that the contents are 100% true so absolutely no reason to doubt them at all not even a little bit mov wasted absolutely no time as Billy hope begins his consultations for the morphogenic engine program on April 12th stating that he has progressed to directed lucid dreaming states of which the morphogenic engine activity is observed at an unprecedented level an event took place in 2010 that is described in an email between Rick Trager and Jeremy bler Jeremy was the Executive Vice President of global development for mirkov and the head of Mount massive asylum in Project War Rider while Rick Trager is the head of Business Development at Mount massive Asylum and an executive of research development for the mov Corporation within the email they speak about female employees experiencing psychosomatic pregnancies something to do with how the morphogenic engine interacts with the immune system this turns out to be fatal more times than not which isn't good for mirkov since these are employees not patients so it's much harder to cover up but Jeremy mentions how the engine activity in the lady's bone marrow was off the charts saying that the projected profits from Project W Rider is already incredible so why not perform these experiments on woman instead of men for the best results and since mental illness can apply to both men and woman it would seem unethical to pass up on the potential profits this is not the only time within 2010 where gender comes into play for mov or the pregnancy situation as mentioned before it was in 2010 that Melissa Cho filed her lawsuit against mov regarding her contract termination which was based upon gender selection see mov had studied the psychosomatic effects of the morphogenic engine on female employees further and established the Baseline stating that seven Fe female employees and patients had reached fictitious half-term pregnancies within a matter of weeks for miscarrying the non-existent children five of these resulted in death female employees were then moved to other buildings and some even taken away from out massive facilities alog together and due to the secrecy around project War Rider this resulted in reassignments of employees and in some cases like Melissa Cho's complete termination on the 1st of November patient Frank Monera begins his initial consult for the morphogenic engine only a few months after Frank Mona's first consultation another patient Chris Walker has his very first consultation for the morphogenic engine we head back to mirkov counts with some events that take place in the second chapter of the series an anonymous employee of mirkov complained internally to human resources about the safety conditions at Mount massive Paul and Pauline were sent to find any litigious dangers or if it was just a false claim Pauline fored an email from MK of HR talking about OSH and the potential litigation that could result from it she felt that it was A Veiled Threat towards her since she is an expert at veiled threats after all once it Mount massive Paul looks into the computer logs but whoever posted the complaint was really good at covering up their tracks in the meantime Pauline went for a look around as she was curious about what mov was so intent on hiding she' be scanned by security and taken down an elevator 122 ft down to which she would see a familiar face or rather black thereof Chris Walker the very same serial killer that she got sent to mount massive only two months prior Jeremy Blair arrives and introduces himself Pauline is concerned since 2 months ago Chris still resembled human being but now he resembles more of of something like a monster Jeremy shrugs the comment off stating that human is not the precise termit that it used to be before asking about Paul's whereabouts Pauline tells him that he doesn't have clearance to come down here but Jeremy asks Pauline to remind Paul just how important it is for mirkov to weed out any employees that aren't true believers while this conversation is taking place we can see Billy hope strapped to a chair and being experimented on when Pauline returns she lies to Paul saying that she just saw normal hospital stuff and thinks they should start with it to find out who sent the email they speak with a woman named Miss H who is currently 6 months pregnant a point that you might think is unnecessary but it will be relevant later she mentions that due to mkv's rigor regarding digital security that the only person to have access to Deep Web resources would be corporate before suggesting that they speak to the head of Business Development Rick Trager in a span of 20 seconds Rick manages to be both racist and misogynistic like the guy's going for a speedrun or something he mentions that nobody would make any money in his Department from sending vaguely threatening emails about his Department performing badly Paul is curious how much Rick has cut the security budget to which Rick explains that security is the most expensive and since security changes with the times but money will always be money you have to make Cuts creating efficiencies makes everyone safer I think Paul hits the nail perfectly on the head with the this assessment of Rick Trager I mean this guy is a Wordsmith an employee called Denise comes into the office to serve everybody coffee to which Paul asks her about her pregnancy a vital mistake for any man to assume it turns out that she isn't pregnant at all and this leads to what might be one of the most awkward situations that you could ever find yourself in Pauline uses the opportunity to get more information from Rick by asking him to show her around Colorado tonight maybe even for dinner something old sleb Rick couldn't ref after the three course meal and wine Rick invites Pauline back to his place to which she agrees to but refuses the drugs that he offers her she asked for wine from his seller to buy some time for her to Snoop around finding his Internet passwords which he wrote on a piece of paper how is your memory that bad regardless she finds his Coke stash some dirty magazines and a pamphlet for an abortion clinic when he arrives back he pulls the two a drink Pauline asks him if he has a girlfriend to which he denies saying that is single she keeps note that in the next 20 minutes he never makes a move on her until she recognizes the bitter undertaste in the wine realizing that he just drugged her drink she pulls out a gun and recommends Rick to drink the remainder of her drink which she doesn't have much choice about and as if this guy couldn't get any more repulsive he manages to just one up himself every single time she calls Paul for a pick up after the close call and mentions how they need to speak with the pregnant lady from earlier saying that she found the abortion clinic pamphlet when they arrive they call out Miss hus as being the leak the person who sent the email to HR she admits to the email saying that the baby is Trager and that she would have him fired but it doesn't get rid of the child and she can't speak to anybody about what happened since she's under NDA she has no savings and can't afford a baby she needed some way to get fired or transferred and the email was her attempt at doing just that Pauline initially wanted to fire everybody but Paul had a much softer side than she did they ended up agreeing to a severance package for Michelle and exchanged for her silence her assistant named whan Park would go on to take her position and HR would go on to shred all records after being told the story from Michelle now the story has been pretty damn dark already but it gets even worse so prepare yourself brick Trager storms into the meeting office calling Michelle a liar to which Michelle tells Trager that she already told them everything Trager picks up some nearby scissors and stabs Michelle in the stomach yeah I'm not joking he wups himself once again as the most unlikable character in outlast and that is saying something Paul grabs Trager and throws him to a nearby paper Sher to which trager's hair gets caught in the inside of it Pauline turns the button on and Trager gets one of the most painful haircuts known to man something Paul and I both took great pleasure in seeing good news is that Michelle survived the incident however she was never pregnant it was another case of the psychosomatic pregnancy one and three woman working in Mount Messa facility were experiencing Phantom symptoms of pregnancy a side effect of the experiments in the basement Jeremy Blair believes this to be a massive litigation arrest since every woman should have the grounds for a multi-million doll suit saying that they might have to shut it down completely Jeremy uses a code word Eskimo Ruben something only Pauline would understand as she asks Paul to leave so they can speak about something Beyond on his clearance Jeremy shows her the projected profits for project War Rider and it was phenomenal therefore all woman employees were moved to other facilities to stop potential litigation problems in the future and the experiments were able to continue Pauline went back to Mount massive one more time this time to see Rick Trager stra to a gurnie saying he is a Merk of executive and that it isn't his fault Pauline hits him with one of the coldest lines ever saying that it isn't Rick's fault at all he isn't evil he just sick and now they're going to make him better damn what a reversal we can see Rick inside the morphogenic engine as black tendrils begin forming around his body much like we saw with the reagent in the mount massive ending Jeremy asks Pauline to drink with him tonight to which she refuses saying that she doesn't eat where she hunts October 28th marks the final Corn Harvest in Sullivan no's Temple Gate Community investigative report miles upshore is fired by the Denver Eagle for his article on the war in Afghanistan causing him to be self-employed as an investigative journalist eventually residing in Washington DC at some point in early 2013 the subsidary of mirkov Heartland Springs charity began construction on a three asab built water purification plants in Detroit an email found in outlast one shows an email sent by hen Granite talking about a phase out of Rudolph verick saying that they will be removing Rudolph Vernick from structural and financial systems at Mount massive and his Advanced age should alleviate any suspicions of contractors or employees since legally he died years ago a little giveaway there for anyone paying attention a bunch of patients titled 13368 14279 D1 and 14868 D1 are being transported from Project War Rider at Mount mess of Asylum to the zichner facility with hel making note that researchers have combed through all of vernick's files and found no mention of three lucid dreamers so they can safely assume that Vernick was distracted by the success of patient Billy hope and was therefore ignorant of the Discovery at hand she points out that she is both excited at the profit potential of the new facility stating that she hopes that it will be sufficiently shielded to allow female staff so she herself can see it with her own eyes a worker named Jennifer Roland can be seen making a report about post-mortems for project War Rider she is requesting a transfer due to the psychological cost of using such far gone and further provoked patience is more than she can handle she is also critical of the theories of Dr verick calling him a senile Nazi and believes in a change of approach we have our first dated entry into 2013 with the very first part of Val's journal in outlast two it mentions that three more Temple Gate members have been sent to live with the scold they have seven children which have all been sent to live in Val's Foster GE totaling more than 40 orphans within her care she goes on of course to express just how much she loves the children and that she has so much love to give since she will never have children of her own another patient is admitted for consultation for the morphogenic engine on February 14th patient Eddie gluskin is seen it is mentioned that he is a difficult interview subject to deal with since he just tells staff what he thinks they want to hear instead of the actual truth we get our second entry written from Val on March 9th as she mentions that six of the orphans in her Kia met the blade today despite none of them being of her own blood she wept as it happened wanting to know what's worse she did it herself as she describes the knife going so deep it hit the spine Sullivan was singing about the Gathering at the river while it happened and all of Temple Gate joined in on its chorus Val points out that God's voice was missing however asking for him to give an answer and fulfill the promises of his Prophet The Prophet being Sullivan she begins to wonder if anyone here truly loves God as much as she does on the very same day Val writes the third chapter in her journal stating that even more children are dead North believes there is no sin and infanticide as all are soldiers in God's Army all of the deceased will be waiting for them in Paradise no mentions that their sins will find them in their dreams as Val expresses that she only dreams of the murders of the children in her care I sometimes forget just how nuts out last two is when you really get into the law because V goes on to say that she gets um let's say excited after waking up from these dreams of Murder She is beginning to question her faith journalist miles upshore releases an article called The Devil's bargain how mov turned the global Water Crisis into a billion doll Revenue stream miles uses an example of a young 9-year-old girl that is standing before a water vending machine with the aslb logo on the very same machine is a blank space where the word free flow Global Charities was removed just last year for $1 she can buy 5 L of purified water which her Cher Afflicted mother desperately needs but for $8 would buy her mother the antibiotics that could shorten the disease or possibly even save her life this young girl needs to make this horrific decision and it's a choice that more than 1.6 billion people without clean drinking water are having to make on a daily basis over a quarter of acis citizens buy water from Wellspring Industries through their taps or the as lab machines but what they don't realize is that Wellsprings Industries aslb free flow Global Charities and worldfree Clinics are all subsidiaries of mov Corporation a mix between Western capitalism and third world corruption mov is using the subsidaries to open back doors into selling water to Drought starved populations in Africa India and Southeast Asia so here is an example on how mov does this a newly started charity fueled largely by donations establishes a water supply and sewage system for communities whose well water has been rendered non-portable by industrial runoff mov gets a tax Ral for their charitable spending while their subsidiary alsab gets the profits for building and installing the system when the cost of running becomes too great such as the case with free flow Global and Ghana the charity files bankruptcy and ab banders the project entirely then mirkov can step in and it subsidiary steps in and offers the local government completion and maintenance of the project in return for the construction fee and the complete deregulation of the water supply this essentially allows mov to name the price of the whole population's water and you have to remember mov is a pharmaceutical company that is the owner of three of the most active manufacturers of pharmaceuticals in the third world so with this scheme they will profit nicely whether the locals choose clean water or chera miles calls out mov for the history of playing both sides for maximizing profit at the cost of Human Rights water is quickly becoming the new oil which is largely ignored by the developed World wealthy Americans and Europeans are more than comfortable with their hot showers and ice drinks but as I mentioned earlier in the video just last year mov subsidiary hland Springs charity built these three water purification plants in Detroit meaning that the mess is coming much closer to home it's time for part four of V's journal entries this one is quite the read let me tell you it reads like a horrendous love novel but the key message in this is simply that Val is beginning to stray from the teachings of Sullivan no embracing her own faith part five reads much the same but Val was taking other like-minded Temple Gate followers to pursue her new Faith as she now believes that God is talking to her and showing her A New Path on September 17th 2013 a very major event takes place that is critical to the Outlast law as we know it the replacement of Miss Hass as mentioned earlier was a man by the name of whan Park whan anonymously sends an email to investigative journalist miles Upshaw who at this stage has already publicly expressed his dislike of the mirkov corporation in the previously mentioned articles wher mentions that he needs to be quick since they could be monitoring he is breaking a whole bunch of ndas by sending the email but he doesn't care at this point terrible things are happening at Mount massive hospital he doesn't understand it or even believe half the things that he saw doctors talking about dream therapy going too deep finding something that has been waiting for them in the mountains I feel the final line is perfect for miles to read people are being hurt and mirkov is making money it needs to be exposed remember the article that Miles wrote the final line completely encompasses what miles was trying to do and this would prove enough to PE his interest we can actually see the very moment that whan wrote the anonymous email to Miles upshore once the email is sent we can hear a man outside asking what's going on in the room he tells whan Park that something is going on with the engine and that he is being requested we reach security before being escorted to the morphogenic engine they require Park who is responsible for software to go to the front terminal since a new patient is coming in and the arterial spin is still dark the new patient being monitored is Eddie gluskin a patient that we spoke about previously whan begins working his magic while we see idy being escorted in screaming for help even bringing himself to the window asking for whan to stop them we get reassured of our safety and fix the monitoring system now we get a glimpse of Eddie gluskin inside the machine before being told to leave immediately we head back to our computer and none other than Jeremy Blair is there to greet us along with some security friends it turns out that whan graduated from Berkeley but as Jeremy points out he is not smart enough to realize that the last thing a fly should do while in the spider's web is wiggle as a result of the Betrayal of mov whan will now have to be committed to the Asylum even being kind enough to volunteer park for the morphogenic engine program on his behalf he tells whan just how much mov Corporation appreciates his bravery and sacrifice before giving a light anesthetic in the way of a good oldfashioned Fist and boot whan Parker wakes but drifts In and Out Of Consciousness almost reminding me of a Sunday morning after a big night out a few people grab the man and place him in a chair something that normally does doesn't happen to me on a Sunday morning but they are asking the man to open his eyes one of them starts slapping and licking the side of his face what the hell dude a coworker calls The Man by his real name of Andrew and tells him that some reports have come in about the morphogenic engine saying that Billy hope has made lateral Ascension Andrew becomes annoyed asking if the mirkov team are angry about it which they are we can see the brainwashing televisions in front of us much like the ones that played for the reagent in the ' 50s and also for Billy hope whan screams in pain before falling asleep again only a few hours later during the earliest hours of the 18th of September miles upshore drives out to mount massive hospital to investigate the anonymous email that he received the day before and on September 18th marks the events that take place in outlast 1 and Outlast whistleblower chapter 3 and four of the mov accounts comic book series as well so we have a lot to cover here we now jump over to the events of Outlast one as investigative journalist miles upshore finds himself driving down a dark country road at night while the car radio gently plays in the background we can see Mount mive Asylum is a large gloomy imposing building coming into view the radio begins to turn to static as he approaches we can also see Mars's press pass up on the rearview mirror he picks up a note from his passenger seat and it's a transcript of the anonymous email sent to him the day earlier we exit the vehicle and get a much better look at the building we have some of the inhabitants even saying hello how nice we can find the note on a nearby bench that mentions the reopening of Mount massive and 09 and also that cell phone reception was cut off abruptly a mile out and mov Corporation has a long track record of disguising profit as Charity but never on American soil so whatever is going on here at Mount massive must be big we take a side entrance into the Asylum before the lights very conveniently turn off and we have to use the night vision from our camera to see another file is found in one of the nearby officers it talks about a patient named Billy we know from earlier that this is Billy hope a 19-year-old male patient that claims to have progressed to self-directed lucid dream states Billy also asks about his mother's lawsuit against mirkov and the Asylum stating that he discovered the truth in the blood dreams of a doct Trager mob believes this to be a catastrophic breach in security but notes that the only Trager on company records was Richard Trager who was an executive at Rd remembering that Rick Trager is the creepy guy that got a very painful haircut and eventually became a patient using the morphogenic engine to cover up his crimes when entering the library we can see people hanging from the roof and people dead on the floors this is a clear sign that things at the Asylum are not going so well for the occupants we continue a little further and get a very unwelcome surprise from this gentleman as he throws us down to the lower floor calling us little pig in the process now if you remember from earlier there is an individual that used that exact phrasing remember strong fat or rather Chris Walker the security guard for mirkov and serial killer behind the hatbox murders this is him after mov did their experiments on him miles is drifting in and out of Consciousness after the big fall as the second man starts saying that God has sent him an apostle telling miles to guard his life as he has a calling we find another note nearby talking about Chris Walker a 32-year-old male that needs to be restrained when interviewed due to his removal of his own lips and nose it even speaks about how they needed to alter his restraints to accommodate his enormous size extensive dermal eruptions are consistent with failed morphogenic engine cellular activity and that the flesh ripped from his forehead allows him to have a true way of seeing he has a fascination with two aara lizards and has anxiety about his own flesh it also makes note that he served in Afghanistan and is likely the reason for his mental trauma that he shows an interesting callback to the fact that the first three victims of Walker were all veterans another note named warrant of seizure shows that the MHS or rather the Merk of Hardline security has reasoned to believe that there has been a catastrophic security failure within the Psychiatric Center as a result they will require full access into all facilities and surrender of all authority to MHS agents and by accepting the document you and all surviving relatives surrender all claims of litigation against mov Corporation a classic MK of move as seen by Paul and Pauline so the MHS can do whatever they want and you cannot do or say anything about it essentially we come across some patience sitting and watching the television and while a big part of me was hoping that there was some SpongeBob Square Pants on that bad boy it's only static which makes it a thousand times more creepy miles gets himself to the security room and takes a little look at their computer systems we can see the man from earlier turning off the power and the security cameras and we are forced to make a quick exit another file that we find speaks about the MK Ultra program titled a CIA document the subject is Hypnotic experimentation and research this is the file that talked about Miss Jackson and Miss Pierce and how they managed to make somebody who was terrified of guns actually pick up and shoot one using their hypnosis another note found speaks about the profitability report for project War Rider do you remember from the comic book series when Jeremy mentioned just how significant the money is and in regards to the project and even Pauline fell into the same trap well this file gives us some more context on the matter it is written by Helen Granite the same woman that hates Vernick and is actively regressing anything physical or financial to do with the man she mentions again how staggeringly high the profit margins are but thankfully for mirkov the four fatalities for the program contain enough ambiguous data to make litigation almost impossible a very interesting thing to put into writing and stored as a document for the authorities to potentially see but I guess that is the case for almost all Outlast documents but due to low interest from family and the government for the patients being used it almost makes the idea of legal action vanishingly unlikely again this connects back to mkv's approach with senala taking the downtrodden homeless and forgotten there is nobody interested enough to look for those people if they were to disappear after returning the power to the building we head back to the security room and are attacked from behind and injected with some kind of sedative he tells us that we cannot leave and there is much more for us to witness that their lord the wool Rider is showing his true to the unbelievers we then see a Dar Vader wet dream as MHS soldiers begin to be thrown around the room while nothing is there before miles falls asleep we now swap back to whan as he is in some serious pain being subjected to the images on screen from the engine suddenly he is released from his chair as the images still lingering his mind the patient in the room next to him is telling whan to stay quiet as we can see the War Rider paying him a visit we grab a trusty cam recorder nearby as whan begins writing himself messages much like miles does he is unsure how long it's been since he was caught wondering if it's even been weeks he is regretting his decision on emailing miles upshore apologizing to his wife Lisa in his message as we could see a bunch of patients getting revenge on a MK of doctor in a very unpleasant way and I don't think they appreciate us watching we can get a glimpse of the wall Rider as it makes its rounds in the hallways and our patient friends asks us to join them in their Revenge when whan refuses they get a little annoyed believing that whan believes that he's better than them some way we make a swift exit and confine some of the officers speaking about using a shortwave radio to call for help from the National Guard this is whan's ticket out of here if he can just survive believing that his mistake was subtlety he should have shouted to anyone and everyone about mirkov and now that they can't cover it up anymore it's too broken and too dangerous we can find it email between Jeremy and Helen Granite which is oddly misspelled this time around to Grant it is advising Helen about the resignation of whan park for mental health it mentions that if any information request from Mrs Lisa Park comes in the following weeks regarding the hospitalization of her husband to please forward those messages directly to him it says that whan has an undiagnosed mental illness and Jeremy personally visit his wife and sons to break the news to them but mov would be graciously provided ing treatment Lisa had some rough words for Jeremy and mov but Jeremy reminded her that she can attempt to fight the diagnosis but if they were to find that he resigned under false pretenses his insurance would be cancelled and the financial liability would fall on the family instead man mov really are the masters of their craft aren't they he ends the email hoping that she got the message but if she does insist on becoming a nuisance he wants to take care of this one personally we can find another patient that is enjoying the local Delicacies of the Asylum and damn as he enjoying it he ends up meeting with us later on and tries to cook us in a furnace thankfully the Becka was compromised and whan is able to escape from being this guy's Tinder nuggets we can find a doctor getting the high school bully treatment by a patient a little later in the bathrooms everything is just pure chaos at this point wh Makes a personal note how anybody that has been through the morphogenic engine has changed dramatically they were still human but a core component had been ripped out of them and other things have been pushed back in all of these people were not Killers beforehand mov made them into monsters whan had overheard Dr Ros saying something about how the engine had varying effects on the variant outcomes too erratic to make a prediction something whan wished that he'd really paid more attention to as we continue our journey through the prison Block in outside area we find another email between Kurt vigilando and Jay Billings Billings explains that a mirkov security member has started to see Vernick fairy tales but what is strange is that this guard never went below level one in the building so he has never been exposed to the engine not to mention the breach of protocol for any doctors to speak of the wall Rider with an airshot of a contractor security guard stating that this is far too similar to the doctor samel case and is genuinely concerned that the engine beliefs are somehow Airborne whan reaches the radio and begins looking for a channel to contact outside help he gets hold of 911 but Jeremy BL jumps into to stop him destroying the radio in the process Jeremy hits us with some UFC level combat skills and has to give up trying to murder Park due to some commotion outside leaving Park to deal with whatever is trying to get in the person trying to get in is actually Chris Walker who knocks out Jeremy but focuses attention onto us after barely escaping we can find father Martin riding on the walls in blood telling us we are doing God's work whan's aim is to shut down the electricity to mount massive since he firmly believes that whatever is keeping it online is the one keeping him at the Asylum we find some patients that are concerned about being caught saying that if they are they will be brought to the man downstairs the very bad man referring to Vernick we enter another building as patients begin calling whan the Bride of gluskin and how we just served ourselves to Eddie gluskin on a platter now this particular area and whistleblower will have to be heavily edited for YouTube purposes but you will find a body of a patient that has been rearranged to mimic or mock the moment of birth it is very messed up as whan attempts to open the door Edie glazin gives us the big old surprise calling him darling he goes on to mention how he recognizes whan's face from before he woke up even though it feels like a dream to him now being here with whan he wants to change whan and make him his new wife Yes you heard that correctly when gluskin was a boy his mother wanted him to be married so she could see just how happy he would be but after looking all over he could never find a girly that he had in mind and he wants to create that woman out of whan while trying to escape a ladder falls apart causing whan to fall and impale his leg with a piece of broken wood gluskin is hurt by the fact that whan would rather die than be with him whan attempts to escape but gluskin is able to follow the trail of blood coming from his leg wound finding him inside of a locker he loves the idea that whan is like a gift that he can continue to unwrap he will the locker into another room while apologizing for being vulgar promising to be a different man after he has made a woman out of whan after they get married saying that he wants children and to be a father that he never had we can see a whole bunch of Horrors in this new room of his as he sprays in a chemical concoction to make whan fall asleep miles now awakes in a padded room but our priest friend from earlier was nice enough to leave our camera during the events that take place M will fill out small journal entries and the message that he wrote to himself at this stage called the priest father Martin and mentions that Dr Vernick is at the center of whatever is going on here at Mount massive but luckily he died 10 years ago we can find a document upstairs of an email between Dr Neil Wolfram addressed to Helen Granite Dr Wolfram is concerned by the cancellation of the arts program since his patient Martin archim board made enormous strides in his therapy on account of his finger painting this is Father Martin by the way since the cancellation of the art program Martin's skitso effective assertions that made him believe in a higher calling have increased he wants the program back as the cost of the program would be cheaper than the alternative drug cost for Martin saying that he doesn't understand the reasoning unless mov want their patients to be more deranged from reality if only he knew a couple of twins look at us through the bars like we're a freshly cooked Tomahawk Steak speaking about how they want to murder miles describing all the different ways they plan on doing it one of the twins questions if they should kill us due to the preacher asking them to leave us alone but their intrusive thoughts get the best of them and decide to allow us ahead start before taking dibs on our different internal organs not that this has much relevance to the overall story at hand but the guy on the left has claimed our tongue and liver while the one on the right is less concerned on what body parts and more focused on just making it as slow and painful as humanly possible upstairs we can find a copy of the death certificate of Rudolph G verick the doctor that is responsible for for much of the mess going on here at Mount massive and we also know of his history within the senala facility 54 years prior during the Outlast trials period just some quick refreshes from the death certificate he was born in Germany and was 90 years old at the time of his death spending a total of 55 years of his life in the United States it says that he was single which is only notable because it specifies that being widowed or divorced is an option meaning that verick was never married over the course of his 90 years of life or at least not publicly an obituary form for Vernick can be found in a patient paded room explaining that he achieved his Fame from the mathematical and scientific communities for a paper written with Pioneer Ellen Turing having moved to the United States shortly after World War II with a visa from the state department as part of Project Paperclip spending several decades on Government research and Los Alamos led to New Mexico where verix apparently retired to pursue landscape photography and care for his cats he came to Colorado to do charitable work for mirkov Corporation and has no next of kin all right now that we're all refreshed a written note from father Martin explains his ideology explaining how people have mistaken ghost spirits and Madness saying they were just ignorant if you can see beyond it then you can truly see which is what the war riter has taught him the gospel of sand as he calls it the greatest set of all is willful ignorance of God to receive Revelation but not to spread it to the way ating flock it is incredible how closely this not only mirrors father Martin's own mind but also Sullivan no's mind miles continues his journey through Mount massive trying to find any way to escape this hell hole that he has found himself inside and eventually finding the message that father Martin was writing when we came across him with whan telling him to go down and eventually we will meet this patient that mentions more about vernick's death he simply asks how a dead Doctor experiments on living patients insinua that even though verick is dead somehow he is still experimenting on the patients of Mount massive we get chased through some hallways by the patients screaming about the wall Rider before being told on the radio to get into the dumb waiter in order to live when we reach the top and surprise surprise we have been duped The Stranger beats miles to a pulp he recognizes us as the priest guy and tells us to take a rest and places us in a wheelchair and straps Us in for the ride you could probably imagine that whatever ride this dude is taking us on is not going to be a fun one we reach his um I guess you would call it a clinic and get to set our eyes on some of his patients he tells one of them to stop yammering because he didn't need his tongue anyway you could probably see where this is going he graciously Cuts our fingernails but appears to have cut a little high on the fingers removing them entirely we take that opportunity to grab our camera and get the hell out of there turns out that the doctor's name is Rick Trager yep Mr Creepy is back again This Time In the Flesh and with a terrible haircut we can find a written note from Trager mentioning how one of his patients didn't make it even though he tried his best he's only a doctor not a miracle worker after all and he is pretty new to this whole doctor thing since he's been working out the Kinks we get a glimpse of the old Trager as he mentions the financial disaster that his project War Rider after the whole Billy incident that caused mirkov to just bleed money he is personally slimm down Personnel by 80 people which means killing them and as a result made incredible short-term Savings in salary and long-term Savings in pension and health care costs what a hero and in the wise words of Rick Trager while he doesn't know about biology he now knows with absolute certainty that a person cannot live without their kidneys we find another note from an orderly at Mount massive that wrote To HR about things that he has witness since working here saying that he believes that patients are being abused and has never seen such consistent level ofx secrecy and disrespect he resigns and mentions that he might even consider contacting the Press we take an elevator out of the clinic as Trager attempts to stop us he gets jammed in the elevator and we manage to escape putting an end to his deeds father Martin can be found nearby as he says that he is happy that we survived he feared that Trager would carve miles up like the others but to go and meet him outside another note is found that was sent by Rick Trager saying to accept the immediate resignation of orderly David anaero to process him as a patient of Mount massive and to treat his paroral delusions treatment will continue until the time of his death showing that the orderly that threatened to go to the Press was now captured by Mount massive staff we continue into the kitchen and confin this whole place on fire while a patient is sitting alone he mentions that he had to burn everything down as mov has taken so much from them by using them saying that they were turned into these things because nobody cares about a few forgotten lunatics so he just wants to burn the whole thing down before telling us a safe way out honestly it's pretty damn sad more files can be found about the MK Ultra program essentially using sleep induction and hypnotic techniques to make a person do something can they create a post hypnotic control action contrary to individual's basic moral principles then to guarantee total Amnesia so the person doesn't remember anything that happened and eventually the idea is that you could completely alter a person's personality these are the core principles of MK ultra's research and while MK Ultra was taking place within the Outlast trials I find it interesting since the senala trials were based off the real MK Ultra and the core philosophy of both programs were pretty much the same we get our first glimpse of what people call the wall Rider using our night vision it essentially looks like a floating skeleton we find father Martin outside as he mentions that we have now seen the wo Rider he says that we have now begun to understand and and just sort of runs off for some reason so we just continue to take a look around this murderous Asylum we find another note that gives us some more insight into Dr verick this is the file that explained Project Paperclip which as a quick reminder was the United States obtaining the services of foreign Specialists for specific assignments within the Technical Services of the Army divisions around this time miles begins complaining in his notes about a static sound uh buzzing that won't stop stressing that he needs to find the source of the sound we could find another not from Dr vigilando to a Cindy Eisner speaking about an interesting conversation that he had with Billy hope Billy says that he has been speaking to Vernick in the white Place something that worries the doctor his dead Doctor friend is filling his head with German folk law telling him that the only way to kill wool Rider is with vampiric butterflies vomited from a demon called Heroes they apparently look like emaciated upright pigs or sick dogs which is a very odd description the doctor believes that Billy's mother possibly had butterfly tattoos which he believes could be the source of this make believe garbage as he puts it ending off the message making moves on Cindy telling her to compare notes over a glass of wine and that he is getting lonely what the heck miles reaches a movie theater as a film begins to play it is the exit interview recorded on December 27th 1985 in Los Alamos New Mexico speaking about the brain tumors mentioned earlier and how they needed to find people that have experienced Real Horror in order to use them effectively in the morphogenic engine the interviewer asks if this was something Supernatural which Vernick disagrees with we hear about project War Rider being a gateway to something but what exactly Vernick is asked to elaborate but the film cuts off miles writes that the engine described is in his head like a song that you can't stop humming that wool Rider is the buzzing that he feels in his bones the dude has been through some crap essentially more files show that many of the patients in the Asylum consider the wool Rider to be almost like a god the law that they pray to and write gospels for and we get further mythology for w Rider in a document by m staff saying how the wool Rider also known as the Alp Mara or Scrat is a demonic creature of German origin that torments sleepers crushing the breath from them causing the sleeper to awake paralyzed terrified or as fixated with Mara meaning nightmare we finally reached the church that father Martin wanted us to get to and we find quite the scene he is essentially on the cross and tells us that he will soon be with the war Rider telling us that the reason he wanted miles alive this whole time was so that he could witness this moment and escape to tell the tale he gets burned worse than a marshmallow and we decide that it's a great time to head to the local bar to drink away all of our problems unfortunately instead of finding the bar we find an underground facility below the Asylum as miles heads underground this is roughly the time that whan would be waking up after sleeping for 12 hours as we can see gluskin performing a surgery on another person resulting in their death so let me give you a very YouTube friendly version of what is actually Happening Here Eddie gluskin is fascinated in the surgical procedure of changing and swapping around the body parts of men and women removing some things from some people and adding those same things to other people in doing this he is triying to create his perfect wife think of like an interchangeable Barbie doll if the subject dies then he views it as them not accepting his love or in this case his hand in marriage whan is only one of many people that he is attempting to do this to he eventually gets whan on the table and attempts his um surgical procedure thankfully right before whan loses the old me and veg another patient comes to the rescue attacking gluskin that guy is a damn hero one of the few Heroes within this universe whan takes his camera back and attempts to flee again jumping out of the damn window to be honest a very good choice given the circumstances we see a very unfortunate man within the Avan system before seeing a room of gluskin work full of corpses from his experiments as whan attempts to open up a door gluskin arrives and gives him a good old Beatdown telling him that whan is always betraying him deciding that whan can join the others up on the roof the roof begins to give out as whan struggles eventually causing gluskin to get caught in the rope and being impaled on a spike coming down from the roof killing him we can now jump back to Miles as he is becoming more and more unhinged at this stage and things are looking very sketchy for our journalist buddy Mount massive has taken its toll on him and as if things couldn't get any worse we run into Chris Walker when he goes to kill miles we can see that the wool Rider is making very short work of him essentially turning him into um little pieces you see what I did there we hear a voice from a nearby room asking us to come speak with them as they have something they wish to explain and surprise surprise if it isn't our favorite evil Professor X Dr verick is not dead after all who could have guessed such a thing he says that he is supposed to be dead but has had no such luck that he is older than sin itself and that he is here because of Billy hope he takes care of him and Vernick speculates that Billy might think that he is even his father since he certainly loves him but seconds later calls him a poor idiot he begins talking about a technology involving Nano hazards little microscopic machines that they could never Master but using his research mov was able to find a workaround you can turn the cells of the human body into nanofactories since the natural function of cells is to produce molecules you could use the psychosomatic direction to engineer the precise molecules necessary he mentions that it was foolish to even think that they could control it and asks miles to stop Billy even murder him if need be turn off his life support and anesthesia to undo what he has done nobody can leave Mount massive while he lives there are a variety of notes that can be found including one of the personal records of Dr verick quoting Frankenstein probably due to his similarities him being the do Frankenstein and Billy is his monster another note asks the staff members to not worship the war Rider swarm to not allow the delusions of patients to influence their own beliefs fck feels that the sentient being from this technology will be far superior to humans than illusions of godliness they have looked into the chaos and called it God they are scientists don't be tempted by belief we do manage to find the device being used and note that Billy is at the center of it all I must say after finding Billy that looks uncomfortable as all hell I mean think of the back problems we turn off the support systems before hearing a terrifying sound as the Nanobots come for Miles we hit the burners to run from the thing but it turns out that the wall Riders a hell of a lot quicker than a journalist that sits for majority of his working day it's a really bad time for miles but thankfully the syst system shut down and it kills Billy meaning the wool Rider is no more we now find ourselves back with whan after killing Eddie gluskin remembering that these events are happening simultaneously whan exits the basketball court in search of the Escape looking out the window whan can see the church burning down in the distance the same church that father Martin died in and Miles only recently left now I'm back on P once again with miles after killing Billy the injuries sustained in the fight for miles are really bad as he opens the door to the exit he is greeted by Dr verick and a bunch of soldiers they open fire on Miles and right as you think he is dead we hear Vernick gasp as he now realizes that Miles has become the new host of the wall Rider after Billy's death sounds of gunshots and screams can be heard as the screen cuts the black whing continues to attempt to escape after seeing the church soldiers are shooting patients in the hallways saying that they are authorized to use deadly force against anything that moves we can hear one of those officers reporting that multiple officers are now down at the sub basement dying due to an unknown as salent calling for Evac and paramedics the screams of the officers downstairs can be heard as reinforcements are heading down there this unknown as salent obviously being miles who is now the wo Rider we enter the next room and can find the elevator that Miles used to escape Rick Trager and look at that we can even see the body of Trager on the ground after officers removed him from the elevator as we begin to get closer to the main entrance of Mount me mive we can see that it is finally daytime possibly closer to evening once we reach the front door whan finds Jeremy BL injured at the door he asks Park how he is possibly still alive before jumping at him and stabbing whan in the stomach just as Blair is about to kill whan the wall Rider grabs him and turns him into the same juice that we saw Chris Walker turn into whan struggles to his feet only a small distance from Freedom he gets outside the gate finding Mars's truck that he arrived in he turns on the vehicle as he sees the wall Rider version of Miles attempting to flee at the same time turning into a tornado of Nanobots whan rightfully gets the hell out of there as we can now see whan Park leaking the wall Rider project files and footage to the internet a person named Simon peacock speaks to him telling him that this will cause an unbelievable amount of problems for mov and they have done everything that they can to cover whan's tracks mentioning that their enemies are Twitchy and malicious corporate paranoia with resources that we are too moral to imagine he warns whan that mov will likely still hunt him his wife and his children if he decides to leak the files he will do irrevocable damage to mov but he will also put massive Targets on his family's back doing so he has to make a very tough decision but in the end he decides to press the button leaking everything mov has been doing to the public and while that wraps up the collective story of Outlast one and whistleblower which I did my best to blend together chronologically it is still far from the end of the overall story it's time to get back into the Merk of account's comic series in between jobs PA would visit his daughter at home watching films and spending time with her you can tell he's a little out of touch as he asks his 15-year-old daughter if she liked the doll that he bought her she reminds him of her age and he asks what she wants him to bring home from work trips then she just asked that he comes home more often something that really clicks with Paul Paul days later they find a connection to Patient Billy hope Billy Hope was the only patient at Mount massive to successfully complete the experimental treatment and his mother Tiffany still lived 80 mi from the hospital we cut over to Tiffany entering her trailer home seeing Billy inside this clearly being the W Rider version of him before hugging him and welcoming him home mov knew that whan had stolen miles upshore Jeep and they traced the vehicle down to a truck stop that offered bus service the problem here is that whing could have used a bus or hitched a ride with one of the truckers he could literally be anywhere mov it however got a ping that somebody accessed miles upshore bank account outside of neth Colorado a quick background check shows that Miles upshore had no connection to nathrop Colorado at all but when they ran it against other patients at Mount massive Asylum they found out that Billy Hope was born there and his mother Tiffany is currently living there when they went to speak with her Tiffany mentions that she doesn't know a miles upshore and hasn't heard from Billy since he went to mount massive being alone out here for weeks Pauline questions Tiffany that she didn't visit her son even once over the years that he was at Mount massive Tiffany pointed out that it wasn't allowed saying that mov said it was bad for his treatment for Billy to see her and while it pained her she accepted it Pauline points out that Tiffany seems almost cheerful despite the situation with Billy being a painful topic Tiffany believes that there are always Comforts in the world Paul notices a cowboy hat on the desk asking if a man has been visiting her Tiffany just points out that it was an ex-boyfriend of hers that had visited but Paul replies that he should have been missing his hat asking again if she knows miles maybe as a friend of a friend she denies knowing him before she and Paul look at an old photograph of Billy Hope on Halloween with her and Paul connecting on the fact that both Billy and Paul's daughter read the same books Pauline notices a collection of glass figurines asking if Tiffany collects them even pointing out that one of them is extremely expensive odd for somebody that's living out of a trailer this annoys Tiffany as she asked Paul and Pauline to leave with a little friend appearing in the background as she does when the two agents go outside we can see two figures standing at top of the home clearly the wo Rider I assume the one on the right is Billy since it matches the frame of the previous two times that we've seen him but who the heck is the jacked wall Rider is that Miles upshore man really hit the weights over the last 24 hours Paul and Pauline both realize that Tiffany is lying through her teeth and sees a remnant of the wall Rider not realizing what he just saw they organize a Hardline mirkov officer to keep watch on Tiffany's trailer looking for anybody entering that shouldn't be mov was struggling to get ahead of the whan park situation since they had no leads whatsoever about his whereabouts so they decided to start a forensic gas light on him wondering what that is well don't worry there is an explanation since mov couldn't stop whan from posting whatever he wanted online about Mount massive and mov in general they decided decided to steal his identity and posted a long backdated history of crazy crap under his name conspiracy theories perversions and delusions also notice the person here in the background watching Paul and Pauline while they do this it will come back up later while they continue to flood Reddit as whalan Pauline gets a call it appears that the ex-boyfriend has arrived back at Tiffany's place as Pauline asks the officer to get closer and get pictures of anything that happens the um conversation between these two is insanity let's just say that the ex-boyfriend is not happy with Tiffany because he thinks that she is seeing some other man it ends with the boyfriend hitting Tiffany something that wool Rider Billy is not a big fan of after the man leaves and enters his car Billy goes all tentacle monster on him causing quite the mess the officer notices the car crash and Pauline tells him to check it out while keeping the Line open after the agent looks into the vehicle relaying all the information to Pauline his last words are the wall before he himself becomes a pile of goo Billy returns to his mom as it's revealed that he is the one making the glass statues before telling his mother that he will take care of her something she doesn't seem to be too happy about to be honest mov come down with every weapon in its Arsenal after hearing about the wool Rider incident in Tiffany's home surrounding the home with trucks capable of neutralizing the wool Rider Paul and Pauline into the home to speak with Tiffany while it's surrounded they tell Tiffany to get Billy to show himself she continues to say that Billy hasn't been at home in years but Paul makes a keen observation showing that the crystal figurines from earlier have now been changed with one of them turning into the character that Billy used to dress up as at Halloween Tiffany pleads with Paul and Pauline saying that no matter what mov did to him he is still her little boy Pauline starts calling out Tiffany saying that she must have got paid well to give Billy over to mount massive saying that mov paids extra for test subjects that don't actually have anything wrong with them in the first place saying that she sold her son even though he wasn't sick this makes Billy very angry as he appears in front of Paul and Pauline and kills Tiffany they make a quick exit and yell for the trucks to activate when they do it creates a massive Soundwave resulting in Nanobots Laying across the ground everything pointed towards the wall Rider being dead but when Paul went to have a look from higher up he realized that it didn't die at all only changing hosts we now move on to the fourth comic book as Paul and Pauline have gone to visit the home of whan Park in Boulder col orado it turns out that after whan exposed mirkov he burnt down his home and fled with his family Paul is looking at a family photo of Parks saying that he hates it when they have families Paulie makes a joke about how mov doesn't hurt woman and children but quickly apologizes for the poor joke they decide to travel to the apartment of miles upshore in Washington DC even though he died at Mount massive they hoped for a connection between him Simon peacock and whan park they speak with one of his neighbors who mentions how she would just see miles jogging sometimes but he had been gone for a long while now but she did say that she saw him only last night Paul points out that it would be impossible for her to see him last night but the neighbor assures him that she did see him standing over by the house saying that the dogs were going crazy something that she found odd since her dogs normally liked miles inside the home they find the house infested with ants even noticing that some of the garbage is moving due to them Paul points out that he saw the same ants in Colorado somebody EX his accounts and Nath and the Ants were in Tiffany's trailer and now they are here in his apartment in DC Pauline finds passwords as she's Bitten on the hand by one of the ants Paul points out the black ants don't bite well they do now buddy the ants go to town on Paul and Pauline as they jump on the shower for water but it doesn't work instead grabbing some hairspray and creating a damn flamethrower they have to strip down to their underwear and shoot a damn flamethrower at each other just to get the ants to back away before making a run for the exit Paul notices a man walking past saying that it's the same homeless man from Colorado remember the guy outside watching Paul and Pauline as they were making fake posts as whan Park Paul and Pauline realize that he's following them Paul gets out the car and chases the guy down at nothing but his underwear now that's a protagonist I can get behind Paul loses him briefly under a bridge but we can see some coordinates on a wall 36551 North 11234 West I check the coordinates and it takes us to the Woodland areas in Arizona what is interesting here is the nearby location of the Hui indied reservation the same area that suiv Noth made Temple Gate and this is also the rough location that the senala facility is also located the man returns asking if Paul works for mov he tells Paul that his name is Simon peacock and that he's been looking for him Simon has been watching Paul and Pauline but mentions that Paul has something that most mirkov running dogs don't have saying that Paul has shame he knows what he's doing is wrong Paul points out that it's just a job but Simon mentions that he was willing to chase after Simon despite being injured and naked not something many would be willing to do Paul is not willing to give Simon his name saying that he read peacock's file stating that he used to work for mirkov for 6 years before he leaked Company files and vanished off the face of the Earth he would then go on to encourage other whistleblowers he is destroying mov p of Simon is protecting Whitland Park something that Simon admits to reminding Paul that he works for the devil before telling him that he would never find whan and ask what project War Rider actually is Paul tells Simon that he couldn't tell him even if he did know asking if it helps him sleep at night and if it would justify him working for people that he knows are evil this is probably a good time to give some context into why Paul Maran an otherwise good person works for an evil corporation like mirkov Paul lost his wife Joan Maran to a rare blood disease in 2000 and his 15-year-old daughter has the same disease the treatment and gene therapy for the blood disease that killed his wife is not available to the public but due to his position in mirkov which at its core is one of the world's biggest pharmaceutical companies he has privileges that he wouldn't otherwise this allows him to give his daughter the best chance of surviving the disease since she can actually get treatment and due to being a mirkov employee he gets a significant discount on the treatment that saves him from going bankrupt it's a necessary evil working for mirkov Simon points out the coordinates on the wall stating that mount massive was only the pebble in a very big pond an experiment on individuals this location where the coordinates lead is where the real sickness spreads if Paul cannot look at what is there and not eat himself with shame then he isn't human any longer Paul says that he needs his help saying that he needs somebody within Merk of and that he is telling Paul not asking Paul tells him that he has a job to do this is where Simon grabs some insulation foam and makes Paul take a big old bite of it Pauline arrives as Paul tells her that the man is Simon peacock Simon tells Pauline that he is leaving and enough to make him hurt her she opens fire and we can see that Simon peacock is not exactly completely human anymore taking the bullets like it's nothing and appears to have some kind of powers he knocks over Pauline before fleeing Paul helps her up before she asks why Simon made Paul eat insulation foam something that Paul didn't really know the reason to at the time but he later realized that he was using the foam to create an impression of Paul's teeth this was to find his dental records and thus his identification since Paul was unwilling to tell Simon his name Paul and Pauline returned to Miles upshore home this time having it fumigated prior to entering to get rid of those pisky ants however after going inside the home everything was gone the ants ate everything inside it's not bad for mirkov however as Pauline now feels that the books on massive care now safely shut since the ants destroyed all the evidence for them Paul pulls out the coordinates that Simon peacock gave him saying that it's an empty plot of land about 80 Mi Northwest of Flagstaff saying that mirkov had business there Pauline tells him that she doesn't know anything about it saying that they shouldn't trust anything coming from Simon peacock Paul wants to check it out but Pauline doesn't think that they should saying that mirkov will send them there if they want them to dig I think this image of Paul's reaction says it all as he knows that Pauline knows much more than she's letting on and clearly doesn't want Paul to know about it Pauline closes them out massive case as they will just have to wait for whan to poke his head out telling Paul to go home and spend time with his daughter and to make sure that she doesn't end up like her we see an image of the coordinates with a reminder of the quote given by Simon Mount massive was a pebble in a pond an experiment on individuals this is where the real sickness spreads this leads us directly into the fifth chapter of the comic book series which we can see the same couple in Arizona as they are running through the desert the woman says that he won't let them get away with the man telling her that with every step they take the less power they have they want to get to the most wicked part of the world that even God himself couldn't find we I jump back over to Paul Marion Paul and his daughter Alice are just talking about normal things food homework Etc Alice notices a man messing with their mailbox when Paul runs out the man makes a run for it Paul finds a note with more coordinates so saying that his daughter is actually connected to it Paul Rings Pauline while at the Arizona airport lying to her saying that he is at the hospital Pauline has got some pretty strange things occurring at her house but Paul tells her that he won't be coming into work the following day saying that he needs to spend more time with his daughter Paul says that that's okay and that everybody needs some personal time Paul hires an SUV and went straight towards the coordinates only for it to break down 20 mi from the destination Paul had to walk us using a map which resulted in some strange circumstances that Paul put down to the heat in the Sun a big flash of light hits him as a loud sound occurs with it all of a sudden he was back to the day that he lived 13 years ago holding the hand of his daughter when she was just 2 years old it was the day that he watched his wife die the doctor told him the news and he once again dropped his daughter's chocolate milk he awakes again in the desert as a man is holding a gun towards him he tells Paul that he doesn't want any trouble only that he needs his pistol Paul attempts to get up and tell the man to take it easy before saying Jesus's name in vain something the other man didn't appreciate as he attempts to shoot Paul thankfully the safety was on he asked who the man is and also who the woman is asking how long her pregnancy has been the man jumps and stabs Paul in the arms disarming him that was not meant to be a pun but it certainly worked out as one Paul just turns into John Wick for a second and uses the blade in his arm to stab the guy in the neck killing him the pregnant woman just runs away as Paul falls to the ground in shock he followed her Footsteps in the sand but he continued to see his dead wife along the way he ended up finding the girl as she was being picked up by a truck on the road he did get lucky though he got the number played of the truck and also got a signal back on his phone Pauline is incredibly angry at Paul for going to the reservation and lying to her Paul admits to making a mistake while Pauline is on her way to retrieve him a family ended up finding him the next morning and taking him to the hospital where he met back up with Pauline 6 hours after he arrived there he told her everything that happened out at the desert she reminded Paul that he worked for mirkov not Simon peacock also he is not to interfere with any ongoing experiments they only enter the equation when the science is complete and they need to mop up the evidence and finally he doesn't work without her they are Partners after all Paul apologizes to which Paul tells him how much she hates apologies she does have a silver lining however she traced the number plate of the truck and the woman that he was chasing is a patient at the very same hospital that they now find themselves at Pauline gives Paul a suit and asks him about his visions of his dead wife saying that Paul called it a vision not a hallucination a pretty big difference and distinction Paul tells her that it felt real he could smell the hospital his daughter everything felt real paing confirms that at the very least the woman that he followed is real since she has a record at the hospital Paul asks if the pregnancy is psychosomatic like the woman at Mount massive and if there's a connection between the two the doctor tells Paul and Pauline that the baby is a healthy baby boy and asks if they know her name since they just have her as Jane Doe on the records Paul ask him about the brain injury with the woman since there were anomalies in her CT scan the doctor points out that the scan must have been corrupted since it looks like lesions on the brain but it's perfectly symmetrical something that can't be real just a quick reminder of all the mentionings of brain tumors over the different experiments and the syala facility and mount massive with the ones with Vernick being made completely of lead this shows that there is a connection the lesions in the girl's brain match the neural scarring common to the morphogenic engine exposure found in patients at Mount massive hospital when Paul and Pauline saw the results they quickly realized that this is all evidence of mkv's experimentation and it has now become a matter of containment the woman has been unconscious since the time that she arrived at the hospital but the baby has been kicking up a storm they sat with Jane Doe for hours before Paul noticed a tattoo on her chest it was Wheels within Wheels a Biblical reference from The Book of Ezekiel as he names the book The Woman awakes she begins screaming calling Ezekiel Papa yelling that she won't let him have the baby that she will die before she lets him kill him she saw the messenger and she knows that she isn't burden With the Enemy her blood is true sipped at the fountain and borne the pain and marks of Salvation she will not allow him to take her baby she begins to have a seizure as Paul and Pauline call the doctor but Pauline realizes quickly what they have just found with this young woman and what had to be done they leave as Pauline tells Paul that she's dead and they need to leave nothing could be done Pauline had realized that she was operating above her security clearance and that she didn't realize it at the time the Trap that Simon peacock had just LED them into Pauline tells Paul that it's just case closed well he needs to get home to his daughter because she has a blood transfusion tomorrow he needs to be there for it Pauline says that Paul is a good dad since he always takes care of his girl revealing that Jane Doe didn't die from the seizure instead Pauline had killed her after Paul went to find the doctor Paul arrives home but can't find Alice anywhere he looks inside her bedroom and can find the words you work for us now riding above her bed with the top of one of Alice's fingers found on the floor Alice has been kidnapped after Paul left to go home Pauline went back out to the desert to clean up the body of the man that Paul killed out there they searched a 40m radius surrounding his abandoned rental vehicle they never found the body or what potentially happened to it we cut to that very body as a person with a pickaxe uses it to drag the body of the man into the night back towards Temple gate this leads us perfectly into the events that transpire within Outlast 2 I hope you've been enjoying the video thus far if you have somehow watched it up until this point put in the secret words of the polls to let me know that you have I'm very curious how many people have actually got to this point since it's like 3 and 1 half hours into the video which is absolutely insane all right let's jump into Outlast too 2 weeks after the incident in Arizona with Paul and Pauline Lyn langerman and investigative journalist much like miles has taken an interest in a pregnant woman murdered in rural Arizona the same woman that Pauline killed in the hospital alongside her is her husband Blake langerman who is her assistant and cameraman we first hear a memory in Blake's mind as he is sleeping a young girl is telling Blake that she is scared before screaming when she realizes that the person is coming towards them Blake awakes in the helicopter with his wife Lynn she points out that Blake was calling out another woman name Jessica damn that must be an awkward thing to explain he mentions that he was dreaming about Jessica Gray from his childhood Lyn recognizes the name saying that she hasn't thought about her in ages the pilot points out that they are now above the Indian Reservation as Lynn and Blake are looking for some kind of factory out in the woods Lynn points out that there was a significant amount of mercury in the blood of the woman meaning that she must have lived Downstream from some significant amount of Industry buildings they decideed to begin recording for their invest instigation as the helicopter experiences a little bit of turbulence nothing to worry about at all I'm sure during the introduction we can hear that the woman was strangled and that something strange happened with the fetus of the child they're confused on how the woman was killed but I think it would be pretty obvious who the main suspects would be for the doctor when he literally left Paul and Pauline in the room with her but sure a bright light and Loud humming sound begin to light up the helicopter causing the helicopter to shake violently Lynn straight up Falls out the helicopter but thankfully Blake is an action hero and catches her midf pulling her back inside the helicopter as the helicopter plummets towards the forest we cut to a memory of Blake within a skull a man is walking down the hallway as we quickly follow him we then turn around as a young girl is watching him we have what is absolutely a nod to The Shining when the hallway fills up with blood and and Blake awakes at the helicopter crash I think this man needs to buy a damn lottery ticket to be completely unharmed after crashing in a helicopter is is unheard of not to mention his camera is completely intact was the interior walls of this helicopter made of marshmallows how is that even possible we can see the helicopter Burning Down Below as Blake starts heading down the mountain towards it to search for his wife thankfully her body is not in the wreckage and neither is the pilot surprisingly well the pilot is nearby and let's just say that somebody found him before Blake did and Blake correctly deduces that being skinned and strung up tied to a post did not in fact happen in the helicopter Crouch I can now see why Lynn is the investigator and Blake is the cameraman after getting further down into the valley Blake comes across a town despite there not being any sign of a town on any map in the reservation inside the home is a dead guy that Blake points out and he died recently a note nearby is addressed to his wife saying how he cannot bear what they did and he cannot be apart from their little ones anymore he decides that he wants to join them and states that he knows that they needed to be offered up but he is torn inside and can't live without them saying that he hopes to see her again someday and that she would find whatever woman's comfort that she needs in the arms of Papa Noth we can find some locals outside who are not very welcoming to say the least a nearby note found in another house as a dress to Father North from a woman named Lisa she talks about how God continues to bless her with visions and she knows that the enemy is closer and closer every day she was cleaning the stains from Daniel's room when the Blessed music Rose and sank her into her true sight she saw a creature like the burning Sun and I'll be honest the next bit is a little bit crazy but let's just say that she saw the creature and the world birth a slouching horror and it equally terrified her and excited her waking and wanting to um have fun with Noth essentially she considers herself one of the most faithful of his flock strap in because this game is going to get all kinds of messed up outside as a memorial set up by the town filled with photographs of children and their toys something really horrible has been happening Here Blake continues through the town and finds a sell with Latin written on the sign I have looked through various threads about the terminology here and numerous people have differing opinions on what it means some that I've read is that it says Satan enemy of God while one person said that it says Satan's cradle but with any name similar to that you know that it ain't going to be good down there inside we find what appears to be a baby bed along with a midwife's lament the song As Seen is describing some kind of baby that is considered Sent From Hell almost like the people of Temple Gate are waiting for some kind of evil child to enter their Community there is a pit filled with bodies these unfortunately are the orphans described by Val earlier in her journal entries left in this pit as we could see earlier with the letter also that it seems like the community is sacrificing them Blake continues through the scattered community finding a barn the barn could use some new wood however as Blake falls through the floor and lands below we can see a woman hooded with a pickaxe this is the same person that we saw collect the body from the desert she is asking God if he wants Blake and that if he does she will collect him for him before walking scarily back into the night Blake begins his search again for Lynn as a bright light hits him in the darkness The Familiar humming sound from before Blake begins complaining about the pain in his head as the surrounding villagers are all SC screaming on the ground they cannot see Blake anymore they are hypnotized seeing something else entirely and are not aware of what is around them in reality we can hear Sullivan giving a sermon over the loudspeaker he asked God why they suffer as they do why must they commit this terrible violence he wonders does God hate them or does he hate this world Temple Gate stands in opposition of the Antichrist if they can hope to beat him they cannot only try to be like Jesus they must instead be like God he mentions how God has sent them a woman falling like a rebellious angel from the sky he puts Lynn on the speaker asking God what her name is who is this Outsider Lynn tries to speak but Sullivan tells her that her tongue has already been revealed to be only fit for nothing but lies he asked God to guide him in seeking the truth Blake approaches the church stating that it's impossible for it to be here and that nobody know about it inside the church we can find parts of the Gospel of noth I'll be reading reading these near the end of the game since it correlates with something later we even find a picture of the man himself looking about as creepy as he sounds Blake finds a prison underneath the church with more Latin on the walls cpre abysm atom which translate Loosely to take hold of the Abyss Sullivan begins speaking again asking God to help him find the truth from Lynn after a short pause he mentions how her child is the one stating that she is pregnant with the Antichrist the enemy that they have been waiting for this entire time and no can be found inside the prison it is written by somebody that says that Val came to them before Sunrise with an offer something secret she stated there are places in our hearts that even Papa Noth cannot reach they believe Val to be committing blasphemy and betrayal and asks for no's help in stopping it in its tracks Blake reaches the upstairs window and can see Lynn jumping out of a different window he jumps down to her and they make a run for it in the wilderness Lyn complains of pain and her stomach saying that something is wrong Blake asks her what they did to her which she says she cannot talk about and please not ask her you can probably read between the lines here again this is a very very messed up story Sullivan speaks again on the loudspeaker telling the people of Temple Gate that their faith has only been proven after all these years the woman that arrived today is carrying the enemy that they have been awaiting all this time saying that she is pregnant Blake asks her if this is true true but Lynn tells them that Sullivan is just insane they're all insane Sullivan tells the people of Temple Gate to find the mother and the father of the enemy and to kill them a group of people surround Blake and Lynn chanting that God wants the child as they restrain the both of them another group called The Heretics arrive and kill the initial Temple Gate group this is Val who is a little too friendly to say the least they abduct Lynn calling her the mother and leave Blake in the woods telling him that they'll see him again Blake is back to searching Forin once again while avoiding the crazy templegate members along the way after some swimming and Navy SEAL Maneuvers Blake gets himself inside of a house as the bright light and hum hits us once again if you remember back this is the exact same light and hum that we saw with the reborn reagents after they successfully finished the trials at the senala facility after the bright light Blake awakes back inside the school from the previous dream his old school we can see riding on the board from Jessica saying that I'm sorry I have to do this you should have loved me you should have helped me Jesus forgive me I don't know what to do I'm so so sorry Blake attempts to record it on his camera but when he views it within the files it's just static just noise however if you reverse the audio you can make out a voice speaking forgive my sins and accept my gratitude thank you God kill a child Blake mentions how he remembers the writing from Jessica before finding an old school photo of himself Jessica and Lynn from the fourth grade back in the hallway we can see that man again as we approach this time he turns into a linebacker and pushes Blake back down the corridor outside it's snowing and the ground underneath Blake gives away as he now finds himself back in the forest a man arrives and ask if Blake is the outsider that Noth is looking for and if noth's eye has killed him yet he helps Blake to his feet and tells him that they need to get into hiding if they want to avoid North Side he introduces himself as Ethan Blake is unsure what side Ethan stands on and is curious why he isn't tried to kill him Ethan calls himself The Unborn seen too much to keep his faith in Noth and saying that the Heretics didn't help his wife when she was scaled nor when Noth went with his daughter Anna Lee now this is very very dark she was 15 and no believed that the resulting child was was the Antichrist similar to Lynn's child he asked Ethan to kill Anna and to stop the birth of his own grandson whom North considered the enemy something Ethan was unwilling to do he lied to the Temple's gate community and allowed his daughter to escape Blake immediately realizes that the woman that he is talking about is Jane Doe and after giving Ethan a physical description of her he confirms the theory meaning that the woman seen at the hospital was actually Anna Lee Ethan's daughter Blake doesn't have the heart her along the way we can see our pickaxe friend who was North Side by the way Ethan mentioned her earlier by that name but the people of Temple's gate called her Martha she's just doing her creepy walk while saying creepy things the normal the bright light continues to occur actually killing a flock of birds Blake points out that the teacher once told him that the songs of bird was proof that God exists and loves us so what does that mean for something that kills the music Blake finds a cave system that has gigantic statues made of Twigs this is the Heretics Temple which means that Lynn should be close Blake continues to hallucinate Jessica seeing her dead something that is becoming more and more frequent we finally reach the outside as we set our eyes on the chapel and this view really puts into perspective the sheer size of Temple Gate a community that nobody knows even exists inside one of the buildings is a message from Val read into Noth calling him a liar a charlatan an addict a coward among many other things it explains that Val has left the community with a group of like-minded people they are ready to fight back against anyone that might hunt them she calls not ignorant but thanks him for showing her the truth through his visions that he believed were punishment from an angry and ominous God a God that was afraid because it wasn't a god at all instead it was just his own ego vulnerable and false we get back inside the town connecting the power back to the elevator while being chased by Martha we can see the main Temple Gates sign that shows its establishment in 1971 with Sullivan calling himself the new Ezekiel if you want to see a really crazy moment if you look inside the well Blake sees a gigantic tentacle monster that pulls him into it now finding himself back inside of a vent within the school Jessica continues to ask him for help asking where he is a music box can be found in Jessica's Locker along with letters written to Lynn mocking a teacher that she calls Mr com over Lynn and Jessica reply to one another with Lynn calling out Jessica for having a crush on Blake he can see Jessica dead again the footage is once again just static but if you reverse the audio you removed the Temptation beyond what the flesh you made was able to resist the voice being heard here is a teacher and priest called father lch aka Mr coover we'll learn more about him later another interesting thing is that if you pause the static on the video at the correct time you can actually see the MK of Corporation logo in the static the same tentacle creature takes Jessica away as we can see straight up hell spawns on the roof this feels as close to hell as you could probably ever get Blake awakes inside of a room getting attacked by a cult member but thankfully pushes Blake down the stairs which gives him time to make a run for it we find a school that has writing on the chalkboard saying to not be afraid you're going to heaven with the teacher over here on zero HP it's bad news all around a piece of paper nearby speaks about the the fact that children should not fear their duty but instead celebrated as a guaranteed entrance to heaven with a checklist of things to remember firstly there is no pain in heaven papa gave you life so your life is his God gave you life and so your life is his you may not know that you are yourself the enemy your fear is a tool of the enemy and that God knows best they are also to study that the whale saved Jonah from drowning and Jesus is in the desert with Satan and Abraham killed Isaac in the heart and also to draw angels and wonder to yourself who could be the enemy outside we find ourselves closer to the chapel as the bodies really start to pile up a letter is found by lad a member of the scald he thanks Sullivan for the extra copies of his gospel and he has gifted them to the members of his flock that still have brains and eyes still intact he wants more wine for drinking during communion and comfort for their pains and disinfection of their Source his flock complains that Sullivan has promised them more than he has given and while he could rule them with an iron fist he prefers the more gentle path inside the chapel is a man strung up with Judas cut into his chest he begs Blake to just end him so Sullivan won't have any reason to hurt Mary Blake isn't able to bring himself to do it and hides inside one of the confessionals we can see Sullivan as he arrives addressing the man as Josiah he tells him that he found Mary attempting to flee amongst the scald hardly the actions of somebody not burdened with guilt he mocks J telling Mary that he can't see her anymore since he doesn't really even have eyes now he tells the man that they only have a few hours to find Lynn and destroy the Enemy Within since she will give birth Before Dawn he tells jaiah to take him when Val took her using Mary as the baring chip to make him talk Josiah eventually gives in to save Mary telling Sullivan that she is in the mines but he will not be able to get to her before the birth but Sullivan believes that his people are Guided by God so they are unable to fail and fortunately Josiah and Mary don't make it this means that Blake is now on a one-way trip to the mines of the mountains to find and save Lynn Blake encounters all kinds of Temple Gate Horrors along his way finding a note from North to Marta he calls her his beloved his Hound his avenging Angel he informed Marthur of V's betrayal of Temple Gate and God he asks that Martha make V suffer for these transgressions Blake himself even has a very close call with Martha as he nears the Minds giving me one heck of a fright in the process we can see from another Noth note to Martha the Martha has been having reservations about killing people believing it to be almost sinning no attempts to remind her that staying her hand would be the real Sin since if you do not chain a rabbit dog are you not responsible for the people that it attacks or if you don't kill the spider in the crib are you not then responsible for the venomous bite nor leaving a fire unchecked are you not responsible for those now burnt there is no difference between these and trying to defeat the enemy who could destroy the world the sheer amount of mind fery at play here is unbelievable mov really created something terrible with this one as Blake enters the mine he appears back inside the school to the moment before he found Jessica dead the Reversed audio once again contains the teacher's voice you are strong for me and generous you gave me life you gave me talent in inside the classroom is a Hangman game that Blakey and Jessica used to play as children a cruel irony given what happens when the game is completed the secret word is unforgivable a message from Jessica to Blake oh yeah here is just a jump scare by the way I didn't need my heart anyway I think it just blew up after that we get ourselves back into the vent system as the tentacle monster returns changing the environment from a vent to a narrow passageway in the mountains I mean clearly Blake is not teleporting with the score being a vision in his mind but but how the heck does he not fall down a cliff or get lost in the caves or something Blake performs what is quite possibly the world's most dangerous balancing beam while being pelted in the face by Locust not a good sign since Locus are a bit of a Biblical sign this causes him to fall from the beam which appears to be like hundreds of feet high when Blake awakes we can hear the voice of the scal as they bow down a nearby person if you're wondering what the scal are are by the way a note nearby actually mentions it it is a welcome letter to anybody that is sick enough to join them saying that they should be filled with shame since their illness is a sign of their own sins no believed that the illness to be some kind of spiritual Affliction something that the sco believed also in reality they all have syphilis and garia a much less uh fancy Affliction I suppose but that's what no medical care would do to you I suppose they are all have messed up by the way at first glance you could absolutely mistake yourself to think this was a Walking Dead game but nope they aren't zombies oh would you look at that we're Nar and Lord of the Rings that is not an orc my friend that is STDs we once again find ourselves back in the school as we flee the scold with Jessica making an appearance once again we find a computer that has an email to father pokari from the guidance counselor of St seel school it mentions that Jessica was pulled out of class for a tour after father lutter milch aka Mr coover he told the counselor that he felt that Jessica was more sensitive than what was good for her something that could be down to the loss of her mother and the big personality of her father father Luda milch wants Jessica to stay at school instead of being on the field trip for the piano Factory something the counselor actually agrees with since Jessica is a risk of being a runaway but we can see a picture of a few of the fathers on the wall and wow we Jessica continues to ask Blake not to leave her as she begins singing a song however it isn't just Jessica singing the song Father Luda milch is singing alongside her if your creepy meter is going off it should be because it is exactly what you think it is Blake finds another hangman picture this time the hidden word is strangle Blake snaps back to reality and we are back in the woods again our infected friends greet us as the Golem riding the yoga decides to make Blake drink his infected blood oh they want to make him reborn and think that he is a sco messiah a Swift right hook later and they are attempting to put Blake on the cross nails and everything planning on doing some ceremony and to eat him afterwards they ask Blake what his guidance is since the Messiah is supposed to have had a gospel for them Blake tries his best to distract them but they get the nails going into Blake's hand afterwards they find Blake's camera believing that this is actually the gospel a record of everything that Blake has seen and experien iced it's obvious really a modern Christ would use a camera not a book Blake gets put up on the cross and Falls unconscious again after awaking he decides to pull his hands out of the wood to escape he is bleeding heavily and needs bandages urgently thankfully there is some nearby but now he needs his camera since it is his only way to see in the dark and it holds all the evidence of everything that he has seen thus far this requires him to find the home of the Golem guy which after after a long journey we do find the camera sends Blake back into the school once again another hangman picture sitting there in front of him the secret word saying don't let me go we continued to see the red tentacles in the hallway which was very similar to what we saw with the reagent in Cuba after hearing the words from easterman Blake can hear a phone ringing as our jump scare friend from earlier pays us a visit this is like a perceived demonic form that Blake sees father Luda milch has after answering the phone he hear Luda milch's voice at first he is assuring Blake that he will be helped and that they'll find a way to get him out of here however it takes a quick turn as he begins to mock Blake saying that he wants him to remember what it felt like when her neck broke a giant tongue comes out of the phone and gives Blake a brief scare what the hell is even going on at this stage as we flee through the hallways chased by the deformed version of Luda milch Jessica screams that he is coming revealing that he is the person that she was scared of this entire time time in his dream after hiding inside of a locker we are once again back to reality again I do have to wonder what it looks like watching Blake in reality when he's going through these episodes is he just running around aimless like somehow not hitting into anything or falling down anywhere the scaled are back on Blake's Tail as he descends the cliff falling into a bobbed wire fence ouch he is really having a bad day lad arrives again to save Blake deciding this time that instead of a cross it's time to make Blake's day even worse and bury him alive and what would have to be one of my worst fears imaginable Blake now has to get himself out of here thankfully they forgot the whole 6 ft deep roll and only buried him under a handful of dirt allowing him to break the top and Escape Blake finds another person dead by the Rope but we can see that he is slowly losing himself talking as if the stranger is Jessica thinking that he is her the current goal for Blake is to get back to the mines after his previous detour that led him to the scal crazy to think that if he didn't fall from the log Bridge he wouldn't have gone through all of this pain Blake uses a rope to descend down further since it's his only way down lad grabs the Rope while he is halfway down attempting to pull Blake back up a few of the scold that were fed up with lad's treatment of them decide to push him down the hole resulting in both lad and Blake to Tumble below thankfully Blake is an expert at surviving Falls at this point the man survived a helicopter crash and a what would be easily 100 foot drop from the bridge this 30ft drop is nothing L however not so lucky dead is a door now climbing down the rubble sends Blake back to the school leading him back to the cafeteria like he was before but this time he begins seeing visions inside of his Visions when reviewing the footage we once again get some words from the teacher he sharing my with the children be able to take my and to Glory Blake is now near a lake after waking from his dream there are a few notable things here firstly Blake mentions how the lake smells of chemicals and death while at the same time being able to see a facility above the lake a radio tower or some kind of microwave relay Blake sees this as a sign of a real civilization and quite possibly some help a note nearby gives some valuable context it is dated September 17th 2015 but I believe this to be an error since the events take taking place right now or within 2013 so unless we're dealing with some kind of Time Travelers here this note should be September 17 2013 it talks about how they are at the halfway point between the towers and the subjects down at Temple Gate the signal remain strong and they thought that the microwave was meant to discourage Birds but they've been hearing owls all night they plan on hiking closer to the side and getting more readings they even had a curious anomaly in the signal strength in the last quarter mile it appears to actually have gotten stronger as they traveled further from the towers and more towards the site they believe it to be the effect of a microwave Parallax or a feedback loop as they learned by Dr Cameron what is interesting is a bit that was mentioned as the writer of this letter believed that they would lose the BET meaning they would owe dinner to Jenny Roland now this is a name that we have actually heard before Jennifer Roland was the mirkov employee that worked him out massive around the time of the incident in outl last one and whistleblower she was the one that grew tired of verick theories and results putting in a request to leave she would later be reassigned to another mkod building after the female employees were moved after side effects from the morphogenic engine this means that the same doctor that worked at Mount massive has also been involved in the experimentation at templegate also Blake gets himself a small boat made from like four logs and begins his journey across the lake of chemicals and death halfway across we can see the bright light and sound coming from the building at top the hill as tentacles and fish begin rising to the surface not to mention a lake tsunami that I didn't even think was possible Blake points out that these are all signs of the Apocalypse as he has pulled underwater fighting to get back to his boat he manages to get himself into a stream that leads him through the woods getting stuck and almost killed he recognizes some of the people as being the ones that took a Lynn meaning that they are Heretics so Blake now knows that Lyn is nearby but it's concerned by what they would do to her when they realize there is no baby it just wouldn't be Blake langerman if there wasn't another close call with death after hitting a rock head on and almost drowning in the water we get our boat back after coming across some of the Heretics artwork and continue down the stream Blake is questioning why the people here are calling Lynn the mother and him the father stating that he and Lynn haven't been intimate in months so there isn't any way for him to be the father we get a closer look at the industry buildings that Lynn was originally looking for when they were in the helicopter and likely the reason for Anna Lee having such high mercury in her blood we have our second close call as the tongue monster pulls us back underwater returning us to the school I don't think the school showers are meant to do that or the toilets the same blood begins falling in the hallways as Blake attempts to flee into the attic once again Jessica begging him to stay outside it is still raining another sign of the Apocalypse by the way things are really starting to look Grim Blake finds shelter inside what looks to be a meat processing plant of some kind as a man grabs Blake telling him that they tried to get her back before the enemy cracked the womb he tells Blake to leave and that many of the Heretics died trying to keep Lynn from Sullivan's people it really doesn't take that long for Blake to start just tripping balls again and see himself back inside the school the delusions are becoming more and more frequent inside the computer room Blake can speak to Jessica in the chat room something that terrifies Blake and the computers begin to go Haywire it doesn't take long before the tongue monster returns and attempts to drown Blake in blood this returns him back to reality again as he falls into the water within literal minutes after running through a building Blake once again sees the skull but this time we can hear the loud hum sound of the light when it happens correlating with the blinding light his Visions are getting worse as we can hear another message from the teacher and the static thank you thank remembera you let the small sorrow of her suicide wash over the unacceptable tragedy Blake is attacked once again in his vision and it snaps him back once again to reality as he is being attacked by a heretic he attempts to run up the stairs but falls again this time seeing Jessica as she broke her neck the Demonic Visage of Dr Luda milch is standing at top the staircase this is a very subtle way of showing what actually happened in the death of Jessica suggesting that Luda milch pushed her down the stairs resulting in her broken neck and using the hanging to make it look like something else and to cover up his own Deeds essentially after Blake flees Luda milch begins taunting him saying that Blake is an evil he's only confused a common problem for a young man Blake gets back to reality as he is holding on for dear life over a 400t drop which is absolutely terrifying but to be honest it is Blake langerman so he'd probably survive it with absolutely no in IES Blake gets inside the mines using the elevator as he is descending he mentions how he can save her he can save Jessica before having to correct himself saying that the name was Lynn not Jessica my man is officially in the clouds any sanity that Blake had has left hours ago after like 20 minutes of cave diving Blake is grabbed by the Heretics as we can see Val once again she wants to see Blake's true face as she wants to show him hers a sudden caveen happens and I don't think been saying throughout all of Blake's Visions Luda milch wants to know what they were doing in the school asking how they'll make this right this part is hard to get through he asked Jessica to pray with him and to help make it right while telling Blake to hit home Jessica again pleads with Blake not to go again the exact same way that she has always been saying it Blake has been hearing it throughout his vision Luda milch again insists that Blake go home and pray while Jessica tells him to stay Blake ends up leaving much to the dismay of Jessica and yes it is exactly what you think it is Blake begins hearing screaming and yells for Blake to help her for anybody to help her telling Luda milch to get away Luda milch yells at her to stop before Blake finds Jessica again at the bottom of the stairs with Luda milch above her this Cuts Blake back into reality believing that he is still holding on to Jessica until she disappears this scene shows that the lines that he was hearing of Jessica's was his own perceived guilt over the last things that she said to him before her death asking him to stay with her not to leave her with Luda milch he blames himself for her death Blake flees the mine as he can find ly at the entrance however she is pregnant like 8 to n months pregnant about to pop pregnant something that she cannot explain realistically this shouldn't be possible as Lynn and Blake have only been here for the night presumably since we haven't seen d day time at all yet and she was not looking like that in the helicopter and what is even more insane is that when you go back and look at the recording of this very moment Blake recounts the footage saying that he got Jessica out safe and they need to go and find a grownup and tell them what happened not only is he confusing the identity of his own wife this guy thinks he's a child again they attempt to go down a hole in the ground when Blake accidentally drops her she mentions how much pain she's in and she needs a moment to rest Mar arrives and decides to ruin the party at the very moment Marr is about to kill Blake a metal pole from the building impales her due to the storm Blake might be the luckiest person alive or the unluckiest depending on how you look at it Blake is attempting to get Lyn to cover as he continues to confuse her with Jessica consistently telling himself that it isn't his fault the building they chose to get cover inside of just so happens to be the church Blake helps her to lie down on the table but Lynn begins to bleed out from the pregnancy stating how much it hurts I definitely cannot show this next scene but Lynn gives birth to a baby before dying her last words to Blake saying that there's nothing there Blake is inconsolable holding on to the child he goes back to a memory of the school as Jessica is asking him if he and Lynn had kissed yet since they were in the Beauty and the Beast play wondering if Blake and Lynn were boyfriend and girlfriend he awakes again but this time Sullivan is next to him Sullivan points out the child saying that he is powerless against it Blake has murdered Paradise God has gone silent since the storm and birth he begins to get angry saying how he killed his own blood is there no more perfect Faith than that he points out that God doesn't hear dead men but he believes that he does answer them before hitting the exit button so to speak Blake grabs the child walking outside into the sun now that it has risen the ground begins to shake as the sun gets bigger and bigger the light getting brighter and brighter as the familiar hum sounds once more Blake is once again in the school finding Jessica with her neck marks she tells him that she will never let him go just the same way as he never let her go she begins to pray to God as the screen cuts to Black ending the story of Outlast 2 now you probably have a lot of questions which I'll try my best to answer firstly the reason for Blake's deteriorating sanity was due to the bright light and hum these were caused by the radio towers that mirkov Corporation created resulting in anybody in proximity to experience them this is scen throughout numerous notes found an Outlast two of random characters seeing visions of guilt and horrible nightmarish flashbacks of their own lives these are the same things that Sullivan believed was God's way of punishing people for their sins instead just being an effect of the towers the radio towers were a line of factories built at the senala facility the same one that we saw all the way back during the Outlast trials it is the same reason why we see the Flesh and hum when the reagent is being reborn they were set up near a remote settlement in Arizona this being Temple Gate in order to create an isolated environment for testing mind control experiments on unsuspecting villagers using powerful electromagnetic frequencies these same radio tower waves are causing symmetrical lesions to form inside the brain of those exposed the exact location of the brain most vulnerable to these waves is the part responsible for regulating memory decision making and emotional responses similar things were found in patients exposed to the morphogenic engine and the reagents that were seeing the Skinner man during the trials so in short the waves caused the lesions and the lesions caused the hallucinations this is why Blake slowly began to deteriorate throughout his journey seeing hallucinations more and more frequently as more and more lesions began to grow in his brain and why Paul experienced only a single hallucination since he wasn't subjected to the radio waves for long enough Lynn on the other hand experienced a fake pregnancy appearing to be pregnant with the child being seen by Blake and Sullivan but not by Lynn this is probably due to a few different reasons we know that Lynn was contained within the mines for a large duration of the game while Blake was running around outside this would suggest that Lynn was not exposed to the radio towers as much since she was underground while Blake was exposed almost the entire time the pregnancy experienced by Lynn is most likely a result of the psychosomatic pregnancy if you remember back Jeremy Blair and Rick Trager spoke about these very same occurrences in an email noting them happening to the female employees at Mount massive we also saw the remnants of this when Paul and Pauline saved Miss has from Trager it was revealed that her pregnancy was also false and it's also the reason why Sullivan and Blake did see the baby is due to both of them having significant amounts of lesions caused by exposure to the radio towers now I want to point out some things about the gospel of noth this is the equivalent of the Bible for the people of Temple's gate this thing is lengthy and to be honest a large amount of it is just ramblings and doesn't really need to be read out however there are parts of the Gospel that reveal some things chapter 8:5 and Sullivan Noth inscribed his name as Ezekiel upon eternity's Banner with iron blade he scratched the word ey down the globe of his eye it was slit and bled and his face washed with tears and blood this is in reference to his vision at top the mountain where God told him to trade his eye for True sight chapter 10:8 and of your wives and daughters you'll have your greatest warriors in wimples with weapons that censor I believe this to be a reference to Mar a wimple is a head covering a veil or a scarf used in medieval Christianity times as it was seen as unseemly for a married woman to show her hair Mar remained hooded the entire time seemingly having a type of wimple a sensor is a ceremonial incense burner a top Marty's pickaxe is a literal burner on her weapon not to mention that Sullivan addresses Martha with care throughout the letters that he sends her calling her his beloved and avenging Angel if correct this would suggest that Marth is either a wife to Sullivan or possibly a daughter there is mention within the gospel that I find very interesting specifically the mention of the words spider eyed lamb in 11:1 this is the activation code for the reagents that successfully completed the trials as heard in the cuber ending when easterman Rings the agent to use the code now we already know that Sullivan is a previous reagent but a cool connection nonetheless if there are any more verses that you think have significant meaning let me know in the comments down below but these are the ones that stood out for me now onto the epilogue of the MK of accounts comic books the first scene actually shows what Noth was doing a few hours prior to the final moments in outlast 2 feeding his followers cide while assuring them that their children are waiting for them in heaven he would then walk into the chapel where Blake is UNC conscious on the floor with the baby meanwhile we can see the radio station above the lake and Temple's gate the MK of logo bright for everybody to see black ants however have managed to find themselves all across the metal beams holding up the radio towers the same ants that we saw with the war Rider they destroy the radio tower causing them to explode in one final bright flash 7 hours later Pauline is standing in the remnants of Temple Gate she is asking where Paul Marian is located but he isn't answering his phone she wants him there immediately since he was at Temple's gate only a few weeks ago she believes that somebody has connected the dots between Mount massive and Temple Gate and is feeding Maran information her guest being Simon peacock they take a casualty estimate which agents believe to be somewhere in the hundreds with many of these localized corpses having signs of cyanide poisoning a few of the agents struggle to pull out Sullivan Noth from the church mentioning just how heavy he is they also find Lynn's body stating that she has multiple traumas took a lot of something to kill her so it seems which is odd considering it appeared to be from childb birth from Blake's perspective Pauline mentions that Lyn langerman was at the hospital only last week asking a bunch of questions about the Escape of the woman from Temple Gate she also points out that poor Maran was supposed to be the one that stopped Lynn and her husband Blake from finding Temple Gate and they actually find Blake nearby by the way completely catatonic but still alive Pauline tells the men to send Blake to the O facility for forensic psych evaluation saying that they will need to dig into his head and not to be gentle another agent mentions how mov broke into Paul Marian's house and found blood on his wall something was written and then smeared away Pauline tells them to find Paul but this time find him as a corpse since if he is still alive then he is dangerous we get to see Paul's whereabouts tied to a cheer speaking with Simon peacock Paul is asking about his daughter order which Simon points out as the wrong question to be asking he promises that he will still help Paul find the answer to that question but asks him to trust him they need to find the war Rider Paul mentions that mov destroyed the war Rider Simon asks about miles upshore Paul replies dead Simon then asks about Billy hope Paul then replies dead twice before finally asking if he really found nothing in Temple's gate Paul tells Simon to just get on with it and tell him what he really wants to tell him Simon begins to speak saying that what mirkov made him is only a rough draft and what they stumbled upon when miles upshore found Billy hope and the war rider was the Masterpiece the morphogenic engine needs a delivery mechanism a method of infection so to speak at Mount massive in the lab they could customize the process to the patient forcing it into their brains with video and mold the nightmares Simon points out that it's not surprising to him that religion would prove such an effective delivery system the idea of God's communicating with man Gods dividing themselves to components they could understand like the Trinity even in Temple's gate they practiced the sign of the cross in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit and just like that the three main antagonists of our last series thus far this does not Mark The End however as we know of a few more events that take place after this firstly at some point it is possible that Simon peacock died after the events witnessed in the epilogue chapter since the FBI asks Paul lean how much damage did Simon do before he died in the third chapter during the chronological event that takes place after the epilogue again the FBI agent could completely be incorrect about his status which wouldn't surprise me but I thought it was worth mentioning we now track all the way back around to the very first comic of the Merk of accounts series as Paul Maran is seen entering the FBI field office spilling equal amounts of Blood and Money it turns out that he is not looking too good with one of his eyes falling out of his face he asks the officer to arrest him before we get a glimpse of who he is poor Marian was born in Cincinnati passing the bar exam in 1987 as mentioned earlier and doesn't have a current address Paul has come into the FBI building to confess to arson one count of kidnapping and 14 murders he even mentions that it could be more than 14 but the FBI officer points that there is zero evidence to any of this happening but of course there isn't since it's Paul's job after all to dispose of all of that evidence we get to see Paul Le with an injured arm at the mirkov rehabilitation center eating a meal while a couple of suited men ask about the whereabouts of Paul Marian as they are worried he would do more harm to mov not to mention minimizing The Fallout of what he has already done they go on to mention how Paul sabotaged mov Corporation but they just don't know how early it started to begin Pauline mentions that it began in 2008 when they were partnered up they then go on to talk about their old case called The hatbox Murders which we know all about Paul is asked if Omar is in fact innocent remembering that he took the fall for Chris Walker's murders to which Paul says that Omar is innocent of the murders but is hardly an innocent person in general regardless Paul does feel ashamed for setting up Omar but is asked why he worked for mov if he was ashamed of it Paul mentions that the money was good mov is a big deal in the line of modern Pharmaceuticals and Gene therapies and his daughter had the same blood disease that killed his wife extraordinarily rare and incurable and since mov had an experimental treatment that wasn't available to the public he had privileged access to it as an employee so if he keeps his job he manages to keep his daughter alive from Pauline side we can see that Omar was convicted for the four murders and ultimately sentenced to life in supermax prison we now jump back in with Paul in Chapter 2 the doctors are telling the FBI agent that they need to operate on Paul Marian saying that the infection and His Eye is extremely aggressive and if they don't do something soon about it he could lose his vision in that eye I mean I think it's a damn narrow miracle that he still has Vision in that eye after that bad boy was swinging around outside of his eye socket but sure Paul ask how long he will be unconscious for with the doctor replying 24 hours full sedation and another 36 with heavy medication Paul is okay with it as long as it takes away the memories with it but asks to be able to finish his story first with him giving his full explanation of what happened at Mount massive and eventually the trip out the Temple Gate telling the FBI everything whilst the story of Paul and Pauline does in here it is implied I think that Paul and Pauline had some kind of altercation resulting in Paul's facial injuries and Pauline's arm injury but we have to wait to find out I can now say that there is no longer any single event within the Outlast universe that takes place after this event therefore ending the timeline video of Outlast I really hope you enjoyed it this has been a passion project of mine that I've been working on for like the last 2 months and have put literally hundreds of hours into it I didn't want to rush it instead I just took my time getting everything as accurate as I possibly could if you found it helpful or entertaining at all it would mean the absolute will to me that you would leave a like on the video and possibly comment down below so it can be shared with more Outlast law fans I'll be looking to make more timeline videos in the future and of of course my normal story explain videos weekly so be sure to subscribe to keep updated when they are released thank you guys again your support means the absolute will to me until next time peace
Channel: Green Links
Views: 127,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: story explained, ending explained, green links, entire outlast story, the murkoff account explained, full outlast timeline, outlast timeline, outlast explained, outlast trials explained, outlast 2 explained, outlast trials, testament of the new ezekiel, complete lore of outlast, complete story explained outlast, what is the story of outlast, how do the outlast games connect, the outlast timeline, full timeline video, game documentary, green links outlast
Id: aYmrNwE6Y8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 272min 24sec (16344 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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